Free bachelor degree inquiry in Computer Science at CC-4 MIT OCW-centric World Univ & Sch for Tilak Rana Magar in Nepal
bachelor degree
Tilak Rana Magar <> |
| Sun, Jan 8, 4:42 PM (2 days ago)
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Hello sir/mam, i would like to start my bachelor degree. Can you provide more details that how can i apply for it.
Here is my transcript & i would like to apply for computer science degree.
Dear Tilak Rana Magar,
Greetings from Pennsylvania in the USA to you in Nepal. And thank you for your inquiry and your transcript. In brief, you could begin now for a 4 year free MIT OCW-centric accrediting WUaS Bachelor degree in English only presently (but later in Nepalese) with -
How may I answer your questions further?
Best regards, Scott GK MacLeod
- Scott GK MacLeod
Founder, President, CEO & Professor
CC-4 licensed MIT OCW-centric. Wiki,
World University & School (WUaS)
- PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 94516
- 210 East End Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15221
Hello sir/mam, i would like to start my bachelor degree. Can you provide more details that how can i apply for it.
Here is my transcript & i would like to apply for computer science degree.
| Mon, Jan 9, 4:33 PM (1 day ago)
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Thank you for the information. But sir, can you tell me how to enroll to bachelor degree?
Meeting WorldUniversity <> |
| Jan 9, 2023, 7:45 PM (1 day ago)
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Hi Tilak,
Thanks for your reply. When you complete the "CS First with Google at World Univ & Sch" course - - you can enroll with this course, into a 4 year Bachelor degree course at World Univ & Sch, studying from CC-4 licensed
OCW.MIT.EDU resources. Feel free to begin learning to program right away, and perhaps further with this course. Please let me know if you have any questions.
Do you have a Twitter account, or a LinkedIn profile? What are they if you would share them please? Are you in Kathmandu, or where are you in Nepal?
Best Regards, Scott
| Mon, Jan 9, 11:45 PM (23 hours ago)
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Hi Tilak,
Great to hear from you.
I created a new email gmail address for you at World University and School - and here's the temporary secure password - 7R4>HWNFU2Gj7hC= (and please change possibly) - which should be the way you can newly begin "CS First with Google at World Univ & Sch" learning the Scratch programming language (out of MIT and Harvard) ... (and which programming language works with Lego Robotics' kits too!)
Thanks too for your LinkedIn profile, which I followed.
Please let me know your further questions. (And would you like to meet in the WUaS News and Q&A meeting this upcoming Monday at 10 am Eastern Time, which should be 8pm Nepal Time, just to meet and talk together, and where I might be able to answer other questions you might have?)
Regards, Scott
- Scott GK MacLeod
Founder, President, CEO & Professor
CC-4 licensed MIT OCW-centric. Wiki,
World University & School (WUaS)
- PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 94516
- 210 East End Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15221
Thanks, I'll check them out.
Thank you for extending the invitation for the WUaS News and Q&A meeting on Monday at 10 am Eastern Time. I am pleased to inform you that I will be able to attend the meeting. I look forward to contributing to the discussion and addressing any questions or concerns that may arise.
Meeting WorldUniversity <> |
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Tilak, great and thank you! See you Monday (and please double check the time for Nepal closer to M 1/16/23). I'll send you the Zoom link before Monday at 10 am Eastern Time USA. cheers, Scott
Here's the Zoom link -
(and are you able to get into the 'Computer Science CS First With Google at WUaS' course alright?)
Meeting WorldUniversity <> |
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to TilakRanaMagar, Tilak, Scott |
Great ... eventually you can create a MIT Scratch web page to share your coding projects, like -
When you get a Twitter feed up and running that you like, and possibly also regarding sharing your "CS First With Google at WUaS" Scratch programming projects, please share it with me.
Here are 3 of World Univ & Sch's -
Am working on these presently with Lego Robotics' kit WeDo 2.0 -
You get a lot of storage space in the Google Educational Cloud with your new wuas email address ...
and you could video record some of your programming projects too - and eventually possibly robotics' projects - and post them to your Youtube channel associated with this new email.
Cheers, Scott
* * *
Scottish-heritage St Andrew's Society, Pittsburgh, PA 1/4/23 & as a new Board for World Univ & Sch (WUaS)
Hi Scott, I must confess I have no idea what the World University and School is.
Could you send me some info? Or a brief description?
Thanks, Paul
Scott MacLeod <>
Mon, Jan 9, 4:08 PM (1 day ago)
to pfrick300, krspgh, Lyn, dalemcleod1, John, John, pthompson
Dear Paul, All,
Thanks so much for your email reply -
Hi Scott, I must confess I have no idea what the World University and School is.
