Channel: Scott MacLeod's Anthropology of Information Technology & Counterculture
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California mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus californicus): Stag, Allman Bros' R&R music's energy, and Piobaireachd


Stag, Allman Bros' R&R music's energy, and Piobaireachd

Dear Stuart, 

Here's the picture, a Tweet, and some related ideas :) ... 

A stag, for 1st time, came up to my window while I'm playing '73 Allman Bros at abt 3:20 - https://youtu.be/DNAmXz8kc6I - touched his antler (2 point) to it twice, lay down, & seems to be listening. #ScottishSmallPipes & riffing with #Piobaireachd @PMStuartLiddell @scottmacleod? :)




in a related innovative exploratory vein, I turned on my SoundCorset tuner (with metronome), with this Allman Bros' music playing, and saw a new kind of sheet music, as various notes - eg A, E, G, B, D, - flashed on the screen. Sought to play some of these notes on the A SSP chanter as they flashed by (not yet Piobaireachd melodies ... but perhaps in a while ... with you thinking??? )

How to engage machine learning to adapt such Allman Bros' musical energy to play Piobaireachd with, I think, is one direction I'm inquiring about?

With very best wishes, Scott


Dear Stuart, 

A stag (or male deer), for the first time ever, came up under the deck which is the roof to my garden patio, - while I'm playing the Allman Bros '73 at about 3:20 - 

The Allman Brothers Band Featuring Jerry Garcia ‎– Live at the Cow Palace, 1973

https://youtu.be/DNAmXz8kc6I - touched his antler (2 point) to the window twice, and seems to be listening. He then laid down as close as possible, facing out (for the view?) and seems to be listening now even, with his ears back toward the music coming out this MacBook Air laptop computer (as I listen to this music and commune with him:). (I don't think I'm anthropomorphizing regarding his listening). I can see the Golden Gate  Bridge beyond him (just took a picture, and will send), and I think it's the energy of the music. Now how to riff Piobaireachd-wise further with this Allman Bros' (is a question I'm returning to, and energy-wise:)? 

Any chance we might schedule a lesson this week?

Wednesday or Thursday, 5pm Scotland time?

all the best,




Scott MacLeod <sgkmacleod@worlduniversityandschool.org>

Oct 4, 2021, 10:54 AM (2 days ago)

to stuart

Dear Stuart, 

A stag (or male deer), for the first time ever, came up under the deck which is the roof to my garden patio, - while I'm playing the Allman Bros '73 at about 3:20 - https://youtu.be/DNAmXz8kc6I - touched his antler (2 point) to the window twice, and seems to be listening. He then laid down as close as possible, facing out (for the view?) and seems to be listening now even, with his ears back toward the music coming out this MacBook Air laptop computer (as I listen to this music and commune with him:). (I don't think I'm anthropomorphizing regarindg his listening). I can see the Golden Gate  Bridge beyond him (just took a picture, and will send), and I think it's the energy of the music. Now how to riff Piobaireachd-wise further with this Allman Bros' (is a question I'm returning to, and energy-wise:)? 

Any chance we might schedule a lesson this week?

Wednesday or Thursday, 5pm Scotland time?

all the best,




Oct 5, 2021, 1:41 PM (1 day ago)

to me

What a great photo!!

How does Wednesday at 5pm suit? 

Many thanks!



Scott MacLeod <sgkmacleod@worlduniversityandschool.org>

Oct 5, 2021, 2:12 PM (1 day ago)

to stuart

Sounds good, Stuart. 

See you then (9am I think, Pacific Time. (Am assuming the British Isles haven't yet had its time change ... since there are a few weeks when the US and Britain's daylight savings times are out of synch from most of the year). 

Am wondering too how to teach Piobaireachd to the student I give SSP piping lessons to, in a more inspiring way than I feel like I now do (since I think when we were working on light music or ceol beag, the lessons were inspiring in general) ... He's willing to think outside the box too ... How might I even - simplifying or improvising - teach him "Piobaireaching the Blues" playing Piobaireachd somehow with the 1970s' Allman Bros or the Grateful Dead's (with drum and guitar +) rhythms and energies ... for the fun of it:)?

See you at 5pm Scotland time (and I'll double check, but assume it's still an 8 hour difference).

Many, many thanks, Scott



Dear Stuart, 

Thanks again for your piping and lesson emails. 

