Channel: Scott MacLeod's Anthropology of Information Technology & Counterculture
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Tigridia pavonia: PhD programs at World University and School (free-to-students) based on best STEAM CC-4 OCW * I think both Prasanth in India (and Imad in Morocco), as prospective World Univ & Sch graduate students may apply through specific MIT departments to matriculate at WUaS, re - ocw.mit.edu (and potentially beginning with https://www.edx.org/ courses) * Prasanth is also very interested in beginning Tamil language WUaS for free-to-students' online Bachelor, Ph.D. Law, MD and IB high school degrees in Tamil - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Tamil_language - for Tamil Nadu * * * For possibly very long lives, and even re the idea of troop-bonding and kin below A) Desiderata for you (and me), "Go placidly ... " - https://www.desiderata.com/desiderata.html ... B) 5 'Hypothetical News" Items, and many more in this blog for self-quarantine from Covid-19 pandemic, C) Troop-bondage - staying bonded and communicating with your great sympatico (English?) friends in Pittsburgh, (and on Cuttyhunk, like Jean and so many others * * Am glad to be starting to take video conference bagpiping lessons with Ian Whitelaw * Am glad to be starting to take video conference bagpiping lessons with Ian Whitelaw and regarding the envisioning of 2 further albums playing - 1 Piobaireachd, & 2 Light Music * Am glad too to be beginning to take keyboard lessons with Patti Cobb next week, and potentially even for exploring two (2) Scottish small pipers' jamming together blues-wise with something like the Allman Bros in 1973 (at least this is the exploration I'm interested in ... ) ... and with 3 chanters, - in A, B flat, D mixolydian with only 9 note scales ... and I may even begin to envision a 3rd "Pibroching the Blues" ... since couldn't classical bagpipe music (Piobaireachd) be conceived of as a way of Scots singing and playing the blues? (In a big way, yes, but with much potential for idiom-conversations' creativity)... not sure about a rhythm and blues drummer to help focus this further :) ... lots of Blues' in Scotland too :( :) * * * here's the Neha Narula, the director of the MIT Digital Currency Initiative - DCI (& re WUaS's plans for facilitating a single digital currency in 200 countries, 7117 living languages and for 7.8 billion people each a Wikidata Q-item # via UBI experiments ) "This is Amazing" https://twitter.com/neha/status/1353848217557999616?s=19 About MIT prof Andrew W Lo's Health Care Finance during Covid19

Previous: Barleria prionitis: Stanford [codex_group_meetings] TODAY! CodeX Mtg (1/28 @1.30p PT): Skopos Labs; NLP for innovation policy recommendations * Thanks for your 'political' (party) criteria, Oliver, perhaps regarding a 'cultural' criteria regarding INDEX investing (socially responsible eg re the Quaker Index Fund, or also the the Vanguard FTSE fund) - and I ask as an appreciator of Vanguard Mutual Funds' founder Jack Bogle's arguments for index investing * Heard from MIT / Harvard Professor of Genetics' George Church that CRISPR CaS-9 is just the tip of the ice berg (one of many, many) of potential gene editing tools * * * Dear Sanjeev, Both the legal documents and the Project ECHO Immersion PROGRAM didn't offer a way for WUaS to strategize the development of CC-4 MIT OCW-centric wiki WUaS's 200 medical schools and hospitals or to talk about this lack

PhD programs at World University and School (free-to-students) based on CC-4 best STEAM OCW


WUaS - World University and School

Jan 26, 2021, 3:12:47 PM (3 days ago) 
to India World Univ & Sch with Press in 22 languages

Hi Chinmay, and Prasanth, All, 

If you were to be interested in a PhD program from World Univ & Sch (free-to-students, online possibly taking 7 years), what would it be in? Say you could choose from any of the ~32 departments at CC-4 MIT OCW - https://ocw.mit.edu/ - and take the initial 2 years of courses, first toward a Master's degree, on the edX platform - https://www.edx.org/search - first in English, later planned in all 22 languages in India. Here are some possible majors too - worlduniversityandschool.org. Thank you for your interest. 

