Sri, Rohit, Mariusz, Andrzej, Petros Partha, Marisol, Peter,
Thanks so much for your email, Rifai (head of Sri Lanka WUaS, hence 'Sri'), and of your offer to share these Nidahas Vidyalaya courses with WUaS. There are a couple of parts to my reply. And welcome to Mariusz and Andrzej in Poland, and who are developing in part CC-4 MIT OCW-centric Poland World University and School! And welcome to Petros in Greece, who may be helping to develop in part CC-4 MIT OCW-centric Greece World University and School.
I'm glad to write that World Univ & Sch is talking with edX (Marissa DePaolo) tomorrow, and about partnering with edX Online Campus. This meeting gives me optimism. If we decide to partner, on edX's partnering terms, this would potentially make it possible for WUaS's matriculated students to take edX courses as WUaS enrolled (edX's VERIFIED meaning paid) edX students, and not just as (edX's AUDITING meaning for free) auditing for free students (... and then WUaS somehow getting some evaluative materials from the WUaS student from edX), which our 2nd undergraduate matriculated class is doing at present (as I understand edX's partnering terms); see - . What's more, I think edX courses will be readily licensable and accreditatable with CA's BPPE and WASC senior, so the degrees WUaS matriculated students eventually get will have much more value than otherwise.
So thanks for your offer of courses, Rifai! Let's explore adding them on WUaS's WIKI side (rather than WUaS's degree side - re edX courses and accreditation). It looks like many of them are inFinance and the Social Sciences, so here are the Finance - - and Social Science wiki subject pages at WUaS - (and other related wiki subjects are here -, and, for a variety of reasons, please add them to the appropriate wikis, if interested - and in the courses' sections at the top, with URLs. Think of this as a form of open wiki teaching and learning, and as a way of learning about how the wiki side of WUaS works too. Perhaps matriculating Sri Lankan undergraduates in January, for ex., will be able to further help add these courses, and as a form of wiki learning, teaching, and for developing Sri Lanka WUaS (eventually in Sinhala and Tamil) too.
Alternatively, if WUaS decides to proceed with edX Online Campus, and for WUaS licensing and accrediting degrees - with an MIT OCW courses' standard on the edX platform - it's possible we could explore adapting these Nidahas Vidyalaya courses to the edX platform too, such that these courses would become licensed & accreditable by BPPE and WASC senior. Perhaps the faculty who created these courses could even later translate or migrate MIT OCW courses in these subjects, Sri, to the edX platform in the Sinhala language, to build out Sri Lanka WUaS in Sinhala (and Tamil), with time. What do you think? Are you in communication with all of the faculty who created these courses?
So, If WUaS decides to partner with edX Online Campus, and to begin to offer online accredited Bachelor degrees beginning in January 2021, WUaS will be seeking matriculating students for our free-to-students' MIT OCW-centric World Univ & Sch Bachelor degrees (in a 4 year online program), first in English. Students will be taking 'verified' edX courses in English, and, for edX verified refers to payment, again. Students will also be taking CC-4 MIT OCW courses in MITx, for example, such as - on the edX platform, potentially. But since World Univ & Sch is CC-4 MIT OpenCourseWare-centric, WUaS can't ask for tuition from students or their families and similar for WUaS's licensing and accrediting degrees (due to the CC-4 licensing). Instead WUaS is seeking reimbursement from countries' departments of education for our WUaS matriculating students. How best to develop these relationships with departments of education in your countries? Sri, Rohit, Mariusz and Petros, since you've all mentioned the possibility of Sri Lankan, India, Polish and Greek students matriculating at WUaS, if students from your countries were taking edX courses toward free-to-students' best STEAM CC-4 OCW-centric online Bachelor degrees, how would you suggest WUaS bring your departments of education in communication with edX in these regards - if WUaS decides to partner with edX?
Thank you, Rifai, for your offer of these great courses! Please add them to the open WUaS wiki, or invite matriculating Sri Lankan students to do so beginning in January - or ask your faculty if they would be interested in translating related MIT OCW courses into the Sinhala language!
So, Sri, Rohit, Mariusz, Andrzej, Petros Partha, Marisol, Peter, do you all think you would be able to find, say, 50 high achieving students from your countries, who speak English, to matriculate at WUaS taking edX courses beginning in January 2021, and who would be likely to finish a 4 year program? Please let me know. Thoughts, questions, ideas, suggestions? Please communicate these as well!
