Channel: Scott MacLeod's Anthropology of Information Technology & Counterculture
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Seagulls: Impressions of Cuttyhunk during the summer of 2021? It's humid, and been humid for a decade or two, but I haven't observed any obvious rise in sea level due to global warming when looking at high tide on a full moon. So is global warming happening, but the oceans not radically affected yet? Possibly. * * * Stuart Liddell - piper extraordinaire - appreciating the expression of wholeness or serenity after piping in his face in photo at the end of this video ~ Giving too a Scottish Small Piping lesson from Cuttyhunk via video streaming on Thursday :) * * * Mrs. Haskell was the school teacher in the one room school house in the winter on Cuttyhunk island, that I remember from the 1970s from her sitting on her porch at the top of Broadway, and Tower Hill Road * She was also a first Cuttyhunk historian, writing "The Story of Cuttyhunk" * Some other Cuttyhunk island related history, (including relating to family friend Richard Robb MD, Harvard professor of Ophthalmology, and my father Gordon K MacLeod MD)

Next: Tall Blue Lettuce: World Univ & Sch's very first Press, and Award - Our first @WorldUnivAndSch @WUaSPress PRESS & Award. Thanks to @The_ISSIP for the award: * * * Seek App to identify this great-ly (kinda funny) named plant - Tall Blue Lettuce (Lactuca Biennis) - HEALTHY - identify w #SeekbyiNaturalist > 1 #RealisticVirtualEarth > #RealisticVirtualEarthForEvolutionaryBiology + #RealisticVirtualEarthForBotany + #RealisticVirtualEarthForSpecies #GoogleStreetView #TimeSlider & to LEARN #MachineLearning ~ * * * how WUaS could richly facilitate machine learning in a statistics' PhD (in Indonesia esp.) further, since it's timely and topical, - and computation is probably a key path ahead in statistics and economics academically too * * * Prasanth Karuppasamy - to me: "Send oneline sharable ShareaLike message for sharing to my contacts" * Hi Prasanth, am not sure exactly what you mean, but could it be - https://twitter.com/WorldUnivAndSch/status/1396290249232240643?s=19 ?
Previous: Red-wattled lapwing: WUaS - World Univ & Sch - OPEN News & Q&A M 7/26/21at 1pm Eastern Time today * Glad to write that Larry Viehland in the USA is going to be the instructor for Alvian Nur this autumn, in Indonesia - with his MIT OCW courses in statistics and economics - for his free-to-students' PhD from home. If you're interested, please send in the ocw.mit.edu courses you'd like to take, and your transcripts, toward a free Ph.D or Bachelor degree to info@worlduniversityandschool.org. * * the video recording for the open 7/17/21 WUaS Monthly Business Meeting last week @WorldUnivAndSch (@WUaSPress) open Monthly Business Meeting 7/17/21 * * * Sather Gate UC Berkeley https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sather_Gate ~ Opening the way #symbolically for @WorldUnivAndSch @WUaSPress (@HarbinBook too? - re #RealisticVirtualHarbin in 1 #RealisticVirtualEarth) & for #WUaSFreeToStudents' OCW.mit.edu centric degrees http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/search/label/global%20university?m=0 ?

Impressions of Cuttyhunk during July in the summer of 2021? 

It's humid, and been humid for a decade or two, relative to the 1970s, '80s and 90s, but I haven't observed any obvious or dramatic rise in sea level due to global warming yet, when looking at high tide on a full moon. So is global warming happening, but the oceans not radically affected yet? Possibly. 

What's happening further regarding Cuttyhunk during July in the summer of 2021? 

Good morning Ed and Ma, (Pin, Ann, All),

Greetings from Cuttyhunk.

