Channel: Scott MacLeod's Anthropology of Information Technology & Counterculture
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Northern Damselfly dragonfly ((only breeds in Scotland): A riff on #TheDesiderata: "Go placidly ~ meditatively (#MEDITATE) ... " * * * In the #CarnegieLibraryMain #PghPA & wondering how to add #GeneMachine's knowledge & diagrams by #NobelPrizeChemistry winner #VenkiRamakrishnan * #AndrewCarnegieCartoon in a kilt (first time I've seen #AndrewCarnegie in kilt ever (#CarnegieLibraryMain #PghPA) with #CarnegieEndowmentForPeace and #ScottishPoems books > #ScotlandWUaS https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Scotland @WorldUnivAndSch planned in /Scots' language & /Scottish_Gaelic too:) * * * 'Seeing you?' * Wondering how to initiate WUaS Medical School abolition audits too into Chatham University, Pitt - and REGARDING my Father's GORDON K MACLEOD MD's 2 subdural hematomas, BRAIN INJURIES, in 2004 and 2005 relating to Pitt, both - CMU, and also the jcc, and Duquesne University ... and the Pittsburgh Quaker Meeting, and the 1st Unitarian Church of Pittsburgh ... how to initiate WUaS Medical School abolition audits too into Chatham University, Pitt - and REGARDING my Father's GORDON K MACLEOD MD's 2 subdural hematomas, BRAIN INJURIES, in 2004 and 2005 relating to Pitt, both - CMU, and also the jcc, and Duquesne University * PPS regarding my upcoming "Society, Information Technology, and the Global University" book 2023 (Academic Press at World Univ & Sch), just shared with my mother . . . -As AUDIO book too ... with these my "Society & Information Technology" video talks in 2007 re this book as part of an audio book - and as chapters too

Previous: Virginia opossum: RECEIVED call from Diana Bonner at Middle States' Commission on Higher Education regarding how to license WUaS in state of PA, as first step for accreditation then with MSCHE - applicationprocess@msche.org for CC-4 MIT OCW-centric wiki World University & School * * * Gate.com Stanford Mine Pi cryptocurrency AND WUaS Corp ...? 1/9/23 in response to Gate.com survey .... * See outreach below to Peter Norvig and World University and School colleagues on 12/10/22 ... and regarding starting a database for all 7.9 billion people on planet, each a Wikidata PIN# * * * A #WUaSAudioBook too: 2023 "Society, Information Technology, and the Global University" book @WUaSPress on the #InformationAge * * * To #EnlivenMuseums, add eg #CarnegieMuseums >#GoogleStreetView w #TimeSlider w #GMaps w #GEarth & w a #RealisticVirtualHarbin for #PhysicalDigital #EthnographicResearch https://goo.gl/maps/7gSsSTweRCBo9gf87 interactively as a kind of #IteratingTemplate, & for #VirtualPlaces like #VirtualIndia~ * * * Here in #CarnegieMuseumForNaturalHistory, above amazing #DiplodocusCarnegii & #ApatosaurusLouisae dinosaurs. How to head in the direction way beyond #ExploratoriumSF w ALL #WUaSmuseums EVER in all 200 countries & in all 7151 living languages in a #RealisticVirtualEarthForMuseums? * * * What OCW.MIT.EDU -centric @WorldUnivAndSch offers students compared w #PhysicalUniversities bey dynamic, collaborative, interdisciplinary fellowship is #VirtualReality ...

A riff on #TheDesiderata: "Go placidly ~ meditatively (#MEDITATE) ... "

A riff on #TheDesiderata: "Go placidly ~ meditatively (#MEDITATE #RelaxationResponse?) ~ amid the noise & the haste, & remember what peace there may be in silence" https://www.desiderata.com/desiderata.html >https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Meditation https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Relaxation_Response @WorldUnivAndSch http://www.scottmacleod.com/yoganotations.html ~


* * * 

In the #CarnegieLibraryMain #PghPA & wondering how to add #GeneMachine's knowledge & diagrams by #NobelPrizeChemistry winner #VenkiRamakrishnan 

In the #CarnegieLibraryMain #PghPA & wondering how to add #GeneMachine's knowledge & diagrams by #NobelPrizeChemistry winner #VenkiRamakrishnan to a #RealisticVirtualEarthForGenetics #RealisticVirtualEarthForChemistry in 1 #RealisticVirtualEarth #GSV w #TimeSlider #FilmTo3D App

In the #CarnegieLibraryMain #PghPA & wondering how to add #GeneMachine's knowledge & diagrams by #NobelPrizeChemistry winner #VenkiRamakrishnan to a #RealisticVirtualEarthForGenetics #RealisticVirtualEarthForChemistry in 1 #RealisticVirtualEarth #GSV w #TimeSlider just like that

#AndrewCarnegieCartoon in a kilt (first time I've seen #AndrewCarnegie in kilt ever (#CarnegieLibraryMain #PghPA) with #CarnegieEndowmentForPeace and #ScottishPoems books > #ScotlandWUaS https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Scotland @WorldUnivAndSch planned in /Scots' language & /Scottish_Gaelic too:)

#AndrewCarnegieCartoon in a kilt (first time I've seen #AndrewCarnegie in kilt ever (#CarnegieLibraryMain #PghPA) with #CarnegieEndowmentForPeace and #ScottishPoems books > #ScotlandWUaS https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Scotland @WorldUnivAndSch planned in /Scots' language & /Scottish_Gaelic too:)

* * * 

Seeing you?

Dear Ken (MD), Ma, John Sargent MD, Ed Smyth MD, Ann Brown, Cathy Muller, Peter Norvig, Hugh Thomas, All, 

Great to speak with you a couple of times recently, Ken! Following up on growing an abolition movement to protect potentially my mother as well ... and having fled for my life from CA to PA in August ... and re possibly seeing you with UPMC's health coverage 6 times per my mother's suggestion on my birthday. 

Regarding my being traumatized - and regarding potentially talking with you, Ken, about this too -  by Kim Viehland's question "Where are we going to get the prostitutes from?" you can read this question, and Kim Viehland's response to some of my abolition emails, as well as my further thinking as a conscientious objector (in a Friendly sense) here - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2023/01/iris-giganticaerulea.html - and FYI, Larry and Kim's answering machine continues to say something like if you haven't reached us directly, please leave a message and "we are caught on the other line. We will get back to you" ... (where I think the other line could refer to a 'shiwej,' in reverse, line, or subculture ... re fishing culture too somehow ... and Larry's a whale of a fish ) ... And as I left their house the second time recently, after sending my 'being traumatized' email to Kim Viehland ... I stayed only for 20 minutes, asked some 199N CA FTB form questions ... with a new WUaS development in these regards, and to be filed by what would have been my father's birthday, 1/30/23 ... if he hadn't been potentially whacked ... and what could have been my father's birthday centuries into the future, if aging reversal genetic engineering drugs emerge .. 

And, I continue to be concerned too about the woman ('shiwej,' - was her sick psychopathological partner, a wannabe film director, with CLM video camera footage ... 'directing' her ... ) in the main Carnegie Library Pittsburgh / Oakland walking by and saying "SHE DIES" ... AND am not sure whether this could refer to its new director Jen Styran or even to my mother (who went into the CLM - Carnegie Library Main with me about a week ago ... and she checked out some sheet music ... and regarding their potential surveillance cameras ... and for identifying people, behind masks or not, ... and could I interpolate this even as a possible "death threat" against my mother? ... and regarding the illegal sex and drug industries in Pittsburgh, and their latent networks of violence ... and this subculture and its potential tragic profits? ), 

While I have issues with feminism, I have learned from Larry and Kim, and possibly from norms in Pittsburgh too ... about the role the man plays in the a pairbond symbolizing-wise ... and that women partners sometimes take these directions without questioning them ... I think any abolition audit to protect people - all 7.9 billion people possibly, but in Pgh for example - should focus on Larry Viehland's accounting for one .. (a MIT alumnus, - I realize there a lot of ways to 'cook the books' etc., and thus potentially enslave people tragically  ... and wonder how many 'whores' as slaves have emerged from Chatham since 1997 ... and from the jcc ... and from Pitt and CMU ... ) ... 

Greetings from an asylum place in PA from CA, and I was also as some of you may have read, some months ago, exploring seeking asylum from California in Scotland, or Europe, and in Oregon, too ... 

If UPMC could be involved in an abolition audit ... in the 3 US states it's in (PA, MD, and WV ... and even with KP, in 8 US states), we might grow a successful abolition movement, and really begin to protect people against offenders, perpetrators, criminals and similar. 

By the way, the unwell angry hostile frederic khayat (housemate) ... from Lebanon, but via French-speaking Switzerland for 2 years at EPFL university seems to have been away from 210 E End Avenue, Pgh 15221 ... and after a women - who could have been all of 20 years, and was she a "professional fucking officer" - and search on "professional fucking officer" here ... https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2023/01/north-american-beaver-heres-recording.html ...  in the Lebanonese army (or an army one south) - - spent a night here on the catch. "The Spy Who CAME ....  in from the Cold'' - and there's no central heat here at 210 East End Avenue ... title by John LeCarre popped up on a tab on my Chrome browser ... and am continuing to wonder about the role CMU Bachelor degree student possible 'insecurity apparatus' soldier frederic khayat played in the death of Jackson Shannon NYC who died after he was moved out ... and then the couple that came to replace him was moved out, and it was this man who said Jackson Shannon was deceased ... could craven frederic khayat (of kraven maga, regarding the "FUCK MAGA" graffiti on the green USPS Post Office box near the Pittsburgh Quaker Meeting ... and this graffiti is still there, yesterday ... suggesting a breakdown in the federal USPS postal service maintenance) .. .have been moved out ... or could he be staying with this young woman (who creeped me out a little) ... or could he be on vacation in Lebanon ... or will he move back in around January 17, 2023 when CMU begins again ...  I continue to call for the abolition of the illegal sex industry internationally and their latent networks of violence in some of these regards, and wonder what role a foreign national - possible murderer - like frederic khayat, and regarding Switzerland, could play in seeking to perpetuate these international crime networks ... outside the jurisdictions of US federal law, PA state law, and in the murky world of InterPol law or international law ...  Could frederic khayat have "come" too re  "The Spy Who CAME ....  in from the Cold'' (1965) ... if they are in a kooky relationship now? Could frederic khayat be extradited if he was complicit in Jackson Pollock's death? ... Who knows ... and aboliton-ally, yours, Scott ...  