Sri Lanka WUaS -
(eventually in the Sinhala language -
Poland WUaS -
(eventually in the Polish language -
Greece WUaS -
(eventually in the Greek language
Germany WUaS -
(eventually in German
(eventually in Spanish, Quechua and Aymara +
India WUaS -
((eventually in the Hindi, and the 22 scheduled or official languages in India)
Thank you, Rifai, for your email, and these courses! Regards, Scott
| 12:03 AM (9 hours ago) | ![]() ![]() | ||
Hi ! I could offer the below 52 undergraduate and postgraduate certificate courses for free. They include exams and a certificate of completion from a European online business school. The courses are based on open content from US based providers.
They charge only for Graduation certificates which are optional. I have got permission to use their campus platform and offer courses on my site for free. In return I have to promote their Graduation certificates which are tuition-free. We could offer a Bachelor's degree for free on completion of a certain number of courses. Their Bachelor's programme consists of 37 courses.
OCW001 - Financial Accounting
OCW002 - Introduction to Economics
OCW003 - Introduction to Information Systems
OCW004 - Successful Writing
OCW005 - Introduction to Business
OCW006 - Principles of Banking and Finance
OCW007 - Principles of Marketing
OCW008 - Spreadsheet Applications
OCW009 - Managerial Accounting
OCW010 - Microeconomics
OCW011 - Business Statistics
OCW012 - Business Ethics
OCW013 - Business Communication
OCW014 - Business Law
OCW015 - Macroeconomics
OCW016 - Personal Finance
OCW017 - Regional Geography
OCW018 - Sociology
OCW019 - International Business
OCW020 - Organizational Behavior
OCW021 - Risk Management
OCW022 - Communication Studies
OCW023 - Corporate Governance
OCW024 - Managerial Economics
OCW025 - International Finance
OCW026 - Psychology
OCW027 - Social Problems
OCW028 - Advertising
OCW029 - Public Relations
OCW030 - Human Resource Management
OCW031 - Mass Communication
OCW032 - Project Management
OCW033 - Sustainable Business
OCW034 - Global Strategy
OCW035 - Psychology Research Methods
OCW036 - Qualitative and Quantitative Methods
OCW037 - American Government and Politics
OCW038 - United States History
OCW041 - Accounting
OCW042 - Business
OCW043 - Communications
OCW044 - Economics
OCW045 - Finance
OCW046 - Writing
OCW047 - Management
OCW048 - Marketing
OCW049 - Political Science
OCW050 - Sociology
OCW051 - Statistics
OCW052 - World History
On Sat, 29 Aug 2020, 01:08 Info WorldUniversity, <info@> wrote:
Hi Rohit, Sri, Marisol, Peter, Partha,I'd like to share with you an email conversation with Poland World University and School's Mariusz (a diplomat from Poland) and Andrzej (a professor at the Univ of NH) regarding developing an online World Univ & Sch for Poland, beginning with:Th, Aug 27, 2020Dear Mariusz, Andrzej, Larry,In this one blog post from March, at bottom, you'll see costs of going to MIT as well as what MIT looks for in its student applicants - planet-thanks-for-your-email- and.html - and which WUaS will eventually engage as we grow our classes of students. Kind regards, ScottDear Mariusz, Andrzej, Larry,Thanks for your email and your questions. Students learning computer-based Machine Learning AI, and the related Reinforcement Learning - so machines actually learn - is what the Google Research Football Environment makes possible in an entirely different way and newly interactive way. This has very significant ramifications for all ~200 countries and companies, as well as Universities. I'll seek to go down the list of your questions in what follows.One business concept regarding our potential collaboration - and WUaS is open to further conversation about this in many innovative ways - relates to the reimbursement WUaS is seeking as we grow as a university - and from countries' departments of education. In this scenario, you, Mariusz and Andrzej, could conceivably receive 10% of the monies you were able to find or get from departments of education to reimburse World University and School per student per semester / term, along the lines of what a Polish student would pay to go to MIT on-the-ground (about $55,000 per year). This reimbursement would cover WUaS faculty costs as we grow, licensing and accreditation costs, platform development, as well as to build out research infrastructure on the 1) World University and School side (as a legal entity). Polish students would get the knowledge generation benefits of MIT-centric degrees, as well as the career benefits of these ... and with a focus on innovative STEM first in English, then in Polish (knowledge and career-wise too). It's the CC-4 MIT OCW licensing which says WUaS can 1) share, 2) adapt, but 3) non-commercially MIT OpenCourseWare (in its 4 languages currently) and thus, as a developing set of Universities, seek reimbursement from departments of education rather than tuition from private students. WUaS will add licensing and degrees to "1. CC-4 MIT OCW into MITx and 2. via edX and open edX" and much.much more - such as live seminars online