Channel: Scott MacLeod's Anthropology of Information Technology & Counterculture
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Osage orange (Maclura pomifera): the free CC-4 "CS First with Google at World Univ & Sch - 2022" course learning the Scratch programming language, Mwende Evande in Cameroon, Africa, & Lego Spike Prime Robotics' kits * * * "Honey Piobaireachd' Scottish Small Pipes' album upcoming - Learning Conversation with PM Stuart Liddell in Scotland * * * WUaS Longevity Genetics' Institute * So this is a mouse - https://twitter.com/techreview/status/1484401747330220033 - (and while I'm not sure if it could become a communard too:), it does have a patch of fur on its side, - while being ostensibly hairless otherwise. How could I or you reverse engineer this easily in a Google-Photoshop-like platform FOR genetics and per this #DogBirdHybrid ostensibly digital, but where the retweeted Bird-Axolotl Hybrid is a successful genetic engineering revolution experiment ... https://twitter.com/WorldUnivAndSch/status/1481314901167513600 ... And regarding the virtual digital and even a FilmTo3D App ... * a new academic Stanford-Kaiser Permanente Medical Center with Warm Water Cure up on the ridge in Canyon 94516 ... with Air Conditioning (AC) ... and for Actual-virtual, Physical-digital research, including even talk MD psychiatry (with Chat Bot software too) ... And even with you as Medical Director ... And also to develop 331 million US Avatar Bot Electronic Medical Records and also the remainder of all 7.9 billion people on planet each a Wikidata Pin# :) ... WUaS Longevity Genetics' Institute too


Mwende Evande in Cameroon, Africa,  & Lego Spike Prime Robotics' kits, 

 Hi VOLCANO (Mwende), Universitians, All, 

Thanks again so much for your further email and encouragement, Mwende! Some further thoughts ahead ... and in reply to your recent emails too:

As you learn the Scratch programming language with "CS First with Google at World Univ & Sch - 2022 spring" this spring term (January - April), please remember that 



you'll be able to program a Lego Spike Prime Robotics' kit from home, with not only Python programming languages, but also Scratch ... in all of both languages' VERSATILITY ... so please tune in and have fun playing with Scratch this term.. Drawing from all of its programming blocks opens all kinds of possibilities ahead. 

10s of THOUSANDS OF CAMEROONIAN STUDENTS learning programming and robotics from home? 


please let your fellow Cameroonians know about the benefits of not only learning the Scratch programming language, for robotics with Lego kits, but also the Python programming language ... and that these languages will likely work together and open horizons ... for possibly 10s of thousands of Cameroonian students ... all from home, - and beginning in May 2022? 



am reminded and inspired that while playing with Lego Robotics is fun and inspiring and interesting ... and one can learn at least 2 programming languages ... and potentially for credit units in courses in a variety of ways, that one may well be initially teaching robots one builds to do movements, like 

Toyota Partner Robots are a series of humanoid robots, which debuted playing music on drums & trumpets at 2005 World EXPO in Aichi, Japan. There are 5 robots, most of which have different movement systems. Versions 1, 2, 3, 4 & i-Foot - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toyota_Partner_Robot… - https://youtu.be/jJYsOsoBIZU~


Am amazed that a trumpet-playing robot image is popping up here on Twitter for this Tweet :)

BUT that training them to 'THINK' with these programming languages, and not just 'MOVE' - so with ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (see, too, the first sentence here - https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/artificial-intelligence/) would be potentially VERY interesting too - and by then learning Machine Learning and AI ... and with Scratch, Python and Lego Robotics ... (and all toward Computer Science majors, and with potentially Engineering minors in a free-to-students' 4 year Bachelor's degree) ... and eventually too with another Lego Robotics' kit: Mindstorms, for example ...but WUaS is also seeking to collaborate with Google further in all of this so please stay tuned! (Am not sure what will emerge in May with learning Python language and with the Lego Spike Prime Robotics' kit ... from home in Cameroon yet )



