Channel: Scott MacLeod's Anthropology of Information Technology & Counterculture
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Simian: Avatar Bot MD Psychiatry, Nontheist Friends or Non-theist Quakers? - How would you talk differently with a #MDAvatarBotPsychiatrist v. a #MDpsychiatrist? >https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6532335/ -https://emerj.com/ai-application-comparisons/chatbots-mental-health-therapy-comparing-5-current-apps-use-cases/ -https://www.karger.com/Article/FullText/501812 Phone # of #Quaker Friends' Hospital 215-831-4600 https://friendshospital.com #WUaSpsychiatry @WorldUnivAndSch #NtFs #NtQs ~ * * * Abolish the illegal sex industry (like abolishing slavery)! * * * By way of comparison, I think that NtF-informed CC-4 MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch's psychiatry - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Psychiatry - would seek to facilitate online MD Avatar Bot Psychiatry with a focus on talk therapy (as a therapeutic mutually-beneficial information technology communication exchange affecting behavior) between analysand and MD avatar bot psychiatrists, and thus offer - with time - excellent online psychiatry, very very different from Friends' Hospital's in-patient approach



Avatar Bot MD Psychiatry? - How would you talk differently with a #MDAvatarBotPsychiatrist v. a #MDpsychiatrist?

Dear NtFs, Tim, Anita, Friends, NtQs, Non-theist Quakers, All,

A new idea - as NtF or NtQ 'leading' and even regarding 'identity psychiatry' which I think is in this email thread regarding computing technologies and WUaS in Wikidata in its ~ 300 languages (with language communities in many of these, I think) - 

#WUaSpsychiatry @WorldUnivAndSch
#NtFs #NtQs ~

NtF, NtQ Cheers, Scott
http://www.quakerquaker.org/m/profile?screenName=1e85m3t3ntzic (where if logged in I think you'll find the telephone # of Friends' Hospital in Philadelphia toward the top ...)

Am curious whether we could transpose Non-theist Friend or NtF into 'Non-God Friend' or 'Non-God Quaker,' or Non-Jesus Friend or Non-Jesus Quaker too? 

Thoughts, questions, ideas you'd like to share about this? Discernments ?

Trevor Bending

10:52 AM (2 hours ago)
to nontheist-friends
The only bit I find interesting is your PS Scott. 
Don’t think many of us want to be ‘Non-Jesus Friends’ and ‘Non-God Friends’ sounds pretty awful so my answer is no but after our first speaker at the NFN Conference last Wednesday (you can still register for next Wednesday and the following week 14th and 21st July 2021) who was Andrew Copson of Humanists UK, some might want to revisit ‘Humanist Quakers’ and perhaps identify themselves as such.

Trevor Bending
Sent from my iPhone

PS. The link to register for the remaining conference sessions is here:
Trevor Bending  (trevor@humber.co.uk)


Trevor, Tim, Margaret, Anita NtFs, (Nontheist Friends, Non-theist Quakers, friends),

Thanks so much for replying, Trevor. 

Thanks too for the link to the conference, Nontheist Friends' Network related; I have very limited high speed internet for this month, so apologies that I can't make this. Who else might make this conference - https://nontheist-quakers.org.uk/2021/04/28/thats-the-spirit/ - among NtFs?

As a follow up to my previous email, and partly in response to your email, - 
given my experience among Friends / Quakers in California (and whistle-blowing about ethical wrong-doing and harming there too), there's a very significant need for excellent MD psychiatry among Friends, NtFs too perhaps, and in California especially. (And a MD friend in California's KP system, just retiring, says that Kaiser Permanente's psychiatry, for example, really only offers approaches to the 3 SSS - stress, sleep and sex (am wary what this last S might entail in California, regarding illegalities even within KP :( ) - but not family relationship psychiatry, for example). But perhaps psychiatry itself - in California, or in Pennsylvania, re Friends' Hospital - can NOT provide effective psychiatry for these issues even, these days (and regarding law, and accomplished psychotherapeutic clinical practices). And so perhaps too 'a way will open' with MD Avatar Bot Psychiatrists, - for some Friends/Quakers. 

