Channel: Scott MacLeod's Anthropology of Information Technology & Counterculture
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Bog turtle: Fascinating to read that you were the publisher of the Record Bee newspaper in Lake County California from 1981-1986, in which county my Actual-Virtual Harbin Hot Springs' Ethnographic field site is located. Thanks too for your good wishes concerning subsequent research there.


John (All), 

thanks again for your email yesterday, and great to see you on Cuttyhunk, albeit at the memorial for Jim Lovell sadly. Glad for the opportunity for this closure, however, and to come together on Cuttyhunk as extended family in a sense. 

Fascinating to read that you were the publisher of the Record Bee newspaper in Lake County California from 1981-1986, in which county my Actual-Virtual Harbin Hot Springs' Ethnographic field site is located. Thanks too for your good wishes concerning subsequent research there.

You might find the following email I just shared with Bay Area Stammtisch friends - where the first (open) Bay Area Stammtisch (in English and in German) just met from Cuttyhunk yesterday (in Google Meet video conferencing, and newly for me from my Pixel 3a smartphone:)

Happy 4th of July!

With warm regards, 

Scott on Cuttyhunk on 7/4/21 -

Fritz, (Peter, Markus Kroetzsch, Denny, Peter Norvig, computer scientists, Simone, Bay Area Stammtischlern), 

Thanks for your email after our Bay Area Stammtisch yesterday, Fritz ... Regarding avatar bots and developing them further ... 

Would like to start 'building' avatar bots further right now ... 
In the UC Berkeley Anthropology talk I gave this past Dec 2020 -

- I ended this talk with an animated .gif photograph in YouTube of Max Ehrmann 'reading' his 'poem'"The Desiderata" - but not yet interactively or conversationally (around slide #90) ...


2020 - "Creating a Realistic Virtual Earth for Tourism and Tourism Studies with Actual-Virtual Harbin Hot Springs: A Case Study" UC Berkeley Anthropology TSWG presentation (slides) - 12/18/20 Fr ~ https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1SI2U7ssoy52met1OIwDwT5CbVLz98RuYRVE4OY5dj6A/edit?usp=sharing (new slides) - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2020/12/doubledays-hummingbird-cynanthus.html - http://tourismstudies.org/news_archive/MacLeod2020.htm ~ http://www.scottmacleod.com/ActualVirtualHarbinBook.html

And here's the video of this Anthropology talk -

'SGK MacLeod TSWG 12 18 2020 Creating a Realistic Virtual Earth Harbin for Tourism'

- where I explore further bringing Sunheart Sunheart, my main Harbin informant and friend, who died last autumn, 'alive' again as an interactive conversational Avatar Bot (what stories he might tell about Harbin Hot Springs/Heart Consciousness Church (HCC), given the right datasets ! ... And we who have been to Harbin could help create these datasets, via a new theory and method #EWVWG I'm developing) ... by adding the approximately 10 audio interviews I made TO emerging chat bots / avatar Bot algorithms and software ...

(In my actual ZOOM video conference talk, I skipped about 40 of the ~90 slides, due to time constraints, FYI - so I talked about, roughly, slides 1-48 and 89-93) ...

Avatar agency ?
Some related ideas in this 'label' in blog ...

What is agency, what is autonomy (re autonomous self-driving vehicles) - are all far-reaching philosophical questions, and newly regarding avatar bots, AI, and information technologies ... Getting into questions of consciousness (sentience, awareness, feeling, subjectivity) too - how can we code for something that is impossible so far to explain how it works, in the brain and in the bodymind? 

If Second Life avatars in a group build-able 3D virtual world which is cartoon-esque, but stimulating imaginatively re coding, could be coded for agency, or consciousness, in conjunction with you operating your avatar and I operating my 'Aphilo' avatar eg - 
"Aphilo Scott MacLeod The Making of Virtual Harbin"

(Peter Bothe, above, in Bremen, is spending some time in SL these days)

What would this involve? Second Life is a bit of a graveyard these days, in my experience, and static coding-wise, and not extensible ... But Samsung Neons into Google Street View with a #filmto3D App at cell and atomic levels too??? ... And into a WUaS Operating System as Kernel ... For STEM and ethnographic/social sciences' field sites, and as classrooms, - and for a Film to 3D App?

