Thanks so much for your direct email response. (I appreciate it, am honored).
Scott GK MacLeod works (since the GK would distinguish me from the other Scott MacLeod's names out there). If you could add World University and School
below this, that would be great too (and perhaps some version of the signature below if there's space, and it works in the Pew Research Center Internet
and Technology Research Report). Thank you, Lee!
Warm regards, Scott
Thanks again, Scott
| 2:28 PM (0 minutes ago) | ![]() ![]() | ||
I touch on some related issues to your Networked Individualism approaches in my
'Network Society, Information Technology and the Global University' course here
Lee Rainie -
Thanks again, Scott
WUaS Press -
Scott MacLeod -
Languages - World Univ -
“Naked Harbin Ethnography” book (in Academic Press at WUaS) -
OpenBand (Berkeley) -
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Hi Scott:
Thank you so much for your great - as usual - answers to our questions this year about the future of digital spaces as part of our annual canvassing of
experts about the future of digital life.
Since you've signed your answers to our other questions in the past, I was wondering how you'd like your answers to be cited in our report about this
year's canvassing.
You didn't sign them and I wonder if it would it be OK if we attributed your answers to you by name?
Of course, we're fine to highlight your comments as an "anonymous" contribution if that's your preference.
Again, deep thanks for your time and wisdom this year, as in the past.
Warm regards,
Director of Internet and Technology Research
Pew Research Center
1615 L Street, NW - Suite 800
Washington, DC 20036
+1 202-527-3367 (for now)
- Scott GK MacLeod
Founder, President, CEO & Professor
World Univ & Sch (WUaS) - PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 94516
1) non-profit World University and School - http://worlduniversityandschoo
2) for profit general stock company WUaS Corporation in CA - http://worlduniversityandschoo
(o) 415 480 4577 - sgkmacleod@worlduniversiryands
(m) 412 478 0116 -
World Univ & Sch Innovation Research -
- CC World University and School - like CC Wikipedia with best STEM-centric CC OpenCourseWare - incorporated as a nonprofit university and school in
California, and is a U.S. 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt educational organization.
Here's what I wrote this year, in response to the Pew Internet Research canvas, with its questions:
Pew Research Center for Internet and Society annual survey
2021 Pew-Elon Research -- Internet and Technology Project Canvassing
Canvassing of experts by Pew Research Center about the future of digital spaces and survey closes on Sunday night
What reforms or initiatives may have the biggest impact? What beneficial role do you see tech leaders and/or politicians and/or public audiences playing in this evolution? What will be noticeably improved about digital life for the average user 2035? What current problems do you see being diminished? Which will persist and continue to raise major concerns?
I think the following initiatives may have a big impact -
Realistic Virtual Earth for everything – and especially Actual-Virtual, Physical-Digital developments and conversation
Tall Blue Lettuce (Lactuca Biennis) - HEALTHY - identify w #SeekbyiNaturalist> 1 #RealisticVirtualEarth> #RealisticVirtualEarthForEvolutionaryBiology + #RealisticVirtualEarthForBotany + #RealisticVirtualEarthForSpecies#GoogleStreetView#TimeSlider& to LEARN #MachineLearning ~
— WorldUnivandSch (@WorldUnivAndSch) July 28, 2021
Single cryptocurrency – such Stanford Mine Pi - to end poverty for all 7.8 billion people and via UBI experiments, with each person receiving a Wikidata Pin # for distribution questions (as well as a device to access this)
World University and School – like CC-4 MIT OCW in its 4 languages with Wikipedia in its 300 languages - planned
in each of ~200 countries, and 7,139 known living languages, for free online university and high school degrees, Bachelor, PhD, Law, MD and IB high school or similar, and
as wiki schools for open teaching and learning in all 7139 living languages, - for free universal education and via people to people wiki approaches -
will have a significant impact.
