Channel: Scott MacLeod's Anthropology of Information Technology & Counterculture
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William O. Douglas Wilderness: Stammtischlern, OPEN #BayAreaStammtisch Sa 8/14/21 10:30am PT meet.google.com/zij-ujhi-orp with an invitation to join the conversation & get involved with #wiki best STEM CC-4 ocw.mit.edu @WorldUnivAndSch @WUaSPress for free-to-students' degrees, planned in German https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Germany ~ * der offene Bay Area Stammtisch am 14. Aug 2021 trifft sich - meet.google.com/zij-ujhi-orp - in Englisch & Deutsch um 10:30 Uhr PT, 18:30 UTC Bay Area Stammtisch - (Ich habe nach 7 Wochen Reise wieder einen Internetzugang, und relativ schlechten oder gar keinen Internetzugang ...)




der offene Bay Area Stammtisch am 14. Aug 2021 trifft sich - meet.google.com/zij-ujhi-orp - in Englisch & Deutsch um 10:30 Uhr PT, 18:30 UTC Bay Area Stammtisch - 
(Ich habe nach 7 Wochen Reise wieder einen Internetzugang, und relativ schlechten oder gar keinen Internetzugang ...)

OPEN #BayAreaStammtisch Sa 8/14/21 10:30am PT
meet.google.com/zij-ujhi-orp with an invitation to join the conversation & get involved with #wiki best STEM CC-4 ocw.mit.edu @WorldUnivAndSch @WUaSPress for free-to-students' degrees, planned in German https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Germany ~

(Auch - 

Bis morgen in etwa 23 Stunden.

CC-4 MIT OCW-zentrierte Universitätsdiplome in Deutsch - Bachelor, PhD, Jura, MD und so etwas wie IB High School Abschlüsse - sind eine bemerkenswerte Gelegenheit!

Alles Gute,

Germany World Univ & Sch 

German language wiki subject at WUaS planned in German - 

On Sat, Jul 24, 2021 at 10:10 AM Scott MacLeod <sgkmacleod@worlduniversityandschool.org> wrote:
Dear Stammtischlern, 

No Stammtisch today (eg in 20 minutes)... Due to poor wifi access, I'm sorry to write.

No Stammtisch next week either since I'll be beginning my journey back west to California, from the east coast, Massachusetts.

Here's the recording for 7/17/21 WUaS Monthly Business Meeting last week 

@WorldUnivAndSch (@WUaSPress) open Monthly Business Meeting 7/17/21

Agenda & News 

Free 4-yr Bachelor or PhD? send in your http://OCW.MIT.EDU YOU'D STUDY & transcripts> 

(...accessible from 

when I was visiting a high school friend and his wife in New Hampshire.

Please stay tuned.

Alles Gute,

On Sat, Jul 10, 2021 at 2:55 PM Scott MacLeod <sgkmacleod@worlduniversityandschool.org> wrote:
Dear Fritz, Stammtischler, All, 

Here's the video from today's Bay Area Stammtisch - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1mavHIoDRU-oIQWEWCNEEsTj0QH8pRu5A/view (which is still processing) - and it's a generative conversation!

Some further resources - 

Searched on "MIT OCW teaching seminar," and found - 

Video result for MIT OCW teaching seminar (52:58)
HHMI Education Group Seminar: Flipping the Dice
YouTube · MIT OpenCourseWare
Dec 22, 2014

Could WUaS create a course or share resources that could be used to instruct for example 10 German post docs in how to teach a flourishing SEMINAR newly, and, for example, to 100 German undergraduates and PhD students, and so they could begin teaching in this way to CC-4 MIT OCW courses - https://ocw.mit.edu/ AND - https://ocw.mit.edu/courses/translated-courses/ - starting in January 2022, and here in these WUaS wiki subjects in particular -  

Conference_Method_of_Teaching_and_Learning - 

Assessment_and_Grading_at_WUaS_as_Part_of_Conversation_in_Learning - 

(And Fritz and I began our Bay Area Stammtisch conversation today talking about emotional intelligence and grading, which WUaS hopes to facilitate a conversation about in this wiki subject, and eventually in 200 countries and in their main languages). 

A good course platform for both asynchronous seminar, and virtual reality with avatar bots - 

Is this JuryX, HarvardX, edX course from Charlie Nesson a helpful course platform approach, and for teaching the seminar method, even in conjunction with avatar bots, in some of the VR simulations - 
https://www.edx.org/course/juryx-deliberations-for-social-change ?

