Channel: Scott MacLeod's Anthropology of Information Technology & Counterculture
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Diplacus aurantiacus (orange bush monkey-flower): Stress - De-Stressors? Continuing to record piping music daily, experimentally, toward my first Scottish small pipes' album for learning ... Re Desiderata too - am keeping interested in my own career, regarding "Keep interested in your own career, however humble" (bagpiping, guiding World Univ & Sch, Actual-Virtual Harbin ethnographic project) * * Switch to another language? * * Meditation helps too 🙂 re Yoga, and an inner releasing action (re own neurophysiology) * * Is Unitarianism a language for you? C'est possible * * Avoiding the News, or critiquing it analytically (satire, for humor and comedy?) can be a destressor too! * * In what ways could Unitarians and Quakers in Ohio (& NC), from the inside culturally, help remove stressors via voting and messaging? * * Knowledge eg like Stanford Professor of Political Science Dave Brady's in the article below ("COVID-19 Is Beating ...") and re "independents and moderates – the groups that will decide the November election") can be a de-stressor too * * Offspring growing up in a good Democracy (in the information technology age) can be a de-stressor too! :) * * So, messaging (COMMUNICATION processes) - so writing (re using or generating language) CAN be a real de-stressor too.


Hi Ma,

Nice to talk last night.

Continuing to record piping music daily, experimentally, toward my first Scottish small pipes' album - (https://scottmacleodhoneyinthebagscottishsmallpipesbagpiping.bandcamp.com - http://www.scottmacleod.com/piping.htm).

Good first steps in this direction re learning from recording ... Seeking to hear the 'Honey in the Bag' in the note duration (with metronome on ear phones) ...

Re Desiderata too ... https://www.desiderata.com/desiderata.html - am keeping interested in my own career, regarding "Keep interested in your own career, however humble" (as in SSP bagpiping, - as well as guiding World Univ & Sch, Actual-Virtual Harbin ethnographic project).

Re Yoga, movement (for stress reduction too), and LANGUAGE, I find this Learn Scots Gaelic Tweet germane re putting things in perspective -

A-staigh: Tha Seonag ag eacarsaich aig an taigh. Dè mu do dheidhinn sa? | A-staigh (Inside): Seonag is exercising at home. What about you? Coimhead an-dràsta | Watch now: bit.ly/3gvZDID

https://twitter.com/LearnGaelicScot/status/1298932042743320576?s=19 ... Changing languages can lead to different or non stress. Meditation helps too 🙂 re Yoga, and an inner releasing action (re own neurophysiology) ... http://www.scottmacleod.com/yoganotations.html.

Is Unitarianism a language for you? C'est possible. The hurricane (Laura) in Texas is much in the News this morning (supplanting the RNC - 'Republican National Convention') and regarding Communication processes too re stress. Avoiding the News, or critiquing it analytically (satire, for humor and comedy?) can be a destressor too! In what ways could Unitarians and Quakers in Ohio, from the inside culturally, help remove this stressor in highest office, in this battleground state, in November via voting and messaging (communication processes here too) - so writing too (re using or generating language)? In North Carolina (NC) too (https://www.uuforwardtogether.org/home-2/uu-congregations-in-nc/)? Florida and Arizona may have fewer concentrations of UUs & Q's than Ohio and NC, I'd hazard! Networks from the inside offer interesting de-stressing potential in a Democracy. Check out the changing electoral college map BASED ON A DEVELOPING MODEL in the 538 (fivethirtyeight) article here - http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2020/08/buttercup-r-circinatus-what-ive-been.html?m=0 (https://www.270towin.com/news/2020/08/15/electoral-map-based-fivethirtyeight-model_1083.html) ... Such knowledge, eg like Stanford Professor of Political Science Dave Brady's in the article below ("COVID-19 Is Beating T...." ... https://www.project-syndicate.org/commentary/trump-election-prospects-biden-covid19-by-michael-spence-and-david-w-brady-2020-08 and re "independents and moderates – the groups that will decide the November election") can be a de-stressor, too, big time (for me:). So, messaging (COMMUNICATION processes) - and writing too (re using or generating language) CAN be real de-stressors.

Offspring growing up in a good Democracy (in the information technology age) can be a de-stressor too! :)

Love, Scott



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