Channel: Scott MacLeod's Anthropology of Information Technology & Counterculture
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Crater Lake National Park: MIT OCW & Aging Reversal puppy pic ~ Seems highly improbably that aging reversal drugs could revert this newborn puppy to an embryonic form :) * * Be careful SPECULATIVELY re #AgingReversal drugs (re regulation) SIZE- & AGE-wise esp. Cells programmed in REVERSE (is one idea here) :) * * * Niantic's Pokemon Go and WUaS collaborations re WUaS Gaming and a single realistic virtual earth for Augmented Reality?


MIT OCW & Aging Reversal puppy pic

Be careful SPECULATIVELY re #AgingReversal drugs (re regulation) SIZE- & AGE-wise esp. Cells programmed in REVERSE (is one idea here) :)

https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/c3/Xolobebe.jpg #GeneticEngineeringRevolution? #WUaSAgingReversal  ~ 

https://bostonglobe.com/2021/02/28/metro/bostons-lone-vocational-school-struggles-prepare-students-jobs-can-madison-park-salvage-its-beauty-program-itself/ ~ https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2021/02/xoloitzcuintle-mexican-hairless-dog.html 

@WUaSPress ~


SPECULATIVELY - Be careful re #AgingReversal drugs (re regulation) -SIZE- & AGE-wise esp. Cells programmed in REVERSE (is one idea here) :) 

https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/c3/Xolobebe.jpg #GeneticEngineeringRevolution? #WUaSAgingReversal  ~ 



@WUaSPress ~



Mexican hairless dog ~

Its hairlessness would make applying creams for aging reversal much easier than with canines with hair, for example. 

Seems highly improbably that aging reversal drugs could revert this newborn puppy to an embryonic form. :)

And here's Harvard Medical School's and MIT's George Church again on aging reversal, and how he sees it working (in dogs) - 

How soon could humans reverse the aging process with genetic engineering?



* * * 

Dear Larry, Ma, Jim Ed, Ann, 

Here's the video from MIT OCW from today - 
"MIT OpenCourseWare: Origins, Pathways, and Possibilities" 

How to connect with them further beyond CC-4 licensing has been a question for me for years, and beyond also meeting in person Steve Carson in 2012 in Cambridge - scarson@mit.edu - who presented today (and although he doesn't work for MIT OCW currently, he is still at MIT - scarson@mit.edu as Associate Director and Head of Operations, Abdul Latif Jameel World Education Lab at MIT https://www.linkedin.com/in/stephenecarson/).

I wonder how even WUaS could engage all the MIT OCW presenters this morning to focus developing courses into edX for even WUaS undergraduate and PhD programs beginning this autumn. 

Reaching out to Steve and MIT OCW's Sarah Hansen (with an Anthropology degree) - and who is interviewing MIT faculty now for MIT OCW - seems like a great person to connect with for further discussion (per her comments this morning), and regarding even Project Managing most pedagogically interesting MIT OCW into edX courses (as a MIT OCW project manager ...

"Sarah holds a B.A. in Anthropology and Education from the College of William & Mary, and a M.A. and Ph.D. in Curriculum & Instruction from the University of Minnesota, where she focused on social justice in education."
(interesting on this page - 8 Revolutionary Technologies…Now Forgotten: 

Look back at obsolete inventions that helped shaped the media world

Thoughts about all of this ?

Sincerely, Scott

Niantic's Pokemon Go and WUaS collaborations re WUaS Gaming and a single realistic virtual earth for Augmented Reality? 

Regarding reaching out to a fascinatingly relevant computer game for creating a realistic virtual earth as classrooms and STEM field sites - and with Augmented Reality - for WUaS students and instructors + wiki teachers and learners as volunteers, I also just reached out to the CEO of Niantic's Pokemon Go ... 

Dear Larry, 

I just reached out to John Hanke, the CEO of the computer game Pokemon Go, after finding a way to contact, with the following, and mentioning you as well. 

After hearing the interesting MIT OCW talk this morning, I am interested further in how WUaS students can work with computer games and gaming - and relating to Google Maps / Street View with time slider with TensorFlow AI and Translate for example.  

