- Scott GK MacLeod
Founder, President, CEO & Professor
CC-4 licensed MIT OCW-centric. Wiki,
World University & School (WUaS)
- PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 94516
- 210 East End Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15221
* * *
- Scott GK MacLeod
Founder, President, CEO & Professor
CC-4 licensed MIT OCW-centric. Wiki,
World University & School (WUaS)
- PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 94516
- 210 East End Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15221
* * *
A Happy Birthday to Kim drawing in Apple Pages on an iPad for Larry’s new iPad too as a new mode of communication with drawings and a computer pencil
Happy Birthday, Kim (All)!
I couldn't open this experimental birthday greeting's document's link URL on either of 2 devices with the Pages' program on it that read Apple computer pencil documents ... But have successfully sent a gmail with a file .pages attached to it ... so will poke around further to do so.
Am continually impressed too with the camera and new storage on the ipad, Larry - enjoy much new functionality and tools too!
(Kim, the birthday gift library books & YoYo Ma Bach Trios' CD I semi-wrapped and gave initially to you in my impoverishment are due around W Jan 25 ... But I can renew them online as well - please let me know of you'd like me to renew
Regenesis: How Synthetic Biology Will Reinvent Nature and Ourselves
The Madman and the Professor
- if you are in the midst).
Also, as a further birthday present, Kim and All, here is Stanford Mine Pi free money daily cryptocurrency +
I am sending you 1π! Pi is a new digital currency developed by Stanford PhDs, with over 35 million members worldwide. To claim your Pi, follow this link
https://minepi.com/sgkmac and use my username (sgkmac) as your invitation code...
... about 5-6 Pi coins every 24 hours! They accumulate not 'compoundly' (well maybe they do too) but algorithmically ... I posit it will be a very good or valuable 5 seconds of labor every 24 hours well into the future!
Happy birthday, Scott
Dear Kim,
The message drawn in an .Pages' Apple document on my iPad says -
" Happy birthday, Kim!
A drawing in Pages for you, Larry's iPad, Ma (Jane)
- Scott (Jan 18, 2023) "
May try to draw this again in a 2nd Pages' document ... stay tuned!
Abolition-ally, Friendly greetings, happy birthday,
Dear Kim,
Here's the happy birthday Kim Jan 18 2023.Pages document ... attached, which I sent successfully from my iPad to Larry (see instructions below), but when I try to open it, it says it's damaged. This is the error message I get when I attempt to open the .Pages' happy birthday drawing file on my MacBook Air ...
"If you received this document from someone else, ask them to use Pages for Mac to save it as a single file. To save as a single file, choose File > Advanced > Change File Type."
I'm hypothesizing Apple coding processes themselves are damaged somehow. Will seek to find a workaround - possibly by going into the Apple store in Shadyside. This lack of reliability regarding this Apple drawing .Pages file type may be illustrative of internal (ethical?, abolitional?) problems at Apple itself.
Abolition-ally, sincerely, happy birthday, Scott
Emailing Your Pages Document. Attach a Pages, Microsoft Word, or PDF version of your Pages document to an email. To email a document: Open your Pages document, choose Share > “Send via Mail,” and then choose Pages, Word, or PDF from the submenu.
Dear Larry, testing this birthday greeting drawing to Kim in iPad here. Abolish the illegal sex and drug industries, sincerely, Scott
- Scott GK MacLeod
Founder, President, CEO & Professor
CC-4 licensed MIT OCW-centric. Wiki,
World University & School (WUaS)
- PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 94516
- 210 East End Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15221
Hi Kim, All,
Happy birthday!
Am coming over to your leaving now to pick up some CA FTB 199 print outs. Could I possibly please pick up the 3 library birthday present items as well:
The Madman and the Professor
Bach Trios
Thank you!
Happy birthday, again, Kim,
Thanks for the mulberry jam ... it did 'jelly' per your freedom of information request ...
