Channel: Scott MacLeod's Anthropology of Information Technology & Counterculture
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Anvil Stone: school teachers as careers for grandkids? * * ... And given my concerns about the challenges of cleaning up Canyon and its school ... Ma, your COMPARTMENTALIZE word here from a week ago or so ... Could be relevant :) . . . Perhaps WUaS psychiatry - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Psychiatry (and glad it's coming up in search) - can be a help too, and appreciating MIT Prof Rosalind Picard's Tweets in these regards * Some pics popped up which I tweeted, one with a Catamaran or Trimaran sailboat ... Could become a little school even for your grandkids to come Ma (and I think Dad, GKM MD, first visited Cuttyhunk (in the 1930s or 40s on a school outing on a boat ... * Beautiful California! #Canyon94516, #Sausalito #Marin A #Catamaran with #Sails & cabin (for warmth & sleep) & #LaserSailboat with so much to explore ocean-wise #RealisticVirtualEarthForSailing #RealisticVirtualEarthForTraveling in #ActualVirtual #RealisticVirtualEarth w #wuAsVR ~ * * * How best to grow an abolition movement? (UUs, and Quakers, and Nontheist Friends?)

Next: Kilt rock, Isle of Skye, Scotland: ~ 10/25/21 open WUaS News and Q&A on Mondays (further) * Greetings! This is momentous, - the state of CA has sent the WUaS Corporation some tax bills for the past 4 years, the first time ever. I think they're all due by Wed., 10/27/21 * * * my mother, cousins' Alden & Marianne Briscoe (#BrakeleyBriscoeInc ...) & Stanford ** * * most beautiful Piobaireachds (classical Scottish bagpiping music) * * * most beautiful Piobaireachds (classical Scottish bagpiping music) * Having just played 'The Desperate Battle of the Birds' on Scottish Small Pipes, how to write and play a new Most Beautiful Piobaireachd at this momentarily momentous time - with the WUaS Corporation's growth? * Thinking out of the box, could we (I) write a Piobaireachd about the developing WUaS Corporation even ? Or about the advent of aging reversal genetic drug therapies as they emerge, and different ones perhaps? Or about a single realistic virtual Harbin Hot Springs and with soaking, or a realistic virtual earth for history? * * Piobaireachd Society Book 7 & Most Beautiful Piobaireachd


school teachers as careers for grandkids?

Scott MacLeod <sgkmacleod@gmail.com>

7:48 AM (2 hours ago)

to Jane, John, Ed, Pin

Hi Ma, (Ed, Pin, Johnny), 

Really nice to hear from you, and talk to you last night, Ma. 

As I continue to circulate, - and perhaps newly learning from the stag that came to me ... http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2021/10/california-mule-deer-stag-allman-bros-r.html

- for perhaps a woman of some Scottish background (or Nor or sim., too?), and a MD TOO, and  wonder about places to live in April 2022, not excluding ... Canyon 94516, but perhaps somewhere else near Stanford university in the near future, while living in a 'safe house' ... the career roles of school teachers for grandkids come to mind (and MDs too) ... Per the Desiderata too ... https://www.desiderata.com/desiderata.html ...

Hearing about your thoughts about your recent Ohio visit, and the ethnic group you visited (the Amish around Berlin), and their navigation in modernity, now 'internetity' ... I was reminded a bit too about (deeply hippy) Willy Carlisle in Canyon, now a public high school science teacher in Walnut Creek, who went to Reed College, like I did - and the little Canyon K-8 public school which he attended (a school I hope a Kaiser Permanente Health organization can be successful with in 'cleaning up' speculatively) - and the son of Theo (who is now living in PT Reyes, and was an English Prof at St. Mary's College bin Moraga) ... And who possibly moved with Jim to Pt Reyes so Willy could have their house, and bring up his family (he has a Latina wife I think) in the Canyon school. (There are lots of 'bin' issues potentially, wherever one lives, in schools and colleges too, but perhaps the last 18 months of self-quarantine have opened up opportunities for parents to navigate these issues and people for their kids ... From home even and excellently and socially). Perhaps WUaS psychiatry - 

https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Psychiatry (and glad it's coming up in search) - can be a help too, and appreciating MIT Prof Rosalind Picard's Tweets in these regards -


