Channel: Scott MacLeod's Anthropology of Information Technology & Counterculture
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Allegheny Islands Wilderness, PA: #ToyotaBicycle NESTLED WITH upcoming in USA in 2024? #ToyotaProAceElectric #AutonomousVehicle #CampingVan IN 3 sizes AND An under 30 pound electric 18 speed #TouringBike (thinking #UrbanUrtopia) w 4 pannier capacity, 500 mile range w DIY ZAP-like #ElectricBikeMotor w #WUaSbattery as #ToyotaBicycle w #ToyotaProAceElectric 2024 w shower sink toilet? * * * Monday, 2/6/23 open World Univ & Sch WUaS News and Q&A * * * Phipps' conservatory cafe - Sun 2/5/23 - nice to meet you! * * @WorldUnivAndSch @HarbinBook is seeking to facilitate a #RealisticVirtualHarbin, a #PhysicalDigital #HarbinHotSprings for #WUaSSTEAMresearch for #WUaSSocialSciences & #WUaSethnography, & #WUaSscience, so a #RealisticVirtualEarthForSTEM &a #RealisticVirtualEarthForStatistics too! * * * TWITTER - WUaS just JOINED @GEGPennsylvania In developing OCW.MIT.EDU -centric #wiki WorldUniversityAndSchool.org for free online #WUaSdegrees, #WUaSaccrediting & #WUaSlicensing in #PA, Just JOINED @GEGPennsylvania in #PghPA & regarding @GegProgram in all 200 countries in their main #WUaSLanguages & in 50 US states

Next: Barbours Creek Wilderness, VA: Recording of Monday, 2/6/23 open World Univ & Sch WUaS News and Q&A * Regarding an ongoing WUaS call for abolishing the wrongful buying and selling of people, to protect people (in potentially coding for all 7,9 billion people on the planet, each a Wikidata PIN #), and WUaS growing its ethical track record, am appreciating Tom Martin of @LawDroid's Tweet above about engaging regulators re The way to innovate responsibly in the new world of #legal #GenerativeAI? Engage with state regulators, professional responsibility lawyers and stakeholders. #legalhack #legal #innovation #ethical #AI #legaltech #lawyers ... and as WUaS further proceeds with licensing in the state of PA, and accreditation with the Middle States Commission on Higher Education (PA, NY, MD, NJ, DE + ... and like MIT accredits with NECHE ... and attracts highest achieving students from all 200 countries to study on-the-ground at accredited MIT, in Cambridge, MA) with offices in the greater Philadelphia, PA area.

#ToyotaBicycle NESTLED WITH upcoming in USA in 2024? #ToyotaProAceElectric #AutonomousVehicle #CampingVan IN 3 sizes 


An under 30 pound electric 18 speed #TouringBike (thinking #UrbanUrtopia) w 4 pannier capacity, 500 mile range w DIY ZAP-like #ElectricBikeMotor w #WUaSbattery as

#ToyotaBicycle w #ToyotaProAceElectric 2024 w shower sink toilet?

#ToyotaBicycle NESTLED WITH upcoming in USA in 2024? #ToyotaProAceElectric #AutonomousVehicle #CampingVan IN 3 sizes w #BatteryCharging & #ElectricBikeSecurity on van? "Toyota is the latest car company to jump on the electric bike bandwagon"
https://electrek.co/2023/01/29/toyota-is-the-latest-car-company-to-jump-on-the-electric-bike-bandwagon/ @WUaSPress ~







An under 30 pound electric 18 speed #TouringBike (thinking #UrbanUrtopia) w 4 pannier capacity, 500 mile range w DIY ZAP-like #ElectricBikeMotor w #WUaSbattery (http://www.electricscooterparts.com/images1/zapkitdx200.jpg > http://scottmacleod.com/) as
#ToyotaBicycle w #ToyotaProAceElectric 2024 w shower sink toilet?