And here's a little information about edX being acquired by 2U, and Harvard and MIT getting $800 million dollars for edX - 

 looks to its next phase of growth and impact, joining forces with
 marks a major milestone in our evolution. https://press.edx.org/2u-inc.-and-edx-to-join-together-in-industry-redefining-combination


"2U to acquire substantially all edX assets, including edX brand, website, and marketplace"

"edX offers over 3,000 online programs, including a substantial majority of courses with a free/audit track, Masters and doctorate degrees, Professional Certificates, and MicroBachelors® programs and MicroMasters® programs." 

 ... with more here including a letter from the President of MIT - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2021/06/piping-plover-san-francisco-5-yrs-ago.html ... 

There will be no Bay Area Stammtisch that I'll facilitate on 7/17/21, since I'll be traveling (but would you like to facilitate a Bay Area Stammtisch, Fritz, Simone, Peter or anyone)? The next Bay Area Stammtisch will meet on July 24, 2021 - meet.google.com/pwa-jymy-ipk 

Will add to this blog post further - 

On Sat, Jul 10, 2021 at 1:00 PM Scott MacLeod <sgkmacleod@worlduniversityandschool.org> wrote:
Fritz, (Peter, Stammtischler), 

Thanks for your email after our last Stammtisch, Fritz ... and the open and welcoming Bay Area Stammtisch meets in about 30 minutes, in English and in German - Video call link: https://meet.google.com/xvo-bpyb-sjo - (see, too - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2021/07/sun-parakeet-open-bay-area-stammtisch.html

Thank you so much for your amazingly forward looking reflections which fully resonate with me! 

The new potential of combining fundamental disciplines (Philosophy, Psychiatry, Psychology, Technology, Sciences, Leadership, Virtuality) as part of a valuable WUaS  PhD program focusing on efficient open-minded collaboration in most meaningful human ways sounds & feels fascinating to me.

Perhaps we can try moving from a ‘let’s wait and see’ mode to a much more proactive ‘connect, explore, experiment’ with enthusiasm for developing a Virtual Lab environment, similar to the space station research activities where hundreds of people assist the people who carry out the experiments. Such a virtual lab environment could also provide a ‘bootstrapping’ platform where avatar bots and people from all over the world begin to collectively learn from each other in interesting new ways. 

Since Avatars offer a 24/7 operating mode, time zone constraints or language barriers, for example, could be more easily mitigated. People could query ‘Avatar Clones’ and get a quick update on the progress being made during other people’s interactions with the virtual lab environment. The JOY of sharing and helping with ideas, skills and knowledge with others could also create a paradigm shift in moving away from self-centered success in learning. Any more thoughts on this emerging on your side, Scott?

Warmest regards,

And also - 
the open #BayAreaStammtisch on Sat, July 10, 2021 meets in English & German at 10:30 am PT, 1:30 pm ET, 18:30 UTC - Video call link: https://meet.google.com/xvo-bpyb-sjo Theme?: brainstorming creating Avatar Bots as instructors, with some ideas here: http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2021/07/bog-turtle-fascinating-to-read-that-you.html?m=0 Langs @sgkmacleod~


and - 
the open #BayAreaStammtisch on Sat, 7/10/21 meets in English & German at 10:30 am PT, 1:30 pm ET, 18:30 UTC - Video call link: https://meet.google.com/xvo-bpyb-sjo Theme?: brainstorming creating Avatar Bots as instructors, with some ideas here: http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2021/07/bog-turtle-fascinating-to-read-that-you.html?m=0 Langs
@WorldUnivAndSch ~


Here again is the link for the Bay Area Stammtisch on July 10, 2021 at 10:30 am PT, 18:30 UTC Bay Area Stammtisch - July 10, 2021
Or dial in US: +1 818-614-3607 PIN: 675 411 620#

Sounds good. Here's a recent article on Avatar Bots in the German newspaper - https://www.faz.net/aktuell/karriere-hochschule/hoersaal/online-uni-videovorlesungen-waren-gestern-17417929.html - in these regards! See you soon! - Scott

I would like for all of us to be able to start 'building' realistic avatar bots (aka Samsung Neons) further right now ... 
and see, 
In the UC Berkeley Anthropology talk I gave this past Dec 2020 -
- I ended the talk with an animated .gif photograph in YouTube of Max Ehrmann 'reading' his 'poem'"The Desiderata" - but not yet interactively or conversationally (around slide #90) ...


