Angela's coming to bErkeley ~ NOT ~ but rather she's beginning to teach on Sunday online from Greece
| 9:52 AM (13 hours ago) | ![]() ![]() | ||
Angela, (Victor), All,
Looking forward to your course on Sundays this month. Are you teaching too, Victor? Henry, Charlotte, (Nancy & Greg), Angela and Victor are wonderfully creative in their Yoga exploration (art, and hippy-wise as well). Am curious how we might connect socially and newly in your Yoga course online in group video, and friendship-wise, as well. What makes their Yoga great? For me, it's their vision and language, and how they integrate this Yoga inside symbolically ~ more here: https://scott-macleod. Angela%20and%20Victor%20yoga.
So besides asking, Angela & Victor, about explorations with Yoga Lego Robotics' play, and with playing with Scratch Programming, and even brainwave headset-wise, and brain-science wise too, - ie to make brainwave headsets, eg Brainfingers?, in Yoga courses, and all in this blog entry too from 1/22/21 - https://scott-macleod. html ... am also curious about your Yoga, genetic engineering, and aging reversal, in your course. Just shared this with you:
If you want to envision what the new mRNA might look like at the molecular level as it courses through your body now after getting vaccinated, in an image from MIT, and from one of its most creative scientists, check this out - mitbrainandcog/status/ 1356634750610534403?s=20 .
Now why couldn't we - in this genetic engineering revolution (and during the Covid-19 pandemic) - have developed and rushed to Tom Moore an anti-dying vaccine re what happens genetically at death, I wonder?
Captain Tom Moore, UK veteran who walked for health care workers, dies at 100 2021/02/02/world/capt-tom- moore-uk-veteran-who-walked- nhs-dies-100/
(viewable for free in the free, 'private,' Tor browser -
A bit behind the aging reversal curve still, I'd say :)
see related Tweets below,
Could Gingko Works create an anti-dying vaccine even?
In terms of creative genetic engineering, am also curious about Christina Agapakis' (Gingko Works - Genetics' firm in Boston) and Nick Seaver's almost trippy thinking in these regards:
"What happens when biology becomes technology?"
Christina is the Creative Director of Gingko Works in the Boston area (with a Harvard PhD) and life partners with the brilliant Anthropologist Nick Seaver, who is a high achieving smart Yale graduate, a MIT Media Lab graduate and has a University of California PhD, and originally from Los Angeles (which can be fascinating heightened awareness-wise in a unique way culturally out of the '60s too - Greg?). Could they be the organization (Gingko Works) that even could engineer an Anti Dying vaccine somehow? And how could we begin to explore this Yogically together 200 years from now, in communication, 300 years from now? 18,000 years from now together? :)
Am amazed in this video, too, how much of Boston heightened colorful, musical, creative, smart thinking there is in it ... in the town where I was born ... which comes through time :)
Looking forward to your course, Angela! (& Victor?)! And thank you for making this possible ~ from home (as I type from my 'safe house' north of Berkeley), which I may seek to clean up a bit even as Sunday draws close! (Will Zoom 'screencast' to a large screen Google Smart TV I wonder? ). Will we all be able to take your Yoga course next year or soon with you in Greece, me in the SF Bay Area, and all of us distributed around the world like little seeds, while visiting a #RealisticVirtualHarbin Hot Springs ~ HarbinBook/status/ 1272593936180080641?s=20
~ in a RealisticVirtualEarthForSoakin g?src=hashtag_click & for A & V Yoga ? Might I begin to teach Yoga again from Canyon 94516 even ... and in a Yoga hall there? Thanks so much for bringing your creative Yoga learning opportunities online, Angela & Victor! And looking forward to connecting in new ways, and differently virtually. Eliciting loving bliss like turning on inner music natural brain chemistry possibilities in this course too? I return to Yo Yo Ma and this riff ~ GuidelinesPracticingLovingBlis svavMusicalInstrument.htm ~ (and see below esp.:)
See some of you Sunday?
Hippy Anjali Yoga notations !
