Hoping declining gene function in the aging sphere per Harvard and MIT Professor of Genetics' George Church -
https://youtu.be/bnCEIPQFNnk - moves from the idea sphere to the science sphere, & even with new genetic engineering revolution reversal tools (per reversal of my eye damage), and for 200 years' ahead, ... from WUaS in 1 single realistic virtual earth for genetics soon and iteratively, Ma! :)
Love, Scott
http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/search/label/genes?m=0 :)
Scott MacLeod <yogamacflower@gmail.com>
8:20 AM (2 hours ago)
to spohrer, Claudia, Larry, Scott, Peter, Pin, Scott, Joan, John, Sarah, Henry, Ann, Alden, Byron, Marc, Sandy, Heather, Patti, David, Jane
Hi Ma, Jim (as computer scientist), All,
Lovely to hear from you, Ma.
Would it be possible hypothetically to take away psychiatrically sick, predator Stanford medicine's abraham verghese's access to Google Maps (and his telephone capacity too), which I've seen from Ed, also a MD, that Ed can use it to rendezvous with me, see where I am remotely, track me in a sense (ie it's not secure or private from my individual's end user's perspective).
Saw toward the end of my walk (just ~1 mile up to the 3 tennis courts) yesterday evening, the black-rimmed, "bespectacled, academic looking, potentially friendly .." guy walking by ... For around the fourth time ... Per my email from 6 days ago below, and very speculatively (from a group network identity perspective), could a sick verghese pick up his phone, call this guy, after I've been out on a walk for a while, and could this guy drive over from his house in the neighborhood, and start walking to cross paths with me ? ... And could on one of these walks, he be supplied with a firearm from sick verghese, whose international illegal sex industry (with stanford medicine and the US uniformed services) world may be tumbling down around him, end my whistle blowing permanently?
How to prevent against such a scenario hypothetically - since you, Ma, began this email thread with an observation about my friend Ed Smyth MD's mental illness? Sick verghese could seek, hypothetically, with the tools at his side, with his hypothetically failing career, his history of crimes and even murders, to lower the risks of evidence against him re me, given the chance. SPECULATIVELY, how to take such a chance away? Remove access to computer technologies, and other tech (weapons? - this is America, re constitutionally protected) in his control? After my stopping attending Stanford Medicine Grand Rounds a few years ago (while waking up at 5 am to drive to Stanford for networking for WUaS's ~200 planned online Med Sch's), and after sick verghese was lurking around Stanford Law when I was there (Greely, Vogl were Stanford Law Profs I emailed at the time about this), and after verghese tried to frame me in his office (all very kooky stuff ... And illegal sex industry hypothesis makes sense here), - around the time I had an interview with chair of Stanford Medicine's Bob Harrington MD, and I was still living in Canyon 94516, - further speculatively - I fairly frequently heard these planes buzzing overhead, and wondered whether verghese even (mahaffey and other MD wing nuts there too) could be a Stanford Medicine contact with the US Military (re money and medical planning for US uniformed services) in the SF Bay Area too (re related recent hypotheses, I've shared with you), and 'maintaining air superiority' re a very hypothetical illegal sex industry he may be a snakehead of (t wylie in Canyon too?). If sick verghese is no longer in some of these roles, but could still be at Stanford in one way or another have access to Google Maps and his phone and his ethnic group's network (Ethiopia and NE Africa), he could surreptitiously and speculatively plan such psychiatrically ill events. When whistle blowing about him and Stanford university a few years ago, I wondered in writing whether he would benefit from seeing a psychiatrist.
I still haven't heard back from Stanford faculty senate president Tim Stearns about my whistle blowing either. And am living in a 'safe house,' and basically in poverty - and seeking to speak truth to power in a Quaker sense too here (re further whistle blowing).
Am not seeking to be a victim, but am also a bit of a Yoga teacher re all this 'seeing' or 'envisioning' or thinking or synthesizing or writing (ethically esp) too - so, further evidence needed, ... way beyond my whistle blowing (over a number of years now(. Stanford's a very smart place - ethically and unethically ... And when a hypothetical illegal sex industry is 'at the top' it'$ difficult for law enforcement or state of CA lawyers (and post NON-refall election) to get a handle on it.