So, if you were to have completed the "CS First with Google at WUaS: course in a month or two, and to have then ordered a Lego Spike Prime Robotics' kit to be delivered to your home, how could you, Mwende (or me), also write with the programming languages you've learned, code to send your Lego Robot builds into space, and even with the proposed trip to the planet Mars in the late 2030s?  How could you begin to do computer science and robotics in space? World Univ & Sch is seeking too to facilitate the development of 1 #RealisticVirtualEarthForSpace ... and with Google in a realistic virtual earth such as Google Street View with time slider, MAPS, Earth, TensorFlowAI (for learning further AI too), Translate ... and with a Google Universe too ... for Actual-Virtual, Physical-Digital Lego Robotics, so that you could build a Lego Spike Prime space craft physically, code it with the languages you've learned, and then convert it to a virtual Lego robotics' spacecraft (in what comes after Brick Street View, where brick refers to Lego Bricks) and travel with the Mars spacecraft with your Lego Robotics' build spacecraft to Mars VIRTUALLY ... and all for learning too ...  

And this image is great for this - 



WUaSPress @WUaSPress Sep 10, 2021

WUaSPress  @WUaSPress >#RealisticVirtualEarthForLego in #RealisticVirtualUniverse in 1 #RealisticVirtualEarth #RealisticVirtualEarthForRobotics & #RealisticVirtualEarthForSTEM & #RealisticVirtualEarthForSTEAM in comb. #GoogleWorkspaceForEducation #GoogleStoreNYC?

@WorldUnivAndSch ~



Please remember too that @WUaSPress is http://worlduniversityandschool.org/AcademicPress.html and which is where I think you'll be able to order the Lego Spike Prime Robotics' kits from in an updated version ... 



(with arrangement with departments of Education in Cameroon) 



VOLCANO <aurelienmwende@gmail.com>


WUaS Educational Services'& Robotics' stores, Actual-Virtual, Physical-Digital planned, for home robotics esp.: 



Mwende, so EVERY OTHER DAY, a Scratch lesson at 'CS First with Google at WUaS' until the end of May, as a rhythm for learning?

And hopefully, such opportunities will emerge further, if we can get enough Cameroonians interested in learning Scratch at "CS First with Google at WUaS," beginning in May ... and set up the WUaS Educational Services' Store in collaboration with Google and Lego so you, Mwende, can order the Lego Spike Prime Robotics' kit to be sent to your home! 




THE NEXT WUaS NEWS AND Q&A meets on Monday 1/24/22 at 10 PT, which I think is at 6pm in Cameroon Africa, and at different times in different time zones - all welcome: 

Topic: World Univ & Sch (WUaS) News and Q&A M 1/24/22

Time: Jan 24, 2022 10:00 AM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 783 0758 6808

Passcode: 442FaA

And please explore: 

World Univ and Sch Twitter - http://twitter.com/WorldUnivandSch

WUaS Press - https://twitter.com/WUaSPress

Scott MacLeod - https://twitter.com/scottmacleod

Languages - World Univ - http://twitter.com/sgkmacleod

“Naked Harbin Ethnography” book (in Academic Press at WUaS) - http://twitter.com/HarbinBook

OpenBand (Berkeley) - https://twitter.com/TheOpenBand ~

 CV: https://goo.gl/JZheSb


(Stanford Mine Pi free money daily - https://minepi.com/sgkmac)


Scott GK MacLeod

Founder, President, CEO & Professor

World Univ & Sch (WUaS) - PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 94516

1) non-profit World University and School - http://worlduniversityandschool.org  

2) for profit general stock company WUaS Corporation in CA - http://worlduniversityandschool.org/AcademicPress.html


(o) 415 480 4577 - sgkmacleod@worlduniversiryandschool.org

(m) 412 478 0116 - sgkmacleod@gmail.com

World Univ & Sch Innovation Research -  scottmacleod.com

~ http://tinyurl.com/p62rpcg ~ https://twitter.com/HarbinBook ~ http://bit.ly/HarbinBook ~



- http://amazon.com/author/scottmacleodworlduniversity -

Society, Information Technology,

and the Global University ~


* * *

"Honey Piobaireachd' Scottish Small Pipes' album upcoming - Learning Conversation with PM Stuart Liddell in Scotland



Greetings, and Seasons Greetings!

