Channel: Scott MacLeod's Anthropology of Information Technology & Counterculture
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buttercup (R. flabellaris): What I've been reading - 9/20//20 week - Black Lives Matter - Black Books Matter

Previous: Great Swamp National Wildlife Refuge: Text>BEYOND & into 1 #RealisticVirtualEarth for talking e.g. w #RICHARDRORTY from past #RealisticVirtualEarthForHistory with REALISTIC #WUaSAvatarBots Moving TO #TextInTheSideBar in #GoogleStreetView with TIME SLIDER & TensorFlow AI ~changing ACADEMIA radically~ #WUaSPhilosophy ! * * * Naked Harbin Ethnography p. 5ff - #Virtual 'not actually, but as if’ New D. Hume #WUaSPhilosophy re #ActualVirtual @HarbinBook in #RealisticVirtualHarbin #EthnoWikiVirtualWorldGraphy for Phil.? Princeton philosopher David Lewis https://britannica.com/biography/David-Kellogg-Lewis - https://philpapers.org/rec/SIEWDH-2 ~ * * * Book readings in Lake County public libraries after the publication of my 2016 "Naked Harbin Ethnography" - which readings, and the writing of too, might contribute to bringing a kind of ethics (anthropologically and writing informed) to Harbin

What I've been reading this week through Sunday, 9/20/20

and also much from Twitter, and see, for example (esp. re-Tweets):


Coronavirus Su 9/20/20 Black Lives Matter

(UBI experiments)
Scott Santens Billed cap Man surfing @scottsantens
New Orleans showed up in the rain for #BasicIncomeMarch2020. It was great hearing all the people honking in support. Thank you to everyone who showed up and to everyone in every other city who also showed up in


BrunoLatour @BrunoLatourAIME
The show “Critical Zones Observatories for Earthly Politics” @zkmkarlsruhe is going to continue until summer 2021 to keep pace with the virus. It’s message has been summed up by Peter Weibel “From NOWHERE to NOW HERE”: the little blank space  makes all the difference in landing.


Photo: Claudio Bresciani / TT
Foreign media highlight the Swedish strategy

 Criticism has been replaced - looks at Sweden when several countries are struggling with new outbreaks.

DN Leader 20 September
Tegnell's new explanation looks more like fiction
 Sweden's many deaths are still facts - the flu trail does not lead the country forward.

Tegnell's flu theory still debated
 Professor Joacim Rocklöv: Unreasonable explanation.

• Danish researcher: The pandemic may be over in Sweden

"Criminal families should be able to be evicted"
 Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen (S) during a visit to Korsör, which is on Denmark's "ghetto list".

Justice Ginsburg’s Most Notable Decisions

European Banks Consider Mergers for Survival

The most complicated election in modern history is coming — soon. Are we prepared?
Experts worry about a nightmare election during a pandemic marred by disenfranchisement and chaos, followed by an acrimonious legal and political dispute over the results that would test the nation’s democratic resolve.

 Chapter 1: A history of disenfranchisement

Helsinki co-hosts world’s first immersive virtual conference that uses cutting edge gaming technology
The cities of Helsinki and Tallinn are hosting the third World Summit on Digital Built Environment, WDBE, for experts in the field of urban development. Due to the Covid-19 crisis, the WDBE is partnering with Epic Games and Zoan to bring the guests an immersive virtual event experience like nothing before.

The WDBE brings participants from over 50 countries together September 29–30, 2020 around the unlimited possibilities of digitalisation as an enabler of a more socially, culturally, ecologically and economically sustainable urban future.

Italians called to the polls despite the progression of the coronavirus

- Scott MacLeod - Founder, President & Professor

- World University and School

- 415 480 4577

- CC World University and School - like CC Wikipedia with best STEM-centric CC OpenCourseWare - incorporated as a nonprofit university and school in California, and is a U.S. 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt educational organization. 


Coronavirus Sa 9/19/20 Black Lives Matter

(LAWS - different translation for word 'rights'?)

Home office is becoming permanent - you need to know these rights (LAWS?)

