Free speech
Hi David,
Any interest in this
HAPPENING TODAY at 12pm PT/3pm ET: a conversation with former fellow
@macfound president @jpalfrey
@nytimes' @ceciliakang
on how the new administration should protect #freespeech in our #digital world. https://us02web.zoom. us/webinar/register/WN_ S3pr2oWGQhmvd_1C5spHOg ucfreespeechctr/status/ 1336704278895841281?s=20 ?
@macfound president @jpalfrey
@nytimes' @ceciliakang
on how the new administration should protect #freespeech in our #digital world. https://us02web.zoom.
HAPPENING TODAY at 12pm PT/3pm ET: a conversation with former fellow @rmack, @macfound president @jpalfrey and @nytimes'@ceciliakang on how the new administration should protect #freespeech in our #digital world.
— UC Free Speech Center (@ucfreespeechctr) December 9, 2020
It's happening in 20 minutes.
Fond regards,
Scott MacLeod - scottmacleod
World Univ and Sch Twitter - WorldUnivandSch
Languages - World Univ - sgkmacleod
WUaS Press - WUaSPress
“Naked Harbin Ethnography” book (in Academic Press at WUaS) - HarbinBook
OpenBand (Berkeley) - TheOpenBand
World Univ and Sch Twitter -
Languages - World Univ -
WUaS Press -
“Naked Harbin Ethnography” book (in Academic Press at WUaS) -
OpenBand (Berkeley) -
Hi Scott,
Thanks. I was flat out with work today. Hope you enjoyed it.
Hi David,
You sound busy! Nice to hear from you too.
Glad too to have heard this conversation on free speech. Am an appreciator of Rebecca MacKinnon's and John Palfrey's thinking :)
I think it may have been recorded. Rebecca I think said it was going to be. Too bad Cecilia Kang dropped at the the last minute. It would be interesting to view again - I may - with formulating specific questions about implications of free speech and internet platforms beforehand - since most current questions, legally and societally (and partly regarding the course I teach - http:// InfoTechNetworkSocGlobalUniv. html) would be answered in the conversation.
They got to most of the audience questions, but not mine -
What are some of the implications of free speech in this digital world, and the upcoming Biden administration, in all ~200 countries, and in their official / main languages, and regarding developing law? Thank you, Scott (World Univ & Sch is planning online law schools in all ~200 countries ~ https://wiki. wiki/World_University_Law_ School - - WorldUnivAndSch)
New Scottish Small Piping album 'Honey in the Bag' emerging on the helpful free to musicians' Bandcamp platform -
Are you playing guitar these days at home? :)
* *
Hi Ma,
How are you?
Just added 2 further tunes to my developing Scottish Small Pipes' album bringing the number to 14 out of probably 38 tunes -
https:// scottmacleodhoneyinthebagscott ishsmallpipesbagpiping.
It's a creative process, and interesting goal to make an album, and record & add these tunes too, and they sound nice, and I'm learning and playing more as I go. For the elation, heightened, musical aspect, I'm aiming to play them at the upper end of these tempo ranges -
https://scott-macleod. honey-bee-re-my-upcoming- honey.html - and except for the jigs so far (120 bpm is upper end) which I played at 108 bpm (lower end) I've been playing them fairly up-tempo. (TEMPO is a little GOAL re items 2 & 3 GuidelinesPracticingMusicalIns trument.htm). And I've already taken private lessons with Connor Sinclair earlier this year, per item 1 - and at some point I'll return to these lesson video recordings. I'm focusing a bit further too on concentration per item 4 in a new way. All these items are helpful thinking points re playing music in general and as I develop my album.
Will play a little Piobaireachd this evening, and in preparation for giving a lesson tomorrow.
Glad to be making progress but in developing 200 ONLINE medical schools in collaborating with Project ECHO in New Mexico / Stanford, and my educational project.
Glad too to have heard the conversation on free speech. Am an appreciator of Rebecca MacKinnon's and John Palfrey's thinking :) did you hear this?
Heading out for a walk soon ... Did you get out today?