As I think through further the Piobaireachds for my next Scottish Small Pipes' album - http://scottmacleod.com/piping.htm - (and based on choosing tunes for my first SSP album I really like:), I've decided that the only 2 or 3 tunes of these 10 I really like are

The Desperate Battle of the Birds

Beloved Scotland, I Leave Thee Gloomy, 

and Lament for the Old Sword 

The Desperate Battle of the Birds
John Burgess 

Beloved Scotland, I Leave Thee Gloomy· 
Mike Cusack

Lament for the Old Sword
Stuart Liddell 
complete great recording? 

Corrienessan's Salute
Andrew Bonar 2010

The MacFarlanes' Gathering 
Willie McCallum

Lament for Alasdair Dearg MacDonnell of Glengarry (Piobaireachd) - CoP V.4 Yellow Tutor

Sir James MacDonald of the Isles (crunluath breabach)
Donald MacLeod

The Little Spree  (crunluath fosgailte)
Brent Tidswell

MacKintosh's Banner - CoP V.4 Yellow Tutor
Gary West

Glengarry's Lament - CoP V.4 Yellow Tutor
Claus Reiss
(A great ever so musical rock it out of the park recording of this? - by you Stuart perhaps?:)

The Company's Lament - CoP V.4 Yellow Tutor
(A great ever so musical rock it out of the park recording of this? - by you Stuart perhaps?:)

... so don't think I'm ready to record this album yet, after all.

Thoughts about more beautiful, lyrical, melodious Piobaireachd given these pieces above, but maybe not the ones toward the bottom of the list? I wish we had machine learning algorithms dishing up great Piobaireachd tunes, one after another and in a series :) Is there such machine learning - or are you it, Stuart? :)

Thoughts, suggestions, questions, ideas? Thank you! And Happy Holidays email is still to come ... :)

Sincerely, Scott

Honey in the Bag Scottish Small Piping album - 

Recordings of College of Piping tunes - https://soundcloud.com/scottmacleod-com

Piobaireachd SSP album to come - 

Bagpipe Tutorials: https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Bagpipe_Tutorials

Celtic Music: https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Celtic_Music

Great Highland Bagpipe: https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Great_Highland_Bagpipe


Pibroch, Piobaireachd or Ceòl Mór: https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Pibroch,_Piobaireachd_or_Ce%C3%B2l_M%C3%B3r

Hoping to fit in Scottish Small Pipes when traveling to Pennsylvania and Washington DC over Xmas ... 
https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/search/label/bagpiping (but may not have recorded my 2nd album by then, this of Piobaireachd - http://scottmacleod.com/piping.htm - having published my 5th book, 4th of poetry on 1/1/21 in seeking to publish one or two books, albums, media, every year :)

Can I please explore individual lessons with you in the New Year, Stuart, please? Thank you!

They are ever so helpful, especially if we could focus perhaps on a new Piobaireachd every month of so :) Thank you, again

* * *  
Agenda and News for 12/18/21 WUaS Monthly Business Meeting
Video recording - 

- Scott GK MacLeod  
Founder, President, CEO & Professor
World Univ & Sch (WUaS) - PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 94516 
1) non-profit World University and School - http://worlduniversityandschool.org  
2) for profit general stock company WUaS Corporation in CA - http://worlduniversityandschool.org/AcademicPress.html

(m) 412 478 0116 - sgkmacleod@gmail.com 

World Univ & Sch Innovation Research -  scottmacleod.com

Scott MacLeod sgkmacleod@worlduniversityandschool.org

Fri, Jan 7, 10:25 PM
to stuart
Dear Stuart, 

How are you? Greetings in the New Year. 

As I continue to learn "Lament for the Old Sword" on the Scottish Small Pipes, I'm wondering about the Crunluath a Mach, and on D in particular. You play it so well and beautifully here - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1GL4y5xraw_HnU5k3-6PaAqarOLGsIDg8/view - but I turned to the College of Piping's Yellow Piobaireachd Tutor, V4, in Lesson 36 (on my page 46) - from the HA DAREM - to get some ideas for playing the Crunluath a Mach on D (and while it doesn't share a D Crunluath a Mach is played), I infer that it's a B gracenote in the middle of this movement that's played. Is that correct? (And is this by any chance a Braebach or a Fosgailte crunluath, to ask another uncertainty). 

It's quite a cool and long string of 4 C and B and D Crunluath a Machs you play in a row at times here, and I'm simply asking how the D Crunluath a Mach in particular, and all of these Crunluath a Machs too are played. Thank you. 

