Channel: Scott MacLeod's Anthropology of Information Technology & Counterculture
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Pantropical Spotted Dolphin: Re: 'Beloved Scotland: I leave thee gloomy' Piobaireachd * * 'Rock blues' Piobaireachd lament' creativity potential * 'Piobaireachd Blues' Laments, Not Rock & Roll' ... is a new working title for the next (2nd) album I'm creating * * Published my first 'Honey in the Bay' Scottish Small Pipes''Light Music' album in December 2020) ~ https://scottmacleodhoneyinthebagscottishsmallpipesbagpiping.bandcamp.com And here are the very beginnings of my next album - https://scottmacleodpiobaireachdscottishsmallpipesbagpiping.bandcamp.com/ :) * to photograph the hawk in the tree (I have some pictures of this), while birding, and then be able to walk with Google Maps and I.T. to that very tree? Similarly, how to spot the single diseased tree with a viral, or parasite, rust obvious in its Tree top crown in an otherwise healthy stand or forest of trees, from 200 meters away, and then walk to the trunk of the tree, to be able to remove the tree, before the disease spreads? How to add this all to a realistic virtual earth for forestry and history - https://twitter.com/scottmacleod/status/1460403277237927939?s=20 - to be able to revisit this for learning too?

Next: Camel - Dromedary (Camelus dromedarius): Bitcoin to NUMISMATICs? - and Stanford Mine Pi for UBI Experiments, and in WUaS Coding for all 7.8 billion people on planet, each a Wikidata Pin #, and to end poverty? * ... for WUaS to begin to get going financially and in working with the state of CA - Could the 'Industry' WUaS Corporation wing then begin to fund and endow chairs in, say, Quantum physics, or Home Robotics, or realistic virtual earth development wiki-studies for tele-robotic surgery, etc., on the 'Academic' wing at World University and School, per an ISSIP workshop idea * * * ISSIP-NSF Workshop 2 - Industry Best Practices for Skills Screening * * * a new Scottish music-making band - "The Rock blues' Piobaireachd lament" (open?) band? * * * (Am seeking here to get back to walking for at least 30 minutes per day, and eating a Very low fat diet, with 5-15 fruits grains vegetables legumes and an egg per day. It's an hour and 20 minutes up to the UU CHURCH OF KENSINGTON which I often walk at twilight (beautiful) ~ and the proof that Heart Disease is reversible (Ornish MD from a Yoga perspective, AND Caldwell Esselstyn MD from a medical perspective too is compelling)
Previous: Atlantic spotted dolphin: Google announces "Proud to announce the Digital Future Initiative in Australia - a A$1B commitment in infrastructure, research, and partnerships to help more Australians access the benefits of technology & lead the next wave of global innovations" * Great @sundarpichai Wondering how this can be a model for @WorldUnivAndSch & @WUaSPress in all ~200 countries & in official & main languages, as online best STEM OCW.MIT.EDU -centric major universities, & as #WUaSEducationalServicesStores w Academic Press in 7k langs? * * * Sailing Cuttyhunk Yacht Club Massachusetts, & Fish Dock Marina #OldSailingShips https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Sailing * * * Universitians, Video recording of today's WUaS News and Q&A, 11/15/21 - * * * Friends Making friends is hard * Thanks, Jim (Spohrer), Making friends in my experience is easy, in the past, and very, and in many different places


'Rock blues' Piobaireachd lament' creativity potential

Patti, Stuart, Taylor, dear All, 

'Piobaireachd Blues' Laments, Not Rock & Roll' 
... is a new working title for the next (2nd) album I'm creating, and this autumn after all (after thinking I would postpone this 2nd album until 2022, having published my first 'Honey in the Bay' Scottish Small Pipes''Light Music' album in December 2020) ... much in the way of my learning Piobaireachd  ... May do more pictures of me in kilt, if it still fits, with Prince Charles' Doublet this time, and with shorter hair than last December, with Golden Gate Bridge et al., in distance coming into conversation with last album - https://scottmacleodhoneyinthebagscottishsmallpipesbagpiping.bandcamp.com

New tentative name for the following album - 
'Rock Piobaireachd classical Blues' Laments' may become the following album, if I can invent this new genre, with machine learning accompaniment (as musical instrument itself).