As March 23rd's WUaS G Suite for Education meeting rolls around, I am interested in facilitating interesting platforms for our prospective students from all 200 countries and think Pokemon Go could be one great entree - and importantly with Augmented Reality on a realistic virtual earth (Google Maps) - with smartphone camera interoperability. Thoughts, questions, ideas, suggestions?

Sincerely, Scott

Dear John, Thanks to Niantic Support for your contact information.

Greetings from the SF Bay Area East Bay, and I hope this finds you very well.

I'm reaching out with an interest in creating a single #RealisticVirtualEarth for everything including especially with Augmented Reality (think Google Street View with Time Slider / Maps / Earth with TensorFlow and conceptually with group build-able Second Life and for avatar bots, but realistic, and as a 3D virtual world too) - with Pokemon Go, as class rooms and gaming opportunities and STEM field sites - eg Archaeological field sites re Street View, genealogy genetics, and archaeology - https://twitter.com/TheOpenBand/status/1235357771744169985 - for example, for our CC-4 MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch matriculating students and wiki Universitian volunteers - #RealisticVirtualEarthForSTEM https://twitter.com/hashtag/RealisticVirtualEarthForSTEM?src=hashtag_click - and so esp. via Gaming esp #WUaSGaming https://twitter.com/search?q=%23WUaSGaming&src=typeahead_click.

The "Trainer" potential of enormous numbers of new Niantic Pokemon Go players is tremendous via WUaS, - and in all ~200 countries and all 7117 living languages even.

Here's a Pokemon Go group-created partial Syllabus from 2016 or so - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1xYuozfkON-RVZQkr7d1qLPJrCRqN8TkzeDySM-3pzeA/edit?usp=sharing (accessible too from this blog eg https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2021/03/pirongia-forest-park.html) - which Harvard Prof of Education Karen Brennan (with MIT Media Lab PhD) was also involved with. 

World Univ & Sch is planned in each of all ~200 countries and in their official and main languages for free-to-students' CC-4 MIT OCW-centric degrees, - and in all 7,117 known living languages as wiki schools for open teaching and learning too. In doing so, WUaS is seeking to create AR & VR coding opportunities, gaming opportunities, and modeling of the earth opportunities, as well, for our students (as they study for free Bachelor, PhD, Law, MD & IB high school degrees) and thus also become potential Pokemon Go players & developers - if this would be helpful to Niantic Pokemon Go. The potential is enormous.

Appreciating how much Google Geo experience you have re "Hanke previously led Google's Geo division, which included Google Earth, Google Maps, Local, StreetView, SketchUp, and Panoramio" - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Hanke - especially in these regards. 
Although World Univ & Sch is tiny, WUaS is in regular communication with Google's Head of AI, Peter Norvig, about some of these questions as well as MIT as well. 

How might we best communicate further about all of this?

Thank you.

All the best, Scott


A #RealisticVirtualHarbin Hot Springs is part of this realistic virtual earth planning, and here's a UC Berkeley Anthropology talk I gave in December 2020 about developing this -

Welcome back to this sacred land and water
Beautiful Red heart pics~Also in a #RealisticVirtualHarbin for #VirtualSoaking in #WUaSdigitalGlasses http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2020/12/doubledays-hummingbird-cynanthus.html?m=0 12 18 2020 Creating a Realistic Virtual Earth Harbin for Tourism ~

How best to incorporate Pokemon Go gaming into this regarding building out Pokemon Go Augmented Reality and related goals of yours is part of this - and is very Google Maps' centric as well. I think the potential to attract new Pokemon Go players with a realistic virtual Harbin Hot Springs could be enormous too.

And congratulations on the following, and just now I heard Satya Nadella and the Stanford Chair of the Board regarding your exciting announcement below - 
https://youtu.be/seF-ULjPuU4 (which should be available in coming days) - and in what way would there be collaboration possibilities in these regards too? -

"Thrilled to announce our collaboration with @Microsoft @hololens to enable even more planet-scale experiences for next-generation AR hardware. We share a common vision for how technology can facilitate deeper social connection, no matter where you are in the world."