Per -

"Imagine if Your Therapist Could Access Data From Your Smartphone

Researchers are studying tools that could give therapists a stream of patient information between sessions—and intervene if necessary" 

https://www.wsj.com/articles/therapist-access-date-from-smartphone-11634753035?st=j62xr1oh2rsr0nf&reflink=desktopwebshare_twitter (glad this article has a focus on college students too) 

... And where this Data could also stream into a realistic virtual earth for psychology (# ...STEM) ...

  https://twitter.com/WorldUnivAndSch/status/1451970281782734854 ... and with realistic Avatar Bots too ... And relate too to a realistic virtual Harbin Hot Springs as asylum from home and as therapy especially 

Is the MacLeod's 'elephant troop' - regarding John Money's troop bondage even - through time partly Scottish informed for family? Not yet but a focus, and not necessarily easy in the SF BAY AREA ...

Glad I reached out to journalist Christina Larson yesterday re WUaS, and that also it appears that the state of California may be tossing WUaS Corporation a frisbee with 2 tax bills totaling more than $3,700. While these corporate taxes are high very high given my current financial situation personally, perhaps WUaS can find the money and toss a frisbee back to the state of California. 

It also means we'd (WUaS) be engaging California law further ... If they can get their act together re scofflaws and outlaws and law enforcement AND psychiatry (re offenders purveyors perpetrators) ... (Am not entirely clear how new ideas of family are emerging in CA law and federally too ... Or how I'd engage this in Canyon ... I could well home school my kids with all the new resources via the internet, socially too ... And given my concerns about the challenges of cleaning up Canyon and its school ... Ma, your COMPARTMENTALIZE word here from a week ago or so ... Could be relevant :)

It's been raining all night and hard (and California reservoirs and Earth welcome this) ...

Your talking with the former Amish school teacher on your travels ... And Ted and Mary, band you too, all being school teachers, ... partly makes me think about this. 

Aging reversal genetic drug therapies emerging ... Could make having a great place to live for the centuries ahead of us very worth while. 

Thinking in terms of an abolitionist movement too re a great place to live. ... Abolition on Cuttyhunk is another question ... Re robots, state and federal law ... 

Nice to talk last night :) (would you like to come visit for Christmas in the SF Bay Area?) Looking forward to talking again soon. 

Love, Scott

MIT label in daily blog -

http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/search/label/MIT ...


Scott MacLeod <sgkmacleod@gmail.com>

8:35 AM (2 hours ago)

to Sandy, Jane, John, Ed, Pin

Johnny, Ma, (Pin, Ed), Sandy,

Some pics popped up which I tweeted, one with a Catamaran or Trimaran sailboat ... Could become a little school even for your grandkids to come Ma (and I think Dad, GKM MD, first visited Cuttyhunk (in the 1930s or 40s on a school outing on a boat ... led by possibly Edgar Rice Snow out of Boston Latin School ... I think this history is in a video recording :). 

California's so beautiful! #Canyon94516, completely open (dry) CA-Pacific ocean hill in Marin, #RodeoLagoon (name from decades ago?), a fast stable #Catamaran with cabin (for warmth & sleeping) & #LaserSailboat with so much to explore ocean-wise #RealisticVirtualEarthForSailing ~



Beautiful California! #Canyon94516, #Sausalito #Marin A #Catamaran with #Sails & cabin (for warmth & sleep) & #LaserSailboat with so much to explore ocean-wise #RealisticVirtualEarthForSailing #RealisticVirtualEarthForTraveling in #ActualVirtual #RealisticVirtualEarth w #wuAsVR~


Warmly, Scott

sailing - http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/search/label/sailing?m=0

oceans - http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/search/label/oceans?m=0

Canyon - http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/search/label/Canyon?m=0

Law - http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/search/label/Law

longevity - http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/search/label/longevity?m=0 (re previous email :)

* * * 

How best to grow an abolition movement? (UUs, and Quakers, and Nontheist Friends?)