Warm regards, Scott

Hi Chinmay, (& Prasanth), 


I think both Prasanth (and Imad in Morocco), as prospective World Univ & Sch graduate students may apply through specific MIT departments to matriculate at WUaS. And Prasanth may be changing his Bachelor's degree major from Electronics and Electrical Engineering to Cognitive Science (and possibly EECS too) in English, and Imad may be changing his major from Chemistry in French (although the Moroccan dialect may be his first language, so Arabic I think), to Computer Science. (Aviv in Indonesia?) Chinmay, what's your major as an undergrad? What major, brainstorming-wise, might you be interested in - ocw.mit.edu (and potentially beginning with https://www.edx.org/ courses) - if you were to head for a PhD, with a Master's Degree along the way? 

Prasanth is also very interested in beginning Tamil language WUaS for free-to-students' online Bachelor, Ph.D. Law, MD and IB high school degrees in Tamil - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Tamil_language - for Tamil Nadu. What are your first languages, Chinmay?

Regards, Scott
with wiki universitians and matriculating students probably beginning with - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/You_at_World_University - regarding further joining of MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch. 

World Univ and Sch Twitter - http://twitter.com/WorldUnivandSch  
Languages - World Univ - http://twitter.com/sgkmacleod  
WUaS Press - https://twitter.com/WUaSPress  
Scott MacLeod - https://twitter.com/scottmacleod
“Naked Harbin Ethnography” book (in Academic Press at WUaS) - http://twitter.com/HarbinBook    
OpenBand (Berkeley) - https://twitter.com/TheOpenBand

* * * 

Hi my wonderful mother again, 

For possible very long lives, a few things come to mind after just talking together (thanks so much ... I was at the UU church ... and even re the idea of troop-bonding and kin below ) - 

Desiderata for you (and me), "Go placidly ... " - https://www.desiderata.com/desiderata.html ... 

5 reasons (ie 5 'Hypothetical News" Items) and many more in blog for self-quarantine from Covid-19 pandemic - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2020/04/himalyan-monal-how-are-harbin-hot.html - that help me EXPLICATE (a John Money PhD word below) our current response to staying at home alone re the pandemic ... and connecting a new way ... 

Troop-bondage - staying bonded and communicating with your great sympatico (English?) friends in Pittsburgh, (and on Cuttyhunk, like Jean and so many others - see, John Money's 'concepts of determinism' here - http://scottmacleod.com/anthropology/determinism.htm ) ... in a way that grows these connections ... 

So talking with you made me want to seek to troop bond with kin somehow too, so I looked up 
RB's telephone number, 
MM's telephone number, saw 
BH's recent auto reply to the WUaS Minutes showing he's still in a communicating loop re connecting kin-wsie, even if we don't talk that much, and 
DT comes to mind ... kin-wise (for me) is what I have in mind, and smart, and together, and COMMUNICATING well and generatively ... women do this differently (and you have so many great smart friends in these regards!!! ... pick up your telephone over the weekend and call friends :) ... I think continuing to grow one's communicative talking 'powers' in the decades ahead with one's great circle of great friends is a way to navigate re trolls for example, Ma! Cultivate and grow your Pgh UU community in these regards? How are Jean and Chris doing, by the way?

Thanks for the information too ... Go placidly regarding the ear phones (or skip using them), go placidly regarding friendships, paribonds (like with Jean), and your Saturday ladies' group (expand to twice a week - and with a few different friends???) ... and Jacques Lacan MD's moving to language - the symbolic (with parallels to John Money's ideas of both Ycleptance, and Explication ... in a way relating to thinking ) - learning to use language further (re Brig too ... Lacan-wise) even, and yet well, like smart people do (French diplomats?)  - and communicatively has merit too ... 

Listening to music has much merit too ! 

... and all even as I continue to seek a life partner, and to raise my kids well, wherever we develop our 'nest' together ... give them the Desiderata thinking, and re careers (re George Alexander's thinking) ... and if possible via communication good careers ! yes :)

On with playing my bagpipes, and writing further ... but what about my calling some of the friends above ... almost called Rob, but will go carefully in developing an on-the-phone relationship with him, if this might emerge :)

Love, Scott

What are you up to this weekend? 

- Scott MacLeod

* * * 

Dear Lucy, Cherry, Ma, Sandy, Dick, Pete, All, 

I'm glad to write that I may have found both an online piping teacher, and an online piano teacher, beginning next week! :) How are all of you doing? (California apparently lifted the self-quarantine directive recently, see the NPR article here - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2021/01/algonquin-provincial-park-echo.html - and regarding I think the covid-19 pandemic meme, as a replicating cultural unit, rather than genes, as replicating biology:)

Am glad to be starting to take video conference bagpiping lessons with Ian Whitelaw potentially next week (with whom I took lessons in SF in 2010), and regarding the envisioning of 2 further albums playing - 1 Piobaireachd, & 2 Light Music.

