Channel: Scott MacLeod's Anthropology of Information Technology & Counterculture
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Eastern Sierra mountains: Travertine Hot Springs East of the Sierra mountains was amazing - http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2022/05/travertine-hot-springs-california-on.html * * * Virtual India ~ #VirtualIndia ~ for classrooms and STEM field sites? ... #VirtualUSA too? :) ... Street View turns 15 with a new camera and fresh features * * * WUaS migration journey to Wikibase.cloud and 200 brand new WUaS Universities, and 200 online world class libraries emerging, in countries languages with this? * * * * Stanford US-ATMC Weekly: Featuring 5/24 What the Rise of Asia VC Means for Silicon Valley (ATMC - Asia Technology Management Center) ... Panel Conversation

Next: Royal antelope: In seeking to be the Harvard of the internet & with Dialogue as Conference_Method_of_Teaching_and_Learning central, a campus eg here iterating in #StreetView w #TimeSlider https://maps.app.goo.gl/Jkz6CX96NaDduFd29 in a whole #RealisticVirtualEarth for #WUaSSTEMFieldSites too, and with ~200 Countries, EACH a Univ., in nation states' main Languages ... for free CC-4 OCW.MIT.EDU -centric degrees * * * Pi Network KYC Verification (with 'Know Your Customer' 3rd party App) ... and Identity questions as well - for all 7.9 billion people on the planet potentially at WUaS, in ~200 countries and for speakers of 7,151 living languages, for wiki free universal education, and to end poverty? * * * Pi Network KYC Verification (with 'Know Your Customer' 3rd party App) ... and Identity questions as well - for all 7.9 billion people on the planet potentially at WUaS, in ~200 countries and for speakers of 7,151 living languages, for wiki free universal education, and to end poverty?
Previous: Potentilla hippiana: What's the next mind-blowing development for a MacBook computer laptop operating system? ... #PhysicalDigital #RealisticVirtualEarthForRobotics, and for (WUaS) Lego Robotics too (& part of the 'Omniverse') * * * Kaiser Permanente-WUaS collaboration? Tweet ... re collaboration #AgingReversal genetics #Longevity for 122+ years for humans? How could @WorldUnivAndSch #AcademicMedicalCenter with Warm Water Cure and #PhysicalDigital experiments and #WUaSLongevity Genetics' Institute in #Canyon94516 best collaborate w #KaiserPermanente health organization? * * * WUAS Introduction, Ed Smyth MD (CMO) & Larry Viehland (CFO), ALL * * Wikibase.Cloud scheduled migration delays (continued, now to beginning of June for WUaS Wikibase.cloud) * * * Drug pipeline 1Q22-gene therapies? ... and at WUaS too in Canyon and even collaborating with Open Targets ... in 1 realistic virtual earth, think Google Street View with time slider from the WUaS Academic Medical Center ... * Notable drug approvals 1Q22 "Vabysmo (faricimab-svoa)/Roche/Genentech - Wet age-related macular degeneration 1/31/2022 FDA approves this humanized * Richard Robb MD, Harvard professor of Ophthalmology , family friend since I was a baby ... and potentially interested in the above genetic ophthalmology Tweet, and related developments, for wet age-related macular degeneration ... * * * iNaturalist, and 'Seek' by iNaturalist, Apps' messages and collaboration with Kaiser Permanente with WUaS Academic Medical Center for Physical-Digital field sites and a #FilmTo3D App at the cellular level too?

Travertine Hot Springs East of the Sierra mountains was amazing - http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2022/05/travertine-hot-springs-california-on.html ~

Scott MacLeod <sgkmacleod@gmail.com>

4:35 AM (18 hours ago)

to Jane, Ed, Pin, Claudia, Larry, Alden, Barbara, David, Susan, Henry, Marc, Em4ofa@aol.com, David, John, Hugh, lillianbthomas, Heather, Joan, Matt, Scott, Nancy, Mike, Craig, Richard, David

Ma, All,

Travertine Hot Springs East of the Sierra mountains was amazing on Sat. 5/14/22 - http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2022/05/travertine-hot-springs-california-on.html - and as was the road traveling over the Sonora pass at 9000 feet.. And how BEST also to almost instantly turn it into a virtual place to soak in (from our home bathtub) and to visit and even for Ethnographic and STEM field work TOO - in the back of emerging digital glasses or mask? Here's a pair of incredible Google glasses for translation 


(from http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2022/05/cordia-macleodii-rock-concert-video.html) - 

and similar innovation will develop further for visiting places, a focus of my #ActualVirtual Harbin Hot Springs' simulacra and on East Bay MUD forested lands near Canyon 94516 too and soonish, I think.


virtual Harbin label in daily blog 



Jane MacLeod

8:01 AM (14 hours ago)

to me

HI Scott,

Your visit to Travertine Hot Springs East sounded wonderful.  What beautiful spaces exist.   So glad you take advantage of places like that.  

From my perspective as your Mother, it would seem so sensible to stay where you are (signing a lease of some duration, if at all possible, and keeping the arrangement with your Landlord simple: eg ''I am looking to move at some point; I’ll give you plenty of notice’  — and offering no more information than that. That leaves you with the possibility that Canyon will at some point be a reasonable place to move and, in the meantime, you won’t have to go through all the work to find another place.  Next Winter you may have to offer to pay a little extra to cover the increasing charges for electricity, or maybe it will happen in the form of a rent increase which would be ok too.  

Love, Ma


Scott MacLeod <sgkmacleod@gmail.com>

9:35 AM (13 hours ago)

to Ed, Pin, Larry, Claudia, Henry, Jane

Hi Ma and Ed and Pin and Henry AND Larry,

Thanks for your email, Ma, and thinking about the Canyon PO BOX RENEWAL for the World Univ and Sch WUaS Corporation and taxes.