Abolition-ally yours, Scott
With Yoga, UU, Quaker, Nontheistic Friends' labels and more -
From September 15, 2021 -
"One other curious 1.8 mile walk observation (3.6 mile round trip - UU Church wise) ... re my previous 'sick Verghese' (from Stanford Medicine) email ... and possibly his Amharic speaking ethnic group from NE Africa ... Have seen one guy twice walking on way to UU Church (once on the same walk as the woman taking the selfie or of me, near the Amharic abuzz chatter party months ago), bespectacled, academic looking, potentially friendly ... but could conceivably be in the same network as the psychiatrically ill Abraham Verghese ... and while this guy could conceivably have a house in the area, and be doing the American thing of realizing the American dream ... he also could conceivably ... if Verghese continues somehow to act aggressively toward me (like when he tried to frame me) become complicit in some sort of group action ... Am simply being careful ... and this is a heads' up ... Groups are curious things (re war-like thinking for example:) ... and regarding ethics too ... when advancement is at stake as well ... (and couldn't get into another Stanford Medicine talk this morning ostensibly with Kiera Davis, daughter of Bob Harrington MD, chair of Stanford Medicine ... due to an ongoing inclusion-exclusion dynamic playing out I think there and at Stanford too ... and I may not be the right faith either :( )
... and I'm a Friend / Quaker :)
Seeking to keep my walk uncomplicated ... and appreciating the very closed UU church ... and my quiet occasional walks in the evening, when no one is around! (Maybe a British-American Anglo thing ... re UU church and Quaker Meeting and Harbin Hot Springs' Heart Consciousness Church, which I'm hoping will get cleaned up ... with law and social justice for one ... and (counter-)culturally also re non-harming too :)???
Scott MacLeod <yogamacflower@gmail.com>
9:21 AM (1 hour ago)
to Jane
Hi Ma,
How are you?
Seems like there's a lot of serious mental illness among MDs - kookily - so how could realistic MD Avatar bots help here for online talk therapy for MDs themselves ? ... It'll be some years, (re avatar Bot chat bots becoming politically savvy, and remembering and synthesizing what an analysand has said to them ... Re even helping analysands improve their financial circumstances ... Let alone a nonhuman agent helping a human navigating conflict and human conflictual situations (inner and external), and re bot PROBLEM SOLVING, in the language communication process with a human analysands ... And the question of consciousness still looms large for both avatar chat bot, and analysand humans .. perhaps a single realistic virtual earth for brain science Languages psychiatry - and even Actual-Virtual Physical-Digital approaches to CONSCIOUSNESS - and with realistic Avatar Bots can help
Hoping you are having a good day 🙂
Love, Scott
Not clear yet about whether to seek a kind of asylum (so as not to become a victim, as I continue to call for abolition of the s x trade following the abolition of slavery - or what to do re Inn or hotel law in this country ...am staying tuned and hope way will open Friend Quaker-wise ) on the east coast or in Europe in the spring re my whistle blowing and speaking truth to power ... More later ...
Questions of the UNCONSCIOUS loom even larger here for MD bot and human ... And regarding Lacan MD's often cited "The unconscious is structured like a language" re the role that Language played in George Alexander MD's clinical psychiatric practice as, I hypothesize, INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY with its (language's) communicative effects in conversation with analysands used quite consciously (having effects on the brain, and the behavior of his analysands (I further hypothesize).
Interesting stuff for coding talk therapy avatar Bot MDs in the future ... The unconscious that is :) ... Could a film to 3d App at the street View, cellular and molecular levels into one realistic virtual earth for history and MD psychiatry psychoanalysis help ? Hypothetically yes :)
Computing technologies are a new world for psychiatry :) Yogically too :)
Sending love ❤️, Scott
Not sure how to get out of poverty, or find a safe house' to live in in spring 2022, but am hoping way writing-wise will open (Quakerly Friends' wise, culturally, too)
Scott MacLeod
10:28 AM (44 minutes ago)
to Jane
And regarding hotel law, or inn law - just received a 2nd reminder of an event starting in 5 minutes from ISSIP - reading on smartphone return email name as from "int. Soc. of Service Inn."