How are you, and how have your summers gone so far? Cuttyhunk is lovely, and nice to have driven across the country to be here for a month. Planning to head west now leaving Cuttyhunk this Saturday, leaving Portland Maine M Aug 2, and getting to the SF Bay Area around the 10-12th after a 3 night stop in Pgh (for car maintenance and to see friends) and then potentially north to Oregon & to visit 2 nights with my cousin Ann at Wisdom Creek Ranch near Medical Springs OR (would this be ok please, Ann?:) ... then to the Bay Area ... 

LOTS OF DRIVING AS ADVENTURE AND JOURNEY ... Looking forward to self driving vehicles for open western highways esp ... In a large-ish Sprinter Van that's even electric (for reversing global warming and energy efficiency)  ...

Just shared this with Navin Doshi, my landlord in 'beachy basement bungalow' with great views of 3 bridges including the Golden Gate Bridge, on Arlington Blvd north of Berkeley ... In reply to his recent text ... 

"Thanks, Navin! Greetings to you and Sarla. It's a working - World University and School - trip. Seeking to return to Arlington around 8/10/21 or so. Hope you're all having a good summer. Best, Scott "

Am thinking re living in a 'safe house' in the SF Bay Area that Arlington Blvd is safe .... but could 670 Ridgecrest Canyon 94516 become safe by spring of 2022 (if previous residents moved on ... Of their own volition, and the house becomes available - for legal reasons too)?

So with this current thinking, and having made it safely to Cuttyhunk, a stop on a contemporary Underground Railroad or Freedom Trail, as I think of this - and spreading the word about reasons for living in a 'safe house' (the latent culture of violence in the illegal sex industry, for one, scarily and tragically) - and heading back west unsure of where I'll be living after my lease in 'safe house' ends in March 2022 ... If SF Bay Area is still unsafe then, I could move back to east coast ... Stay tuned.

Fondly, Scott

Have ordered a Google Nest WiFi Hub for connectivity Theo rest of house here ... And which could lead to installing then a 'Google Nest x Yale Lock with Nest Connection' here for further better connectivity in front of house ... And regarding possible related questions of making Cuttyhunk safe, step by step, - abolition-wise - and questions of the law, wrong doing, ethics, and the curious fairly recent cultural developments on this remote island, where inviting further federal legal scrutiny further could even have merit ... In making Cuttyhunk much safer, and good again.

I'm thinking back to the 2 times Chandon Barry has asked me this summer if he can BRING OVER some musical instruments (what else could this refer to that might be illegal?) - and play them with me with my Scottish Small Pipes ... and I've said yes ... but he's never come over .... so have I given him permission in a sense to come over any time and also somehow possibly TAKE musical instruments too - if he were to know where the outside key is ? And I've just given a brand new Yamaha Piaggerro keyboard to our MacLeod's house (batteries coming soon I hope ) ... and could he also hypothetically come and take this instrument, since the house is open in a sense, and I've given him permission to do something with musical instruments in our MacLeod house? Potentially it seems to me ... and is possession 9/10s of the law (another legal principle like the Great Writ of Habeas Corpus) ...

In seeking too to develop World Univ & Sch (like Wikipedia in 300 languages with CC-4 MIT OCW in 4 languages, and offering free to students' university degrees in 200 countries & their main languages) - given all the wrongs that I observed at MIT itself IN RECENT YEARS, and regarding the illegal sex industry, - I would like to begin to seek to lessen such risks for WUaS beginning even with the MacLeod Cuttyhunk house.

Friendly greetings, 

- Scott GK MacLeod  
Founder, President, CEO & Professor
World Univ & Sch (WUaS) - PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 94516 
1) non-profit World University and School - http://worlduniversityandschool.org  
2) for profit general stock company WUaS Corporation in CA - http://worlduniversityandschool.org/AcademicPress.html

(m) 412 478 0116 - sgkmacleod@gmail.com 

World Univ & Sch Innovation Research -  scottmacleod.com

* * * 

Hi Taylor,

How are you? I hope this finds you well. Glad to write that it seems like I've gotten a reliable wifi connection - and for video, having streamed a WUaS News & Q&A successfully over it for the first time in a Google Meet 

That written, the wifi can also break up sometimes here.

