'WorldUniversityAndSchool.org for OCW.mit.edu free university & high school degrees' on robot bookshelves for inside independent bookstores? and for WUaS outreach on self-driving hippy buses outside bookstores, occasionally? :)
Dear Larry,
I think Robot in-store bookshelves for WUaS Outreach esp (planned in all counties in all 200 countries), eg -
for OCW.mit.edu free university & high school degrees'
- with Lego Robotics' kits and the WUaS Academic Press's books and computers etc could lead too to Robotic self-driving vehicle bookstores ... and possibly which could park in front of the Orinda Books' Bookstore on certain occasions, for ex. ... A hippy van robot bookstore? A fleet of them ?:) ... same software as robotic bookshelves in independent bookstores, and in all 614 Barnes and Nobles' bookstores in the US too, and outside too:)?
Working on getting out the 11/20/21 WUaS Minutes further along ... https://worlduniversityandschool.blogspot.com/2021/11/112021-wuas-minutes.html ... would possibly benefit from a recording clerk, to complement my be presiding clerk (in a Friendly Quaker sense re WUaS Monthly Business Meeting) ... but writing them myself is currently a generative brainstorming project, about 2 weeks now after WUaS Monthly Business Meeting ... to inform the Universitians in our MBM the emailings.
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7.9 billion #PersonalRobots #RobotPeople like "#KlaraAndTheSun"& its AFs or #ArtificialFriends as #PhilosophicalSocraticDialogue #WUaSteachersAndLearners too :)
7.9 billion #PersonalRobots #RobotPeople like "#KlaraAndTheSun"& its AFs or #ArtificialFriends as #PhilosophicalSocraticDialogue #WUaSteachersAndLearners too :) @WUaSPress is an authorized #LegoRobotics' Kits reseller: http://
7.9 billion #PersonalRobots#RobotPeople like "#KlaraAndTheSun"& its AFs or #ArtificialFriends as #PhilosophicalSocraticDialogue#WUaSteachersAndLearners too :) @WUaSPress is an authorized #LegoRobotics' Kits reseller: https://t.co/s9nin4B99h See CC4 OCW https://t.co/5U9O0yCzHk~
— WUaSPress (@WUaSPress) December 3, 2021
Barnes and Nobles' 614 US bookstores/cafes, a model for @WUaSPress planned #ActualVirtual #PhysicalDigital #WUaSLegoRobotics' #
Barnes and Nobles' 614 US bookstores/cafes, a model for @WUaSPress planned #ActualVirtual#PhysicalDigital#WUaSLegoRobotics'#EducationalServicesDistributionCenters#WUaSbookstores cafes in all counties in 200 countries for 7.9 billion people on planet https://t.co/ClkQ3zjRcL ?
— WorldUnivandSch (@WorldUnivAndSch) December 3, 2021
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What a curious milieu of Canyon 94516, newly a state representative, Jim Spohrer, and developing CC-4 MIT OCW-centric wiki World University and School and the now the WUaS Corp to be operating in?
Scott MacLeod <sgkmacleod@gmail.com>
8:15 AM (1 hour ago)
to Larry, Em4ofa@aol.com, Barbara, David, Susan, Cathy, Marc, Mike, Bob, Greg, Grant, Nancy, George, Henry, Hugh, Heather, Ian, Iulian, Larry, Katie, Matt, lillianbthomas, Scott, Nancy, Peggy, Richard, David, Janie, Ed, Ann, Pin, Joan, John, Alden, Sandy, Claudia
Ma, Ed, Ann, Joan, Pin, All,
What a curious milieu of Canyon 94516 (where the WUaS PO Box is), newly a state representative, Jim Spohrer, and developing CC-4 MIT OCW-centric wiki World University and School and the now the WUaS Corp to be operating in? ... Socially, culturally, ethics-wise ? See ... http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2021/12/cattail.html
Greetings and I hope this finds you well!
How are you doing?
