Channel: Scott MacLeod's Anthropology of Information Technology & Counterculture
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Tabebuia roseo-alba: Seeking to develop a 'rockin''Computer Gaming' track to the EECS undergraduate Bachelor's major, in addition to the "WUaS Home Robotics" track in the General Engineering Bachelor's degree major (all beginning in January with verified edX courses) ... In what ways could this 'Computer Gaming' track in EECS at WUaS help to create a realistic virtual earth for robotics in the General Engineering major even? :) * And what would be great online information technology tracks (comparable to "Computer Gaming" in EECS, and "WUaS Home Robotics" in General Engineering - and both regarding a single realistic virtual earth?) in -English -History -General Science -Business * * * On with: -Scottish small pipes' album, -next poetry book, -UC Berkeley tourism studies' talk



Seeking to develop a 'rockin''Computer Gaming' track to the EECS undergraduate Bachelor's major at WUaS ...

Electrical Engineering and Computer Science


Introduction to EECS II: Digital Communication Systems


Tabebuia roseo-alba: Seeking to develop 'rockin' #WUaSComputerGaming track in EECS free undergrad Bachelor's major @WorldUnivAndSch, in addition to #WUaSHomeRobotics' track in WUaS Gen. Engineering major (beginning in January with verified edX courses) https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2020/10/tabebuia-roseo-alba.html ~










Dear Universitians, 

The video recording for today's WUaS News, Q&A, Livestream didn't work out today with Jitsi ... 


Emailed this this morning ... 

Dear Universitians, 

In about 40 minutes (via Jitsi into the WUaS Youtube Livestream) - 

WUaS News Q&A Livestream M 10/12/20 10a PT i) Agenda for 10/17 open Monthly Business Meeting ii) edX-WUaS  Partnering https://youtube.com/user/WorldUnivandSch/live    
-https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2020/09/vaquita-phocoena-sinus-minutes-for-19.html To talk with & take part: info@ worlduniversityandschool.org
@WUaSPress @WorldUnivAndSch~


Glad to have received a dollar amount from edX for WUaS partnering with edX Online Campus: unlimited course enrollments for 50 WUaS students for $17,450 for one term (January - April 2021) which money WUaS will now seek to fundraise for (and eventually seek as reimbursements from nation states' and counties' departments of education), and as WUaS seeks to build to MIT VALUE online degrees. So WUaS continues to seek 50-400 students for January to take verified edX courses (which edX said they would help with in terms of outreach too)

Regarding our WUaS 6 majors - EECS, Gen. Science, Gen. Engineering, English, History, Business - initially, and for undergraduates, WUaS is exploring offering a hands-on online Computer Gaming track in our EECS major, and with edX courses. (SEE BELOW)

Open Monthly Business Meeting this Saturday October 17, 2020 at 9am Pacific Time - please let me know if you'd like to join this conversation.  

Cheers, Scott

Computer Gaming track in WUaS's EECS major? 

In thinking about MIT OCW-centric World Univ & Sch's EECS major, and Theo's interest in a Computer Gaming degree, I came across this Harvardx edX course - 

CS50's Introduction to Game Development

- after going to Berkeley City College's "Animation and Game Design" degree, and looking at their course requirements - 



Required Core Courses — for all Multimedia Arts A.A. Degrees

Introduction to Digital Art
Video Production I: Introduction to Video
Introduction to Game Design
Introduction to Web Design and Lab

Core Electives

Design Thinking
Scriptwriting and Storyboarding
Fundamentals of Graphic Visualization and Lab Contemporary Color and Lab
Multimedia Career Preparation
Introduction to Photoshop and Lab
Social Media Marketing and Data Analytics and Lab
Occupational Work Experience in Multimedia Arts

Required Major Courses

Drawing for Animation
Introduction to 2D Animation
Introduction to 3D Animation
Introduction to 3D Modeling

Major Electives

Beginning Figure Drawing: Anatomy
History of Animation
Intermediate 2D Animation
2D Digital Animation
Introduction to Photoshop and Lab
Introduction to Motion Graphics
Introduction to Game Scripting
Animation and Game Studio Practice
Animation and Game Studio Practice 1

