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How best to #DanceScottishAtHome #ScottishCountryDancing #DanceScottish #ScottishCountryDance (re #Covid19)? Let's wiki grow this conversation here:… & w live #ScottishSmallPiping… & Drumming …
@WorldUnivAndSch ~
In the OCT #ScottishBanner: Alex Huang- The #TattooDanceCompany #AlexHuang performed @EdinburghTattoo & will feature in the #cinema release across #Canada OCT 6 @CineplexMovies @CinemaLiveInfo @CineplexEvents Issue out now! #EdinTattoo #HighlandDance #Kaleidoscope2019 #TheBanner
In the OCT #ScottishBanner:— The Scottish Banner (@Scottish_Banner) October 1, 2019
Alex Huang- The #TattooDanceCompany#AlexHuang performed @EdinburghTattoo& will feature in the #cinema release across #Canada OCT 6 @CineplexMovies@CinemaLiveInfo@CineplexEvents
Issue out now!
How best to #DanceScottishAtHome #ScottishCountryDancing #DanceScottish #ScottishCountryDance (re #Covid19)? Let's wiki grow this conversation here:… & w live #ScottishSmallPiping… & Drumming…
@WorldUnivAndSch ~
Great innovative #DanceScottishAtHome - #ScottishCountryDancing - #DanceScottish class DANCING in #COVID19 time - Explore from home:— Open Band (Berkeley) (@TheOpenBand) September 15, 2020
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Enjoy watching the 'Toilet Roll Reel' from the #Lyon Branch! Intro by Chair Raphaëlle Orgeret & edited by Youth Coordinator Claire Cunin. Also featured is Corinne, Louise, Cynthia, Nathanaël, Etienne and Mélissa. #DanceScottish #DanceScottishathome #Fun
Enjoy watching the 'Toilet Roll Reel' from the #Lyon Branch! Intro by Chair Raphaëlle Orgeret & edited by Youth Coordinator Claire Cunin. Also featured is Corinne, Louise, Cynthia, Nathanaël, Etienne and Mélissa.— RSCDS Dance Scottish (@rscdsdancescot) March 27, 2020
Dancers from around the world are joining our class live on Zoom this morning #DanceScottishAtHome #RSCDS #Edinburgh #fun #fitness
Dancers from around the world are joining our class live on Zoom this morning— RSCDS Edinburgh (@dancingforth) July 18, 2020
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Good morning, Patti, Bruce, David, Heather, Alex, Salina, Susan, Rob and David,
Quite a nice Zoom Scottish Country Dance class in Montreal -
Zoom Class September 8, 2020— RSCDSMontreal (@reelifemontreal) September 14, 2020
https://reellifeinmontreal. class-september-8-2020/ Appreciating the basketball hoop in lieu of the croix in the first video 3! :)
Anyone know who the gent is in position 1 in the second video (since SCD can be a very small world indeed!)?
And the videos are good for learning to read SCD dance programs on paper/screen in one's mind, and even re SCD dances as computer programs - and kind of a new development for me in Zoom SCD classes in this coronavirus pandemic time.
Am liking, also, the plaids that the women are wearing in the last video, which remind me of those worn, without vests, at the St. Catherine's Niagro Falls' SCD ball in the '70s, Susan and Rob.
Good music too!
PS :) -
Some related Tweets, collecting a few of the best #DanceScottishAtHome I've seen so far:
Great innovative #DanceScottishAtHome - #ScottishCountryDancing - #DanceScottish class DANCING in #COVID19 time - Explore from home:
https://reellifeinmontreal. class-september-8-2020/
- rscdsdancescot/status/ 1243554219661164548?s=20 - dancingforth/status/ 1284416503492816896?s=20
- scottmacleod/status/ 1279861785265242113?s=20
>https://wiki. wiki/Scottish_Country_Dancing @WorldUnivAndSch ~ TheOpenBand/status/ 1305886117590306824?s=20 scottmacleod/status/ 1305886996225617920?s=20
Great innovative #DanceScottishAtHome - #ScottishCountryDancing - #DanceScottish class DANCING in #COVID19 time - Explore from home:— Open Band (Berkeley) (@TheOpenBand) September 15, 2020
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| 12:16 PM (3 hours ago) | ![]() ![]() | ||
Hi Scott,
So if you’re asking about the 1st man in the 2nd video at reellifeinmontreal. wordpress - https://reellifeinmontreal. class-september-8-2020/ - (the strathspey), I don’t know him (but if you could get a really good close-up of his name tag … LOL).
I also wanted to let you know that I (and, as far as I know, Bruce, Heather, David and Barbara) do not have Twitter accounts, do not “tweet”, are not able to look at tweets, and have no intention of ever doing so, so all the stuff you send that way are not likely to be seen by any of us. Don't know about the rest of the people on the email.
But, yes, videos are an excellent tool for learning dances, especially now we’re trapped at home, unable to do them with real people :(. I miss dancing and playing for dancers so much! Here’s hoping we’ll get to do it again someday.