Toyota PROACE Electric will be available in 🇳🇱 this fall

⚡️ 100 kW fast charging

😇 1 million km battery guarantee

More info (Dutch): https://pers.toyota.nl/toyota-introdu



An under 30 pound electric 18 speed #TouringBike (thinking #UrbanUrtopia) w 4 pannier capacity, 500 mile range w DIY ZAP-like #ElectricBikeMotor w #WUaSbattery (http://www.electricscooterparts.com/images1/zapkitdx200.jpg > http://scottmacleod.com/) as
#ToyotaBicycle w #ToyotaProAceElectric 2024 w shower sink toilet?




#ToyotaBicycle NESTLED WITH upcoming in USA in 2024? #ToyotaProAceElectric #AutonomousVehicle #CampingVan IN 3 sizes w #BatteryCharging & #ElectricBikeSecurity on van? "Toyota is the latest car company to jump on the electric bike bandwagon"
https://electrek.co/2023/01/29/toyota-is-the-latest-car-company-to-jump-on-the-electric-bike-bandwagon/ @WUaSPress ~


* * 
Beginnings of a shower at 5:50
"New Toyota Proace Verso Camper"
https://youtu.be/06EYAiibSVs (9/4/2022) with #poptop - upcoming in USA (in 2024?) in the #ToyotaProAceElectric #AutonomousVehicle #CampingVan IN 3 sizes > https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Electric_and_Hybrid_Vehicles @WorldUnivAndSch @WUaSPress @HarbinBook ?


Scottish Small Piping album #2 - Honey Piobaireachd (2022)

- Scott GK MacLeod  
Founder, President, CEO & Professor
CC-4 licensed MIT OCW-centric. Wiki, 
World University & School (WUaS) 
- PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 94516 
- 210 East End Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15221
1) non-profit World University and School - http://worlduniversityandschool.org  
2) for profit general stock company WUaS Corporation in CA - http://worlduniversityandschool.org/AcademicPress.html

(m) 412 478 0116 - sgkmacleod@gmail.com 

World Univ & Sch Innovation Research -  scottmacleod.com 

* * * 

Monday, 2/6/23 open World Univ & Sch WUaS News and Q&A 

Dear Universitians, 

Greetings! Are you members of Google Education Groups in your country or state or region in which you live? 

In about 22 hours: 

Topic: Monday, 2/6/23 open World Univ & Sch WUaS News and Q&A
Time: Feb 6, 2023 10:00 AM Eastern Time, 07:00 AM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 719 5906 0549
Passcode: Sa3JyY

TWITTER - Just JOINED @GEGPennsylvania 

In developing OCW.MIT.EDU -centric #wiki WorldUniversityAndSchool.org for free online #WUaSdegrees, #WUaSaccrediting & #WUaSlicensing in #PA, Just JOINED @GEGPennsylvania in #PghPA & regarding @GegProgram in all  200 countries in their main #WUaSLanguages & in 50 US states







Helpful "Use of #AItools for productivity" GEG Google Educators' Group India yesterday ... and PARTICULARLY FOR THE LINKS OF AI TOOLS IN THE VIDEO ... 

Fun to play with them and learn AI by building 

Thanks, Vishal Varia GEG India, and Indians all.  for this sessions 

Am interested in building collaborations between Google Educator Groups as well, such as GEG Pune, India, GEG Punjab, India, GEG Ahmedabad, India, - in which GEG groups I just participated yesterday in a presentation on

"Use of #AItools for productivity"

Posted to Twitter and in WhatsApp -

"Vishal Varia, Azfal Mohammed, Google Educator Groups India Pune Ahmedebad, Al ., Thanks for today's GEG AI presentation. I particularly appreciated the AI website links and tools for further productivity that you shared - "Use of #AItools for productivity" https://www.youtube.com/live/UUaIxVJRGOw Can #ChatGPT write your next scientific research paper?  https://youtu.be/wnGPt030IG4 >https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Artificial_Intelligence @WorldUnivAndSch @GEGPune @GEGAhmedabad @GEGPennsylvania #WritingAI #ArtAI #AudioAI #WUaSartificialIntelligence ~"




Coming into conversation with this "Use of #AItools for productivity" from Azfal Mohammed, Vishal Varia, and Ritika Tyagi - 
I added a whole series of links I found here - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2023/02/shagbark-hickory.html ...