with faculty, with live virtual laboratory simulators etc. - as we grow as major online universities with these revenues. So, 10% of $55,000 is $5,500 dollars, so if you found 10 Polish students for January 2021, and related reimbursement to WUaS from Polish departments of education, you could conceivably get $55,000 in January, and if you found 100 students with funding, $550,000 split between you. Please remember that our 6 initial majors (from the 32 MIT OCW departments) are EECS, General Science, General Engineering, English, History, and Business - first in English, then in Polish - all of which might be very practical, yet theoretical too, majors, for Poles who speak English. (This is what American students' families pay in tuition to attend America's highest achieving universities, such as Harvard, MIT and Stanford, and WUaS would seek to improve even on these educational models thanks to the Internet. (No links in this paragraph, with their further information).Regarding the 3 Universities - initially - I would think that what WUaS could offer to their high achieving university students is subsequent degrees and majors as well - which are MIT OCW-centric for Bachelor and Ph.D.s (in 32 departments), as well as potentially Stanford Law and Stanford Medicine centric, first in English then in Polish.At present, other collaborations, if US university collaborations are any model, can be challenging (e.g. Harvard and MIT, both in Cambridge, MA, both excellent in the world, are very separate institutions, and collaborations have been hard earned, I'd think). However WUaS is very open to new possibilities in these regards. On the other hand, World University and School first in English, and Poland World Univ & Sch in Polish (eventually), which you both could head, could collaborate much more fulsomely than Harvard and MIT, for example. Please suggest other examples of successful collaboration which might inform WUaS and any one of the three Polish universities you've mentioned.1 reputation? If these Polish universities 'send' graduates to Harvard and MIT, they benefit from this reputationally - and when the student returns to Poland, these universities and Poland itself benefit from the knowledge learned (but some, like Andrzej, don't return much to Poland), so these 3 Polish universities students who might matriculate at MIT OCW-centric World University and School ,online, would likely remain in Poland after receiving their WUaS degree.2 Besides eventually hiring their graduates as professors at Poland WUaS for example, and to help adapt MIT OCW into Polish, and thus gain this knowledge, WUaS is open to conversing about this and to proposals too, but remember that WUaS is very young, and it will take a while to graduate our first Ph.D., Law and Medical students online, regarding Poles from these 3 universities who might seek further degrees at WUaS online in English or eventually in Polish!3 See #1, but MIT OCW-centric WUaS has to build this prestige, partly by attracting the highest achieving Polish students, and graduating them.4 At this point, students ... but open to proposals. Licensing and accreditation with BPPE (see their Twitter feed - link shared if you are interested) and WASC senior, both based in California, are ahead for our Bachelor and Ph.D. degrees - and WASC senior (see their Twitter feed - link shared too if you are interested) is the 'gold standard' of accreditation (and accredits Stanford and Berkeley), and adds much value but is also costly. It's when WUaS begins online MIT OCW-centric Poland WUaS in Polish (and with MIT OCW) that libraries's contents (and Museums too) in Polish would be helpful, from WUaS's perspective, as one example of possible institutional collaboration potential. Open to your suggestions.5 WUaS seeks to make our degrees as valuable as MIT, Harvard and Stanford degrees (accreditation will help), and thus if a Polish student applies to, gets into, and graduates from one of these universities, and returns to Poland, their career potential may be enormous, and Poland as a country benefits from this knowledge-generation ability too.6 Building their own reputation further - and especially in the brand new Internet space, with MIT OCW in 4 languages - and with all the internet can offer for new approaches to learning, idea exchange, basic research, and thanks partly to computing. MIT OCW has so many computer science courses, and many of its other 32 departments are informed by computer science and the internet in multiple ways. (Both MIT and Stanford and have been among the most generative of universities in the digital age).Andrzej, let's communicate further about service science and ISSIP.Mariusz, regarding your:"I would see complementary to Your attempts with Google the contribution of polish Simulation center in the field of modern, non existing but short term missed occupations of the future. We have here professional teams/ companies working in the background of INTEL or Google able to develop every needed electronic , fotonic or ICT