Scott MacLeod <sgkmacleod@gmail.com>

Thu, Oct 21, 2:55 PM (3 days ago)

to John, Barbara, Mainak, Pin, Ann, Cathy, Sandy, Susan, Henry, Alden, John, Joan, Claudia, Matt, Peggy, lillianbthomas, Larry, Hugh, Tess, Arne, David, Phoebe, Julia, Laura, Grant, Cate, Hal, Chris, Hal, Seth, Seth, cuttyhunk.wright, Em4ofa@aol.com, Alex, Alastair, Katie, Kate, Henry, Susan, Greg, Nancy, Jim, Nick, Peter, Richard, David, Bruce, Heather, David, Susan, Taylor, Jim, Ken, Annelise, Byron, Charles, George, Elliott, Peter, Sarah, Scott, Marianne, Marc, Dorota, Charles, Caleb, Hank, Lynn, Nanette, Nancy, Tessa, Jen, david.warr, Robin, elmorebee, Bob, David, Christine, Jemma, Jonathan, Charmaine, Laura, Nancy, Robin, Marc, Jim, Chris, David, edsmythmd, Scott, Francoise, Mike, Guillaume, Guillemette, Guillemette, Gabrielle, Ian, Prasanth, Larry, Scott, Claire, Craig, Roland, Cliona, Valerie, Scott, Doug, Doug, Tim, Sharalynne, Scott, Robin, Robert, REED, Rebecca, Rebecca, Rachel, Peter, Pam, mellyhall, mary, Maddie, Louise, Deborah, Hal, dbillman, Hilary, Molly, Charles, rectorned, johnrockw, cathy4ford, Tim, John, Low, Cuttyhunk, s, Edward, Aviv, Gerd, Reshma, David, Claudia, Bob, Sarah, David, me, Janie

Hi UU Minister Betsy, John (am leaving Betsy's Family Tabor email address out of this group email, per her request), Cuttyhunkers, Musical Friends, All, 

In calling for abolition of the illegal sex industry worldwide (following on the abolition of slavery), I had emailed UU Minister Betsy Tabor (from Cuttyhunk) regarding how to do 'due diligence' regarding a UU Church Choir of Kensington-Berkeley which I'm thinking about joining, having, in retrospect, wished I had done 'due diligence' in a legal sense, about the Unitarian Church Choir of Palo Alto, and the SF Quaker Meeting before that. These are possibly tragic times for churches, Meetings, and other religious organizations - and here are my recent emails both to my mother (who's a UU in Pgh, a friend of hers from the UU Church there), and to Bryan Baker, the UUCB Musical Director, in these regards. Thoughts, questions, ideas, suggestions about how to do a kind of 'due diligence' about religious groups, and how to make these safe and good again? 

How best to abolish the intl. illegal sex industry, and protect innocents, victims, kids and others from perpetrators, offenders, purveyors and their latent cultures of violence, and regarding the financial incentives for these networks? There are some further thoughts about this in the 3rd email here in today's blog post - 

Glebionis segetum (syn. Chrysanthemum segetum): Emerging Minutes for 10/16/21 World Univ & Sch & WUaS Corporation * Scotland WUaS ~ Peter (Norvig), how please best for WUaS to begin to develop in Google Workspace for Education - for Scots and Scotland WUaS - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Scotland * * * "Yes, we will gather to sing . . . " Unitarian Universalist Choir of Berkeley ... and the Virtual Choir at World Univ & Sch, newly with, brainstorming-wise, online Singing performance free-to-students' Bachelor degrees * * * [RSCDS Berkeley] dancing on hold - Scottish Country Dancing - Open Band

https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2021/10/Glebionis%20segetum%20Emerging%20Minutes%20for%20101621%20WUaS%20Scotland%20WUaS%20Dancing%20Music.html - and regarding even avatar bot electronic medical records, and planning for coding for all 7.8 billion people on the planet at WUaS, each a Wikidata Pin #, and with emergent machine learning and artificial intelligence. Am glad the internet, post-corona-virus pandemic self-quarantine is beginning to make new opportunities from protection of innocents possible! 

All the best, and Happy Cuttyhunk, and Music-making!


machine learning label in daily blog - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/search/label/machine%20learning

law label in daily blog - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/search/label/Law

Scott MacLeod

2:34 PM (2 minutes ago)

to Bryan

Hi Bryan, 

I hope this finds you well. 

I think I'm going to be singing face-to-face online this evening - thanks for this opportunity. Having had some bad experiences with being accosted and assaulted in religious groups recently, and having tried to do a kind of 'due diligence' in a legal sense about this UU Church of Kensington-Berkeley (see below my email to my mother and another UU Church of Pgh member), and not heard back from anyone, I think it will be safer to sing this evening from home.



