Channel: Scott MacLeod's Anthropology of Information Technology & Counterculture
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Bayberry (Myrica gale): 10/17/20 Minutes for World University & School’s Monthly Business Meeting AND Minutes for WUaS Corporation / WUaS Press Board Meeting

Next: Northern white cedar (Thuja occidentalis): Angela & Victor Yoga in the Google Cardboard mask, slipping your smartphone in, and then, after the class, ~ to head on to visit Virtual Harbin Hot Onsen ~ http://tinyurl.com/p62rpcg ~ https://twitter.com/hashtag/VirtualHarbin?src=hashtag_click ~ or the Eftalou Hamam Hot Spring near your Eftalou, Lesvos, Greece, near Molyvos, Yoga Hall (this too) in digital masks for inner body embodiment bathtub meditation explorations * * How about bath tub yoga? * * Hippy Anjali Yoga Notations ~ http://www.scottmacleod.com/yoganotations.html ~ * * * As I was watching newly an Angela & Victor Yoga video class from Greece, and bagpiping-wise, it occurs to me that I'd like to record the Piobaireachd "The Company's Lament," - as a kind of teaching even - and send it to Taylor before tomorrow's lesson when he's doing an e-recital of same piece. We're getting into learning performance :)

Dear World Universitians, and friends,

Here are 10/17/20 WUaS open Monthly Business Meeting Minutes.

World Univ & Sch is developing toward free-to-students' online best STEM CC-4 OpenCourseWare-centric universities and degrees in all ~200 countries - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Nation_States - and wiki schools for open teaching and learning in all 7,117 known living languages, accessible from - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Languages. Thank you too for your generous contributions to World Univ & Sch.

And here and attached are the Minutes for October 17, 2020 Minutes for 1) World Univ & Sch's Monthly Business Meeting, & 2) the WUaS Corp:


I'm also posting the MBM Minutes in the body of this email for the vision impaired.

The next OPEN WUaS Monthly Business Meeting is on Sat., November 21, 2020, at 9 am PT (and please email info@worlduniversityandschool.org if you'd like to participate with your ideas, questions, suggestions or thoughts),

Sincerely, Scott


- https://twitter.com/WorldUnivAndSch


- https://twitter.com/WUaSPress




World University and School



WUaS is partnering with edX for verified courses for $17,450 for 50 students, for unlimited enrollments, for 1 year. 

WUaS is seeking 50-400 students beginning in January, is seeking to fundraise, and to develop relationships with nation states' departments of education, their states and their counties' departments of education in all ~200 countries, for courses first in English, then in countries' main and official languages.


WUaS is seeking a coder or programmer perhaps from Google itself, to develop the WUaS G Suite for Education for our WUaS matriculating undergraduate program this January 2021, as well as for planning for reimbursement from all ~200 countries (and even, brainstorming-wise for coding for all 7.8 billion people on planet). 


WUaS Medical Schools online

WUaS will consider these 4 items at a future monthly business meeting, or similar, since WUaS is planning for our online Medical Schools in all ~200 countries' official and main languages to begin in 4 years, after matriculating our first accrediting undergraduate Bachelors' degree class, then Ph.D. class, then  Law class.


WUaS in WUaS Miraheze MediaWiki (with Wikidata as a back end structured knowledge database)

It looks like WUaS wiki users, teachers and learners can newly develop an end user ID by editing a page, which may lead to WUaS being able to plan for and code for 7.8 billion secure user IDs for WUaS wiki teachers and learners at You at WUaS - - eventually up to an estimated 11 billion, for all people on the planet in the next 100 years.

WUaS is expanding and developing additional majors, to complement our existing planned majors of EECS, Gen. Science, Gen. Engineering, English, History, Business - initially, and for undergraduates. 

In addition, and newly with edX verified courses, WUaS is seeks  to offer engaging and relevant tracks within majors, such as a 'WUaS Computer Gaming' track in our EECS major, and a WUaS Home Robotics' track with our General Engineering major.

The WUaS Corporation / WUaS Press


The WUaS Corporation - http://worlduniversityandschool.org/AcademicPress.html - seeks to create 2.2 million jobs, in our actual-virtual, physical-digital 'big box,' medium-sized box, and small boxes' retail WUaS Educational Services Stores for books, computers, robotics, and hospital technologies + - with some cafes for food - in all ~200 countries' universities, and in all 7,117 known living languages; (and World University and School seeks too to create an enormous numbers of faculty careers, and in all ~200 universities, and 7,117 known living languages) - so on both wings, and see - https://worlduniversityandschool.blogspot.com/2020/04/15-planned-wuas-revenue-streams-both.html.


WUaS seeks 'officially' to begin to sell WUaS Lego robotics - http://worlduniversityandschool.org/AcademicPress.html - in other countries, besides the USA, and both online and on-the-ground, in combination with our WUaS-edX roll out.


WUaS seeks to proceed with facilitating a single cryptocurrency distributed via UBI experiments in most of all of ~200 countries - to alleviate poverty - and with Wikidata PIN #s for all 7.8 billion wiki teachers and learners.


WUaS seeks to develop an IT platform and for WUaS Educational Services' Store 

- http://worlduniversityandschool.org/AcademicPress.html - and for students and Universities, for example, also to be able buy and sell their own textbooks too in a kind of open market place. WUaS seeks  to collaborate with Google in this in our WUaS-edX roll out.







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