Best wishes, and Happy New Year, 


Attachments7:58 AM (13 hours ago)
to me

Hi Scott, 

Happy New Year!!

Please do forgive the delayed response - things went a little hectic for some reason this last wee while.  

The D crunluath is played using the B gracenote but in the a mach, it is not used.  (Quick shortened video attached as full length was too big a file for the email)

Hope all is well and I've put you down for the next topical on 6/8 march playing if that's ok.  



Scott MacLeod sgkmacleod@worlduniversityandschool.org

9:55 AM (11 hours ago)
to stuart
Dear Stuart, 

Thank you for your email. I've been continuing to learn Piobaireachd a bit with 'training wheels' (listening and playing with great recording interpretations on headphones, and of tunes I particularly like, human 'machine-learning'-wise). A bit in unison (I am seeking to play so at least), and pipe-band-ish in a sense, it's not an entirely 'conscious' way to learn ... but I keep playing these every night before going to bed. It keeps the facility in the fingers moving ahead for one ... Am particularly enjoying both (John D. Burgess's playing of the Desperate Bird Battle ... wee capercaillies perhaps?:), as well as Mike Cusack's playing of "Beloved Scotland" and wonder whether he learned this playing of Piobaireachd from John MacFadyen possibly (with whom I attended two summer camps in around 1974, 75 or '76) in North Carolina preceding I think the Grandfather Mountain Highland games. (Could Cusack and I have somehow even overlapped at one of these camps all those years ago, with me coming from Pennsylvania, and he from Texas I'd think ... vague neuronal firing memories ... but could perhaps ask if ever the opportunity). ... All toward the upcoming 2nd album of 'traditional' Piobaireachd (and possibly re-recording first album too ... all for learning explorations as well:) 

Looking forward to the 6/8 Marches' Topical (one of my favorite genres or forms of Light Music).

More about an evolving list of very most favorites in the whole wide world Piobaireachd tunes in another email (and I continue to greatly appreciate Lament for the Old Sword) - but continue to return to listening to Allman Brothers from the 1970s, and esp Grateful Dead from 1965-1979 ... and wondering about this and Piobaireachd :) for 3rd album with other people too. The shortened video clip you shared may have not come through in sync somehow (and will ask you perhaps about this at a future date). Thank you! 


One of these Toyota Partner Robots to come as a piper ... 

Toyota Partner Robots are a series of humanoid robots, debuted playing music on drums & trumpets at 2005 World EXPO in Aichi, Japan. There are 5 robots, most of which have different movement systems. Version 1, 2, 3, 4 & i-Foot - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toyota_Partner_Robot… - https://youtu.be/jJYsOsoBIZU~

Am amazed that a trumpet-playing robot image is popping up here in Twitter :)

Am amazed and honored too that one Lovisa Herold, a Swedish writer, and journalist at Dagens Nyheter (Daily News?:)
and she followed me back on Twitter today @sgkmacleod Meet in Scotland perhaps ? :)
She seems like she could have a wonderful and smart vision for love even - something in her name too perhaps :)
Am continuing to seek a friend and life partner with whom to begin a family :)

This is also pretty amazing, that World Univ & Sch is in Google Maps / Street View :)  ...  

Languages-World Univ @sgkmacleod
Jan 20
Amazing how
 is in #GoogleStreetView Earth #TensorFlowAI, - & click on #GoogleMaps' link to see:
https://google.com/maps/place/World+University+%26+School/@37.8343827,-122.1635866,15z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0xbc76546d8b81c2e7!8m2!3d37.8343866!4d-122.163577 How can #WUaS best further develop online for #ActualVirtual #PhysicalDigital #genetics in a #WUaSlongevity #RealisticVirtualEarthForGenetics ?


* * 


Dear Stuart, All,  

How are you? Greetings in the New Year. (Just replied to Stuart's email today, - with the emails way down at the bottom:). Thanks for your clarification (and video) about the Crunluath A Mach fingering movement, Stuart! I hope this finds you well in the New Year, and with things settling down after a busy piping (I could think), friends and family season in recent weeks

As I continue to learn "Lament for the Old Sword" on the Scottish Small Pipes, I'm wondering about the Crunluath a Mach, and on D in particular. You play it so well and beautifully here - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1GL4y5xraw_HnU5k3-6PaAqarOLGsIDg8/view - but I turned to the College of Piping's Yellow Piobaireachd Tutor, V4, in Lesson 36 (on my page 46) - from the HA DAREM - to get some ideas for playing the Crunluath a Mach on D (and while it doesn't share how a D Crunluath a Mach is played), I infer that it's a B grace note in the middle of this movement that is played. Is that correct? (And is this by any chance a Braebach or a Fosgailte crunluath, to ask another uncertainty). 