And thanks for returning the Carnegie library books as loaner for the knowledge / music birthday presents for this impoverished creator of 200 startup online MIT OCW-centric WUaS Universities for free online degrees ...
George Church's and Ed Regis's "Regenesis: How Synthetic Biology Will Reinvent Nature and ... "
Simon Winchester's "The Madman and the Professor" ... Larry.
I didn't see the third item "Bach Trios" ON THE TABLE in the kitchen (and didn't look on the dining room table etc.), Kim ... and while it might renew indefinitely - and but since I didn't get it back yesterday from you, and am wondering what this might mean, I've thought of getting ie buying a copy and donating it to the Carnegie Library Main - but have also been wondering what it might signify that I didn't get it back ... and how I might get it back (Glad, Larry, you enjoyed reading "The Madman and the Professor"!).
Am still deeply traumatized, Kim, by your "Where are ... " question regarding higher educational institutions (and possibly for those that work with minors too) in Pgh, potentially tragically ...
https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2023/01/iris-giganticaerulea.html (and am seeking to see a MD psychiatrist regarding this as well ... and regarding my father's 2 Pitt-managed? subdural hematomas ... who were the criminal perpetrators of these heinous acts ... who I might be best off being very very wary of ... one in Belize on Dec 30, 2004, and the second "spontaneous" hematoma in Pittsburgh, regarding a possibly deeply unethical Pittsburgh surgeon ... worth checking into the legal criminal records of such possible perpetrators???) ... and am also wondering, as a conscientious objector how we might labor (to use a Quaker phrase) about this further, or possibly talk about this possible conflict (to engage brilliant Lacanian psychiatrist George Alexander MD's thinking, who was married to a bossy Quaker woman who may have engaged related thinking among Friends re conflict resolution, and peace-oriented thinking, regarding the Friends' Peace Testimony ... George saw hope in becoming more sophisticated, and was very sophisticated with psychiatry, language and analytical philosophy too, as a Yale alumnus in evolutionary biology I think) ... as we potentially seek to deprecate significantly the illegal sex, drugs and violence industries and their latent networks of violence through growing an abolition movement.
ON THE TABLE ... but not ... re the Bach Trios with YoYo Ma and company? Am reminded of 2 things I learned from George:
that 'the real' in brilliant French psychiatrist Jacques Lacan's thinking is difficult to characterize but ON THE TABLE was a phrase George used for this (re Lacan's tripartite registers of the mirror/imaginary, symbolic and "the real") ... with Lacan's focus on 'desire' too (rather than 'id' or drives per the psychoanalyst Lacan was coming into conversation with) ...
When Becca, his eldest child was in her mid-teens, and there was some confusing or interesting for a MD psychoanalyst between George and Becca (whom Brig, the wife, I think wanted me to marry), George may have 'defused' their interaction by giving Becca a bottle of cherry kiava ... ("what do women want?" .. is an old question in psychology ... and maybe humanoid robotics can help in the future ... who knows ...)
Further, Harbin Hot Springs' mulberry trees around the Harbin Heart pool area burned down too. I'd think this occurred in the 2015 razing fire Harbin (search on 'mulberries' in the attached birthday gift of my "Naked Harbin Ethnography" book ... which word you'll find once on page 43) ... and I'm reminded too of how a #Realistic Virtual Harbin could possibly help with questions possibly informing such conflicts ... as we seek to grow an abolition movement significantly not only in PA but also in CA ... and in all 200 countries ... to protect people, women, kids, victims, others ... at WUaS in coding for all 7.9 billion people. (Religion isn't much of a help in questions of sexuality ... for George religion was a scourge or worse, reasoning-wise ... and very articulately ... but maybe virtual Heart Consciousness Church aka Harbin Hot Springs online ... can even be of help to MD psychiatrists at wUaS in some of these questions).
Just got the GDocs message that (my to you)
"Your file is larger than 25MB. It will be sent as a Google Drive link." ... forthcoming I think ...
