Channel: Scott MacLeod's Anthropology of Information Technology & Counterculture
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wild black cherry (Prunus serotina): Thanks so much for the conversation in this 9/6/21 WUaS News and Q&A, Fritz and Nancy, Here's Part 1 of today's conversation which was recorded * * * SCOTTISH Games at Pleasanton, CA, Clan MacLeod tent, 8 yrs ago * * * Possible emerging #legalITethics


open #WUaSNewsandQA on M 9/6/21. Here's Pt1 of today's recorded conversation https://drive.google.com/file/d/1zyACn7fZZ4gZH2k3NZBxkCEuh-PBZAhv/view - after which my browser stopped, just at interesting idea abt #WUaSUBIexperiments to #EndPoverty 7.8 billion peops #WikidataQitem via #SingleCryptocurrency like #StanfordMinePi~





open WUaS News and Q&A on Monday September 6, 2021

Dear Universitians, Fred, Vishal and Reshma, All, 

Thanks so much for the conversation in this 9/6/21 WUaS News and Q&A, Fritz and Nancy, 

Here's Part 1 of today's conversation which was recorded, - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1zyACn7fZZ4gZH2k3NZBxkCEuh-PBZAhv/view - after which my browser stopped - just at an interesting idea - and before Part 2, which wasn't recorded by me, and when you joined, Nancy. Thanks for joining Nancy and Fritz! Is there a kind of 'table' emerging at these WUaS News and Q&A meetings on Mondays at 10am, Pacific Time> perhaps. Please come join the conversation! 

And here's the blog post I was telling you about in the video recording - 
https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2021/09/acer-rubrum-syren-johnstone-stanford.html (including some questions about crime and cryptocurrencies/free Stanford Mine Pi cryptocurrency daily money (which you can begin to mine daily!), - and about the distributed internet).

Fred, Vishal and Reshma - would you like to join the open Bay Area Stammtisch (in English) this Saturday, at 10:30 am Pacific Time - and contribute to a new jamboard.google.com jamboard session, (thanks to the one you facilitated back in March 2021)? I'm thinking we may call this newly #BayAreaJamTisch :) ... and see below! :) Please let me know if you can! Thank you!

With best wishes, 
You'll find this email, its videos, and some pictures of Scottish Highland Games in Pleasanton California here - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2021/09/wild-black-cherry-prunus-serotina.html (in daily blog post) ... and much much more in the videos themselves. :)

How about exploring jamboard.google.com next Saturday - with a jam or two, und auf Deutsch vielleicht? Perhaps one question we all might address together is "What would I like to see or talk about in Bay Area Stammtisch?" (And here's a beginning for this - https://jamboard.google.com/d/1jqkhPPoz5AkvhSxx92O0DydC16TvDBOCw7OtlbtPzjA/edit?usp=sharing - and here's an example of my very first exploratory Jam Board from March - https://jamboard.google.com/d/1MYnjlKMmdLFo1dbznxlFJKSzvaqbxWYkkdrnPB00AFE/edit?usp=sharing - with people from all over the world; am hoping you already have permissions to add ideas, but please ask if you don't!). And with Google Jamboard - jamboard.google.com - could we explore calling this Stammtisch, in a new way, a Jam Tisch, as in #BayAreaJamTisch :) ? Pardon my Denglisch ... but sounds like an opportunity to jam learning-wise. In a sense, next week's Bay Area Stammtisch is beginning now with these Jam Boards :). 

Would be interested, instead of using post-its or sticky notes in Jamboard, to creatively use our own pictures even in a jam, per this John Cleese and Chekhov theater inspired blog post - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2021/09/allegheny-national-forest-create.html - but perhaps with Google Jamboard in Google Street View with Time Slider (which may not be interoperable yet).

When everyone has the potential to add a post-it or sticky note or an idea otherwise, in a jam board, for ex., people can get unstuck, even become unglued, unhinged ... free to create :)

So, these might be of interest - https://youtu.be/Ovue6ur_K0A - or - 
https://youtu.be/S9m4HCjOkcA - as introductions.


