Channel: Scott MacLeod's Anthropology of Information Technology & Counterculture
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Spicebush swallowtail (Papilio troilus): Brainstorming, how best to create a #RealisticVirtualHarbin experience in a new place you move to, compared with where you live? With bath tub #VirtualSoaking #RelaxationResponse #Meditation in #DigitalGlasses &? * Appreciating the entrepreneurial and design (eg https://twitter.com/SUBiodesign/status/1312510337766223872?s=20) Tweets that popped up in Twitter possibly in response to the above questions :) * * Quakers among Unitarians ... n the following lines of inquiry, I found UU Rev Paul Sawyer (who was in Pgh, PA, too) * Grateful Dead and Unitarians (and found these pointers to a GD show at Northridge UU church in 1966) - the UU 'Onion Church' - Sepulveda UU Church


竹取亭円山 有馬温泉湯めぐりVR https://youtu.be/X6YBetANDUI Brainstorming, how best to create a #RealisticVirtualHarbin experience in a new place you move to, compared with where you live? With bath tub #VirtualSoaking #RelaxationResponse #Meditation in #DigitalGlasses &?









Open Band (Berkeley)


Brainstorming-wise, how best to create a #virtualHarbin experience in a new place you move to, compared with where you live? If there's a bath tub for de facto #RelaxationResponse #Meditation of #VirtualSoaking in a #DigitalMask what else :)? 

@HarbinBook #RealisticVirtualHarbin ~








Appreciating the entrepreneurial and design (eg 

https://twitter.com/SUBiodesign/status/1312510337766223872?s=20) Tweets that popped up in Twitter possibly in response to the above questions :)

.... seeking also to design for ethno-wiki-virtual-world-graphy and STEM and social science research. 

WOW! I went to this Onsen https://youtu.be/X6YBetANDUI on #Pixel3a phone & I see now how best to create a #virtualHarbin experience in #GoogleCardboard & in a bath tub for de facto #RelaxationResponse #Meditation of #VirtualSoaking What else :)? @HarbinBook #RealisticVirtualHarbin ~







* * 

Quakers among Unitarians

Hi Ma, 

Nice to talk last night again! And thanks for your support

In the following lines of inquiry, I found UU Rev Paul Sawyer (who was in Pittsburgh, PA, too), and which video you'll find at the end of this email too - 

A conversation with Paul Sawyer May 20, 2010
(Sawyer lived from 1934-2010)

Interesting UU southern California 'Onion church' he was involved with shaping -  Sepulveda UU Church 

.... And for goodness sake :) I searched on 'Quakers among Unitarians' and found ...

UUA Handout 5: Quaker Fact Sheet

No Religion. Always Practicing Quakerism.
(... and how would I characterize culturally these two religious organizations - and their interfaces, similarities, differences, and fruitful potentials for communication - post 1960s, not only religiously, but identity-wise anthropologically too? ... as well as Harbin Hot Springs, and Yoga, inspired by Angela & Victor ... maybe later ) 

... and I may head up to the UU church this morning around 10 (with Friendly Quaker interests ... ) but religious folks can be a bit crazy (and in Berkeley in particular) ... appreciating reasoning too of philosophy (but hippy-wise as well, eg David Chalmers?) ... and of all stripes, but they can also seek to be good, and this Unitarian community dates back to 1891, I've read ... and there may be wisdom 'in the woodwork' and community ... and good thinking ... 

How about a Google Smart TV for views, Ma? You mentioned wishing you had a view last night. Am seeing many fascinating views in my Google Smart TV ... as my view of the Google Gate Bridge and SF Bay is totally socked in.

Thanks too for your health-focus on walking near my new Arlington Blvd place ...

In this morning's inquiry, I then searched on - and this is how I learned of Paul Sawyer -  

Grateful Dead and Unitarians 
(and found these pointers to a GD show at Northridge UU church in 1966)



. “The Onion” was completed in 1964 and is built of glued laminated timber beams that curve from the foundation to the flat point at the top of the roof. The entire building is covered with composition (originally wood) shingles.[4]

In February 1966 “The Onion’’ became the site of one of the famous Acid Tests put on by the Merry Pranksters. The then-minister of the church, Paul Sawyer, had met Pranksters' leader Ken Kesey at the annual California Unitarian Church conference at Asilomar State Beach. According to Sawyer’s memoir, Prankster Ken Babbs called to ask if they could put on an Acid Test, and Sawyer said they could as long as they didn’t give out acid (LSD) to the audience.[5

Rev. Paul Sawyer 

A conversation with Paul Sawyer May 20, 2010

Remembering Paul Sawyer (and thinking too about Quakers) in this 'A conversation with Paul Sawyer May 20, 2010' may be one reason I head to the UU Church of Kensington this morning. 

Do you know of Rev. Paul Sawyer, Ma? The conversation is interesting (UU history, radicalism, poetry, the 1960s, nonviolent social change), with lots of New England and Massachusetts thinking in it :)

Glad I moved out of Canyon 94516 safely ... and thanks to you, Ma ... (and perhaps networking among UUs could help further even change that place's culture somehow) .... stay tuned ...