So how could I best send you fresh mulberries from the (if) newly planted Harbin Heart pool mulberry trees ... when they're fruit bearing in the future is another question. Thanks again for the mulberry jam, Kim. (What did you think of the other music et al., I shared with you on CD?). Thoughts, questions, ideas, suggestions?
Could I please get back the Bach trios next time I come over, Kim, please - and please do, if inclined, compare and contrast the two versions of Yo-Yo Ma's Bach Cello Suites !
Abolitionally, Scott
Kim, Larry, All,
Here's the "Naked Harbin Ethnography" book link ... but actually not ...
The GDocs' process of adding my "Naked Harbin Ethnography" to this email as a link seems to be faltering at 129.3 M size ... (and this may be better for seeking to sell it in the future for $64.95 ... re retaining possession of it, outside the GDocs' platform, since it's copyrighted, and who knows about how GDocs' is structured ... will check on GDocs too ... since I think it may be there already )
...And or will seek to bring the book as a .PDF over to you via other means in the future. (I think I may have also given this to you years ago, and it's possibly on Larry's hard drive ... ) Stay tuned!.
Abolitionally, Scott
Kim, Larry, All,
Here it is, another birthday present for you, Kim -
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1DKooJZ9jTSlX6a_ijikvgXNQ3c-ir-3j-sjZY_c_Q-M/edit?usp=sharing - but not yet as an 'official' or 'commercial' WUaS audiobook, but you could probably use text to voice to turn it into an audio book, hacking-wise :) ... Maybe the next Harbin Ethnographic book will be both in audio ... and you'll be able to enter into this as a realistic virtual Harbin for soaking and ethnographic and brain STEM research too.
Abolitionally, Scott
"Regarding further abolition of the illegal sex industry and its latent networks of violence, Stanford Law Prof Hank Greely just retweeted this from NitaFarahany re Google complying with a search request about some teens and fire ... "
And how could WUaS get access to MIT's new emerging batteries ... and for WUaS Humanoid Robotics, manufactured in the rust belt, and for a Toyota Proace Electric Camping Van ... as 1) Virtual Campus inside in multimedia and as #wuAsVR 2) an office, 3) a home, 4) a single workhorse vehicle initially getting ~39 MPGe for PhD students and faculty ?
Hoping you enjoy the audio book via audio Kim if this interests you ...
@geochurch @davidsunkong #syntheticbiologists, Thinking very long term, after doubling a mouse's life to 48 months, human lives to 244 years, how to genetically engineer a single organism to live 250 million years >
https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Longevity & in #
cs ?
Map shows the world in about 250 million years. Looks like cargo needs to travel the expensive land route rather than the cheap sea route then... Source:
Retweeting too -
Map shows the world in about 250 million years. Looks like cargo needs to travel the expensive land route rather than the cheap sea route then... Source:
here too ...
Larry, Kim, All,
What did you mean by saying 'Bye' or 'Buy' in the tone that you did when I departed yesterday? Buy Kim the bach trios new? Or WUaS has a kind of buy signal from the CA FTB ... Or even something to do with Cuttyhunk and the illegal sex industry there possibly (from rhe tone of your sounding a bit like a dear friend there J.K.), or something to do with buying ftom the illegal sex or drug industry in Pgh? The tone of your voice in saying this was completely new. And anything to do with the visit of judith and bill archer to my mother's from Th to Sat ... and the illegal drug industry too?
Kim in ethically 'laboring' with you (a Quaker term), and regarding calling for abolition of modern firms of slavery (I think Quaker John Woolman used the term in the 1700s in seeking to persuade Quakers to give up slavery as an economic practice) - and with all your references to Charlie your cat (a possible reference too to charlie nesson - possibly deeply unethical abd involved in organized crime ... Could he have played a role in injuring my father internationally and criminally in 2004 - could he go to prison for crimes of prostitution as slavery at Harvard ... Is it possible to connect with you as a pastor in the Methodist church, or are you possibly even involved in organized crime in that institution in some of these regards and Re The Seminary:in Pgh you attended as well ? Shall we talk about some of these questions sometime in voice? Would seeing a MD psychiatrist help if you are involved in organized crime - to get out of it (regarding you mother's mother in WV for example)?