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How best to #DanceScottishAtHome #ScottishCountryDancing #DanceScottish #ScottishCountryDance (re #Covid19)? Let's wiki grow this conversation here:… & w live #ScottishSmallPiping… & Drumming…
@WorldUnivAndSch ~
Great innovative #DanceScottishAtHome - #ScottishCountryDancing - #DanceScottish class DANCING in #COVID19 time - Explore from home:— Open Band (Berkeley) (@TheOpenBand) September 15, 2020
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> ~
Enjoy watching the 'Toilet Roll Reel' from the #Lyon Branch! Intro by Chair Raphaëlle Orgeret & edited by Youth Coordinator Claire Cunin. Also featured is Corinne, Louise, Cynthia, Nathanaël, Etienne and Mélissa. #DanceScottish #DanceScottishathome #Fun
Enjoy watching the 'Toilet Roll Reel' from the #Lyon Branch! Intro by Chair Raphaëlle Orgeret & edited by Youth Coordinator Claire Cunin. Also featured is Corinne, Louise, Cynthia, Nathanaël, Etienne and Mélissa.— RSCDS Dance Scottish (@rscdsdancescot) March 27, 2020
Dancers from around the world are joining our class live on Zoom this morning #DanceScottishAtHome #RSCDS #Edinburgh #fun #fitness
Dancers from around the world are joining our class live on Zoom this morning— RSCDS Edinburgh (@dancingforth) July 18, 2020
Quite a nice Zoom Scottish Country Dance class in Montreal -
Zoom Class September 8, 2020— RSCDSMontreal (@reelifemontreal) September 14, 2020<
| 12:32 PM (3 hours ago) | ![]() ![]() | ||
Thanks for your email, Patti, much!
Am curious about doing zooming-ins - re gent in 2nd video starting off on his left foot in a strathspey (yes:) - in a #RealisticVirtualEarth For SCD in a single #RealisticVirtualEarth and to be able to view name tags!
Social media is an interesting, fairly new networking phenomenon. While I know some social media is behind walls and paywalls - for viewing or not if one doesn't have an account, for ex. - I had the impression that Tweets were visible even if one doesn't have a Twitter account, and while I'm never sure who views what in social media in general re (personal) idea sharing - which is an old story for writers to paper in general - (and probably no one views my Tweets or other social media posts), I also post many of my Tweets (which are 240 character idea generators for me) in my blog, with its many labels too - eg see the 'dancing' label - https://scott-macleod. dancing and possibly the 'Scotland' label for SCD Tweet sharings! (I might even blog about this:).
It's emails like yours that help generate conversations, - akin to social media conversations even, as I see this - and re feedback loops about reading or not reading the abundance of ideas being shared in the information technology revolution ! :) (See, too, the 'society and information technology' label in blog, about which I teach, even - http:// InfoTechNetworkSocGlobalUniv. html - https://scott-macleod. society%20and%20information% 20technology). Thanks for your feedback!
Cheers, Scott
| 12:37 PM (3 hours ago) | ![]() ![]() | ||
Yes, in that first figure -- a strathspey poussette - 1st man and second woman must begin on their left feet (foots?) so that on bar two, after they have joined both hands within their partner they are ready to move in teh same direction with them without falling over sideways
Bruce Herbold
Oakland, California
Oakland, California
| 12:39 PM (3 hours ago) | ![]() ![]() | ||
:) ... falling over sideways happens a lot in SCD, and poussette-ing can be prevention medicine :)
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Glad to have met with edX Online Campus yesterday
Hi, Sri, Rohit, Mariusz, Andrzej, Petros, Partha, Marisol, Peter,
Thank you for your email!
I'm glad to have met with both Marissa and then Matthew at edX Online Campus yesterday in a Zoom audio conference call for 45 minutes - and about WUaS partnering (with no money) with edX Online Campus, and about WUaS offering verified edX courses (with evaluative materials - re en-us/articles/360013426573- What-are-the-differences- between-audit-free-and- verified-paid-courses- - and for licensing / accreditation purposes too) to our matriculating students this autumn and in January. And I'm glad to have scheduled another meeting with Matthew at edX for next Monday. Some of the questions I was inquiring about are here - https://scott-macleod. lecocarpus-pinnatifidus-some- initial.html
I also heard back, out of the blue yesterday, from MOOCit France, our WUaS service provider for Open edX. WUaS cancelled our free startup kit with them a few weeks ago, since we didn't have the expertise (like MIT graduate students ) to migrate, adapt or BUILD MIT OCW courses in WUaS Open edX, but WUaS may pursue this avenue in parallel of verified edX coures for January 2021 - and per your email, Rifai, just now. Thank you.
WUaS may still build out courses, too, in G Suite for Education, and on our WUaS Miraheze MediaWiki too.
Rifai, are you in communication with all the faculty of the courses you sent? Could they eventually become translators of MIT OCW into WUaS Open edX in Sinhala language - and adapting MIT OCW in their fields of expertise regarding their courses? Please keep in touch with them , if you can. They could become a great basis for Sri Lanka WUaS - https://wiki. wiki/Sri_Lanka ( view/worlduniversityandschool) - in Sinhala!
Regards, Scott
Our recent correspondence -
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