Could you send me some info? Or a brief description?
Thanks, Paul
> Will add this WUaS mission as a starting point:
World University and School's mission is free education, courses, and degrees in all known languages. WUaS plans to accredit at the university and high school levels to offer online degrees and diplomas in all countries' main languages. World University and School ( - like Wikipedia with best Creative Commons' 4 licensed OCW.MIT.EDU licensed OpenCourseWare) seeks also to facilitate all levels of teaching and learning through open, editable wikis. WUaS’s wiki will involve open and editable teaching and learning but also non-editable courses prepared under a Creative Commons’ license. WUaS will facilitate the use of free CC courses as credits toward degrees. Due to the rapid spread of broadband worldwide, WUaS plans to make this accessible to underserved parts of the world and to poor people everywhere. WUaS will explore the possibility of using universal translators to extend the project automatically to any language with time.
And here again is my email to all of you about some of this in the "WT Family News: 19° to Charles III / Bingo!" thread.
"Hi Lyn, thanks for your email. And thanks, all, for the opportunity to attend the Board Meeting for the St Andrew's Society, Pittsburgh. But the previous email, Lyn, in this thread is partly about Scottish Drumming, and regarding and to SASP's Dale McLeod, (and not gnipip, in reverse) ... and the previous one is not all that long either ... and is understandably quite understandable. (Sorry you lost your Pittsburgh son to smoking!). And will reach out to SASP directory folks with an inquiry per your thinking, Lyn. Thank you! Seeking also to inquire with the SASP about possible interest in many of the ~ 17 people last night's SASP board meeting if they could become interested in all becoming involved and or Board members of Scotland Work World Univ & Sch - - from treasurer (yours / OURs at SASP?) to president of the WUaS Board (Paul - might you be interested ... and regarding the WUaS Corp in Scotland and re Scottish Americans in Pgh and in the USA too?) to builders of courseware re Scottish Gaelic possibly and the Scots' language, (Liz?) ...and for free WUaS CC-4 licensed MIT OCW-centric degrees for Scottish Americans, and for Scots too (a number of people at the SASP meeting could explore focusing the development of this) ... and maybe Scottish genealogy at WUaS (Pat?) and Scottish history, and law (Ken?), and singing of Scottish cantaireachd (Scottish singing to transmit orally the word I dare not write with you reading ... gnipip, in reverse ... for John and Susie Park's grandchildren? ... and Pat's 5 4 generations of descendants? ... and many others' descendants there?) ... perhaps even engaging the Suzuki method for musical instruments in brand new ways for singing -
- and for kids with parental involvement esp. (per this interesting overview of the Suzuki method above), and creatively ... and for Scottish Country Dancing courseware (Paul and Sarah Jean?) ...
An item for the SASP board meeting in Feb on 2/1/23 at the Atria in Monroeville or Murrysville (somewhat Scottish names in themselves:) ...?
There is much opportunity at World Univ, & Sch AND WUaS Corporation, and especially if longevity genetics drugs emerging facilitate us living beyond for example 122 years of age ... (eg Board members on the Silicon Valley biggest 150 companies - the SV 150 - were earning $189,000 / year per a report I heard and publication I received in the Stanford Law School from the Silicon Valley Directors' Exchange SVDX about 10 years ago from Mark Lonergan's group .. in a Stanford Law group for prospective SVDX Board members' monthly meeting) ... "
So, in brief, and what prospective students might find on Twitter ... and regarding Scottish Americans, and Scots as well in Scotland World Univ & Sch -
Does this answer some of your questions, Paul?
Sincerely, best wishes, Friendly greetings,
More MIT OCW-centric wiki WUaS brief descriptions to emerge further here, and elsewhere regarding possible suggestions you might have -
Sunday, January 8, 2023
Dear Paul, and Lyn, Pat, Dale, and Ken,
Great to see you again on Wednesday, Paul, - and since last Scottish Country Dancing in your classes in the 1970s, I think! And great to see you all, and meet anew as well, Pat and Dale.
I'm writing to follow up with some Scotland World Univ & Sch questions - (from - and and - after sharing some of these ideas with you the other day, and talking with Larry and Kim Viehland (both MIT alumni in chemistry) yesterday in their home, and where Larry has been the acting WUaS treasurer in recent years. Kim said twice that Larry should not be WUaS treasurer yesterday, so I'm writing to inquire if the St. Andrew's Society, Pittsburgh, treasurer who made the presentation might please be able to take on this role? And furthermore, would you Paul possibly entertain the idea of becoming Chairman of the Board? And Lyn, Pat, and Ken, would consider becoming Board members? But Larry will remain WUaS taxes consultant, and also I think in some ways in the 'back office.'