Let's explore these further in the Monday 2/6/23 open WUaS News and Q&A 

Vishal Varia, GEG India GEG Pune, GEG Amritsar, GEG Ahmedabad, Universitians, All, 

In terms of Chat Bot AI and "Use of #AItools for productivity" - it was in 2017 in a physical Stanford Law CodeX presentation by Tom Martin that the WUaS Corporation incorporated as a for-profit general stock company in California, with Tom Martin's LawDroid AI software which was based on a chatbot out of FB messenger or similar ... and it took around 10 minutes to generate these WUaS Corp Articles of Incorporation in CA ... creating a third WUaS legal entity, (with remarkable potential for synergies with the 1) 501 c 3 federal tax exempt World Univ & Sch legal entity, and 2) the state of CA exempt World Univ & Sch entity, both in 2010 ... now with this 3) for profit general stock company WUaS Corp legal entity in the state of CA, giving a new meaning to "Use of #AItools for productivity" )

Exploring developing a World Univ & Sch Users Group Meeting approach - like Mac User Groups, or Special Interest Groups ... in an evening time slot ... and for students interested in free online degrees at MIT OCW-centric WUaS too ... and as WUaS proceeds the PA licensing, and accreditation with Middle States Commission on Higher Education 

FW: PA Department of Education Authorization
On Thu, Jan 26, 2023, WUaS received a phone call and an email from Michelle Simmons with the about licensing authorization - 

See - 

And on Thu, Jan 12, 2023, World Univ & Sch received a call from Diana Bonner at Middle States Commission on Higher Education with Green Light to proceed with contacting the state of PA to begin licensing:

See: "Thank you so much for your call Diana Bonner just ... " - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2023/01/virginia-opossum.html 

Saturday, January 28, 2023 - WUaS sent in the "Reply to FTB, state of CA's Franchise Tax Board - Questionnaire" - and regarding a request from them for a 199N for the 2020 tax year ... and wrote too that WUaS is opening a new main office in Pennsylvania (during my asylum in PA from CA), and regarding accreditation and licensing too.  


Thnx to #TomMartin @LawDroid whose #ChatBotAI on 4/13/17 in physical #StanfordLawCodeX pres. by him lead to #WUaSCorporation @WUaSPress. #WUaSCorp wrote #WUaSArticlesofIncorporation in 10 minutes leading to #WUaS becoming a 3rd legal entity #ForProfitGeneralStockCompanyInCA :)





retweeting -

Tom Martin
Feb 3
The way to innovate responsibly in the new world of #legal #GenerativeAI? Engage with state regulators, professional responsibility lawyers and stakeholders.

#legalhack #legal #innovation #ethical #AI #legaltech #lawyers


Time for World Univ & Sch to get some WUaS T-shirts like Tom Martin's for his LawDroid AI ChatBot software above :)

Thanks, Scott @WorldUnivAndSch ~

All the best, Scott

- Scott GK MacLeod  
Founder, President, CEO & Professor
CC-4 licensed MIT OCW-centric. Wiki, 
World University & School (WUaS) 
- PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 94516 
- 210 East End Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15221
1) non-profit World University and School - http://worlduniversityandschool.org  
2) for profit general stock company WUaS Corporation in CA - http://worlduniversityandschool.org/AcademicPress.html

(m) 412 478 0116 - sgkmacleod@gmail.com 

World Univ & Sch Innovation Research -  scottmacleod.com 

* * * 

Thnx to #TomMartin @LawDroid whose #ChatBotAI on 4/13/17 in physical #StanfordLawCodeX pres. by him lead to #WUaSCorporation @WUaSPress. #WUaSCorp wrote #WUaSArticlesofIncorporation in 10 minutes leading to #WUaS becoming a 3rd legal entity #ForProfitGeneralStockCompanyInCA :)






retweeting -

Tom Martin
Feb 3
The way to innovate responsibly in the new world of #legal #GenerativeAI? Engage with state regulators, professional responsibility lawyers and stakeholders.

#legalhack #legal #innovation #ethical #AI #legaltech #lawyers



* * * 

Phipps' conservatory cafe - Sun 2/5/23 - nice to meet you! 

 Dear Nynke, 

Nice to meet you at the Phipps' conservatory cafe this Sunday 2/5/23. 

