Channel: Scott MacLeod's Anthropology of Information Technology & Counterculture
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Himalayan Musk Rose (Rosa brunanii): As beautiful #ClassicalIndianMusic comes thru #modernity, to #internetity, in #MediaCreated #covid19 pandemic, to further #GeneticEngineering, what new #WUaSanthropology #AmericanCulturalArtForms will emerge post #GroupVideo in #RealisticVirtualHarbin #VirtualSoaking @HarbinBook? * * * Blockchain DNA (at atom & cell levels)? * * * MIT: "Thinking with Microbes - a seminar series on infection, disease and finitude" * * Where could a genetic historian find all the evidence & data, scientifically & legally, for #SARSCoV2 #covid19 in all 200 countries' labs, medical systems, & navigating these nation states' ~200 languages & scientific practices? Add this to 1 #RealisticVirtualEarthForGenetics? * * * To online MD Psychiatry at @WorldUnivAndSch https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Psychiatry planned in each of all ~200 countries' Univs. * "@StanfordPSY's @_Roberts_Laura & editorial board colleagues from @AcadMedJournal share their perspective on reporting guidelines to promote ongoing dialogue on the subject: https://bit.ly/2U0CrcX"

Previous: Ponerorchis: How to build #LegoRobotics in #WeDo2 with #Scratch3? I enjoyed #LegoWeDo2 tutorials & block programming language, but am also seeking some edX intro #WUaSLegoRobotics courses @WorldUnivAndSch * * * Planning to code for all 7.8 billion people on planet, each a Wikidata Q-item #, as WUaS wiki teachers and learners re free people-to-people universal education, in all 200 countries and 7000 living languages, or Wikidata Pin #, and even UBI experiments to DISTRIBUTE a single cryptocurrency backed by most central banks, and mineable to alleviate poverty :) * * Am curious whether USA manufactured isolation or insulation re Covid-19 quarantine is leading to remarkable advances in genetic engineering, and how might one study this, online even and anthropologically? * * What algorithms are selecting this music on the iHeartRadio App for a kind of bliss quality ... and even regarding a small part of Nick Seaver's anthropological research? * * * Hi Ethridges, Gilberts, Harveys, Janie Kirkbride Brown MacLeod, All, re family genealogy * * * "The Allman Brothers Band ‎– Live At The Atlanta International Pop Festival July 3 & 5, 1970" ... And I'm guessing the amazing guitar player Duane Allman, from Florida and a hippy, was playing (since he died in October '71 ). A lot of freedom at these concerts! * * * Such beautiful #ClassicalIndianMusic comes thru time to bring Indians TOGETHER as ritual~ #Bollywood ~thru #modernity, & #internetity In Media-created #covid19 pandemic, to further #GeneticEngineering, what new #WUaSanthropology #AmericanCulturalArtForms emerge in #GroupVideo?

Such beautiful #ClassicalIndianMusic comes thru time to bring Indians TOGETHER as ritual~ #Bollywood ~thru #modernity, & #internetity In Media-created #covid19 pandemic, to further #GeneticEngineering, what new #WUaSanthropology #AmericanCulturalArtForms emerge in #GroupVideo?



Such beautiful #ClassicalIndianMusic comes thru time to bring Indians TOGETHER as ritual~ #Bollywood ~thru #modernity, & #internetity In Media-created #covid19 pandemic, to further #GeneticEngineering, what new #WUaSanthropology #AmericanCulturalArtForms emerge in #GroupVideo?









As beautiful #ClassicalIndianMusic comes thru #modernity, to #internetity, in #MediaCreated #covid19 pandemic, to further #GeneticEngineering, what new #WUaSanthropology #AmericanCulturalArtForms will emerge post #GroupVideo in #RealisticVirtualHarbin #VirtualSoaking @HarbinBook?