The next hour-long WUaS Monthly Business Meeting is on Saturday, January 21, 2023 at 12 noon Eastern Time, in Zoom, and if you are interested, and could join in this Monthly Business Meeting, we could explore these questions further. If so, I could potentially share the 2 WUaS Wells Fargo bank statements, and the most recent financial reports - for both WUaS wings, the 1) nonprofit 501 c 3 World Univ & Sch, and 2) the for profit general stock company, the WUaS Corp - with the new potential treasurer, and we could go from this. (What is her name again please?) I know Larry is planning to attend. And if we might proceed, perhaps you could additionally create your own Board Meeting time and use the process I observed on 1/4/23 and perhaps invite everyone there who might be interested. There is much opportunity at WUaS, as we begin to grow.
And at Larry and Kim's yesterday, I just received a letter from the CA Franchise Tax Board for the exempt state of CA World Univ & Sch legal entity to add this last entity to the WUaS "My FTB Account" generation process momentously (from which the CA FTB cashed a $65.00 check in taxes and fees in July!). Soon all 3 of the WUaS legal entities will be linked to their 2 Wells Fargo bank accounts in this My FTB Account" ... and we will be fully up an running and be able to reach out as a full-fledged federal 501 c 3, as well as be a for-profit general stock company in California with remarkable potential for synergies. WUaS is not only planning to create Scotland World Univ & Sch, but also major online MIT OCW-centric Universities in each of all 200 countries and in their main languages. More later about some of this.
You can see the 3 legal entities' tax numbers at the bottom of these 2 WUaS pages -
Perhaps we could explore this further in email as well prior to Saturday, 1/21/23. What do you think?
Best regards, Scott
World_University_Foundation -
Sat 12/17/22 Agenda and News for World Univ & Sch's (WUaS) Monthly Business Meeting
What entity will accredit this new venture?
Scott MacLeod <>
7:52 PM (2 hours ago)
to pat, bcc: pfrick300, bcc: krspgh, bcc: Lyn, bcc: pthompson, bcc: dalemcleod1, bcc: John, bcc: John, bcc: Larry, bcc: Edward, bcc: David, bcc: Sioux, bcc: George
Dear Pat, Paul, (and Scottish-heritage St. Andrew's Society, Pgh, and All),
Thanks so much for your email and your question, Pat.
MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch's current plan is to license with the state of Pennsylvania (???, then accredit with the Middle States' Commision on Higher Education ( with offices in the greater Philadelphia area (which for example accredits the University of Pennsylvania) ... and where WUaS is waiting to hear back from MSCHE further about how best to license in PA.
As a possible alternative, and post-pandemic, World Univ & Sch would seek to license with the state of California's BPPE (, and to accredit with WASC senior ( - which accredits Stanford, and the 10 University of Califronias and some universities' internationally and in other states on the west coast too.
More accreditation thinking here -
Best regards, Scott
... but nary a word about gnipip (in reverse:)
Also WUaS planning to code for all 7.9 billion people on the planet, each a Wikidata PIN # here -
and potentially for people-to-people wiki free universal education, and even to distribute a main single cryptocurrency like Stanford Mine Pi cryptocurrency to most of these people in all 200 countries and in their main languages
And as a further note, here are 5-6 Pi coins daily of Stanford Mine Pi cryptocurrency free money daily for you to explore 'mining daily' with algorithms taking less than 5 seconds from your smartphone -
I am sending you 1π! Pi is a new digital currency developed by Stanford PhDs, with over 35 million members worldwide. To claim your Pi, follow this link and use my username (sgkmac) as your invitation code.
What entity will accredit this new venture?
- Scott GK MacLeod
Founder, President, CEO & Professor
CC-4 licensed MIT OCW-centric. Wiki,
World University & School (WUaS)
- PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 94516
- 210 East End Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15221
When do you think this accreditation will happen? Do you have any of the politicians behind you to help move things along?
Scott MacLeod <>
8:45 PM (1 hour ago)
to krspgh, Lyn, pthompson, dalemcleod1, John, John, Larry, Edward, David, Sioux, George, Shawn, pat
Hi, Pat, (and Scottish-heritage St. Andrew's Society, Pgh PA, and All),
Thanks again for your accreditation questions just now -
"When do you think this accreditation will happen? Do you have any of the politicians behind you to help move things along?"
May reach out further to Shady Side Academy alum and friend and fellow Celt,
Shawn Flaherty, above, who has a ... "political background including being elected in 2006 when he served in the Pennsylvania State House of Representatives (30th District)" ... and for a recommendation of an active politician - per your question (and Larry Viehland's suggestion, above, too).