* * 

* * * 

SCOTTISH Games at Pleasanton, CA, Clan MacLeod tent, 8 yrs ago

Hi Tammie, Tegan, MacLeods, Pleasanton Scottish Highland Games' friends, All, 

Hold fast! 
How are you? And how was your weekend at this Scots' gathering? I've Tweeted a couple of pictures of the MacLeod tent at the Pleasanton games from 8 years ago! Thank you Tammie for doing such a wonderful job! How did it go this weekend?

While the non-SARS CoV2 non-epidemic coronavirus pandemic 'memes' (replicating cultural units) kept me away from the Scottish Games this weekend (from troop-bonding, trooper-bonding too?), I did celebrate the Games virtually, a bit with this first Scottish Country Dancing band Twitter Tweet, retweeting (the Norwegian in Oakland's) Lief Sorbye's rock and roll Celtic music Tempest band Tweet here -  

Open Band (Berkeley) @TheOpenBand Sep 4
Caledonian Games at Pleasanton CA 5 years ago today - http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2016/09/canola-scottish-games-at-pleasanton-ca.html
@TheOpenBand @dancingforth @rscdsdancescot @scottmacleod
 #RealisticVirtualEarth #ScottishCountryDancing #ScotlandWUaS (Wiki) https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Scotland
 for online #freetostudents' degrees

And these two Tweets are of the Clan MacLeod Tent from 8 years ago - 

! #ScotsGames at Pleasanton, CA, #ClanMacLeod tent, 8 yrs ago (More about MacLeod history - http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/search/label/SGKMacLeod%20family%20history) Wiki-begin the '#MacLeodSocietyWorldwide'>#wiki subject  https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Subjects @WorldUnivAndSch or #WikiTeach abt #ScotsArts #ScotsHistory #ScottishSmallPiping~

SCOTTISH Games at Pleasanton, CA, #ClanMacLeod tent, 8 yrs ago (More about MacLeod history - http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/search/label/SGKMacLeod%20family%20history) Wiki-begin the '#MacLeodSocietyWorldwide' #Wiki subject  https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Subjects @WorldUnivAndSch or #WikiTeach #ScotsArts #ScotsHistory #ScottishHighlandGames~ 

(And I could probably find, Tammie, a short video or two of you sharing some Clan MacLeod history ! :) ... as Clan MacLeod historian of the Pacific MacLeods ... and thanks, Tammie, for the opportunity to give this talk on 
MacLeod Piping Stories and Traditions and some of PM Donald MacLeod's Bagpipe Music by Scott MacLeod June 2011
https://www.academia.edu/4390112/MacLeod_Piping_Stories_and_Traditions_and_some_of_PM_Donald_MacLeods_Bagpipe_Music_by_Scott_MacLeod_June_2011 - and few years ago:- https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2013/09/birds-abattle-in-air-hi-mrs-california.html :)

Adding this one Tweet from a few years ago (and check out the #Hashtags in all these Tweets to see a 'conversation' )
Languages-World Univ
@sgkmacleod Feb 17, 2019
MacLeods - does this hashtag #holdfastmacleod work re #holdfast & #ClanMacLeod? https://twitter.com/MacLeodScotland/status/1097179281883648000 & https://twitter.com/acmacleods/status/1097181034469343232 & https://twitter.com/ClanMacLeodUSA/status/1019722132329246720  (@scottmacleod @sgkmacleod) 'MacLeod Society Worldwide" wiki subject to come https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Subjects
@WorldUnivAndSch ~


If the post coronavirus pandemic memes are being used to 'control' illegal behavior in an ongoing way, and even among folks of Scottish heritage, and this year too, I hope the Scottish Games (https://thescottishgames.com from the Caledonian Club of SF - https://caledonian.org) will become better, and safer, (and even more law-abiding than before, if an issue, somehow next year and soon). 