It's quite an amazing and long string of 4 C and B and D Crunluath a Machs you play in a row at times here, and I'm simply asking how the D Crunluath a Mach in particular, and all of these Crunluath a Machs too are played. Thank you. 

Most favorite Piobaireachd in the whole wide world from Books 3, 4, and 7 of the Piobaireachd Society ?:) 

Best wishes, and Happy New Year (https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2021/12/euphorbia-heterophylla-wild-poinsetta.html - and World Univ & Sch is coming along, per this Season's Greeting as well:), 




Open Band (Berkeley) for Scottish Country Dancing on Mondays seems to have become a bit lost in Coronavirus non-Epidemic pandemic cyberspace (but am continuing to Tweet idea-generative-wise to all 6 of my Twitters ... https://twitter.com/PMStuartLiddell and am appreciating your backpack in the Twitter Pics here, Stuart:) ... and could Open Band become part of the Rock Piobaireachd Blues' Laments playing danceable music ahead, music which dances me (or people:)?  ... 

Mondays' #ScottishCountryDancing class in Berkeley @ St. Clement's may have begun again #DanceScottish #ScottishCountryDance  >https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Scottish_Country_Dancing


 #fun #fitness #friendship #TheOpenBand #ScottishDance more than #CeilidhDancing with https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Scottish_smallpipes_and_borderpipes… ~



Thanks so much! What are your favorite Piobaireachd of all these below? The most-est favorite in the very whole wide world :) Everyone? 

Again, in a learning vein, I think I would give the thumbs up to the first 2 or 3 tunes below - Desperate Battle of the Birds, and Beloved Scotland (but then when I hear Donald Macleod's Tutorial on Beloved Scotland, my opinion changes a bit - in liking Cusack's playing of it, interpretation-wise) ... and if I were a machine learning algorithm - which is perhaps what my experience of most beautiful, most lyrical, most melodious Piobaireachd music could be explored as ... and maybe I am becoming a machine learning algorithm :) ... And so too I may seek to listen to all 200-300 older or 'classic' Piobaireachds :)

But, since I have Piobaireachd Society book 7 (and 3 and 4 too), I wrote down all the tunes from it not in my initial Honey in the Bag tentative list, and am beginning to machine-learning wise find some more favorites (tunes I like more than others in vol 7 ... cool) 

Have done a kind of deep dive too into gathering together online recordings and Donald MacLeod Tutorials as well ... amazing trove of resources online ... have also begun to explore tunes with the MacLeod name in them, name-synchronicity-wise ... 

Am not getting yet to Rock Piobaireachd Blues' Laments in all of this yet, or - Rock Piobaireachd Blues _ ... but it's an edifying exploration 

Here's a tentative beginning my "Honey Piobaireachd" SSP album tune list presently, albeit may be seeking some more most beautiful, most lyrical, most melodious Piobaireachd to my ear before I create this album, as I continue to play some before heading to be every night ... 


The Desperate Battle of the Birds

John Burgess


Donald MacLeod Tutorial


Beloved Scotland, I Leave Thee Gloomy· 

Mike Cusack


Donald MacLeod Tutorial


Lament for the Old Sword

Stuart Liddell 


Donald MacLeod Tutorial


The MacFarlanes' Gathering 

Willie McCallum


Donald MacLeod Tutorial 


Corrienessan's Salute

Andrew Bonar 2010


Donald MacLeod Tutorial vol 9



Lament for Alasdair Dearg MacDonnell of Glengarry (Piobaireachd) - CoP V.4 Yellow Tutor

Bob Brown 


Major Gavin Stoddart Recital 2006: 4 of 4

"Lament for Alasdair Dearg MacDonnell of Glengarry"


Donald MacLeod Tutorial


Sir James MacDonald of the Isles (crunluath breabach)

Donald MacLeod


Donald MacLeod Tutorial


The Little Spree  (crunluath fosgailte)

Claus Reiss


Brent Tidswell


Donald MacLeod Tutorial


And having not played these very much at all, they are rising up in my experience ...  

