2030 for aging reversal genetic drug therapies emerging...? FDA APPROVED possibly... What will we see before then? And available in WM's pharmacies and similar even? Will some aging reversal genetic drug therapies emerging as vitamins also be available simply on the shelf without a prescription needed? (& other musings:)
2030 for aging reversal genetic drug therapies emerging...? FDA APPROVED possibly... What will we see before then, Ma? And available in WM's pharmacies and similar even? Will some aging reversal genetic drug therapies emerging as vitamins also be available simply on the shelf without a prescription needed? ... at the Cragmont Park, - ... Sociality of that park was interesting ... 💕 Scott (http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2022/05/melaleuca-rigidifolia.html?m=0 :)
Or will genetic drug therapies emerging enter our body minds through a smartwatch patch, downloaded from the internet ... Genes as information ... "The four bases in DNA are adenine (A), cytosine (C), guanine (G), and thymine (T)" ... On the right molecular biology combinations:)
Hi to you and Peg, my two Unitarian UU smart friends from the UU Church of Kensington Berkeley... Lovely evening... Good not to be participating in this world... Pacific ocean was grand in Golden Gate Bridge National Recreation Area North of SF... How are you doing? How was the drive? Enjoy your visit on this Day of Mother's Days;) love 💞💕 Scott
Wednesday 5/11/22
Heading off for a 5000 mile maintenance for car, Ma - may stop at the Palo Alto Art Museum / Center started in 1971 and run by the City of Palo Alto 🙂 Hoping you're having a great day! Love, Scott
Ma, The Palo Alto Art Center was so nice ... Creative and with somewhat hippy art but the main room and the little one too were empty ...
Is no one seeing free art these days, Ma? Did you visit any museums with Peg? The Dumbarton Bridge over the south Bay on the way to Palo Alto was ALSO empty ... Both were kind of free spaces too ... A consequence of the Covid-19 pandemic self-quarantine possibly? ... Glad this vehicle is very reliable ... Took me across the country and back last summer... And that Toyota is a good engineering oriented Car maker... Am ongoing curious about a Toyota Proace Autonomous Vehicle Electric Van for sleeping (eg here are 2 videos of the 2022 "Toyota Proace Electric" - https://youtu.be/c3yTfCtHBYE and https://youtu.be/vDN3HSI_UHk) if and when it comes to the USA in 2023 or so ... The Toyota Sienna idea with slightly more planning and design I think ... Here's the blog post today http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2022/05/calibrachoa.html - and re some of our conversation:) 💕 Love, Scott
67 F in Mountain View CA and beautiful weather, on a sunny day :)
An opportunity for the WUaS Educational Services' Bookstores and Robot Stores? I walked over from Toyota Palo Alto and didn't have to wait for more than 30 minutes and get charged 300 for an 5000 mile maintenance like last year, instead getting a $105 estimate to a Cafe and there are 5 people behind the counter and 1 other customer in this Starbucks... The nearby REI and Bed Bath and beyonds
Big stores - closed and empty ... Is retail space open for a song potentially around the country and even in other countries due to the coronavirus pandemic? Could be :) How's your day going Ma? No news about Longevity Genetics' engineering revolution drug therapies or aging reversal but maybe WUaS will have to contribute to this science:) 💕 Scott
Ma, As a kind of ongoing ethnography, now there are a handful of people in this cafe, and a military guy in uniform walks in too ... interesting (and re possible 'protection' questions too ... Received an email from a former director of the Ben Lomond Quaker Center now at Haverford as director of student affairs :(:( - about whom I'm concerned regarding the illegal sex industry and even internationally - and it referred about a 'holy experiment' and I wonder whether this could refer to something too at the SF Quaker Meeting about which I whistle blew ... and regarding tragedy after possible tragedy ... ) ... Apparently the quarter zip pullovers I finally took the plunge to get online from Penney's arrived at 'unsafe house' north of Berkeley ... they were decent value ... will see if they fit ... 🙂 ... it occurred to me afterward to have inquired with Alden if he might have liked to have met for lunch today, ... maybe next time 🙂 Hoping you're doing well after Peg's visit 🙂 Love, Scott
The 'Holy Experiment' idea regarding Quakers, as you probably know, refers to Friends settling in Pennsylvania thanks to William Penn who received Penns' woods between 1681 and 1683 - https://www.quakersintheworld.org/quakers-in-action/8/The-Holy-Experiment-in-Pennsylvania - and in the state you call home, Ma! 🙂
But am a conscientious objector (CO ... even from Shady Side Academy and the draft card obligatory registration in 1979) regarding Quakers too ... and as a non-theist Friend in part, also a bit Yogic-ally inclined ... and am interested in develop Yoga genetics - http://www.scottmacleod.com/yoganotations.html - not only for suppleness (after the Olympic 'higher, faster, stronger' genetic drugs possibly come along probably) but well-being and culturally somehow in a society that is well too 🙂 Love, Scott