In a brainstorming vein, are you beginning to explore statistics and the social sciences, and even with emerging AI like Google's TensorFlowAI (and its TensorStore too)? 

Am seeking to facilitate a https://twitter.com/hashtag/RealisticVirtualEarthForSTEM (so, for Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics) - https://twitter.com/hashtag/RealisticVirtualEarthForSTEM?src=hashtag_click - but with a #RealistiVirtualHarbin - a Physical-Digital Harbin Hot Springs for STEAM research - for social sciences and ethnography, as well as science. I'm seeking to develop this further in Google Street View with time slider, Maps, Earth, TensorFlowAI, TensorStore, Translate, and even at the cell and molecular levels in addition to the Street View Level. Visit the virtual Harbin Hot Springs' gatehouse here, and 'walk' down the road a spell toward Middletown, CA - 

How could this develop and for learning and teaching statistics, I wonder? Am curious further how we might explore these possibilities statistically (which is not my field). 

Would you like to meet for a coffee or tea sometime to chat about this? 

Best wishes, 

Here's the very beginning wiki 'Statistics' subject at MIT OCW-centric World University and School, with new courses from MIT on its new platform emerging -  

Am much on Twitter, and have explored these ideas further here - 

@WorldUnivAndSch @HarbinBook is seeking to facilitate a #RealisticVirtualHarbin, a #PhysicalDigital #HarbinHotSprings for #WUaSSTEAMresearch for #WUaSSocialSciences & #WUaSethnography, &  #WUaSscience, so a #RealisticVirtualEarthForSTEM &a #RealisticVirtualEarthForStatistics too!






Retweeting with Pic 

Stella DiMarco

Harbin Hot Springs  #harbinhotsprings


No Pic - 

@WorldUnivAndSch @HarbinBook is seeking to facilitate a #RealisticVirtualHarbin, a #PhysicalDigital #HarbinHotSprings for #WUaSSTEAMresearch for #WUaSSocialSciences & #WUaSethnography, &  #WUaSscience, so a #RealisticVirtualEarthForSTEM &a #RealisticVirtualEarthForStatistics too


Thoughts, questions, ideas, suggestions, Nynke? 

Very nice to have met you with my mother, and synchronistically!

Best wishes, 
I also explore the idea of a virtual Harbin much in my daily blog - 

BH 132A

TODAY! Come join us for Professor Nynke Niezink's talk at 12pm, FSB 1-483!

* * 

Dear Ken, John, Ed, Ma, All, 

Greetings on a Sunday around midnight. Glad my mother called a little before 10pm after happening surprisingly upon meeting her and Nynke Nielinks, a CMU prof friend of hers, in the Phipps' conservatory cafe having tea together - (and who is pregnant too).  Just texted my mother: 

"Glad you called Ma - nice to hear your voice and chat a bit! Maybe Nynke knows of women a bit like her, even a little younger, CMU post docs, or graduate students, or a MD, seeking a partner! Did you meet her through the Epple's ? Good to happen upon you and Nynke in Phipps' conservatory cafe! Maybe she can become the head of Netherland World Univ & Sch - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Netherlands - planned in Dutch - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Dutch - or similar. Love, Scott 💕(http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2023/02/allegheny-islands-wilderness-pa.html?m=0) Thanks for your call! 💕😊

Had emailed Nynke about possibly brainstorming together, and even regarding a realistic virtual earth for network science, and for STEM, and for people, and re avatar bot electronic medical records, regarding a physical-realistic virtual Harbin for ethnography + 

"I also explore the idea of a virtual Harbin much in my daily blog - 

Dear Nynke, 

Nice to meet you at the Phipps' conservatory cafe this Sunday 2/5/23. 

In a brainstorming vein, are you beginning to explore statistics and the social sciences, and even with emerging AI like Google's TensorFlowAI (and its TensorStore too)? 