Seeking right NOW, for example, to add my interviews with Sunheart into developing Sunheart avatar Bot chat bots ... (Stanford Philosopher Richard Rorty interviews and videos too) ... but am in 'waiting in the Light' friendly-wise mode, since I haven't come upon, hacking-wise, open source Samsung Neon aka 'artificial humans' software into Google Street View with time slider and TensorFlow artificial intelligence environment with which to explore this further.

Happy Independence Day from the USA 😌

Seeking to get out the WUaS Minutes for 6/19/21 Monthly Business Meeting today, July 4th ... http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2021/06/yellow-billed-stork.html?m=0 - all from a small smartphone for the first time :)

Nice to have met in the Bay Area Stammtisch (Peter's language too) in a Google Meet video conference from Cuttyhunk Island Massachusetts yesterday, on a smartphone from this end too :)

Virtual Harbin label in blog (my Actual-Virtual ethnographic field site) ...

And for ethno-wiki-virtual-world-graphy 

Fritz in Munich 7/4/21 -


Thank you so much for your amazingly forward looking reflections which fully resonate with me! 

The new potential of combining fundamental disciplines (Philosophy, Psychiatry, Psychology, Technology, Sciences, Leadership, Virtuality) as part of a valuable WUaS  PhD program focusing on efficient open-minded collaboration in most meaningful human ways sounds & feels fascinating to me.

Perhaps we can try moving from a ‘let’s wait and see’ mode to a much more proactive ‘connect, explore, experiment’ with enthusiasm for developing a Virtual Lab environment, similar to the space station research activities where hundreds of people assist the people who carry out the experiments. Such a virtual lab environment could also provide a ‘bootstrapping’ platform where avatar bots and people from all over the world begin to collectively learn from each other in interesting new ways. 

Since Avatars offer a 24/7 operating mode, time zone constraints or language barriers, for example, could be more easily mitigated. People could query ‘Avatar Clones’ and get a quick update on the progress being made during other people’s interactions with the virtual lab environment. The JOY of sharing and helping with ideas, skills and knowledge with others could also create a paradigm shift in moving away from self-centered success in learning. Any more thoughts on this emerging on your side, Scott?

Warmest regards,

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On Fri, Jul 2, 2021, 9:30 PM Scott MacLeod <sgkmacleod@gmail.com> wrote:
Dear Betsy, and John, 

thanks for your email, and for reaching out too, Betsy. My mother may know Liz Perkins, but I don't recall her from when I sang in the 1st Pgh UU choir there in 2006-2007 (during when my father had a brain injury). Having also sung in the UU Choir in Palo Alto about 4 years ago, I only knew of one person from the 1st UU Church of Pgh there. Ma, Betsy sends a warm hello to you and Liz Perkins at the 1st UU Pittsburgh :-)

Since John and I have both visited Harbin some, Harbin Hot Springs, my Actual-Virtual ethnographic & STEM field site, became a first church, first in 1975 (HCC, and not affiliated with any others) after you would have been there, John, (and a 2nd church which ordains ministers in 1996, NACOB), but it may have been a bit of a hippy tax dodge as a church in CA, in my interpretation, too. Any recollections of HCC from your role at the Record-Bee in Lakeport? Soaking in the warm pool, however, there (some call it a sanctuary) is wondrous - and has parallels too with un-programmed Quaker Friends' Meeting regarding (what I'll call as a de facto relaxation response) meditation, deeply communal, connecting, cleansing, and releasing ... and informs aspects of my ethnographic interpretation of Harbin's alternative cultures or discourses. Hoping to facilitate this virtually in a realistic virtual Harbin even.