Unlike perhaps too in the British Isles (where I became a member of the RSOF, in Edinburgh, Scotland, and in which city I have lived for 2 full years, so am a bit familiar with the culture there), and which doesn't have the oldest continuously operated mental health hospital founded and run by Quakers (since 1813), that I've observed, Friends' Hospital in Philadelphia does offer on the phone confidential assessments ... and ...

I suspect one could even Skype or digitally call this number from other countries if interested in seeking help, NtFs! - 

"A Quiet Refuge for Healing
Call 215-831-4600
Confidential assessments are provided 24/7

Welcome to Friends Hospital
On 100 beautiful acres in Northeast Philadelphia stands Friends Hospital, one of America’s oldest hospitals and the first private non-profit institution in the country, founded exclusively to help persons with mental illness. When people come onto the grounds of Friends Hospital, we want them to feel that they have left the city and entered a quiet refuge where the process of healing the mind has taken place for centuries.

Our admissions department is available 24/7 to provide a confidential assessment for you or your loved one." 

Interesting to me too that they take and have taken an asylum residential approach - so PLACE-based, and allowing someone who is suffering to leave their physical milieu or social context (and thus possibly leave 'toxic' sociocultural environments too, perhaps being influenced by even sexual issues, which psychiatry has long focused on medically and significantly, and where religion, re the Jesus-language, or the God-language, including for Quakers, can't really handle communications-wise, or medically therapeutically). Perhaps Quaker Meetings in the Philadelphia area can even help offer Friends who don't have the financial resources to sojourn at Friends Hospital :) Wow! ... How could Nontheist Friends help other NtFs in these regards too? 

Interesting too that regarding being an in-patient at Friends' Hospital, and thus freeing oneself from one's physical social context for a spell - https://friendshospital.com/resources/packing-list/ - one can bring some items, but not, for example - "Laptop computers, cell phones or personal electronic devices." By way of comparison, I think that NtF-informed CC-4 MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch's psychiatry - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Psychiatry - would seek to facilitate online MD Avatar Bot Psychiatry with a focus on talk therapy (as a therapeutic mutually-beneficial information technology communication exchange affecting behavior) between analysand and MD avatar bot psychiatrists, and thus offer - with time - excellent online psychiatry, very very different from Friends' Hospital's in-patient approach. I also think the legal issues relating to psychiatry would and will become transformed significantly in all of this developing online psychiatry, and for ex., with MD Avatar Bot Psychiatry talk therapy, in the US in the British Isle, and in all 200 countries and in their main languages too. 

Sorry friendly capable MD Avatar Bot Psychiatrists at World Univ & Sch are not available to speak with yet!

Thanks too for your thoughts about the significance or meanings of
transpose Non-theist Friend or NtF, Quaker name wise, as a kind of Lacanian too, (and regarding NOT translating NtF into 'Non-God Friend' or 'Non-God Quaker,' or Non-Jesus Friend or Non-Jesus Quaker too, idea-wise.

NtF, Nontheistic Quaker cheers, 


- Scott GK MacLeod  
Founder, President, CEO & Professor
World Univ & Sch (WUaS) - PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 94516 
1) non-profit World University and School - http://worlduniversityandschool.org  
2) for profit general stock company WUaS Corporation in CA - http://worlduniversityandschool.org/AcademicPress.html

(m) 412 478 0116 - sgkmacleod@gmail.com 

World Univ & Sch Innovation Research -  scottmacleod.com 

- CC World University and School - like CC Wikipedia with best STEM-centric CC OpenCourseWare - incorporated as a nonprofit university and school in California, and is a U.S. 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt educational organization. 

* * * 

Hi Ma, Sandy, Tym, Sid, Dick, John and Joan, 

Some further brainstorming with regard to mentioning MD psychiatry in previous emails to you in this thread: 

"Dear NtFs, Tim, Anita, Friends, NtQs, Non-theist Quakers, All,

A new idea - as NtF or NtQ 'leading' and even regarding 'identity psychiatry' which I think is in this email thread regarding computing technologies and WUaS in Wikidata in its ~ 300 languages (with language communities in many of these, I think) - 

#WUaSpsychiatry @WorldUnivAndSch
#NtFs #NtQs ~


NtF, NtQ Cheers, Scott
http://www.quakerquaker.org/m/profile?screenName=1e85m3t3ntzic (where if logged in I think you'll find the telephone # of Friends' Hospital in Philadelphia toward the top ...)