The Lament for Mary Macleod - Piobaireachd

John Burgess



Donald MacLeod Tutorial


Clan Campbell's Gathering

Andrew Wright


Donald MacLeod Tutorial


Too long in this condition

Bob Brown 


William MacDonald


Donald MacLeod Tutorial


MacCrimmon's Sweetheart

Fred Morrison 


Donald MacLeod Tutorial


I got a kiss of the King's hand 

Roddy MacLeod


Donald MacLeod Tutorial


The MacLeod's Salute

Angus MacDonald 


Ally Crowley-Duncan


Donald MacLeod Tutorial


But perhaps not for upcoming Honey in the Bag SSP album, after all ... 

MacKintosh's Banner - CoP V.4 Yellow Tutor

Gary West


Donald MacLeod Tutorial


Glengarry's Lament - CoP V.4 Yellow Tutor

Claus Reiss


(A great ever so musical rock it out of the park recording of this? - by you Stuart perhaps?:)

Donald MacLeod Tutorial


The Company's Lament - CoP V.4 Yellow Tutor



(A great ever so musical rock it out of the park recording of this? - by you Stuart perhaps?:)

Donald MacLeod Tutorial


And maybe NOT these too, since I have Piobaireachd Society book 7 (and could begin too to list to PIobaireachdd from PS books' 3 and 4), which I wrote down all the tunes from it, ... and again am beginning to machine-learning wise find some more favorites (tunes I like more than others in vol 7 ... cool)

From Piobaireachd Society book 7 

The Vaunting

Alasdair Gillies


Donald MacLeod Tutorial


The old men of the shells (setting 1)

Roddy MacLeod 

https://vimeo.com/143726074 ?

Donald MacLeod Tutorial


The old men of the shells (setting 2)


The MacKay's Banner

Gordon Walker


Donald MacLeod Tutorial


The Stewarts' White Banner

John Patrick


Donald MacLeod Tutorial


Queen Anne's Lament


Donald MacLeod Tutorial


The parading of the MacDonalds


Donald MacLeod Tutorial


Clan Ranald's Salute


Donald MacLeod Tutorial


Finding some tunes with MacLeod in them too (but there's probably a ways to go in these regards :) ... 


didn't enjoy this tune so much either ... 

Old Woman's Lullaby Pibroch Piobaireachd Ceòl Mór

Donald MacLeod


Donald MacLeod Tutorial


Now how newly to make these last Piobaireachd SING musically such that listeners, both new listeners, and people who know Piobaireachd well, would be deeply touched somehow emotionally? Might we explore further possibly please this connecting potential in another lesson in the New Year, and perhaps in focusing on a single Piobaireachd? Thank you, Stuart!

Season's Greetings, and Happy Hogmanay, so, A Happy New Year to you when it comes!

! :) 


http://scottmacleod.com/piping.htm ~


https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/search/label/bagpiping ~

F, January 21, 2022

Dear Stuart, 

Thank you for your email. I've been continuing to learn Piobaireachd a bit with 'training wheels' (listening and playing with great recording interpretations on headphones, and of tunes I particularly like, human 'machine-learning'-wise). A bit in unison (I am seeking to play so at least), and pipe-band-ish in a sense, it's not an entirely 'conscious' way to learn ... but I keep playing these every night before going to bed. It keeps the facility in the fingers moving ahead for one ... Am particularly enjoying both (John D. Burgess's playing of the Desperate Bird Battle ... wee capercaillies perhaps?:), as well as Mike Cusack's playing of "Beloved Scotland" and wonder whether he learned this playing of Piobaireachd from John MacFadyen possibly (with whom I attended two summer camps in around 1974, 75 or '76) in North Carolina preceding I think the Grandfather Mountain Highland games. (Could Cusack and I have somehow even overlapped at one of these camps all those years ago, with me coming from Pennsylvania, and he from Texas I'd think ... vague neuronal firing memories ... but could perhaps ask if ever the opportunity). ... All toward the upcoming 2nd album of 'traditional' Piobaireachd (and possibly re-recording first album too ... all for learning explorations as well:) 

Looking forward to the 6/8 Marches' Topical (one of my favorite genres or forms of Light Music).