As you may have read, I currently have 2 concurrent lease agreements for the 'un-safe house' north of Berkeley with Navinchandra Doshi. They are for 1 month of May, but through May 29th, AND for 3 months through July 31 2022. It's an unusual set of lease agreement letters, taking into consideration my seeking to move back into Canyon again as a project, and Navin Doshi and I have already talked about my not moving out of 1749 Arlington Blvd by May 29. So as I continue to communicate with Ed, and Larry, and Kim and Pin, and the district 7 California state senator's office in Orinda, - and with the CA FRANCHISE TAX BOARD (CA FTB) playing a role in this too (with the WUaS Corporation having paid $2930.98 last November 2022 and $800 in March - I think that the state of California and federal government legal processes working together and to protect people from potential Canyon criminal mentally ill former landlords, that the possibility of moving back into Canyon again on around August 1 will emerge. 

Glad too Ed called me a few weeks ago and in talking unusually at length twice (since the call dropped in the middle) to talk about my moving back into Canyon, he suggested that the state of California was doing well financially and for example wouldn't need to seek compensation for the Canyon house. Might this mean that I and WUaS could get it for a song (possibly given its questionable ownership)? AMAZING FREE CC-4 LICENSED MIT OCW-CENTRIC WORLD UNIV AND SCH WIKIS and WUAS Academic Medical Center with Warm Water Cure and Physical-Digital experiments and WUaS Longevity Genetics' Institute with 6 species for Physical-Digital aging reversal genetic drug therapies emerging could begin to develop.

Travertine Hot Springs east of the Sierra mountains and traveling over the Sonora pass was wonderful Ma, and will be fun to explore this and other Hot Springs again (like possibly Miracle Springs in the Kern Valley south of here) and even regarding virtual Harbin Hot Springs' simulacra and physical-digital anthropological project. 

Thanks for your communication Ma, and regarding next steps for living in the SF Bay Area and possibly in Canyon again in August. 



Hi Ma and Ed and Pin and Henry AND Kim & Larry,

Just shared this with my mother in text messaging: 

Hi Ma, Thanks for your email this morning ... although there have been a number of lease extensions here on Arlington Blvd north of Berkeley - am operating on the 4th and 5th presently 🙂 - I think that approximately 2 months and a week (or 9 weeks), in the last 5th lease agreement, could be enough time for the state of CA and the federal government - as agencies even - to synchronize their efforts at making Canyon further a safe place ... and potentially for me to move into a safe Canyon (and per John Sargent MD's thinking too) around August 1, 2022 ... thanks again so much for thinking about this situation and sharing your thinking, Ma. Love, Scott



This was just shared too in an India Google Education Group (GEG Punjab and Amritsar) on WhatsApp chat on smartphone - 

Street View turns 15 with a new camera and fresh features 


WUaS reply: 

Thanks for sharing this ~Tejal. Rock concert video here with #GoogleIO 2022 with Sundar Pichai leading this about Street View and PLACES - https://youtu.be/CWTm0ccfZe4 (access from this blog post http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2022/05/cordia-macleodii-rock-concert-video.html in daily blog) ... A #VirtualIndia ahead ... And as virtual classrooms and STEM FIELD SITES POTENTIALLY and for travel all over India in Different ways in Street View Greetings, Scott (Work Wiki WorldUniversityandSchool.org in Street View with time slider Maps Earth TensorFlowAI Translate and with Avatar Bots Electronic Medical Records and Project Baseline at the WUAS ACADEMIC MEDICAL CENTER ... on Ridgecrest in Canyon California 94516 in SF BAY AREA ~

https://maps.app.goo.gl/e4M1gjTGXtPFMutq5 which is growing in Google Street View)

AM AMAZED THAT WORLD UNIV & SCH IS in Google Street View here in this virtual earth - https://maps.app.goo.gl/e4M1gjTGXtPFMutq5 - and that one can begin to 'walk' around here too :)

A Virtual Harbin Hot Springs' physical simulacra for virtual FIELD SITE GENERATION (more generally too ... ie for archaeology, and telerobotics' surgery in people's homes ... so homes as both STEM field sites ... and hospitals & surgery operating rooms too:)


Possibly Karen Brennan at 

Harvard Graduate School of Education just tweeted, and here's WUaS's re-Tweet:

The big day is almost here! 🎓

Alums & all educators, what advice do you have for #HGSE22 as they graduate? Share some wise words in the comments.


Teaching opens amazing opportunities for your students. Explore deeply w language, connect w your students, engage developing information technology & Google IT. Be ethical: Aristotelian ethics: what Eudaimonia is, what Virtue is, & That We Become Better Persons Through Practice? #HGSE22




What do you think?


Hi Ma, Ed, All, 

Nice to talk just now, and glad you see that I'm operating curiously under 2 concurrent leases presently - thru May 29th, which won't work and I've already talked with Navin about this, and through July 31st.  Hoping to move into Canyon then ... and you mentioned the word 're-model' and I wonder whether a remodel project could be going on at 670 Ridgecrest Road, Canyon, CA, presently too, and with a cooling system ... Ed?

After talking with you, Ma, I deleted the 2 HGSE - https://twitter.com/hgse/status/1529150241999622144 re-Tweets below (am speculative, and wonder even what's under that HGSE flower bed, in front of those concrete buildings, re a further form of whistle-blowing even ... & re abolition concerns too) 

... and also regarding the MacLeod Cuttyhunk house for example ... and making Cuttyhunk great and safe and good again too ... 