entity on demand. I stay in touch with those top experts."A significant aspect of the information technology age has involved creating computer science for it ... and this is an unfolding process, and MIT OCW offers 'building blocks' in these regards that are unparalleled, and which perhaps the professionals, or Poles, you know haven't had experience with, or knowledge of. MIT OCW-centric WUaS seeks to educate for future information technology computer science developments, as well as create careers in these regards, in Polish too. Simulations will be part of this, and for robotics early on for example.Again, students learning computer Machine Learning AI, and Reinforcement Learning - so machines actually learn - is what the Google Research Football Environment makes possible in an entirely different way and newly interactive way. (Think head of Google AI, Peter Norvig, who wrote the textbook on this, for example).RE "Could You explain that idea of licensing please? How it works? Who is selling the licese to whom? Unther what conditions? What is the business for every member of this prozess? ."Creative Commons' licensing is a new form of licensing begun about 20 years ago, and in the case of CC-4 MIT OpenCourseWare, again, allows CC-4 World Univ & Sch to 1) share, 2) adapt, but 3) non-commercially MIT OCW resources (in its current, 4 languages). The idea is about licensing sharing, which is a rewrite for the law in most countries, so please ask further specific questions. And see the bottom of the MIT OCW main page (and the WUaS pages too) to read about this license from their perspective. MIT OCW has successfully raised monies from the Hewlett and Mellon foundations ($US 3-4 million per year, I once read), so they are in the fundraising business in the context of US charities. CC-4 licensing has a non-commercial attribute, which further makes WUaS sharing of MIT OCW possibile and legal, but we both have had to develop our own business models. (And remember that WUaS has 2 wings, as separate legal entities in CA and in the US, the latter of which - the WUaS Press / WUaS Corporation, isn't CC-4 licensed).Regarding your "On the Stock market in Warsaw I have my own contacts. I know personally the president of the fond of the fond at the Stock market"- that's a great contact (and potentially re Poland law too). The 3 Polish universities you mention might be able to facilitate a legal base in Poland for WUaS for our for-profit wing, and benefit financially from this too. If and when WUaS begins Actual-Virtual, Physical-Digital online AND on-the-ground bookstores/computer stores/robotics' stores/ hospital technologies' distribution stores, and in Polish, and regarding the law - and which become profitable, and serve out WUaS Polish students well - these Polish universities could benefit significantly. But this would involve matriculating many high achieving Polish students (which you both would benefit from esp.).After I get a sense of some of your thoughts and questions about the above, let's schedule another chat.Re the degrees that WUaS seeks to offer initially, in these 6 majors - 1) EECS, 2) General Science, 3) General Engineering, 4) English, 5) History, 6) Business - for free-to-students' online Bachelor degrees, first in English, then in Polish, I'd think that Catholic Poland could find these relevant. Where WUaS heads in Polish and English, and as we begin Ph.D.s with the ~32 departments at MIT in MIT OCW, partly will be informed by a WUaS research agenda that seeks to comparatively study how students learn across languages, and between cultures even. So WUaS may well develop new departments after building from the MIT OCW, and regarding studying online learning with machine learning and AI even. (With my own issues with feminism) I think WUaS will develop new majors not only in English and in Polish at Poland WUaS, but in many other societies, which will seek to address helpful aspects for societies in which WUaS grows. As a Castellian (Manuel Castells) - re social theory informing World Univ & Sch even - I would seek to highlight the IT innovation aspects of his far-reaching thinking and not other aspects, for example, and in these regards. But social science and social theory can also become a huge employer, and generator of faculty even, so I wouldn't want to throw the baby out with the bathwater, regarding social theory in Poland, for example.Thanks again so much for your questions, and thoughts, and looking forward to learning what you next think and how this leads us conversationally, and collaboration-wise, ahead. Your knowledge of Poland here is enormously valuable here, and it's a culture I know only a very little about. But I think the excellence of WUaS, and in its MIT and Stanford-centricity, if it can attract high achieving smart Polish students will benefit Poland enormously!Thank you.Kind regards, Scott> > >And this, importantly, has Mariusz's questions in response to a previus email in color:
Ma S
Tue, Aug 25, 3:36 AM (3 days ago)