Ma, here's the Yoga genetics' idea in a recent blog post, from March 2022, as well as regarding ethics! - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2022/03/male-coho-salmon-oncorhynchus-kisutch.html🙂
Male coho salmon and Yoga genetics are an interesting combination to think about this somehow ... Could a MIT thinking possibility emerge like what I may have observed yesterday and wrote about here - ... http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2022/05/calibrachoa.html?m=0 ... Am hoping everything works out well here at Toyota Palo Alto... Sitting on a bench on a beautiful day outside :)
just now - Hi Ed 🙂 How are you doing today? Am exploring further abolition movement thinking ... And wondering what might emerge with protecting people innocents et Al and even regarding a possible directive from the district 7 California state senator's office in Orinda and regarding the WUaS Corporation and Work World University and School and potentially regarding moving back into Canyon again on May 29 ... Thanks for precipitating my moving back into Canyon for April 15th ... And happy Mother's day to you too! ❤️ Scott ... Love you, Scott
Yay! Got my vehicle, heading back north after they take the odometer out of kilometers per mile which it's been in since Pittsburgh last August when a tech there changed it :)
Stopped at Ikea on the way back in Palo Alto ... a store which design I'm appreciative of ... and for World Univ & Sch too ... and even in a Covid-19 pandemic downturn in the economy ... unlike many other stores ... Got a new dish drainer ... and hungry and at dinner time, got their new veggie hot dogs ... not bad 🙂 Appreciating your and Peg's Unitarian connections too that go back years ... Regarding the Ministry of Truth (which could be just the opposite ... sadly) that Gerd said the Biden administration was setting up ... appreciating some Unitarian focus on integrity, as well as Quaker and regarding SPICES, but realize that some people who identify with Friends may go in the opposite direction too, - and possibly tragically ... Here's the former clerk of the SF Quaker Meeting Chris Mohr on a Phil. Inquirer article on reparations that his Green Street Meeting in Philadelphia are exploring ... Appreciating the self examination here I think ...
Story in the @PhillyInquirer today about the work of my Quaker meeting's reparations committee to assist Black homeowners in #Germantown#Philly. #racialjustice#housingjustice#Quakershttps://t.co/05FUvpWm4R
— chrismsf (@chrismsf) April 25, 2022
Story in the
today about the work of my Quaker meeting's reparations committee to assist Black homeowners in #Germantown #Philly.
#racialjustice #housingjustice
Green Street Friends Meeting, a Quaker congregation in Germantown, wants to pay reparations to Black Philadelphians, and it's starting with housing assistance. https://t.co/iOWUzZHtsA
— The Philadelphia Inquirer (@PhillyInquirer) April 24, 2022
https://twitter.com/PhillyInquirer/status/1518262062962683904?s=20&t=PNEr5DeM7rFSzl-J_JQ1rA .. and check out the Tweet below Chris's on achieving better cars (Consumer Reports mentioned a new Toyota that gets 133 MPG :), Love, Scott (Great to hear that you had a good Mother's Day and visit with Peg:)
Ma, here's Gerd Moe-Behrens' Ministry of Truth post on Minds.com ... 'GerdMB : Biden Administration Creates ‘Ministry of Truth’
The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has quietly set up a Disinformation Governance Board to oversee what information is and isn’t “truthful”.
Heading up this new “Ministry of Truth” is Nina Jankowicz, a “Russian disinformation expert” who in her spare time sings show tunes about disinformation and erotic Harry Potter songs on TikTok.
Jankowicz is herself known for spreading disinformation. She called the Hunter Biden laptop story a “fairytale” and “Russian disinformation,” and she’s openly opposed to free speech and anti-censorship efforts.
In her book, “How to Lose the Information War,” Jankowicz criticized Poland’s efforts to eliminate censorship of conservatives on social networks, and called for the U.S. government to regulate and conduct oversight of people who disagree with the Democratic party on Twitter.
Every dictatorship and autocracy has had a ministry of truth, a department of propaganda, and Biden has now joined them. May 1, 2022, GOP Rep. Lauren Boebert introduced a bill to immediately defund and terminate the Disinformation Governance Board.
https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2022/05/09/ministry-of-truth.aspx' Gerd is citing lots of interesting critical of Covid-19 websites on his Minds' feed, but not sure if you can see them if you don't have an account... 💕, Scott
Here's the actual link to the post on GerdMB's Feed -https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1370552299646095362?referrer=scottworldunivandsch ... (And here's my Minds.com feed - https://www.minds.com/scottworldunivandsch/ ... And which you'll find here ScottMacLeod.com ... but am not posting there much at all... Brighteon
is also interesting both of which I learned of from Gerd when he left Twitter (I don't understand fully why yet:).