Good luck in getting a thread and needle that Jean Thomas can see ... although she doesn't have macular degeneration, here's another fascinating genetic drug therapy, I think, for this (and see below too): 

Notable drug approvals 1Q22 "Vabysmo (faricimab-svoa)/Roche/Genentech -Wet age-related macular degeneration 1/31/2022 FDA approves this humanized bispecific IgG1 mAb that binds VEGF-A on one arm & angiopoietin-2 on other"https://www.nature.com/articles/s41587-022-01310-5 #AgingReversal #WUaSAgingReversal~



Abolition-ally (since 1833 in GB and 1862 in USA  - re state, federal, & international law too), Friendly regards, 



Deleted HGSE re-Tweets - 

Congratulations #HGSE22! Teaching opens amazing opportunities for your students (https://twitter.com/WorldUnivAndSch/status/1529342361565732865?t=EXMvRXsu0OQmypxK93kqqQ) Explore deeply w language, connect w students, engage in developing information technology & w Google IT (eg TensorFlowAI) & wiki-add here https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Educational_Software ~Be ethical



Teaching opens amazing opportunities for your students. Explore deeply w language, connect w your students, engage developing information technology & Google IT. Be ethical: Aristotelian ethics: what Eudaimonia is, what Virtue is, & That We Become Better Persons Through Practice? #HGSE22



Drug pipeline 1Q22-gene therapies? Nature BioTech? "Next quarter will see many recombinant replacement enzymes, gene & cell therapies being considered for registration"


https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Genetics /Pharmacology #AgingReversal #WUaSAgingReversal

genetic drugs?








Notable drug approvals 1Q22 "Vabysmo (faricimab-svoa)/Roche/Genentech -Wet age-related macular degeneration 1/31/2022 FDA approves this humanized bispecific IgG1 mAb that binds VEGF-A on one arm & angiopoietin-2 on other"https://www.nature.com/articles/s41587-022-01310-5 #AgingReversal #WUaSAgingReversal~








Tweet from 1.31.22

new genetic drugs in pipeline?

"Drug pipeline 3Q21—mixed news for genetic therapies"

Nature Biotechnology v39, pp 1326–1328 (2021)

https://nature.com/articles/s41587-021-01119-8 > 

https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Genetics - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Pharmacology What might #AgingReversal #WUaSAgingReversal

genetic drugs look like?


Dear Ma, All, 

Glad you enjoyed 'vicariously' my Travertine Hot Springs' adventure! :)

Regarding this camera and further iterations of a realistic virtual earth in Street View at WUaS - 

"Street View turns 15 with a new camera and fresh features" 

But unlike house cats, it’s ready to be taken to remote islands, up to the tops of mountains or on a stroll through your local town square.

Street View’s newest camera featuring a blue top and two camera lenses and a metallic bottom with vents

Here’s a quick look at our new Google Street View camera system 2022:

See, too this Google Street View car with this camera on top - 

and camera again - 


Could this new Google Street View camera be taken to physical Travertine Hot Springs, and also placed around physical or the actual Harbin Hot Springs' pool area too, and placed around like on speaker poles at Rock concerts in some cases, or like owls on roosts on tree limbs too (and how long would they stream data ... it's the webcam idea all over, also on cars ... ) ... and to Cuttyhunk and placed around the 670 Ridgecrest Canyon 94516 corners of the house, shop, and around the corners of the property too ... to begin further to create even a virtual Travertine Hot Springs, and virtual Harbin Hot Springs ... and importantly coded for privacy and similar for scientific research (when to wear a Covid-19 mask in an ongoing way is an interesting question :) ) ... and stream its information into a realistic virtual earth for anthropology and everything ...  like Google Street View with Time Slider ... and since according to this Google blog post, Google Street View only goes back to 2007 ... how could World Univ & Sch collaborate with the  Google Street View with TIME SLIDER information technologies ... for an iterating realistic virtual earth for history  and geology back even 4.6 billion years? :)

Could learn about Travertine Hot Springs' AMAZING rock formations through all of this, geologically in Google Street View with time slider in a realistic virtual earth for geology, and about the eastern Sierra mountains in the distance too ... and all while soaking sometimes in the free mostly natural beautiful Travertine Hot Springs (managed by the National Forest Service even )

Who wants to visit Travertine Hot Springs virtually ... then physically ? :))

Fond regards, Scott

-- Poetry! Order Book #5 Light, Float, Sit, Watsu ~ Virtually

Scottish Small Piping album #1 Honey in the Bag ~ Out of the Air tune

Order Actual-Virtual Ethnographic Book #1: Naked Harbin Ethnography 

- Scott GK MacLeod  
Founder, President, CEO & Professor
World Univ & Sch (WUaS) - PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 94516 
1) non-profit World University and School - http://worlduniversityandschool.org  
2) for profit general stock company WUaS Corporation in CA - http://worlduniversityandschool.org/AcademicPress.html

(m) 412 478 0116 - sgkmacleod@gmail.com 

World Univ & Sch Innovation Research -  scottmacleod.com 

* * 

Hi Ma, Thanks for your email this morning ... although there have been a number of lease extensions here on Arlington - am operating on the 4th and 5th presently 🙂 - I think about 2 months and a week, in the last 5th lease agreement, could be enough time for the state of CA and the federal government to synchronize their efforts at making Canyon a safe place ... and potentially for me to move into a safe Canyon (and per John Sargent MD's thinking too) around August 1 ,2022 ... thanks again so much for thinking about this situation and sharing your thinking. Love, Scott


Did you find the needle and thread? 🙂 Thanks for talking ... and re I think the 3 months' lease now ... Keeping things simple in iterating growing communication networks with history, and regarding abolition too, might involve a further focus on Friendly Quaker simplicity perhaps 🙂 I already have a history of communication with Navinchandra ... and as he relates to his communication networks in the SF Bay Area since around 1973 ... so perhaps teaching from a Friendly Quaker education perspective, and at CC-4 MIT OCW-centric World Univ & Sch could further facilitate keeping things simple 🙂 Sending love, Scott


You asked when we talked just now if I had both meditated and practiced by Scottish Small Pipes (for upcoming second album of Piobaireachd) ... and yes now I have played pipes (earlier than always just before bed) ... 