I may circle around to these Guidelines (which I wrote) in a whole different vein -
Guidelines for Practicing Loving Bliss v-a-v a Musical Instrument
Love, Scott
Hi Ma,
Good to talk! I'm missing friend and Lacanian Psychiatrist George Alexander MD's conversation, from which I learned. Am whistle-blowing in an ongoing way about the SF Quaker Meeting, and potentially the illegal sex trade ... as potentially sad and tragic as this might be. Was David Matchett co-opted too (his brother died not too long ago) ... and the last day I was there some years ago, I think Trader Joe's was somehow involved in the time after meeting, when a ploy to exploit kids may have been happening. Whether to boycott TJs ... Am curious to try to navigate ethics apart from J'ethics ... and while it may not be easy, networking in other ways could have much merit in these regards too. Even the conversation between John Palfrey and Rebecca MacKinnon, when John mentioned becoming trickier twice early in the conversation, raised my ethical antennae re the illegal sex trade, unfortunately, and while when I whistle-blew about the SF Quaker Meeting loudly some years ago (albeit I didn't call the SF police - and I should have in retrospect now, after calling the Moraga police this summer), I cited a Boston Globe article about what I whistle blew about which he had posted on his Twitter feed at the time, written by 5 authors.
Boycotting, and networking in new directions, can have merit ... am appreciative of the role of culture too in regards to ethics, and ethics in regards to culture ... whether it be UU, Quaker (both with a kind of Christian focus, but unprogrammed in the latter sense) or Yogic (Angela?) or individually philosophical ...or Lacanian, or meditation oriented re individualism ... just some thoughts (and further ethical whistle-blowing ... ) as I seek to grow my big projects ...
You might enjoy my email to David Thurston below ... re changing this focus (or re a kind of compartmentalization, a George word ... and regarding becoming more sophisticated too, an idea I learned from George as well). I find writing, conversation (and playing music at times can help) as well ... and friendship especially.
Love, Scott
Free speech
Hi David,
Any interest in this
HAPPENING TODAY at 12pm PT/3pm ET: a conversation with former fellow
@macfound president @jpalfrey
@nytimes' @ceciliakang
on how the new administration should protect #freespeech in our #digital world. https://us02web.zoom. us/webinar/register/WN_ S3pr2oWGQhmvd_1C5spHOg ucfreespeechctr/status/ 1336704278895841281?s=20 ?
@macfound president @jpalfrey
@nytimes' @ceciliakang
on how the new administration should protect #freespeech in our #digital world. https://us02web.zoom.
It's happening in 20 minutes.
Fond regards,
Scott MacLeod - scottmacleod
World Univ and Sch Twitter - WorldUnivandSch
Languages - World Univ - sgkmacleod
WUaS Press - WUaSPress
“Naked Harbin Ethnography” book (in Academic Press at WUaS) - HarbinBook
OpenBand (Berkeley) - TheOpenBand
World Univ and Sch Twitter -
Languages - World Univ -
WUaS Press -
“Naked Harbin Ethnography” book (in Academic Press at WUaS) -
OpenBand (Berkeley) -
Hi Scott,
Thanks. I was flat out with work today. Hope you enjoyed it.
Hi David,
You sound busy! Nice to hear from you too.
Glad too to have heard this conversation on free speech. Am an appreciator of Rebecca MacKinnon's and John Palfrey's thinking :)
I think it may have been recorded. Rebecca I think said it was going to be. Too bad Cecilia Kang dropped at the the last minute. It would be interesting to view again - I may - with formulating specific questions about implications of free speech and internet platforms beforehand - since most current questions, legally and societally (and partly regarding the course I teach - http:// InfoTechNetworkSocGlobalUniv. html) would be answered in the conversation.
They got to most of the audience questions, but not mine -
What are some of the implications of free speech in this digital world, and the upcoming Biden administration, in all ~200 countries, and in their official / main languages, and regarding developing law? Thank you, Scott (World Univ & Sch is planning online law schools in all ~200 countries ~ https://wiki. wiki/World_University_Law_ School - worlduniversityandsch - WorldUnivAndSch)
New Scottish Small Piping album 'Honey in the Bag' emerging on the helpful free to musicians' Bandcamp platform -
Are you playing guitar these days at home? :)
Hi Ma,
I went out for a walk without my smartphone for the first time - since it was charging, and I wanted to experiment being without it, and re what information I might share unknowingly with the internet providers - and walked only for about a mile ... seeking to whistle-blow to end the harm (re illegal sex trade??? and SF Quaker Meeting... .... and the Meeting did nothing to address this ... ) too ... Potentially ... In the law, the role of the perpetrator is significant here ... And as you may have noticed in some emails, I continue to seek to develop online psychiatry for such issues and in collaboration with health organizations outside California even ... such as possibly Friends Hospital in Philadelphia ... Should I call the SF police at this stage about the crimes at the SF Quaker Meeting? It's probably too late ... But there's a lot of mental illness in the SF Quaker Meeting ... George, uniquely, may have had great thinking about such issues, in a way that his wife wouldn't curiously ...