Am seeking to facilitate a https://twitter.com/hashtag/RealisticVirtualEarthForSTEM (so, for Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics) - https://twitter.com/hashtag/RealisticVirtualEarthForSTEM?src=hashtag_click - but with a #RealistiVirtualHarbin - a Physical-Digital Harbin Hot Springs for STEAM research - for social sciences and ethnography, as well as science. I'm seeking to develop this further in Google Street View with time slider, Maps, Earth, TensorFlowAI, TensorStore, Translate, and even at the cell and molecular levels in addition to the Street View Level. Visit the virtual Harbin Hot Springs' gatehouse here, and 'walk' down the road a spell toward Middletown, CA - 

How could this develop and for learning and teaching statistics, I wonder? Am curious further how we might explore these possibilities statistically (which is not my field). 

Would you like to meet for a coffee or tea sometime to chat about this? 

Best wishes, 

Here's the very beginning wiki 'Statistics' subject at MIT OCW-centric World University and School, with new courses from MIT on its new platform emerging -  

Am much on Twitter, and have explored these ideas further here - 

@WorldUnivAndSch @HarbinBook is seeking to facilitate a #RealisticVirtualHarbin, a #PhysicalDigital #HarbinHotSprings for #WUaSSTEAMresearch for #WUaSSocialSciences & #WUaSethnography, &  #WUaSscience, so a #RealisticVirtualEarthForSTEM &a #RealisticVirtualEarthForStatistics too!

Retweeting with Pic 

Stella DiMarco

Harbin Hot Springs  #harbinhotsprings

No Pic - 

@WorldUnivAndSch @HarbinBook is seeking to facilitate a #RealisticVirtualHarbin, a #PhysicalDigital #HarbinHotSprings for #WUaSSTEAMresearch for #WUaSSocialSciences & #WUaSethnography, &  #WUaSscience, so a #RealisticVirtualEarthForSTEM &a #RealisticVirtualEarthForStatistics too

Thoughts, questions, ideas, suggestions, Nynke? 

Very nice to have met you with my mother, and synchronistically!

Best wishes, 
I also explore the idea of a virtual Harbin much in my daily blog - 

Nynke Niezink - CMU asst. prof. of statistics  

BH 132A

TODAY! Come join us for Professor Nynke Niezink's talk at 12pm, FSB 1-483!

Could an iterating realistic virtual earth for everything this be a significant development in the metaverse or omniverse?

In my ongoing seeking of a life 😊 partner, Ken and All, someone of some Scottish heritage continues to come to mind, or someone attractive I meet through an introduction, such as through my morher, or you Ken - having last run into you at the Ligonier Highland Games on 9/17/22 ... 

Will call you late Monday afternoon to inquire further  about talking with you for 6 sessions  with UPMC health care coverage, and also regarding my farher's 2 Pitt-related subdural hematomas and calling for abolition of the illegal sex drug and violence industries.  

Thank you, best regards, abolitionally, Scott

Wondering if you could know of lovely 25 yo something MD Celtic-Scots' residents in other places around Pgh like in Eerie who could get transferred here to Pgh if seeking a life partner here - http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2023/02/shagbark-hickory.html?m=0

Wondering too about further developments in moving back into Canyon 94516, in Sept 2023, newly safe, Ken, John, Ed and Janie (Ma).

some big recent developments with PA and CA here - http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2023/02/allegheny-islands-wilderness-pa.html?m=0 - and in today's 2/6/23 WUaS News and Q&A too ... 

Dear Ken, Pin/Sidd, John, Ed, Ma, All, 

Good morning Ken and All! A picture of 3 dolphins swimming together just came on my Google Smart TV, (and I've sometimes wondered whether it could symbolize Sundar Pichai with Larry Page and Sergey Brin, whether it could have been an image that popped up when in a last job talk with Google founders' Larry Page and Sergey Brin before Sundar became head of Google and Alphabet). 