But I'm thinking it will be reliable enough for Thursday evening. Are you up for that - & at 7pm?

Perfect drones throughout:
Stuart listens so amazingly to his drones (per his slides too) - He's kind of one with them :)
Stuart Liddell -
A Celtic Thanksgiving (2016) 

See you Thursday I hope.

Cheers, Scott


Stuart Liddell - piper extraordinaire - appreciating the expression of wholeness or serenity after piping in his face in photo at the end of this video https://youtu.be/e7zvKbl1R54 (Piping Live - Lunchtime Recital 2010 - 4 of 8)

Stuart Liddell ~piper extraordinaire~ appreciating the expression of wholeness or serenity after piping in his face in photo at the end of video at 9:40 https://youtu.be/e7zvKbl1R54 (Piping Live - Lunchtime Recital 2010 - 4 of 8)

* * *
Re-visiting regarding old Mrs. Haskell, - and posting this today, July 27, 2021, which I began writing in the year 2016 & 2011  

Some other Cuttyhunk island related history, (including relating to family friend Richard Robb MD, Harvard professor of Ophthalmology, and my father Gordon K MacLeod MD) ... 

Re-visiting and posting this today, July 27, 2021, which I began writing in the year 2016 

April 24, 2016

Hi Richard, Carmen, Shelly and All,

Greetings! Thanks for this "Big Discovery" email.

Here's the blog - http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/search/label/Cuttyhunk - where you'll find my first paragraphs below about Mrs. Haskell ("It was a different world than it is now..." ), whom I knew as a kid in the 1960s and 70s on Cuttyhunk. You asked me the questions, Richard, in 2009 that lead to these sentences here - http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2009/05/bayberry-cuttyhunk-island-in-1970s.html. And here are some other specific entries with these sentences - http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2011/03/rosehips-and-waves-remember-mrs.html and http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2014/07/cuttyhunk-bayberry-ive-made-at-least.html. There may be some other resources in my blog about Mrs. Haskell as well.

In developing CC World University and School, which is like CC Wikipedia in ~300 languages with best STEM CC-4 OpenCourseWare in 7 languages and CC Yale OYC, I'm hoping to begin aggregating online open libraries with online resources like Mrs. Haskell's "The Story of Cuttyhunk." Please let me know if you find this book online (Shelly?) in an open online library, and I/we can wiki-add it to http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Library_Resources after we move to a new wiki. Such online libraries might also best be added to the wiki page - http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Historical_Societies_Open_Teaching_and_Learning_Resources - planned in many languages.