Back to the hope I mentioned before ... re becoming more sophisticated ... and also re the law ... and what I wrote in my last email ...
Boycotting, and networking in new directions, can have merit ... am appreciative of the role of culture too in regards to ethics, and ethics in regards to culture ... whether it be UU, Quaker (both with a kind of Christian focus, but unprogrammed in the latter sense) or Yogic (Angela?) or individually philosophical ... or Lacanian thinking, or meditation oriented re individualism ... just some thoughts (and further ethical whistle-blowing ... ) as I seek to grow my big projects ...
You might enjoy my email to David Thurston below ... re changing this focus (or re a kind of compartmentalization, a George word ... and regarding becoming more sophisticated too, an idea I learned from George as well). I find writing, conversation (and playing music at times can help) as well ... and friendship especially.
Sending love, Scott
* *
Good morning, Ma! How are you?
. . .
As you observed some years ago, I'll know it, naturally, when I meet my life partner, - and does this pandemic make things more interesting? Or is it complicating too since it could go on for years to come?
Would love to bring a life partner 'home' (in video conferencing) for Xmas ... And the Swedish model regarding the covid-19 pandemic seems to un-complicate this scenario re today's headline -
"The Governor of the Riksbank warns of the climate threat: The economic risks of the climate crisis are getting closer, says Anna Breman" ... riksbankstopp-varnar-for- klimathotet-risker-som-kommer- allt-narmare/ (and see Obama article about Greta Thunberg's generation - re even risk assessment thinking, and that Anders Tegnell's popularity remains high maddysavage/status/ 1332597708620644352?s=19
(Swedish exceptionalism? ... and conditions that enhance trust – here defined as the perceived trustworthiness of an average individual ... Different from 'American exceptionalism') ... but I live in California ...
. . .
Glad to have heard from David
Thurston ... shall we invite him to an online Xmas? (Interesting that Anders Tegnell married a Dutch woman and they have 3 children - and re Swedish societal norms ...)
What are you up to this weekend, Ma ? Will you head over to Jean's? Appreciating your Pittsburgh sociality (in this media-storm which may be generated to 'clean things up'?)
Time to head back to sleep :)
Love, Scott
Glad to be giving a UC BERKELEY TSWG Anthropology talk Fr 12/18/2020 "Creating a realistic virtual earth for tourism and tourism studies with actual-virtual Harbin Hot Springs: A Case Study" http://tourismstudies. org/ @HarbinBook #RealisticVirtualHarbin in 1 #RealisticVirtualEarth ~
Glad to be giving a UC BERKELEY TSWG Anthropology talk Fr 12/18/2020 "Creating a realistic virtual earth for tourism and tourism studies with actual-virtual Harbin Hot Springs: A Case Study" in 1 #RealisticVirtualEarth ~
— (@scottmacleod) December 11, 2020
Hi Ma,
First time I've actually tried on the kilt socks - and on a slightly cloudy day (possibly good for pics) with the Golden Gate Bridge visible in the background, I put on my kilt (from 1975 or '76 or so!!!:), my vest, hose, and dress shoes, and just shot about 50 pics in a series for piping tracks for upcoming Scottish Small Pipes'"Honey in the Bag" album (possibly for each of the roughly 38 planned tracks).
The one I'm attaching is the most dynamic :)
Now I have to make them all at least 1400 x 1400 per Bandcamp requirements (so 1400 x 2100 pixels, per what comes out of the Photo Booth app, which I also auto-flipped, so images are no longer reversed ... https:// scottmacleodhoneyinthebagscott ishsmallpipesbagpiping. ... all a big experiment ...
Thanks so much for facilitating such a great repair of my kilt socks! When the 'old lady in the shoe-house' in Auckland, NZ, knit them in 24 or 48 hours (an amazing feat, so to write, from my perspective), I asked her to make them different lengths due to my differing leg lengths, and this most recent repair made them more similar in length, but still slightly different, all of which is great. Nice repair! Thank you!
Love, Scott
May even add the pic I'm sending you to - piping.htm :)
- Scott MacLeod - Founder, President & Professor
- World University and School
- 415 480 4577
- CC World University and School - like CC Wikipedia with best STEM-centric CC OpenCourseWare - incorporated as a nonprofit university and school in California, and is a U.S. 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt educational organization.