How soon will we see an #AgingReversal#WUaSAgingReversal drug announced like this above flux of the vote counts of the #USNationalElection ? Develop in & Publish from a single #RealisticVirtualEarthForGenetics ? ~
— WUaSPress (@WUaSPress) November 4, 2020
How soon will we see an #AgingReversal#WUaSAgingReversal drug announced like above flux of vote counts of the #USNationalElection ? Develop in & Publish from a single #ActualVirtual#RealisticVirtualEarthForGenetics ?
— WorldUnivandSch (@WorldUnivAndSch) November 4, 2020
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Developing further the WUaS Corporation, and to explore distributing a single cryptocurrency via Universal Basic Income experiments:
UBI experiments to alleviate poverty worldwide, and to distribute a single cryptocurrency, backed by most central banks, and to some of all 7.8 billion people on the planet, each a Wikidata Q-item # or similar Wikidata Pin #, (and re WUaS Universitians as wiki teachers and learners in all ~200 countries and in all 7,117 known living languages) and this could emerge from California and from this WUaS Corporation ...
Sincerely, Scott
Scott MacLeod -
World Univ and Sch Twitter -
Languages - World Univ -
WUaS Press -
“Naked Harbin Ethnography” book (in Academic Press at WUaS) -
OpenBand (Berkeley) -
* * *
Newspapers of record
"The presidential contest was still undecided Wednesday night, even after Joe Biden won Michigan and Wisconsin. Races in Nevada, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, and Georgia were close, and the Trump campaign prepared legal challenges."
Really nice to talk < Ma !