A person could say A LOT about the Yan report, which makes false assertions to claim that SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus was made in a lab. 
Or you could let David Robertson (@robertson_lab), a viral genomics researcher at University of Glasgow, take the reins. https://nationalgeographic.com/science/2020/09/coronavirus-origins-misinformation-yan-report-fact-check-cvd/

How a transsexual, satanist, anarchist trolled New Hampshire voters
For those who are unhappy to discover that they voted for a troll, Aria DiMezzo said they have only themselves to blame. “Four thousand people put me into the highest law enforcement position in the county without knowing a thing about me, which is ultimately an argument for anarchism.”

The funeral of JK Rowling
"Insignificant trans enemy"? Just one of many reactions to the new book by JK Rowling, which she published under her pseudonym Robert Galbraith
Source: Karwai Tang / WireImage
A.When the words “RIP JK Rowling” spread on Twitter last week, even those who did not necessarily consider social networks to be the most precise yardstick of public opinion and had never read a book “Harry Potter” had to be careful: JK Rowling, the most successful British contemporary writer, whose books have sold around 500 million copies worldwide, may please rest in peace, "RIP", "rest in peace, JK Rowling" was read a thousand times.

A few users posted pictures of a tombstone: “Insignificant trans enemy”, it said, photoshopped in stone, followed by the dates of 1965–2020, plus in capital letters “Please piss here, she deserves it no differently”. Others shared videos of Rowling's books being set on fire. A funeral during one's lifetime, a staged book burning, the desecration of a virtual grave.

But as in other cases in which activists recently, mostly on Twitter, demand the banishment of a person and their opinions and works from the discourse within a few characters, there is also in the Rowling case a prehistory that has its own identity-political dynamic.


Suspected Criminal | On the morning of July, Pekka Kataja's doorbell was rang and an attempt was made to murder him - HS found out what had happened to the basic Finns in Central Finland before that
20.9. 2:00

The Extreme Right |Can the far-right Soldiers of Odin be abolished? According to the researcher, the activity resembles the Nordic Resistance
17.9. 6:14

Suspected Criminal |A prisoner of attempted murder of a basic Finnish parliamentary assistant is described as frightening - HS explained why the man “brushed off from the far right” was too much for the party
16.9. 16:04

(White Lives Matter sign in picture)
The Extreme Right |Such is the alliance of nationalists whose chairman is suspected of attempting to assassinate a basic Finnish parliamentary assistant.
11.9. 18:21

Death Toll From Covid-19 Pandemic Extends Far Beyond Virus Victims

HS follows
The live tracking |In England, a fine of ten thousand euros can be imposed for violating coronavirus restrictions, in France a record for new infections
20.9. 5:51

(Picture - Is this the Norwegian government?)
The government set itself an ambitious goal. Only the Prime Minister and three ministers have reached that point.
Henning Knudsen is one of the few blind people in a ministry. The government has not reached its own goal: At least five percent of new employees in the state must be recruited from people with gaps in their CVs or disabilities.
(Picture - 
Henning Knudsen struggled to enter the labor market. The lawyer now works in the Ministry of Local Government and Modernization. Jan Tomas Espedal / Aftenposten
Solveig RuudJournalist
Jan Tomas EspedalPhotographer)

Youths banned from buying eggs due to increased vandalism in Sweden

- Scott MacLeod - Founder, President & Professor

- World University and School

- 415 480 4577

- CC World University and School - like CC Wikipedia with best STEM-centric CC OpenCourseWare - incorporated as a nonprofit university and school in California, and is a U.S. 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt educational organization. 

Coronavirus F 9/18/20 Black Lives Matter

R.I. health officials swoop into Providence neighborhood where 124 students now have COVID-19
The number of students living in a residential neighborhood near Providence College who have tested positive for the coronavirus has soared to more than 100 in just three days, and state health officials have opened case investigations and ramped up contract tracing in an effort to halt the spread. 

How Rhode Island brought most students back for in-person learning — and Massachusetts did not
In Massachusetts, only about a dozen districts, most of them made up entirely of elementary schools, plan to return all students to classrooms full time this fall. Meanwhile, in Rhode Island, the vast majority of the state’s 66 districts and charter schools plan to offer full-time in-person learning by October.