* * * 

Blockchain DNA (at atom & cell levels)? "George Church’s genetics on the blockchain startup just raised $4.3 million from Khosla"https://techcrunch.com/2018/08/29/george-churchs-genetics-on-the-blockchain-startup-just-raised-4-3-million-from-khosla/"With startup, George Church bets cryptocurrency will boost genome sequencing" https://www.statnews.com/2018/02/07/george-church-cryptocurrency-genome-sequencing/ ? #WUaSBlockchainLedger ~





* * * 

MIT: Thinking with Microbes - a seminar series on infection, disease and finitude



A question for Heather & Celia: first of all, thank you again for this excellent conversation! If scientists, anthropologists, and researchers begin to blockchain microbes (see George Church video & Tweets below) and viruses for further study re security (of blockchains) at cellular and atomic levels, including block chaining genomics for privacy in reproduction - how might we best begin to study this socioculturally (in the context of ‘internality,’ that is analytically post ‘modernity,’ and post ‘postmodernity’ - as conditions) as context informing the finitude of Covid-19, for ex.?


blockchain - 

George Church - The Future of Humanity | Xapiens Symposium


privacy - 

We are excited to be launching safeM8, the first and only privacy-preserving app that allows you to check genetic compatibility for severe inherited conditions with your romantic partners. 


re the above privacy post on Prof Church's feed -



Thinking with Microbes - a seminar series on infection, disease and finitude

Centre for Invention and Social Process, Goldsmiths, University of London

Speakers: Celia Lowe and Heather Paxson

Chaired by Bryan Lim & Marsha Rosengarten

Prevailing ideas around the autonomous self are being revised in the field of biology. No longer framed as the study of self-contained entities, biology increasingly appreciates ‘individual’ animals as organised multispecies consortias living in symbiotic commune. This ecological shift in the biological sciences is also paralleled by a similar turn to the ‘non-human’ in the social sciences and humanities, and can be seen more specifically in the work of scholars affiliated with philosophical Posthumanism and other related and cognate fields such as human-animal studies, political ecology, new materialisms and multispecies ethnography. Focusing on human entanglements and dependencies with insects (Beisel, Kelly, & Tousignant, 2013; Raffles, 2010), dogs (Haraway, 2008; Kohn, 2007), meerkats (Candea, 2010), forests (Kohn, 2013), plants (Hustak & Myers, 2012) and matsutake mushrooms (Tsing, 2015), scholars have interrogated anthropocentrism by illustrating the myriad of ways in which the world we inhabit and what we are, only comes-into-being through multispecies engagements. Anthropologist and multispecies scholar, Stefan Helmreich (2014), proposes for example, that the human, Homo sapien be reconceptualised as Homo microbis, a fleshy assemblage co-produced with and through messy entanglements with our more-than-human microbial companions whom we share the world with.

As a means of thinking through the pragmatics of being kin with more-than-human others, such research has thus far tended to focus on commensal or at the very least, non-lethal others as a means of illustrating symbiotic relations that challenges the idea of human exceptionalism and atomistic self-sufficiency. From helminths to gut bacteria to palm trees and sheep, living with these more-than-human others may be problematic and inconvenient at times, but very rarely do they pose a direct threat to human life. Yet, the recent emergence of COVID-19 raises a different set of questions related to finitude - both for the virus, and for us humans. What might it mean to embrace an ‘unloved’ and ‘unloving’ other, if doing so also simultaneously threatens to obliterate one’s very own existence? Faced with a lethal and omnipresent microbe, how do we reckon with the kinds of biopolitical and microbiopolitical calculations needed to reassemble modern life? Is the eradication and/or elimination of such unfavourable microbes the only way forward? Untethered from the drive towards eradication, what then might microbes and infectious diseases have to teach us about different ways of wading through viral clouds, uncertain episto-ontological projects and proliferating utopian and apocalyptic futures?

FAHE's November Event: Quakers, Social Work and Justice Concerns

Scott MacLeod sgkmacleod@worlduniversityandschool.org

AttachmentsWed, Nov 18, 5:45 PM (19 hours ago)
to paxson
Hi Heather, 

Thank you for your excellent talk this morning - https://twitter.com/MITanthropology/status/1329097282604527617?s=20. I'm putting the question I asked in the chat at its close here and below 

If scientists, anthropologists, and researchers begin to blockchain microbes (see George Church video & Tweets below) and virus for further study re security (of blockchains) at cellular and atomic levels, including block chaining genomics for privacy in reproduction - how might we best begin to study this socioculturally (in the context of ‘internality,’ that is analytically post ‘modernity,’ and post ‘postmodernity’ - as conditions) as context informing the finitude of Covid-19, for ex.?