2020 - "Creating a Realistic Virtual Earth for Tourism and Tourism Studies with Actual-Virtual Harbin Hot Springs: A Case Study" UC Berkeley Anthropology TSWG presentation (slides) - 12/18/20 Fr ~ https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1SI2U7ssoy52met1OIwDwT5CbVLz98RuYRVE4OY5dj6A/edit?usp=sharing (new slides) - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2020/12/doubledays-hummingbird-cynanthus.html - http://tourismstudies.org/news_archive/MacLeod2020.htm ~ http://www.scottmacleod.com/ActualVirtualHarbinBook.html

And here's the video of this Anthropology talk -

SGK MacLeod TSWG 12 18 2020 Creating a Realistic Virtual Earth Harbin for Tourism

- where I explore further bringing Sunheart, my main Harbin informant and friend, who died last autumn, 'alive' again as an interactive conversational Avatar Bot (what stories he might tell about Harbin Hot Springs/Heart Consciousness Church (HCC), given the right datasets !) ... By adding the approximately 10 audio interviews I made TO emerging chat bots / avatar Bot algorithms and software ...

(In my talk, I skipped about 40 of the ~90 slides, due to time constraints, FYI - so I talked about, roughly, slides 1-48 and 89-93) ...

Avatar agency ?
Some related ideas in this 'label' in blog ...

What is agency, what is autonomy (re autonomous self-driving vehicles) - are all far-reaching philosophical questions, and newly regarding avatar bots, AI, and information technologies ... Getting into questions of consciousness (sentience, awareness, feeling, subjectivity) too - how can we code for something that is impossible so far to explain how it works, in the brain and in the bodymind? 

If Second Life avatars in a group build-able 3D virtual world which is cartoon-esque, but stimulating imaginatively re coding, could be coded for agency, or consciousness, in conjunction with you operating your avatar and I operating my 'Aphilo' avatar eg - 
"Aphilo Scott MacLeod The Making of Virtual Harbin"

(Peter Bothe, above, in Bremen, is spending some time in SL these days)

What would this involve? Second Life is a bit of a graveyard these days, in my experience, and static coding-wise, and not extensible ... But Samsung Neons into Google Street View with a #filmto3D App at cell and atomic levels too??? ... And into a WUaS Operating System as Kernel ... For STEM and ethnographic/social sciences' field sites, and as classrooms, - and for a Film to 3D App?

Seeking right NOW, for example, to add my interviews with Sunheart into developing Sunheart avatar Bot chat bots ... (Stanford Philosopher Richard Rorty interviews and videos too) ... but am in 'waiting in the Light' friendly-wise mode, since I haven't come upon, hacking-wise, open source Samsung Neon aka 'artificial humans' software into Google Street View with time slider and TensorFlow artificial intelligence environment with which to explore this further.

Happy Independence Day from the USA 😌

Seeking to get out the WUaS Minutes for 6/19/21 Monthly Business Meeting today, July 4th ... http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2021/06/yellow-billed-stork.html?m=0 - all from a small smartphone for the first time :)

Nice to have met in the Bay Area Stammtisch (Peter's language too) in a Google Meet video conference from Cuttyhunk Island Massachusetts last week, on a smartphone from this end too; am back to a laptop computer this week :)


On Fri, Jul 9, 2021, 9:28 PM Scott MacLeod <sgkmacleod@worlduniversityandschool.org> wrote:

the open Bay Area Stammtisch on July 10, 2021 meets in English & German at 10:30 am PT, 18:30 UTC Bay Area Stammtisch - July 10, 2021

Fritz and I talked about creating, brainstorming-wise, Avatar Bots as instructors last Saturday, with some of this here - http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2021/07/bog-turtle-fascinating-to-read-that-you.html?m=0 - and regarding this excerpt ...

"Fritz, (Peter, Markus Kroetzsch, Denny, Peter Norvig, computer scientists, Simone, Bay Area Stammtischlern), 

Thanks for your email after our Bay Area Stammtisch yesterday, Fritz ... Regarding avatar bots and developing them further ... 

Would like to start 'building' avatar bots further right now ... 
In the UC Berkeley Anthropology talk I gave this past Dec 2020 -

- I ended this talk with an animated .gif photograph in YouTube of Max Ehrmann 'reading' his 'poem'"The Desiderata" - but not yet interactively or conversationally (around slide #90) ...

2020 ... "

See too the ideas about Avatar agency ... What does this mean (and regarding self-driving cars too), philosophically even (as possible further theme)?

Also, as Fritz and I closed the Stammtisch last week, I mentioned how Heather Paxson, MIT professor of Anthropology (and of Quaker background) could be an interesting further contact for World Univ & Sch and our plans for creating careers, and here she just mentions edX tanking (with which WUaS is no longer partnering, I'm glad write) - 

Here again is the link for the Bay Area Stammtisch on July 10, 2021 at 10:30 am PT, 18:30 UTC Bay Area Stammtisch - July 10, 2021
Or dial in US: +1 818-614-3607 PIN: 675 411 620#

(I'll have better broadband access than last week with a new HotSpot on smartphone set up ... And greetings from Cuttyhunk Island, Massachusetts!)