Am curious whether we could transpose Non-theist Friend or NtF into 'Non-God Friend' or 'Non-God Quaker,' or Non-Jesus Friend or Non-Jesus Quaker too? 

Thoughts, questions, ideas you'd like to share about this? Discernments ?"

After attending the Cuttyhunk library party to celebrate a new Cuttyhunk public library building, and seeing many old Cuttyhunk friends too - even regarding perhaps a more ethical ethos or discourse (than friends at the Avalon House Bluegrass concert) - and different from Jim Lovell's memorial (the 3 main Cuttyhunk gatherings I've been to this summer), I have further questions about ethics and law-abidance on Cuttyhunk and perhaps even regarding CG, commodore of the Cuttyhunk Yacht Club, whom I say only in passing arriving at this party on the lawn of the library - and very very speculatively. I learned in the Cuttyhunk public library itself (https://www.yelp.com/biz/cuttyhunk-public-library-cuttyhunk and https://mblc.state.ma.us/directories/libraries/library.php?record_id=1716 and ... ) from David Warr, an emeritus chemistry professor from Bristol college in MA, that there had been 7 kids in the one-room Cuttyhunk public school this past year - a surprise to me, since I thought it was going to be empty - and that two had been CG's kids, two had been Alan Berry's (sp.), a lawyer (& husband of a Garfield daughter - of Kitsy Garfield) kids, from Chicago - I didn't know he had kids in Chicago, and think he lives in Mass or NY or similar - and there were 3 other kids, whose names I didn't catch. Concerns about 'butterfly kids' come to mind here - and possibly law-breaking too. Evidence needed, - and all very speculatively, but worth speculating about if it might even protect Cuttyhunk Yacht Club kids, if a CG might have broken the law, become corrupted, etc ... How to protect innocents, minors, and victims from perpetrators and offenders ? How to protect on Cuttyhunk, tragically, too ... and even especially regarding the illegal sex industry? (Please remember that I'm living in a 'safe house' in the SF Bay Area, and because I called the police in Canyon 94516 twice last ~September 2020, whistle-blowing about illegal break ins and entries and more to where I was living ...) ... Am glad potentially to be safe on Cuttyhunk island this July too! ... But am concenred again about the latent culture of violence in the illegal sex industry, and am whistle-blowing and calling for abolition of it, as a way to seek change in these regards - and using language. More about the possible benefits of online MD psychiatry in some years in changing even these cultural processes further in future. Can a kind of abolition be achieved (and with comparisons to the abolition of slavery)? Am hoping so ...  https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/search/label/psychotherapy ... (am hoping to end this on a positive note with the potential for medicine to help effect change even:)

Fondly, Scott

* * 

Hi Ma,

Thanks for your email.

Your email is of some concern to me. It strikes me as curious coming after the Cuttyhunk library party.

Language is helpful in talking about painful issues, and about abolition of the illegal sex industry (like the abolition of slavery), for example, and as communication process .... as a way to effect change for example. Integrity and regarding the law and observing the law have much merit in protecting innocents, and victims, for example, too. ...  I'm happy to see if I can recommend some new ones to choose one from if that would be helpful. . . .  Glad you have a Cuttyhunk community like the one at the Cuttyhunk library for support. Perhaps there is a need for group and individual psychiatry too among people in Cuttyhunk library circles, and perhaps chat bot psychiatrists also hold some promise here (see below) ... And re abolishing the illegal s x industry as well (like abolishing slavery), if that's what you're referring to, - on Cuttyhunk??? ... Having already whistle-blown about ethical wrongdoing & harm re the SF Quaker Meeting, PYM Quakers, Stanford, UC Berkeley and Berkeley Law, Canyon, Reed ... which whistle-blowing perhaps is effecting some change for the better in those places, am willing to facilitate ... talking about - psychotherapy-wise (George Alexander MD-wise) - via psychiatry . . . 