Ken, MD, John Sargent MD, Ed Smyth MD, Sidd Mazumdar HHS - how to keep both my mother and myself safe in all of these regards, and as an abolition movement grows? - hopefully with UPMC's health coverage ... 


Happy New Year

On Fri, Jan 13, 2023 at 10:54 AM Scott MacLeod <sgkmacleod@worlduniversityandschool.org> wrote:
Ken (MD), Ma (Jane), John Sargent MD, Ed Smyth MD, (Tym, Peter), All, 

Greetings, and I hope this email finds you well. 

Kan, Ma, All, I am still somewhat deeply traumatized by pastor Kim Viehland's asking "Where are we going to get the prostitutes from?" .. and re the jcc in pgh, and also potentially Chatham University, and possibly regarding Pitt and CMU too ... and speculatively could Larry Viehland be the bookkeeper for some of this organized crime even? Kim said the other day twice that "Larry should not be the WUaS treasurer" ... and he's neither  the chair of the WUAS Board, nor the CFO any longer either ... BUT WUaS DID GET A CALL FROM MIDDLE STATES COMMISSION FOR HIGHER EDUCATION yesterday with the GREEN LIGHT to license first with the state of PA,  before accreditation with MSCHE in PA (https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2023/01/virginia-opossum.html) .... and possibly due to Larry and Kim's NETWORKS ... So how would abolition audits work at WUaS going forward ... and with increasing levels of scrutiny and AI and machine learning, and electronic medical records - and with developments in all 200 countries' law, law enforcement and cultures of protecting the innocent, women, victims other ? ... and given 'the real' (Lacan-wise) ... and in Sweden in Swedish in 25 years in the Sweden World Univ and Sch Medical School, and in Scotland in 4 years, in the Scotland World Univ & Sch online Medical School ? 

One further Scotland note: when I went to the St. Andrew's Society, Pgh, Board meeting on W 1/4/23 in Murrysville / Monroeville, and started meeting people, I met someone among many who in a deep southern drawl introduced himself as LRY (, I could barely understand him) ... and then, later, it appeared to be his partner/wife who stood up and gave the treasurer's report. ...  Since this St. Andrew's Society, Pgh, Board Meeting, I've inquired not only if that treasurer could become World Univ & Sch's but also if some of them could join the WUaS Board, and with Paul Thompson (no relation I think to either you and Nick, Ken, or to Allison Thompson) possibly becoming Chair of the Board ... After a couple of emails in a new 'university' thread with Pat Frick of the St. Andrew's Society, Pgh, Board meeting - who was turning red a lot during the meeting, and whose mother was born in Scotland - I haven't heard back further from the St. Andrew's Society, Pgh, about them becoming a WUaS Leadership Team for Scotland World Univ & Sch ... and with much much opportunity with both WUaS wings ... 

So, traumatized by what kim viehland (MIT alumna in Chemistry from ~69) said ... and wondering how to initiate WUaS Medical School abolition audits too into Chatham University, Pitt - and REGARDING my Father's GORDON K MACLEOD MD's 2 subdural hematomas, BRAIN INJURIES, in 2004 and 2005 relating to Pitt, both - CMU, and also the jcc, and Duquesne University ... and the Pittsburgh Quaker Meeting, and the 1st Unitarian Church of Pittsburgh ... and even into the Middle States Commission on Higher Education (re PA, NY, MD, DE, and NJ ... as well as DC .. and the Virgin Islands ... ) ... WUaS abolition audits would be a pretty new thing to protect people with, possibly  regarding state law in the US, if not federal law somehow ... 

Thank you again, Ma, SO MUCH, for the guest membership to the 4 Carnegie Museums ... which I could see as a way you might be seeking to abolish the illegal sex industry and their latent networks of violence in pittsburgh - if I were to head into these places, and observe things, and possible law breaking etc. 

Thoughts, questions, ideas, suggestions? 

ALL to talk about when you return from Scotland, Ken, potentially? Thank you, Ma, for suggesting seeing Ken too on my birthday in some of these regards.   

Glad MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch is making progress ... and am hoping the licensing process with the state of PA goes smoothly now ... and think it should. (May be seeking however a different treasurer than the St. Andrew's Society, Pgh, treasurer and her husband 'lary' said in an un-understandable southern drawl (larry) ... please stay tuned)

Safe travels, Ken, 

On Fri, Jan 13, 2023 at 9:57 AM Scott MacLeod <sgkmacleod@worlduniversityandschool.org> wrote:
Ken (MD), Ma (Jane), John Sargent MD, Ed Smyth MD, All, 

Greetings, and I hope this email finds you well. 

Just an typo correction

but appreciating her, suggesting sering you for 6 times. Am exploring this. How would this work please? 

(which I wonder if it's a Google gmail substitution, since this email address is in Gmail) ... SEEING is the correct spelling instead of 'se-ring' for example 

... and am not sure how a developing abolition audit re the WUaS online Medical Schools and online Teaching Hospitals in 200 countries would work - with 200 nation states, and states within them, law ... re the US State Departments' reports on 'sex trafficking' in some of these regards too.  

Ma, All, I still haven't received the actual Carnegie Museums' membership card to replace the gift card you gave me to these 4 Carnegie museums, in early December. And I've asked about it a couple of times at the admissions' area to the Carnegie Museums in Oakland. I've heard it would come in early January, and I heard 3 days ago, from an African American with brightly colored hair, next to another guy who checks people in (who seems duplicitous, and creeps me out a little bit), that it would come in a few weeks now. I also wrote to some of you a few weeks ago about seeing what looked like she could have been an (Asian) prostitute near the admissions' area / restaurant as I was departing just before 5. And in my and WUaS calling for abolition - and in the Carnegie Museums - re possible illegal buying and selling of people, sadly and tragically - I wonder how the law would come to play a role here in the Carnegie Museums. (I wonder if I should contact mollusks' curator Tim Pearce - https://carnegiemuseums.org/expert/tim-pearce/ - at the Carnegie Museums, whom I met at Allison Thompson's house on Denniston St. the 2nd time I played my Scottish Small Pipes' in a Saturday afternoon English Country Dancing music-making group ... which I'm not going back to as well .. and in calling for abolition). In living in asylum in PA from CA, and in calling for abolition, I think it would be great if the Carnegie Museums and Library could get their 'house' in order legally, both federal and state law, - and regarding getting me my membership card (re safety questions too). THANK YOU, Ma, for this guest membership card, and glad to have visited the Carnegie Museums already about about 5 times in 2023 ... and wonder what you would suggest please about getting the regular membership card ... and regarding these law, law enforcement, AI, machine learning, protecting people ... and safety questions. 

Ken, have a great trip to Scotland ... and will be visiting Scotland, identity-wise, and virtually, in a sense, as I further visit the Carnegie Museums (re these recent "Carnegie" museum, and music hall, photos too for me recently published 2nd Scottish Small Pipes' album - https://scottmacleodpiobaireachdscottishsmallpipesbagpiping.bandcamp.com/ - which is free - and accessible from http://scottmacleod.com/piping.htm) with my guest membership ... and thinking of you. Looking forward to talking upon your return - and about some of these questions too. 

Thank you, Ma, for the guest membership to the Carnegie Museums ... and thank you for suggesting seeing Ken Thompson MD on my birthday (and re 'pairbondage' - http://scottmacleod.com/JohnMoneyConceptsOfDeterminism.html ... and to begin a family) ... and I'm hoping this can work out with UPMC esp.

Bon voyage, abolition-ally, Friendly regards, best wishes, 

On Fri, Jan 13, 2023 at 8:52 AM Scott MacLeod <sgkmacleod@worlduniversityandschool.org> wrote:
Ken, John, Ed, All, 

Just shared this text message below with my mother and regarding seeing you when you return from Scotland and GB ... and the first email in this thread.

Bon voyage, Scott 

Good morning, Ma! thanks again on my birthday for suggesting seeing Ken Thompson MD, potentially paid for by UPMC ... besides abolition questions - regular abolition audits on Cuttyhunk too possibly (to protect people and us legally, state, federally and even internationally re creepy bobby elmore as well as MIT's karl koster & lindley huey, - and by extension brent hall and serena davis hall), am interested in talking with Ken about the following issues, which I think you've read ...  

Hi Ken,

Great to see you briefly in passing at the ligonier Highland Games on September 17, 2022. How are you? Happy New Year! I remember your father appreciatively. And nice to see you at some UU Church Christmas Eve celebrations in the past too.

See you? Might it be possible please to talk with you professionally, and, if you have time, and an office in your home, in Shadyside? 

Seeking to find a life partner to begin a family. 

Concerned about the death, possible murder, of Jackson Shannon NYC here at 210 East End Ave Pgh 15221 where I'm living in a kind of asylum place in PA from CA.

Concerned about my father's head injury in Belize on Dec 30, 2004 in ongoing ways - GKM MD - and living here for this year (Sept 2022 - July 2023 in Pittsburgh.

Seeking to grow MIT OCW -centric Wiki World Univ & Sch newly licensing and accrediting in Pennsylvania ... but licensing is a challenge first presently.

Here too are the beginning MIT OCW -centric Wiki World Univ & Sch psychiatry MD subjects about which it would be great to talk some - 

Mental health at WUaS:
& as developing universities, planned first in English, Spanish and Chinese, there will be eventually OCW ... 

Pitt expressed interest in partnering with World Univ & Sch on M 12/26/22 in email - and potentially regarding monies into WUaS newly - how to realize?

Have some concerns about my mother's saying recently she breaks the rules all the time ... 

but appreciating her suggesting sering you for 6 times. Am exploring this. How would this work please? 

Am also concerned in ongoing way about family friend, brilliant, Lacanian psychoanalytic psychiatrist George Alexander MD in Pittsburgh years ago coming on to me.

Am interested in exploring further the implications of aging reversal and longevity genetics' drug therapies emerging.

Am also interested in moving back to the SF Bay Area to a newly safe 670A Ridgecrest Road, Canyon CA 94516 house-let in the SF Bay Area per John Sargent MD too (and friend Ed Smyth MD, retired KP physician in Berkeley, at whose wedding I played my bagpipes around the year 2000, above too).  I've spoken with John Sargent MD (above) at Tuft's Medical Center in Massachusetts from Canyon 94516 about 10 years ago. 