AND then finding too in the EECS department at Oregon State University this 

Computer Science Option: Simulation and Game Programming

- with these requirements - 

CS 450 (Intro to Computer Graphics)
CS 419 (ST/Virtual & Augmented Reality)
CS 457 (Computer Graphics Shaders)
CS 458 (Introduction to Information Visualization)
CS 475 (Intro to Parallel Programming)
CS 491 (Intro to Game Programming)
CS 492 (Mobile Software Development) – cannot be combined with CS 496
CS 493 (Cloud Application Development) – cannot be combined with CS 496
PH 211 and PH 221* (General Physics with Calculus I)
PH 212 and PH 222* (General Physics with Calculus II)
CS 331 (Intro to Artificial Intelligence)
CS 434 (Machine Learning & Data Mining)
MTH 254 (Vector Calculus I)

Seems like World Univ & Sch could develop a Computer Gaming track within our EECS major - and with a hands' on focus (and even per old hippy too MIT Professor Woodie Flowers' thinking, including about robotics ...)

Would students be interested in particular in the edX Computer Gaming course with the Harvard professor? 

Last weeks' WUaS News, Q&A, Livestream 10/5/20
WUaS News Q&A 10/5/20 - FURTHER Partnering with edX, RESEARCH & an Online Campus in a virtual earth

MIT Professor Woodie Flowers - 

(Larry Viehland, did you know Woodie Flowers when you were an undergraduate student at MIT in the late 1960s?) 

- Scott MacLeod - Founder, President & Professor

- World University and School

- 415 480 4577

- CC World University and School - like CC Wikipedia with best STEM-centric CC OpenCourseWare - incorporated as a nonprofit university and school in California, and is a U.S. 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt educational organization. 

. . . 

From previous 'WUaS LiveStream News Q & A' thread on 10/12/20 ... 


And what would be great online information technology tracks (comparable to "Computer Gaming" in EECS, and "WUaS Home Robotics" in General Engineering - and both regarding a single realistic virtual earth?) in 



General Science



* * *

October 9, 2020

Good morning, Ma!

Very clear morning below the clouds re seeing the orange Golden Gate Bridge, and newly the new Bay Bridge, with it's beautiful white mast+like and rigging architecture ... But not the Sutro tower above SF (DUE TO CLOUDS ABOVE) And so many landmasses across the Bay ...

Seemed to have lost an email I sent yesterday (which said it had been sent by this account) ... about saying hi to 'Hey-Zeus' the gardener ...

$395 on the Toyota Palo Alto estimate and $83 in the end ... But car is still at risk re stolen key, with nothing Toyota Palo Alto can do about it.

How's your day going and what are you up to this weekend?

Love, Scott 


October 12, 2020

Scott MacLeod

2:48 PM (0 minutes ago)

to Jane

Hi Ma,

How are you? And how's your day going? Was really nice to talk to you last night (from in front of the UU church).

Am also really really enjoying the rye full-grain bread Ed brought over yesterday (and am thinking of it as a house-warming gift even).

Ed and I had a nice home-made meal too ... out on the garden patio on an amazing afternoon!

On with:  

Scottish small pipes' album - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2020/02/western-honey-bee-re-my-upcoming-honey.html

poetry book - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2020/10/scarlet-ibis-light-float-sit-watsu.html

and UC Berkeley tourism studies' talk :) - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2020/08/japanese-honeysuckle-beginning-virtual.html 

... and with big educational project (am seeking to develop a 'rockin''Computer Gaming' track to the EECS undergraduate Bachelor's major) - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2020/10/tabebuia-roseo-alba.html 

What are you up to this week?

(Glad I'm in this 'safe house' for the time being, which I mentioned to Ed too - and to Peter B in Bremen, to whom I wrote that it might be temporary too!) 

Time to go on a long walk up a fairly steep hill later this afternoon :) 

And would like to go traveling beyond this ... Hmm ... (and Harbin.org is open, even if the media says most organizations medically would benefit from closing due to coronavirus cover-19 pandemic)

Can see the 3 bridges (Golden Gate Bridge, Bay Bridge, and Richmond Bridge) presently on a hazy clear day :)

Love, Scott




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