Scott MacLeod

2:20 PM (3 minutes ago)

to Janie, Sandra

Hi, Ma, (Sandra), 

I HOPE YOU HAD A GREAT TRIP TO THE AMISH FAMILY in Ohio! I'm thinking I'll probably go to the UU Choir of Kensington virtually, since I was kind of accosted sexually by David Dorley (sp?) in the UU Church of Pittsburgh in a recent Christmas Eve celebration at this Church, and am concerned that it might happen again at this UU Church of Berkeley, if people can't control themselves, and if somehow the law and the culture of churches (re a UU Church's ministry, for example) don't prevent this. Having this happen again - after being sexually assaulted at the SF Quaker Meeting in around 2017 - would potentially be quite damaging for World Univ & Sch, for ex., ... I'm sorry to write that Churches are quite scary and law breaking places these days. Time for me to say something to David Dorley ? I still haven't heard back from UU Minister Betsy Tabor (from Cuttyhunk) regarding my inquiry about how best to do a kind of 'due diligence' legally about this UUCB Church and UU Churches, in general (and it may apply to many religious organizations in general) sadly, even tragically, with the creation of vicitms, among adults, kids and innocents, - by perpetrators, offenders, and purveyors (and even regarding the illegal sex industry) ... as well. (Time to bring a lawsuit against David Dorley, possibly?)

How was your trip? How are you doing? 



UU label - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/search/label/Unitarian%20Universalist

singing - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/search/label/singing 

law label - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/search/label/Law

Talk with you soon!

Am seeking to get World Univ & Sch off the ground, even with all these assaults, Ma! 

Thoughts, questions, ideas, suggestions? 

Am seeking to begin a family, and develop further my actual-virtual Harbin Hot Springs' project, as well!

Abolition-ally yours, 


See WUaS Minutes' 7 and 7.1 here from 9/18/21 Monthly Business Meeting, for example - 


Bryan, any suggestions on how to do such 'due diligence' - in a legal sense, to find out if there's law breaking going on? (and MD psychiatry, or similar, for the perpetrators, offenders and purveyors even?) - and in other ways too, at the Unitarian U Church of Kensington-Berkeley? Thank you!


- Scott GK MacLeod  

Founder, President, CEO & Professor

World Univ & Sch (WUaS) - PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 94516 

1) non-profit World University and School - http://worlduniversityandschool.org  

2) for profit general stock company WUaS Corporation in CA - http://worlduniversityandschool.org/AcademicPress.html

(o) 415 480 4577 - sgkmacleod@worlduniversiryandschool.org 

(m) 412 478 0116 - sgkmacleod@gmail.com 

World Univ & Sch Innovation Research -  scottmacleod.com 


Scott MacLeod sgkmacleod@gmail.com

Thu, Oct 21, 2:55 PM (3 days ago)
to JohnBarbaraMainakPinAnnCathySandySusanHenryAldenJohnJoanClaudiaMattPeggylillianbthomasLarryHughTessArneDavidPhoebeJuliaLauraGrantCateHalChrisHalSethSethcuttyhunk.wrightEm4ofa@aol.comAlexAlastairKatieKateHenrySusanGregNancyJimNickPeterRichardDavidBruceHeatherDavidSusanTaylorJimKenAnneliseByronCharlesGeorgeElliottPeterSarahScottMarianneMarcDorotaCharlesCalebHankLynnNanetteNancyTessaJendavid.warrRobinelmorebeeBobDavidChristineJemmaJonathanCharmaineLauraNancyRobinMarcJimChrisDavidedsmythmdScottFrancoiseMikeGuillaumeGuillemetteGuillemetteGabrielleIanPrasanthLarryScottClaireCraigRolandClionaValerieScottDougDougTimSharalynneScottRobinRobertREEDRebeccaRebeccaRachelPeterPammellyhallmaryMaddieLouiseDeborahHaldbillmanHilaryMollyCharlesrectornedjohnrockwcathy4fordTimJohnLowCuttyhunksEdwardAvivGerdReshmaDavidClaudiaBobSarahDavidmeJanie
Hi UU Minister Betsy, John (am leaving Betsy's Family Tabor email address out of this group email, per her request), Cuttyhunkers, Musical Friends, All, 

In calling for abolition of the illegal sex industry worldwide (following on the abolition of slavery), I had emailed UU Minister Betsy Tabor (from Cuttyhunk) regarding how to do 'due diligence' regarding a UU Church Choir of Kensington-Berkeley which I'm thinking about joining, having, in retrospect, wished I had done 'due diligence' in a legal sense, about the Unitarian Church Choir of Palo Alto, and the SF Quaker Meeting before that. These are possibly tragic times for churches, Meetings, and other religious organizations - and here are my recent emails both to my mother (who's a UU in Pgh, a friend of hers from the UU Church there), and to Bryan Baker, the UUCB Musical Director, in these regards. Thoughts, questions, ideas, suggestions about how to do a kind of 'due diligence' about religious groups, and how to make these safe and good again? 