Pulled out these snare drum settings which I got a few weeks ago in a Fettes College Pipe Band tune-in, and for the first time ever, played with them, about 5 out the 6 tunes, by memory ...

Fettes Festival Drum Scores


the Youtube stream streamed into this Allman Bros 1973 concert just like that - https://youtu.be/DNAmXz8kc6I - which I have in mind playing Piobaireachd with in a 3rd album ... but which I explored riffing with in new ways that kinda worked ... since it's in A and thus works with the 9 note mixolydian pipes' SSP Chanter scale (which A note actually tunes to an A on a digital tuner)  ... and I was kind of playing by ear in 'call and response' to respond to things I heard ... 


The enjoyable 'The Battle of Auldearn' new Piobaireachd piece lacks a complete 'set of training wheels' online, Ma 🙂 ... will have to begin to both 1) separate from playing with recordings, and 2) separate from playing with sheet music, as I internalize these Piobaireachd great music further, and play freely 🙂 ... and toward my upcoming SSP album ... 🙂 (scottmacleod.com/piping.htm) ... Love, Scott (may begin to play earlier in the day as well:)


Put on a hippie shirt under my new orange rose all cotton Penny's 1 4 zip SJB pullover (and all 4 are working out well) ... Lost about 20 lbs in a few weeks from 212 to ~ 192 with slightly low energy but better blood flow ... Could be aiming for 176 but stop at 184 and re upcoming annual physical check up at KP in 2 Fridays ... Fogged in here outside but may go play a little basketball for the movement in the slightly social Cragmont Park... With recent developments with the WUaS migration journey to WIKIBASE.cloud I think WUaS has the beginning of 200 online Universities beginning with Ghana Work World University and School and in the Dagbani language and others and maybe even team members with Wikimedians ... MOMENTOUS ... a new world for WUAS. ... (More here re 200 world class research libraries re WUaS WIKIBASE.cloud too - http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2022/05/potentilla-hippiana.html?m=0 :) 💕 Scot


Did you find or get the thread and needle that Jean Thomas can see? :)


The Piobaireachd YouTube videos are kind of like METRONOMEs for Piobaireachd for its curious pulses and pacing and tempos :)


Well, separated from the Donald MacLeod tutorial recording of "The Battle of Auldearn" having played this Piobaireachd classical Scottish Bagpiping music first just now 1) with the recording, and separate 2) without the recording, including playing the Crunluath a Mach Movement (which isn't in the Kilberry book of Piobaireachd) Am playing Setting 2 of this... Without training wheels the 2nd time Ma!) Played twice today regarding your question (http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2022/05/eastern-sierra-mountains.html?m=0 ... in Large type is my reasoning about potentially moving back into Canyon, but I appreciate your email to me earlier today... re possibly other scenarios  ... Thanks for letting me know) 💕 Scott 

* * 

Hi Ma, besides Ed's 'it's happening' and precipitation of moving back into Canyon's observations, I also have some optimism for this 'planning' regarding Larry's communication with you and the CA FRANCHISE TAX BOARD 's communication, Taxes (e.g. $2930.98), and with other state of CA  people ... 💕 Scott (MORE here about reasoning: http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2022/05/eastern-sierra-mountains.html)


Blustery & cool here as I sit outside drinking Green Tea and having just eaten an egg. Liking this out of doors' alive reality. Meditation this morning was good, sat on blanket on sticky mat with whale on T-shirt from New Bedford Whaling Museum reminding me a bit of Work World University and School... Glad there's no more mass sperm whale hunting going on of the 1700s and 1800s and even through 1987! Laws, environmentalism and activism between many of 200 countries may have worked! Maritime law wiki subject here at WUaS https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Maritime_Law ... And WUaS seeks to create 2.3 million jobs over the next decades (Glad in some ways to see all those commercial fishing boats at dock in New Bedford... seems like permanently... But maybe just seasonally ... And WUaS's jobs I hope will be better:) ... http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/search/label/oceans?m=0 :) Blustery cool and nice out here too Ma... How's your day going 💕, Scott 

* * 

Th 5/26/22

Scott MacLeod <sgkmacleod@gmail.com>

5:04 AM (6 hours ago)

to Jane, Ed, Pin, Larry

Hi Ma, (Ed, And Pin, and Larry),  

from the 'un-safe house' north of Berkeley ... 

Thanks for sending this note to me yesterday, and I realize that you may have information about the 'UN-safe house' in Canyon valley possibly, but I don't think you may be realizing that this place north of Berkeley is an 'unsafe house' too - re potentially Canyon too again (and its networks, but especially t. w, for example). Is Sandy seeing a psychiatrist MD clinician licensed in Maine because he may be entangled in these regards too? 

In calling for abolition of the illegal drug and sex industries internationally and their latent networks of violence, I think potentially moving into Canyon again on August 1 at 670 Ridgecrest Rd Canyon - with the state of California and federal government legal processes working and with Google's support too - would be much safer re shifting the dynamics, and if the criminal mentally ill former landlord in Canyon were in a secure retirement facility or similar. This involves engineering revolution with a lot of people who might not otherwise be changing, but I think I would be much safer with a move in to a safe Canyon again (per John Sargent MD too), and there are about 8 weeks to do this - for safety questions especially. And the WUaS Corporation and Work World University and School with a physical house could begin to develop. 