John, David Thurston, with whom I've visited Harbin (about 10 yrs ago, and who also visited me in Canyon CA 94516, from which I've recently moved into 'safe house') says he's in communication with your brother Bill, fellow Wesleyanite, in DC, he just wrote ... (And I hope CC-4 MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch, of which I'm sure he head, will also emerge from CC-3 Yale OpenYaleCourses - oyc.yale.edu/ - and per WUaS Monthly Business Meeting process, eg - http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2021/06/yellow-billed-stork.html?m=0). Please let UUs and contacts know of these online free-to-students' PhD and 4yr Bachelor degree opportunities, Betsy and John (emerging from MIT OCW's ~2400 courses first in English. 

Betsy, the MacLeod's Piney's house and garden are gradually growing in beauty this year, :) after the autumn, winter & spring past. Cuttyhunk's beauty comes into conversation with this process :)

Friendly regards, Scott
Can't go up to the Harbin pool area here yet, but you can Visit the Harbin Gatehouse in Google Street View here, and 'walk' down the road a spell,l too, and also walk around Middletown ~ http://tinyurl.com/p62rpcg (accessible from ~ https://twitter.com/HarbinBook ~ http://bit.ly/HarbinBook ~)

John, are you somehow in communication with the Lake County Record-Bee or Harbin people today ? Could the Record-Bee possibly help even  grow a #RealisticVirtualHarbin for history, and journalism, and for visiting virtually too!

Here again are some related #Hashtags Harbin regards - 
https://twitter.com/scottmacleod/status/1401252415051997185?s=19 - and a picture from about just before it burned down recently. Was this anything like what you recall when you visited there in the 1980s?  

Warm regards, Scott

On Fri, Jul 2, 2021, 8:29 PM Betsy Mead Tabor <familytabor@comcast.net> wrote:
Dear Scott ~ I appreciate your reaching out. Thank you!

I was glad to see tomatoes growing on the deck a couple of weeks ago and, whenever walking by, imagine taking on the weeding of your mother’s flower garden. Please do tell her and pass along a warm hello to her and Liz Perkins at the 1st UU Pittsburgh :-)~ With warm regards, Betsy

On Jul 2, 2021, at 4:48 PM, Scott MacLeod <sgkmacleod@gmail.com> wrote:


great to talk with you at Jim Lovell's memorial on Cuttyhunk, and to learn also that you had visited Harbin Hot Springs in the first half of the 1980s ... 

When again were you the editor or similar of the Record Bee newspaper - https://www.record-bee.com/ - in the city, nearby-to-Harbin, of Lakeport in Lake County, CA? 1981-1985 did you say? Are you in communication by any chance with Record Bee or Harbin people to this day? The Founder of Harbin, Ishvara, or Bob Hartley visited Cuttyhunk in the 1950s I think and knew Jim and Flora Lovell too I recall learning. Did you ever communicate with them about all of this :)?

Am seeking for people to visit virtual Harbin Hot Springs ... And anywhere on earth too ... Whenever year they'd like to, in a realistic virtual earth / Harbin -
Think Google Street View with Time Slider, Maps, Earth, in ever unfolding AI dimensionality, and for STEM and ethnographic research too - 
Visit the Harbin Gate House here in Google Street View ~ http://tinyurl.com/p62rpcg (accessible from~ https://twitter.com/HarbinBook ~ http://bit.ly/HarbinBook ~)

Seeking too to publish my second Harbin Ethnographic book from text in the sidebar from here too - http://tinyurl.com/p62rpcg + both to paper, and in a digital format, in many languages eventually.

Nice to visit with you and Carolyn Powers esp at the Cuttyhunk Church ... My mother in Pittsburgh is active in the 1st UU Church there, - and please give my regards to Betsy, your UU Minister wife. :) Any interest in visiting Harbin again virtually, and in the 1970s & 1980s perchance and for visiting, for history, and journalism too?

Here are some related #Hashtags Harbin regards - 
https://twitter.com/scottmacleod/status/1401252415051997185?s=19 - and a picture from about just before it burned down recently. Was this anything like what you recall when you visited there in the 1980s?  