CHEERS, Alles Gute, Scott

On Sun, Jul 4, 2021, 9:10 AM Scott MacLeod <sgkmacleod@worlduniversityandschool.org> wrote:
Fritz, (Peter, Markus Kroetzsch, Denny, Peter Norvig, computer scientists, Simone, Bay Area Stammtischlern), 

Thanks for your email after our Bay Area Stammtisch yesterday, Fritz ... Regarding avatar bots and developing them further ... 

Would like to start 'building' avatar bots further right now ... 
In the UC Berkeley Anthropology talk I gave this past Dec 2020 -

- I ended this talk with an animated .gif photograph in YouTube of Max Ehrmann 'reading' his 'poem'"The Desiderata" - but not yet interactively or conversationally (around slide #90) ...


2020 - "Creating a Realistic Virtual Earth for Tourism and Tourism Studies with Actual-Virtual Harbin Hot Springs: A Case Study" UC Berkeley Anthropology TSWG presentation (slides) - 12/18/20 Fr ~ https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1SI2U7ssoy52met1OIwDwT5CbVLz98RuYRVE4OY5dj6A/edit?usp=sharing (new slides) - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2020/12/doubledays-hummingbird-cynanthus.html - http://tourismstudies.org/news_archive/MacLeod2020.htm ~ http://www.scottmacleod.com/ActualVirtualHarbinBook.html

And here's the video of this Anthropology talk -

'SGK MacLeod TSWG 12 18 2020 Creating a Realistic Virtual Earth Harbin for Tourism'

- where I explore further bringing Sunheart Sunheart, my main Harbin informant and friend, who died last autumn, 'alive' again as an interactive conversational Avatar Bot (what stories he might tell about Harbin Hot Springs/Heart Consciousness Church (HCC), given the right datasets ! ... And we who have been to Harbin could help create these datasets, via a new theory and method #EWVWG I'm developing) ... by adding the approximately 10 audio interviews I made TO emerging chat bots / avatar Bot algorithms and software ...

(In my actual ZOOM video conference talk, I skipped about 40 of the ~90 slides, due to time constraints, FYI - so I talked about, roughly, slides 1-48 and 89-93) ...

Avatar agency ?
Some related ideas in this 'label' in blog ...

What is agency, what is autonomy (re autonomous self-driving vehicles) - are all far-reaching philosophical questions, and newly regarding avatar bots, AI, and information technologies ... Getting into questions of consciousness (sentience, awareness, feeling, subjectivity) too - how can we code for something that is impossible so far to explain how it works, in the brain and in the bodymind? 

If Second Life avatars in a group build-able 3D virtual world which is cartoon-esque, but stimulating imaginatively re coding, could be coded for agency, or consciousness, in conjunction with you operating your avatar and I operating my 'Aphilo' avatar eg - 
"Aphilo Scott MacLeod The Making of Virtual Harbin"

(Peter Bothe, above, in Bremen, is spending some time in SL these days)

What would this involve? Second Life is a bit of a graveyard these days, in my experience, and static coding-wise, and not extensible ... But Samsung Neons into Google Street View with a #filmto3D App at cell and atomic levels too??? ... And into a WUaS Operating System as Kernel ... For STEM and ethnographic/social sciences' field sites, and as classrooms, - and for a Film to 3D App?

Seeking right NOW, for example, to add my interviews with Sunheart into developing Sunheart avatar Bot chat bots ... (Stanford Philosopher Richard Rorty interviews and videos too) ... but am in 'waiting in the Light' friendly-wise mode, since I haven't come upon, hacking-wise, open source Samsung Neon aka 'artificial humans' software into Google Street View with time slider and TensorFlow artificial intelligence environment with which to explore this further.

Happy Independence Day from the USA 😌

Seeking to get out the WUaS Minutes for 6/19/21 Monthly Business Meeting today, July 4th ... http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2021/06/yellow-billed-stork.html?m=0 - all from a small smartphone for the first time :)

Nice to have met in the Bay Area Stammtisch (Peter's language too) in a Google Meet video conference from Cuttyhunk Island Massachusetts yesterday, on a smartphone from this end too :)

Virtual Harbin label in blog (my Actual-Virtual ethnographic field site) ...