Kind regards,

On 4/24/16 9:14 AM, Richard Taylor wrote:
> Doug asked me a question about an old friend and while trying to find the
> answer, I got my interest in genealogy going again. I renewed my Ancestry
> subscription looking for the answer.
> I could never find any information on my Great -great grandfather, William J.
> Taylor and his wife was just "Caroline N." Ancestry provided a hint to another
> person’s family tree and she had William J Taylor in her tree. Then I noticed
> that she was also working on the surname “Haskell”, which is also in our family
> tree. Bingo, I made the connection below. I actually met Hattie twice when I was
> a kid when she visited my grandfather. I think she was in New York getting her
> book published. I did quite a bit of research on her -see notes below. She lived
> on Cuttyhunk Island in Massachusetts. This could be a bucket list trip for sure.
> In addition I believe there is another family connection through the “Noyes”
> surname, which I have yet to research. Both branches lived in the same area of
> Massachusetts. The Haskell connection kept me up until 2 AM. It’s funny how one
> little hint can produce a whole flood of information. Like pulling your finger
> out of the dyke.
> Notes from different sources.about Hattie Louise Taylor-Haskell:
> It was a different world than it is now. Old Mrs. Haskell, the school teacher,
> who wrote a history of Cuttyhunk (The Story of Cuttyhunk, by Louise T. Haskell
> [New Bedford, MA: Bradbury-Waring, 1953]), lived on the main street. She wore
> dark, cloudy-rimmed, glasses, and long, old print dresses to below her knees,
> and also wore big, black supportive shoes. She was overweight and wrapped her
> legs because of this, and also had short curly white hair. I think she had lived
> in New England much of her life, and worked as the Cuttyhunk school teacher for
> decades. New Englanders are fascinating.
> The Cuttyhunk store's entrance, where we got candy before the Saturday night
> movies, faced what is now the Museum of the Elizabeth Islands, next to the Town
> Hall (town of Gosnold). Mrs Haskell lived in the front of this building.
> In 1931, island librarian and school- teacher Louise Taylor (who later married
> George Haskell) became the church’s first woman lay preacher. She preached
> intermittently until 1947.
> Amongst the curious who lived on the islands was longtime Cuttyhunk
> schoolteacher and librarian Louise Haskell, who wrote the Story of Cuttyhunk in
> 1952. Her love for all the natural aspects of the island is apparent in her
> broad-based survey, dedicated to her pupils. Her book lists both her husband
> George's bird count and her friend Margaret Brewer's list of 59 wildflowers, as
> well as the history that all Cuttyhunkers know so well.
> 1940s correspondence of Louise Taylor Haskell, Margaret Brewer from Church files
> http://02713.us/
> http://www.cuttyhunkhistoricalsociety.org/
> Comments: Known as “HATTIE”. Came to Cuttyhunk to teach school in 1926.  In
> 1931, she became the first woman preacher in the Cuttyhunk Church. (VI)  Married
> GEORGE HASKELL in 1944. Hattie wrote “The Story of Cuttyhunk” in 1952. She also
> was the Cuttyhunk Librarian for many years.
>   Sheely Merriam, Carmen Ward
> A big Thank You to the following sources on information about Hattie L. Haskell:
> Scott MacLeod, Shelly Merriam, Carmen Ward
> I am pretty sure I have a copy of this, but I have to find it.
> Richard Taylor
> 10 Town Plaza #305
> Durango, CO 81301
> rdtaylor@frontier.net
> 970/749-0932
> efax# (719) 623-0333

- Scott MacLeod - Founder & President
- http://worlduniversityandschool.org
- 415 480 4577
- PO Box 442, (86 Ridgecrest Road), Canyon, CA 94516
- World University and School - like Wikipedia with best STEM-centric OpenCourseWare - incorporated as a nonprofit university and school in California, and is a U.S. 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt educational organization, both effective April 2010.

Re-visiting and posting this today, July 27, 2021, which I began writing in the year 2016 

And then I just found some related emails from this conversation from 2011!

Re: Louise Haskell


Scott MacLeod scott@scottmacleod.com

Wed, Mar 2, 2011, 11:26 PM
to rdtaylorShelly
Dear Richard and Shelly,

Great resources, Shelly! I've posted my now, two, blog posts with recollections of Mrs. Haskell here: http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2011/03/rosehips-and-waves-remember-mrs.html dated March 1, 2011, and here: http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2009/05/bayberry-cuttyhunk-island-in-1970s.html from May 2009, and the related information we've just generated. The blog posts are cross-linked, too. (In my blog, I tag posts using a Cuttyhunk 'label,' occasionally). I hope this helps further making resources accessible about your grand aunt.


On Wed 02/03/11 11:02 AM , Shelly Merriam sjmerr@mac.com sent:
Richard: Scott MacLeod sent me your query about Louise Haskell. While  I did not know her, I do work with the Cuttyhunk Historical Society and have a bit of information that might help you. The following is the information in our island cemetery survey. We also have a four page monograph on Louise and George and would happily send you a copy if you would share your address.

 Good luck in your ancestor search. Sometimes we learn about our direct descendants from the character and lives of their brother, sisters, aunts and uncles. In this case, Louise and George were beloved in the community and made significant contributions that are still remembered. You come from a caring and hearty stock!