Best & Friendly regards, Scott

- Scott GK MacLeod  
Founder, President, CEO & Professor
World Univ & Sch (WUaS) - PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 94516 
1) non-profit World University and School - http://worlduniversityandschool.org  
2) for profit general stock company WUaS Corporation in CA - http://worlduniversityandschool.org/AcademicPress.html

(m) 412 478 0116 - sgkmacleod@gmail.com 

World Univ & Sch Innovation Research -  scottmacleod.com 

(603) 557-6025

* * * 

[NTF-talk] Anti-Racism and July 4

These are short audio clips from NPR. Interesting.

    The Declaration Of Independence Brings Mixed Feelings For Native Americans


Thanks Bill, Non-theist Quakers, NtFs, friends, All,

Interesting ...

Searched in the Swarthmore College -
Global Nonviolent Action Database
 -on the following, all of whom dealt Non-Violently in one way or another with racism:

Mandela -

Martin Luther King Jr -

Gandhi - 

Ahimsa -
(No results yet found for this Sanskrit word, I think)

Am curious too how videos of these teachers of nonviolence for example herein & elsewhere could inform avatar bots as eventual teachers of nonviolence re the Friends' Testimonies about anti-racism and peace ( and understanding sociocultural context too, as an anthropologist newly in an interactive realistic virtual earth for history, and regarding my Actual-Virtual Harbin Hot Springs Ethnographic project too)

As I was writing the ideas below to some friends this morning about creating or bringing alive avatar bots of people now deceased, for interactive conversation and learning, ... I think I'd like to further focus MIT OCW-centric wiki World University and School's students on these teachers of color of non-violence and anti racism in their explorations of creating avatar bots with natural language processing (NLP) chat bots > avatar bots (in addition to developing WUaS in all 7139 known living languages as wiki schools closed r people to people teaching and learning, and esp. re anti racism questions.

NtF cheers,

John Tabor, (All), 

thanks again for your email yesterday, and great to see you on Cuttyhunk, albeit at the memorial for Jim Lovell sadly. Glad for the opportunity for this closure, however, and to come together on Cuttyhunk as extended family in a sense. 

Fascinating to read that you were the publisher of the Record Bee newspaper in Lake County California from 1981-1986, in which county my Actual-Virtual Harbin Hot Springs' Ethnographic field site is located. Thanks too for your good wishes concerning subsequent research there.

You might find the following email I just shared with Bay Area Stammtisch friends - where the first (open) Bay Area Stammtisch (in English and in German) just met from Cuttyhunk yesterday (in Google Meet video conferencing, and newly for me from my Pixel 3a smartphone:)

Happy 4th of July!

With warm regards, 

Scott on Cuttyhunk on 7/4/21 -

Fritz, (Peter, Markus Kroetzsch, Denny, Peter Norvig, computer scientists, Simone, Bay Area Stammtischlern), 

Thanks for your email after our Bay Area Stammtisch yesterday, Fritz ... Regarding avatar bots and developing them further ... 

Would like to start 'building' avatar bots further right now ... 
In the UC Berkeley Anthropology talk I gave this past Dec 2020 -

- I ended this talk with an animated .gif photograph in YouTube of Max Ehrmann 'reading' his 'poem'"The Desiderata" - but not yet interactively or conversationally (around slide #90) ...


2020 - "Creating a Realistic Virtual Earth for Tourism and Tourism Studies with Actual-Virtual Harbin Hot Springs: A Case Study" UC Berkeley Anthropology TSWG presentation (slides) - 12/18/20 Fr ~ https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1SI2U7ssoy52met1OIwDwT5CbVLz98RuYRVE4OY5dj6A/edit?usp=sharing (new slides) - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2020/12/doubledays-hummingbird-cynanthus.html - http://tourismstudies.org/news_archive/MacLeod2020.htm ~ http://www.scottmacleod.com/ActualVirtualHarbinBook.html

And here's the video of this Anthropology talk -

'SGK MacLeod TSWG 12 18 2020 Creating a Realistic Virtual Earth Harbin for Tourism'

- where I explore further bringing Sunheart Sunheart, my main Harbin informant and friend, who died last autumn, 'alive' again as an interactive conversational Avatar Bot (what stories he might tell about Harbin Hot Springs/Heart Consciousness Church (HCC), given the right datasets ! ... And we who have been to Harbin could help create these datasets, via a new theory and method #EWVWG I'm developing) ... by adding the approximately 10 audio interviews I made TO emerging chat bots / avatar Bot algorithms and software ...