And for ethno-wiki-virtual-world-graphy 

On Fri, Jul 2, 2021, 8:26 PM Scott MacLeod <sgkmacleod@worlduniversityandschool.org> wrote:
Hallo Stammtischler, 

IN ABOUT 16 hours > https://meet.google.com/uts-upuh-mah ... 

open #BayAreaStammtisch, meets on Saturdays at 10:30am PT, - next on Sat. 7/3/21 - and is in German and English, for about an hour. Here's Saturday's Google Meet URL -  https://meet.google.com/uts-upuh-mah - at 10:30am PT, 1pm ET, 6pm UTC #WUaSBayAreaStammtisch @WorldUnivAndSch @sgkmacleod ~

Possible open themes -

Rainbow Gathering, Wyoming 2008 https://t.co/YwU2xFkpaY (see too other #RainbowGathering labels) & https://t.co/NeWxdNq4wL ~https://t.co/7c6KR8taQY ~ https://t.co/O2aJHKCjy7 (https://t.co/iVYHvcgMJS) @WorldUnivAndSch  @HarbinBook #RealisticVirtualHarbin 1 #RealisticVirtualEarth ~ https://t.co/UX0W5MKrZ2


WUaS's first PhD Indonesian student sent in his best STEM CC-4 OCW courses he plans to study from 9/1/21 & his college & high school transcripts! Want a free PhD online, choose your courses from: OCW.mit.edu & email them to info@WorldUniversityAndSchool.org Bachelor too!

Greetings from Cuttyhunk island Massachusetts, where I think there's just enough wifi bandwidth for video streaming, if from a smartphone too - an experiment.

All the best, Scott

From the US
Bay Area Stammtisch ~ July 3 2021
Friday, Jul 2  •  1:30 – 2:30 PM
Google Meet joining info
Or dial: +1 385-404-0578 PIN: 466 069 415#

On Sat, Jun 19, 2021, 2:14 PM Scott MacLeod <sgkmacleod@worlduniversityandschool.org> wrote:
Hallo Alle, Stammtischler,

Hier die Videoaufzeichnung vom heutigen Bay Area Stammtisch, 19.06.2021 - 


Der Bay Area Stammtisch findet nächste Woche, 26. Juni, nicht statt.

Bleiben Sie dran für den nächsten.

Alles Gute, Scott

Sie finden Videoaufzeichnungen von allen
Bay Area Stammtisch-es bisher hier - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2021/06/yellow-billed-stork.html (Tagesordnungspunkt 3) ~
(Ein Stammtisch ist ein "Stammtisch", und stamm bedeutet Stamm oder Stamm oder auch Stamm)

You'll find video recordings of the all the 
Bay Area Stammtisch-es to date here - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2021/06/yellow-billed-stork.html (Agenda item 3) ~
(A stammtisch is a "regulars' table," and stamm means tribe, or trunk, or stem too)

Bay Area Stammtisch - Sa June 12, 2021

Bay Area Stammtisch - June 5 2021

Bay Area Stammtisch - 29 Mai 2021

Bay Area Stammtisch May 8, 2021

Bay Area Stammtisch May 1, 2021

Again here, in the WUaS Agenda and News for 6/19/21 open Monthly Business Meeting - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2021/06/yellow-billed-stork.html ~

On Sat, Jun 19, 2021 at 10:22 AM Scott MacLeod <sgkmacleod@worlduniversityandschool.org> wrote:
Dear Stammtischler, 

In about 10 minutes - 

Theme ~
Want to connect? Talk? Invent education anew? Riff with OCW.mit.edu & OYC.yale.edu? Teach wiki-wise?

1 #BayAreaStammtisch 10:30aPT Sa 6/19

(3 #WUaSMonthlyBusinessMeeting Sa 6/19 9aPT > same Google Meet URL
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1pKpFfUiFHOtTe1IN540105NC-tlLhS9x/view - recording from today) 

Talk with you soon!

Alles Gute, 

On Wed, Jun 16, 2021 at 11:17 AM Scott MacLeod <sgkmacleod@worlduniversityandschool.org> wrote:

open Bay Area Stammtisch, meets on Saturdays at 10:30am PT, - next on 6/19/21 - and is in German and English, for about an hour. Here's Saturday's Google Meet URL & info -  

Phone Numbers
+1 605-854-1137
PIN: 423 755 603#

And here is the Bay Area Stammtisch from 6/12/21, and thanks to Fritz for joining again from Munich, Germany -
https://drive.google.com/file/d/15BWGK2dqwwsjTS7vRc1nyyDJ1AVvyWVA/view .
The first part is a bit in German, but it's mostly in English, - and has some innovative riffs on MIT OpenCourseWare and World University and School, but not yet any riffs on Yale OpenYaleCourses.
Please share with entrepreneurial thinkers, academics, prospective students for free-to-students' WUaS Bachelor or PhD degrees, - either individuals or groups.