... and here's the phone number of Friends' Hospital, a mental health hospital, in Philadelphia 215-831-4600 - https://friendshospital.com - for anyone to call if they'd like today or tomorrow (to 'abolish the illegal sex industry' one could say) ...

especially if we all could live longer than 122 years of age together due to aging reversal gene drug therapies, and re the benefits of Cuttyhunk community together. Re the latent cultures of violence in the illegal sex industry (on Cuttyhunk too???), am seeking to avoid violence - it's a club' for example - by talk. Thanks again for your email, Ma. 

Love, Scott

Psychiatry re moral, ethical, legal, and even Unitarian Universalist, non-theist Quaker (NtQ), and Yogic thinking. ... 

 And possibly in avatar Bot chat bot form too ... 

Also again ... 
But moving back to the Boston area or New England, or Pittsburgh too - re sociality - and then to meet a partner ... could make much sense ... Looking for connecting naturally and a great fit ... even a Scottish American MD who is warm and radiant, ethical and good, and 27-32 yo, ... to write this (Anke-Susan envisioning somehow) down in words, to engage language ...

Glad to have these options ... 

Just sent an email to Taylor to inquire if he'd like to have a piping lesson after I get back from Henry and Victoria's ... 

Love, Scott

And again too ... 

Hi Ma, Sandy, Tym, Sid, Dick, John and Joan, 

Following up on both some great Cuttyhunk stuff, and some 'scary stuff' too here ... (and per my previous email, Dick and All, I think I'd like to know what happened to my father in Belize in 2004 on Semester at Sea, if foul play played a role especially). Dick, thank you so much for coming to his funeral in the 1st Unitarian Universalist Church of Pittsburgh in 2007. 

Just went out sailing in a N10 sailboat ... which is like a Turnabout sailboat (which I grew up sailing in the Cuttyhunk Yacht Club), it's pretty much the easiest to sail of the CYC sail boats ... fun first time sailing this summer ... sailing and rowing skills all came back immediately ... sailed around the Cuttyhunk pond only to get my sea legs so to speak ... weather had turned clear and the wind was great for a little bath tub of a sailboat ... Will likely head sailing again soon ... (By the way, it was the 11 year old daughter of a former Cuttyhunk Yacht Club instructor who assaulted me in 2017 or so in the SF Quaker Meeting ... and where both mother and daughter could probably benefit much from psychiatry regarding that SFFriendsMeeting and in that city .. the mother had also gone to Dartmouth as an undergraduate, and Dartmouth Tuck school of Business for a MBA I think ... and is the treasurer for the SF Quaker Meeting ... to write of potentially sick entanglements ... FYI )

The Yacht Club doesn't feel entirely copacetic somehow ... but who knows what time will tell ... the Commodore, CG, a woman probably in her 30s or early 40s spent the whole year on Cuttyhunk over the winter last year ... but won't this year ... very very speculatively, could this have been somehow corrupting of her - ie did she break, or could she have broken, the law, and was she also Commodore in previous years?  (and even regarding the illegal sex industry???? ... and how might this play out for the CYC ... just some questions that are forming, and from one who was the head yacht club instructor in 1979 ... and a junior instructor for 2 years prior to this ... )

Hoping you have good weekends, all! (Am including some recent emails from the Odds and Ends thread in this email thread, and some other emails to my mother on July 6th, re 'scary stuff' in the SF Quaker Meeting a few years ago ... )

Fondly, Scott

(Here's the video of my father's memorial service on Cuttyhunk in 2008 - https://youtu.be/jRF9ytbh1ac - with Alastair Crag MD  in the first picture speaking where he began talking at 24:31 > From 

It (BEING ASSAULTED AT THE SF QUAKER MEETING BY A CHILD) was traumatic at the time, and which trauma has lessened with time ... I hope the individuals involved in the Quaker Meeting are getting help from MD psychiatrists (see blog posts below with Friends' Hospital phone #) but am sceptical that they are ... They broke the law in not doing background checks on people who taught the kids ... And potentially intentionally so. .. re even the intl illegal sex trade (scary stuff, but perhaps lessening after coronavirus pandemic) ... IN a related event at the time someone from the Meeting who went to MIT and Berkeley Law asked me to meet him - on Skyline Blvd near Canyon - as a representative of Ministry & Counsel in the SF Quaker Meeting, mentioning one other person from the Meeting on this Ministry and Counsel committee, and told me of his erotic incestuous fantasies for his niece pulling his pants down ... I left the Meeting at the time ... Glad Brig Alexander has addressed some of these issues -

- but I still won't seek to volunteer at the Cuttyhunk Yacht Club until invited or similar. Am hoping the CYC hasn't lost too many kids or had many legal frays over some of these issues of illegality with minors, for ex. (Spear girls???) (Abolish the sex trade!) Thanks for your concern, Ma!