Do you accept UPMC health coverage? My UPMC 'effective date' was 11/15/22. I learned a few weeks ago that I don't have to go through my UPMC PCP to see specialists re your - https://www.linkedin.com/in/kenneth-thompson-8465327

Will call your mobile number today and explore how to proceed.

Thanks, regards,

Recent text messages to my great mother (whose been through a lot regarding my father) and in some of these regards ... Sending love, Scott (http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/search/label/Unitarian%20Universalist?m=0 http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/search/label/Quaker?m=0 http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/search/label/ethics?m=0 http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/search/label/yoga?m=0 http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/search/label/care?m=0💕, abolitionally, love, Scott 💗 (Ongoing seeking of life partner, and Ken might be able to help, Ma!)😊

I'd add the Cuttyhunk and GKM MD blog labels to the above blog labels in daily blog.

Ed, Ken, John, Ma (Jane), am also reminded of what Ed suggested on a hike around my birthday about 2 years' ago are Kaiser Permanente's 3 SSSs' approach (Stress, Sex, Sleep) to psychiatry ... regarding another organization's 'theoretical' to MD psychiatry (with relevance for World Univ & Sch online MD psychiatry ... But maybe with less relevance for online chat bot AI MD psychiatrists ..)

Pictures from this walk with Ed ... 

A kind of birthday lunch and hike on the Pacific ocean in Marin 2 years ago, #EdSmythMD (retired #KaiserPermanenteMD) - with you looking a bit like a #MDpsychiatrist (my projection) here, & me with long hair in the middle of #CoronavirusPandemic. Fond regards, Scott @HarbinBook ~

- Scott

Ongoing seeking of a great life partner with whom to begin a family, esp.

Ken, good travels, Scott 

George Alexander MD, Lacanian psychoanalytic psychiatrist, and family friend, stood by a picture of the The Desiderata, as if at a MD psychiatry post doc poster session in a medical conference, one of the last times my mother and I visited him at Kendal Crossland's Quaker continuing care center (for life!  ... Which could be a long time with againg reversal genetic engineering drug theraoies emerging) ...

and here's my riff on this today ... 

A riff on #TheDesiderata: "Go placidly ~ meditatively (#MEDITATE #RelaxationResponse?) ~ amid the noise & the haste, & remember what peace there may be in silence" https://www.desiderata.com/desiderata.html >https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Meditation https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Relaxation_Response @WorldUnivAndSch http://www.scottmacleod.com/yoganotations.html ~

Moving back to Canyon 94516 with life partner regarding even free land on around 9/1/23 is what I'd like to be planning for ... re 'ABIDANCE' questions (http://scottmacleod.com/JohnMoneyConceptsOfDeterminism.html ... regarding further ''medical psychology 'theory'' or thinking too). 

... and as you think these questions over further, Ken, too.

Bon voyage, Scott

On Fri, Jan 13, 2023, 5:12 AM Scott MacLeod <sgkmacleod@worlduniversityandschool.org> wrote:
Ken, (John, Ed, All), 

Bon voyage to Great Britain, and Glasgow, Scotland, today, Ken! (Could Scotland be an independent country next time you travel there?) Looking forward to seeing you upon your return, Ken. 

Momentous news for MIT OCW-centric Work Wiki World Univ and Sch yesterday in getting a call about how to license WUaS in Pennsylvania in order to then accredit it with Middle States Commission on Higher Education ... momentous since 2010 even (and see text message to Ed below).

Ken, (John (Sargent MD), regarding the 2nd notes below which you haven't read/seen)), All, ... am still wondering about why a woman said "she dies" out loud while passing by me in the Carnegie Library Main (CLM) library's main downstairs room the other day. (Something to do with the surveillance cameras at the CLM, and sick, psychopathological viewers of them?) In seeking to talk with you when you return, Ken, how to navigate such possible threats and regsrding living in an asylum place in PA from CA ... will be something to explore I think (regarding implications for all of staying safe) ... as we potentially live centuries ahead with aging reversal genetic drugs emerging.

Regards, abolitionally, bon voyage, best wishes, happy travels to Scotland, esp., Scott

Ed, it was great to get a call from Diana Bonner at the Middle States Commission on Higher Education in Philadelphia PA yesterday  (in reply to my call some weeks ago) with a 'green light' about WUaS licensing in Pennsylvania and how to contact the stare (state) of PA from the MSCHE web site, and to begin the 1) license with PA, in tandem with 2) accredit with MSCHE process ... MOMENTOUS, since 2013 or 2019 in CA regarding licensing (and to begin a family TOO) ... How WUaS calling for abolition to protect people (all 7.9 billion people each a Wikidata PIN #) develops while also protecting my mother, for example, from harm from the illegal sex industries internationally  (given SPECULATIVELY a comment spoken recently in the main Carnegie Public Library), will be interesting to observe ... Fondly, Scott 

W January 11, 2023 

Dear Larry, Edward (Smyth MD), Sidd, Ma, John Kidder, Jennifer Styran, Sue Davis Claus, (Peter Norvig), {John Sargent MD} All, 

Sitting in the Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh, main branch in Oakland after the Carnegie Museums just closed at 5 ... and having Tweeted the following below 

And does the director of the Carnegie Library of Pgh here walk by 5 minutes ago (who was behind a mask at David Ferreiro's talk, 10th archivist of the Library of Congress here, a few weeks ago), - and does she nod her head toward me (I'm including here in this email thread ) ... Was this you, Jen Styran? ...

and 15 minutes ago did I just see the assistant director of the Carnegie Museum in the restroom in the Library/Museum basement portal passageway? ... (a bit of a 'stiff' and with scary energy in the past)

And then a woman walks by 3 minutes ago (looking slightly hsiwej, in reverse, & crazily ... ) .. listening to earphones, possibly a book recording ... and says out loud as she passed me  "SHE DIES" ... and that's all ... and walks on ... was she referring to Jen Styran?, who's great, I've observed, from our correspondence  ...  this sounded very sinister ... 

And I've quite often wondered about questions, sadly, of the illegal sex industry in the Carnegie Library of Oakland, ... in the time I've been back in this asylum place in Pgh, PA, from CA ... and wonder too further about a World Univ & Sch abolition audit - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2023/01/eastern-hemlock-monday-1923-open-world.html (and see this idea in Monday's blog post 1/9/23 here) - moving forward ... 

"Am curious about ongoing WUaS abolition audits if you will in all 200 countries to protect people further ... And perhaps out of our planned 200 law schools in 200 countries and in their main languages. Am thinking too about US State Department reports in these regards, but something quite different as well with information technology, AI, machine learning, electronic medical records, a realistic virtual earth for history and languages and genetics +. "

Just some observations in growing this WUaS abolition movement ...  to protect potentially all 7.9 billion people on the planet ... with LEGAL questions as well as law enforcement, AI, machine learning, and electronic medical records too potentially ... 

Abolitionally, Friendly regards, best wishes, as WUaS seeks to grow newly with licensing and accreditation in Pennsylvania, while in this asylum place in PA from CA, PLEASE STAY SAFE, 

Some of this thread and much more is here in today's blog post on 1/11/23

- Scott GK MacLeod  
Founder, President, CEO & Professor
CC-4 licensed MIT OCW-centric. Wiki, 
World University & School (WUaS) 
- PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 94516 
- 210 East End Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15221
1) non-profit World University and School - http://worlduniversityandschool.org  
2) for profit general stock company WUaS Corporation in CA - http://worlduniversityandschool.org/AcademicPress.html

(m) 412 478 0116 - sgkmacleod@gmail.com 

World Univ & Sch Innovation Research -  scottmacleod.com 


Dear Peter Norvig, Ed, Sid, Ma, John K, Jennifer Styran, Larry, Sue Davis Claus, Stephon (housemate at 210 E End Ave Pgh 15221), All, 

Peter (Norvig), thank you ... the device pairing between my smartphone and laptop worked again about an hour later, and after I waited and then re-booted both computers ... Thank you!

And why such sinister messaging or vocalizations - symbolizing -  as what the woman said re "She Dies" as she passed by me, sitting in the Carnegie Library? ... I wonder ... One hypothesis ... preserve a culture and possibly even profits ... if the illegal sex industry is at stake ... 

Also received this morning  my first Pitt email about an event ever, since I returned in August, after asking to be added to the Pitt Philosophy department email list for Philosophy talks ... 

'How Does It Feel To Be A Problem' film screening and community dialogue, Jan. 20 (re upcoming MLK Jr day ... )

Methinks, given my father's - Pitt Professor Gordon K MacLeod MD (https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/search/label/Gordon%20K.%20MacLeod%20MD) -  two subdural hematomas, one on a Pitt-managed Semester at Sea trip in the country Belize on December 30, 2004 ... that Pitt itself may have a problem  

Abolitionally, sincerely, Friendly regards, Scott
Ongoing daily publishing (of Truth potentially in an unprogrammed Quaker sense)  in daily blog, and here's the W 1/11/23 blog post from today - 

Appreciating the North American beaver's remarkable building abilities ... and in the pictures of this blog post today :)

On Thu, Jan 12, 2023 at 11:10 AM Scott MacLeod <sgkmacleod@worlduniversityandschool.org> wrote:
Ken, John, Ed, All, 

Greetings, and Bon Voyage, Ken - to GB, and Glasgow, Scotland this Friday. I hope that your mother is out of the hospital (if being out is warranted medically) and that she's on the mend. 

I think my thinking in exploring the possibility of talking with you, Ken, and per the 1st email in this thread ... is to begin a family ... and here's a recent text message to my mother (who suggested, on my birthday, talking with you) in these regards: 

"Will I meet a life partner today? Or via an indirect introduction re Ken Thompson MD  to someone possibly with Protestant background and a MD? Circulating ... Love 💕, Scott"

Pretty, and with inner beauty, and connecting with her from the beginning would be great too. (Scottish, Quaker, UU, and a smart gene package into the centuries ahead with aging reversal genetic drugs emerging, and per the first email in this thread too, and see below).