... but the Stammtisch conversation can go in many directions ... and we may also continue to explore a theme-focus in the future. Thanks, Simone! (And thanks to Peter for suggesting the name "Bay Area Stammtisch"!)

Know any German speakers, please invite them! :)

Alles Gute, 


Am wondering if the Bay Area Stammtisch can come to inform Germany World Univ & Sch - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Germany (in German) - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/German_language (accessible from https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Languages)

Much about this last idea in Bay Area Stammtisch video from June 12, 2021 - https://drive.google.com/file/d/15BWGK2dqwwsjTS7vRc1nyyDJ1AVvyWVA/view ~

Nice to hear from you, Peter! ... And congratulations on your upcoming training. I got my 2nd vaccine shot of Pfizer, after which my left eye seems a little damaged out the far left corner, I'm sad to report. Too bad these vaccines didn't go through rigorous clinical FDA trials in the USA, for ex., and that we're still therefore all being experimented on (with echoes of a 'scary' past). Getting the vaccine isn't law in the USA either - in this internet media campaign that may be losing a little steam. Perhaps it's partly in the name of bio-warfare prevention, and these 4-5 other Hypothetical News' Items - http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2020/04/himalyan-monal-how-are-harbin-hot.html . Fritz on Saturday in the Bay Area Stammtisch (thanks for this great suggestion, Peter) seemed to be thinking in terms of how funding might work for World Univ & Sch from Germany even - am still interested in when WUaS can begin to hire and train people. Might we brainstorm about how a WUaS training for Germans might work sometime with parallels to your upcoming training ? Regards, Scott

Hello Scott!

Hope everything is going well in CA.

It's getting better here in Germany. Summer has arrived early with very blue skies and average temperatures of up to 28°C/82°F. More and more people get vaccinated and public life is very slowly returning to more normal operations. From today on here in Bremen, it is no longer required to wear masks outside.

 I'm about to start a 3 month online training course to become a certified "Online Dozent in der Erwachsenenbildung" (Online Lecturer in Adult Education). This will hopefully increase my chances to get a good new job.

But most importantly, I'm getting my second jab against COVID on Thursday. Keep your fingers crossed, that everything goes according to plan!

I still watch your Stammtisch recordings. Sorry, that I'm not able to join live, as I have my own Hangouts on Saturdays.

Cheers, Peter

On Sat, Jun 12, 2021, 1:30 PM Scott MacLeod <sgkmacleod@worlduniversityandschool.org> wrote:

Stammtischlern, unser Gespräch ist jetzt fertig verarbeitet (wahrscheinlich mit lernbarer Google TensorFlow AI, über die wir auch im Bay Area Stammtisch sprechen, Textchat unten auch, inklusive einer aktuellen Zeitungsschlagzeile über Gentherapien zur Alterungsumkehr - werden wir noch viel länger leben als 122 Jahre alt, und wenden das, was wir an der World Univ & Sch vielleicht für sehr lange Karrieren gelernt haben, an?) - 
. . . Stammtischlern, our conversation has now finished processing (probably with learnable Google TensorFlow AI, which we also talk about in the Bay Area Stammtisch, text chat below too, including a recent newspaper headline about genetic therapies for aging reversal - will we live much longer than 122 years of age, and apply what we might have learned at World Univ & Sch for very long careers?) - . . . 

! #BayAreaStammtisch 6.12.21~ https://drive.google.com/file/d/15BWGK2dqwwsjTS7vRc1nyyDJ1AVvyWVA/view Mostly in English, innovative riffs on OCW.mit.edu& @WorldUnivAndSch Please share w entrepreneurial thinkers, academics, prospective students, either individuals or groups: #FreeToStudent's Bachelor or PhD degrees

Alles Gute, Scott

You10:35 AM
"MIT Interdisciplinary PhD in Economics and Statistics"
program pathway, with many courses -

Hello Sir, thank you for this email. I'm really looking forward to taking my first year in  #WUaSPhDdegrees. I'm interested to take these courses:
1. Fundamentals of Probability: https://ocw.mit.edu/courses/electrical-engineering-and-computer-science/6-436j-fundamentals-of-probability-fall-2018/
2. Statistics for Applications: https://ocw.mit.edu/courses/mathematics/18-650-statistics-for-applications-
You10:37 AM
I choose these two courses based on this program pathway: https://stat.mit.edu/academics/idps/idps-economics/
Fritz Lebowsky10:38 AM

Dynamics of Nonlinear Systems (Fall 2003)
You10:50 AM
Fritz Lebowsky10:54 AM
MIT D-Lab works with people around the world to develop and advance collaborative approaches and practical solutions to global poverty challenges.
Fritz Lebowsky10:56 AM
Complementary to TensorFlow:
You11:27 AM
1st recent headline I've seen recently: University of Minnesota, Mayo report COVID-fighting success with anti-aging therapy
https://m.startribune.com/university-of-minnesota-mayo-report-covid-fighting-success-with-anti-aging-therapy/600066486/ -
Fritz Lebowsky11:31 AM
— In search for a genetic drug that lets people overcome resignation about moving forward with creative thoughts and actions, individually or collectively ??

