Summer traveling :)
Hi Joan and Johnny, All,
Warm greetings from the SF Bay Area and I hope this finds you well.
I'm planning to head east driving to Cuttyhunk island via NE Oregon and interstate 90, and hoping to arrive at Wisdom Creek Ranch (which a favorite uncle Ted began in 1959) next Sunday evening to visit my cousin Ann Brown (if I can), and maybe her sister, Cathy, in Pendleton, too. My friend from high school, Henry Cutter:), has kindly invited me to visit him and Victoria in Randolph, VT (and do Yoga on their lawn too!:), and I'm wondering whether I could possibly please come visit you as well in VT and at Kendall, if you're going to be around during parts of July? Do you happen to know already when you might be on Cuttyhunk in July, by any chance? :) I may also head to Portland, Maine on a July trip to visit Sandy there. (Am also heading to Portland again around the August 1st weekend, to visit my 1st cousin Mark, and possibly see some of his siblings too at their place in Bonny Eagle). Might it be possible please to come visit for a spell, Joan and John? We could sort out further details after I get back east to Cuttyhunk, and am planning to arrive around June 28th and to visit in passing with David Thurston on-island.
Am in a bit of a curious situation out here, living in a 'safe house,' having whistle-blown about Canyon 94516, by calling the local police, and regarding a mentally ill, offending and perpetrating former landlord, who may also be violent, within a culture of violence in the Canyon and regarding even the illegal sex industry ... so while I think I'm safe here north of Berkeley, and I'll be safe on the east coast, I also could be looking for another place to live back east ... all unfolding ... but I have in mind also writing a 2nd Harbin ethnographic book in mind with actual fieldwork, if California can get its act together and make it a safe place to live, and regarding other whistle-blowing I've done too, about UC Berkeley, its Law School, Stanford, in addition to the SF Quaker Meeting and PYM, ... and north in Oregon regarding Reed College too. I've also received some other threats near Canyon, and was even assaulted in the Quaker Meeting somewhat traumatically (with some of this is in my blog, in the 'ethics' label, and in other blog entries).
And I continue to seek a life partner, with whom to begin a family of 3 or so - and who is interested in starting a family too; a 28-32 year old warm radiant MD with whom I connect would be wonderful ... but I've been seeking this for years ...perhaps at a disadvantage, however, living in Canyon 94516 (where the landlord could even have wanted me to connect with his daughter :( . . . and I was writing my 5 books too ... )
I'm thinking I'll take a few trips off from Cuttyhunk with a very great opportunity to see New England, so I'm wondering if it might be possible to stop by and see you in your homes away from beautiful wonderful Cuttyhunk? :)
Lots of driving ahead and not yet in an autonomous vehicle that's also a van for comfort and space while traveling! ... CC-4 MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch is coming along, and it could be great to be based in the Boston area regarding proximity to Harvard and MIT ahead, in some of these regards too ... with opportunities for many growing with it, I think.
Looking forward very much to seeing you if it works out, John, Joan, Henry and All.
Warm regards, Scott
- Scott GK MacLeod
Founder, President, CEO & Professor
World Univ & Sch (WUaS) - PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 94516
Hi Ma,
Sending this here after text -
How was your book group Ma? How was your day?
Got new-ish slightly small blue suitcase off plank outside under tarp with nice things, pieces of material, in it, from India from 2013-14 trip. Too small? Not as well designed as green suitcase, with sim external dimensions, which can fit Scottish small pipes? So I labored to get green suitcase from under the tarp, tent, not easy to get, heavy with books, old, slightly wearing fabric, ratty, very dusty, dirty ... no piano Blues' book inside either - Decided Blue suitcase would be better, even without pipes, and if I was going to sleep 4 nights in cramped car with it ...
Frozen food is all cooked, in microwave, in wok, - to turn off fridge for 7 weeks - good travel food, ... 5 hard boiled eggs, 10 minutes each are cooked too ... Laundry load ahead ...
Possibly sending out WUaS Minutes from Monthly Business Meeting this morning too ...
Nice lunch at Ed's ... They're all flying off to the Florida Keys in the morning ... Ed's enjoying his retirement ...