Good travels, Ken!,

aging reversal New York Times 

@GeoChurch #PeterNorvig How best to add the research in these 4 #AgingReversal #NewYorkTimes' arts. 
"#TurningBackTheClock on #AgingCells"


#AgingReversal #NewYorkTimes
Turning Back the Clock on Aging Cells
Researchers report that they can rejuvenate human cells by reprogramming them to a youthful state. By N Wade

#AgingReversal #NewYorkTimes

Turning Back the Clock on Aging Cells
Researchers report that they can rejuvenate human cells by reprogramming them to a youthful state.
By Nicholas Wade
March 24, 2020 

Can a ‘Magic’ Protein Slow the Aging Process?
Elevian is one of several companies searching for ways to increase life span — in this case, using a protein called GDF11. But challenges lie ahead.
July 2022 

Scientists Say the Clock of Aging May Be Reversible
Dec 15 2016

Young Blood May Hold Key to Reversing Aging
May 14, 2014 

I think 'identity' questions (per anthropology, sociology +) are at play here too for me, Ken - 

Dear Ken (MD), Ma, John Sargent MD, Ed Smyth MD, Ann Brown, Cathy Muller, Peter Norvig, Hugh Thomas, All, 

Good I think to have been added to the Pittsburgh Friends' Meeting directory for Jan 2023 (attached) - search on "MacLeod" - and regarding possibly returning back to the SF Bay Area in September to a "newly safe" Canyon 94516 (per John Sargent MD, here), - with his important question: how can we know that Canyon is safe?. (I suppose in a similar way to knowing that Pgh is safe ... and observing the law ... so when I get my Carnegie Museums' membership card ... before I could be a target of violence for example????) But beyond attending a Quaker Silent Meeting here at Pittsburgh Friends Meeting at 9am  one of the first Sunday's I was back in Pgh, - and I'm a member of the SF Francisco Friends' Meeting (having transferred my membership in the RSOF from the Edinburgh Scotland Central Meeting, where I became a member) ... and about which SFFM - and the whole of Pacific Yearly Meeting, and North Pacific Yearly Meeting too (which first meeting I attended I think in the early 1980s, in my years' studying at Reed College, and going to the Multnomah Monthly Meeting there, in Portland, Oregon), I've whistle-blown quite loudly, and regarding illegalities and criminal behavior with kids tragically - the Pittsburgh Quaker Meeting chose not to include writing that I'm a member of SFFM (see below). I'm skeptical that state of California and federal legal processes, and international ones too, can 'clean up' the' San Francisco Friends' Meeting (there's a retired KP MD in this Meeting too ... Jim O'Donnell <jlod008@gmail.com>, Jim O'Donnell <james.odonnell@kp.org>) ... 

And in the SF Bay Area about a year ago, I asked to be removed from all SF Bay Area email lists ... because of the hostilities coming through some emails, and the RISKS of being a member in corrupt and criminal Quaker organizations - that could leverage membership issues to harm members who didn't participate in criminal activities, for example -  such as some Quaker organizations may have become in the SF Bay Area, and elsewhere, too, like on the East Coast of the US, and in Great Britain too  ... 

More issues possibly to talk about, Ken, with you, as a WUaS abolition movement grows ... (and Quakers were very active in the abolition movement in the US since the American Revolution and long before - with investments too - and through the Emancipation Proclamation of 1862 ... since, for example some Friends were slave holders since probably the late 1600s tragically (and John Woolman among many Friends was instrumental in convincing Quakers to pursue abolition ... ) ... Unitarians may not have been as active in the abolition movement as Quakers, pre US civil war (but I'm not a historian), from my reading of history, but especially north of the Mason Dixon line, and in New England I think some Unitarians were as active in abolition of slavery movement as Friends were).

Networks, among good Quakers, for example, and as in many similar networks as subcultures as identities (re Castells' middle book in his Information AGe trilogy ... "The Power of Identity) ... can be very powerful ... (https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/search/label/society%20and%20information%20technology)

Friendly regards, Abolitionally, Bon voyage, Scott

Ken, since we've met a number of times on Christmas Eve at the 1st UU chruch of Pittsburgh 

... and where my father's memorial service (GKM MD) was held - 

200 planned Medical Schools at WUaS - 


Hi Eric, Friends, All, 
Thanks for this opportunity to be listed in the Pittsburgh Friends' Meeting directory. I just downloaded the December 2022 PFM directory and saved it to my hard drive. 
Following the format in your entry, I added my contact information below, but am not sure how you'll handle membership in a non-PFM Quaker Meeting), and since I'm living in asylum in Pittsburgh after whistle-blowing about the SFFM. 
Starbuck, Eric (M)
7127 1/2 Thomas Blvd
Pittsburgh, PA 15208
MacLeod, Scott GK (Member of San Francisco Friends' Quaker Meeting)
210 East End Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15221
Friendly regards, 
-- Poetry! Order Book #5 Light, Float, Sit, Watsu ~ Virtually
Scottish Small Piping album #1 Honey in the Bag ~ Out of the Air tune
Order Actual-Virtual Ethnographic Book #1: Naked Harbin Ethnography 
- Scott GK MacLeod  
Founder, President, CEO, Professor & Presiding Clerk, 
CC-4 licensed MIT OCW-centric. Wiki, 
World University & School (WUaS) 
- PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 94516 
- 210 East End Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15221
1) non-profit World University and School - http://worlduniversityandschool.org  
2) for profit general stock company WUaS Corporation in CA - http://worlduniversityandschool.org/AcademicPress.html
(m) 412 478 0116 - sgkmacleod@gmail.com 
World Univ & Sch Innovation Research -  scottmacleod.com 
-- Scott MacLeod
World University and Schoolhttp://worlduniversityandschool.org/P.O. Box 442, (86 Ridgecrest Road), Canyon, CA 94516415 480 4577scott@scottmacleod.comSkype: scottm100

From: pfmweeklybulletin@googlegroups.com <pfmweeklybulletin@googlegroups.com> on behalf of Pittsburgh Friends Meeting <pfm.e.archives@gmail.com>Sent: Tuesday, December 20, 2022 3:38 AMTo: pfm.e.archives <pfm.e.archives@gmail.com>Subject: PFM Monthly Newsletter and Directory
The Newsletter contains information of interest to Pittsburgh Quakers. It is not online, only in an email attachment below.
The Directory contains contact info for members and attenders who request to be listed. 
If you would like to be in the Directory, please email your data to ericwilliamstarbuck@gmail.com
If you moved or otherwise changed your contact data, please email corrections to me as well.
Happy Solstice! 

--You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "PFMweeklybulletin" group.To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to pfmweeklybulletin+unsubscribe@googlegroups.com.To view this discussion on the web visit https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/pfmweeklybulletin/CA%2BMpFeTaYno3V-KwbMxJZGkDy-rAC2aGfoDcR6mzi_48D3hS-Q%40mail.gmail.com.

regarding my upcoming "Society, Information Technology, and the Global University" book 2023 (Academic Press at World Univ & Sch), just shared with my mother - 

Ma, made some progress on my upcoming "Society, Information Technology, and the Global University manuscript 2023 to paper ...  

 -As AUDIO book too ... with these my "Society & Information Technology" video talks in 2007 re this book as part of an audio book - and as chapters too

The Information Technology Revolution - History and Geography - Scott MacLeod


The Information Revolution and Social Transformations - Scott MacLeod


Social History of the Internet - Scott MacLeod

Internet History - Scott MacLeod

Sociability, the Internet & Empirical Data in the mid-late 1990s: Communities & Individualization  - Scott MacLeod

The Internet and Social Political Environments - Scott MacLeod

The Internet and the Hacker Ethos - Scott MacLeod

The New Economy and Information Technology - MacLeod

accessible from

Great to have received a call from the "Middle States Commission on  Higher Education"

re licensing in PA then accreditation with them ...
Love, Scott


Good morning my wonderful mother! Just shared this with Ed, (and sent you all a 'Seeing you? email) ... and regarding possible threats of violence you might be facing or living under ... "Ed, it was great to get a call from Diana Bonner at the Middle States Commission on Higher Education in Philadelphia PA yesterday  (in reply to my call some weeks ago) with a 'green light' about WUaS licensing in Pennsylvania and how to contact the stare (state) of PA from the MSCHE web site, and to begin the 1) license with PA, in tandem with 2) accredit with MSCHE process ... MOMENTOUS, since 2013 or 2019 in CA regarding licensing (and to begin a family TOO) ... How WUaS calling for abolition to protect people (all 7.9 billion people each a Wikidata PIN #) develops while also protecting my mother, for example, from harm from the illegal sex industries internationally  (given SPECULATIVELY a comment spoken recently in the main Carnegie Public Library), will be interesting to observe ... Fondly, Scott " ... Seeking for all of us to stay safe in calling for abolition... and regarding the individual decisions we make in these regards, and the group identity choices we make too (as Unitarians and Quakers for example). Sending love, Scott (http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/search/label/care?m=0)


Seeing Ken, Ma, could open a way to my beginning a family! Love, Scott


On Fri, Jan 13, 2023 at 12:07 PM Scott MacLeod <sgkmacleod@worlduniversityandschool.org> wrote:
Ken (MD), Ma, John Sargent MD, Ed Smyth MD, Ann Brown, Cathy Muller, Peter Norvig, Hugh Thomas, All, 

Great to speak with you a couple of times recently, Ken! Following up on growing an abolition movement to protect potentially my mother as well ... and having fled for my life from CA to PA in August ... and re possibly seeing you with UPMC's health coverage 6 times per my mother's suggestion on my birthday. 

Regarding my being traumatized - and regarding potentially talking with you, Ken, about this too -  by Kim Viehland's question "Where are we going to get the prostitutes from?" you can read this question, and Kim Viehland's response to some of my abolition emails, as well as my further thinking as a conscientious objector (in a Friendly sense) here - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2023/01/iris-giganticaerulea.html - and FYI, Larry and Kim's answering machine continues to say something like if you haven't reached us directly, please leave a message and "we are caught on the other line. We will get back to you" ... (where I think the other line could refer to a 'shiwej,' in reverse, line, or subculture ... re fishing culture too somehow ... and Larry's a whale of a fish ) ... And as I left their house the second time recently, after sending my 'being traumatized' email to Kim Viehland ... I stayed only for 20 minutes, asked some 199N CA FTB form questions ... with a new WUaS development in these regards, and to be filed by what would have been my father's birthday, 1/30/23 ... if he hadn't been potentially whacked ... and what could have been my father's birthday centuries into the future, if aging reversal genetic engineering drugs emerge .. 