If you want to envision mRNA coursing through your body now in an image from MIT, post #Covid19Vaccine see mitbrainandcog/status/ 1356634750610534403?s=20? What about an #AgingReversal #WUaSagingReversal vaccine re what happens genetically at death, I wonder, - in 1 # RealisticVirtualEarthForGeneti cs? WorldUnivAndSch/status/ 1356718963128901632?s=20 WorldUnivAndSch/status/ 1356720221688532992?s=20 scottmacleod/status/ 1356720324444704768?s=20 TheOpenBand/status/ 1356721225595187203?s=20 HarbinBook/status/ 1356721647886032896?s=20 status/1356722022936584192?s= 20 sgkmacleod/status/ 1356722538601009154?s=20
Now why couldn't we - in the #GeneticEngineeringRevolution (during the #Covid19pandemic) - have developed & rushed to Tom Moore a #wuAsAntidyingVaccine re #GeneticsAtDeath? -
"Captain Tom Moore, UK veteran who walked for health care workers, dies at 100" 2021/02/02/world/capt-tom- moore-uk-veteran-who-walked- nhs-dies-100/~ scottmacleod/status/ 1356719899364610049?s=20 WorldUnivAndSch/status/ 1356720037755637760?s=20 TheOpenBand/status/ 1356721357564727297?s=20 HarbinBook/status/ 1356721798482550787?s=20 status/1356722139324276736?s= 20 sgkmacleod/status/ 1356722633677570049?s=20
Now why couldn't we - in the #GeneticEngineeringRevolution (during the #Covid19pandemic) - have developed & rushed to Tom Moore a #wuAsAntidyingVaccine re #GeneticsAtDeath? -
"Captain Tom Moore, UK veteran who walked for health care workers, dies at 100"
Season's Greetings 2021 with more about aging reversal - and potentially to muscles I think! ~
Scott MacLeod - scottmacleod
“Naked Harbin Ethnography” book (in Academic Press at WUaS) - HarbinBook
OpenBand (Berkeley) - TheOpenBand
World Univ and Sch Twitter - WorldUnivandSch
Languages - World Univ - sgkmacleod
WUaS Press - WUaSPress
bodymind as musical instrument for eliciting loving bliss neurophysiology, like an on and off switch metaphorically? :) ...
I return to Ma ... and Marsalis ... their guidelines for playing music ... GuidelinesPracticingMusicalIns trument.htm ... (and could this lead too to jamming with the Allman Bros in 1973 on bagpipe? .... or to Glaswegian Kinnaris Quintet, verging on Scottish traditional chamber music, even?)
So, as I wrote to my Ma last night ...
I played bagpipes and piano last night
.. Scottish Country Dancing sheet music (ear candy) was most enjoyable to play and hear :) ... and in retrospect I could have piped more slowly and relaxedly (playing some jigs and hornpipes) ... and am seeking to chart out some new goals eg for albums 2, 3, & 4 (Piobaireachd, Light Music, 'Pibroching the Blues' with Allman Bros '73 +)
So, coming back to (which I've also added to, riffing-wise) ...
Seek out private instruction. > ... ...
Write out a schedule, a plan with goals. (Choose pieces you enjoy playing – S.M.). ...
Set goals to chart development. > ...
Concentrate when you practice. ...
Relax and practice slowly. ...
Practice hard parts longer. ...
Practice expressively. ...
Don't be too hard on yourself.
12 ...
And eventually into ...
| 2:35 PM (8 hours ago) | ![]() ![]() | ||
Thanks. I've unsubscribed you from this email thread. Group-ally isn't really a word to my knowledge, like person-ally is without the hyphen. Thanks for your sharing the possibilities of communication personally, which could even be regarding friendship (but Yoga doesn't really explore the idea of being friends, in my experience, re all its 'memes' - as 'replicating cultural units' here - which come through the past 2300 years or so). 'Friends,' and being friends, are other interesting ideas to explore in Angela and Victor's Yoga.
Thanks, and with caring,
care label in blog ~ https://scott-macleod. ~
Angela, (Victor?), Marc, All,
Thanks so much for the email just now, Angela and Tia. I hope you're safe and sound in Eftalou, Molyvos, Lesvos, Greece, after 17 earthquakes, and 3 big ones just recently. Looking forward to your course too.
Marc - who is a geneticist / immunology researcher in French-speaking Switzerland - what would be the genetics of 'dying' or of 'death' in all 3-100 million species (re decline of gene function - - and which could be explored in words Yogically, A&V-wise, I think, and regarding Angela's visionary poem even (re the 'death' word in it too) - 'Who am I?" (below, since A&V's website seems inaccessible all of a sudden) - which, if aging reversal genetic therapy is realized, may be a non-issue or reversible even, I wonder?
Am reminded in these regards of Angela and Victor's 'Who Are We Anyway?' web page - content/who-are-we-anyway - and Yogini Angela's poem or teaching therein - "Who Are We: Angela?" https://angela- - which also seems identity related ... (and handwritten, but then digitally put on this web page). Here's Angela's poem:
Who am I
whispered the wind
as it blew through my hair?