How best to abolish the intl. illegal sex industry, and protect innocents, victims, kids and others from perpetrators, offenders, purveyors and their latent cultures of violence, and regarding the financial incentives for these networks? There are some further thoughts about this in the 3rd email here in today's blog post - 

Glebionis segetum (syn. Chrysanthemum segetum): Emerging Minutes for 10/16/21 World Univ & Sch & WUaS Corporation * Scotland WUaS ~ Peter (Norvig), how please best for WUaS to begin to develop in Google Workspace for Education - for Scots and Scotland WUaS - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Scotland * * * "Yes, we will gather to sing . . . " Unitarian Universalist Choir of Berkeley ... and the Virtual Choir at World Univ & Sch, newly with, brainstorming-wise, online Singing performance free-to-students' Bachelor degrees * * * [RSCDS Berkeley] dancing on hold - Scottish Country Dancing - Open Band
https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2021/10/Glebionis%20segetum%20Emerging%20Minutes%20for%20101621%20WUaS%20Scotland%20WUaS%20Dancing%20Music.html - and regarding even avatar bot electronic medical records, and planning for coding for all 7.8 billion people on the planet at WUaS, each a Wikidata Pin #, and with emergent machine learning and artificial intelligence. Am glad the internet, post-corona-virus pandemic self-quarantine is beginning to make new opportunities from protection of innocents possible! 

All the best, and Happy Cuttyhunk, and Music-making!

Scott MacLeod

2:34 PM (2 minutes ago)
to Bryan
Hi Bryan, 

I hope this finds you well. 

I think I'm going to be singing face-to-face online this evening - thanks for this opportunity. Having had some bad experiences with being accosted and assaulted in religious groups recently, and having tried to do a kind of 'due diligence' in a legal sense about this UU Church of Kensington-Berkeley (see below my email to my mother and another UU Church of Pgh member), and not heard back from anyone, I think it will be safer to sing this evening from home.


Scott MacLeod

2:20 PM (3 minutes ago)
to JanieSandra
Hi, Ma, (Sandra), 

I HOPE YOU HAD A GREAT TRIP TO THE AMISH FAMILY in Ohio! I'm thinking I'll probably go to the UU Choir of Kensington virtually, since I was kind of accosted sexually by David Dorley (sp?) in the UU Church of Pittsburgh in a recent Christmas Eve celebration at this Church, and am concerned that it might happen again at this UU Church of Berkeley, if people can't control themselves, and if somehow the law and the culture of churches (re a UU Church's ministry, for example) don't prevent this. Having this happen again - after being sexually assaulted at the SF Quaker Meeting in around 2017 - would potentially be quite damaging for World Univ & Sch, for ex., ... I'm sorry to write that Churches are quite scary and law breaking places these days. Time for me to say something to David Dorley ? I still haven't heard back from UU Minister Betsy Tabor (from Cuttyhunk) regarding my inquiry about how best to do a kind of 'due diligence' legally about this UUCB Church and UU Churches, in general (and it may apply to many religious organizations in general) sadly, even tragically, with the creation of vicitms, among adults, kids and innocents, - by perpetrators, offenders, and purveyors (and even regarding the illegal sex industry) ... as well. (Time to bring a lawsuit against David Dorley, possibly?)

How was your trip? How are you doing? 


Talk with you soon!

Am seeking to get World Univ & Sch off the ground, even with all these assaults, Ma! 

Thoughts, questions, ideas, suggestions? 

Am seeking to begin a family, and develop further my actual-virtual Harbin Hot Springs' project, as well!

Abolition-ally yours, 
See WUaS MInutes' 7 and 7.1 here from 9/18/21 Monthly Business Meeting, for example - 

Bryan, any suggestions on how to do such 'due diligence' - in a legal sense, to find out if there's law breaking going on? (and MD psychiatry, or similar, for the perpetrators, offenders and purveyors even?) - and in other ways too, at the Unitarian U Church of Kensington-Berkeley? Thank you!