How's your day going, Ma? The quarter zip St. John's Bay pullovers came fairly efficiently from JC Penney's, and good value at >$23 each, but they aren't the quarter zip St. John's Bay pullover I'm wearing presently, that I was looking for, and that became unavailable in the storefront in the east Bay a year or 2 ago ... I'll probably go with these, and it's a different issue that popped up with Penney's mail order than I anticipated might ... but so it goes ... (I might however explore bringing them back to the storefront I've been to before, and on the off chance they did NOW have the more fuzzy fluffy soft warm ones I'm looking for, could try to exchange them ... but this storefront hasn't been carrying these fluffy ones for a year or two, any longer) ... Gonna schedule an annual checkup with MD at KP soon, having gotten the car maintenance yesterday, and regarding organizations not going awry in this curious new cultural world post-coronavirus pandemic quarantine where the Covid-19 pandemic itself, since March of 2020 or so, may be a response to a pretty messed up world where effective psychiatry and with much better science and thinking then too could have been something to have wished for, but may be emerging now as well - and here again is the Himalayan Monal blog post from 4/1/20 in some of these regards ... http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2020/04/himalyan-monal-how-are-harbin-hot.html Love, Scott
Hi Ma, did you have a good day? Went over physically 45 minutes just now through most Alhambra like ranch lands and very beautiful to JC Penny and to ask about an exchange for the 4 1/4 zip SJB pullovers ... talking with 2 people... No luck with getting possibly the fleece ones (may be for winter) ... So I may just go with the new ones... Good Fettes College pipe band reunion today ... with 8 Pipers & drummers and playing with in a new way ... Quite Scottish... Karen Jones who's a head at Fettes was present and great... Could lead also to students at WUaS even for the undergrad Free degrees (with Scottish parliament reimbursement even?) ... Ed texted right after and mentioned the advantage of having a 2 month and 3 month lease here in the safe house north of Berkeley... Glad he's thinking about this, and could he even also communicate with the COUNTY? Having scheduled a physical appointment for a routine check up for June 3 thru KP ... could this being Health and Human Services money to the county for my health insurance? A new thought... And would the county play a role in a lock up and salvage house' approach with 670 Canyon. Ed also asked about possible medical Care on the east coast of I had sought asylum there beginning May 1 ... And I replied that KP.org has clinics West of the Cascades in Oregon if I had headed to New England via Oregon but better alive and without health insurance than otherwise by sticking around the SF Bay Area (and re probably getting police protection on Easter Sunday 4/17/22 ...) ... Will see if I head back into Canyon again by May 29... If it's safe and possibly getting better (gentrification?) ... Soon after Ed's text KP sent a generic email about Forest Bathing and it occurs to me that Ed who's Chief Medical Officer at least in writing at WUaS could be a liaison between KP and the WUaS Academic Medical Center with Warm Water Cure and Physical-Digital experiments and in East Bay MUD ... :) Hoping you're day was good Ma, Love 💕 Scott
Good morning Ma! How was your week and how are you? Appreciating you in so many ways ... glad I think to schedule an appt with Dr DeL at Kaiser Permanente health organization and regarding possible abolition movement thinking as well as even longevity genetics questions and even aging reversal genetic engineering revolution drug therapies emerging. In what ways could WUaS help with this in an emerging Academic Medical Center with Work World University and School Longevity Genetics'Institute too? In conversation with Ed Smyth MD and as Academic Medical Officer at WUaS, and Sid Mazumdar and regarding Harvard and MIT Prof of Genetic's George Church's thinking .. and with Kaiser Permanente health organization itself ... To be seen when I meet with Dr DeL ...
And could somehow a life partner emerge from connecting further with Fettes College and its Karen Jones in particular ... with a Scottish accent? To be seen as well ... What are you up to this weekend ☺️? Love ❤️, Scott
An attractive woman who is also possibly becoming a MD TOO... And who is seeking. ... How could being president of Work World University and School help with this?