Makes me wonder further about hotel law - and re say universities' dormitories (say at a Bryn Mawr or at a Dartmouth) in the summer break, and whether they could be considered inns ... and whether furthermore, any scofflaws there, in the name of profit, could cultivate the illegal sex industry over decades even ...
So how to regulate with law, and even in all 200 countries ? ... and what happens when we can edit people genetically, like we created Dolly the sheep in Scotland from cloning a single ADULT mammary cell in the 1990s (https://dolly.roslin.ed.ac.uk/facts/the-life-of-dolly/index.html) ... and re implications for the illegal sex industry .. and law especially ... a realistic virtual earth for sexuality too could become part of this licensing and law planning process
All re the unconscious, consciousness, Yogic consciousness and preventing harm to people ... potentially via the law :)
.... music, and genetics, regarding psychiatry and brain processes too!
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WUaS Corporation CA Franchise Tax Board Form 100 2017 re-filing for the 2nd time in 2021
| Sep 16, 2021, 1:05 PM (5 days ago) | ![]() ![]() | ||
to David, MacLeod, Aviv, Barbara, Claudia, tito, Jayni, Yuping-CASPA, Juan, Susan, Patti, Chinmay, Katie, Iulian, John, Mike, George, Hugh, Meeting, Prasanth, lillianbthomas, NTM, Scott, Peter, Lydia, Joan, John, Ann, Catherine, Alden, Larry, Edward, Sid, Janie, Jim, Sandy, Henry, Nancy, Nancy, Greg, Peggy, Matt, Larry
Hi All, Ed, Larry, Friends, Universitians,
Greetings and I hope this email finds you well. How are you doing?
On another note .... am following up on some abolition of the illegal sex industry questions further to prevent harming ... ... Did verghese md and mahaffey md, hodder (archaeology) at Stanford (and others), and uc berkeley law's kell and cal's graburn all try to harm or frame me ... to attempt to cover up the illegal sex industry operations running out of Stanford Medicine, and Berkeley Law? Heinous stuff ... and if so, how many other 1000s or tens of thousands of people, women in particular, have they and similar harmed, from such crimes and for such profits? ... And in collaboration, institutionally even, with what other organizations (eg us uniformed services, with stanford & cal connections)?
Seeking to protect our WUaS matriculating students, and wiki universitians (perhaps numbering eventually in the billions even) from the platform coding get-go!
And in a Friendly / Quaker inquiring, are we all not involved in the illegal sex trade ourselves? And what do we have to do to change this, if we are or might be, following on Friends or Quakers eventual consensus about abolishing slavery? See, in these regards this Bryn Mawr College web page about Quaker John Woolman (1720-1772) and abolition of slavery among Friends - https://web.tricolib.brynmawr.edu/speccoll/quakersandslavery/commentary/people/woolman.php.
Our WUaS Law Schools' faculty may eventually be able to teach and facilitate coding for abolition with machine learning and AI even, as well.
Glad the WUaS Corporation re-filing went through (a 2nd time this year) ... and that this our 3rd legal entity, this for-profit general stock company in California, for potentially ending poverty via UBI Experiments of something like Stanford Mine Pi to all 7.8 billion people, each a Wikidata Pin #, combined with 7.8 billion wiki teachers and learners in all 7139 living languages is viable still. And perhaps we'll use this legal entity or create a new one for the WUaS Educational Services' bookstores, Computer Stores, Robotics' stores, Hospital Technologies' Distribution Centers ... http://worlduniversityandschool.org/AcademicPress.html ... in all 200 countries, in their official and main languages, and for speakers of all 7, 139 living languages.
Abolition-ally yours, Scott
https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2021/09/galapagos-tortoise-abolition-of-illegal.html (and no to racism too re the situation mentioned here)
Am living in a 'safe house' (from, I hypothesize, the offenders, perpetrators, purveyors of the illegal sex trade, and their latent networks of violence, and their potentially long history of crimes and profits) - and may seek asylum on the eastern seaboard in the spring, or in Europe ... And perhaps in the process, World Univ & Sch can change this, and achieve a kind of abolition of the illegal sex industry in all 200 countries - in planning to code brainstorming-wise for all 7.8 billion people on the planet - following on the abolition of slavery in same (which only took a few tragic centuries) ... am proceeding cautiously here ...