Who am I
sang the sea
as a wave like a snake
curled over the beach
This is I
croaked the rock
but I'll be gone by tomorrow
And the sun grew hotter
as I tumbled through my breath
and fell
into darkness, into nothing . . .
into space
is this who I am?
A new breath began
(image of beach, rock and sun)
For me Yoga is a journey each day
down into my underworld
not knowing
what I shall find . . . . .
It is a 'kind of death'
to meet those places in my body
that still feel pain
that still hold fear
from long forgotten times . . .
Then with quiet and gentle acceptance of these
little parts of me, the sad or hidden parts,
the lonely or ugly parts . . .
seeds of release are planted
and the outcome is a gift
that inspires my teaching,
enriches my life (image).
I feel such joy when I see a student
finding courage to enter her or his own
inner-underworld in their own unique
way. They discover their own creativity in breath
and movement as deep places un-ravel
and the power and beauty that brings to them.
In this process, the terms "teacher' and
"student" dissolve and we enter an
awareness of
innocence and gratitude.
Appreciating here the poetic & hand written aspects of Angela's poem, in particular - angela-farmer - and am appreciating too the invitation to head further into my own 'underworld' or 'Hades' herein - are these other words for the 'feelings' that come up in the inner body, Angela?
I think my previous email to Patricia was about being friends - hi Lynn, Marc, Henry, Nancy, Greg, Barbara, Patti, Andrew! - and I've removed Patricia from this email thread per her request, as friends too, (but she's married to Andrew in Yellow Springs, Ohio, I think, so she may read them perhaps). Here's my email reply to Patricia in these regards:
| 2:35 PM (1 hour ago) | ![]() ![]() | ||
Thanks. I've unsubscribed you from this email thread. Group-ally isn't really a word to my knowledge, like person-ally is without the hyphen. Thanks for your sharing the possibilities of communication personally, which could even be regarding friendship (but Yoga doesn't really explore the idea of being friends, in my experience, re all its 'memes' - as 'replicating cultural units' here - which come through the past 2300 - 10000 years or so). 'Friends,' and being friends, are other interesting ideas to explore in Angela and Victor's Yoga.
Thanks, and with caring,
care label in blog ~ https://scott-macleod. ~
See you soon, as I look around for some props (technologies, even?) I don't have, and begin too to explore a little more Yoga than my daily Yoga in half lotus into Yoga Mudrasana +, and from Dona Holleman's "Yoga Syllabus for Teacher and Student, and its companion book "Asana in Photo" (both self-published in the 1980s I think), and helpful re asana learning 'structure' somehow. Henry, if exploring Yoga asana, re alternatives to sitting at a desk a lot as a writer, in very great exploratory ways might be something you'd like to try, Angela & Victor are unparalleled in these regards.
Friendly regards,
Greetings dear friends from a quiet day in Eftalou. Yes, quiet after a day of earthquakes on Lesvos.... 17 in all with three big ones ...enough to rattle the house and crockery and leave us dizzy! On top of that a huge thunderstorm overhead and more earth quaking in the night ... Seems the earth, the planets and human consciousness or ‘lack of’ are all entwined in these rumbling, shaking, churning and ‘wake-up’ messages!...
Thank you so much to those who have joined the February explorations on Zoom.
Thank you so much to those who have joined the February explorations on Zoom.
I have been spending time with the ‘Goddess of tiny things’.
I loved that book: ”The God of Small Things“ a great story set in southern India, but it was the title that struck a permanent note for me.
Sometimes I wake up to a tiny place that has not shown or expressed itself in my body before, and as I start to connect with it, listen to its message, send warm energy and breath in its direction, a window opens, giving my practice and the day a whole new emotional colour!
I hope to share this process in our February classes.
We shall start this Thursday and Sunday with the HIPS....[that of course includes the legs and spine ! ] with simple stretches leading to the wide-angle front bend [Eka padma asana ] on Thursday and kneeling backbend [Supra Virasana ] on Sunday.
Please have a bolster, strap, block and chair handy!
The idea is that you explore what works for you and take care of yourself by not forcing or pushing but rather find yourself within your own limits. In other words, ‘ making friends ‘ with each place as it shows up. The pose is only an opportunity to start this journey and become totally present at any moment in time.
Looking forward to meeting you in ‘tiny places’!
Much love
* * *
Online piano lessons ~ and in conversation with Scottish small pipes
Thanks, Patti, so much!
Maybe I will head in a scales'& A direction 2 days a week since all of every piece ever is in scales and arpeggios, n'est-ce pas (or almost) :)?