Larry and kim, in the form of bookkeeping accounting drugs or prostitutes, for example, PLEASE DO NOT BRING Organized CRIME or criminal activities TO Longwood at Oakmont if you decide to move in there - to protect my mother esp. She's already been thtough so much with my father and his 2 subdural hematomas for one!
Thank you again for the mulberry jam ... and please let me know what you mean by Buy and Regarding my getting back the LIBRARY BIRTHDAY PRESENT FOR KIM, in my extreme poverty, Bach Trios CD ... and my then returning it. (I just returned the 2 books today).
Kim, I hope you enjoy the other birthday gifts I got you in lieu of being able to find Ma's Bach Cello Suites x 2.
Friendly greetings, abolitionally, still traumatized by your question, Minding rhe Light (another Quaker term), happy birthday, Scott
* * *
Ken, John, Ed, All,
Welcome back from Scotland if you're just returning, Ken, after 2 weeks in winter with the days growing dark around 3:30 pm in the afternoon, so far north. How are you all doing? Some related thinking regarding exploring seeing you for talk analysis, UPMC covered, and before calling you again about this in the near future (remembering my father's 2 subdural hematomas one in Belize on 12/30/04 ... and my aging mother (above) too, in text messaging my friend Tym Lenderking recently:
1/28/23 Sat
Thanks for your nice text messages ... Re seeking a life partner, I went into a grocery store yesterday evening, thru its garage entrance, blue bandana mask on, and a woman went in before me, with a black backpack with white stars on it. Didn't notice much else about her. 10 minutes later with many fruits and veggies, as I was checking out, she was right behind me in line, maybe 24 years old, pretty face, jacket open wearing brown clothes (some of my mother's (maiden) names are Kirkbride Brown) and she could have had Scottish background too. As I glanced at her I am not sure but she seemed to be showing me the inside of her recycled blue box for carrying out her groceries with. No words exchanged, no connection, I wondered somehow if she could know Ken Thompson MD's kids in Shadyside, a nearby neighborhood (who identifies Scottish too, and whom I've inquired about seeing for talk analysis for 6 meetings - and as a birthday present invitation from my mother, potentially covered by Univ Pitt Med Ctr health care ... (where Ken's dad Doug Thompson MD and my father GKM MD were great friends) ... and especially regarding seeking a life partner ... The attractive woman in line behind me at Aldi's probably wasn't a MD ... and I didn't say something to her ... but here is another possible connecting opportunity like in the Carnegie museum of Art the day before with its moving Tony Cokes' film “Black Celebration (A Rebellion Against the Commodity)”
about Watts' riots in LA in '65 ... as an entree to talking to 2 women in the museum, one of whom sat down to watch this film for 3 minutes (see recent blog entry) ... Hoping you have a great weekend, Tym, seeking to get the Reply to CA FTB Questionnaire 199N for tax year 2020 (again I think) form done today first thing, then go for a hike in the Hickory Creek Wilderness ... See you potentially Feb 4 or 11, Hugs, Scott
1/29/23 Sun
Keep at it, Tym! ... If we had -20 F sleeping bags 1/2 the size of Nalgene bottles we could be sleeping out on a winter backpacking trip next Sat. 2/4 or 2/11 along the Tuscarora rudge C&O canal in MD for the adventurous ... At the Ligonier Highland Games last Sat 9/17/22, I met in passing Ken Thompson MD (whom I've Known a little I think since the '70s) and his friend Ross ?? (not sure if a MD psychiatrist or not too), who looked a bit Scottish. And Ken's brother Nick Thompson is a Middlebury Coll, transferred to Harvard College, UCLA Law alum in Pgh too, and we met ~10 years ago near the Google Pgh building for a coffee (Google connections?) Brainstorming, or confabulating, could the ~24 year old, pretty, (gentle?) woman in Aldi's (could she have been briefly showing me in addition to her blue outside recycled box, her lithe body, standing behind me?), whom I just caught glimpses of, be Ross's daughter re even Google Maps from Nick and Ken seeking a husband? And if we could meet