The Chair of the World University and School Board, as well as the WUaS Corporation (2 separate legal entities) is Larry Viehland, a MIT Alumnus from 1969 and a professor of chemistry (ions' focus - "Gaseous Ion Mobility, Diffusion, and Reaction" ... https://www.springer.com/gp/book/9783030044930 - https://www.chatham.edu/academics/undergraduate/chemistry/faculty/larry-viehland.html). It might be helpful too to bring him into this conversation if at all possible as well; his email is ... 

Thank you, John, and looking forward to further communication about this in the not too distant future.

Best regards, Scott

* * 
Dear John, Philo P., Priscilla, Samuel, Niantic Support, 

Thanks to Niantic Support for your contact information.

Here below is the email I sent to John yesterday. (Am glad too to have been able to see the Pokemon Go augmented reality feature working - it just kind of appeared - just after dark on a walk the night before last on my phone, and to have used this AR feature while walking yesterday late afternoon in situ with camera working in Google Street View I think - and I threw a Pokemon Go ball at a 'Dragon Air' Pokemon creature, and got something like a whopping 2400 points! Since I can't get into Pokemon Go in Bluestacks' emulator, I'm not using the App there, for your information re Pokemon Go's Terms of Service, but I may explore the Bluestacks' emulator in other Apps, such as "D&D Style Medieval Fantasy RPG" - Role Playing Games - and will hope that it doesn't appear as if I'm using Pokemon Go there; am interested in exploring Pokemon Go eventually on a larger screen, and such as in Bluestacks' emulator - and re Google Street View with time slider / Maps / Earth / creating or coding AR / Augmented Reality, and re some of the reasons below, for your information, as well. Thank you so much thus far for your Niantic Pokemon Go support).

Greetings from the SF Bay Area East Bay, and I hope this finds you very well.

I'm reaching out with an interest in creating a single #RealisticVirtualEarth for everything including especially with Augmented Reality (think Google Street View with Time Slider / Maps / Earth with TensorFlow and conceptually with group build-able Second Life and for avatar bots, but realistic, and as a 3D virtual world too) - with Pokemon Go, as class rooms and gaming opportunities and STEM field sites - eg Archaeological field sites re Street View, genealogy genetics, and archaeology - https://twitter.com/TheOpenBand/status/1235357771744169985 - for example, for our CC-4 MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch matriculating students and wiki Universitian volunteers - #RealisticVirtualEarthForSTEM https://twitter.com/hashtag/RealisticVirtualEarthForSTEM?src=hashtag_click - and so esp. via Gaming esp #WUaSGaming https://twitter.com/search?q=%23WUaSGaming&src=typeahead_click.

The "Trainer" potential of enormous numbers of new Niantic Pokemon Go players is tremendous via WUaS, - and in all ~200 countries and all 7117 living languages even.

Here's a Pokemon Go group-created partial Syllabus from 2016 or so - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1xYuozfkON-RVZQkr7d1qLPJrCRqN8TkzeDySM-3pzeA/edit?usp=sharing (accessible too from this blog eg https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2021/03/pirongia-forest-park.html) - which Harvard Prof of Education Karen Brennan (with MIT Media Lab PhD) was also involved with. 

World Univ & Sch is planned in each of all ~200 countries and in their official and main languages for free-to-students' CC-4 MIT OCW-centric degrees, - and in all 7,117 known living languages as wiki schools for open teaching and learning too. In doing so, WUaS is seeking to create AR & VR coding opportunities, gaming opportunities, and modeling of the earth opportunities, as well, for our students (as they study for free Bachelor, PhD, Law, MD & IB high school degrees) and thus also become potential Pokemon Go players & developers - if this would be helpful to Niantic Pokemon Go. The potential is enormous.

Appreciating how much Google Geo experience you have re "Hanke previously led Google's Geo division, which included Google Earth, Google Maps, Local, StreetView, SketchUp, and Panoramio" - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Hanke - especially in these regards. 
Although World Univ & Sch is tiny, WUaS is in regular communication with Google's Head of AI, Peter Norvig, about some of these questions as well as MIT as well. 

How might we best communicate further about all of this?

Thank you.