Warm regards, and Hold Fast, 
First Scottish Small Pipes' album out last December here - 
http://scottmacleod.com/piping.htm - and with an album Piobarieachd due out potentially before year's end. 

Scotland World Univ & Sch coming along step-by-step for free to students' MIT OCW-centric degrees, potentially in Scottish Gaelic, if helpful, and for wiki schools too (in all 7,139 known living languages) ... so in the Scots language too ... https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Scotland ...

(And here are the Minutes from 7/17/21 - https://worlduniversityandschool.blogspot.com/2021/07/wuas-minutes-for-71721-for-both-wings-1.html - and regarding too even abolition, potentially re some of the above). WUaS Monthly Business Meeting, conducted loosely in the manner of Friends/ Quakers, is open, and please let me know if you'd like to join in the conversation on 3rd Saturdays at 9am Pacific Time for an hour).

As Aye, Scott

World Univ and Sch Twitter - http://twitter.com/WorldUnivandSch
WUaS Press - https://twitter.com/WUaSPress

Scott MacLeod - https://twitter.com/scottmacleod
Languages - World Univ - http://twitter.com/sgkmacleod

“Naked Harbin Ethnography” book (in Academic Press at WUaS) - http://twitter.com/HarbinBook
OpenBand (Berkeley) - https://twitter.com/TheOpenBand



- Scott GK MacLeod  
Founder, President, CEO & Professor
World Univ & Sch (WUaS) - PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 94516 
1) non-profit World University and School - http://worlduniversityandschool.org  
2) for profit general stock company WUaS Corporation in CA - http://worlduniversityandschool.org/AcademicPress.html

(m) 412 478 0116 - sgkmacleod@gmail.com 

World Univ & Sch Innovation Research -  scottmacleod.com 

- CC World University and School - like CC Wikipedia with best STEM-centric CC OpenCourseWare - incorporated as a nonprofit university and school in California, and is a U.S. 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt educational organization. 

Scott MacLeod

1:37 PM (0 minutes ago)

to teganvawter, Tammie, Tammie, MacLeod, Janie, Edward, Heather, Patti, Bruce, David, Alex, Linda, Barbara, Tym, Sandy, Sid, Susan, Sioux, lillianbthomas, Greg, Hugh, David, David, Andrew, stuart, George, Taylor, taylorspun, Frederick, Ann

Hi Tammie, Tegan, MacLeods, Caledonian Gamers (not video or virtual yet, too much!), All, 

How are you? How were the Games, the Gatherings in various tents, the Scottish communing even?:)

Blogged about this here (in second half, with Lief Sorbye visible, sort of, in kilt behind his shades:) - 


and much more regarding the open WUaS News and Q&A on Mondays at 10am Pacific Time, accessible from https://twitter.com/WorldUnivAndSch.

Is Lief flying - or storming - with The Tempest in this Celtic Rock? :)

CHECK OUT THIS PIC ... not yet in the back of your glasses! Am hoping we can travel virtually to the Pleasanton Scottish Highland Games and to Scotland itself (and make this too together!) in the future, if the Covid-19 pandemic develops into an epidemic over the next few years, and we can't go anywhere physically (because of scofflaws, even?:) ... https://twitter.com/HarbinBook/status/1341133190308610048?s=20


would you like to explore #VirtualHiking on the West Highland Way in Scotland? #VirtualWestHighlandWay #RealisticVirtualEarthForHiking #PacificCrestTrail

#StepMaster in #AugmentedReality #AR #VirtualReality #VR #WUaSDigitalGlasses #PCT in #GoogleStreetView with #TimeSlider ~


#RealisticVirtualEarthforTraveling ~


... in one single realistic virtual earth (and realistic virtual Harbin Hot Springs too!) for everything (Scottish! ... freedom too?? in '22? :)

As Aye, 



Hi Tammie, Scotophiles, All, Thanks so so much for your email just now, and potentially wise-encouragement to vigilance - 