WUaS is seeking to get this process started soon further, and potentially to matriculate large numbers of students by Sept. 1, 2023 which is a remarkable opportunity for the state of PA and Middle States' Commission on Higher Education in PA too.
* * *
Dear Kim, (Larry, Jane, All),
Thank you for your email again. Apologies again for your feeling hurt. Following up as an abolitionist Friend or Quaker regarding your "Where are we going to get the prostitutes from?" question (in Pgh presumably) ... I was traumatized by your question Kim. I seek to deprecate the illegal sex industry as a consequence. Am seeking to see a MD psychiatrist partly as a consequence. Kim, do you think it would help you with your hurt feelings to see a MD psychiatrist regarding this question of yours and related thinking (you too, Larry?)? Do we understand (kind of as Methodists and Quakers) how words, symbolizing thinking, can hurt ? ... I ask as a kind of Friendly query. How best to grow an abolition movement and protect people from this kind of slavery (prostitution), I ask further as a Quaker query, and at WUaS too?
In seeking to deprecate (significantly lower the value of) the illegal sex and drug industries and their latent networks of violence - and with you Kim and Larry both possibly having brass rat MIT rings in some of these regards - have created a Tweet with something I asked about at your house on Saturday afternoon 3 days ago:
Detroit ?
AND (from a few Weeks ago)
This #robot #ArtificialWoman could be #GameChanger in #WUaS calling for #abolition
Chloe or Hoori personal assistant robot built by CyberLife
This #robot #ArtificialWoman could be #GameChanger in #WUaS calling for #abolition to protect people from the #illegalSexIndustry from perpetrators, criminals, offenders, purveyors & pot. thru #MedicalEducation possibly in 200 online #WUaSMedicalSchools ~
Artificial woman made in China has been launched in the Chinese market. Body made with Silicone. Works for 72 hours without interruption on a single charge. No soul / spirit. It is named as "HOORI"
It works on AI so it can speak any language.
WA Fwd, not verified. #robot
Kim, All, am living in asylum in PA, from CA - having fled for my life from CA this past August - regarding some of these questions, and am continuing to be cognizant of my father's 2 subdural hematomas, one internationally on a Pitt-managed Semester at Sea trip on 12/30/04.
Hoping to move back into a newly safe Canyon 94516 in September 2023, abolition movement growing, as well as MIT OCW -centric Wiki World Univ & Sch.
Abolitionally, sincerely, best wishes, Scott
In the name of abolition, here's another related #WUaShomeRobotics' Chloe or Hoori or 'Hurry! it's urgent' :) Tweet -
Chloe or Hoori #ST200 Humanoid Robot
Abolition-ally, Friendly greetings,
* * *
‘father’ of bluegrass, Bill Monroe, characterized it as “Scottish bagpipes
NEW Bluegrass Music wiki subject
ethnomusicology inquiry:
is the high lonesome sound in bluegrass partly a Scottish bagpipe sound?
The ‘father’ of bluegrass, Bill Monroe, characterized it as “Scottish bagpipes and old time fiddlin’. It’s Methodist and Holiness and Baptist. It’s Blues and Jazz, and it has a high lonesome sound.”
Hi Rob,
Happy Birthday - here are some interesting humanoid robotics' possibilities, and how soon could WUaS Corp get such models to market manufacturing with iterating AI from the Rust Belt, and Detroit MI even?
Happy birthday!,
This #robot #ArtificialWoman could be #GameChanger in #WUaS calling for #abolition - Detroit?
Chloe or Hoori personal assistant robot built by CyberLife
Detroit ?
- Scott GK MacLeod
Founder, President, CEO & Professor
CC-4 licensed MIT OCW-centric. Wiki,
World University & School (WUaS)
- PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 94516
- 210 East End Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15221
Thanks Scott!
Thank you,
Robert F. Byrne
Rob, (David, Sue),
As a further note, here are 5-6 Pi coins daily of Stanford Mine Pi cryptocurrency free money daily as a birthday present -
I am sending you 1π! Pi is a new digital currency developed by Stanford PhDs, with over 35 million members worldwide. To claim your Pi, follow this link and use my username (sgkmac) as your invitation code.
- and regarding this email birthday party thread :)
Cheers and Happy New Year!,
* * *
This #robot #ArtificialWoman could be #GameChanger in #WUaS calling for #abolition - Detroit?
This #robot #ArtificialWoman could be #GameChanger in #WUaS calling for #abolition - Detroit?
* * *
Chloe or Hoori personal assistant robot built by CyberLife
Detroit ?
Chloe or Hoori #ST200 Humanoid Robot
- Scott GK MacLeod
Founder, President, CEO & Professor
World University & School (WUaS)
- PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 94516
- 210 East End Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15221
* * *