Went in to a nearby Barnes and Nobles to ask about WUaS making, as an authorized reseller of Lego ROBOTICS' kits, these available to their 614 US stores AND with THE WUaS Academic Press's books - http://worlduniversityandschool.org/AcademicPress.html - as a WUaS distribution center. Found out later Barnes and Nobles sells Lego Robotics' kits like Mindstorms ONLINE.
Having gone into an independent bookseller, Orinda Books, the day before, am now exploring the WUaS Corporation Distribution Centers making Lego ROBOTICS' kits available to their customers, and ESPECIALLY with a county department of Education connection, & see - http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2021/12/violet-viola-odorata.html - for independent booksellers' increased sales, and county departments of Education reimbursements to CC-4 MIT OCW-centric wiki World University and School, and for students too. Have emailed Lego contacts to find out our WUaS arrangements further with them now that WUaS Corporation received the first tax bill and paid this too for 2018, 19, 20 ... a new relationship with the state of California 🙂.
Could WUaS do outreach to recruit students with a Robot Bookshelf as display stand with Lego ROBOTICS' kits on one side and WUaS Press Publisher Educational Services' books on the other, an OCW.mit.edu-centric free degrees sign above with the WorldUniversityAndSchool.org name URL, on both sides OF ROBOT BOOKSHELF ? (Like Penguin books carousels in bookstores?)
At Barnes and Nobles, head manager next there on Saturday (and no longer relevant), I was having a coffee, and had made and was operating a little robot rover with eyes on it ... on the large Red round table from my laptop ... With
The little robot is rolling across the table I'm sitting at, - I see an attractive 20-something yo who is sitting across the way... taking off her mask only to sip a coffee ... And while I can't yet program this little Robot's eyes or face to turn to look at her and say hi ... I later go over to ask her if she thinks people in El Cerrito, CA, might be interested in Free to Students' degrees that are CC-4 MIT OCW-CENTRIC, and while studying from home. She replies, "I'm not from around here", - leading me to think later that I don't know this neighborhood (not being from around El Cerrito). If she were a MD and potentially seeking a friend, she would have been someone to explore having another coffee with sometime. :)
Barnes and Nobles' bookstores /cafes may be a good model for WUaS's planned Actual-Virtual Physical-Digital Lego Robotics' stores bookstores cafes Educational Services' Distribution Centers in all counties in all countries of the world! ... And in thinking about personal Robots like "Klara and the Sun" and its AFs or Artificial Friends like Klara herself, and for all 7.9 billion people on planet, and even as philosophical Socratic dialogue WUaS teachers and learners. :)
Fondly, Scott
http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/search/label/robotics :)
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A song we sang in Scotland at Fettes College high school in 1977-78 too - :) Merry Xmas season ...
searched on 'choir of King's college Cambridge Ding Dong Merrily On High'
King's College Cambridge 2010 #9 Ding! Dong! Merrily on High
Lovely too ...
#Christmas #Classical #CarolsfromKings
Carols From King’s – The Choir of King’s College, Cambridge (Full Album)
Dear Larry, Em4ofa@aol.com, Barbara, David, Susan, Cathy, Marc, Mike, Bob, Greg, Grant, Nancy, George, Henry, Hugh, Heather, Ian, Iulian, Larry, Katie, Matt, lillianbthomas, Scott, Nancy, Peggy, Richard, David, Janie, Ed, Ann, Pin, Joan, John, Alden, Sandy, Claudia
This, more, and 2 beautiful caroling joys here - http://scott-macleod.
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Jamboard.google.com exploration ...
Playing with words not diagrams jamboard thanks Susan! 2021-12-03
"What a curious milieu of Canyon, newly a state representative, Jim Spohrer, and developing CC-4 MIT OCW-centric wiki World University and School and now the WUaS Corp to be operating in? ... Socially, culturally, ethics-wise ?" (have dropped a redundant 'the') ... I replied "Would put each word onto a post-it, and thus diagram these questions ... try it! :)
Wanna try together in many permutations in the jamboard.google.com sometime, and socially:)?
Friendly greetings, Scott
Hi dear Susan!
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