Hope you have a good day tomorrow ... Talk soon
Love, Scott
Hi, Ma,
Departing more slowly than I'd thought, but also more deliberately. Seeking to drive east 8 hours today ... into Nevada or Utah perhaps ...
Good I think to be driving cross-country too - and regarding safety esp - since I'm living in a 'safe house' (re the perpetrators and offenders out there, I'd posit) - and I'd think air travel would be more risky, given the spurious uc berkeley law school law school letter (due to w kell??? and OTHERS there?), and the passing away of my friend, and main informant, Sunheart Sunheart (Colin ...) too at Harbin last autumn 2020 (due to possible foul play, and nelson graburn???) ... (Are these folks all vested in the illegal sex industry internationally, and engaging in its latent culture of force and harming even???) Staying on the ground and also regarding my whistle-blowing about ethical wrongdoing by these 2 and at Stanford, the SF Quaker Meeting, Pacific Yearly Meeting (Quakers), uc Berkeley itself, Harbin, and in Oregon, at Reed College ... leads me to think I'm safer on the ground driving cross-country this year. Glad Ed Smyth MD, whom I saw yesterday for lunch :) at his place, has been in all my documentation of some of this in many emails in a sense, and is now retiring, and also that he's flying off today with his family to the Florida Keys ( - and for my safety reasons too)! ... And could Ed also head the World Univ & Sch Medical Schools, and collaborate with Kaiser Permanente too - in all 200 countries eventually? Glad too I've called for the ABOLITION of the illegal sex industry in the WUaS Agenda for 6/19/21 - - and regarding some or even much of the above whistle-blowing.
Since my left eye was damaged, out of the far left corner, after getting the second shot of Pfizer vaccine at Kaiser Permanente (a Marriott hotel KP vaccine center in Oakland), I wonder if I could be a claimant eventually in a class action suit in the future from Kaiser Permanente even ... since they seemed to be complicit - tragically?? - in breaking even the Nuremberg Principles (law against experimenting on humans), since these coronavirus vaccines, for example, hadn't undergone rigorous legal FDA clinical trials in the rush last year of the non-SARS CoV2 pandemic. Hoping my left eye will heal in the upcoming months. (It was potentially a mistake to get the vaccine, as I think about this further, from a personal or individual rational decision-making point of view - especially if my eye is permanently damaged; on the other hand, if I'm now in databases having got the shot, perhaps I'm safer from the perspective of 'state' - the US, and all 5 states - medical systems gone awry; and would it / could it also lead to getting aging reversal vaccines, potentially, because I got this vaccine, I wonder?).
Glad to be heading to Cuttyhunk (another 'safe house' stop on the 'underground railroad' even, in 2021, sadly?), but here are some nice pictures in 2 different Tweets:
Cuttyhunk Island Massachusetts, 5 years ago today~
15 pics
Cuttyhunk Island Massachusetts, 5 years ago today~
6 pics (overlapping with above)
Cuttyhunk Island Massachusetts, 5 years ago today:
Good Yoga asana exploration this morning ...
Looking forward to seeing you on Thursday in Pgh, Ma, - safely! And I hope you have a great upcoming week! Talk with you soon, from on the road.:)
Love, Scott
- Scott GK MacLeod
Founder, President, CEO & Professor
World Univ & Sch (WUaS) - PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 94516
Hi Joan, and Johnny, Ma and All,
Heading out the door to drive east to Massachusetts, from just north of Berkeley soon, destination Cuttyhunk :) Shared this email with some Cuttyhunk pics, but also some serious concerns, - and regarding my living in a 'safe house' presently, sadly. Could Cuttyhunk be a stop on the underground railroad too - and toward freedom from a kind of slavery, even, the international illegal sex trade? Glad I called for abolition of this in the WUaS 6/19/21 Agenda - Glad to be getting, too, out of the 'bubble' of the SF Bay Area, as I seek my next abode after my lease expires in March of 2022. (I'd like to complete my ethnographic field work project at Harbin, with actual field work - but this is a huge project, like MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch itself, since it involves potentially making a realistic virtual Harbin, and ALSO in one single realistic virtual earth - think Google Street View with time slider, Maps, Earth, TensorFlow, realistic avatar bots, and at the cellular and atomic levels too - and safely).