Attended two timely Fettes College Old Fettesian Association (OFA) meetings last week, including arising at 2:30am PT for the Saturday Annual General Meeting (at 11am Scotland). Am wondering if they'll even take on developing MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch for free-to-students' online degrees at the Bachelor and PhD levels and for Fettes students interested in Computer Science, and in any of the 32 ocw.mit.edu departments, as well. And might you become the first faculty at World University, - and on the wiki side (see Minute 2 - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2021/09/calendula-officinalis-minutes-for-91821.html).

Where I find a lot of ground for creative bagpipe and Piobaireachd thinking is with regards to an idea of counterculture even, and even regarding William James' 1902 lectures at the Univ of Edinburgh on the Varieties of Religious Experience (the name of his book, which is also in the Great Books of the Western World series, if I recall correctly). He was a young Harvard professor at the time, I think, and apparently taught the first ever psychology course at Harvard too.  His first chapter seems to focus on neurology - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Varieties_of_Religious_Experience - (and I have a neurophysiology blog label possibly in some of these regards - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/search/label/neurophysiology. 

By counterculture and religious experience, I have these 4 examples in mind - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2021/09/black-footed-ferret-mustela-nigripes_0885055734.html (which juxtapose, in a positive way, cultural experiences of religion, with positive, for some, alternative religious experiences). I'm also wondering, as I think I've mentioned or written before to you, if classical Piobaireachd is a kind of religious experience in Scotland, and for Scots, and listeners, - for example at Blair Atholl castle and the Northern Gathering and such similarly. What do you think? And in some of these regards, then, what would countercultural Piobaireachd be like - creativity-wise, and informed too perhaps in conversation with Rock and Roll 'energy' yet piping wise (as you to my ear play so so remarkably) too. I have in mind Gordon Duncan's - may I call it this? - countercultural light music (Ceol Beag), in a sense, such as Thunderstruck, which you play so extraordinarily, and many of the tunes he wrote as well. They seem to come out of this alternative (rebellious as well) thinking, high energy creative energy somehow which appeals to people in different and freeing ways compared with traditional piping light music. What do you think? ('Excuse me while I kiss the skye" as Jimi Hendrix sang ... but in a slightly different way than when you play Piobaireachd and Light Music, and touch the sky:)

The stag stayed around, lying on the ground just outside my window, and as the music moved to the Grateful Dead music I shared with you as well. Curious in an ongoing way how to begin to somehow take a Piobarieachding the Blues, even, lead in playing with the energy of such music, constructed in slightly different ways. Might these be interesting queries for you? Might I learn something  in these regards from you, in conversation with you, from your teaching, your modeling even, which could even become the basis for my upcoming Piobarieachd album, possibly way way out of the box, say, with ten Piobaireachd pieces, totally transformed, but recognizable, and so all played in a newly created genre in a sense, which draw people in rock and roll wise even :) ... to an alternative religious experience even of bagpiping  When I went out to eat a salad for lunch on the garden patio, the stag got up and wandered off, music still playing. Am curious whether I have a new music-appreciation 'friend.' - and will be glad if he comes back for another wee listen to some happening rock and roll ... maybe even with me playing or riffing with it. :)





Scott MacLeod <sgkmacleod@worlduniversityandschool.org>

Oct 5, 2021, 5:20 PM (21 hours ago)

to stuart


Here's the URL - meet.google.com/kuf-vdgt-mgh

Am not creative enough or fluid or fluent enough fingering-wise yet to create a whole new Piobaireachding the Blues' genre, but am exploring this in ongoing ways. And I haven't also mastered the machine learning AI to create a great accompaniment (like Stephen McWhirter's pipe band drumming leadership for IVDB)

But just found Allman Bros'

Jessica - https://youtu.be/TvqAd2-GBFk

Melissa - https://youtu.be/zk8YU5UL-tw

All a little canned, and not the Allman Bros''73 I've emailed you, but suggestive of what's possible (yet without the majesty of Piobaireachd on the GHB) ... And not really moving to me as Allman Bros' music either.

But this is closer -

One Way Out - https://youtu.be/dkYlisl-qfA

And Elmore James wrote it, but how does electronic music work (and how was this created - and for YouTube too, - EVEN with new AI? 

Funny how even thinking about this Piobaireachding the Blues gives me a kind of ENERGY, whereas reviewing and transcribing a great lesson with you - for my own process - doesn't as much.

Two things creatively -

1 writing Great Piobaireachding the Blues' tunes 

2 developing authentic-to-Allman-Bros in '73 energy electronic AI music (since I don't have them as a band) and am seeking to explore this, say, with you - idea-playing-wise - and make it fly, eventually with machine learning computing.