* * * 

On Fri, Jun 11, 2021 at 11:21 AM Scott MacLeod <sgkmacleod@worlduniversityandschool.org> wrote:

Hier ist der Bay Area-Stammtisch für morgen 10:30 Uhr Pazifischer Zeit – https://meet.google.com/cbn-dtqc-bzn – mit derselben URL für die WUaS-Nachrichten und Fragen und Antworten am Montag um 10:00 Uhr PT und das offene WUaS-Monatsgeschäft am Samstag Treffen um 9 Uhr PT. Wir sehen uns dort. Auch sehen . . . 23 Stunden ab jetzt - 

(Here is the Bay Area Stammtisch for tomorrow 10:30am Pacific Time - https://meet.google.com/cbn-dtqc-bzn - with the same URL for Monday's WUaS News and Q&A at 10am PT, and Saturday's open WUaS Monthly Business Meeting at 9am PT. See you there. See, too:)

Want to connect? Talk? Invent education anew? Riff with OCW.mit.edu & OYC.yale.edu? Teach wiki-wise?
1 #BayAreaStammtisch 10:30aPT Sa 6/12
2 #WUaSNewsQA M 6/14 10aPT
3 #WUaSMonthlyBusinessMeeting Sa 6/19 9aPT > same Google Meet URL


Languages - World Univ - https://twitter.com/sgkmacleod/status/1403002241359900688?s=20




Cheers, Scott

On Sat, Jun 5, 2021 at 9:33 AM Scott MacLeod <sgkmacleod@worlduniversityandschool.org> wrote:
Liebe Stammtischler, Simone, Gerd, Julian, Denny, Magnus, Sarah, Peter, Lydia, Christian, Andrea, Fritz,

Bay Area Stammtisch trifft sich in einer Stunde - meet.google.com/cbn-dtqc-bzn.

Simone, Alle - and regarding a MediaAnthropology developing conversation:
thanks for writing this - https://interface.mediacoop.uni-siegen.de/2021/05/31/how-can-you-approach-the-field-digitally/ - and with an image of a smart phone at top. As you may have noticed, I replied: 

Scott GK MacLeod says:
2 June 2021 at 07:26
Thanks, Simone! Thoughts about making a digital field site, and then practicing participant observation there? I have in mind Tom Boellstorff’s “Coming of Age in Second Life: An Anthropologist Explores the Virtually Human” (Princeton Univ Press, 2008) where he spends about 2 years on virtual islands in SL as anthropologist, some of which he helps to build, and from this participant observation then writes a far-reaching book. And, coming into conversation with Boellstorff, I also have in mind my “Naked Harbin Ethnography : Hippies, Warm Pools, Counterculture, Clothing-Optionality and Virtual Harbin” (Academic Press at World Univ & Sch, 2016) in which I also develop a new social science method I’m calling ethno-wiki-virtual-world-graphy – http://www.scottmacleod.com/research-group.html – and in which I seek to facilitate all of us further building our field sites in a realistic virtual earth (think Google Street View with time slider, Maps, Earth, TensorFlow AI, Translate, and with realistic avatar bots, aka artificial humans, and even for online medicine and online teaching hospitals for avatar bot electronic medical records, regarding realism, – and also even for actual-virtual tele-robotics surgery). Thank you for writing this blog post.
... and added this further idea in a related blog post - http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2021/06/ursa-major-thoughts-about-making.html . . . 

All in a smartphone in a sense, or in the back of our glasses, since Google Cardboard closed, but other developments are emerging:

'Could we be advancing with #VR #VirtualReality #WUaSvirtualReality #AR #AugmentedReality #WUaSaugmentedReality #wuAsVR but not yet for #VirtualSoaking in #RealisticVirtualHarbin
@HarbinBook in bathtub #GoogleCardboard in #GoogleStreetView w #TimeSlider re #WUaS
@WorldUnivAndSch ?"


Fritz, here are the 3 Stanford Professor Emeritus Phil Zimbardo's office hours in 2009 in FB, which I mentioned in a recent Stammtisch: 
... fascinating for a number of reasons, and not just regarding his well-known 1971 Stanford Prisoner and Guard social psychology experiments ...