Reply with your mailing address, please.

My best,


Cuttyhunk Island Cemetery: 
Row E #21 Louise Taylor Haskell 1893-1978
Comments: Known as “HATTIE”. Came to Cuttyhunk to teach school in 1926.  In 1931, she became the first woman preacher in the Cuttyhunk Church. (VI)  Married GEORGE HASKELL in 1944. Hattie wrote “The Story of Cuttyhunk” in 1952. She also was the Cuttyhunk Librarian for many years.

Row E #20 George Whitefield Haskell 1871-1960
Comments: Became Town Librarian. Bird watcher. Created a list of birds seen through out the year on Cuttyhunk, in The Story of Cuttyhunk, by Louise Haskell p.51-52. He was also called “The Gentle Poet”.


They sit in flocks on the time-kissed rocksThey dive to the sea with the greatest of glee
At the blush of early dawnAs they glimpse their looked-for treat;
They shake their heads and wiggle their toes
They eat their fill while the sunlight glows
But what they are thinking nobody knows,But what they are thinking nobody knows.
And the ocean waves roll on.

They  look away o’re the rollicking bay,At eve they rest on the tide-kissed rocks,
Where the vessels sail and the fishes play; With their coats of gray, and their pure 
They sometimes sit on the harbor buoy,white frocks;
And wink at the sound of ‘ship ahoy’;And the sun goes down off yon.
Like babes asleeptheir eyes they close,They preen their feathers and stretch their toes,
But what they are thinking nobody knows,But what they are thinking nobody knows,
And the ocean waves roll on.And the ocean waves roll on.

George Haskell, 1948 (monograph
 The Island in Verse  )


Re: Cuttyhunk


Scott MacLeod scott@scottmacleod.com

Tue, Mar 1, 2011, 6:57 PM
to Richard
Dear Richard,

Nice to get your email, and to revisit Mrs. Haskell, further, in memory.

I first came to Cuttyhunk with my family in 1966 as a six year old.

I remember Mrs. Haskell's good will and presence in the center of town, - as school teacher, and Sunday school teacher (which I didn't attend) - and her appearance primarily. She wore these leggings, rimmed glasses with dark rims, and slightly browning lenses, print dresses, and big black shoes. I picture her primarily on the front porch of where Oscar Lodter (sp?) lived at the time, too, I think, and in front of where the Cuttyhunk store was located then. (The store then moved downhill one house, and then across the street, where it now). Mrs Haskell lived in the front part, in front of this old store, right on the main road called Broadway. There was no historical society then, and in the 70s, kids used to hang out on the wall right across from where she lived, which is on the Tower Hill road. Mrs. Haskell's building, right in the center of town, is now owned by George Achille, I think. I don't know who wowned it when Mrs. Haskell lived there. I also remember her in relation to the History of Cuttyhunk she wrote. We were friends as a little kid can be with a friendly presence in town. If more memories come to me I'll let you know, but that's all I recall at this point.

While this may repeat my blog entry in parts, I didn't revisit my blog entry in the recalling process. Keep asking people on Cuttyhunk, by coming to the Cuttyhunk Historical Society, for example, in summer. There are probably a lot of people who remember her. 

All the best,

Scott MacLeod

World University and School

POB 442
86 Ridgecrest Rd.
Canyon, CA 94516

415 480 4577

On Wed 23/02/11 3:37 PM , Richard Taylor rdtaylor@frontier.net sent:
I wanted to thank you for this posting. I came across it when I was researching my Grand Aunt Louise T Haskell( Grandfather's Sister). I would be interested in any additional recollections or information you might have on her. Her maiden name is Hattie Louise Taylor and the last information I was able to find was the 1930 Census. She was still single at 36 and living on the island at that time. I have no information about her husband Mr. Haskell. She died in Apr 1978 at 84.

Thank you





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