And, I continue to be concerned too about the woman ('shiwej,' - was her sick psychopathological partner, a wannabe film director, with CLM video camera footage ... 'directing' her ... ) in the main Carnegie Library Pittsburgh / Oakland walking by and saying "SHE DIES" ... AND am not sure whether this could refer to its new director Jen Styran or even to my mother (who went into the CLM - Carnegie Library Main with me about a week ago ... and she checked out some sheet music ... and regarding their potential surveillance cameras ... and for identifying people, behind masks or not, ... and could I interpolate this even as a possible "death threat" against my mother? ... and regarding the illegal sex and drug industries in Pittsburgh, and their latent networks of violence ... and this subculture and its potential tragic profits? ), 

While I have issues with feminism, I have learned from Larry and Kim, and possibly from norms in Pittsburgh too ... about the role the man plays in the a pairbond symbolizing-wise ... and that women partners sometimes take these directions without questioning them ... I think any abolition audit to protect people - all 7.9 billion people possibly, but in Pgh for example - should focus on Larry Viehland's accounting for one .. (a MIT alumnus, - I realize there a lot of ways to 'cook the books' etc., and thus potentially enslave people tragically  ... and wonder how many 'whores' as slaves have emerged from Chatham since 1997 ... and from the jcc ... and from Pitt and CMU ... ) ... 

Greetings from an asylum place in PA from CA, and I was also as some of you may have read, some months ago, exploring seeking asylum from California in Scotland, or Europe, and in Oregon, too ... 

If UPMC could be involved in an abolition audit ... in the 3 US states it's in (PA, MD, and WV ... and even with KP, in 8 US states), we might grow a successful abolition movement, and really begin to protect people against offenders, perpetrators, criminals and similar. 

By the way, the unwell angry hostile frederic khayat (housemate) ... from Lebanon, but via French-speaking Switzerland for 2 years at EPFL university seems to have been away from 210 E End Avenue, Pgh 15221 ... and after a women - who could have been all of 20 years, and was she a "professional fucking officer" - and search on "professional fucking officer" here ... https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2023/01/north-american-beaver-heres-recording.html ...  in the Lebanonese army (or an army one south) - - spent a night here on the catch. "The Spy Who CAME ....  in from the Cold'' - and there's no central heat here at 210 East End Avenue ... title by John LeCarre popped up on a tab on my Chrome browser ... and am continuing to wonder about the role CMU Bachelor degree student possible 'insecurity apparatus' soldier frederic khayat played in the death of Jackson Shannon NYC who died after he was moved out ... and then the couple that came to replace him was moved out, and it was this man who said Jackson Shannon was deceased ... could craven frederic khayat (of kraven maga, regarding the "FUCK MAGA" graffiti on the green USPS Post Office box near the Pittsburgh Quaker Meeting ... and this graffiti is still there, yesterday ... suggesting a breakdown in the federal USPS postal service maintenance) .. .have been moved out ... or could he be staying with this young woman (who creeped me out a little) ... or could he be on vacation in Lebanon ... or will he move back in around January 17, 2023 when CMU begins again ...  I continue to call for the abolition of the illegal sex industry internationally and their latent networks of violence in some of these regards, and wonder what role a foreign national - possible murderer - like frederic khayat, and regarding Switzerland, could play in seeking to perpetuate these international crime networks ... outside the jurisdictions of US federal law, PA state law, and in the murky world of InterPol law or international law ...  Could frederic khayat have "come" too re  "The Spy Who CAME ....  in from the Cold'' (1965) ... if they are in a kooky relationship now? Could frederic khayat be extradited if he was complicit in Jackson Pollock's death? ... Who knows ... and aboliton-ally, yours, Scott ...  

Ken, MD, John Sargent MD, Ed Smyth MD, Sidd Mazumdar HHS - how to keep both my mother and myself safe in all of these regards, and as an abolition movement grows? - hopefully with UPMC's health coverage ... 


Happy New Year

On Fri, Jan 13, 2023 at 10:54 AM Scott MacLeod <sgkmacleod@worlduniversityandschool.org> wrote:
Ken (MD), Ma (Jane), John Sargent MD, Ed Smyth MD, (Tym, Peter), All, 

Greetings, and I hope this email finds you well. 

Kan, Ma, All, I am still somewhat deeply traumatized by pastor Kim Viehland's asking "Where are we going to get the prostitutes from?" .. and re the jcc in pgh, and also potentially Chatham University, and possibly regarding Pitt and CMU too ... and speculatively could Larry Viehland be the bookkeeper for some of this organized crime even? Kim said the other day twice that "Larry should not be the WUaS treasurer" ... and he's neither  the chair of the WUAS Board, nor the CFO any longer either ... BUT WUaS DID GET A CALL FROM MIDDLE STATES COMMISSION FOR HIGHER EDUCATION yesterday with the GREEN LIGHT to license first with the state of PA,  before accreditation with MSCHE in PA (https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2023/01/virginia-opossum.html) .... and possibly due to Larry and Kim's NETWORKS ... So how would abolition audits work at WUaS going forward ... and with increasing levels of scrutiny and AI and machine learning, and electronic medical records - and with developments in all 200 countries' law, law enforcement and cultures of protecting the innocent, women, victims other ? ... and given 'the real' (Lacan-wise) ... and in Sweden in Swedish in 25 years in the Sweden World Univ and Sch Medical School, and in Scotland in 4 years, in the Scotland World Univ & Sch online Medical School ? 

One further Scotland note: when I went to the St. Andrew's Society, Pgh, Board meeting on W 1/4/23 in Murrysville / Monroeville, and started meeting people, I met someone among many who in a deep southern drawl introduced himself as LRY (, I could barely understand him) ... and then, later, it appeared to be his partner/wife who stood up and gave the treasurer's report. ...  Since this St. Andrew's Society, Pgh, Board Meeting, I've inquired not only if that treasurer could become World Univ & Sch's but also if some of them could join the WUaS Board, and with Paul Thompson (no relation I think to either you and Nick, Ken, or to Allison Thompson) possibly becoming Chair of the Board ... After a couple of emails in a new 'university' thread with Pat Frick of the St. Andrew's Society, Pgh, Board meeting - who was turning red a lot during the meeting, and whose mother was born in Scotland - I haven't heard back further from the St. Andrew's Society, Pgh, about them becoming a WUaS Leadership Team for Scotland World Univ & Sch ... and with much much opportunity with both WUaS wings ... 

So, traumatized by what kim viehland (MIT alumna in Chemistry from ~69) said ... and wondering how to initiate WUaS Medical School abolition audits too into Chatham University, Pitt - and REGARDING my Father's GORDON K MACLEOD MD's 2 subdural hematomas, BRAIN INJURIES, in 2004 and 2005 relating to Pitt, both - CMU, and also the jcc, and Duquesne University ... and the Pittsburgh Quaker Meeting, and the 1st Unitarian Church of Pittsburgh ... and even into the Middle States Commission on Higher Education (re PA, NY, MD, DE, and NJ ... as well as DC .. and the Virgin Islands ... ) ... WUaS abolition audits would be a pretty new thing to protect people with, possibly  regarding state law in the US, if not federal law somehow ... 

Thank you again, Ma, SO MUCH, for the guest membership to the 4 Carnegie Museums ... which I could see as a way you might be seeking to abolish the illegal sex industry and their latent networks of violence in pittsburgh - if I were to head into these places, and observe things, and possible law breaking etc. 

Thoughts, questions, ideas, suggestions? 

ALL to talk about when you return from Scotland, Ken, potentially? Thank you, Ma, for suggesting seeing Ken too on my birthday in some of these regards.   

Glad MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch is making progress ... and am hoping the licensing process with the state of PA goes smoothly now ... and think it should. (May be seeking however a different treasurer than the St. Andrew's Society, Pgh, treasurer and her husband 'lary' said in an un-understandable southern drawl (laary) ... please stay tuned)

Safe travels, Ken, 

On Fri, Jan 13, 2023 at 9:57 AM Scott MacLeod <sgkmacleod@worlduniversityandschool.org> wrote:
Ken (MD), Ma (Jane), John Sargent MD, Ed Smyth MD, All, 

Greetings, and I hope this email finds you well. 

Just an typo correction

but appreciating her, suggesting sering you for 6 times. Am exploring this. How would this work please? 

(which I wonder if it's a Google gmail substitution, since this email address is in Gmail) ... SEEING is the correct spelling instead of 'se-ring' for example 

... and am not sure how a developing abolition audit re the WUaS online Medical Schools and online Teaching Hospitals in 200 countries would work - with 200 nation states, and states within them, law ... re the US State Departments' reports on 'sex trafficking' in some of these regards too.  

Ma, All, I still haven't received the actual Carnegie Museums' membership card to replace the gift card you gave me to these 4 Carnegie museums, in early December. And I've asked about it a couple of times at the admissions' area to the Carnegie Museums in Oakland. I've heard it would come in early January, and I heard 3 days ago, from an African American with brightly colored hair, next to another guy who checks people in (who seems duplicitous, and creeps me out a little bit), that it would come in a few weeks now. I also wrote to some of you a few weeks ago about seeing what looked like she could have been an (Asian) prostitute near the admissions' area / restaurant as I was departing just before 5. And in my and WUaS calling for abolition - and in the Carnegie Museums - re possible illegal buying and selling of people, sadly and tragically - I wonder how the law would come to play a role here in the Carnegie Museums. (I wonder if I should contact mollusks' curator Tim Pearce - https://carnegiemuseums.org/expert/tim-pearce/ - at the Carnegie Museums, whom I met at Allison Thompson's house on Denniston St. the 2nd time I played my Scottish Small Pipes' in a Saturday afternoon English Country Dancing music-making group ... which I'm not going back to as well .. and in calling for abolition). In living in asylum in PA from CA, and in calling for abolition, I think it would be great if the Carnegie Museums and Library could get their 'house' in order legally, both federal and state law, - and regarding getting me my membership card (re safety questions too). THANK YOU, Ma, for this guest membership card, and glad to have visited the Carnegie Museums already about about 5 times in 2023 ... and wonder what you would suggest please about getting the regular membership card ... and regarding these law, law enforcement, AI, machine learning, protecting people ... and safety questions. 

