Channel: Scott MacLeod's Anthropology of Information Technology & Counterculture
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Raouché (Beirut, Lebanon): Developing further India languages & machine translation in communication with the Global Educators'Group Pune, India ... and regarding CC-4 MIT OCW courses in 22 Indian languages for free degrees and on edX platform too ... and re potentially the WUAS Press too - http://worlduniversityandschool.org/AcademicPress.html. * * * a PhD in cognitive science at WUaS - why are you interested in this? "I'm interested in join into Cognitive Science and EECS because of to solve the social problems by providing free and open Education in mother tongue" * * Prasanth, As we proceed, and since WUaS isn't licensed or accredited yet, but MIT is, please consider applying too for a Cognitive Science PhD program here https://bcs.mit.edu/ & https://bcs.mit.edu/apply-bcs (and also since MIT (correction)has faculty and WUaS doesn't yet) - and in combination with EECS https://www.eecs.mit.edu/ conceptually, and since this is close to what your undergraduate degree is in (and since this is Anant's dept and his colleagues) * * * Glad to have met Harvard Medical School's George Church, in a sense, in a Cal Tech video stream conference this morning ... Here's the question I asked the two presenters ... George Church & Magda Zernicka-Goetz ... regarding a single #RealisticVirtualEarthForGenetics * * *


Developing further India languages & machine translation in communication with the Global Educators'Group Pune,  India ... and regarding CC-4 MIT OCW courses in 22 Indian languages for free degrees and on edX platform too ... and re potentially the WUAS Press too - http://worlduniversityandschool.org/AcademicPress.html.


India languages & machine translation in a press (at @WUaSPress) - Video 

(2021-01-20 at 20:34 GMT-8)


* * * 

Hi Prasanth, 

Out of interest, why are you interested in a PhD in cognitive science, (if WUaS could develop this further from CC-4 MIT OCW) and regarding your interest in Tamil language World Univ & Sch even - in addition to your interest in EECS? (SEE TOO - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2021/01/deer-medicine-rocks.html)

For reading excellent books about the brain, I think, check out Sharon Begley's books (who is an alumna of excellent Yale University and remembered here by HARVARD & MIT Prof of Genetics' George Church -
https://twitter.com/geochurch/status/1351004473464909830?s=19 - who is developing amazingly aging reversal via genetic engineering.

Sincerely, Scott

Thanks, I'll check them out. 

I'm interested in join into Cognitive Science and EECS
because of to  solve the social problems by providing free and open Education in mother tongue.

I already enrolled in several courses on
edX, Coursera, Swayam


We need to provide slides and audio also in all regional languages.
Because it's important to concern the understanding of rural area students and students whose studied schools(10+2) in their regional language.

1. It's important to create a Technical terms based dictionaries for all Engineering departments first.
I know there are some dictionaries available but not effective.

We need to create a best one.
Which has the specifications with
 Easy accessibilty to persons with disabilities.
Each and every people( unliterates also) have the easy accessibilty to that.
By accurate voice search in all languages
2. If all knows the words for search and communication then it's easy to operate Artificial intelligence (https://www.edx.org/course/rhetoric-art-of-persuasive-writing-public-speaking?utm_campaign=edxmilestone&utm_medium=social&utm_source=linkedin)

Discussion on : 

1. How to we enhance the world to be open to all and develop the integrated Government for the Universe?

2. How to connect Libraries, Laboratories,            Universities, Museums, Industries...  Into a        integrated platform via internet?

3. Is it possible for Combine application futures like (edX+Coursera+Khan Academy) + TED + (Telegram+Signal) + Quora + Google Meet + Researcher + Mendeley + Google Maps + Google Calendar + Kormo Jobs + LinkedIn into a integrated platform at non-profit?



We started

 https://twitter.com/freeandopenedu?s=09 for Free and Open Education in Tamil Language

Join with us.

And we  further discuss about the study of Music. 
In Tamil Nadu or for Tamil Language music was one of the basic needs of the people.

Meet Mr. Ilayaraja's music

For my favourite lists : 


Dear Prasanth, 

Thanks so much for your email, and clarification about your interest in a Cognitive Science major. Thinking in terms of a Realistic Virtual Earth For Brain Science -  https://twitter.com/hashtag/RealisticVirtualEarthForBrainScience?src=hashtag_click (a plan and focus at WUaS - where a realistic virtual earth will become scientific laboratories, field sites and classrooms) - and in Tamil, and for solving social problems in Tamil Nadu and in India, I wonder how we at WUaS might focus our degrees further. Your engineering focus is very generative and when I read MIT OCW's https://ocw.mit.edu/courses/brain-and-cognitive-sciences/ - "To study its complexities, the Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology combines the experimental technologies of neurobiology, neuroscience, and psychology, with the theoretical power that comes from the fields of computational neuroscience and cognitive science."  - a key course resource here potentially, I see a focus on brain theory regarding cognitive science and a few courses below with a focus on language, eg acquisition. These MIT OCW courses are both at the graduate and undergraduate level, without very many in edX yet.