Ed's message yesterday... With Work World University and School being in Google Street View with time slider Maps Earth TensorFlowAI in Canyon 94516 -https://maps.app.goo.gl/MmHi19YQMcWegSqe9 - GREAT PLACE - makes me wonder when I might move back into a safe Canyon... 💕 Love, Scott
Friday, 5/13/22
Ma, am tempted to head to Travertine Hot Springs on the east side of the Sierra mountains 5 hours and 20 minutes one way tomorrow setting alarm for 6am and out the door by 7, back in the evening... but wishing I had a Toyota Proace Autonomous vehicle electric van for sleeping, except that battery storage allows only a ~180 miles trip in 2020 for a Nissan electric van... In my little Toyota Prius C hybrid newly safe I could sleep in freezing mountain weather on an angle, not quite enough room to stretch out fully ... So may explore driving 11 hours tomorrow since the east side of the Sierra is wild and beautiful... Don't know of any natural hot springs closer ... And sorry Sunheart passed away at Harbin Hot Springs (who was a friend, an informant and maybe a kind of protector Avatar even since he knew Harbin so well and had developed his own fascinating New Age ways of navigating it :) On to explore other Hot Springs and potentially create a Harbin Hot Springs field site generation warm water cure on East Bay MUD forested lands near Canyon soonish ... How are you and how was your week? Much love, Scott
Could even explore taking off in an hour or so to Travertine Hot Springs and potentially sleeping somehow in the car along the way with two sleeping bags and a Thermarest camping pad under me ... Might be a good adventure 🙂 💕 Love, Scott
* *



#GoogleIO | Google announced the launch of Pixel watch with the WearOS and Fitbit integration. Here's all you need to knowhttps://t.co/aAttrgfHju
— Hindustan Times Tech (@HTTech) May 12, 2022
* * *
Hi Ed, I think WUaS has coding support from Peter Norvig and Google Education like Brendan Chen... And the Scratch programming language projects team too. Good news! Got a basketball yesterday... Went to Cragmont Park, put on running shoes... Quite a gathering on top, with a bit too much alcohol on the tables ... But the tiny basketball courts was open ... Good to shoot hoops a little ...am now going to try the hoops at the Arlington Blvd Park :) wanna shoot basketballs at a Hoop sometime? :)
Hi Ed 🙂 How are you doing today? Am exploring further abolition movement thinking ... And wondering what might emerge with protecting people innocents et Al and even regarding a possible directive from the district 7 California state senator's office in Orinda and regarding the WUaS Corporation and Work World University and School and potentially regarding moving back into Canyon again on May 29 ... Thanks for precipitating my moving back into Canyon for April 15th ... And happy Mother's day to you too! ❤️ Scott
Ed, here's part of a Google I/o talk at Shoreline today
8/ These were just a few things we shared -- we also announced updates across Maps, YouTube, Google Workspace and more! You can catch the TL;DR here: https://t.co/fKSTFblWNH
— Sundar Pichai (@sundarpichai) May 12, 2022
... inspiring to me. What do you think? :) (Retweeted it here ...
Glad free Bachelor PhD Law MD IB school degrees w CC-4 LICENSED COMPUTER SCIENCE 'CS FIRST WITHGOOGLE AT WUaS' - https://t.co/BJghLgBdeT for you @WorldUnivAndSch are growing w CC-4 LICENSED https://t.co/oiaDyg42Rv on-line resources Email Meeting@ https://t.co/jyHAe7YBhq for info
— Scott_GK_MacLeod_WUaS_worlduniversityandschool.org (@scottmacleod) May 11, 2022
https://twitter.com/scottmacleod/status/1524409099806408705 :)
Ed, re organizations not going too awry post pandemic (and having just gotten the 5000 mile maintenance done at a Toyota place yesterday) ... just texted my mother: "Gonna schedule an annual checkup with MD at KP soon, having gotten the car maintenance yesterday, and regarding organizations not going awry in this curious new cultural world post-coronavirus pandemic quarantine where the Covid-19 pandemic itself, since March of 2020 or so, may be a response to a pretty messed up world where effective psychiatry and with much better science and thinking then too could have been something to have wished for, but may be emerging now as well - and here again is the Himalayan Monal blog post from 4/1/20 in some of these regards ... http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2020/04/himalyan-monal-how-are-harbin-hot.html" ... and ALSO successfully booked a routine checkup over the phone with my KP MD, Dr. J.L.D., whom I've seen before, - on F June 3, having first sought to schedule a routine checkup via KP.org ... but was offered the option to see a Dr. N.C MD ??? ... and no option to communicate with Dr. JLD's office ... KP.org's information technologies seem to working 🙂 given that I'm living in an 'unsafe house' - and had communicated with Dr. JLD thru the KP website about this too:) ... How are you doing, Ed? My cousin Gerrard MacLeod MD and his wife Minna are heading off to SW Uganda soon ... from Savannah Georgia ... on a hospital mission of a sort ... with an organization called Savanda.org ... and the KP representative I spoke with said her name was Savannah ... all interesting language 🙂 Fond regards, Scott