Greetings Scott!
   Alas, I wasn’t able to attend this year’s Games. My job has become more problematic since this whole Covid thing…initially we weren’t allowed to waste resources and enter the rooms of moms who were C+ and that created a huge backlog of appointments…so over time we were granted the ability to don and doff gear and that helped. Most of my staff wound up C+ early on, but they have also subsequently been vaccinated. Sadly though, a few left and I am still struggling with some new staff and a certain amount of “preciousness” regarding their work schedules. And then their family members get Covid and they are out .    And it all falls to me to hustle staff or become the screener myself. I am currently on day 18 of 23 in a row and am going to State inspection meetings the next three days for 5 of the 7 hospitals under my wing. Trust me (continuing the analogy) this bird is pooped. At 61, being on my feet all day is a bit much. But, I persevere (Hold Fast eh?) and only occasionally break down into tears…
   So-no MacLeod tent at Pleasanton for the first time in I can’t even tell you how long. 
   All of that being said, I do hope you have managed to avoid illness; vigilance helps! 

Sent from my iPhone

In a realistic virtual earth for everything (and partly via surveillance - think Google Street View with time slider, Maps, Earth, TensorFlowAI, Translate, with realistic avatar bots even), I wonder about the new role of surveillance cameras and similar in our 200 countries' societies, and other sensing devices, and whether all of this 'surveillance' together, streamed into a single realistic virtual earth for everything, and post Covid-19 pandemic electronic medical records for more than 50% of 330 million people in the US, is one figure I've read), - and which could probably indicate issues of 'compliance with non-SARS CoV2 vaccine messaging on internet media' to my way of thinking, might become a new way of re-shaping 'PANDEMIC' behavior (as in the Pan genus of human primates) ... and if all of this could begin to have effects regarding new Legal I.T. Ethics even, in the information technology revolution.  

Re a possible emerging #legalITethics ... some Tweets with this #Hashtag ...

another #ActualVirtual, #PhysicalDigital #HarbinEthnographicBook ahead ~ http://tinyurl.com/p62rpcg ~ https://twitter.com/HarbinBook ~ http://bit.ly/HarbinBook Glad #Tech in gen. is making life easier, & will a #RealisticVirtualHarbin in 1 #RealisticVirtualEarth inform new #legalITethics?

So would a realistic virtual Harbin also inform new # Lagal IT Ethics at Harbin is one of my questions here (and I hypothesize it would). At the Pleasanton Scottish Games too? Perhaps ... it's the profitable event for the Caledonian Club of SF, And in Scotland too? 

Social scientists, and anthropologists - and the academic anthropological literature - have bemoaned a surveillance society, but perhaps we in the US with a constitution, and rights to privacy, due process, free speech can navigate these new possible developments, thinking-wise. 

Thanks so much for the great MacLeod tent at the Pleasanton Scottish Games, Tammie! :)

As Aye, Scott
PS - all this partly per a free online course I teach on the IT Revolution at World Univ & Sch, currently called "The Network Society, Information Technology & the Global University"

PPS I hope you're able to get some rest and find some freedom in all this craziness, Tammie! Thanks again for your message!

Here at bottom are my 'hypothetical news' items' from April 1, 2020 regarding the covid-19 pandemic - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2020/04/himalyan-monal-how-are-harbin-hot.html - with other related ideas throughout daily blog since then! :) 


Hi Tammie, Scotophiles, All, Thanks so so much for your email just now, and potentially wise-encouragement to vigilance - 

Greetings Scott!
   Alas, I wasn’t able to attend this year’s Games. My job has become more problematic since this whole Covid thing…initially we weren’t allowed to waste resources and enter the rooms of moms who were C+ and that created a huge backlog of appointments…so over time we were granted the ability to don and doff gear and that helped. Most of my staff wound up C+ early on, but they have also subsequently been vaccinated. Sadly though, a few left and I am still struggling with some new staff and a certain amount of “preciousness” regarding their work schedules. And then their family members get Covid and they are out .    And it all falls to me to hustle staff or become the screener myself. I am currently on day 18 of 23 in a row and am going to State inspection meetings the next three days for 5 of the 7 hospitals under my wing. Trust me (continuing the analogy) this bird is pooped. At 61, being on my feet all day is a bit much. But, I persevere (Hold Fast eh?) and only occasionally break down into tears…
   So-no MacLeod tent at Pleasanton for the first time in I can’t even tell you how long. 
   All of that being said, I do hope you have managed to avoid illness; vigilance helps! 