again somehow eg in the Carnegie Art museum etc, and connect, would staying in Pgh Pa over SF Bay Ca be more sensible for raising a family ... or could she possibly be open to heading to California and kind of 'homesteading' (a town in Pgh too) in a newly safe Canyon 94516 (which my 'inner body' is leading me toward) abolitionally and World Univ & Sch-wise (Larry becoming the main WUaS office in Pgh) ... whether or not Ken Thompson MD and I don't meet and talk ... How to possibly make this, meeting her, 'real' if some of the above has merit, and is/would she be a good idea as a life partner (probably not a MD)? Fantasy? (a George Alexander MD, Jacques Lacan MD word), or confabulating or 'explication' (from the Latin for unfold
http://scottmacleod.com/JohnMoneyConceptsOfDeterminism.html) ... Hike yesterday was good but I am in a curious solo space in Pgh ... where beginning a family could be an opportunity and via networks re keeping at it. (I know neither Ross's thinking nor psychiatrist (always a focus on sexuality as profession?) and family friend Ken Thompson MD's thinking ... but am glad my mother invited me to talk with Ken for 6 sessions on my birthday a month ago - and will UPMC health care cover this?). A hike this upcoming Saturday or 2/11?
Scott (
Ken, looking forward to exploring some of these questions further ... Am still quite traumatized by pastor kim viehland's "where are ...?) question -
http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2023/01/iris-giganticaerulea.html?m=0 - and while it was good to see Larry yesterday in his home to get the anxiety generating "Reply to CA FTB - Questionnaire" for the 199N in 2020 done, and Kim gave me a jar of home made hand picked Mulberry jam, as I left ... she didn't and may not return the YoYo Ma "Bach Trios"' library CD I gave her for what she said was her birthday, and in my ongoing deep poverty, ... And I and WUaS continue to call for abolition regarding Educational educational institutions in Pgh ... am curious Ken how talk analysis - the speech act - over writing will help with you. Thank you!
Best, abolitionally, thanks, Scott
Dear Ken Thompson MD, Dick Robb MD (retired Harvard prof of ophthalmology, and family friend since I was a baby, in around 1962, and who with Lucy came to my father's memorial at the first UU Church of Pgh in around December 2007), Ma (Janie), Shawn Flaherty, Esq., John Sargent MD (at Tufts), Ed Smyth MD (formerly a physician at Kaiser Permanente NorCal, whose last text message to me came as I was driving through the Univ of Pitt campus near the student union where Semester at Sea had its offices), All,
Ken, thanks to my mother for her invitation to talk with you on 12/31/22 on my birthday - and thanks too for saying some ~3 weeks ago that you would see me. And with these emails and writings, there's potentially a good basis for meeting for 6 sessions - regarding the speech act (per Lacan) - but only with UPMC health coverage potentially (regarding hopefully addressing in the Univ of Pitt-management questions of possibly harming and even killing people, and MD faculty, like my father GKM MD, potentially both on a Pitt-managed Semester at Sea trip (on Dec 30, 2004) and in Pittsburgh with the second so-called "spontaneous" subdural hematoma occurring in around January 2005 I think, too, ... and some murderous criminal Univ of Pitt surgeons possibly, with possibly a Pitt precursor to Univ Pitt Med Ctr ... and also regarding the possible Univ of Pittsburgh affiliated and hired criminal perpetrator employees and MDs ... and especially potentially regarding abolishing the illegal sex, drug and violence industries associated with Univ Pitt Med Ctr).. Have you heard back from Univ of Pitt Med Ctr in some of these UPMC coverage for seeing you, for potentially 6 sessions? While not urgent (which you had inquired about in I think our last phone call, - and possibly echoing my father's sometimes sense of urgency in his relating with people) ... am aware that the University of Pittsburgh harming wheels may be in motion all the time ... and that seeing you might preempt harm to me from the Univ of Pittsburgh, for example, and affiliated latent networks of violence,- and organized crime too.