And when I read about the undergraduate neuroscience major and its courses at Reed College (where I went to school) - https://www.reed.edu/neuroscience/requirements.html - I see many basic science requirements (eg both chemistry and biology), some of which at Reed would have a laboratory component, which WUaS seeks to create newly in a single realistic virtual earth, but which may take a while to say the least - ie to study inside people's individual brains experimentally but virtually, and for example regarding language acquisition (eg of Tamil). 

(While all of this could be facilitated through the EECS engineering of a single realistic virtual earth for brains, in Tamil,- in brains' simulations with something like a Google Brain focus ... https://research.google/teams/brain/ ... and writing and publishing many scientific papers a year (and I know Google's Tom Dean there) and thus create many many careers, and a major online University in Tamil in Tamil Nadu online, as well as many Tamil language graduates with significant degrees - Bachelor, PhD, Law, MD and IB high school ... this is a decades' long project)

For you to develop the foundational knowledge in all of this too will be huge endeavor, especially since there are online 5 cognitive science courses at edX - https://www.edx.org/learn/cognitive-science - some in Japanese I think. 

And while I appreciate George Church's focus on George Church's focus on the brain and genes and aging reversal, I wonder if we might focus your EECS PhD with a cognitive science focus regarding the fascinating following science: 

Prof. George Church - The Project to Map the Human Brain

Dr. George Church — Brain healthspan extension

George Church - Cognition Genes. Aging Reversal. Lab-built Brain Components.

Dr. George Church — the BRAIN Project I/O & Human Genome Engineering

Please watch these videos, and see if you'd like to gain the foundational knowledge in order to start a Master's toward the PhD. 

George Church could be a great ally and professor in some of this, since he's very creative in his science (and as a MIT professor is a colleague of MIT Prof of EECS Anant Agarwal). Could you collaborate with Anant whose first language is Kannada (from Mangalore in Karnataka)?

Cheers, Scott



Again, let's come back to a GDocs'"model," for potential ease of integrating Google Translate for this - for slides and audio, and in all languages in India, and also the official & main languages in all ~200 countries/ 

Technical terms in GDocs' word, or GDocs' spreadsheet could become terms to train machine learning with, as new algorithms are written, and develop - eg for poetry and STEM.

If it's possible to set up the coding and translation framework - in Wikibase esp and abstract Wikipedia eventually ... 

. @derspiegel of January 18, 2021 contains a very positive article by
@hilmarschmundt to the abstract Wikipedia. With quotes from @hfordsa and @ma_kr

(where ma_kr is Markus Kroetsch a key programmer of Wikidata, a professor, and based in Dresden / Berlin. And Heather Ford is an anthropologist with a long history with Wikipedia in its 300 languages, and potentially helpful here too)

 - for a computer science bachelor's degree from MIT OCW - https://ocw.mit.edu/courses/electrical-engineering-and-computer-science/ - into edX - https://www.edx.org/course/subject/computer-science - in GDocs in all  22 languages in India, that would be a great starting point. 

A GDocs' translation approach, along with WUaS Wikibase / Abstract Wikipedia (in 300 languages), and with CC-4 MIT OCW in 4 languages, and edX in 15-20 languages can become bases for the Academic Press at WUaS - http://worlduniversityandschool.org/AcademicPress.html - planned with machine learning in all 7117 known living languages. 

Will seek to add this to the GEG group, and how do we find coders for all of this in GDocs? 




Hi Prasanth,

As we proceed, and since WUaS isn't licensed or accredited yet, but MIT is, please consider applying too for a Cognitive Science PhD program here https://bcs.mit.edu/ & https://bcs.mit.edu/apply-bcs (and also since MIT (correction)has faculty and WUaS doesn't yet) - and in combination with EECS https://www.eecs.mit.edu/ conceptually, and since this is close to what your undergraduate degree is in (and since this is Anant's dept and his colleagues). 

MIT gives healthy stipends to graduate students, and may have developed significantly online during the past year and in the covid-19 pandemic, so you might be able to do this Master's AND write your PhD from India - in English (which you'll learn as you study) - and re these
https://bcs.mit.edu/academic-program/graduate/degree-requirements.  Also, seeing the work that's entailed here at MIT - NETWORKs too - and for a high quality PhD over 7 years might be informative to you. 