Bis bald - meet.google.com/cbn-dtqc-bzn . . . 

On Sun, May 30, 2021 at 1:01 PM Scott MacLeod <sgkmacleod@worlduniversityandschool.org> wrote:
Hallo Alle Stammtischler, 

Hier ist die Videoaufnahme von gestern, mit ein paar von Eure Twitter Adressen auch:

Bay Area Stammtisch 5/29/21 (@WorldUnivAndSch & @WUaSPress)- https://drive.google.com/file/d/1gXraso59gaIh2ghFXf7JJiPNAXQzXad0/view (in German) @nightrose @vrandezo @pfeifer_simone @Peter_Bothe @GerdMoeBehrens >Germany WUaS: https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Germany ~ https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/German_language (studying OCW.mit.edu planned in German)


And in a related vein in an email to Sri Lanka World Univ & India World Univ (which Lydia also received) - 

Hi Sri Lanka World Univ & Sch,  India World Univ, Universitians, All, 

When might we all be able to buy things with our accumulating free 'Stanford Mine Pi' cryptocurrency on smartphones - and even by simply using a Google Pay or Apple ioS pay application? How much would we have to accumulate in each of our countries to buy a house, for example? And could we accumulate Pi currency faster beyond daily mining of it?

Spreading 'Stanford Mine Pi' - and getting central banks in most of 200 countries to legitimize it - could come to eliminate poverty worldwide pretty quickly, and especially if the poorest people had devices that could access Stanford Mine Pi. How to connect such "Stanford Mine Pi" with open wiki teaching and learning at WUaS - and in all 7,139 living languages? How to begin to reach out to all 7.8 billion people on the planet re - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/You_at_World_University - and in all 7k languages, so they could come out of poverty, and wiki teach and learn with each other?

For your Sri Lankan friends and friends potentially in all the 200 countries in the world, here's the daily mineable free cryptocurrency, - Stanford Mine Pi cryptocurrency. Use this code - sgkmac - minepi.com/sgkmac

All the best, 
Wiki teach and learn openly here - 
https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Subjects - eventually in your languages (first via Wikidata in 300 languages I think) ...

Bis zum naechsten Samstag!

Alles Gute, Scott

And some related Tweets further: 

Free online PhD or Bachelor degrees? beginning 9/1/21 >Email in the best STEM CC-4 OCW courses from OCW.mit.edu
oyc.yale.edu/welcome you'd LIKE TO STUDY & your transcripts to info@WorldUniversityAndSchool.org where YOU can WIKI-teach  https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Subjects too

Feathering the nest picture 

WUaS's first PhD Indonesian student sent in his best STEM CC-4 OCW courses he plans to study from 9/1/21 & his college & high school transcripts! Want a free PhD online, choose your courses from: https://t.co/EMIOdQHvg7 & email them to info@WorldUniversityAndSchool.org Bach. too!

On Sat, May 29, 2021 at 9:09 AM Scott MacLeod <sgkmacleod@worlduniversityandschool.org> wrote:
Liebe Stammtischler, 

Letzten Samstag besuchte ich im Namen des CC-4 MIT OCW-centric Wiki World University and School ein Stanford EPIC Global Education Symposium - und hielt daher keinen Bay Area Stammtisch ab, aber lass uns heute in ungefaehr 1,5 Stunden treffen - meet.google.com/kik-wyzm-cab - um 10:30 Uhr Pazifischer Zeit. 

Das teile ich dir gerne mit - 
WUaS's first PhD Indonesian student sent in his best STEM CC-4 OCW courses he plans to study from 9/1/21 & his college & high school transcripts! Want a free PhD online, choose your courses from: http://ocw.mit.edu/courses & email them to info@WorldUniversityAndSchool.org 4-year Bachelor's degrees too!

Wenn Sie potenzielle Doktoranden in Deutschland kennen, die an einem Studium am MIT OCW interessiert sein könnten, scheint Aviv in Indonesien auch einen weiteren Weg zum PhD-Programm in Statistik und Wirtschaftswissenschaften vom MIT selbst gefunden zu haben (sehe MIT OCW und MIT PhD-Programm unten).

Alles Gute, Scott

"MIT Interdisciplinary PhD in Economics and Statistics" 
program pathway, with many courses - 

Hello Sir, thank you for this email. I'm really looking forward to taking my first year in  #WUaSPhDdegrees. I'm interested to take these courses:

I choose these two courses based on this program pathway: https://stat.mit.edu/academics/idps/idps-economics/

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