I'll still head to Travertine Hot Springs and potentially others, as well as potentially build a Warm Water Cure and with Physical-Digital field site generation near Canyon ... 

Abolition-ally regarding the unsafe house north of Berkeley Law instructor too, 

💕, Scott 

Eastern Sierra mountains blog post Wednesday, 5/25/22 with in LARGE PRINT some of the reasons further...


Travertine Hot Springs Sat., 5/14/22 blog post with innovation too...

http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2022/05/travertine-hot-springs-california-on.html ...


Scott MacLeod <sgkmacleod@gmail.com>

9:05 AM (2 hours ago)

to Jane, Ed, Pin, Larry

Hi Ma, Ed, All,

How are you? I hope this finds you well.

Besides Ed's 'it's happening,' and precipitation of moving back into Canyon's observations for 4/15/22, and suggesting in long phone calls I think that since the state of California is financially sound,  that California wouldn't need to get compensation for the house in Canyon eg if there were a 'lock up and salvage house' process happening legally )and between state and federal government legal processes), I also have some optimism for this 'planning' (see Desiderata below too) regarding Larry's communication with you, and the CA FRANCHISE TAX BOARD 's communication too, the CA FTB taxes (e.g. $2,930.98), - and with other state of CA  people ...

Thoughts on this? 

 💕 Scott 

(further reasoning here about this:: http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2022/05/eastern-sierra-mountains.html

And regarding planning or plans - 

https://www.desiderata.com/desiderata.html ... 

* * * 

Virtual India ~ #VirtualIndia ~ for classrooms and STEM field sites? ... #VirtualUSA too? :) ... Street View turns 15 with a new camera and fresh features

"Street View turns 15 with a new camera and fresh features" 

Thanks for sharing this ~Tejal. Rock concert video here with #GoogleIO 2022 with Sundar Pichai leading this about Street View and PLACES - https://youtu.be/CWTm0ccfZe4 (access from this blog post http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2022/05/cordia-macleodii-rock-concert-video.html in daily blog) ... A #VirtualIndia ahead ... And as virtual classrooms and STEM FIELD SITES POTENTIALLY and for travel all over India in Different ways in Street View Greetings, Scott (Work Wiki WorldUniversityandSchool.org in Street View with time slider Maps Earth TensorFlowAI Translate and with Avatar Bots Electronic Medical Records and Project Baseline at the WUAS ACADEMIC MEDICAL CENTER ... on Ridgecrest in Canyon California 94516 in SF BAY AREA ~
https://maps.app.goo.gl/e4M1gjTGXtPFMutq5 which is growing in Google Street View)


1/2 Where is Street View with time slider heading re 1 #RealisticVirtualEarth? "#StreetView turns 15 with a new camera and fresh features" 
Rock concert video here with #GoogleIO2022 with Sundar Pichai  about Street View & #Place - https://youtu.be/CWTm0ccfZe4 ~

2/2 #VirtualIndia ahead #VirtualUSA too? & as #WUaSVirtualClassrooms & #WUaSSTEMfieldSites POTENTIALLY & for travel all over India in Different ways in #StreetView at WorldUniversityandSchool.org& at #WUaSAcademicMedicalCenter #Canyon94516 in #SFBayArea here~
https://maps.app.goo.gl/e4M1gjTGXtPFMutq5 ~







3/2 Where is Street View with time slider heading re 1 #RealisticVirtualEarth? "#StreetView turns 15 with a new camera and fresh features"https://blog.google/products/maps/street-view-15-new-features/ Rock concert video here with #GoogleIO2022 with Sundar Pichai about Street View & #Place - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2022/05/cordia-macleodii-rock-concert-video.html ~

* * 

Street View turns 15 with a new camera and fresh features 

Related articles and history, and where Street View may be heading too ... 








* * * 

WUaS migration journey to Wikibase.cloud and 200 brand new WUaS Universities, and 200 online world class libraries emerging, in countries languages with this? 

W May 25, 2022

Scott MacLeod <sgkmacleod@worlduniversityandschool.org>

12:20 PM (1 hour ago)

to Larry Viehland, Peter Koehler, Alden Briscoe, Andrew Lownie, Claudia Viehland, Henry Cutter, Susan Claus, Lydia Pintscher, Linda Heyden, Mohammed Sadat Abdulai, 

Linda, All, 

Greetings, and thank you again. I'm glad I was able to access an online book from the DNB.de and read it from home in the USA - so great! Thanks for your help here.

In the middle of this WUaS migration journey to Wikibase.cloud presently - which in a sense begins in 2015 - (but where I and people can continue to wiki-edit WUaS MediaWiki), I've wiki-added the German National Library using this citation practice: 

German National Library. 2022. [https://www.dnb.de/EN/Benutzung/Digital/digital_node.html German National Library Digital Resources]. Frankfurt am Main: www.dnb.de.

author or organization
Year of publication, or added too
Name, or title of book, etc] 
Published by: URL or Press

(This is loosely the American Anthropological Association citation practice for books, adapted for the web, and for wiki World Univ & Sch)

And I've wiki-added these to the following wiki pages - 

(accessible from https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Subjects

(accessible from http://WorldUniversityAndSchool.org)

(accessible from https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Nation_States - each a major online university to be)

... all of which could have relevance for Ghana World Univ & Sch in the Dagbani language, and for the Ghana WUaS University Library in Ghana's 11 Government sponsored languages, and in ALL of Ghana's languages, each a wiki library and a wiki school for open teaching and learning ...  

