Wondrous communitas, - which is loving sociality and which rocks - and whenever?
Grateful Dead concerts that were great are a reference experience, for those who enjoy the Dead.
"Communitas is an intense community spirit, the feeling of great ... solidarity, and togetherness."
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Communitas
How to create this at World University and School?
Many Earlham College students, in my experience, for example, have come closest to expressing what I mean here in an academic context, when we've talked.
How and why does communitas work in academia?
It probably has partly to do with the qualities of flow experiences - an absorbed mind and challenge at the right level, including creative ones.
I think Stanford University students have similarly opened far-reachingly to kinds of communitas, academically, especially in the 1960s and 1970s.
I'm heading to Dance Church in Santa Cruz today; there's something about alternative culture which opens the way to communitas :) ...