Channel: Scott MacLeod's Anthropology of Information Technology & Counterculture
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Alpine Lily (Lilium parvum): 'Getting one's mind around aging reversal genetically,' How would a realistic virtual earth for CHEMISTRY work? - thinking Google Street View with time slider, Maps, Earth, TensorFlow AI, and at the cell and atom levels too

Next: Red Alder (Alnus rubra): Reed College friends' communications - Please let any prospective Bachelor or PhD degree students in Alaska know of the free-to-students' CC-4 MIT OCW-centric degrees emerging - and with an opportunity to matriculate next on 9/1/21. Living and studying from Alaska is a great example of a place where CC-4 MIT OCW-centric WUaS might be of interest to you and friends. Am curious how to let people of Alaska 'as a whole' know about these new WUaS developments, perhaps through its department of education, or through high school college counselors, for example * Stanford Law CodeX - Computational Antitrust, and wondering how "Stanford Mine Pi", the digital currency, and its emerging blockchain, might navigate computational antitrust questions - .where I see nothing about cryptocurrency or blockchain ledger on this page. I ask in the process of developing CC-4 MIT OCW-centric, wiki World University and School planned in ~200 countries, per the Olympics, 7,139 languages, per the number of known living languages in the world, and brainstorming-wise for all 7.8 billion people on the planet ~ - and significantly in order to end poverty via mineable Universal Basic Income Experiments
Previous: Oregon - Crater Lake: Nice resume, Mr. Hendrix - But are you experienced? :) * Best small camper vans * 1970s, ethno-wiki-virtual-world-graphy, robotics, virtual Harbin, loving bliss, neurophysiology, Oregon, ethics, Quakers, MIT, Yale University, UBI, care, Harbin ethnography, hippies, SGKMacLeod family history * * * * Blogged a bit here about the 'Best small camper vans - are you experienced' email thread, & have also blogged about 2 this family history thread and 3 calling for the abolition of the illegal sex industry in CA, the USA and worldwide (like the abolition of slavery, here - http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2021/06/coracias-garrula-european-roller.html +) . . . Hoping the SF Quaker Meeting gets the psychiatric help it needs as a group, and for individuals in it, and individuals in Pacific Yearly Meeting too ie - https://twitter.com/WorldUnivAndSch/status/1306651942769233920?s=20 ~


Getting one's mind around aging reversal genetically

Dear Ma, John, Joan, Sandy, Dick, Larry, Jim, Ian, Peter, All, 

Aging reversal genetic drug therapies in the offing, - this is the 1st recent headline I've seen yesterday: 

"University of Minnesota, Mayo report COVID-fighting success with anti-aging therapy"

https://m.startribune.com/university-of-minnesota-mayo-report-covid-fighting-success-with-anti-aging-therapy/600066486/ . . . with a mouse focus. I'm sharing below a bit further brainstorming regarding this "Getting one's mind around aging reversal genetically" thread - and thanks to George Church, and Jane Metcalfe (Peter Norvig) and many!

And then today, from Jane Metcalfe (a colleague of George Church based in Berkeley), I received a NeoLife newsletter, "Biohackers in Space (Almost); the Antidote to Snapchat Dysphoria" with this article, which picture is kinda wild as AUGMENTED REALITY ...  

Getting out there - 
"The Antidote to Snapchat Dysphoria? Getting Weird.
AR-enhanced face filters are here to stay, and Ines Alpha is working to free them from tired beauty standards."
- which again is picture of AUGMENTED REALITY, I think . . .  and regarding Axolotl-bird genetically engineered combination blog post, which, by contrast, is REAL, PHYSICAL or ACTUAL, and see these 2 blog posts with PICTURES - 
While not aging reversal per se, what happens if one engineered, or bio-hacked, in younger AXOLOTL fins than the BIRD organism, bodymind, or evenphenotype? Would women or men choose to do so, if like a new piece of clothing, fashion, or tattoo even? 