Ken, have a great trip to Scotland ... and will be visiting Scotland, identity-wise, and virtually, in a sense, as I further visit the Carnegie Museums (re these recent "Carnegie" museum, and music hall, photos too for me recently published 2nd Scottish Small Pipes' album - https://scottmacleodpiobaireachdscottishsmallpipesbagpiping.bandcamp.com/ - which is free - and accessible from http://scottmacleod.com/piping.htm) with my guest membership ... and thinking of you. Looking forward to talking upon your return - and about some of these questions too. 

Thank you, Ma, for the guest membership to the Carnegie Museums ... and thank you for suggesting seeing Ken Thompson MD on my birthday (and re 'pairbondage' - http://scottmacleod.com/JohnMoneyConceptsOfDeterminism.html ... and to begin a family) ... and I'm hoping this can work out with UPMC esp.

Bon voyage, abolition-ally, Friendly regards, best wishes, 

On Fri, Jan 13, 2023 at 8:52 AM Scott MacLeod <sgkmacleod@worlduniversityandschool.org> wrote:
Ken, John, Ed, All, 

Just shared this text message below with my mother and regarding seeing you when you return from Scotland and GB ... and the first email in this thread.

Bon voyage, Scott 

Good morning, Ma! thanks again on my birthday for suggesting seeing Ken Thompson MD, potentially paid for by UPMC ... besides abolition questions - regular abolition audits on Cuttyhunk too possibly (to protect people and us legally, state, federally and even internationally re creepy bobby elmore as well as MIT's karl koster & lindley huey, - and by extension brent hall and serena davis hall), am interested in talking with Ken about the following issues, which I think you've read ...  

Hi Ken,

Great to see you briefly in passing at the ligonier Highland Games on September 17, 2022. How are you? Happy New Year! I remember your father appreciatively. And nice to see you at some UU Church Christmas Eve celebrations in the past too.

See you? Might it be possible please to talk with you professionally, and, if you have time, and an office in your home, in Shadyside? 

Seeking to find a life partner to begin a family. 

Concerned about the death, possible murder, of Jackson Shannon NYC here at 210 East End Ave Pgh 15221 where I'm living in a kind of asylum place in PA from CA.

Concerned about my father's head injury in Belize on Dec 30, 2004 in ongoing ways - GKM MD - and living here for this year (Sept 2022 - July 2023 in Pittsburgh.

Seeking to grow MIT OCW -centric Wiki World Univ & Sch newly licensing and accrediting in Pennsylvania ... but licensing is a challenge first presently.

Here too are the beginning MIT OCW -centric Wiki World Univ & Sch psychiatry MD subjects about which it would be great to talk some - 

Mental health at WUaS:
& as developing universities, planned first in English, Spanish and Chinese, there will be eventually OCW ... 

Pitt expressed interest in partnering with World Univ & Sch on M 12/26/22 in email - and potentially regarding monies into WUaS newly - how to realize?

Have some concerns about my mother's saying recently she breaks the rules all the time ... 

but appreciating her suggesting sering you for 6 times. Am exploring this. How would this work please? 

Am also concerned in ongoing way about family friend, brilliant, Lacanian psychoanalytic psychiatrist George Alexander MD in Pittsburgh years ago coming on to me.

Am interested in exploring further the implications of aging reversal and longevity genetics' drug therapies emerging.

Am also interested in moving back to the SF Bay Area to a newly safe 670A Ridgecrest Road, Canyon CA 94516 house-let in the SF Bay Area per John Sargent MD too (and friend Ed Smyth MD, retired KP physician in Berkeley, at whose wedding I played my bagpipes around the year 2000, above too).  I've spoken with John Sargent MD (above) at Tuft's Medical Center in Massachusetts from Canyon 94516 about 10 years ago. 

Do you accept UPMC health coverage? My UPMC 'effective date' was 11/15/22. I learned a few weeks ago that I don't have to go through my UPMC PCP to see specialists re your - https://www.linkedin.com/in/kenneth-thompson-8465327

Will call your mobile number today and explore how to proceed.

Thanks, regards,

Recent text messages to my great mother (whose been through a lot regarding my father) and in some of these regards ... Sending love, Scott (http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/search/label/Unitarian%20Universalist?m=0 http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/search/label/Quaker?m=0 http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/search/label/ethics?m=0 http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/search/label/yoga?m=0 http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/search/label/care?m=0💕, abolitionally, love, Scott 💗 (Ongoing seeking of life partner, and Ken might be able to help, Ma!)😊

I'd add the Cuttyhunk and GKM MD blog labels to the above blog labels in daily blog.

Ed, Ken, John, Ma (Jane), am also reminded of what Ed suggested on a hike around my birthday about 2 years' ago are Kaiser Permanente's 3 SSSs' approach (Stress, Sex, Sleep) to psychiatry ... regarding another organization's 'theoretical' to MD psychiatry (with relevance for World Univ & Sch online MD psychiatry ... But maybe with less relevance for online chat bot AI MD psychiatrists ..)

Pictures from this walk with Ed ... 

A kind of birthday lunch and hike on the Pacific ocean in Marin 2 years ago, #EdSmythMD (retired #KaiserPermanenteMD) - with you looking a bit like a #MDpsychiatrist (my projection) here, & me with long hair in the middle of #CoronavirusPandemic. Fond regards, Scott @HarbinBook ~

- Scott

Ongoing seeking of a great life partner with whom to begin a family, esp.

Ken, good travels, Scott 

George Alexander MD, Lacanian psychoanalytic psychiatrist, and family friend, stood by a picture of the The Desiderata, as if at a MD psychiatry post doc poster session in a medical conference, one of the last times my mother and I visited him at Kendal Crossland's Quaker continuing care center (for life!  ... Which could be a long time with againg reversal genetic engineering drug theraoies emerging) ...

and here's my riff on this today ... 

A riff on #TheDesiderata: "Go placidly ~ meditatively (#MEDITATE #RelaxationResponse?) ~ amid the noise & the haste, & remember what peace there may be in silence" https://www.desiderata.com/desiderata.html >https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Meditation https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Relaxation_Response @WorldUnivAndSch http://www.scottmacleod.com/yoganotations.html ~

Moving back to Canyon 94516 with life partner regarding even free land on around 9/1/23 is what I'd like to be planning for ... re 'ABIDANCE' questions (http://scottmacleod.com/JohnMoneyConceptsOfDeterminism.html ... regarding further ''medical psychology 'theory'' or thinking too). 

... and as you think these questions over further, Ken, too.

Bon voyage, Scott

On Fri, Jan 13, 2023, 5:12 AM Scott MacLeod <sgkmacleod@worlduniversityandschool.org> wrote:
Ken, (John, Ed, All), 

Bon voyage to Great Britain, and Glasgow, Scotland, today, Ken! (Could Scotland be an independent country next time you travel there?) Looking forward to seeing you upon your return, Ken. 

Momentous news for MIT OCW-centric Work Wiki World Univ and Sch yesterday in getting a call about how to license WUaS in Pennsylvania in order to then accredit it with Middle States Commission on Higher Education ... momentous since 2010 even (and see text message to Ed below).

Ken, (John (Sargent MD), regarding the 2nd notes below which you haven't read/seen)), All, ... am still wondering about why a woman said "she dies" out loud while passing by me in the Carnegie Library Main (CLM) library's main downstairs room the other day. (Something to do with the surveillance cameras at the CLM, and sick, psychopathological viewers of them?) In seeking to talk with you when you return, Ken, how to navigate such possible threats and regsrding living in an asylum place in PA from CA ... will be something to explore I think (regarding implications for all of staying safe) ... as we potentially live centuries ahead with aging reversal genetic drugs emerging.

Regards, abolitionally, bon voyage, best wishes, happy travels to Scotland, esp., Scott

Ed, it was great to get a call from Diana Bonner at the Middle States Commission on Higher Education in Philadelphia PA yesterday  (in reply to my call some weeks ago) with a 'green light' about WUaS licensing in Pennsylvania and how to contact the stare (state) of PA from the MSCHE web site, and to begin the 1) license with PA, in tandem with 2) accredit with MSCHE process ... MOMENTOUS, since 2013 or 2019 in CA regarding licensing (and to begin a family TOO) ... How WUaS calling for abolition to protect people (all 7.9 billion people each a Wikidata PIN #) develops while also protecting my mother, for example, from harm from the illegal sex industries internationally  (given SPECULATIVELY a comment spoken recently in the main Carnegie Public Library), will be interesting to observe ... Fondly, Scott 

W January 11, 2023 

Dear Larry, Edward (Smyth MD), Sidd, Ma, John Kidder, Jennifer Styran, Sue Davis Claus, (Peter Norvig), {John Sargent MD} All, 

Sitting in the Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh, main branch in Oakland after the Carnegie Museums just closed at 5 ... and having Tweeted the following below 

And does the director of the Carnegie Library of Pgh here walk by 5 minutes ago (who was behind a mask at David Ferreiro's talk, 10th archivist of the Library of Congress here, a few weeks ago), - and does she nod her head toward me (I'm including here in this email thread ) ... Was this you, Jen Styran? ...

and 15 minutes ago did I just see the assistant director of the Carnegie Museum in the restroom in the Library/Museum basement portal passageway? ... (a bit of a 'stiff' and with scary energy in the past)

And then a woman walks by 3 minutes ago (looking slightly hsiwej, in reverse, & crazily ... ) .. listening to earphones, possibly a book recording ... and says out loud as she passed me  "SHE DIES" ... and that's all ... and walks on ... was she referring to Jen Styran?, who's great, I've observed, from our correspondence  ...  this sounded very sinister ... 

And I've quite often wondered about questions, sadly, of the illegal sex industry in the Carnegie Library of Oakland, ... in the time I've been back in this asylum place in Pgh, PA, from CA ... and wonder too further about a World Univ & Sch abolition audit - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2023/01/eastern-hemlock-monday-1923-open-world.html (and see this idea in Monday's blog post 1/9/23 here) - moving forward ... 

"Am curious about ongoing WUaS abolition audits if you will in all 200 countries to protect people further ... And perhaps out of our planned 200 law schools in 200 countries and in their main languages. Am thinking too about US State Department reports in these regards, but something quite different as well with information technology, AI, machine learning, electronic medical records, a realistic virtual earth for history and languages and genetics +. "

Just some observations in growing this WUaS abolition movement ...  to protect potentially all 7.9 billion people on the planet ... with LEGAL questions as well as law enforcement, AI, machine learning, and electronic medical records too potentially ... 