Dear Scott, Dear All,I appreciate keeping base with You and exchanging our views to the potential cooperation.In order to apply a useful form and better transformation of thoughts please allow me to take position inside of your text.On Sat, Aug 22, 2020 at 12:01 PM Scott MacLeod <> wrote: Dear Mariusz, Dear Andrezj, (& Larry)Good to be in communication with you. I also apreciate our communication a lot. World Univ & Sch is waiting for the next steps regarding edX or Open edX (re CC-4 MIT OCW into MITx - and for one of our matriculating students in India on September 1, 2020 - and how WUaS or edX could provide a letter to prospective employers that this student was matriculated officially at WUaS / edX and similar. I've emailed edX CEO Anant Agarwal about this, and haven't heard back yet. Such WUaS edX / Open edX / MITx courses for Poles who speak English - and letters for prospective employers too - beginning around January 1, 2021 would be important in our communications too. What are your thoughts? I have a few questions about the business concept behind, actually I am asking for the business model of our potential cooperation. As far as I am informed form the many links I tried to look it up, the courses at WUaSare supposed to be conducted in two ways. 1. CC-4 MIT OCW into MITx and 2. via edX and open edX.Is that correct? Too many links are not helpful but confusing. What is all that for and what is the difference occurres the rhetoric question.And what are your thoughts about helping WUaS find 50-500 Polish students who speak English to matriculate for free-to-students' Bachelors' degrees on January 1, 2021 too?I have informed You about my contacts with three polish universities. Before I would approach them with the idea starting cooperation with WUaS and MIT OCW I need to know what is the advantage of the cooperation with you for:- the universities, why should they cooperate with you?1. what is the financial advantage for them regarding the scope from one student till 500 students?2. in what fields is there extended cooperation of polish universities with the WUaS possible?3. Is there a prestige related advantage of such cooperation possible?4. Are you interested more in students or in institutional cooperation?5. What is the international value of such matriculation diploma?6. Why should they carry about the cooperation with WUaS and not about their own studies and name?On the answers to these questions are depending the next related to my person and my role in the WUaS cooperation with Poland.Questions would be most welcome about abbreviations and other specifics. (If you'd like to meet again in a video conference for clarifications, please let me know). I like that idea.To try to respond to each of your sentences:"There are at least three universities, of different scientific foci and specializations."> In planning for Poland World University and School - and regarding career generation too - I could see graduate students at these 3 universities as being potential excellent translators of MIT OCW courses into Polish, and in facilitating online seminars (teaching 'sections' in the American system - and in order to gain experience in becoming professors and faculty). The linguistic students would like that perspective."The most convenient or best cooperation model we can apply is the T-Shape, Andrzej Ruciński`s service science most preferred method. Because of his heritage and expertise, he could be a master guru of that Idea helping the polish universities by proper implementation and taking maximum advantage of the cooperation with You"> Andrzej, it would be great to communicate further about this. Bringing ISSIP and service science T-Shape approaches to bear to some of these questions regarding collaborating with Polish universities could be great. Please advise. Scott and Andrzej please talk together and inform me about the agreed results of your talk."I am working now on organization and establishing a simulator for remote users from Poland and different countries. The leading Idea of that simulator is providing access to people/ organizations/ companies willing to assess the leadership qualities. In my opinion we could take into consideration the usage of this simulator idea in the CC 4 MIT OCW framework as a more advanced stage. It would be a practical approach to the "T-shape" method."