Am updating the WUaS SUBJECT_TEMPLATE - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/SUBJECT_TEMPLATE ... and which should 'pipe through' to the other wiki subjects (eg those here https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Subjects) ... and to the other SUBJECT_TEMPLATE s (eg Nation State, Language, etc.)

To the WUaS MediaWiki I added these summaries, upon adding the DNB.de Digital Resources' link in German which you so kindly shared  

Summary at /Library_Science and /Library_Resources
Added German National Library dnb.de as Wikibase.cloud instance ... to /Germany WUaS, to /Library_Science and here at /Library_Resources - all planned in 200 countries' online world class libraries in their main languages as WUaS Wikibase.cloud instances too

Summary at Germany - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Germany
Added German National Library dnb.de as Wikibase.cloud instance ... to /Germany WUaS (planned in German), to /Library_Science and here at /Library_Resources - all planned in 200 countries' online world class libraries in their main languages as WUaS Wikibase.cloud instances too

A further follow up email with some search 'successes' for this 'intermediate' German speaker: 

Searched on 'Eckhart' further and found some molecular science papers, in English, and other papers, in German, and readable from home, for example - 

But in searching further under 'Meister Eckhard,' and under 'Momo' (title) and 'Ende' (last name) too, nothing comes up ... (Why, I wonder?)  

WUaS providing access to matriculating students at World University and School, e.g. at 'Germany World Univ & Sch' in the German language in the future, probably could make available many more online resources from home for them. Can German citizens access far more online resources from their homes at the DNB.de than non-German citizens, Linda? And how about German students studying at 'Germany WUaS' from the US or from Japan or from Ghana, for example, in German?  And what about American or Japanese or Ghanaian students studying in German at Germany World Univ & Sch for free to students' CC-4 OCW.MIT.EDU -centric WUaS degrees - i.e. if they didn't have German citizenship, for example, e.g. but possibly their parents in the US do have German citizenship? 

So, given all of the above questions and developments, and your great information, Linda and Mohammed - thank you! - how, please, to begin Ghana World Univ & Sch in Dagbani - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Ghana - and the Ghana WUaS University Library in all of the languages in Ghana, but beginning with the Dagbani language potentially ... and all as new WUaS Wikibase.cloud instances as the WUaS migration journey comes to completion by June 3rd or so? 

Thank you again, very much, 

WUaS is planning to code for all 7.9 billion on the planet, each a Wikidata Pin# or similar, and therefore for speakers of all 7, 151 known living languages as wiki teachers and learners for open wiki free universal education, here - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/You_at_World_University. Thank you.

Scott GK MacLeod
Founder, President, CEO & Professor
World Univ & Sch (WUaS) - PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 94516
1) non-profit World University and School - http://worlduniversityandschool.org  
2) for profit general stock company WUaS Corporation in CA - http://worlduniversityandschool.org/AcademicPress.html

World Univ and Sch Twitter - http://twitter.com/WorldUnivandSch
WUaS Press - https://twitter.com/WUaSPress

Scott MacLeod - https://twitter.com/scottmacleod
Languages - World Univ - http://twitter.com/sgkmacleod

“Naked Harbin Ethnography” book (in Academic Press at WUaS) - http://twitter.com/HarbinBook
OpenBand (Berkeley) - https://twitter.com/TheOpenBand ~

 CV: https://goo.gl/JZheSb

CC-4 https://ocw.mit.edu/

(Stanford Mine Pi cryptocurrency free money daily - https://minepi.com/sgkmac)

scottmacleod.com (with significant recent updates!)

RECORDING of Sat 5/21/22 5/21/22 World Univ & Sch & WUaS Corp Monthly Business Meeting, and WUaS Agenda and News

German label in daily blog - 

Africa label in daily blog - 

* * * * 

Stanford US-ATMC Weekly: Featuring 5/24 What the Rise of Asia VC Means for Silicon Valley (ATMC - Asia Technology Management Center) ... Panel Conversation

Dear Briana and Richard, Sean, Stephen, Peter, Kyoko Yoshida, Jun Onishi, Takashi (Zack) Okazaki, Yoshio Nose, Keishun (Kenny) Nakamura,

Thanks for your greatly edifying keynote panel “Silicon Valley as a crucial nexus for global corporate innovation now and into the future” today, W, 5/25/22  Greetings from CC-4 OCW.MIT.EDU -centric (in MIT OCW's 4 languages, including Asian languages) wiki (in Wikipedia's 300 languages, including all main Asian languages) World University & School, and the WUaS Corporation, planned in ~200 countries, each a major online university offering online Bachelor, PhD, Law, MD, and IB High School degrees, and the WUaS Corp / Academic Press at WUaS with its WUaS Educational Services' Bookstores, Computer Stores, Robotics' stores, and Hospital Technologies' Distribution Centers, planned also in all 200 countries and in all 7151 known living languages, and machine translation, machine learning, and AI.  (On behalf of World Univ & Sch I have long attended Professor Dasher's US-Asia Technology Management Center's presentations, classes, and talks on the Stanford University campus).

Here are the questions I ran out of time to ask: 

"Thanks for this excellent session.