And greetings from the Carnegie Museum of Art and thank you for the Guest Membership Ma ... with the 'real membership card' in the works, Ma ... and overlooking the two amazing Diplodocus and Apatosaurus huge dinosaur fossils, possibly also symbolizing Andrew Carnegie and his wife Louise too!
My father could be still alive, and living centuries ahead possibly if he hadn't been injured in Dec 2004 (and see below).
Ma, any further thoughts about that possible death threat toward you in the Carnegie Library a few weeks ago, when about 3-4 people affiliated with the library passed by me, and the 3rd or the 4th said "She dies" ... referring to what I'm not sure? A possible video warning to organized crime offenders operating in the library is a further hypothesis as I think about it. Glad my Museum membership card is on the way ... and also potentially regarding the state of PA and even federal law working together ... somehow re Carnegie Museums' management.
Shall I get in touch with "UPMC for Life letter received Th 17 Nov 2022" people about seeing you further, and now that you have all this information in this email thread especially, Ken?
Abolitionally, seeking some justice for my father if his possible criminal perpetrators - including Univ of Pitt brain surgeons - weren't seeing MD psychiatrists back in around 2004, for example), Scott
Search on ...
"Regarding further abolition of the illegal sex industry and its latent networks of violence, Stanford Law Prof Hank Greely just retweeted this from NitaFarahany re Google complying with a search request about some teens and fire ... "
{{{ PPS
And how could WUaS get access to MIT's new emerging batteries ... and for WUaS Humanoid Robotics, manufactured in the rust belt, and for a Toyota Proace Electric Camping Van ... as 1) Virtual Campus inside in multimedia and as #wuAsVR 2) an office, 3) a home, 4) a single workhorse vehicle initially getting ~39 MPGe for PhD students and faculty ?
@geochurch @davidsunkong #syntheticbiologists, Thinking very long term, after doubling a mouse's life to 48 months, human lives to 244 years, how to genetically engineer a single organism to live 250 million years >
https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Longevity & in #
cs ?
Map shows the world in about 250 million years. Looks like cargo needs to travel the expensive land route rather than the cheap sea route then... Source:
Retweeting too -
Map shows the world in about 250 million years. Looks like cargo needs to travel the expensive land route rather than the cheap sea route then... Source:
here too ...
Here's the Jacques Lacan MD blog label ... and while I haven't focused too much on the significance of the "speech act" in Lacanian thinking (over writing), I can share where I have if you might be interested
Thank you, Ken!
Will call you soon.
Regards, Scott
All, And could lawsuits from the deeply entangled SF Quaker Meeting (they may all or mostly be criminals) - e.g. from a lawyer Eric Myers, married to the great Rose (a Haverford College alum - and also who may be a lawyer in Nevada and regarding the legal sex industry too curiously for a Quaker), and a member of SFFM, as I am, and who may not be a criminal - but could he have sent his half-Latina daughter to Bryn Mawr to become a possible prostitute? - and with whom I was at Pendle Hill Quaker Study Center with in around the late 1980s) - have gone out to people like alice sowaal (a possible murderer, prostitute and pedophile, and sf state univ phil faculty), neil fullagar, david matchett (a bookkeeper), sandra schwartz (whose husband is a lawyer), steve leeds, krista barnard (a cornell alum), charles anderson, (not sure about Bob Kovsky and Paula Stinson), and others ?
Thank you, Ken!
Will call you soon.
Regards, Scott
* * *
@WorldUnivAndSch could be construed as a #RealisticVirtualEarth #OperatingSystem company
- Scott GK MacLeod
Founder, President, CEO & Professor
CC-4 licensed MIT OCW-centric. Wiki,
World University & School (WUaS)
- PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 94516
- 210 East End Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15221