- Scott GK MacLeod  
Founder, President, CEO & Professor
World Univ & Sch (WUaS) - PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 94516 
1) non-profit World University and School - http://worlduniversityandschool.org  
2) for profit general stock company WUaS Corporation in CA - http://worlduniversityandschool.org/AcademicPress.html

(m) 412 478 0116 - sgkmacleod@gmail.com 

World Univ & Sch Innovation Research -  scottmacleod.com 


Scott MacLeod <sgkmacleod@gmail.com>

Thu, Oct 21, 4:05 PM (3 days ago)

to John, Barbara, Mainak, Pin, Ann, Cathy, Sandy, Susan, Henry, Alden, John, Joan, Claudia, Matt, Peggy, lillianbthomas, Larry, Hugh, Tess, Arne, David, Phoebe, Julia, Laura, Grant, Cate, Hal, Chris, Hal, Seth, Seth, cuttyhunk.wright, Em4ofa@aol.com, Alex, Alastair, Katie, Kate, Henry, Susan, Greg, Nancy, Jim, Nick, Peter, Richard, David, Bruce, Heather, David, Susan, Taylor, Jim, Ken, Annelise, Byron, Charles, George, Elliott, Peter, Sarah, Scott, Marianne, Marc, Dorota, Charles, Caleb, Hank, Lynn, Nanette, Nancy, Tessa, Jen, david.warr, Robin, elmorebee, Bob, David, Christine, Jemma, Jonathan, Charmaine, Laura, Nancy, Robin, Marc, Jim, Chris, David, edsmythmd, Scott, Francoise, Mike, Guillaume, Guillemette, Guillemette, Gabrielle, Ian, Prasanth, Larry, Scott, Claire, Craig, Roland, Cliona, Valerie, Scott, Doug, Doug, Tim, Sharalynne, Scott, Robin, REED, Rebecca, Rebecca, Rachel, Peter, Pam, mellyhall, mary, Maddie, Louise, Deborah, Hal, dbillman, Hilary, Molly, Charles, rectorned, johnrockw, cathy4ford, Tim, John, Low, Janie, Cuttyhunk, s, Edward, Aviv, Gerd, Reshma, David, Claudia, Bob, Sarah, David, me

Dear UU MInister Betsy Tabor, Rev. David Herndon, Susan, Larry, Ed, John, Joan, Henry, Greg, Nancy, Hugh, David, Sandy, Janie, Sid,


As a follow up, how best to grow an abolition movement in these regards ... where one can imagine how long, how many decades or centuries, it took to write the anti-slavery act of 1833 into law in Britain, and the Emancipation proclamation in 1862 in the USA (after the longest bloodiest war on American soil)? Regarding the changes culturally that occurred after these legal documents were written some 150 years ago, I am very glad for all the millions of people who are now free. How best to make Churches, Meetings, and Cuttyhunk safe and good again, and legal esp. ... and in WUaS planning, brainstorming-wise, to code for all 7.8 billion people on the planet, each a Wikidata Pin#, and with emerging machine learning and artificial intelligence, (and even sadly with the political killings - see NYT's article below which my mother sent me on paper - that have occurred during the non-SARS CoV2 non-epidemic, Coronavirus pandemic). Please be careful. 

Robin, I just removed your husband from this email thread, per his request, and for your information - and regarding growing an abolitionist movement, on Cuttyhunk as well. Please protect victims! 



PS - I'll further add some of this thread here - 

Glebionis segetum (syn. Chrysanthemum segetum): Emerging Minutes for 10/16/21 World Univ & Sch & WUaS Corporation * Scotland WUaS ~ Peter (Norvig), how please best for WUaS to begin to develop in Google Workspace for Education - for Scots and Scotland WUaS - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Scotland * * * "Yes, we will gather to sing . . . " Unitarian Universalist Choir of Berkeley ... and the Virtual Choir at World Univ & Sch, newly with, brainstorming-wise, online Singing performance free-to-students' Bachelor degrees * * * [RSCDS Berkeley] dancing on hold - Scottish Country Dancing - Open Band


law label


choral music label 






See UU, Quaker, and Nontheist Friend, labels too! 