Am listening now to this Conversation ... up to 23 minutes' mark ... check it out, Ma :)

Love, Scott

- Scott MacLeod



Some of the poets mentioned in the Rev. Paul Sawyer conversation - 





Gary Snyder and other Beat poets


Ikea was packed with people (but no chair with attached desk did I find) but the Unitarian Church is empty ... Masks required and worn  but hand sanitizer not - with Coronavirus pandemic ... Go figure 

Oregonian Live newspaper 
Houston Chronicle 
rarely show tRump articles first or very many of them, whereas most other US papers I check do ... intl papers are different here

Seeking to bagpipe now earlier than 10:30 pm due to thin ceiling and noise traveling upstairs ...  9-8 ? 

Time to send out finally the Minutes (in the manner of Quakers) from last month's Business Meeting 

How has your day been? And your weekend? New place here is pretty nice 🙂

Love, Scott



I wonder if we the people are 'voting with our feet' in this time of coronavirus pandemic re organized religion (and also even re protecting innocents) and commerce (in a well designed ikea, for ex.) 

Purpose of religion in question, and the  pragmatics of commerce 

UU Rev Paul Sawyer (out of the radical 60s) on a happening church -

I found and transcribed some of the interesting parts (for me) of his conversation ...

27 mins 
tremendous energy in late 50s in Berkeley ... Mentioning Gary Snyder ...

Vincent (Ferrini - and this video is partly about starting a poetry house in Gloucester MA in honor of him) re poetry in Gloucester MA ...
Always had an open door in Gloucester
He was relational
He was a character
And he had great character

(Robert Duncan was steeped in literary scene, unlike Vincent)

With Vincent, you always felt at home, cross-continent

Then he began to travel

Out to the west coast to visit 

Olson 32:30

How do we maintain this (community?) dynamic?

Through community gatherings for dinner every few weeks
Having people in 
Keeping the place lively
Have it be a meeting place

Churches can be helpful too
If they're alive,
And keeping things together
And people are meeting each other
Fine - what they should be ...
We don't have to have them, but we do need communities
 They don't have to be defined as churches
But that's what communities are ...
Engaging each other, learn from each other, bringing stuff to each other ...

Many years between conception and getting it in print
Sometimes very lonely work

Goya painting he refers to

Keep on being open ... And see it through ..

Love, Scott


Hi Ma, 

Here below is a picture of my Arlington Blvd view as the weather clears ... 

And here are another 3 different pictures of the entrance to the UU church in Kensington (Berkeley) with no one there, except 2 moms in the parking lots with their two kids! One little kid said a warm hello to me as I first got out of my car, and as they were riding their bike :) (Will add the Tweets below to my related blog post for today - also in Tweet): 

The #CoronavirusPandemic has still closed the #UnitarianUniversalistChurchofBerkeley (in Kensington) Enjoying this conversation with #UUMinister Paul Sawyer https://youtu.be/jmsWXa5D-As blogged abt http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2020/10/spicebush-swallowtail.html?m=0… & re #Quakers among #Unitarians re #RealisticVirtualHarbin too!




How's your day going, and how was your weekend? And what did you think of UU Rev. Paul Sawyer's video if you saw it? 

Love, Scott


Hi Scott,

Thanks for the beautiful photo of your back yard and view.  Wow.  I think I would eat all my meals out there - and read and meditate and do yoga.  It’s quite incredible.  Your photos of the Unitarian Church are nice too.  Looks like a simple and inviiting place; now to get past covid!  Hopw the packing and moving continue to go well.  Will be nice to have that all resolved and to know you’re resettled.

Had a nice day at McConnell’s Mlls State Park.  Met Chris there for a picnic and a walk.  We stayed masked and distanced, although many people there did not.  

Glad your lesson on Thursday went well.

Love, Ma


Scott MacLeod new Arlington Blvd view SF Bay and Golden Gate Bridge as the weather clears 4 October 2020 moved in 10/1.jpg


HI Ma, 

Thanks so much for your email! It's nice to hear from you. It's nice eating outside too here ... although there's too much sun right now for example for reading ... yet centering life out there on the garden patio could be good too ... 

Just renamed this picture with a little history too 
Scott MacLeod new Arlington Blvd view SF Bay and Golden Gate Bridge as the weather clears 4 October 2020 moved in 10/1.jpg

May head up to Canyon in the afternoon - to further clean and move, since I have the key until Nov 5 ... (can think of a few further things to do ... and get )

Sounds great; "Mad a nice day at McConnell’s Mills State Park.  Met Chris there for a picnic and a walk.  We stayed masked and distanced, although many people there did not." Nice to have such a great UU friend too ... did you see either the big waterfall or the large wooden house here - https://www.google.com/maps/place/McConnells+Mill+State+Park/@40.9522482,-80.1701361,15z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0xdd726bbb62dd21ff!8m2!3d40.9522482!4d-80.1701361 ... ?

Going to play a little bagpipes, record a little too, and prepare from Monday's News, Q&A and Livestream at 10 am PT too ... in addition to sending Minutes ... 

.... beginning to revisit a Piobaireachd MacKintosh's Banner ... Taylor's second Piobaireachd for this Thursday .... :)

Love, Scott

- Scott MacLeod - Founder, President & Professor

- World University and School

- 415 480 4577

- CC World University and School - like CC Wikipedia with best STEM-centric CC OpenCourseWare - incorporated as a nonprofit university and school in California, and is a U.S. 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt educational organization. 

* * *

idea for Spicebush swallowtail from Nick Seaver ... 

Haunted Nick Seaver





Haunted Nick Seaver


there’s a lepidopterist drag name for you




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