World Univ & Sch partnering with edX!
| 9:58 AM (29 minutes ago) | ![]() ![]() | ||
Dear Matthew, and Larry,
Thank you for your email, and I hope this finds you well too. I've moved Marissa, Cam and Carolina to BCC to keep them in the loop for this emailing.
Regarding WUaS Research, and your
"Research: The McGovern Brain Institute is a research arm that develops the Pedagogy of edX Online Campus. You can read more about their research and findings, here."
World University & School is going to move gradually with research - https://wiki. wiki/Research (and planned inter-lingually in all 7,117 known living languages, and interculturally, regarding regions in all ~200 countries at WUaS, and regarding brain research by students from in front of their computer screens too) - and in exploring collaborating with the MIT McGovern Brain Institute.
Regarding your
"Summary of Partnership: To establish a partnership with edX, we have an agreement process to decide together the scope of the initial roll-out for students. In this stage, we decide how the reimbursement process will be directed and the discovery process for students finding edX courses.
Following the agreement, we will launch by selecting programs/courses that best fit your learners, implementing the discovery process for students to find courses, and connecting the data back to you to monitor progress and assist learners through programs."
Would it be possible for edX Online Campus to give WUaS an unofficial estimate or bill for 50 students, and if the number of students in January 2021 goes above the bill, then for the next 50 - i.e. how much is it going to be? - so that WUaS has time to seek the funds?
Perhaps the discovery process for WUaS students could also be informed by WUaS plans to license in the state of CA with BPPE, and then concurrently to become accredited with WASC Senior, as these agencies both transition to an online learning model - and for both Bachelor and Ph.D. degrees.
Regarding your
- a) How will the reimbursement process work between WUaS and edX?
- b) How soon after enrollment can WUaS secure funds for edX Online Campus Courses?
- c) Will a Purchase Order be necessary from edX to state offices?"
a) World University and School seeks for the billing to go through WUaS from state offices (and potentially via WUaS's G Suite for Education - for WUaS students from all ~200 countries, and in their 1st languages eventually), so not through bills from edX to states' parties, for example. b) WUaS will wait until we see what the arrangements will be - but if possible WUaS would seek to transfer money to edX Online Campus by the end of WUaS 4 month terms (April, August, December), and well before if possible, since WUaS may have to bill country by country, state by state, and county by county in all ~200 countries. c) A Purchase Order from edX to state offices, or vice versa, will not be necessary, since, again, World Univ & Sch seeks for the money from state offices to go through WUaS.
Could edX find a small funding source for WUaS re G Suite for Education?
Thank you for doing the math here, and seeing the potential regarding WUaS and edX Online Campus. As you know, WUaS seeks to offer online CC-4 MIT-centric VALUE degrees, and thus be able to seek reimbursement from state offices per student per term, similar to what on-the-ground MIT asks for tution (around $55,000 per year). Thank you.
Sincerely, Scott
- Scott MacLeod - Founder, President & Professor
- World University and School
- 415 480 4577
- CC World University and School - like CC Wikipedia with best STEM-centric CC OpenCourseWare - incorporated as a nonprofit university and school in California, and is a U.S. 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt educational organization.
Out of the Office Re: Your edX Online Campus Inquiry
| 9:58 AM (44 minutes ago) | ![]() ![]() | ||
Thank you for your email! I am out of the office until October 5th. If this is an urgent matter, please reach out to
Thank you for your email! I am out of the office until October 5th. If this is an urgent matter, please reach out to
Best regards,
Carolina McGarity
Upcoming PTO Sep. 28th - Oct. 2nd
Customer Success Associate | edX
141 Portland Street | 8th Floor | Cambridge, MA 02139
(617) 577-5856 | |
141 Portland Street | 8th Floor | Cambridge, MA 02139
(617) 577-5856 | |
Have a question about edX for Business? Contact customersuccess@edx. org.
| Sep 26, 2020, 9:59 AM (5 days ago) | ![]() ![]() | ||
Hello Scott,
I hope my note finds you well - thank you for your email and your questions. I have moved Cam and Marissa to BCC to protect their inbox as they have advisory roles with WUaS and will not be focused on our initiative directly.
I hope my note finds you well - thank you for your email and your questions. I have moved Cam and Marissa to BCC to protect their inbox as they have advisory roles with WUaS and will not be focused on our initiative directly.
Research: The McGovern Brain Institute is a research arm that develops the Pedagogy of edX Online Campus. You can read more about their research and findings, here.
Summary of Partnership: To establish a partnership with edX, we have an agreement process to decide together the scope of the initial roll-out for students. In this stage, we decide how the reimbursement process will be directed and the discovery process for students finding edX courses.
Following the agreement, we will launch by selecting programs/courses that best fit your learners, implementing the discovery process for students to find courses, and connecting the data back to you to monitor progress and assist learners through programs.
Next Steps: As the agreement is the next hurdle, here are a few questions we need to answer to move forward:
- How will the reimbursement process work between WUaS and edX?
- How soon after enrollment can WUaS secure funds for edX Online Campus Courses?
- Will a Purchase Order be necessary from edX to state offices?
Thanks again and please let me know if you have any questions.
| Mon, Sep 21, 1:12 PM (10 days ago) | ![]() ![]() | ||
Hello Scott,
Thank you for your emails and for selecting a time today. I am available to speak at 2pm PST and I look forward to connecting then. During our call, we can schedule additional meetings as necessary for this week.
Thank you again and talk soon.
All the best,
Matthew Gusching
Account Representative
Phone: 617.253.2966
* *
in a thread beginning September 10, 2020 ...
Your edX Online Campus Inquiry
| Thu, Sep 10, 8:46 AM | ![]() ![]() | ||
Hello Scott GK,
First, a sincere thanks for your interest in partnering with edX! As an MIT and Harvard-founded nonprofit, over the last 8 years edX has leveraged our founders and 18 of the global top 20 schools to democratize education through Massive Open Online Courseware.
If you would like additional information about how our content library is being leveraged in the current global environment by hundreds of other educational institutions, please use this link to book a mutually convenient time.
If your interest is in creating or uploading your own courses, please visit Open edX.
Looking forward to your response,
Marissa DePaolo
Sales Development Representative