Scott MacLeod <sgkmacleod@gmail.com>

Sun, Sep 26, 9:53 PM

to Susan, Larry, Ed, John, Joan, Henry, Greg, Nancy, Hugh, David, Sandy, Janie, Pin, lillianbthomas

Sandy, Ma, All, 

I just added some of this "Please be careful" thread to this blog post - http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2021/09/banyan-tree-stammtisch.html?m=0 - as a heads' up for others too. As scary as spiked vaccines, for example, might be for some, in this society of 330 million in the USA, and a history of somewhat decent legal and medical systems, I think it'll be a long time yet before we find out what actually happened in the past 18 months, and who died and why and how, and who made the decisions - let alone that they might be brought to justice. For example, Ma just mailed me on paper a NYT's article by columnist Ross Douthat from the Sunday, September 19, 2021 NYT which said that 670,000 people have died from Covid-19 (670 happens too, - coincidentally or not - to be the same number of the house in Canyon 94516 I lived in for about 13 years, after a house-let number change part way through), and the Op Ed also continued, for example, that "Yes, there does seem to be a notable tendency for right-wing talk radio hosts to die of the disease -- " ... which seems to me like these deaths could possibly have been kinds of political killings even! So please be careful (if for example there's also been a major failing of psychiatry and the law too, in the USA, and in many countries around the world, to successfully protect victims, for example, of the intl. illegal sex industry, its profit motive, and its latent culture of violence too), and as a kind of internet ecology swings around in a different direction. I just talked with Sid on the phone this evening from the UU Church of Kensington Berkeley, and I think he said the Covid-19 pandemic isn't over yet. 

Thinking of you - per the 2 younger brother potential warnings who either died, or have been harmed, during this pandemic, I've heard directly from 2 people who won't be involved in World Univ & Sch. 

Love, and abolition-ally yours, Scott

(Please remember too that that 2nd dose of the Pfizer vaccine may have damaged the far left of my left eye ... and possibly due to lack of testing by the FDA, and to experimenting somehow on humans, with echoes of law breaking from the 1940s, tragically again). Please be careful ... would be great, if aging reversal genetic drug therapies emerge, if we could all be talking together in the future.




- Scott GK MacLeod  

Founder, President, CEO & Professor

World Univ & Sch (WUaS) - PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 94516 

1) non-profit World University and School - http://worlduniversityandschool.org  

2) for profit general stock company WUaS Corporation in CA - http://worlduniversityandschool.org/AcademicPress.html

(o) 415 480 4577 - sgkmacleod@worlduniversiryandschool.org 

(m) 412 478 0116 - sgkmacleod@gmail.com 

World Univ & Sch Innovation Research -  scottmacleod.com 

* * 

Scott MacLeod <sgkmacleod@gmail.com>

12:10 PM (1 minute ago)

to John, Barbara, Mainak, Pin, Ann, Cathy, Sandy, Susan, Henry, Alden, John, Joan, Claudia, Matt, Peggy, lillianbthomas, Larry, Hugh, Tess, Arne, David, Phoebe, Julia, Laura, Grant, Cate, Hal, Chris, Hal, Seth, Seth, cuttyhunk.wright, Em4ofa@aol.com, Alex, Alastair, Katie, Kate, Henry, Susan, Greg, Nancy, Jim, Nick, Peter, Richard, Bruce, Heather, David, Susan, Taylor, Jim, Ken, Annelise, Byron, Charles, George, Elliott, Peter, Sarah, Scott, Marianne, Marc, Dorota, Charles, Caleb, Hank, Lynn, Nanette, Nancy, Tessa, Jen, david.warr, Robin, elmorebee, Bob, David, Christine, Jemma, Jonathan, Charmaine, Laura, Nancy, Robin, Marc, Jim, Chris, David, edsmythmd, Scott, Francoise, Mike, Guillaume, Guillemette, Guillemette, Gabrielle, Ian, Prasanth, Larry, Scott, Claire, Craig, Roland, Cliona, Valerie, Scott, Doug, Doug, Tim, Sharalynne, Scott, Robin, REED, Rebecca, Rebecca, Rachel, Peter, Pam, mellyhall, mary, Maddie, Louise, Deborah, Hal, dbillman, Hilary, Molly, Charles, rectorned, johnrockw, cathy4ford, Tim, John, Low, Janie, Cuttyhunk, s, Aviv, Gerd, Reshma, David, Claudia, Bob, Sarah, David, Sally, me, Edward

Dear friends, UU Minister Betsy, John (am leaving Betsy's Family Tabor email address out of this group email, per her request), Cuttyhunkers, Musical Friends, All, 

Warm greetings on a rainy, blustery, SF Bay Area Sunday, wherever you are ! 