"Beloved Scotland: I leave thee gloomy" Piobaireachd tune recording last night - 

The title of this first Piobaireachd is a bit dreich itself. :) ... Lots of leaving Scotland story ghosts in its past :)

Not perfect, but I kept the last recording of this tune I made last evening, and listened again to all 11 minutes of it afterwards, also. For learning and something to build on. Hints of cello-like sound or sonority in the Scottish small pipes.

And here are the very beginnings of my next Piobarieachd Scottish small pipes' album - https://scottmacleodpiobaireachdscottishsmallpipesbagpiping.bandcamp.com/ :)

Will probably record it again today, and the next day, before sharing it with Taylor, and on my album's new website.

Am I hearing Stuart's MIND when you play so perfectly, perfectly steadily ... Meditating ? Perhaps ... Nice focus for playing Piobaireachd (my mInd in this "Beloved Scotland" Piobaireachd has some blips:) ... in playing this Scottish blues:) Stuart, who else has explored playing Piobaireachd as a form of meditation, Scottish meditation - and explicitly? 

I imagined you had a good turn out of dancers last night at St. Clement's Scottish Country Dancing, Open Band musicians too! 

As Aye, and friendly regards (the WUaS Corporation is still afloat ... albeit I didn't gone over to Canyon 94516 again from this safe house to pick up the CA FTB letters on paper regarding the WUaS Corp paying the ~ $3,000 in taxes for 2018, '19' and '20, and Robert Morgan's saying to disregard the curious other 3 tax bills, all of which were duplicates of this, in one way or another:), 

Not clear to me yet how to turn the attached 8 Piobaireachds into sheet music for playing the blues, let alone 'Rock Piobaireachd Blues' Laments' and even for playing with adapted Allman Bros''73 at Cow Palace in 1973 energy ... 
https://youtu.be/DNAmXz8kc6I  ... and with machine learning, but am noodling away:) 

Happy travels, Patti, on the next 2 Mondays' Scottish Country Dance Open Band St. Clement's Episcopal Church hall evenings when you'll be away! :)

Friendly greetings, 


'Rock blues' Piobaireachd lament' creativity potential


Scott MacLeod <musicalmacflower@gmail.com>


Tue, Nov 9, 8:20 PM (7 days ago)

to Patti, stuart, Taylor, Heather, Bruce, Barbara, Edward, Dick, Janie, Claudia, Sioux

Patti, Musicians, All, 

Here are 8 Piobaireachd, classical bagpiping sheet music in PDF format. 

Parsing-wise, how to play these each a 'rock blues' Piobaireachd lament' - Patti or Lucy or ... on piano - such that anyone with a chanter, on its 9 notes, could riff with you, and even take the lead, playing the sheet music as written in one way or another, and at first as slowly and meditatively as Piobaireachd as its traditionally played? (And then could machine learning interpellate a recording of what you create such that a piano or violin or guitar accompaniment might could be expressed in new AI ways, with similar energy to even the Allman Brothers or the Grateful Dead playing in the 1970s:)?

Musical creativity cheers, Scott



- Scott MacLeod 

- 415 480 4577

- http://scottmacleod.com

- http://scottmacleod.com/piping.htm

- World University and School

- http://worlduniversityandschool.org 

- https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/World_University_Music_School

- (planned for all instruments in all 7,139 living languages, each a wiki page to begin)

By meditation, I also have in mind ... 

"How to bring together

meditation in a sitting pose or on one's back (relaxation response -wise, saying 'one', for example ...  http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2008/09/arc-steps-to-elicit-relaxation-response.html)

but with both arms working playing the Scottish small pipes, where I am particularly interested in bringing together how Angela and Victor teach meditation in Greece or in a workshop around the world face-to-face in person  ... 