As I went to the Pitt Philosophy talk last Friday, I first went to the 10th floor of the Cathedral of Learning, and it being in Posvar hall, I took the elevator back down to the Ground level and asked someone from behind my tie dye bandana - a 20 year old Indian woman who was WONDERFUL and pretty too - where it was. She said behind the library and I asked what she meant. I further asked about her accent, enjoying her very GREAT PERSONALITY with a KIND OF INNER BEAUTY. She was from West Bengal where she had grown up, speaks Bengali, she kind of gushed in a warm way, but was born in New Jersey where she lived for the first year of her life before returning to India. I mentioned Pin Mazumdar, my best friend in high school at Shady Side Academy in Pgh,  having been born in West Bengal and living there about a year before coming to the US with his parents who were coming from Calcutta West Bengal and President's College (which I visited there in 2013-2014) to do their PhDs at Cornell in around 1962, an interesting decade at Cornell, and that Sati Mazumdar was a professor of biostatistics at Pitt for her career too. THIS young woman with WONDERFUL ENERGY said she'd show me how to get there, and walked with me a ways as we talked. KEN, MA, energy-wise, how to meet and connect with a 25 yo something MD with WONDERFUL ENERGY and to begin a family - with INNER BEAUTY ... and possibly who had gone, for example, high achieving-ly to Yale or Dartmouth, then Pitt Medical School (where my father GKM MD taught Grand Rounds) or some somewhat circuitous route like this young wonderful culturally-Indian and culturally-feminine Pitt student woman ... but with parallels to past mutual loves, Susan and Anke, and others  ... re PERSONALITY ENERGY in Pittsburgh ? Sati Mazumdar also has wonderful energy ... as does my mother (and my father did too). 

Questions Of psychology, Psychiatry and regarding cultural creation of INNER BEAUTY too possibly ... re a 25 year old who is fertile and connecting and excited about connecting, so warm and radiant and open and friendly?  

A good meeting from which I learned something before going to the philosophy talk out of which I walked in protest - the speaker seemed to have lost her heart. Maybe the dismal lecture hall in rhe building had something to do with it serendipitously. It still could be good to connect with the Pitt philosophy department before I head west bring Work World Univ & Sch back to rhe SF Bay Area in September ... maybe in some philosophy talks in the nice (mice emerged) Pitt Philosophy offices on the 10th floor of the Cathedral of Learning. But I'm not sure I will connect with excellent Scottish-American hippy philosophers in Pittsburgh, and may have to seek to grow a very wide community of academic philodophers - with collegiality and cordiality at WUaS online instead at MIT OCW-centric wiki World univ and sch ... David Chalmers being a great example (if now American) ...

Asked recently IN These REGARDS: 

Could we CREATE #RealisticVirtualHarbinEthnography in #GoogleStreetView w #TimeSlider w #GTranslate #TensorFlowAI as #LLM to become #CONSCIOUS in @HarbinBook #WUaSEthnography Project 2 https://goo.gl/maps/7gSsSTweRCBo9gf87 http://bit.ly/HarbinBook #NakedHarbinEthnography @WUaSPress as #WebBook?

Was glad to be invited to be part of this "Could a #LargeLanguageModel be Conscious?" conversation and regarding virtual Harbin Hot Springs, consciousness, and anthropologically / ethnographically and creating Google Street View with time slider GTranslate as a LLM to become conscious - at 2 hours and 50 minutes in the Youtube video recording - 

KEN, looking forward to talking with you - re the speech act (Lacan) - if and as it might work out with UPMC health coverage ... and regarding growing  

World Univ & Sch (newly with Google Groups potentially - http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2023/02/allegheny-islands-wilderness-pa.html?m=0

Finding a WONDERFUL life partner friend with whom to begin a family (pairbondage)

Abiding again in newly safe Canyon 94516 (abidance)
Navigating Pitt and my father's 2 subdural hematomas (foredoomance)

Talking with you (ycleptance)

Growing a circle of great friends who are a wonderful community too ... potentially in the SF Bay Area, possibly thanks to my wife-to-be's connecting (troopbondage)

Personality energy questions to talk about psycho-dynamically even  ... and possibly too how to generate INNER BEAUTY ... over the centuries ahead as aging reversal genetic drugs come along ... 