I come back to George Church's 'Transcription Factors, TFome:  aging forward & reverse' - 
"... track DNA particles as they potentially "GET YOUNGER" too - and per 
Transcription Factors, TFome:  aging forward & reverse

... and with TIME SLIDER in Google Street View, Maps, Earth, with species, and even at the cell and atomic levels ... 

But why can't aging reversal-longevity geneticists do something 'SIMPLE' first, like doubling the age of a SINGLE Drosophila vinegar fly in this bottle - say to 180 days or so? :) SEE: 

Focus on lifespan #Longevity with #AgingReversal? ~ #Drosophila ~ https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2021/03/wild-drosophila-melanogaster-fruit-fly.html #WUaSLongevity #WUaSagingReversal in a #RealisticVirtualEarthForCRISPR (think #GoogleStreetView with #TimeSlider with #AI at cell & molecular levels with #DigitalSpecies


So, soon after I sent you all the email a week or two ago about a realistic virtual earth for BIOLOGY re 'mastering' this with coding for a realistic virtual earth (https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2021/05/yosemite-valley-tunnel-view-getting.html), and then a second email about a realistic virtual earth for Physics (https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2021/05/travertine-moundbridgeportcajpg.html), I received this NeoLife email also from Jane Metcalfe, like today's ...

"Grapevines in Space; Atomic Gardening" 

AND IT MADE ME WONDER how a realistic virtual earth for CHEMISTRY would work - thinking Google Street View with time slider, Maps, Earth, TensorFlow AI, and at the cell and atom levels too . . . and with species' avatar bots - and even for an outer space journey, and also for aging reversal of Grapevines in Space, say an heirloom variety from Bordeaux, or similar - and even how one might make wine on the proposed 8 month journey to Mars, in the (LATE?) 2030s, and the 8 months or so back? 

So in the #ActualVirtual, #PhysicalDigital realistic virtual universe above (as conversation too), with a #Filmto3D App, am thinking Google Street View with TIME SLIDER - where the BIOLOGiCAL envisioning above isn't yet coded inter-operably with the PHYSICS' realistic virtual world (in all the 'fragmented' simulations that scientists have made), conceptually - could one nevertheless plan to develop this realistic virtual world / universe to time slide back the biology WITH the chemistry of Grapevines in space, VIRTUALLY, AND THEN upload this CODING to the actual Grapevines on the way to Mars and back in 2038, somehow? 

So this idea builds on a #CRISPRCas9 realistic virtual earth at the molecular level information technologies, but adds a vast amount of further context (and I'm an anthropologist, where context is helpful too to understanding culture, but which milieu or discourse culturally is difficult to 'reduce' as well, and brings in other questions of language beyond coding languages), beyond the 'ENZYME SCISSORS' (Cas9) at the molecular level, especially with time slider, like adding cell metabolism, and phenotype or organism structures too, which could be chemistry, but only for edits, and not reversal ? And so this in one  . . . 

In 1 #RealisticVirtualEarth #RealisticVirtualEarthForGenetics #WUaSagingReversal how best for @WorldUnivAndSch to develop #AgingReverasl tool set way beyond #CRISPRCas9 (Cas9 is enzyme is edit scissors) with #FilmTo3D App at #WUaSCellAtomLevels (Think #StreetView #TimeSlider #AI)

And further,  
in seeking to get my mind around aging reversal genetically, I'm wondering again how one could code this too in a realistic virtual earth for CHEMISTRY - https://twitter.com/hashtag/RealisticVirtualEarthForSTEM?src=hashtag_click - in addition to for BIOLOGY and for PHYSICS (3 fundamental 'hard' sciences, leading to replicable experiments for one), in one single realistic virtual earth / UNIVERSE for Actual-Virtual, Physical-Digital developments, and with a #FilmTo3D App at the street view, cellular and atomic levels.