... and while there are some videos of them teaching herein - http://www.scottmacleod.com/yoganotations.html - no immediate blog posts come to mind. 

and with ~ 

... and while I enjoy teaching meditation, inspired in part by A&V, so perhaps these 'Hippy Anjali Yoga Notations' are a starting place too in these regards ... 

... with meditation newly as chanting Piobaireachd in a sense (so via Cantaireachd), and while piping, 

... but in particular regarding Stuart Liddell 'one-ing' and with his perfectly steady drones, as a remarkable feedback loop re meditation and the bodymind, from breathing to brain steadiness, with related harmony generating processes, both in the inner body, as well as musical-tones' wise ?

Seeking to send you a version of "Beloved Scotland ... " on my new album's website in A, and for learning, and playing with (as I begin my new album) ...

And here are the very beginnings of my next album - https://scottmacleodpiobaireachdscottishsmallpipesbagpiping.bandcamp.com/ :)

Cheers, Scott


As I just wrote to Stuart - 

... For my upcoming album, I think I'll create a new bandcamp site, something like this - 


... so possibly 


Appreciating your great teaching, your kindness, and your thinking and piping, Stuart!

Let's stay in touch too about your becoming potentially a first faculty member at World Univ & Sch ... Taylor could be a great help in these regards, and as he said in our last lesson, from Georgia (near Florida), he's not doing anything much these days (having moved to Georgia about a year ago, into a nice, large house, with wife and first baby). 

(I don't know how aging reversal genetic drug therapies are going to develop, but will we be able to continue piping, and teaching, brainstorming-wise, over the years and decades ... and centuries even? ... ahead ... if ... ?:)

Musical cheers,







* * * 

Re: 'Beloved Scotland: I leave thee gloomy' Piobaireachd


Had a dream this morning around 5 that I was at 670 Ridgecrest Rd Canyon as the day was getting light, and it - the property and House and shop - was empty and open, vacated and free, no truck or cars parked in front of the shop, free of critters too. I looked in through the double glass doors of 670a my little house-let of ~13 years and it was in good shape, I tried the door knob and it opened. There was one vehicle, a big blue military-like jeep vehicle facing my old porch, however, under the 'Ferdinand tree' outside my old window to the east, - and could it have had a surveillance camera in it? The view to the east was a little like - 

https://twitter.com/JimSpohrer/status/1460257109442908160 -

with Indian Valley just beyond the hedge of flowers, not azaleas, but good in a dry climate (name's eluding me, and I can't pull out my Seek by I Naturalist App there to identify them :). (Yesterday evening, a retired general Malcolm Fraser followed me for a second time @sgkmacleod on Twitter, and also on @HarbinBook - and looks with new Twitter pics like a 'Ken' doll - the much maligned sociologically 'Barbie' doll's partner:). Could an 'action' have happened yesterday in Canyon, taking someone into custody for contempt of Court, even, a possibly helpful step in a Legal and sociocultural 'clean up' process speculatively?? 

'Piobaireachd Blues' Laments, Not Rock and Roll' is a new working title for the next (2nd) album I'm creating ... much in the way of my learning Piobaireachd  ... May do more pictures of me in kilt, if it still fits, with Prince Charles' Doublet this time, and with shorter hair than last time, with Golden Gate Bridge et al., in distance coming into conversation with last album - https://scottmacleodhoneyinthebagscottishsmallpipesbagpiping.bandcamp.com/

'Rock Piobaireachd classical Blues' Laments' may become a following album, if I can invent this new genre, with machine learning accompaniment (as musical instrument itself).