Regarding Sean Randolph's observation, at the close of the panel, that there needs to be "some kind of initiative that reinserts America into a leadership role in Asia ...," and also regarding the cultures of Silicon Valley that Gave Rise to the Internet: Techno-meritocratic, Hacker, Communitarian, Entrepreneurial cultures (from the course "Society, Information Technology and the Global University" - http://worlduniversityandschool.org/InfoTechNetworkSocGlobalUnv.html - and am presently writing a book on, and please see below), how best could Stanford University and this impressive US-Asia Technology Management Center cultivate these cultures further in the next decades for further growth of Silicon Valley? And, brainstorming-wise, in what ways further could ~200 online CC-4 OCW.MIT.EDU -centric Universities at World Univ & Sch and the WUaS Corporation - in all of the Asian countries especially - help develop American leadership in these countries, as well as an online Silicon Valley, and even in a #RealisticVirtualEarth - https://twitter.com/hashtag/RealisticVirtualEarth?src=hashtag_click - #Realistic Virtual Silicon Valley eg think Google Street View with Time Slider, Maps, Earth, TensorFlowAI, Translate ... for further growth, and global corporate innovation now and into the future? How could extending Stanford Univ remarkable US-Asia Technology Management Center into online MIT OCW-centric Universities and graduating enormous numbers of PhDs in global corporate innovation help with this as well?" 

Thank you, 
Prof / Pres Scott GK MacLeod 

Scott GK MacLeod
Founder, President, CEO & Professor
World Univ & Sch (WUaS) - PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 94516
1) non-profit World University and School - http://worlduniversityandschool.org  
2) for profit general stock company WUaS Corporation in CA - http://worlduniversityandschool.org/AcademicPress.html

World Univ and Sch Twitter - http://twitter.com/WorldUnivandSch
WUaS Press - https://twitter.com/WUaSPress

Scott MacLeod - https://twitter.com/scottmacleod
Languages - World Univ - http://twitter.com/sgkmacleod

“Naked Harbin Ethnography” book (in Academic Press at WUaS) - http://twitter.com/HarbinBook
OpenBand (Berkeley) - https://twitter.com/TheOpenBand ~

 CV: https://goo.gl/JZheSb

CC-4 https://ocw.mit.edu/

(Stanford Mine Pi cryptocurrency free money daily - https://minepi.com/sgkmac)

scottmacleod.com (with significant recent updates!)

Upcoming book (2024) ~
Society, Information Technology, and the Global University:
 What is information technology, broadly conceived? How did it develop? Who did it? ... And how did the global CC-4 ocw.mit.edu -centric wiki World University and School develop?
(Planned in English, 2024?, & in German, 2024?)



Beginning of MIT OCW-centric Japan World University and School 

https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Japan (Planned in Japanese)

(accessible from https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Nation_States)

Japanese language wiki subjects - (planned in Japanese)


(accessible from https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Languages )

Am glad that wiki World Univ & Sch is in the process of a WUaS migration journey to WUaS Wikibase.cloud (in Wikimedia's 300 languages as I write, and WUaS should have some much further developed online universities when this is completed, beginning after the beginning of June).

RECORDING of Sat 5/21/22 5/21/22 World Univ & Sch & WUaS Corp Monthly Business Meeting, and WUaS Agenda and News (FYI)

global university label in daily blog -

Asia label in daily blog -




Thank you! 

On Mon, May 23, 2022 at 9:03 PM Briana Burrows <burrowsb@stanford.edu> wrote:

US-Asia Technology Management Center Weekly Update


A.  US-ATMC Featured Programs

1) 5/25 US-ATMC Annual Meeting 

2) US-ATMC Spring Seminars on “Entrepreneurship in Asian High-Tech Industries” 

- 5/24 - Hunting for Dragons: What the Rise of Asia Venture Capital Means for Silicon Valley

- 5/31 - Entrepreneurship and Competitiveness: U.S. initiatives for women’s economic advancement in South Asia

3) 6/9 The 8th International Conference on Green ASIA and Sustainability Forum

B.  Other Stanford Organizations Selected Programs

C.  Selected Programs on Asia business and technology -- of interest to the Valley

D. Other Things to Apply For           



A. US-ATMC Featured Programs (Event times listed are Pacific Time Zone.)          


  1. US-ATMC Annual Meeting (Open to the Public as a Zoom Meeting)

Pacific Time: Wednesday, May 25, 2022 | 4:30 PM - 7:00 PM
Japan Time: Thursday, May 26, 2022 | 8:30 AM - 11:00 AM


Please join us for US-ATMC’s Annual Meeting!  Our keynote panel on “Silicon Valley as a crucial nexus for global corporate innovation now and into the future” will discuss how global corporations are using Silicon Valley as a hub for advanced technology innovation, what challenges they face (i.e., immigration and regulatory complexities, shock to global scale innovation from Covid-19), and how companies respond to these challenges and get the most out of being in Silicon Valley.  


We’ll also hear from our visiting scholars from our industrial affiliate program on their research, and from US-ATMC’s Director Dr. Richard Dasher on the center’s strategic plans. 


Program agenda:

  • 4:30 PM  Welcome and strategic update for 2022-23
    • Dr. Richard Dasher, US-ATMC Director 
  • 4:45 PM  Keynote panel discussion "Silicon Valley as a crucial nexus for global corporate innovation now and into the future"
    • Dr. Sean Randolph, Sr Director, Bay Area Council Economic Institute
    • Peter Marcotullio, VP of Global Partnerships, SRI International
    • Steve Ciesinski, former CEO, SRI International (Moderator) 
  • 6:00 PM  Introductions to research by current US-ATMC visiting scholars:
    • Kyoko Yoshida, Project Director, Innovation Department, Kawasaki Heavy Industries (USA), Inc.
    • Jun Onishi, Vice President, Global Innovation Team, Union Bank/MUFG BANK, LTD
    • Keishun Nakamura, Researcher, Social Safety and Industrial Innovation Division, Mitsubishi Research Institute, Inc. (MRI)
    • Yoshio Nose, Managing Director, Nose Kozai Co., Ltd. & CEO, Nose Corporation of America
    • Takashi Okazaki, Head of U.S. R&D, Nippon Life X


Please visit <https://asia.stanford.edu/event/2022-us-asia-technology-management-center-annual-meeting-for-affiliates-and-the-public/> for details.