(In my actual ZOOM video conference talk, I skipped about 40 of the ~90 slides, due to time constraints, FYI - so I talked about, roughly, slides 1-48 and 89-93) ...

Avatar agency ?
Some related ideas in this 'label' in blog ...

What is agency, what is autonomy (re autonomous self-driving vehicles) - are all far-reaching philosophical questions, and newly regarding avatar bots, AI, and information technologies ... Getting into questions of consciousness (sentience, awareness, feeling, subjectivity) too - how can we code for something that is impossible so far to explain how it works, in the brain and in the bodymind? 

If Second Life avatars in a group build-able 3D virtual world which is cartoon-esque, but stimulating imaginatively re coding, could be coded for agency, or consciousness, in conjunction with you operating your avatar and I operating my 'Aphilo' avatar eg - 
"Aphilo Scott MacLeod The Making of Virtual Harbin"

(Peter Bothe, above, in Bremen, is spending some time in SL these days)

What would this involve? Second Life is a bit of a graveyard these days, in my experience, and static coding-wise, and not extensible ... But Samsung Neons into Google Street View with a #filmto3D App at cell and atomic levels too??? ... And into a WUaS Operating System as Kernel ... For STEM and ethnographic/social sciences' field sites, and as classrooms, - and for a Film to 3D App?

Seeking right NOW, for example, to add my interviews with Sunheart into developing Sunheart avatar Bot chat bots ... (Stanford Philosopher Richard Rorty interviews and videos too) ... but am in 'waiting in the Light' friendly-wise mode, since I haven't come upon, hacking-wise, open source Samsung Neon aka 'artificial humans' software into Google Street View with time slider and TensorFlow artificial intelligence environment with which to explore this further.

Happy Independence Day from the USA 😌

Seeking to get out the WUaS Minutes for 6/19/21 Monthly Business Meeting today, July 4th ... http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2021/06/yellow-billed-stork.html?m=0 - all from a small smartphone for the first time :)

Nice to have met in the Bay Area Stammtisch (Peter's language too) in a Google Meet video conference from Cuttyhunk Island Massachusetts yesterday, on a smartphone from this end too :)

Virtual Harbin label in blog (my Actual-Virtual ethnographic field site) ...

And for ethno-wiki-virtual-world-graphy 

Fritz in Munich 7/4/21 -


Thank you so much for your amazingly forward looking reflections which fully resonate with me! 

The new potential of combining fundamental disciplines (Philosophy, Psychiatry, Psychology, Technology, Sciences, Leadership, Virtuality) as part of a valuable WUaS  PhD program focusing on efficient open-minded collaboration in most meaningful human ways sounds & feels fascinating to me.

Perhaps we can try moving from a ‘let’s wait and see’ mode to a much more proactive ‘connect, explore, experiment’ with enthusiasm for developing a Virtual Lab environment, similar to the space station research activities where hundreds of people assist the people who carry out the experiments. Such a virtual lab environment could also provide a ‘bootstrapping’ platform where avatar bots and people from all over the world begin to collectively learn from each other in interesting new ways. 

Since Avatars offer a 24/7 operating mode, time zone constraints or language barriers, for example, could be more easily mitigated. People could query ‘Avatar Clones’ and get a quick update on the progress being made during other people’s interactions with the virtual lab environment. The JOY of sharing and helping with ideas, skills and knowledge with others could also create a paradigm shift in moving away from self-centered success in learning. Any more thoughts on this emerging on your side, Scott?

Warmest regards,


How could all of these Avatar Bots, including the people in the links you shared further, teach anti-Racism and non violence in a developing single realistic virtual earth (am thinking Google Street View with Time Slider with TensorFlow AI with Translate )?

Have NtFs lost Barbara Forrest Ball in Oregon from these NtF emailings? I think she may be one of the few people of color I know of among NtFs.

Friendly greetings, 




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