(Am thinking a little bit in terms of a realistic virtual earth for genetics - https://twitter.com/hashtag/RealisticVirtualEarthForGenetics?src=hashtag_click - in 1 single #RealisticVirtualEarth for everything - https://twitter.com/search?q=%23RealisticVirtualEarth&src=typed_query - and regarding my actual-virtual Harbin Hot Springs' ethnographic project ~ http://tinyurl.com/p62rpcg ~ https://twitter.com/HarbinBook ~ http://bit.ly/HarbinBook ~ ).

Do you know about this? (I'm guessing you may be Quaker Friendly, but if I'm wrong, please ignore this:). 

Friendly regards, 
CC-4 MIT OCW-centric wiki worlduniversityandschool.org (planned in ~200 countries as major online free-to-students' universities, and in their official / main languages, as well as in 7,117 known living languages as wiki schools for open teaching and learning)

Question in - 
Thinking with Microbes - a seminar series on infection, disease and finitude

A question for Heather & Celia: first of all, thank you again for this excellent conversation! If scientists, anthropologists, and researchers begin to blockchain microbes (see George Church video & Tweets below) and virus for further study re security (of blockchains) at cellular and atomic levels, including block chaining genomics for privacy in reproduction - how might we best begin to study this socioculturally (in the context of ‘internality,’ that is analytically post ‘modernity,’ and post ‘postmodernity’ - as conditions) as context informing the finitude of Covid-19, for ex.?

blockchain (I think he talks about the block chain for DNA here, but I couldn't find it again when I listened today, so it may be in another video of his) -
George Church - The Future of Humanity | Xapiens Symposium

privacy -
We are excited to be launching safeM8, the first and only privacy-preserving app that allows you to check genetic compatibility for severe inherited conditions with your romantic partners.

re the above privacy post on Prof Church's feed -


Hi, Heather, 

"Internetity" is what I intended in my email yesterday (but auto-correct mistyped this), and per 
“Gazing at the Box: Tourism in the Context of the Internet and Globalization (Internetity)” 

Friendly regards, Scott
CV: https://goo.gl/JZheSb

Please check out the Anthropology label in my daily blog - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/search/label/Anthropology - with much brainstorming, and many ideas, about a new social theory I'm developing, 'ethno-wiki-virtual-world-graphy' ...  https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/search/label/ethno-wiki-virtual-world-graphy ... and eventually with machine learning and AI as well. 

* * 

Where could a genetic historian find all the evidence & data, scientifically & legally, for #SARSCoV2 #covid19 in all 200 countries' labs, medical systems, & navigating these nation states' ~200 languages & scientific practices? Add this to 1 #RealisticVirtualEarthForGenetics?



Where could a genetic historian find all the EVIDENCE & DATA, scientifically & legally, for #SARSCoV2 #covid19 in all 200 countries' labs, medical systems, & navigating these nation states' ~200 languages & scientific practices? Add this to 1 #RealisticVirtualEarthForGenetics?



Where could a genetic historian find all the #EVIDENCE & #covid19DATA, scientifically & legally, for #SARSCoV2 in all 200 countries' labs, medical systems, & navigating these nation states' ~200 languages & scientific practices? Add this to 1 #RealisticVirtualEarthForGenetics?



* * *

To online MD Psychiatry at @WorldUnivAndSch https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Psychiatry planned in each of all ~200 countries' Univs. https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Nation_States& in all 7,117 living languages too - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Languages? Online Psychoanalysis too https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Psychoanalysis /Psychotherapy /Counseling? 



Stanford Psychiatry @StanfordPSY

"@StanfordPSY's @_Roberts_Laura & editorial board colleagues from @AcadMedJournal share their perspective on reporting guidelines to promote ongoing dialogue on the subject: https://bit.ly/2U0CrcX"









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