Channel: Scott MacLeod's Anthropology of Information Technology & Counterculture
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Spotted orchid (Dactylorhiza): Happity, hippity birthday here too, Sunheart :) ... Scottish Small Pipes' student just shared the tune "Stool of Repentance" with Robbie Burns' poem and sheet music with me (and with reply below:) * * I head from > stool of repentance > (to the shit of religiously focused remorse, in historic Scotland, as well as attempts at social control) > to sitting playing music daily (exploring doing this enjoyably without regret) > (to also sit in meditation on attunement, > to soaking in the ease of at-one-ment, in a virtual Harbin Hot Springs, for ex.) > to Yo Yo Ma playing virtuosically on his seat on the concert stage :) ... > ... to the mind-flight of composing (eg a new great tune) * * * [New post] Your views! - Non-theist Quakers


Happity, hippity birthday here too, Sunheart :) ...

How are you? 

A Scottish Small Pipes' student just shared the tune "Stool of Repentance" with Robbie Burns poem and sheet music with me (and with reply below:).

Jaima!, Scott



Thanks again for sharing this with me. 

Here are some thoughts about the name and idea of 'Stool of Repentance' (since the tune itself doesn't appeal to me very much, re my own interests in, and choosing of to my ear, lyrical tunes):

Let's head to philosophy and away from religion (re culture and identity too - Scottish heritage-wise esp.) in thinking about this religiously punitive idea (and here's a philosopher in a Scottish philosopher David Hume tradition even in these regards of amazing thinking about ideas - https://youtu.be/BMLIdwT8OSU - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2020/09/kanneliya-dediyagala-nakiyadeniya.html ).

And psychologically, and language-wise, especially, (psychiatrically for Scots today even???)

I head from 

> stool of repentance 
> (to the shit of religiously focused remorse, in historic Scotland, as well as attempts at social control)
> to sitting playing music daily (exploring doing this enjoyably without regret)
> (to also sit in meditation on attunement,
> to soaking in the ease of at-one-ment, in a virtual Harbin Hot Springs, for ex.)
> to Yo Yo Ma playing virtuosically on his seat on the concert stage :) ...
> ... to the mind-flight of composing (eg a new great tune) 

What do you think about the idea of 'stool of repentance' and navigating its negative religious connotations even? (I'm asking in part as a nontheist Friend or agnostic/atheist Quaker, with Unitarian Universalist parents, and some identification there, as a Yogi, inspired by Angela & Victor, and as a Harbinite - kind of a Harbin Hot Springs' hippy anthropologist even:)?

Appreciating both Robbie Burns (and poetic, and as the Scots' national hero/poet even) and Dick Hensold rebellious takes on the idea / experience??? too ... :)

Musical cheers, 

How to help create a freedom for people via individual's agency from such, what I think of as, horrors in culture (and this kind of thinking is old and ingrained in Scotland, for ex. - time for online psychiatry at WUaS to help students, and Scots too, move beyond this, and Jacques Lacan MD-wise, too even) :)?

- Scott MacLeod

* * 


Here’s the tune from my book (there may be a highland-ized version somewhere; I found one for Lads of Alnwick). The sixth part illustrates the long “crests” I mentioned, for lack of a better term. Border music seems to feature it a lot. 

Here’s also one rendition on Border Pipes in D: 



Scott MacLeod sgkmacleod@worlduniversityandschool.org

Thu, Sep 10, 8:00 PM (13 days ago)
to Taylor
Thanks, I'll check it out, Taylor!

I heard Dick Hensold play in Berkeley not too long ago at all!

The title is interesting ! Let's explore it 



- Scott MacLeod - Founder, President & Professor

- World University and School

- 415 480 4577

- CC World University and School - like CC Wikipedia with best STEM-centric CC OpenCourseWare - incorporated as a nonprofit university and school in California, and is a U.S. 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt educational organization. 


Scott MacLeod sgkmacleod@worlduniversityandschool.org

Thu, Sep 10, 9:10 PM (13 days ago)
to Taylor

To interpret 'stool of repentance' as name (for me) in a positive light, 

here's a picture of Yo Yo Ma (a hero of mine, and teacher in a way) playing on his stool of repentance :) ...

visible on the front page of the Boston Globe now

... or in the Tor Browser here - 
(behind a pay wall). 



But I forgot that one often can't see pictures in Tor Browser from the Boston Globe website - best to view it on the cover of the paper now while it's posted and visible at bottom but better even on your smartphone! 



 Hi, Scott.

I was playing around with drones the other evening to see what works with the Baritone in F. It's difficult to tune it in a way that works with the A chanter. I can make the drones somewhat harmonize if the bass drone is at the bottom of the tuning pin, but it still sounds like noise when I include the chanter. I hypothesize a Bb chanter might work, although not as well as with a set of drones that the Bb set comes with. Any ideas? 