Looking forward to seeing you soon. How are you all? Hoping this finds you well!
Warm regards,
Hi, Ma,
Departing more slowly than I'd thought, but also more deliberately. Seeking to drive east 8 hours today ... into Nevada or Utah perhaps ...
Good I think to be driving cross-country too - and regarding safety esp - since I'm living in a 'safe house' (re the perpetrators and offenders out there, I'd posit) - and I'd think air travel would be more risky, given the spurious uc berkeley law school law school letter (due to w kell??? and OTHERS there?), and the passing away of my friend, and main informant, Sunheart Sunheart (Colin ...) too at Harbin last autumn 2020 (due to possible foul play, and nelson graburn???) ... (Are these folks all vested in the illegal sex industry internationally, and engaging in its latent culture of force and harming even???) Staying on the ground and also regarding my whistle-blowing about ethical wrongdoing by these 2 and at Stanford, the SF Quaker Meeting, Pacific Yearly Meeting (Quakers), uc Berkeley itself, Harbin, and in Oregon, at Reed College ... leads me to think I'm safer on the ground driving cross-country this year. Glad Ed Smyth MD, whom I saw yesterday for lunch :) at his place, has been in all my documentation of some of this in many emails in a sense, and is now retiring, and also that he's flying off today with his family to the Florida Keys ( - and for my safety reasons too)! ... And could Ed,brainstorming-wise also head the online World Univ & Sch Medical Schools in 200 countries (per Olympics) and in their languages, and collaborate with Kaiser Permanente too - in all 200 countries eventually? Glad too I've called for the ABOLITION of the illegal sex industry in the WUaS Agenda for 6/19/21 - - and regarding some or even much of the above whistle-blowing.
Since my left eye was damaged, out of the far left corner, after getting the second shot of Pfizer vaccine at Kaiser Permanente (a Marriott hotel KP vaccine center in Oakland), I wonder if I could be a claimant eventually in a class action suit in the future from Kaiser Permanente even ... since they seemed to be complicit - tragically?? - in breaking even the Nuremberg Principles (law against experimenting on humans), since these coronavirus vaccines, for example, hadn't undergone rigorous legal FDA clinical trials in the rush last year of the non-SARS CoV2 pandemic. Hoping my left eye will heal in the upcoming months. (It was potentially a mistake to get the vaccine, as I think about this further, from a personal or individual rational decision-making point of view - especially if my eye is permanently damaged; on the other hand, if I'm now in databases having got the shot, perhaps I'm safer from the perspective of 'state' - the US, and all 5 states - medical systems gone awry; and would it / could it also lead to getting aging reversal vaccines, potentially, because I got this vaccine, I wonder?).
Glad to be heading to Cuttyhunk (another 'safe house' stop on the 'underground railroad' even, in 2021, sadly?), but here are some nice pictures in 2 different Tweets:
Cuttyhunk Island Massachusetts, 5 years ago today~
15 pics
Cuttyhunk Island Massachusetts, 5 years ago today~
6 pics (overlapping with above)
Cuttyhunk Island Massachusetts, 5 years ago today:
Good Yoga asana exploration this morning ...
Looking forward to seeing you on Thursday in Pgh, Ma, - safely! And I hope you have a great upcoming week! Talk with you soon, from on the road.:)
- Scott GK MacLeod
Founder, President, CEO & Professor
World Univ & Sch (WUaS) - PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 94516
| Sun, Jun 20, 3:52 PM (3 days ago)
| | |
Safe travels! Let me know if and when you are closest to the DC area. Traveling a lot abroad but we might be able to converge somewhere. Wishing you success and beauty on the road!
Love, Tym
It would be wonderful to see you on Cuttyhunk, Tym! The closest I may be to DC is Hwy 76 from Pgh to Philly - possibly a little too far from DC - on Sunday the 27th (heading to Lakeville CT and a cousin's house) ... Might you make it to Massachusetts in all your travels? It would be really wonderful to see you on Cuttyhunk :)
Love, Scott
- Scott GK MacLeod
Founder, President, CEO & Professor
World Univ & Sch (WUaS) - PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 94516
Dear Joan, Johnny, Ma, All,
I hope this email finds you well. How are you?