Abolitionally, Friendly regards, best wishes, as WUaS seeks to grow newly with licensing and accreditation in Pennsylvania, while in this asylum place in PA from CA, PLEASE STAY SAFE, 

Some of this thread and much more is here in today's blog post on 1/11/23

- Scott GK MacLeod  
Founder, President, CEO & Professor
CC-4 licensed MIT OCW-centric. Wiki, 
World University & School (WUaS) 
- PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 94516 
- 210 East End Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15221
1) non-profit World University and School - http://worlduniversityandschool.org  
2) for profit general stock company WUaS Corporation in CA - http://worlduniversityandschool.org/AcademicPress.html

(m) 412 478 0116 - sgkmacleod@gmail.com 

World Univ & Sch Innovation Research -  scottmacleod.com 


Dear Peter Norvig, Ed, Sid, Ma, John K, Jennifer Styran, Larry, Sue Davis Claus, Stephon (housemate at 210 E End Ave Pgh 15221), All, 

Peter (Norvig), thank you ... the device pairing between my smartphone and laptop worked again about an hour later, and after I waited and then re-booted both computers ... Thank you!

And why such sinister messaging or vocalizations - symbolizing -  as what the woman said re "She Dies" as she passed by me, sitting in the Carnegie Library? ... I wonder ... One hypothesis ... preserve a culture and possibly even profits ... if the illegal sex industry is at stake ... 

Also received this morning  my first Pitt email about an event ever, since I returned in August, after asking to be added to the Pitt Philosophy department email list for Philosophy talks ... 

'How Does It Feel To Be A Problem' film screening and community dialogue, Jan. 20 (re upcoming MLK Jr day ... )

Methinks, given my father's - Pitt Professor Gordon K MacLeod MD (https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/search/label/Gordon%20K.%20MacLeod%20MD) -  two subdural hematomas, one on a Pitt-managed Semester at Sea trip in the country Belize on December 30, 2004 ... that Pitt itself may have a problem  

Abolitionally, sincerely, Friendly regards, Scott
Ongoing daily publishing (of Truth potentially in an unprogrammed Quaker sense)  in daily blog, and here's the W 1/11/23 blog post from today - 

Appreciating the North American beaver's remarkable building abilities ... and in the pictures of this blog post today :)

On Thu, Jan 12, 2023 at 11:10 AM Scott MacLeod <sgkmacleod@worlduniversityandschool.org> wrote:
Ken, John, Ed, All, 

Greetings, and Bon Voyage, Ken - to GB, and Glasgow, Scotland this Friday. I hope that your mother is out of the hospital (if being out is warranted medically) and that she's on the mend. 

I think my thinking in exploring the possibility of talking with you, Ken, and per the 1st email in this thread ... is to begin a family ... and here's a recent text message to my mother (who suggested, on my birthday, talking with you) in these regards: 

"Will I meet a life partner today? Or via an indirect introduction re Ken Thompson MD  to someone possibly with Protestant background and a MD? Circulating ... Love 💕, Scott"

Pretty, and with inner beauty, and connecting with her from the beginning would be great too. (Scottish, Quaker, UU, and a smart gene package into the centuries ahead with aging reversal genetic drugs emerging, and per the first email in this thread too, and see below).

Good travels, Ken!,

aging reversal New York Times 

@GeoChurch #PeterNorvig How best to add the research in these 4 #AgingReversal #NewYorkTimes' arts. 
"#TurningBackTheClock on #AgingCells"


#AgingReversal #NewYorkTimes
Turning Back the Clock on Aging Cells
Researchers report that they can rejuvenate human cells by reprogramming them to a youthful state. By N Wade

#AgingReversal #NewYorkTimes

Turning Back the Clock on Aging Cells
Researchers report that they can rejuvenate human cells by reprogramming them to a youthful state.
By Nicholas Wade
March 24, 2020 

Can a ‘Magic’ Protein Slow the Aging Process?
Elevian is one of several companies searching for ways to increase life span — in this case, using a protein called GDF11. But challenges lie ahead.
July 2022 

Scientists Say the Clock of Aging May Be Reversible
Dec 15 2016

Young Blood May Hold Key to Reversing Aging
May 14, 2014 

I think 'identity' questions (per anthropology, sociology +) are at play here too for me, Ken - 

On Tue, Jan 10, 2023 at 6:19 PM Scott MacLeod <sgkmacleod@worlduniversityandschool.org> wrote:
Ken, John, Ed, All,

Greetings, and I hope your travel plans for Glasgow this Friday are going well, and that your mother is out of the hospital (if being out is warranted medically) and that she's on the mend. Just a follow up on seeking a life partner with whom to begin a family with: 

Met a woman at Ikea on Sunday, as a representative there, asked her how to support my Drona soft storage boxes from Ikea, possibly with a 2x4 Kallax bookshelf I have, or preferably in some other innovative way ... Sharp, quick and smart, 25-ish, pierced lip and or nose, attractive, nicely cut fairly short black hair, slim, she came up with some good Kallax bookshelf ideas, like a 2x1, then asked someone on Ikea's staff with a very long beard to help her with a pallet machine ... (The blues' song "Make me a pallet on your floor" came to mind ... Not for me, but with some similarities to me (reminding me of Elizabeth Cutter from the 1970s, just a little bit, friend of high school friend Henry Cutter) ... interesting Swedish store connection ... A 20 something yo MD who might be attracted, as this woman was possibly to me, and almost immediately, and attractive, ...
 and but a better MD good fit?

THEN, I was over at Phipps' Conservatory cafe today, and 2 woman with their with their quite young babies, and one, tall, was particularly attractive ... both were somewhat alternatively fashionably dressed, and did I overhear that one or both are MDs?. Didn't stay to ask after getting a carrot fennel soup, and since it was closing at 4pm, but And did the tall pretty one kind of look down at my Birkenstock sandals with new thermal blue socks on a cold 38F day ... possibly. Interesting to hear the great language of them being mothers with their babies. In the almost empty Phipps' cafe, on this 1/10/23 at around 3:30pm ET, there was another woman in the corner ... who dresses a bit like you Ma ... and was actively reading a book (not sure if it literature, a short story, or what), but appreciate her togetherness, first without coronavirus mask, then with ... (I came in there first with coronavirus mask on, then took it off) ... could this woman in the corner have been a friend of yours, or similar? Not sure ...

Could I meet one of these 2 mothers' friends, also possibly a MD on maternity leave (very speculatively) ... and connect ? They were quite feminine and somehow familiarly possibly old-fashioned in their motherhood :) 

Ken, as you may have noticed, have inquired about how you could receive reimbursement from UPMC in the "UPMC for Life letter received Th 17 Nov 2022" thread.

"Morgan Cross and Denise Hughes, how might this process work further please, if I were to see Kenneth Thompson MD, in this thread, who is not a UPMC medical doctor, but where I was told that I could see specialists - possibly from you Denise Hughes, many weeks ago - without going through my PCP?" 

Pretty wild humanoid robot - Chloe - and videos ... 

👆Artificial woman made in China has been launched in the Chinese market. Body made with Silicone. Works for 72 hours without interruption on a single charge. No soul / spirit. It is named as "HOORI"
It works on AI so it can speak any language.

WA Fwd, not verified. #robot


Detroit: Become Human | Chloe | PS4

PlayStation Europe



DETROIT BECOME HUMAN - CHLOE's All Main Menu Quotes & Dialogues (including survey)


And new tweet -

#WUaSgaming #WUaSrobotics #WUaSpsychiatry #MDpsychiatry #ST200 #WUaSandroids "DETROIT BECOME HUMAN - CHLOE's All Main Menu Quotes & Dialogues (including survey)"
#WUaSteleroboticSurgery #consciousness #WUaSconsciousness #WUaShomeRobotics
#WUaSabolition ~







... and see related Tweets' below.

Fond regards, Scott

This #robot #ArtificialWoman could be #GameChanger in #WUaS calling for #abolition  - Detroit? 

👆Artificial woman made in China has been launched in the Chinese market. Body made with Silicone. Works for 72 hours without interruption on a single charge. No soul / spirit. It is named as "HOORI"
It works on AI so it can speak any language.

WA Fwd, not verified. #robot


Detroit: Become Human | Chloe | PS4

PlayStation Europe



DETROIT BECOME HUMAN - CHLOE's All Main Menu Quotes & Dialogues (including survey)


And new tweet -

#WUaSgaming #WUaSrobotics #WUaSpsychiatry #MDpsychiatry #ST200 #WUaSandroids "DETROIT BECOME HUMAN - CHLOE's All Main Menu Quotes & Dialogues (including survey)"
#WUaSteleroboticSurgery #consciousness #WUaSconsciousness #WUaShomeRobotics
#WUaSabolition ~







* * * 
Chloe or Hoori personal assistant robot built by CyberLife

This #robot #ArtificialWoman could be #GameChanger in #WUaS calling for #abolition to protect people from the #illegalSexIndustry from perpetrators, criminals, offenders, purveyors & pot. thru #MedicalEducation possibly in 200 online #WUaSMedicalSchools https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Nation_States ~







👆Artificial woman made in China has been launched in the Chinese market. Body made with Silicone. Works for 72 hours without interruption on a single charge. No soul / spirit. It is named as "HOORI"
It works on AI so it can speak any language.

WA Fwd, not verified. #robot




Detroit  ? 

This #robot #ArtificialWoman https://youtu.be/WT5K3aUagm4 could be #GameChanger re #WUaSabolition-Could #WUaSCorp build #WUaSTeachingLearningRobots in #DetroitMI & #RustBelt to protect people fr #illegalSexIndustry thru #MedEducation in 200 #WUaSMedicalSchools https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Nation_States?