The title of this first Piobaireachd is a bit dreich itself. :) ... Lots of leaving Scotland story ghosts in its past :)

Re I.T. SmartPhone questions, Google Maps & Street View, and fire spotting technology - and Annie Brown's two examples last August at Wisdom Creek Ranch, per the New Yorker article you mentioned, Ma, ... how to photograph the hawk in the tree (I have some pictures of this), while birding, and then be able to walk with Google Maps and I.T. to that very tree? Similarly, how to spot the single diseased tree with a viral, or parasite, rust obvious in its Tree top crown in an otherwise healthy stand or forest of trees, from 200 meters away, and then walk to the trunk of the tree, to be able to remove the tree, before the disease spreads? This could be very helpful depth identification I.T. processes for sustainable forest management and all kinds of other things. How to add this all to a realistic virtual earth for forestry and history - https://twitter.com/scottmacleod/status/1460403277237927939?s=20 - to be able to revisit this for learning too? It isn't easy to identify a single tree from afar, in a forest, and then walk to it unerringly.

Love, Scott


Didn't get out for a walk last night, too cool and late ... But could have put on winter jacket and headlamp ... But may soon today! What will the vaccine be like that may help us live to 135, beyond 122 Years' old, energy-wise, Ma?:) Will we have the energy of a 25 year old? :) ... Where will be living possibly in 1000 years, and with 'puppy' genetic energy:)?




Great @sundarpichai How can this be model for @WorldUnivAndSch & @WUaSPress in ~200 countries in main languages, re its online best STEM OCW.MIT.EDU universities & for #ActualVirtual #WUaSEducationalServicesStores w Academic Press in 7k langs http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2021/11/atlantic-spotted-dolphin.html?







On Mon, Nov 15, 2021, 10:58 PM Scott MacLeod <sgkmacleod@gmail.com> wrote:

Not perfect, but I kept the last recording of this tune I made this evening, and listened again to all 11 minutes of it too afterwards. For learning and something to build on. Hints of cello like sound of in the Scottish small pipes.

Will probably record it again tomorrow and the next day before sharing it with Taylor, and on my album's new website.

Am I hearing Stuart's MIND when he plays so perfectly steadily ... Meditating ? Perhaps ... Nice focus for playing Piobaireachd (my mInd in this Piobaireachd has some blips:) playing this Scottish blues:)

Love, Scott


Scott MacLeod <sgkmacleod@gmail.com>

2:24 PM (4 hours ago)

to Jane, Ann, Ed

Dear Ma, Ann, Ed,


Am still living in a 'safe house' and have no income to speak of, am impoverished, in a sense, and don't know where I will live in the spring - since Canyon may not become safe, since my dream was just a dream. Abolition ahead and yay for the freeing of millions of people since the US Civil War, etc, - but how will the laws change per our conversation (per a Dutch law rewrite for CA with internet) the other night, Ma? (Could Stanford Law and CodeX and Medicine, with Stanford Fellow Dutch cryptocurrency lawyer Thibault Schrepel help to write these - even, hypothetically, with friend David Thurston, and his Harvard Law trained father, re other US states and rental law? ... To protect people but with the commercial potential in mind too?) 

Even with a single cryptocurrency backed by most central banks (like Stanford Mine Pi) and to end poverty among 7.8 billion people, on smartphone, a vaccine medical history on electronic medical records in some countries for some people, and some current Dutch laws in California newly rewritten, with the iterating internet in mind, and to protect victims, the wrongful illegal buying and selling of people, ... but made newly legal (sports teams? Working roles in general? ... all with labor law) may help protect and prevent the harmful illegal sex industry internationally, but will it thus end a modern form of slavery (arguably) emerging from slavery's abolition in 1833 with the Anti-slavery act in Britain, and the Emancipation proclamation in the USA ?  

Ongoing seeking of a life partner, and to begin actual Harbin Hot Springs' field work, in the spring possibly when it might be safer, and glad the WUaS Corporation seems to be developing with the state of California's history with all this too. Thinking a realistic virtual earth for history might help offer ways to protect people (re effective law enforcement too), as well as offer Free highest quality tall and genetics' psychiatry even with avatars.

Love, Scott

Will we live until age 1,000 too or well beyond because of the genetic engineering revolution, enhanced by the last 18 months?

http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/search/label/genes ~






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