Channel: Scott MacLeod's Anthropology of Information Technology & Counterculture
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Vernal pool: 2009 Canyon sunrise, Harbin field work . . . in parking lot in Middletown, Subaru was also my tent



Dear Ma, John, Jim, Peter, Gerd, Henry, Ed, Larry, Mark, Taylor, Joan, 

These pics just popped up in Google Photo, from 12 years ago, from this day in 2009: I had just moved into 670A (formerly 86) Ridgecrest Road, Canyon 94516 around December 1, 2008, and had been doing field work -1 month in, 1 month out of Harbin - the year before, in 2008. 

Canyon sunrise pics ~ 

pics in parking lot next to Mugshots' cafe in Middletown, CA, with my Subaru Legacy which was also my anthropological field work 'tent' while at Harbin for many years, while doing Harbin field work

pics standing next to car 

Am struck a bit by how I look, chameleon-like, a little like a 'dude' from Middletown, CA, or Lake County in these pictures (having been soaking a fair amount in the Harbin pools too:). 

Am kind of wishing too that I might have image recognition machine learning search software (with privacy too) for my own hard drive to find the photos that might have the Harbin "Stammtisch" table sign in them, which was in the Blue Room cafe forever, - with the AI  searching on the "Stammtisch" WORD in pictures on my hard drive even. This AI could be on the cusp of usefulness, but not as user friendly as Google search algorithms yet potentially. 

Am curious in what ways would it be possible to add such image recognition software to both my hard drive, as well as to 'pipe' or UPLOAD all such relevant Harbin photos (with their 'provenance' of place where taken, date of photo etc) into a #RealisticVirtualHarbin (a single #RealisticVirtualEarth for everything, and at the cellular and atomic levels too) -  https://twitter.com/hashtag/RealisticVirtualHarbin?src=hashtag_click - via a new kind of ethno-wiki-virtual-world-graphy - even ?

Is anthropological fieldwork, social theory-wise involving participant observation, a bit like becoming a chameleon? :) Perhaps. 

Bay Area Stammtisch meets on Saturday, 4/17/21 at 10:30 am Pacific Time again for those who might be interested in Google Meet video conferencing, and here's the link (in the English or the German language) - meet.google.com/fzi-jamh-qrq - (and ALSO with an invitation to open hour long WUaS Monthly Business Meeting on 4/17/21 too, at 9am Pacific Time in Google Meet here - meet.google.com/ywy-yfft-awu).


This is the idea too - 
"Ethno-Wiki-Virtual-World-Graphy #EthnoWikiVirtualWorldGraphy https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/search/label/ethno-wiki-virtual-world-graphyhttp://scottmacleod.com/research-group.html #Medianthro https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2021/03/chagres-national-park-panama.html #AnthroTwitter in 1 #RealisticVirtualEarth #RealisticVirtualEarthForAnthropology #VirtualSoaking #RealisticVirtualHarbin
@HarbinBook ~"

* * * 

Thursday, April 15, 2021

Hi Ma, John, Jim, Peter, Gerd, Henry, Ed, Larry, Mark, Taylor, Joan, 

I hope this finds you all well. I blogged a bit about this thread 2 days' ago - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2021/04/vernal-pool-lake-county-email-george.html - but without most of the pictures. In yesterday's blog post - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2021/04/alpha-centauri.html - am curious how also to explore a related Breakthrough approach, in thinking about getting to the very distant Alpha Centauri (thanks to Harvard/ MIT Professor of Genetics' George Church), - to creating free universal highest quality education, for all 7.8 billion people on the planet, and in all 200 countries, and as speakers of all 7,139 known living languages - in World Univ & Sch. Free universal education, like aging reversal drug therapies (per George Church), is within reach!

Joan and John, is this the George Kidder (from a 1992 UVM interview) I've heard you talk often about - https://www.alumni.uvm.edu/s/1690/alumni/index.aspx?sid=1690&gid=2&pgid=1080 - and who matriculated at the University of Vermont in 1918 (from which Henry recently graduated)? He and this video interview are interesting models for MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch even.

Further, in what ways might it be possible to explore too the breakthrough innovations in getting to Alpha Centauri quickly (and even regarding REAL REAL TIME MUSIC-MAKING via the web) to creating a realistic virtual Harbin Hot Springs for Actual-Virtual ethnographic comparative field work, and STEM research, including brain science (with people wearing headbands in the Harbin warm pool, both, iteratively, 1) getting neural data from individuals' brains - say about meditation and enjoyment neurally - and also 2) transmitting this data via fast wireless into avatar bots of you and I in a single realistic virtual earth / Harbin? :)

The open Bay Area Stammtisch meets on Saturday, 4/17/21 at 10:30 am Pacific Time again for those who might be interested in Google Meet video conferencing, and here's the link (in the English or the German language) - meet.google.com/fzi-jamh-qrq - (and ALSO with an invitation to open hour long WUaS Monthly Business Meeting on 4/17/21 too, at 9am Pacific Time in Google Meet here - meet.google.com/ywy-yfft-awu).

Warm regards, Scott

Scott MacLeod - https://twitter.com/scottmacleod
Languages - World Univ - http://twitter.com/sgkmacleod

World Univ and Sch Twitter - http://twitter.com/WorldUnivandSch
WUaS Press - https://twitter.com/WUaSPress
“Naked Harbin Ethnography” book (in Academic Press at WUaS) - http://twitter.com/HarbinBook
OpenBand (Berkeley) - https://twitter.com/TheOpenBand).

Into #AvatarBotElectronicMedicalRecords as new #WUaSavatarBots (think artificial humans aka Samsung Neons) for all 7.8 billion people each a #WikidataQitem # in an #ActualVirtual #RealisticVirtualEarthForSurgery (think Google Street View w #TimeSlider)~
https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/World_University_Medical_School ~



- Scott MacLeod - Founder, President & Professor

- World University and School

- 415 480 4577

- CC World University and School - like CC Wikipedia with best STEM-centric CC OpenCourseWare - incorporated as a nonprofit university and school in California, and is a U.S. 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt educational organization. 




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