Thanks, in asylum from CA in PA, abolitionally, best wishes, Scott


Scottish Small Piping album #2 - Honey Piobaireachd (2022)

- Scott GK MacLeod  
Founder, President, CEO & Professor
CC-4 licensed MIT OCW-centric. Wiki, 
World University & School (WUaS) 
- PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 94516 
- 210 East End Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15221
1) non-profit World University and School - http://worlduniversityandschool.org  
2) for profit general stock company WUaS Corporation in CA - http://worlduniversityandschool.org/AcademicPress.html

(m) 412 478 0116 - sgkmacleod@gmail.com 

World Univ & Sch Innovation Research -  scottmacleod.com 

* * 

@WorldUnivAndSch @HarbinBook is seeking to facilitate a #RealisticVirtualHarbin, a #PhysicalDigital #HarbinHotSprings for #WUaSSTEAMresearch for #WUaSSocialSciences & #WUaSethnography, &  #WUaSscience, so a #RealisticVirtualEarthForSTEM &a #RealisticVirtualEarthForStatistics too!

@WorldUnivAndSch @HarbinBook is seeking to facilitate a #RealisticVirtualHarbin, a #PhysicalDigital #HarbinHotSprings for #WUaSSTEAMresearch for #WUaSSocialSciences & #WUaSethnography, &  #WUaSscience, so a #RealisticVirtualEarthForSTEM &a #RealisticVirtualEarthForStatistics too!







Retweeting with Pic 

Stella DiMarco

Harbin Hot Springs  #harbinhotsprings


No Pic - 

@WorldUnivAndSch @HarbinBook is seeking to facilitate a #RealisticVirtualHarbin, a #PhysicalDigital #HarbinHotSprings for #WUaSSTEAMresearch for #WUaSSocialSciences & #WUaSethnography, &  #WUaSscience, so a #RealisticVirtualEarthForSTEM &a #RealisticVirtualEarthForStatistics too



* * * 

TWITTER - WUaS just JOINED @GEGPennsylvania 

In developing OCW.MIT.EDU -centric #wiki WorldUniversityAndSchool.org for free online #WUaSdegrees, #WUaSaccrediting & #WUaSlicensing in #PA, Just JOINED @GEGPennsylvania in #PghPA & regarding @GegProgram in all  200 countries in their main #WUaSLanguages & in 50 US states







2) Am interested in building collaborations between Google Educator Groups as well, such as GEG Pune, India, GEG Punjab, India, GEG Ahmedabad, India, - in which GEG groups I just participated yesterday in a presentation on

"Use of #AItools for productivity"

Posted to Twitter and in WhatsApp -

"Vishal Varia, Azfal Mohammed, Google Educator Groups India Pune Ahmedebad, Al ., Thanks for today's GEG AI presentation. I particularly appreciated the AI website links and tools for further productivity that you shared - Use of #AItools for productivityhttps://www.youtube.com/live/UUaIxVJRGOw Can #ChatGPT write your next scientific research paper?  https://youtu.be/wnGPt030IG4>https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Artificial_Intelligence @WorldUnivAndSch @GEGPune @GEGAhmedabad @GEGPennsylvania #WritingAI #ArtAI #AudioAI #WUaSartificialIntelligence ~"





TWITTER - Just JOINED @GEGPennsylvania 

In developing OCW.MIT.EDU -centric #wiki WorldUniversityAndSchool.org for free online #WUaSdegrees, #WUaSaccrediting & #WUaSlicensing in #PA, Just JOINED @GEGPennsylvania in #PghPA & regarding @GegProgram in all  200 countries in their main #WUaSLanguages & in 50 US states

2) Am interested in building collaborations between Google Educator Groups as well, such as GEG Pune, India, GEG Punjab, India, GEG Ahmedabad, India, - in which GEG groups I just participated yesterday in a presentation on

"Use of #AItools for productivity"

Posted to Twitter and in WhatsApp -

"Vishal Varia, Azfal Mohammed, Google Educator Groups India Pune Ahmedebad, Al ., Thanks for today's GEG AI presentation. I particularly appreciated the AI website links and tools for further productivity that you shared - Use of #AItools for productivityhttps://www.youtube.com/live/UUaIxVJRGOw Can #ChatGPT write your next scientific research paper?  https://youtu.be/wnGPt030IG4>https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Artificial_Intelligence @WorldUnivAndSch @GEGPune @GEGAhmedabad @GEGPennsylvania #WritingAI #ArtAI #AudioAI #WUaSartificialIntelligence ~"