Barricaded shops, “Fuck the police” sprayed on monuments, smoke burns your lungs: the mood in the hipster stronghold of Portland is changing
Protests against police violence have been making headlines for Portland for months, now, in addition to Corona, catastrophic forest fires are also affecting the city. A visit to the heart of the Left Resistance.
Verbarrikadierte Geschäfte, «Fuck the police» auf Denkmäler gesprüht, Rauch brennt in den Lungen: Die Stimmung in der Hipsterhochburg Portland kippt
Proteste gegen Polizeigewalt bringen Portland seit Monaten in die Schlagzeilen, nun setzen neben Corona auch noch katastrophale Waldbrände der Stadt zu. Ein Besuch im Herzen des linken Widerstandes.

 Strong spread of the virus in Athens, emergency measures until October 4
Restriction of the number of people in public gatherings, suspension of concerts and film screenings, lower limit of participants in social events and telework for 40% of employees in the public and private sector announced, among others, Deputy Minister of Civil Protection Nikos Hardalias during the briefing on Friday Health.

Lease expired
Left scene is warming up for the day of eviction
The house at Liebigstrasse 34 is to be vacated on October 9th, which is why riots are expected. But even without eviction announcements, the Kiez is already a danger area for the police, as new figures show.

Andreas Kopietz, September 18, 2020

 The good the bad and the ugly habits of the Covid era 

- Scott MacLeod - Founder, President & Professor

- World University and School

- 415 480 4577

- CC World University and School - like CC Wikipedia with best STEM-centric CC OpenCourseWare - incorporated as a nonprofit university and school in California, and is a U.S. 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt educational organization. 

Coronavirus Th 9/17/20 Black Lives Matter

Infection rates soar in college towns as students return
Masked students walk through the campus of Ball State University in Muncie, Ind., Thursday, Sept. 10, 2020.
Among the 50 large U.S. counties with the highest percentages of student residents, 20 have consistently reported higher rates of new virus cases than their states have since Sept. 1
Report: Much needs doing to shield nursing homes from virus

Volkswagens neues „Weltauto“ soll Tesla deklassieren

- Scott MacLeod - Founder, President & Professor

- World University and School

- 415 480 4577

- CC World University and School - like CC Wikipedia with best STEM-centric CC OpenCourseWare - incorporated as a nonprofit university and school in California, and is a U.S. 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt educational organization. 

Coronavirus W 9/16/20 Black Lives Matter

One of the biggest developments in the 2020 presidential race just happened. You probably missed it
Wisconsin's top court delivered a ruling that could be a huge boon to Joe Biden and Democrats.

Sky high: Mass. marijuana is among the most expensive in the nation
In most cases, cannabis here is even pricier than in other states that legalized the drug more recently.

(What is the decree from the '70s?)
We need a new radical decree 
The deeds of the 29 police officers who exchanged information in right-wing chats are despicable, but no reason for general suspicion. Politicians have to consider whether they should not revive the old radical decree from the 1970s.

What is missing? "The group sex"
After a forced break of six months, the prostitutes in Hamburg's St. Pauli neighborhood are allowed to receive customers again. How does sex for sale work in times of Corona? A visit to Herbertstrasse.
Was fehlt? "Der Gruppensex"
Nach sechs Monaten Zwangspause dürfen die Prostituierten im Hamburger Kiez St. Pauli wieder Kunden empfangen. Wie funktioniert käuflicher Sex in Zeiten von Corona? Ein Besuch auf der Herbertstraße.

- Scott MacLeod - Founder, President & Professor

- World University and School

- 415 480 4577

- CC World University and School - like CC Wikipedia with best STEM-centric CC OpenCourseWare - incorporated as a nonprofit university and school in California, and is a U.S. 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt educational organization. 

Coronavirus Tu 9/15/20 Black Lives Matter

• Tegnell: Small spread of infection in Sweden now

Photo: Claudio Bresciani / TT
Tegnell: This is how you should think if you are going to travel in Europe
 According to the state epidemiologist, the risk of travelers taking the infection home, as after the sports holiday, is small.