Playing daily keyboard (and bagpipes) ENJOYABLY & INSPIRINGLY is another big question
HERE's a video thanks too
Angela interestingly explores going into one's 'stuff' - and I have some stuff around 'practicing' - which she explores one way in words here -
and perhaps to bring 'light' there, (or freedom re release inside)
Thank you, and see you soon,
Seeking too expressive (with some technique) fluency ... And re jamming for example in new ways ahead with the Allman Bros in '73 and re what I've written before (on Small Pipes too:)
Hi Patti,
Thanks - glad you're teaching - and that we're having a piano lesson tomorrow online!
And sounds good - let's explore 30 minutes tomorrow, and maybe I'll head to an hour in the future; I'm grateful to my mother for this nice opportunity to take piano lessons with you. :) I'm not comfortable with PP at all, having a bunch of questions about their keeping the security of their users in mind, with some recent issues in these regards with a piping student of mine. Not sure about Venmo but it's likely not built with too much end user security in mind either; would you be up for setting up Zelle? This has worked well in recent months with a student, and works for money transfer between 2 different banks, for example. Set up was easy. We could further set up Zelle after the lesson tomorrow. The phone number I use for this is 412 478 0116 at WF. What phone number do you use for your piano tuition bank? After each lesson, you'd send me a request, and I'd then transfer the money.
In terms of a specific focus tomorrow, re what I'm looking at, and creatively, can we begin with piano please with some Scottish Country Dance sheet music, from the SCD books, and my playing these on the piano more fluently? And, further, could we even begin to explore developing some of these piano pieces, say in the key of D major, with 2 SSP chanters in A mixolydian in mind, and potentially playing harmony together, - and even eventually for jamming (not necessarily with the Allman Bros in 1973 yet, but perhaps, brainstorming-wise, by finding some of the SCD tunes on Youtube in D, somehow even in a rock and roll transcription or not, for single chanter jamming)? And how to develop further fluency with two hand piano playing of SCD sheet music re - GuidelinesPracticingMusicalIns trument.htm (beyond my brain doesn't work this way, since I was 6-12 yo :) ?
1 Seek out private instruction.
2 Write out a schedule, a plan with goals. (Choose pieces you enjoy playing – S.M.).
Yo-yo Ma says, never make a sound without hearing it first; hear it in your mind.
3 Set goals to chart development.
and, where
2 might be slightly faster 2 hand fluency each week, and - hearing the pieces in mind (interesting exploration :)
3 tempo goals for increasing fluency (since this worked with metronome for my first Scottish Small Pipes''Honey in the Bag' album ... might explore drum metronomes too:) - with specific expressive goals too, which somehow 'rock' SCD-wise?
Am also looking at Tilden and the beautiful SF Bay Area around us - re picture and walk!
And might I possibly please also send you a Google Meet video conference link instead, from - sgkmacleod@ - so I can record and save these for future learning ? :)
Thank you,
The learning ideas above are implicit in these idea blobs from yesterday - https://scott-macleod. columbariae.html :)
Hi Scott,
Sorry, was in a zoom meeting when you called and then teaching.
Yes, 11 Wednesday is great, and 1/2 hour is fine. My rates (which have not changed for years) are usually:
1 hour = $50
3/4 hour = $40
1/2 hour = $30
Does that work OK for you?
And I am happy getting payment either from Venmo (an app which does not charge a fee) or PayPal - and you just say you are sending money to a friend with PayPal and, viola, no fee. I am, after all, a friend, yes? I use for them.
I have never used Zelle, but am willing to try it if you are more comfortable with that than the other two options.
Your link gives me a big blob of stuff - not sure specifically which you are looking at? And I shall set up a Zoom meeting and invite you, OK?
On Tue, Feb 2, 2021 at 5:38 PM Patti Cobb <> wrote:
Hi Scott,Sorry, was in a zoom meeting when you called and then teaching.Yes, 11 Wednesday is great, and 1/2 hour is fine. My rates (which have not changed for years) are usually:1 hour = $503/4 hour = $401/2 hour = $30Does that work OK for you?And I am happy getting payment either from Venmo (an app which does not charge a fee) or PayPal - and you just say you are sending money to a friend with PayPal and, viola, no fee. I am, after all, a friend, yes? I use for them.I have never used Zelle, but am willing to try it if you are more comfortable with that than the other two options.Your link gives me a big blob of stuff - not sure specifically which you are looking at? And I shall set up a Zoom meeting and invite you, OK?PattiOn Feb 2, 2021, at 12:43 PM, Scott MacLeod <> wrote:hi Patti!Hope you are well. How would 11 am work on Wednesday for 30 minutes this time tomorrow February 3, 2021, and maybe an hour later? How much please do you ask for per hour these days? And how would you suggest setting up the 'rain' machine too (money transfer?)? The bank to bank transfer (called Zelle), with no fees for you, compared with PP at 4%, or ?And what might we begin with tomorrow, with some very recent thoughts about some of this here - columbariae.html. Thank you!Regards, Scott
Hi Patti,
If it's ok with you, could we use this link - - to Google Meet for piano tomorrow please?