Advance registration for Zoom participation: <https://stanford.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJ0qfuirqTopHtBnBN-pUonVreuHmH72p1yz>


  1. US-ATMC Spring Seminars on “Entrepreneurship in Asian High-Tech Industries”


Hunting for Dragons: What the Rise of Asia Venture Capital Means for Silicon Valley

Tuesday, May 24, 2022 | 5:30 PM – 7:00 PM Discussion | Zoom


Speaker: Sherman Li, Partner at SoftBank Ventures Asia


What is the current landscape of opportunities in Asia? Where are the dragons? What are the current trends in cross-border investing in Asia and how are the opportunities changing there? Join Sherman Li as he provides us his perspective as an investor.


Please visit <https://asia.stanford.edu/course/entrepreneurship-in-asian-high-tech-industries/2022-entrepreneurship-in-asian-high-tech-industries/sherman-li-of-softbank-ventures-asia> for details.


Advance Registration Required at <https://stanford.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJAvdeyqrzwuGNaQ0msR2RrPhQUzKdXSDoZL>.


Next week (final session):


Entrepreneurship and Competitiveness: U.S. initiatives for women’s economic advancement in South Asia

Tuesday, May 31, 2022 | 5:30 PM – 7:00 PM Discussion | Zoom


Speaker: Radhika Prabhu, Senior Advisor to the Assistant Secretary, Bureau of South and Central Asian Affairs, U.S. Department of State


This armchair discussion will outline U.S. foreign policy priorities advancing women’s economic empowerment in South Asia while highlighting U.S. government initiatives supporting women’s entrepreneurship and workforce participation in the region: the U.S.-Pakistan Women’s Council and U.S.-India Alliance for Women’s Economic Empowerment.


Please visit <https://asia.stanford.edu/course/entrepreneurship-in-asian-high-tech-industries/2022-entrepreneurship-in-asian-high-tech-industries/entrepreneurship-and-competitiveness-u-s-initiatives-for-womens-economic-advancement-in-south-asia/for more details and link for advance registration (required).


Our spring weekly seminars (Tuesdays March 29 through May 31, 2022) are open to the public by Zoom.  Complete schedule at <https://asia.stanford.edu/course/entrepreneurship-in-asian-high-tech-industries/2022-entrepreneurship-in-asian-high-tech-industries/>.  To view past recordings, please visit <https://www.youtube.com/c/USAsiaTechnologyManagementCenter>.


  1. The 8th International Conference on Green ASIA and Sustainability Forum (Zoom)

"Innovation, Health Sciences and Digital Education Quality for Sustainable Development in the Next Normal"

Pacific Time: Thursday, June 9, 2022 | 6:00 PM – 3:00 AM

Thailand Time: Friday, June 10, 2022 | 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM

Presented by the Eastern Asia University, Pathum Thani, Thailand


US-ATMC Director Richard Dasher will deliver a keynote speech on "Disruptive Innovation to Achieve Sustainable Development" at 8:20 PM. 


Please visit <https://sites.google.com/eau.ac.th/eau-conference-en/home> for more details and registration.


B.  Other Stanford Organizations Selected Programs & Insights

(Please contact the organizers directly for more information. Event times listed are Pacific Time Zone.)


May 25 Speed & Scale: Moving Leaders to Act on the Climate Crisis

Presented by Knight-Hennessy Scholars and GSB Impact Fund
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM; CEMEX Auditorium, Stanford University



May 27 StorageX International Symposium

Presented by StorageX Initiative/Precourt Institute for Energy
7:00 AM - 9:00 AM; Online




C.  Selected Asia-focused programs 

(Please contact the organizers directly for more information.  Event times listed are Pacific Time Zone.)          


May 24 The Future of Precision and Predictive Healthcare — U.S.-Japan Healthcare Connection

Presented by the Japan Society of Northern CA

4:00 PM - 6:30 PM; Online



May 28 Fireside Chat - Building A Unicorn (Pakistan)

Presented by OPEN Silicon Valley

11:00 AM – 1:00 PM; Plug and Play Tech Center, Sunnyvale



May 31 Adapting to a Changing World: Managing the Promise and Peril of May 31 Emerging Technologies and the Nuclear Nexus

Center for International Security and Cooperation

1:00 PM - 2:00 PM; Online



June 1 Educating the Planet with Social Entrepreneur Sal Khan

Presented by Computer History Museum

4:30 PM – 5:30 PM; Computer History Museum, Mountain View & Virtual



June 2 Startup World Cup 2022 Silicon Valley Regional

Presented by Pegasus Tech Ventures 

5:00 PM – 8:30 PM; Computer History Museum, Mountain View



June 23 Examining U.S.-India Relations: Naren Gupta Legacy Series Half-Day Conference

Presented by the Asia Society of Northern CA

1:00 PM - 5:30 PM; Computer History Museum, Mountain View




D. Other Things to Apply For           

(Please contact the organizers directly for more information)


7th annual K-Startup Grand Challenge (KSGC) taking applications

KSGC has accelerated over 500 global startups in South Korea and is considered to be one of the largest technology accelerators in the world

Application period: Now – May 31, 2022

KSGC Program Period: August 1 – November 15, 2022






Briana Burrows

Marketing Manager, US-Asia Technology Management Center

Center for East Asian Studies, Stanford University

burrowsb@stanford.edu | asia.stanford.edu







asiatech-events mailing list


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- World University and School

- CC World University and School - like CC Wikipedia with best STEM-centric CC OpenCourseWare - incorporated as a nonprofit university and school in California, and is a U.S. 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt educational organization. 

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