Antonio Guterres: "We absolutely must see the vaccine against the pandemic as a public good"

Serie über die deutsch-deutsche Grenze
Rosenkranz und roter Stern
Auf dem Hülfensberg erinnert sich Bruder Johannes an die Zeit im DDR-Sperrgebiet. Im Eichsfeld gelang es der SED nie, die Bevölkerung auf Linie zu bringen. 
Series about the German-German border
Rosary and red star
On the Hülfensberg, Brother Johannes remembers the time in the GDR restricted area. In Eichsfeld, the SED never succeeded in bringing the population into line.  

Apple Watch now measures the oxygen saturation in the blood

- Scott MacLeod - Founder, President & Professor

- World University and School

- 415 480 4577

- CC World University and School - like CC Wikipedia with best STEM-centric CC OpenCourseWare - incorporated as a nonprofit university and school in California, and is a U.S. 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt educational organization. 


Coronavirus M 9/14/20

Chinese Embassy in SL slams reports that COVID-19 was man made in Wuhan

The Chinese Embassy in Sri Lanka yesterday slammed allegations by Chinese virologist Dr Li-Meng Yan who has claimed that the novel coronavirus which has so far claimed hundreds of thousands of lives world over, was made in a government-controlled laboratory in Wuhan and asserted that she has scientific proof to back the claim.

Is it possible that Neanderthals had a spiritual life?

(Pic - A bit of a Norwegian hippy?)
Yours, mine, ours: Become a good bonus parent
Many become too eager for a new family. Hear how long you should wait to raise the bonus kids.

- Scott MacLeod - Founder, President & Professor

- World University and School

- 415 480 4577

- CC World University and School - like CC Wikipedia with best STEM-centric CC OpenCourseWare - incorporated as a nonprofit university and school in California, and is a U.S. 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt educational organization. 

* *

buttercup (R. flabellaris): What I've been reading - 9/20//20 week - Black Lives Matter - Black Books Matter


buttercup (R. filaria): What I've been reading - 9/13//20 week - Black Lives Matter - Black Books Matter


buttercup (R. eschscholtzii): What I've been reading - 9/6//20 week - Black Lives Matter - Black Books Matter


buttercup (R. cymbalaria): What I've been reading - 8/30//20 week - Black Lives Matter


buttercup (R. circinatus): What I've been reading - 8/23/20 week - Coronavirus - Black Lives Matter


buttercup (R. cassubicifolius): What I've been reading - 8/16/20 week - Coronavirus + BlackLivesMatter + Black Books Matter


buttercup (R. carinthiacus): What I've been reading - 8/9/20 week - Coronavirus + BlackLivesMatter + Black Books Matter


buttercup (R. californicus): What I've been reading - 8/2/20 week -Coronavirus - Black Lives Matter


buttercup (R. bullatus): What I've been reading - 7/26/20 week - Coronavirus + BlackLivesMatter + Black Books Matter


buttercup (R. bulbosus): What I've been reading - 7/19/20 week - Coronavirus + BlackLivesMatter + Black Books Matter


buttercup (R. austro-oreganus): What I've been reading - 7/12/20 week - Coronavirus + BlackLivesMatter + Black Books Matter


buttercup (R. auricomus): What I've been reading - 7/5/20 week - Coronavirus + BlackLivesMatter + Black Books Matter


buttercup (R. asiaticus): What I've been reading - 6/28/20 week - Coronavirus + BlackLivesMatter + Black Books Matter


buttercup (R. arvensis): What I've been reading - 6/21/20 week - Coronavirus + BlackLivesMatter + Black Books Matter


buttercup (R. aquatilis): What I've been reading - 6/14/20 week - Coronavirus + BlackLivesMatter

buttercup (R. alismifolius): What I've been reading - 5/31/20 week - Coronavirus

buttercup (R. acris): What I've been reading - 5/17/20 week - Coronavirus


buttercup (R. aconitifolius): What I've been reading - 5/3/20 week - Coronavirus

* * *

SUNDAY, JUNE 07, 2020

What I've been watching

Over the past week, I have watched the six-part HBO miniseries The Plot Against America, which came out in March. It is based on the 2004 Philip Roth novel of the same title and tells an alternative history in which FDR is defeated in 1940 by the fascist-sympathizing Charles Lindbergh through the eyes of a Jewish family living in Newark, NJ. Compelling story, well acted. It is the best piece of television I have seen in years.



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