Chloe or Hoori #ST200 Humanoid Robot 

Detroit: Become Human | Chloe | PS4

PlayStation Europe



DETROIT BECOME HUMAN - CHLOE's All Main Menu Quotes & Dialogues (including survey)


 Scott GK MacLeod  
Founder, President, CEO & Professor
World Univ & Sch (WUaS) 
- PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 94516 
- 210 East End Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15221
1) non-profit World University and School - http://worlduniversityandschool.org  
2) for profit general stock company WUaS Corporation in CA - http://worlduniversityandschool.org/AcademicPress.html

(m) 412 478 0116 - sgkmacleod@gmail.com 

World Univ & Sch Innovation Research -  scottmacleod.com 

On Sun, Jan 8, 2023, 2:41 PM Scott MacLeod <sgkmacleod@worlduniversityandschool.org> wrote:
Ken, (John, Ed, All),

How is your mother doing? Is she out of the hospital? How are your plans for leaving for Glasgow this Friday taking shape, in the middle of winter?

Interestingly, in seeking an attractive life partner who could be a MD too, I haven't met any 20 something female MDs this past autumn 2022 since returning to Pgh PA in asylum from CA, female or male, single or married, that I know of. Seems like something that I could change. How to start meeting 20 something female MDs who might be looking to connect or possibly begin a family, in the weeks and months ahead, I wonder? How to explore even beginning to date such a person whom I might meet I wonder too? 

Perhaps we could explore talking about this in some weeks. Interestingly, in going over to Larry Viehland's house yesterday with an iPad and computer pencil as gift too, abd takking about UPMC benefits not yet realized, and re free dental cleanings, about which I've called the UPMC Shadyside dental clinic 3 times and not heard back, he suggested going in in person with my UPMC card to make an appointment - great idea! How could such a process work with you I winder with some possible new developments with UPMC reimbursement processes for specialists, and not requiring have to go through my UPMC PCP? 

Bon voyage, abolitionally, warm regards, Scott 

Sunflower (Helianthus): Happy New Year & SEASON'S GREETINGS 2022

- Scott GK MacLeod  
Founder, President, CEO & Professor
World Univ & Sch (WUaS) 
- PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 94516 
- 210 East End Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15221
1) non-profit World University and School - http://worlduniversityandschool.org  
2) for profit general stock company WUaS Corporation in CA - http://worlduniversityandschool.org/AcademicPress.html

(m) 412 478 0116 - sgkmacleod@gmail.com 

World Univ & Sch Innovation Research -  scottmacleod.com 


Apply to #ScottishArts, (& Languages too)? #Cantaireachd (#BagpipingSinging) for kids' learning somehow with #SuzukiMethod - #MotherTongueApproach?
https://suzukiassociation.org/about/suzuki-method/ #ParentInvolvement #EarlyBeginning #Listening #Repetition #Encouragement ... ~


Apply to #ScottishArts, (& Languages too)? #Cantaireachd (#BagpipingSinging) for kids' learning somehow with #SuzukiMethod - #MotherTongueApproach?
https://suzukiassociation.org/about/suzuki-method/ #ParentInvolvement #EarlyBeginning #Listening #Repetition #Encouragement #LearningWithOtherChildren #GradedRepertoire #DelayedReading #VideoOverview #ScotlandWUaS https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Scotland ~ 


Suzuki method language learning 

Suzuki noted that children all over the world learn to speak their mother tongue with ease, no matter how complicated it might be. They learn to speak by listening, primarily to their parents and caregivers, and then imitating.


#SuzukiMethod instruments? From age 3?
Brass (Trumpet, Trombone, Tuba, Euphonium, French Horn)
Early Childhood Education
Suzuki in Schools
Not yet #ScottishSmallPipes or #GHB:)

On Mon, Jan 2, 2023, 4:10 AM Scott MacLeod <sgkmacleod@worlduniversityandschool.org> wrote:

Hi Ken,

Great to see you briefly in passing at the ligonier Highland Games on September 17, 2022. How are you? Happy New Year! I remember your father appreciatively. And nice to see you at some UU Church Christmas Eve celebrations in the past too.

See you? Might it be possible please to talk with you professionally, and, if you have time, and an office in your home, in Shadyside? 

Seeking to find a life partner to begin a family. 

Concerned about the death, possible murder, of Jackson Shannon NYC here at 210 East End Ave Pgh 15221 where I'm living in a kind of asylum place in PA from CA.

Concerned about my father's head injury in Belize on Dec 30, 2004 in ongoing ways - GKM MD - and living here for this year (Sept 2022 - July 2023 in Pittsburgh.

Seeking to grow MIT OCW -centric Wiki World Univ & Sch newly licensing and accrediting in Pennsylvania ... but licensing is a challenge first presently.

Here too are the beginning MIT OCW -centric Wiki World Univ & Sch psychiatry MD subjects about which it would be great to talk some - 

Mental health at WUaS:
& as developing universities, planned first in English, Spanish and Chinese, there will be eventually OCW ... 

Pitt expressed interest in partnering with World Univ & Sch on M 12/26/22 in email - and potentially regarding monies into WUaS newly - how to realize?

Have some concerns about my mother's saying recently she breaks the rules all the time ... 

but appreciating her suggesting sering you for 6 times. Am exploring this. How would this work please? 

Am also concerned in ongoing way about family friend, brilliant, Lacanian psychoanalytic psychiatrist George Alexander MD in Pittsburgh years ago coming on to me.

Am interested in exploring further the implications of aging reversal and longevity genetics' drug therapies emerging.

Am also interested in moving back to the SF Bay Area to a newly safe 670A Ridgecrest Road, Canyon CA 94516 house-let in the SF Bay Area per John Sargent MD too (and friend Ed Smyth MD, retired KP physician in Berkeley, at whose wedding I played my bagpipes around the year 2000, above too).  I've spoken with John Sargent MD (above) at Tuft's Medical Center in Massachusetts from Canyon 94516 about 10 years ago. 

Do you accept UPMC health coverage? My UPMC 'effective date' was 11/15/22. I learned a few weeks ago that I don't have to go through my UPMC PCP to see specialists re your - https://www.linkedin.com/in/kenneth-thompson-8465327

Will call your mobile number today and exolore how to proceed.

Thanks, regards,

Recent text messages to my great mother (whose been through a lot regarding my father) and in some of these regards ... 

"Thank you Ma for your wonderful birthday lunch at the Frick Museum yesterday (which wouldn't have happened were I not on this asylum journey in PA from CA) and your thoughtfulness and the yummy chocolate cake with coconut! (Am a bit worried about your saying "I break the rules all the time," - or were you referring to Ken Thompson MD saying this? Seems like talking with Ken about seeking a life partner could possibly open possibilities in these regards and even re seeking to meet a 20-something yo attractive MD to be for example. Thank you for a wonderful birthday, Ma! 💕Love, Scott 

Good to bring language to questions of a life partner whom I might conceivably marry ... with Ken, a family acquaintance, and Scot-American, ... if UPMC would cover this with him (and he'd earn some money $400/hour??? x 6 times? could be 2400????) ... and maybe I'd start earning some money as we talked too from WUaS somehow ... and it could be a good talking connection to make for moving back into Canyon 94516 in the autumn (and even regarding his good too brother Nick, a Middlebury VT, Harvard College, & UCLA law trained lawyer) ... a Protestant background, pretty, 20 something year old MD whose looking for a partner, loosely in both of their circles, could emerge with language, Ma, possibly ... And for having a family ... Love, abolition-ally, heading on a Birthday / New Years Day hike in Oak Hollow where I wrote this most recent Quaker poem ... https://twitter.com/scottmacleod/status/1590118594691870722 (http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2022/11/blue-heath.html) Hoping For Work World Univ & Sch to be able to license in PA soon too then accredit! Love,💕, Scott" 

To friend and former landlord in SF in response to his birthday greetings on 12/31/22 - 

Hi Bill (Roberts), 

Thanks for your birthday wishes. How are you doing in SF? 

Season's Greetings and Happy New Year to you and with letter to come. Glad for World University and School to be potentially licensing and accrediting on the eastern seaboard post pandemic (in this 'asylum place' of Pennsylvania), - and am potentially moving back to CA in September 2023 to a 'newly safe' Canyon (& with wife, would be my wish too). Glad too I think for the Univ of Pgh to have reached out with an email expressing interest in partnering with OCW.MIT.EDU -centric wiki World Univ & Sch last Monday and am hoping this could lead to monies for Work wiki World Univ & Sch. Thanks. Happy New Year!

Friendly regards, 

- Scott Gordon K MacLeod  
Founder, President, CEO, Professor, Presiding Clerk 
CC-4 licensed MIT OCW-centric. Wiki, 
World University & School (WUaS) 
- PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 94516 
- 210 East End Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15221
1) non-profit World University and School - http://worlduniversityandschool.org  
2) for profit general stock company WUaS Corporation in CA - http://worlduniversityandschool.org/AcademicPress.html

(m) 412 478 0116 - sgkmacleod@gmail.com 

World Univ & Sch Innovation Research -  scottmacleod.com 

Thoughts about the following, Bill ? - 

For the (~10 year) long term, 
Index_Investing in STOCKS as #AssetClass with #Diversification offers best potential $ returns:
& Socially_Responsible Index investing is even BETTER:


What was S&P 500 return for 2022? "In 2022, the S&P #500Index was down about 20% for year"  https://www.cnn.com/2022/12/30/investing/dow-stock-market-2022/index.html But the 10 year avg. ann. return was 15.69% for Vanguard #SocialIndexFund VFTNX (Inst) https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/VFTNX/performance/ Better than 11.82% avg return for stocks since ~1928


Some related blog labels in daily blog - 


-- Poetry! Order Book #5 Light, Float, Sit, Watsu ~ Virtually

Scottish Small Piping album #1 Honey in the Bag ~ Out of the Air tune

Order Actual-Virtual Ethnographic Book #1: Naked Harbin Ethnography 

- Scott GK MacLeod  
Founder, President, CEO & Professor
CC-4 licensed MIT OCW-centric. Wiki, 
World University & School (WUaS) 
- PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 94516 
- 210 East End Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15221
1) non-profit World University and School - http://worlduniversityandschool.org  
2) for profit general stock company WUaS Corporation in CA - http://worlduniversityandschool.org/AcademicPress.html

(m) 412 478 0116 - sgkmacleod@gmail.com 

World Univ & Sch Innovation Research -  scottmacleod.com 




Northern Damselfly, Azure Hawker and the Northern Emerald 


29 species of dragonfly have been recorded in Scotland, 23 of which are resident breeding species, and 3 of these only breed in Scotland: Northern Damselfly, Azure Hawker and the Northern Emerald.


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