Am following up on two recent emails regarding, even, developing a new abolition movement. In calling for abolition of the illegal sex industry worldwide (following on the abolition of slavery), I had emailed UU Minister Betsy Tabor (from Cuttyhunk), and Rev David Herndon from 1st UU Church of Pgh, and you, regarding how to do 'due diligence' regarding a UU Church Choir of Berkeley-Kensington which I was thinking about joining, having, in retrospect, wished I had done 'due diligence' in a legal sense, about the Unitarian Church Choir of Palo Alto (where I sang a few years ago for about a year), and the SF Quaker Meeting before that. The signals I got in the UUCB virtual choir meeting recently online do not incline me to join this choir. I was also assaulted both at the SF Quaker Meeting, and accosted at the 1st UU Church of Pgh in a recent Xmas Eve, and sexually, sadly - with nothing seeming to be done about this (and having whistle-blown in multiple ways about some related issues regarding Stanford, Cal, Reed, Canyon 94516, and the SF Quaker Meeting, in particular). These are possibly tragic times for churches, Meetings, and other religious organizations - and here are my recent emails both to my mother (who's a UU in Pgh, a friend of hers from the UU Church there), in some of these regards - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2021/10/anvil-stone.html.  Thoughts, questions, ideas, suggestions about how to do a kind of 'due diligence' about religious groups, and how to make these safe and good again? Thoughts, questions, ideas, suggestions about how to grow an movement to abolish the illegal sex industry, following on the abolition of slavery?

I'm glad to see MIT Professor Rosalind Picard posting frequently about online psychiatry in some of these regards, eg -  

https://twitter.com/RosalindPicard/status/1451947856072425479 - eg this - 

"Imagine if Your Therapist Could Access Data From Your Smartphone

Researchers are studying tools that could give therapists a stream of patient information between sessions—and intervene if necessary"

https://www.wsj.com/articles/therapist-access-date-from-smartphone-11634753035?st=j62xr1oh2rsr0nf&reflink=desktopwebshare_twitter (glad this article has a focus on college students too) 

... and perhaps MD psychiatry, psychotherapy and online mental health services (free and easily accessible, and excellent), and developing within state and federal and international legal frameworks can help too, as well as free money daily, such as Stanford Mine Pi - https://minepi.com/sgkmac.

And perhaps World Univ & Sch psychiatry 

https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Psychiatry (and glad it's coming up in search) - can be a help too,

... and in ~200 planned online medical schools, with 200 online teaching hospitals - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/World_University_Medical_School.

Could robots help too, say with cleaning houses on Cuttyhunk island even? See this amazing early robot from Toyota research in some of these regards, which people will eventually be able to teach even!

Toyota Research Institute (TRI)

- Teaching Robots

"TRI Teaching Robots to Help People in their Homes"



(see related 10/16/21 WUaS Agenda items - https://worlduniversityandschool.blogspot.com/2021/10/wuas-agenda-news-for-101621wuas-agenda.html?view=sidebar)

And could robots help  in many other ways - as federal and state laws, with effective law enforcement, and with online psychiatry come to play a significant role in this abolition movement (which might conceivably take 20 years or so to effect)? 

I've blogged about my emails to you here, and with much more - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2021/10/anvil-stone.html - including this one. 

Friendly regards, and abolition-ally yours, 



UU label in daily blog - 

https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/search/label/Unitarian%20Universalist - but Anvil Stone blog post doesn't have this UU label in it! 


Thoughts, ideas, questions, suggestions? 

Warmly, Scott


- Scott GK MacLeod  

Founder, President, CEO & Professor

World Univ & Sch (WUaS) - PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 94516 

1) non-profit World University and School - http://worlduniversityandschool.org  

2) for profit general stock company WUaS Corporation in CA - http://worlduniversityandschool.org/AcademicPress.html

(o) 415 480 4577 - sgkmacleod@worlduniversiryandschool.org 

(m) 412 478 0116 - sgkmacleod@gmail.com 

World Univ & Sch Innovation Research -  scottmacleod.com 


(I couldn't find a Wikipedia entry for 'The Anvil Stone' in Britain ... not sure why ... )

but there are other 'Anvil Rocks' in other places - 

Antarctica - 


Anvil rock, Shawnee National Forest, IL



Anvil Stone in North Yorkshire, Britain - 





Pinnacles National Monument in CA - 



Not sure where this Anvil Rock is located - 



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