About 10:21 minutes to Salt Lake City from here :) ... may make it 8 hours away and camp !
Warm regards, Scott
Warm regards, Scott
Some Google searches on -
- Scott GK MacLeod
Founder, President, CEO & Professor
World Univ & Sch (WUaS) - PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 94516
Joan, John, Ma, Sandy, Tym, Henry, All,
162 miles out, I just crossed the Pacific Trail and glad I noticed it (2hrs 30mins back to Berkeley from here), which part of the trail I think I hiked on a 3.5 month journey from
Mexico-CA border to the Columbia River between WA & OR in 1980 in California and Oregon (not in its entirety). See pics - ... 2400 miles to Pittsburgh from here (35 hours of driving). Thanks so much to Tym Lenderking & Henry Cutter a few hours back for your emails :) ... Taking a wonderland approach here, - with the first audio book, which seems to be written to listen to ...
ALICE'S ADVENTURES IN WONDERLAND - FULL AudioBook | by Lewis Carroll - Adventure & Fantasy V2
Shakespeare's Midsummer's and Much Ado
A MIDSUMMER NIGHT'S DREAM - FULL AudioBook by William Shakespeare | Greatest Audio Books V3
Much Ado About Nothing
Fettes2021 follow.
Nice to be traveling :) .
John, Ed, Ma, Henry, Tym, All,
Good to hear from you.
Found a place near Beowawe Navada -
to car camp, on a high desert plateau - with beautiful near full moon (June 24) as I fell asleep. Adventure on the road opens all kind of ways of seeing, and the desert is pleasant cool and very clear at night. Nevada has vast open spaces all around. The amazing AllTrails'App opened these 3 opportunities to explore as I get underway first thing in the morning - all to the east ahead near highway 80, and thanks to Ed for this great IT resource!
To get a sense of some of the landscapes around here, check out these amazing hikes'"share" photos (can you view these?):
Ruby Dome Trail on AllTrails
Humbolt Area River Project on AllTrails
Searched on hot springs near me too - and there are 3, cool, but none appealing enough to stop at, probably; amazing IT to open these horizons.
Camping in my tiny Prius C is quite comfortable all curled up on the back, - making me think even a bit about traveling in a space ship capsule. I'm curious how to increase the knowledge aspects - geology, natural history wise - of my little trip, cross-country, compared with physicist astronauts, heading, say, for Mars in the 2030s. It's a little like ocean sailing too in a not too big seaworthy craft.
Would be fun to travel on this trip with my life partner.
Looking forward to seeing you back east.
Fondly, Scott
Agenda for 6/19/21 Monthly Business Meeting
Recording of 6/19/21 WUaS Monthly Business Meeting
Some of this here (?) Further -
* * *
I'm giving a Scottish small pipes' lesson to Taylor in Georgia online at 7 pm ET - after I get to Pittsburgh on 6/14/21. Glad you'll be at the theater, - have fun - and see you when you get back! What are you seeing ? :)
Hi from Nevada just east of Reno, at a place called Orchard, in very barren brown rocky hill country.
Love, Scott
May add to today's blog post ~ ... :)
Just shared the following a few hours ago, from the Pacific Crest Trail ~
Joan, John, Ma, Sandy, Tym, Henry, All,
162 miles out, I just crossed the Pacific Trail and glad I noticed it (2hrs 30mins back to Berkeley from here), which part of the trail I think I hiked on a 3.5 month journey from
Mexico-CA border to the Columbia River between WA & OR in 1980 in California and Oregon (not in its entirety). See pics - ... 2400 miles to Pittsburgh from here (35 hours of driving). Thanks so much to Tym Lenderking & Henry Cutter a few hours back for your emails :) ... Taking a wonderland approach here, - with the first audio book, which seems to be written to listen to ...
ALICE'S ADVENTURES IN WONDERLAND - FULL AudioBook | by Lewis Carroll - Adventure & Fantasy V2
Shakespeare's Midsummer's and Much Ado
A MIDSUMMER NIGHT'S DREAM - FULL AudioBook by William Shakespeare | Greatest Audio Books V3
Much Ado About Nothing
Fettes2021 follow.