Am glad too to be beginning to take keyboard lessons with Patti Cobb next week, and potentially even for exploring two (2) Scottish small pipers' jamming together blues-wise with something like the Allman Bros in 1973 (at least this is the exploration I'm interested in ... ) ... and with 3 chanters, - in A, B flat, D mixolydian with only 9 note scales ...  and especially with exploring with Patti writing some of this down on sheet music for conceiving it well. This would be in addition to paying JS Bach Inventions, Scottish Country Dance music sheet music more fluently than just base lines, and regarding a Blues' piano book I have too.  

... and I may even begin to envision a 3rd "Pibroching the Blues" (with the Allman Bros. in the 1970s - https://youtu.be/DNAmXz8kc6I ) album ... since couldn't classical bagpipe music (Piobaireachd) be conceived of as a way of Scots singing and playing the blues? (In a big way, yes, but with much potential for idiom-conversations' creativity)... not sure about a rhythm and blues drummer to help focus this further :) ... lots of Blues' in Scotland too :( :)

Glad WUaS has 2.5 prospective graduate student candidates for free-to-students' online PhDs beginning in the autumn 2021 (taking 7 years?), with another one from India, potentially interested :) ... Music school in the future ... for all instruments, each a wiki subject page for open teaching and learning, in ALL 7117 known living languages - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/World_University_Music_School .

And regarding do-it-yourself teaching, and an inspiring MIT Professor Andrew Lo ... 

here's the Neha Narula, the director of the MIT Digital Currency Initiative - DCI (& re WUaS's plans for facilitating a single digital currency in 200 countries, 7117 living languages and for 7.8 billion people each a Wikidata Q-item # via UBI experiments )

"This is Amazing"
MIT prof Andrew W Lo's 
Health Care Finance during Covid19

Which was Dad's academic field ...

"Pls see my videos on my home studio for online teaching https://t.co/pjJguPnu2j and how I used it to teach healthcare finance in Fall 2020 https://t.co/rBERMtYz4S. Contains ideas for how to go beyond talking-head/Zoom livestream format using OBS and other tools from gamers."

It's very helpful and thoughtful Do It Yourself DIY information about how to teach online ...
I might add this video to wiki WUaS here - 


But not here -

A bit of American academic interculturalism too, - and re the 'Internetity' a concept I'm developing in social science - see my UC Berkeley Anthropology talk from 12/18/20 here ... http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2020/12/doubledays-hummingbird-cynanthus.html?m=0

Fondly, Scott

- Scott MacLeod


Hi Patti, 

Can we explore our first lesson on Wednesday next, 2.3.21 possibly please? :)) 

(Lucy and Cherry, were both also music teachers in a sense - Cherry in particular, and in elementary schools, and both of which, this music and schools, are not so elementary after all :) (... and with much growing-up fun & life ... with a kind of music unfolding naturally between us, more than metaphorically, eg singing-wise too probably :), - and with ma mere, quite musical too, we had much heightened inspiring musical awareness together from, say, my ages 2-6 (~1962-66 ... long time ... and with aging reversal via genetic engineering within reach per George Church:), ... when my family moved from the Boston MA area, to the New Haven CT area:) - models for inspiration in music esp. :) ... (am also bringing some email sociality here to the process of 'sense of isolation on the piano bench when 'practicing' without a clear sense of what or how to practice as a 7 yo for example - and have fun doing this' ..  into this unfolding musical conversation with Cherry, Lucy, my mother too, whom I'm newly calling Kirkbride, Ma :)) since this is your middle name, by which I've never called you before ... all music-, playing-, idea- and envisioning-wise too:)

Nice to talk the other day, Patti when you were on retreat in the Lake Tahoe area too - and welcome back! 

What's your day looking like next Wednesday at 11am :)?

Musical regards through a video conferencing connection (without yet this possible FM real real time music-making - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2021/01/tree-swallow.html - connection for music), Scott

- Scott MacLeod

 ... fluency seeking  ... and just opened up my keyboard here in 'safe house' :)





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