CS First course access questions, and regarding Mwende in Cameroon, Africa, at World Univ & Sch
VOLCANO | 6:54 AM (2 hours ago) | ||
CS First from Anywhere - Distance Learning Tips
CS First access questions, & for Mwende in Cameroon, Africa
: #CSFirst
I've gone through some of first videos, as 'student', seeking then to give Mwende a WUaS class code once a 'teacher'@ WUaS http://admin.google.com How pls to get him a class code?
CS First access questions, & for Mwende in Cameroon, Africa @WorldUnivAndSch: #CSFirst@GoogleForEdu I've gone through some of first videos, as 'student', seeking then to give Mwende a WUaS class code once a 'teacher'@ WUaS https://t.co/TNl0KAkV1C How pls to get him a class code?
— Scott_GK_MacLeod_WUaS_worlduniversityandschool.org (@scottmacleod) December 31, 2021
CS First access questions, & for Mwende in Cameroon, Africa @WorldUnivAndSch: #CSFirst@GoogleForEdu I've gone through some of first videos, as 'student', seeking then to give Mwende a WUaS class code once a 'teacher'@ WUaS https://t.co/RIz8Ob9QW9 How pls to get him a class code?
— WorldUnivandSch (@WorldUnivAndSch) December 31, 2021
VOLCANO (Mwende Evande in Cameroon, Africa)
6:54 AM (2 hours ago)
Thank you for the information. Once I get the class code (for CS First with Google through WUaS), I'll immediately engage.
VOLCANO | 6:54 AM (2 hours ago) | ||
Great, thank you, Mwende,
Open WUaS News and Q&A M 1/3/222 10am PT https://t.co/u7HhwCgPOL>free CC4 OCW BA/BS & PhD degrees newly beginning w https://t.co/CrLKmjIEj1#WUaSFreeToStudents Online 4-year #WUaSBachelorDegrees, #WUaSPhDdegrees Growing with CC-4 https://t.co/K3NUhPUh4q with Google & Stanford?
— Scott_GK_MacLeod_WUaS_worlduniversityandschool.org (@scottmacleod) January 3, 2022
Scott MacLeod <sgkmacleod@worlduniversityandschool.org>
Sun, Jan 2, 10:41 PM (10 hours ago)
to Prasanth, Zalmat, Aviv, Anthony, Rohit, Nicolai, Ajit, Mircea, Andrzej, Iulian, Mohamed, Ants, Koh, Scott, Bill, Sainani, Larry, ks3649, Jayni, Kyle, tito, Yuping-CASPA, Yuping-CASPA, Juan, Juan, Edward, Shahbaz, Petros, Lukas, Scott, Charles, Nidahas, mazumdarp, Sid, nidahasvidyalaya, Marisol, Sri, Rohit, Rohit, Kat, Flying, Andi, Kristal, Hashim, Steve, Edward, Raphael, utopiaforever, disisjw242, Royal, Rema, abdelwaheb, Rafael, Julio, Hiền, Rick, Cj, Felipe, Syed, Suzana, Artur, Satoe, Zahra, Nurcan, Aswin, Prem, Reshma, Mala, Narjeet, narjeet, tva, inbox, Karky's, Tamil, Chockkalingam, NTM, Felician, Tanya, dipikakhatri03, Fred, narjeetparo, sab.mukta, Gerd, Peter, Lydia, Denny, Magnus, Christian, Julian, Simone, Rohit, Reshma, John, Moncy, VOLCANO
Volcano (Mwende), Prasanth, Shahbaz, Universitians, All,
Glad Mwende may be beginning to study and learn Scratch programming in a free CC-4 CS First with Google course - https://csfirst.withgoogle.com/s/en/home (3 credit units / or hours of credit) - over the next 4 months (Jan-Apr term), and as part of matriculating at CC-4 OCW.mit.edu-centric Wiki World Univ & Sch for a free Bachelor's degree online (120 credit units - over about 4 years).
In about 12 hours from now -
Open WUaS News and Q&A M 1/3/222 10am PT meet.google.com/azy-zbwa-jwb >free CC4 OCW BA/BS & PhD degrees newly beginning w https://csfirst.withgoogle.com/s/en/home #WUaSFreeToStudents Online 4-year #WUaSBachelorDegrees, #WUaSPhDdegrees Growing with CC-4 OCW.mit.edu with Google & Stanford?
Open WUaS News and Q&A M 1/3/222 10am PT https://t.co/u7HhwCgPOL>free CC4 OCW BA/BS & PhD degrees newly beginning w https://t.co/CrLKmjIEj1#WUaSFreeToStudents Online 4-year #WUaSBachelorDegrees, #WUaSPhDdegrees Growing with CC-4 https://t.co/K3NUhPUh4q with Google & Stanford?
— Scott_GK_MacLeod_WUaS_worlduniversityandschool.org (@scottmacleod) January 3, 2022
Talk with you soon, in this open video conference -meet.google.com/azy-zbwa-jwb !
Minutes for WUaS 12/18/21
https://worlduniversityandschool.blogspot.com/2022/01/121821-wuas-minutes-for-open-monthly.html -
Season's greetings to you too -
* *
Open WUaS News and Q&A ~ M Jan 3, 2022
w/ Prasanth Karuppasamy @PrasanthKPC PhD candidate in vid, info@ worlduniversityandschool.org @WorldUnivAndSch @WUaSPress ~
Scratch w Lego Spike Prime robotics
Lego Spike Prime Scratch Programming
SPIKE Prime. #2 Exploring Scratch
SPIKE Prime Scratch Tutorial #01
Spike Prime Scratch Programming - Blocks
https://youtu.be/ZSPT7npilyQ ~
Scratch programming language with Lego Spike Prime robotics
Scratch w Lego Spike Prime robotics
Lego Spike Prime Scratch Programming
SPIKE Prime. #2 Exploring Scratch
SPIKE Prime Scratch Tutorial #01
Spike Prime Scratch Programming - Blocks
Scratch w Lego Spike Prime robotics
— WorldUnivandSch (@WorldUnivAndSch) December 30, 2021
Lego Spike Prime Scratch Programming https://t.co/xinVRcqfcS
SPIKE Prime. #2 Exploring Scratchhttps://t.co/UpxKfjd5vQ
SPIKE Prime Scratch Tutorial #01 https://t.co/lx3ETj1rTn
Spike Prime Scratch Programming - Blocks https://t.co/kVgvfbEEvG~