Thanks, Scott @WorldUnivAndSch ~


TWITTER - Just JOINED @GEGPennsylvania 

In developing OCW.MIT.EDU -centric #wiki WorldUniversityAndSchool.org for free online #WUaSdegrees, #WUaSaccrediting & #WUaSlicensing in #PA, Just JOINED @GEGPennsylvania in #PghPA & regarding @GegProgram in all  200 countries in their main #WUaSLanguages & in 50 US states







joined GEG Pennsylvania on 
Sun Feb 5, 2023 

as well as the GEG Pennsylvania Leadership Team 

GEG Pennsylvania Leadership Team
Are you interested in helping lead GEG Pennsylvania? We're looking for a few dedicated educators to help our community become more active.
First and last name
Region of PA (IU)*
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1) In developing MIT OCW-centric wiki WorldUniversityAndSchool.org for free online degrees, accrediting and licensing in PA, - and planned for all 200 countries and in their main languages, I'm interested in engaging and growing Google Educator Groups in Pittsburgh, in Pennsylvania, and in all these  200 countries and even in the 50 US states, and in each of the states in each of all 200 countries.  

2) Am interested in building collaborations between Google Educator Groups as well, such as GEG Pune, India, GEG Punjab, India, GEG Ahmedabad, India, - in which GEG groups I just participated yesterday in a presentation on

"Use of #AItools for productivity"

Posted to Twitter and in WhatsApp -

"Vishal Varia, Azfal Mohammed, Google Educator Groups India Pune Ahmedebad, Al ., Thanks for today's GEG AI presentation. I particularly appreciated the AI website links and tools for further productivity that you shared - Use of #AItools for productivityhttps://www.youtube.com/live/UUaIxVJRGOw Can #ChatGPT write your next scientific research paper?  https://youtu.be/wnGPt030IG4>https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Artificial_Intelligence @WorldUnivAndSch @GEGPune @GEGAhmedabad @GEGPennsylvania #WritingAI #ArtAI #AudioAI #WUaSartificialIntelligence ~"




3) Am interested in helping to grow GEG Pennsylvania, and regarding Matriculating into World Univ & Sch for free online degrees with the CC4 licensed "CS First With Google at World Univ & Sch" Scratch programming course, which computer language works also with Lego Robotics, and regarding #WUaSHomeRobotics. And see:

Matriculate in now for @WorldUnivAndSch 4 years' FREE web CC-4 OCW.MIT.EDU -centric AA Bach MS PhD Law MD IB h.s.) Degrees w CC-4 'CS 1st w Google @ WUaS'csfirst.withgoogle.com Email Meeting@ WorldUniversityAndSchool.org Universities in ~200 countries in ALL 7,151 Langs








Matriculate in now for @WorldUnivAndSch 4 years' FREE web CC-4 OCW.MIT .EDU -centric AA Bach MS PhD Law MD IB h.s.) Degrees w CC-4 '#CSFirst #withGoogle at WUaS' csfirst.withgoogle .com Email Meeting@ WorldUniversityAndSchool .org Universities in ~200 countries in ALL 7,151 Langs


Thanks, Scott

- Scott GK MacLeod  
Founder, President, CEO & Professor
CC-4 licensed MIT OCW-centric. Wiki,
World University & School (WUaS)
- PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 94516
- 210 East End Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15221
1) non-profit World University and School - http://worlduniversityandschool.org 
2) for profit general stock company WUaS Corporation in CA - http://worlduniversityandschool.org/AcademicPress.html

(o) 415 480 4577 - sgkmacleod@worlduniversiryandschool.org
(m) 412 478 0116 - sgkmacleod@gmail.com

World Univ & Sch Innovation Research -  scottmacleod.com


Scottish Small Piping album #2 - Honey Piobaireachd (2022)

- Scott GK MacLeod  
Founder, President, CEO & Professor
CC-4 licensed MIT OCW-centric. Wiki, 
World University & School (WUaS) 
- PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 94516 
- 210 East End Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15221
1) non-profit World University and School - http://worlduniversityandschool.org  
2) for profit general stock company WUaS Corporation in CA - http://worlduniversityandschool.org/AcademicPress.html

(m) 412 478 0116 - sgkmacleod@gmail.com 

World Univ & Sch Innovation Research -  scottmacleod.com 






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