> I'm likely going to give a UC Berkeley Anthropology talk this autumn on a single realistic virtual earth for everything (including tourism studies and tourism; see bottom here - californica-california- frontier.html - and below), - and regarding building out of Google Street View with TIME SLIDER, Maps, Earth, TensorFlow AI, Translate, with Samsung Neons aka 'artificial humans' and group build-able with avatars like Second Life, but realistic, and into Google Poly (a library of virtual objects) - all very Google platform-centric. Mariusz, this would also include a single realistic virtual earth for these academic fields here - - so I'm wondering what areas or aspects in these contexts for simulators you'd see as helpful in building out. I would see complementary to Your attepts with Google the contribution of polish Simulation center in the field of modern, non existing but short term missed occupations of the future. We have here proffesonal teams/ companies working in the background of INTEL or Google able to develope evry neded electronic , fotonic or ICT entity on demand. I stay in touch with that top experts. I'm wondering, for example, in particular, whether a # RealisticVirtualEarthForRoboti cs simulation https://twitter. com/hashtag/ RealisticVirtualEarthForRoboti cs?src=hashtag_click and regarding a # RealisticVirtualEarthForLegos simulation - RealisticVirtualEarthForLegos? src=hashtag_click and even for AI machine learning or Reinforcement Learning - WUaSPress/status/ 1273316053976678401?s=20 - regarding Google Research Football could be helpful for Polish students at WUaS first in English and then in Polish? The idea with the football i didn`t catch. "A) The next point of our discussion could be, taking advantage of MIT OCW and so broad access to the students globally, B) and turning the contacts into the business projects in cooperation with the local entities/ academic technology transfer offices/ VC and so on."A)This is one approach CC-4 MIT OCW into MITx - - but would probably for WUaS have to happen after WUaS heard back about WUaS edX letters for prospective employers from edX CEO Anant Agarwal or when WUaS builds out again for January in Open edX via MOOCit France as course service provider. And for this WUaS is seeking 6 MIT or similar graduate students to adapt MIT OCW into courses on Open edX in our WUaS 6 majors for free-to-students' Bachelor degrees. (edX isn't easy to work with, I've found so far, but am hoping collaborations grow, as WUaS offers licensing and accrediting free to students' CC-4 MIT OCW-centric Bachelor degrees) Could You explain that idea of licensing please? How it works? Who is selling the licese to whom? Unther what conditions? What is the business for every member of this prozess? . World Univ & Sch is seeking to develop as its own legal entity in Poland. B)Where WUaS is heading with business projects is first with our WUaS Educational Services' Store - AcademicPress.html - and in Poland (English, Polish) too for students' books, robotics' stores, computer stores (and perhaps even eventually list this Polish WUaS Educational Services' Store on the Polish stock market).On the Stock market in Warsaw I have my own contacts. I know personaly the president of the fond of the fond at the Stock market. VC will be important here, and as WUaS develops our technological innovations, we'll probably parallel the MIT TEchnology Licensing office - but under WUaS auspices (for which we'll hire career positions). The WUaS Press / WUaS Corp is similarly seeking to develop as its own legal entity in Poland. But collaborations in the beginning may be important and invaluable too! What may be the advatages for the colaborating universities? "I am not sure because of so many abbreviations in Your text that I fully comprehend Your meaning.Am I allowed to ask You some particular questions in order to better understand your proposal?""> Again - Questions would be most welcome about abbreviations and other specifics. (If you'd like to meet again in a video conference for clarifications, please let me know too). I would love to, so we would go over the most importent parts of the text together, and I would get a full picture of Your idea.I would like to discuss with you, when You allow me, the scope of studies offered to polish students. When we offer MIT related studies someone would expect the technical or STEM and or space/ aeronautics studies.You know, Poland is extremely catolic. Do You think, keeping on the web side scio-philosophical gender studies would be helpful or not to attract polish students?I think, I am well informed about the roots of the Frankfurter Schule, they have prepared the thought construct ( not idea) called gender to conduct world wide cultural changes.I have many excellent contacts with scientists of catholic church and not catholic provenience and those people inform me, that the consequence of introducing gender studies is lower level of education and less thinking freedom. Te same conclusion I was able to find on the two pages of Neue Zuricher Zeitung. One of the swiss Nobel prize winners, alumni of Harvard after 20 years has complained about the education level at the Harvard university and pointed out the political correctness as a direct agens leading to the lowering of the educational level at the university and the gender ideology as a main idea behind.World Univ & Sch is seeking Polish students for January 2021 first in English. Very nice to be in communication!Hope, You don`t mind my direct style and different look on the current leading ideology at the universities?Kind regardsMariuszPlease let me know your further thoughts and questions about WUaS regarding the above, Rohit, Sri, Marisol, Peter, Partha.Best regards, Scott> > >