All the best, Scott


A #RealisticVirtualHarbin Hot Springs is part of this realistic virtual earth planning, and here's a UC Berkeley Anthropology talk I gave in December 2020 about developing this -
Welcome back to this sacred land and water
Beautiful Red heart pics~Also in a #RealisticVirtualHarbin for #VirtualSoaking in #WUaSdigitalGlasses http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2020/12/doubledays-hummingbird-cynanthus.html?m=0 12 18 2020 Creating a Realistic Virtual Earth Harbin for Tourism ~

How best to incorporate Pokemon Go gaming into this regarding building out Pokemon Go Augmented Reality and related goals of yours is part of this - and is very Google Maps' centric as well. I think the potential to attract new Pokemon Go players with a realistic virtual Harbin Hot Springs could be enormous too.

And congratulations on the following, and just now I heard Satya Nadella and the Stanford Chair of the Board regarding your exciting announcement below - https://youtu.be/seF-ULjPuU4 (which should be available in coming days) - and in what way would there be collaboration possibilities in these regards too? -

"Thrilled to announce our collaboration with @Microsoft @hololens to enable even more planet-scale experiences for next-generation AR hardware. We share a common vision for how technology can facilitate deeper social connection, no matter where you are in the world."


The Chair of the World University and School Board, as well as the WUaS Corporation (2 separate legal entities) is Larry Viehland, a MIT Alumnus from 1969 and a professor of ionic chemistry. It might be helpful too to bring him into this conversation if at all possible as well; his email is viehland@chatham.edu.

Thank you, John, and looking forward to further communication about this in the not too distant future.

Best regards, Scott

John and All, 

Some further related questions regarding my reaching out to you at Pokemon Go here. Much of the above could be focused on how to further grow Pokemon Go in ways you see ahead, as well as regarding further developing Actual-Virtual developments in Google Street View with time slider with Augmented Reality and re - https://twitter.com/hashtag/ActualVirtual?src=hashtag_click. Pokemon Go excels at facilitating developing actual-virtual relationships, with its Street View focus. How too to explore this further?

And what about a course that's MIT OCW-centric, and in edX (with which WUaS is currently in the process of partnering), based on the above syllabus - - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1xYuozfkON-RVZQkr7d1qLPJrCRqN8TkzeDySM-3pzeA/edit?usp=sharing - to grow further sophisticated Pokemon Go users (re diversity questions esp.) and coders - to grow coders of Pokemon Go in all 200 countries even, and in many languages?

Thanks so much. 

All the best, 

- Scott MacLeod - Founder, President & Professor

- World University and School

- 415 480 4577

- CC World University and School - like CC Wikipedia with best STEM-centric CC OpenCourseWare - incorporated as a nonprofit university and school in California, and is a U.S. 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt educational organization. 

* * 

Hi Scott,

I hope my note finds you well. I was on holiday when your email came in and happy to address your questions. Regarding a question about an interface with edX and your platform, it would not be my colleague Ned, but we have members of the edX Solutions Architect team that can work with you develop a custom integration with your platform. This integration leverages our tool-kit of integration options, which can include course discovery, SSO, and the metadata for grading and student progress. Ultimately, the extent of what is possible would occur when meeting with our technical team.

To address the questions about MIT application process and survey, while MIT is a founder of edX, edX is a separate entity and we do not oversee the admission aspects of MIT. Apologies if I misunderstood that question or missed any others.

Thank you,


March 4, 2021

Hi Jim, 

Thanks so much for your reply. Seems re the last words that appeared in my email in your reply - 

"Seems preposterous that an aging reversal genetic engineering drug therapy - say with a cream - could reverse age back to newborn size but check out this puppy http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2021/02/xoloitzcuintle-mexican-hairless-dog.html?m=0 in today's Minutes" (from WUaS Monthly Business Meeting on 2/20/21)... 

... that there are more possibilities here - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2021/03/crater-lake-national-park-mit-ocw-aging.html - and re hearing back after you emailed from edX ... and re MIT OCW as well as Pokemon Go. Will a syringe or a capsule be better vectors than creams for aging reversal drugs eventually I wonder? 

Thank you, Scott





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