What is one example of an aspect of digital life that you think could be different in 2035 than it is today? We invite you to create a vignette of something you would like to see taking place in a “new and improved” digital realm in 2035. Your example might involve politics or social activities or jobs or physical and mental health or community life or education. Feel free to think expansively – and specifically.
- Online MD psychiatrists in each of all ~200 countries, and in their main languages
WUaS seeks to instruct, develop (and hire) highest quality online MD psychiatrists in each of all ~200 countries, and in their main languages, and eventually via interactive avatar bot and chat bots – and for free psychiatry eventually.
In addition WUaS seeks to develop excellent career and guidance artificial intelligence chat bots and similar.
A realistic virtual Harbin Hot Springs
World Univ & Sch also seeks to develop a realistic virtual Harbin Hot Springs for soaking (in bath tubs and similar), meditating from home, and socializing and hanging out in – and for Actual-Virtual, Physical-Digital ethnographic (and STEM and social science) research, in which to explore further too questions about envisioning a better world, wiki-wise even – and regarding a new social science and STEM method I’m calling ethno-wiki-virtual-world-graphy.
See -
Beginnings of digital #AvatarBots #WUaSAvatarBots & in a #RealisticVirtualHarbin in 1 #RealisticVirtualEarth in a #RealisticVirtualEarthForSoaking & for #EthnoWikiVirtualWorldGraphy How could we all create best #VirtualSoaking from Bathtubs #WUaSMeditaton?
Beginnings of digital #AvatarBots#WUaSAvatarBots& in a #RealisticVirtualHarbin in 1 #RealisticVirtualEarth in a #RealisticVirtualEarthForSoaking& for #EthnoWikiVirtualWorldGraphy How could we all create best #VirtualSoaking from Bathtubs
— HarbinBook (@HarbinBook) July 18, 2021
No matter how you’ve answered the previous questions, we invite you to imagine a better world online: What is one example of an aspect of digital life that you think could be different in 2035 than it is today? We invite you to create a vignette of something you would like to see taking place in a “new and improved” digital realm in 2035. Your example might involve politics or social activities or jobs or physical and mental health or community life or education. Feel free to think expansively – and specifically.
To imagine a better world online:
Free universal education
WUaS envisions free universal education with people to people wiki teaching about subjects they love, in all ~200 countries’ and in their official and main languages, and in all 7139 known living languages - WUaS seeks to cultivate flourishing cultures and communities of learning and teaching about subjects people love in an open-ended way, as well as subjects that are academically oriented.
Free-to-student’s degrees, emerging from CC-4 MIT OpenCourseWare in its 4 languages, for Bachelor, Ph.D., Law, MD and IB high school in each of all 200 countries and in their main languages.
Universal Basic Income experiments to end poverty
To distribute a single crypto-currency (think Stanford Mine Pi) worldwide in all ~200 countries – via UBI experiments and especially to end poverty, World Univ & Sch seeks to plan to code for all 7.8 billion people, each a Wikidata Pin # and that each person could become too a wiki teacher or learner at WUaS (while receiving Stanford Mine Pi, which, for examples, nation states, would invest in). Think also what comes after the Euro in 19 out 28 countries regarding a digital currency, and what comes after the US dollar too.
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the Freedom Trail with stops on the modern-day Underground Railroad?
did I make a successful trip on the Freedom Trail with stops on the modern-day Underground Railroad - with a good trip after 7 weeks (what I'm thinking of as a Freedom Trail and even kind of stops on the underground railroad re perpetrators and offenders and purveyors particularly re Canyon 94516 and my calling the local Moraga police near there last September 2020) and calling at WUaS for the abolition of the illegal sex industry, for one, re - - in Minute 8 ... from 7/17/21 WUaS Minutes ... to protect our WUaS students & wiki Universitians (planning brainstorming-wise for a 7.8 billion people, each a Wikidata Pin#), and grow WUaS - and re the catastrophes / atrocities even re fund-raising and money partly at MIT in recent years in some of these regards. Thanks for your phone call, Ed! Fondly, Scott