- Scott MacLeod - Founder, President & Professor
- World University and School
- 415 480 4577
- CC World University and School - like CC Wikipedia with best STEM-centric CC OpenCourseWare - incorporated as a nonprofit university and school in California, and is a U.S. 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt educational organization.
| Tue, Feb 2, 11:56 PM (23 hours ago) | ![]() ![]() | ||
Sure, see you then,
Sent from my iPad
On Feb 2, 2021, at 6:32 PM, Scott MacLeod <> wrote:
The "Southwind" piano tune on blue book p 74, in the key of G, on my still new D chanter (which I don't play that much these days) works in the D chanters' 9 note range I think, and in tune with the piano, but I have to learn a whole new set of fingerings in bodymind, where the A note on the A mix chanter, now becomes the D note on the D mix chanter ....Looking for the tunes in the pink and blue books that at first are in key of G (so for the D chanter) but work with A fingering ... just like that :)
Travel across the book to the left one waltz, to "Farewell to Scotland" on the p 73, in key of D (but which works with the A mix chanter), and most of the tune is playable within the 9 note range of the A mixolydian chanter, and adaptable otherwise.
Interesting two tunes to begin exploring on piano and small pipes with for a bunch of reasons possibly, beyond learning the left hand further on keyboard for fluency :)
Thanks, Scott :)
While the going into one's stuff idea comes out of a psychology tradition in the west (I think), I couldn't find explicitly where Angela or Victor communicate about this on the web. And I head in the direction of the Desiderata 'things' desired' and re below, and possibly in my musical learning & playing explorations too :)
Thanks again,
searched on
"Angela Farmer teaches a yoga of going into one's inner body to go into own stuff"
Angela Farmer on Yoga, Activism, and Reconnecting with the Body angela-farmer-yoga-activism- and-reconnecting-body
"Angela Farmer teaches a Yoga of going into the dark spaces of one's inner body to go into own stuff to find freedom" content/what-people-say discovery-yoga-mat
Angela Farmer on Yoga, Activism, and Reconnecting with the Body
"Angela Farmer teaches a Yoga of going into the dark spaces of one's inner body to go into own stuff to find freedom"
and teaches "inner body flow" as well - content/inner-body-flow
Desiderata -
"Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself. " desiderata.html
Desiderata -
"Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself. "
Music label in blog - https://scott-macleod. music
A & V Yoga in blog - https://scott-macleod. Angela%20and%20Victor%20yoga
And circling around to
Making connections re "Look for Connetions" in Yo Yo Ma's and Wynton Marsalis' Guidelines for Practicing a Musical Instrument -
* * *
Online bagpiping lessons ~ toward 3 further albums
Hi Ian,
Thanks. Let's explore hour-long lessons, if that works for you, - but I'm thinking about doing them every other week, or every 3rd week (due to financial constraints currently). And how would next Wednesday in the afternoon, or next week sometime, if Wednesday, at 4 or so, doesn't work for you? Thanks so much.
Cheers, Scott
Bagpiping label in blog - https://scott-macleod. bagpiping -
- piping.htm - and how to bring some further expressiveness, or 'life,' into my recent album, too, I wonder, in addition to an upcoming Piobaireachd album (and regarding the other explorations I've emailed about including SSP bagpipe jamming with Allman Bros in '73, and re Gunhild Carling - - as a way to begin exploring 'Pibroching the Blues')?
What kind of GREAT machine learning / AI blues and Scottish drumming rhythms are out there too - to come into communication with (gradually at first) - I wonder :)?
Your Piobaireacd and Light Music guidelines, and Yo Yo Ma's & Wynton Marsalis's Guidelines for Practicing / Playing, are good starting places too - GuidelinesPracticingMusicalIns trument.htm ,,, as I begin to discover the Piobaireachds I most enjoy, lyrically, or melodically, playing - and learn to play them well technically, Great Highland Bagpipe-wise, as well as innovatively, freelly, expressively, creatively, grooving-ly even, musically, re "Pibroching the Blues" or similar explorations.:) Thank you.
- Scott MacLeod