Love, Scott


More Brigitte Alexander (widow of George Alexander MD) here in - http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2020/03/pan-troglodyte-pan-paniscus-online-md.html - and as one who knows Quakers and child guidance and psychiatry to a degree ...


Glad I was able to whistle blow about ethical wrongdoing and harm in 2016-17 in writing re the SF Quaker Meeting  (where Trader Hoes was mentioned in the Meeting room & re kids in about last time there ... Which I've whistle-blown about in my blog too ) ... May have saved some kids lives (re a horrendous code of perpetrators and offenders) ... and also with mentioning a Boston Globe article that John Palfrey had Tweeted about staff in so many boarding schools being the perpetrators & offenders, in a very long document I whistle-blew with at the time ... Protect the innocent and the victims before it happens again! All ages !

Hope federal authorities can intervene better in CALIFORNIA than they have for decades too - and regarding the commercial aspects of all this, so tragically !

Live, Scott

* * * 
Abolish the illegal sex industry (like abolishing slavery)! 


Coracias garrula (European roller): Abolish the illegal sex industry (like slavery - which abolishment seemed to have worked, and pretty much in all ~200 countries and in their languages) where the abolishment word as a goal would potentially transform law enforcement in this country, which operates as state organizations via languages especially. I write a bit as a non-theist Quaker, with Quakers long commitment to abolishment of slavery (having being pioneers in abolition too) * * * UBI - Universal Basic Income - for all 7.8 billion people in all 200 countries to distribute a single cryptocurrency, eg Stanford Mine Pi, and end poverty - what is Mainnet? ... with plans for 7.8 billion people, each a Wikidata Q item or Pin # and for possibly banks and companies (like Fidelity Mutual Funds) and countries to be able to invest even in the WUaS Corporation in the Long-Term Silicon Valley Stock Market ~ A single cryptocurrency in OUTER SPACE too!

* * 
Claire, Trevor, Tim, Margaret, Anita NtFs, (Nontheist Friends, Non-theist Quakers, friends),

Created a blog post today for 'Avatar Bot MD Psychiatry, Nontheist Friends or Non-theist Quakers' - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2021/07/simian-avatar-bot.html  ... including your Nontheist Friends' Network announcement, Trevor ... and also calling for the abolition of the illegal sex industry (like the abolition of slavery) ... which I've called for a couple of times in recent blog posts ... 

Simian: Avatar Bot MD Psychiatry, Nontheist Friends or Non-theist Quakers? - How would you talk differently with a #MDAvatarBotPsychiatrist v. a #MDpsychiatrist? >https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6532335/ -https://emerj.com/ai-application-comparisons/chatbots-mental-health-therapy-comparing-5-current-apps-use-cases/ -https://www.karger.com/Article/FullText/501812 Phone # of #Quaker Friends' Hospital 215-831-4600 https://friendshospital.com #WUaSpsychiatry @WorldUnivAndSch #NtFs #NtQs ~ * * * Abolish the illegal sex industry (like abolishing slavery)! * * * By way of comparison, I think that NtF-informed CC-4 MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch's psychiatry - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Psychiatry - would seek to facilitate online MD Avatar Bot Psychiatry with a focus on talk therapy (as a therapeutic mutually-beneficial information technology communication exchange affecting behavior) between analysand and MD avatar bot psychiatrists, and thus offer - with time - excellent online psychiatry, very very different from Friends' Hospital's in-patient approach



- Scott MacLeod - Founder & President  
- World University and School

- 415 480 4577

- CC World University and School - like CC Wikipedia with best STEM-centric CC OpenCourseWare - incorporated as a nonprofit university and school in California, and is a U.S. 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt educational organization. 






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