More about an evolving list of very most favorites in the whole wide world Piobaireachd tunes in another email (and I continue to greatly appreciate Lament for the Old Sword) - but continue to return to listening to Allman Brothers from the 1970s, and esp Grateful Dead from 1965-1979 ... and wondering about this and Piobaireachd :) for 3rd album with other people too. The shortened video clip you shared may have not come through in sync somehow (and will ask you perhaps about this at a future date). Thank you! 




One of these Toyota Partner Robots to come as a piper ... 

Toyota Partner Robots are a series of humanoid robots, debuted playing music on drums & trumpets at 2005 World EXPO in Aichi, Japan. There are 5 robots, most of which have different movement systems. Version 1, 2, 3, 4 & i-Foot - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toyota_Partner_Robot… - https://youtu.be/jJYsOsoBIZU ~


Am amazed that a trumpet-playing robot image is popping up here in Twitter :)


Am amazed and honored too that one Lovisa Herold (@lovisaherold), a Swedish writer, and journalist at Dagens Nyheter (Daily News?:)

and she followed me back on Twitter today @sgkmacleod Meet in Scotland perhaps ? :)

She seems like she could have a wonderful and smart vision for love even - something in her name too perhaps :)

Am continuing to seek a friend and life partner with whom to begin a family :)


This is also pretty amazing, that World Univ & Sch is in Google Maps / Street View :)  ...  

Languages-World Univ @sgkmacleod

Jan 20

Amazing how


 is in #GoogleStreetView Earth #TensorFlowAI, - & click on #GoogleMaps' link to see:

https://google.com/maps/place/World+University+%26+School/@37.8343827,-122.1635866,15z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0xbc76546d8b81c2e7!8m2!3d37.8343866!4d-122.163577 How can #WUaS best further develop online for #ActualVirtual #PhysicalDigital #genetics in a #WUaSlongevity #RealisticVirtualEarthForGenetics ?


* * * 

Hi Scott, 

Happy New Year!!

Please do forgive the delayed response - things went a little hectic for some reason this last wee while.  

The D crunluath is played using the B gracenote but in the a mach, it is not used.  (Quick shortened video attached as full length was too big a file for the email)

Hope all is well and I've put you down for the next topical on 6/8 march playing if that's ok.  



* * *  

WUaS Longevity Genetics' Institute

Scott MacLeod <sgkmacleod@gmail.com>

1:40 PM (8 hours ago)

to Sandy, Barbara, Ann, Susan, Larry, Ken, Claudia, Henry, Janie, Joan, John, Ed, Pin

Communards, Ma, Joan, All, 

Greetings and how are you? It would be great to learn your thinking about some of these ideas and questions ... and ... What do you think about living for another possible few centuries or more? 

So this is a mouse - 

https://twitter.com/techreview/status/1484401747330220033 - (and while I'm not sure if it could become a communard too:), it does have a patch of fur on its side, - while being ostensibly hairless otherwise. How could I or you reverse engineer this easily in a Google-Photoshop-like platform FOR genetics and per this #DogBirdHybrid ostensibly digital, but where the retweeted Bird-Axolotl Hybrid is a successful genetic engineering revolution experiment ...

  https://twitter.com/WorldUnivAndSch/status/1481314901167513600 ... And regarding the virtual digital and even a FilmTo3D App ... 

 And then learn how to add longevity genes to this same mouse too so that it could live 10 years and not just two... And then for you or I to do this mouse genetic engineering ourselves (thanks to a Google Street View with time slider Maps Earth TensorFlowAI Translate with realistic Avatar Bots Electronic Medical Records platform with Google SketchUp ) - AND then on ourselves, DIY, FOR LONGEVITY beyond 123  too even. Easy-peasy-like?:) 

Am wondering too if individuals from all 6 species I've mentioned for the World Univ and Sch's Commune farm-let Stanford Medicine animal hospital possibly in Canyon, too, could become communards - Human beings, Drosophila, chickens, dogs, bees, mice ... ? 