IT MIGHT BE GREAT TO BE ABLE TO time slide the bordeaux grapevine ON BOARD THE SHIP back to a certain age, and for wine production, or grape juice production (if time is short, and there's no wine cellar on board this super lightweight spaceship)> 

And then when George Church shared this
"Open letter to the scientific community and to the Millennium Prize Committee"
Published on May 19, 2021
. . . it made me wonder whether this microscope, PICTURED, which patents may have been usurped, could be the perfect instrument to reengineer and send to Mars (which could be easier since it may have been usurped - and patents are more fungible with time in the information technology revolution; think all the back and forth between patents in 2 main smartphones), and for even #FilmTo3D App processes at the molecular and cellular levels- and further, with those rubber-like hands covered in gloves, pictured, could even robots operate it on the way, hypothetically to Mars, and for clean laboratory environment reasons too? So would this be the microscope - if Pascal Mayer could somehow get the patents back - that would be able to be adapted to video at the cellular and atomic levels the chemistry of say grape vines - and do the Actual<>Virtual, Physical<>Digital back and forths and partly into something like Google Poly conceptually which is a library of virtual objects, and closing this June, but with what comes after?

And could the Bordeaux grapevines' age in space thus be reversed - with differential 3D model-able chemistry - thanks to this new form of realistic virtual earth genetic engineering? And could even astronauts on the way to Mars for 8 months in the 2030s, and back for ~8 months, make differential kinds of wine with these grapes VIRTUALLY re their age-chemistry  ... and so could the wines molecular chemistry be modeled with this microscope into 3D Google Poly's successor as a library of virtual objects ... to explore too making even better tasting wine with 3D virtual modeling? 

All innovation questions, and am neither a biologist, physicist, nor a chemist, but would also seek to code such a realistic virtual universe for MATERIALS SCIENCES, and for geology, two other hard, replicable sciences related to physical processes. Brainstorming-wise, how to bring  BY CODING an Actual-Virtual, Physical-Digital realistic virtual earth for BIOLOGY together with realistic virtual earth for PHYSICS, together with A realistic virtual earth for CHEMISTRY? All of this may have implications for my Actual-Virtual, Physical-Digital Realistic Virtual Harbin as an ethnographic field site, for developing research. Visit the Harbin Gate House here in Google Street View ~ http://tinyurl.com/p62rpcg (accessible from~ https://twitter.com/HarbinBook ~ http://bit.ly/HarbinBook ~)
- and time slide in the very first interactive image on the right from 2012 to 2007 to see the vintage fire engine ... and extrapolate to the cellular and atomic levels. (Here's Peter Norvig in some of these regards - "Peter Norvig: We Are Seduced by Our Low-Dimensional Metaphors | AI Podcast Clips - 

Maybe we'll get new TFOME forward and back information technologies in Street View with a time slider out of it all, at various scales, thanks to George Church especially, which will lead to information technologies that allow us to create aging-reversal genetic therapies!

Thoughts, questions, ideas, suggestions (and thanks I think to Jane and George for the NeoLife newsletter - is this even a kind of hippy newsletter, perhaps biohacking newsletter might be a more contemporary way to think about this inspiring, and in-spring?, :) newsletter )

Where to begin with Vast #Wiki #WUaSData project of 1 #RealisticVirtualEarth for EVERYTHING since 4.6 billion yrs ago & at cell & atomic levels too & as #RealisticVirtualEarthForGenetics? #BeginAtTheBeginning? https://goodreads.com/quotes/6305-begin-at-the-beginning-the-king-said-very-gravely-and Is this #StreetView #TimeSlider #TensorFlowAI?

https://twitter.com/HarbinBook/status/1383620373690810374?s=20 > https://twitter.com/hashtag/RealisticVirtualEarthForGenetics?src=hashtag_click - :) 

All the best, 
Longevity blog label in daily blog - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/search/label/longevity
See the genes, and virtual world labels too for example 





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