The transition to electronic music (eg rock and roll) and amplification too for piping has been gradual say with your stellar rockin' playing here -



But just to be able to open any Piobaireachd Society book, turn on a slow beautiful drum backing (possibly with guitar & bass too) track and play with ... Is kind of the dream as I explore this further.

It's the energy thing ... and while Gordon Duncan may have explored this ENERGY really really creatively in Scotland in a solo way, and Jethro Tull too, and you play it so wonderfully as a piper, exploring this ENERGY may be reflective of a different context in the States ... Am not sure  ... what do you think?


(Am not sure, Stuart, why the stag came over to my window when the Allman Bros''73 were playing, tapped his antler twice on my window, turned around and lay down - possibly to listen further, but I'd further posit that it has to do with the ENERGY coming out of this Allman Bros''73 concert : ) ... glad you liked the pic :)


Scott MacLeod <sgkmacleod@worlduniversityandschool.org>

6:44 AM (8 hours ago)

to stuart

Dear Stuart, 

Looking forward to our lesson. Here's the URL again - meet.google.com/kuf-vdgt-mgh

Brainstorming-wise, would you conceive of Piobaireachd as a 'religious experience' (in William James' sense) and regarding Scottish culture? Is it for your and other greatest pipers, would you say? Do you hear and use language to this effect, at times?  

There's a little 'fox yelp' inside my bag from around the base of the 4 drone reeds' stock, I think. How best to first locate, then troubleshoot, and end?

Sir James MacDonald of the Isles' Lament' further, a bit?

'Piobaireachding the Blues' - as an alternative 'religious musical experience' in a Scottish sense ... I'm asking myself how to create this as enjoyably as the Blues (for me, and many).

How would you, riffing, 'Piobaireachd the Blues' with Sir James MacDonald of the Isles' Lament' brainstorming-wise, further? 

Thunderstruck? Is this an out of the box transcendent  Scottish AC DC riff? (And could I possibly please get the sheet music for this?) 

A new Piobaireachd? Which one would you suggest? 

(Fettes College and related WUaS inquiry, and also re https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2021/09/calendula-officinalis-minutes-for-91821.html Minute 2?)

See you in about 2 1/4 hours. Thank you.

Best regards,





FYi, I'll add today's recording, my 5th individual lesson with you, to today's blog post (which I've already posted, where you'll find the other 4 too, and further inquiry about Piobaireachding the Blues' too - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2021/09/hibiscus-genevii-scottish-small-piping.html Am seeking to add in Hibiscus-beginning blog posts each of our lessons that I'm able to record with Google Meet, if this is ok with you 

I've added also our 4 lessons' recordings - 

https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Scottish_smallpipes_and_borderpipes with the following (slightly new citation practice, as this will become further automatic with AI AND IT)  - 

Liddell, Stuart (with Scott MacLeod). 2021 [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1SSn2e_hx2c98s3T35kj_fx7X9TY66VgW/view Hibiscus denudatus - Scottish Small Pipes' bagpiping lesson with PM Stuart Liddell in Scotland, W September 1, 2021]. (see too: https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2021/09/hibiscus-denudatus-rock-hibiscus.html). SF Bay Area, CA: scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2021/09/hibiscus-denudatus-rock-hibiscus.html.

Liddell, Stuart (with Scott MacLeod). 2021. [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1PrSXd9ooB4VMjPGB4X3rBZ4E8Vul13Au/view Hibiscus syriacus Scottish Small Pipes' bagpiping lesson with PM Stuart Liddell in Scotland, W August 18, 2021].  (see too:https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2021/08/hibiscus-syriacus-stuart-liddell.html) SF Bay Area, CA: scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2021/08/hibiscus-syriacus-stuart-liddell.html.

Liddell, Stuart (with Scott MacLeod). 2021. [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1LnJ2fSqpAzTs7LlqLRi9QEhiGdq3ibjK/view Scottish Small Pipes' bagpiping lesson with PM Stuart Liddell in Scotland],  W. June 2. (see too: http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2021/06/hibiscus-rosa-sinensis.html). SF Bay Area, CA: scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2021/06/hibiscus-rosa-sinensis.html.

Liddell, Stuart (with Scott MacLeod). 2021. [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1xDeuJtcwVu8i0ubW2sgDfey3zm5WtAEX/view Scottish Small Pipes' bagpiping lesson with PM Stuart Liddell in Scotland], Th May 13 2021. (see too: https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2021/05/hibiscus-trionum-modesty-first-lesson.html. SF Bay Area, CA: scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2021/05/hibiscus-trionum-modesty-first-lesson.html.






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