And with Glory Lane too who is a former resident at 670 Ridgecrest Rd Canyon for 4 years, and is GREAT, smart, female, too, and a RN as communard in one of 3 dwellings, and with connection to Kaiser Permanente health organization (and who also knows RN Lois Aldrich down the road in Canyon pretty well, AND who is a very long time Canyon critter, and also an old hippy, old soul, too:) ... And who might want to live another 5000 years too ? :) And could Glory also somehow know SF Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi (who may know a LOT of the SF BAY AREA craziness for decades)? Maybe ...

And could brilliant Ewan Birney (Cambridge Univ Prof of Genetics, and programmer -https://twitter.com/ewanbirney/status/1483888925802385421 - with possibly some Quaker background)

 and geneticist Elinor Karlsson (of the Broad institute at Harvard and MIT) both help with this building out a realistic virtual earth for genetics for longevity ... and regarding coding for all the folds in the brain at the molecular and cellular levels with machine learning & AI with their great knowledge... again for longevity - and aging reversal - at the WUaS Longevity Institute in Canyon  ... In one virtual whole earth, realistic virtual earth? ... Easy peasy like for DIY longevity and aging reversal :) and at age 1034 years from now too?

Glad Lovisa Herold journalist and writer from Sweden followed me back on Twitter today (https://twitter.com/lovisaherold/status/1484232827004719104

Fondly, Scott

Gene technology questions last 2 days + here too : 




- Scott GK MacLeod  

Founder, President, CEO & Professor

World Univ & Sch (WUaS) - PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 94516 

1) non-profit World University and School - http://worlduniversityandschool.org  

2) for profit general stock company WUaS Corporation in CA - http://worlduniversityandschool.org/AcademicPress.html

(o) 415 480 4577 - sgkmacleod@worlduniversiryandschool.org 

(m) 412 478 0116 - sgkmacleod@gmail.com 

World Univ & Sch Innovation Research -  scottmacleod.com


Scott MacLeod <sgkmacleod@gmail.com>

2:20 PM (7 hours ago)

to Janie, Joan, John, Ed, Pin, Sandy, Barbara, Ann, Susan, Larry, Ken, Claudia, Henry

Ma, John, Henry, Ed, All, 

Further, and how could these coding teams in the MIT Tech Review "This is a mouse ..." Article - 


 working on the genetics of reversal of baldness possibly provide the solution to aging reversal genetic engineering even?

There are probably huge markets of people interested who might reward such coding biologists and geneticists greatly too ...


How could the coding teams+ in this #MITTechReview article @geochurch @ewanbirney @eenork working on #BaldnessReversal #AgingReversal #GeneticEngineering help in 1 #RealisticVirtualEarthForGenetics?Probably are huge markets of people interested who might reward such #GeneCoders~







* *

Nice to talk Ma and hi from 1.8 miles up the hill (UU-wise) ... Wondering how you 'transformed' yourself into George's happiness getting a drink over Xmas, in my experiencing, still (almost like you're an actress becoming George :) ... Thanks for the words of encouragement to head out for a walk ... A further brainstorming to Ed about envisioning Canyon as an academic medical center in next message ... Love 💕, Scott


Here's the message: Hi Ed! Your call lead to me wondering about putting a new academic Stanford-Kaiser Permanente Medical Center with Warm Water Cure up on the ridge in Canyon 94516 ... with Air Conditioning (AC) ... and for Actual-virtual, Physical-digital research, including even talk MD psychiatry (with Chat Bot software too) ... And even with you as Medical Director ... And also to develop 331 million US Avatar Bot Electronic Medical Records and also the remainder of all 7.9 billion people on planet each a Wikidata Pin# :) ... WUaS Longevity Genetics' Institute too ... (And maybe Byron Hann MD could be a research director). ... :) Let's talk about this on Sunday :)


Am curious too about the transcendentalism inherent in UU Church thinking somehow ... Could my daily blog be read as an example of transcendental thinking :) ... Philosophy too;)?


- Scott GK MacLeod  
Founder, President, CEO & Professor
World Univ & Sch (WUaS) - PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 94516 
1) non-profit World University and School - http://worlduniversityandschool.org  
2) for profit general stock company WUaS Corporation in CA - http://worlduniversityandschool.org/AcademicPress.html

(m) 412 478 0116 - sgkmacleod@gmail.com 

World Univ & Sch Innovation Research -  scottmacleod.com 





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