Restorative Yoga ONLINE
Hippy-anjali Yoga Notations
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Yoga is the inner releasing action, meditation {relaxation response}, of the bodymind/brain for we language-using human primates
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~ Practice Restorative Hippy Anjali Yoga Notations' bodymind explorations
including YogaPoses' inner movements playfully, {which seek to move online with interactive yoga avatarbots, beyond interactive Yoga via video conferencing} ~
~ Play and learn from these inner releasing actions & listen inside to what comes up
~ Care with compassion, ~ and enjoyably travel to hot springs for meditation in warm pools ...
{I'm thinking here of meditating in the warm pool of Harbin Hot Springs} ...
or meditate at home in your bath tub {in a virtual Harbin eventually}, and open your awareness/find benefit in daily travel like walking
~ There's much wellness in, and scientific evidence for the health benefits of, in general, a low-fat, natural foods' diet (e.g. 10-15 servings of fruits, grains, vegetables and legumes per day), an egg for protein, as well as 30 minutes of daily movement, some aerobic like dancing; do Yoga, it's healing
1. Helpful guidelines for care / love in living? Be ethical (per the 'nons' eg celebrating non-harming, etc.:) . . .
Hippy-anjali Yoga Notations![]()
Hi Ma, how are you? How is Ken and Nick's mother in the hospital I wonder too? (And speculatively, when Ken told me this on the phone on Thursday, it made me wonder about you too - whether you're in 'hospital' seeing him as MD somehow. If so, hoping you are talking fruitfully therapeutically and possibly re ethics ... Appreciating aspects of 8 limb Yoga philosophy ethics that I've riffed with here including "non-harming""Truthfulness, Integrity, Honesty ~ Non-stealing" (you can search in these between quotes and also think critically about 8 limb yoga as are my "Hippy Anjali Yoga Notations" a rethinking of Paranjali's 8 limb Yoga ... Am thinking abolition in some of these regards too, Ma ... as we may live into the decades ahead, my wonderful mother (and as too Unitarian ethics may have somehow failed or been corrupted eg by LGTBQ folks pre pandemic) ... Sending love, abolition-ally, and looking forward to further 'cuppas' and talking (and I'll try to listen more) ! Love, Scott (Larry sensibly suggested going up to the UPMC Shadyside Dental Clinic front desk showing them my UPMC card, and seeking to set up a dental cleaning appointment this way - great!) Love 💕, Scott
Wanna Explore Restorative Yoga sometime, Ma? (That's Tina Craig doing a backbend over me in child's pose on Church's beach on Cuttyhunk island on the sand 🙂 ... but no gentle back bends for you like that at present:) Love, Scott (
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The ferns are green
In the winter forest,
Showing Life,
Deciduous, Eastern Seaboard,
Eastern Woodland Forests,
The holly too,
But not much else.
What's happening here
When everything goes dormant?
#NotHaikuish https://wiki.
@WorldUnivAndSch @WUaSPress~
The ferns are green
— (@scottmacleod) January 9, 2023
In the winter forest,
Showing Life,
Deciduous, Eastern Seaboard,
Eastern Woodland Forests,
The holly too,
But not much else.
What's happening here
When everything goes dormant?
By the creek,
Mosses too,
Are green
In this brown midwinter,
Along Salamander trail,
In #MontourWoods, #PennsWoods,
Thnx #SeekByiNaturalist &
Found too some pale green lichen,
Then hearing some pecks,
A winter woodpecker?
— (@scottmacleod) January 8, 2023
By the creek,
Mosses too,
Are green
In this brown midwinter,
Along Salamander trail,
In #MontourWoods, #PennsWoods,
Thnx #SeekByiNaturalist&
Found too some pale green lichen,
Then hearing some pecks,
A winter woodpecker?
On Trail Loop
* * *
An early #NewGeneticsBubble too? #TulipMania in Holland was a #SocioEconomicPhenomenon from 1634 to Feb 1637. Prices for some bulbs of the recently introduced & fashionable tulip reached extraordinarily high levels then fell Apply to #AgingReversalDrugs ?
— WUaSPress (@WUaSPress) January 8, 2023
* * *
all 14 billion years of ATOMs in universe in #RealisticVirtualUniverse& 4.6 bill. yrs of earth 3.7 bill. yrs of life in 1 #RealisticVirtualEarth in #StreetView @ cell level too? Think #GoogleStreetView w #TimeSlider, #GMaps#TensorflowAI#TensorStore, w #PhysicalDigital#Pegman~
— (@scottmacleod) January 9, 2023