Sent from my iPhone

In a realistic virtual earth for everything (and partly via surveillance cameras everywhere - think into Google Street View with time slider, Maps, Earth, TensorFlowAI, Translate, with realistic avatar bots even), I wonder about the new role of surveillance (cameras) and similar in our 200 countries' societies, and other sensing devices, and whether all of this 'surveillance' together, streamed into a single realistic virtual earth for everything, and post Covid-19 pandemic electronic medical records for more than 50% of 330 million people in the US, is one figure I've read), - and which could probably indicate issues of 'compliance with non-SARS CoV2 vaccine messaging on internet media' to my way of thinking, might become a new way of re-shaping 'PANDEMIC' behavior (as in the Pan genus of human primates) ... and if all of this could begin to have effects regarding new Legal I.T. Ethics even, in the information technology revolution.  

Re a possible emerging #legalITethics ... some Tweets with this #Hashtag ...

another #ActualVirtual, #PhysicalDigital #HarbinEthnographicBook ahead ~ http://tinyurl.com/p62rpcg ~ https://twitter.com/HarbinBook ~ http://bit.ly/HarbinBook Glad #Tech in gen. is making life easier, & will a #RealisticVirtualHarbin in 1 #RealisticVirtualEarth inform new #legalITethics?

So would a realistic virtual Harbin also inform new # Legal IT Ethics at Harbin is one of my questions here (and I hypothesize it would). At the Pleasanton Scottish Games too? Perhaps ... it's the profitable event for the Caledonian Club of SF, And in Scotland too? 

Social scientists, and anthropologists - and the academic anthropological literature - have bemoaned a surveillance society, but perhaps we in the US with a constitution, and rights to privacy, due process, free speech can navigate these new possible developments, thinking-wise. 

Thanks so much for the great MacLeod tent at the Pleasanton Scottish Games, Tammie! :)

As Aye, Scott
PS - all this partly per a free online course I teach on the IT Revolution at World Univ & Sch, currently called "The Network Society, Information Technology & the Global University"

PPS I hope you're able to get some rest and find some freedom in all this craziness, Tammie! Thanks again for your message!

Here at bottom are my 'hypothetical news' items' from April 1, 2020 regarding the covid-19 pandemic - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2020/04/himalyan-monal-how-are-harbin-hot.html - with other related ideas throughout daily blog since then! :) 

Thanks again Tammie, (and especially for the MacLeod tent at the Scottish Gathering,

Sadly, actually, I think the 2nd dose of the Pfizer vaccine damaged the far left corner of my left eye QUITE seriously ... (so the un-FDA TESTED vaccine got me sick in a sense, breaking laws developed even in the 1940s against unethical testing on human subjects) and even with a kind of vigilance on my part against and deep wariness or skepticism of this jumpstart to the genetic engineering revolution ... (Are we going to be able even to hold the perpetrators of this medical crime accountable)? But maybe my eye will heal on its own very very slowly ... with little evidence of this so far. 

And / but if geneticists also develop an aging reversal gene drug vaccine, (and even to reverse my damaged eye from the mRNA vaccine I got, & at the molecular level, cellular and visible to an ophthalmologist's naked eye levels, so street view, in a sense) will this become a non issue?... If we could all go to the Scottish Games & Gathering when we're 1,243 years' old ... Could be good ... I'm not holding my breath ...

As Aye,


genes' label


Longevity -



A little friendly networking conversation in non SARS CoV2 non-epidemic times among we Scotophiles ... 





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