And could it be possible that WUaS - via MIT EECS Prof Anant Agarwal??? - collaborate with MIT in your PhD ? ... And re Tamil WUaS and George Church's thinking & videos and re modeling brains in a realistic virtual earth for Brain Science, in cognitive science even, in some kind of simulation relating to - https://twitter.com/WorldUnivAndSch/status/1350181257745821702?s=19.

Unless you get a solid PhD from MIT or WUaS, and learn how this works re creating knowledge with your own research questions for PhD, an online cognitive science Master's first at WUaS (not yet licensed or accredited) won't be that helpful for you, for ex, in creating solid degrees at Tamil language WUaS in Tamil for Tamil Nadu, - and at WUaS too - in learning how to create 'solid' PhDs (a culture for this) for our matriculating students. An initial MIT-WUaS collaboration conceptually would be a great bridge for WUaS, and a lot of work flow experiences for our students too.

Am hoping, conceptually, that Anant and edX can be key collaborators here:)

https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Tamil_language planned in Tamil as a major online CC-4 MIT OCW-centric World Univ & Sch 



Here are the lists of WUaS TEAM MEMBERS planned for all 200 countries (think Africa) and all 7117 known living languages (think Languages)

Team email list complete 11 - Nation States

Team email list complete 10 - Languages 

Will check out these - 

And can you please send the items you suggested, that we might add to the SUBJECT TEMPLATE prior to interoperating it with WUaS Wikidata ?

Would you like to add these points to the WUaS SUBJECT TEMPLATE https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/SUBJECT_TEMPLATE before it's interoperable with our WUaS back end Wikidata both in Wikipedia's 300 languages?

will check out - 

And thanks for this 




Glad too we can work together with Khan Academy here - 

Am seeking to add all the great resources you are sharing in a focused way to WUaS - in GDocs and in the WUaS Wiki subject pages, for example ... in order to develop with them toward developing WUaS itself ... Thank you!



Prasanth Karuppasamy

2:35 PM (8 hours ago)
to me
I would like to add.


Prasanth Karuppasamy

2:38 PM (8 hours ago)
to me
Vetrivel foundation made Khan Academy Translation into Tamil.


Prasanth Karuppasamy

2:42 PM (7 hours ago)
to me
World Tamil Sangam integrate all organizations for Tamil language.

Members in all over the world



Great! Let's build out this SUBJECT_TEMPLATE - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/SUBJECT_TEMPLATE - 

in anticipation for it piping through to the rest of the 725 WUaS wiki pages in the WUaS Miraheze MediaWiki -BEFORE these are interoperable with Wikidata in 300 languages. 

in anticipation of potentially working with Abstract Wikipedia in the future, in 300 languages;

in anticipation of INFO BOXES eg the Info Box for India Wikipedia - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/India - is over on the right, and draws information from Wikidata in 300 languages and is ripe for artificial intelligence.

in anticipation of making all our WUaS subject pages , - and those new ones that people make - welcoming, and

in anticipation of building WUaS wiki community 

Add most of you items in the list alphabetically below - 'WUaS Idea- and Academic Resources" - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/SUBJECT_TEMPLATE#WUaS_Idea-_and_Academic_Resources ?


* * * 

Glad to have met Harvard Medical School's George Church, in a sense, in a Cal Tech video stream conference this morning ...

Here's the question I asked the two presenters ... 

George Church & Magda Zernicka-Goetz

Magda & George, in what ways could developing an ACTUAL-VIRTUAL, Physical-Digital knowledge generation conversation in one single #RealisticVirtualEarthForGenetics - and EG #RealisticVirtualEarthForCRISPR  & similar with a Film-to-3D App at the street view, cellular and atomic levels best help with modeling and barcoding? Thank you, Scott

#Realistic Virtual Earth For Genetics' #Hashtag - 


#Realistic Virtual Earth For CRISPR #Hashtag - 


Film-to-3D #Hashtag - 


A few notes

Accelerating development

Read & Write


Compact & barcoding 


George Church & Magda Zernicka-Goetz



* * * 

Glad too to have heard a Stanford Asia panel with Karen Eggleston & Dr. Dale Huntington this morning too 

Public-Private Collaborations and NGOs in the Health Sector in Asia


Here's the question I asked in the panel discussion

Thank you Dr. Dale Huntington (in Singapore): brainstorming-wise, what roles could avatar bot electronic medical records for all 7.8 billion people with UBI experiments to distribute a single cryptocurrency - such as Stanford Mine Pi - to alleviate poverty among all 7.8 billion people play in your thinking in developing Singapore as a Global Health leader? Thanks, Scott (sgkmacleod@worlduniversityandSchool.org)  

Avatar bot electronic medical records #Hashtag - 


UBI experiments' #Hashtag - 


Stanford Mine Pi #Hashtag - 






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