Thanks for your text, Ed ... yes, glad to be seeing Dr JLDL, who went to Stanford as undergraduate (about which I'm appreciative smarts-wise, MD networking communications-wise, and culture-wise (at times) too) ... Daily meditation 'practice' is good, and not really chaotic at all ... Navinchandra's word is 'chaotic,' but I wonder whether this is even a Ramanand word, re Navin's son who also does Yoga ... and maybe re Navin's practices, and possibly partly as projection or transference, re here in this cold basement dwelling in the past possibly ... somehow ... That written, I wonder about the consequences of whistle-blowing from 2017 and calling the Moraga police too ... and also regarding calling for abolition, abolishing the wrongful buying and selling of people, ... and the chaotic culture - such as in Canyon I think - that creates such chaotic entanglements, and regarding too my agency in navigating all of this and regarding an ethical conscientious objection (Quaker-wise too ... I took a CO stance in 1979 regarding the newly required chaotic draft registration that was reinstated at the time, by writing this on the card that I protest, giving partial information, and sending a card documenting my CO status to War Resister's League and AFSC too on Cherry St in Philadelphia at the time ... and this information was saved by the federal government when in 2001-2003 I was at UCSB and seeking to apply for a FIFO or similar grant) ... Calling for change for good I suppose can lead to a kind of chaos in one's life I suppose ... and I may ask Dr. JLD about this - thanks for the good thinking, and glad the coding of the KP information technologies at KP.org and on phone worked out the way they did, and that I scheduled an appt. ... Thanks too for the info re the 1 month and 3 month combined leases here thanks to Navin and regarding your communications, Ed ... Yes, and in thinking about seeking asylum (due primarily to criminal mentally ill previous landlord t.w.) at the end of April, and both in New England, and possibly via Oregon (and I had noted that KP.org is there west of the Cascades) ... and potentially regarding saving my life even (re previous potentially murderous landlord in Canyon 94516, who may still be at large, after the 1970s and having gotten away with it) ... and in calling the Moraga police again in 9/2020 ... was that asylum even without a health organization - if alive - would indeed be the better option ... Hoping that calling for the abolition of the illegal sex (re Navin, too, even? ... in that for ex. 'gig economy law,' as far as I know isn't yet law) and drug industries and their latent networks of violence, that state of California, federal and even international law systems, all working together, to protect innocent people, kids, women, others, can begin to be EFFECTIVE ... and CHANGE a very chaotic culture of criminals (in Canyon, regarding SF Quaker Meeting, at Harbin, even at Stanford, UC Berkeley Law, Cal, and Reed College) and their latent networks of violence ... REALISTICALLY, maybe such chaotic cultures can be set back significantly ... and maybe the coronavirus non-epidemic meme self-quarantine pandemic has helped ... but am glad that calling for abolition may be working (and if I probably did police protection on Sun 4/17/22 ... and with changing law enforcement agencies too ... and even since the 1970s or before in California ... that more chaos may be lessening) ... Working law and law enforcement systems in the information age newly ... may gradually begin to reduce the cultures of crime, n'est-ce pas? Thanks for your email. ... Interesting to play in the Fettes College pipe band in a way just now on Zoom video ... and in a kind of innovative way ... who would have thought? ... and somehow engaging a British Scottish not too seemingly chaotic culture (which I rebel against too, as a kind of hippy in 1977-78 there, and also in 2003-04 there) ... but am appreciative of ... Maybe an emergent culture in the SF Bay Area that's law abiding and caring of people can emerge further post-pandemic and regarding agency in the chaos ??? Thanks for your thoughtful text ... And maybe the WUaS Academic Medical Center in a smartphone and from possibly the ridge in Canyon can offer ever improving telemedicine building on even KP.org's experiences with telemedicine. I had the option to choose this telemedicine option in scheduling a KP.org appt., but not necessarily with Dr. JLDeL... (1st L stands for Luis) ... but chose the in-person option for a variety of reasons, and even regarding living STILL in this now what I'm calling 'un-safe house' north of Berkeley, if Canyon former landlord for example, isn't in a secure retirement facility or similar ... A long text message, and thanks for your email, and am curious too to see what unfolds and even regarding moving out of here north of Berkeley by May 29, 2022 ... :) Fond regards, Scott
(Regarding a hospital in Uganda and Gerrard and Minna's trip there - http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2022/05/african-skimmer.html - and even a possible WUaS collaboration, and potentially with you as chief medical officer, at least written down so, at World Univ & Sch, Ed:)