I've been working more on the seconds to Mason's Apron. I think when we convened last on the matter, we were actually discussing seconds for the reel version which is attached. Seeing as I only have parts one and two of the reel, I plan to switch to the hornpipe and compose seconds for at least the third part next. I'm trying to give the seconds a sort of logic rhythm this time around. 

See you soon!



Hi Taylor

I was thinking how, in a related vein, it might be interesting to explore turning off the baritone drone, until we have a reason to use it for specific musical expression - so to use it with intention, in order to make music with it (and not just as a kind of background tone). Scottish piping doesn't, in my experience, do this - play them with intention to add something to highland bagpiping music - with the other 3 drones of the GHB, but with the new SSP baritone drone, I see a creative opportunity to invent. This may involve learning more about the keys of tunes, and similar - and possibly even to compose SSP tunes for the baritone drone (since this would involve a kind of mastery learning re composition too). Let's talk further about this on Thursday.

Will check out your Mason's Apron in the morning. Appreciating your creativity in both regards. 

Musical cheers, 



Very cool ... looking forward to playing with it on my A chanter ... more in the lesson! 





How one pronounces Ceol, or music, in Scots' Gaelic - 

Just repeated out loud, and re-Tweeted here:

Languages - World Univ: https://twitter.com/sgkmacleod




Thanks again for sharing this with me. 

Here are some thoughts about the name and idea of 'Stool of Repentance' (since the tune itself doesn't appeal to me very much, re my own interests in, and choosing of to my ear, lyrical tunes):

Let's head to philosophy and away from religion (re culture and identity too - Scottish heritage-wise esp.) in thinking about this religiously punitive idea (and here's a philosopher in a Scottish philosopher David Hume tradition even in these regards of amazing thinking about ideas - 

And psychologically, and language-wise, especially, (psychiatrically for Scots today even???)

I head from 

stool of repentance 
(to the shit of religiously focused remorse, in historic Scotland, as well as attempts at social control)
to sitting playing music daily (exploring doing this enjoyably without regret)
(to also sit in meditation on attunement,
to soaking in the ease of at-one-ment, in a virtual Harbin Hot Springs, for ex.)
to Yo Yo Ma playing virtuosically on his seat on the concert stage :) ...
... to the mind-flight of composing (eg a new great tune) 

What do you think about the idea of 'stool of repentance' and navigating its negative religious connotations even? (I'm asking in part as a nontheist Friend or agnostic/atheist Quaker, with Unitarian Universalist parents, and some identification there, as a Yogi, inspired by Angela & Victor, and as a Harbinite - kind of a Harbin Hot Springs' hippy even:)?

Appreciating both Robbie Burns (and poetic, and as the Scots' national hero/poet even) and Dick Hensold rebellious takes on the idea / experience??? too ... :)

Musical cheers, 

How to help create a freedom for people via individual's agency from such, what I think of as, horrors in culture (and this kind of thinking is old and ingrained in Scotland, for ex. - time for online psychiatry at WUaS to help students, and Scots too, move beyond this, and Jacques Lacan MD-wise, too even) :)?

* * * 

[New post] Your views! - Non-theist Quakers


Trevor, Piers, Nontheist Friends, Agnostic / Atheist Quakers, 

Would you like to do some NtF archive sleuthing for people's views, as a kind of journalism experience? I'd think, for example, that Anita Bower's NtF, very humane, and sensible views would be very interesting to summarize in a 400 word document for example. I went to - https://groups.google.com/my-groups?pli=1 (from this gmail address) - and found the NtF group, and then was able to begin to look through past emails. (My plate is pretty full with Friendly-informed World Univ & Sch, but there's a lot of potential for 'Your Views' in these past emails). 

NtF cheers, 

PS re the bagpiping tune and Scottish national poet Robbie Burns' writing about the "Stool of Repentance,"- http://www.robertburns.org/encyclopedia/Dunfermline.316.shtml AND regarding a 'cutty stool' http://www.burnsscotland.com/items/c/cutty-stool-from-burns-house.aspx-  some thoughts about how to move beyond such religiously informed, punitive thinking here - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2020/09/spotted-orchid-dactylorhiza.html - and even partly with online NtF-informed psychiatry at WUaS potentially https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Nontheist_Friends_(atheist_Quakers%3F)https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Psychiatry

World Univ & Sch is matriculating our 3rd undergraduate class on 1/1/21 >Online, with students studying on edX's platform for FREE-to-students' 4-year best STEAM CC-4 OCW Bachelor's degrees in English. For info email info@ worlduniversityandschool.org 
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