Thoughts, ideas, suggestions, questions?
Sincerely, Scott
Minute 7 here -
* *
Jane MacLeod
11:35 AM (1 hour ago)
to me
Hi Scott,
Mental health diseases are just like all other diseases. I don’t see them as negative — just a part of the human existence. They occur within all populations everywhere the world, every professional group, everyone in general. They are largely treatable, thank goodness, just as most other diseases are, for the most part. Nice that Ed shared some of his own experience with you; sounds like he’s a good example of what physicians are trained to do: dx and treat. And, as with everything between friends, comes the matter of trust - so congrats on earning that trust from him.
Love, Ma
Scott MacLeod
11:48 AM (52 minutes ago)
to Jane
Thanks, Ma!
Mental health diseases are socially constructed by the MD medical, and insurance, professions, just as biological diseases are socially constructed, but constructed scientifically by different kinds of scientists (than MD psychiatrists) re biology, chemistry, physics' inquiries ... and more research is needed, and newly in the Information Technology age,
Glad too that E shared some of his experiences with mood medicines (for seizures otherwise) with me.
Yay for trust, (with analysis or thinking, and innovating too)!
Thanks for your email!
Love, Scott
- Scott GK MacLeod
Founder, President, CEO & Professor
World Univ & Sch (WUaS) - PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 94516
1) non-profit World University and School - http://worlduniversityandschool.org
2) for profit general stock company WUaS Corporation in CA - http://worlduniversityandschool.org/AcademicPress.html
(o) 415 480 4577 - sgkmacleod@worlduniversiryandschool.org
(m) 412 478 0116 - sgkmacleod@gmail.com
World Univ & Sch Innovation Research - scottmacleod.com
CA Franchise Tax Board Form 100 2017 (continued from above)
Scott MacLeod
12:53 PM (1 minute ago)
to Scott, Peter, Lydia, Joan, John, Ann, Catherine, Alden, Larry, Edward, Sid, Janie, Jim, Sandy, Henry, Nancy, Nancy, Greg, Peggy, Matt, Larry
@JohnCleese · Sep 19
Some Sunday thoughts for you to ponder.
Some Sunday thoughts for you to ponder. pic.twitter.com/9l4nqbRtQq
— John Cleese (@JohnCleese) September 19, 2021
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Ma, Jim, All,
* * * *
developing further avenues for #MDpsychiatry #WUaSpsychiatry research & regarding 1 #RealisticVirtualEarth at #StreetView, cell & molecular levels, w science focus on #Consciousness (phil.) #WUaSconsciousness, & #Yogic, & the #Unconscious, in future > http://scott-macleod.blogspot.
developing further avenues for #MDpsychiatry#WUaSpsychiatry research & regarding 1 #RealisticVirtualEarth at #StreetView, cell & molecular levels, w science focus on #Consciousness (phil.) #WUaSconsciousness, & #Yogic, & the #Unconscious), in future > https://t.co/ipkNRiiXt8 ~ https://t.co/v0mxZFeyiC
— WorldUnivandSch (@WorldUnivAndSch) September 21, 2021
* * * *
"The Guardians ~ Unite the Realms" Gameplay (from MIT's Affective Computing Lab)
Engagement with Mental Health Therapy
Craig Ferguson∗§ and Robert Lewis∗§, Chelsey Wilks†
, Rosalind Picard∗
∗MIT Media Lab; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA
†Department of Psychological Science; University of Missouri-St Louis, St. Louis, MO
§Both authors contributed equally to this work. Craig as lead designer / developer and Robert as lead author.
Collect cute monsters and make your brain feel better.
Hi Ed,
Furthermore there doesn't appear, for example, to be a focus on language, but rather behavior ... which would be a real deficit regarding data generation ... and what computing is doing well with, namely Natural Language Processing, and AI and machine learning. ... and even re language as information technology, re the potential for 'talk therapy' by MD psychiatrists to change brains through communication for example.