Nice to be traveling :) .
- Scott GK MacLeod
Founder, President, CEO & Professor
World Univ & Sch (WUaS) - PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 94516
* * *
Dearest Scott,
Just to let you know that if your plans change, let me know. If, for some reason, you skip us on your way to Cuttyhunk, I will come visit for the day on Cuttyhunk AND you are welcomed also on your return home....or you are welcomed coming AND going!
Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone
-------- Original message --------
Date: 6/16/21 6:10 PM (GMT-05:00)
Subject: Re: SF Bay Area ~ Cuttyhunk
Dear Kate, Alden, Janie, Sandy, Cathy, Annie,
Thanks so much, Kate! Who knows Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream Pyramus and Thisbe rooms / knot hole lines - !:) by heart? (Good for listening to across the country - but I won't watch the play while driving, - until we have successful autonomous vehicles for the open western highways at first ). Looking very much forward to seeing you in Lakeville on June 27th, and on Cuttyhunk esp.
Check out too the pics herein - & relating also to #WUaSTimeTravelTechnologies
Oregon Conestoga Stanford Cuttyhunk
See you soon, Kate, Ma and Sandy - Annie and Cathy too, on the return trip!
Love, Scott
- Scott GK MacLeod
Founder, President, CEO & Professor
World Univ & Sch (WUaS) - PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 94516
Dear Kate, thanks so much for letting me know. Greetings from near Beowawe Nevada. Looking forward to seeing you on the 27th if it works out. Just sharing a little bit of very recent travel news below.
Warm regards, Scott
Kate, -
(John, Ed, Ma, Henry, Tym, All),
Good to hear from you.
Found a place near Beowawe Navada -
to car camp, on a high desert plateau - with beautiful near full moon (June 24) as I fell asleep. Adventure on the road opens all kind of ways of seeing, and the desert is pleasant cool and very clear at night. Nevada has vast open spaces all around. The amazing AllTrails'App opened these 3 opportunities to explore as I get underway first thing in the morning - all to the east ahead near highway 80, and thanks to Ed for this great IT resource!
To get a sense of some of the landscapes around here, check out these amazing hikes'"share" photos (can you view these?):
Ruby Dome Trail on AllTrails
The Big "E" on AllTrails
Humbolt Area River Project on AllTrails
Searched on hot springs near me too - and there are 3, cool, but none appealing enough to stop at, probably; amazing IT to open these horizons.
Camping in my tiny Prius C is quite comfortable all curled up on the back, - making me think even a bit about traveling in a space ship capsule. I'm curious how to increase the knowledge aspects - geology, natural history wise - of my little trip, cross-country, compared with physicist astronauts, heading, say, for Mars in the 2030s. It's a little like ocean sailing too in a not too big seaworthy craft.
Would be fun to travel on this trip with my life partner.
Looking forward to seeing you back east.
Fondly, Scott
Agenda for 6/19/21 Monthly Business Meeting
Recording of 6/19/21 WUaS Monthly Business Meeting
Some of this here (?) Further -
Thanks so much Kate
️ and looking forward to seeing you.
Some snow on the distant my Mountains from Wells, Nevada, 107F was the hottest temp I saw yesterday in car thermometer, 2022 miles to Pgh, which is 30 hours driving time. Saw an interesting urban waterway part of Elko Nevada
Humbolt Area River Project on AllTrails
thanks to AllTrails App a ways back :)
See you soon!
Cheers, Scott
Came across these the other day too, -
John A. Briscoe
India Returned Peace Corps Volunteers 1961-1976
In Fond Remembrance of John Briscoe, India 3 (1963-1965) -
December 15, 2013 at 09:41PM
John A. Briscoe, aide to Pa. congressman and nonprofit director, dies at 76
By — Martin WeilJanuary 17, 2014
John D Briscoe
John Briscoe, Dairy Farmer And English Instructor, 72
Oct. 15, 1975
John Briscoe
(1902 - 1975)
DONNA E. PLOSS; Courant Staff Writer
Jan 29, 1999
Martha Brown Briscoe of Salisbury,a former University of Connecticut board member and a longtime political and environmental activist, died Wednesday at home. She was 89.
* * *