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Alpine Rock-Cress: The #AmazingSunheart #SunheartSunheart #SunheartSunheartSunheart - a #HarbinName? & regarding Harbin's #NegativeVortex - of #HarbinHotSprings @HarbinBook #EthnographicInformant #Friend #Meditator (#TranscendentalMeditation) #Brilliant #NewAge https://photos.app.goo.gl/LRxssAzMbcyjrPYeA #AvatarBot:) * * * Ken, have written a DAILY blog post plus some since June of 2008. What's up with these integrity questions and your writing, Ken and as a MD psychiatrist? In seeking a life partner (PAIRBOND), to grow my circle of friends (TROOPBOND), a newly safe house in Canyon 94516 in September (ABIDANCE), medical prognosis YCLEPTANCE that shapes my future tremendously well, and to avoid what might have happened with my father's 2 subdural hematomas (regarding even Univ Pitt organized crime) FOREDOOMANCE ( http://scottmacleod.com/JohnMoneyConceptsOfDeterminism.html ) * * * Scott G K MacLeod | 210 East End Avenue Pittsburgh, PA 15221 * * * #ScotlandWUaS "Who could replace #NicolaSturgeon as #Scotland’s #FirstMinister? SNP figures who are considered potential leading candidates"


The #AmazingSunheart #SunheartSunheart #SunheartSunheartSunheart - a #HarbinName? & regarding Harbin's #NegativeVortex - of #HarbinHotSprings @HarbinBook
#EthnographicInformant #Friend #Meditator (#TranscendentalMeditation) #Brilliant #NewAge  https://photos.app.goo.gl/LRxssAzMbcyjrPYeA #AvatarBot:)

* * * 

Ken, have written a DAILY blog post plus some since June of 2008. What's up with these integrity questions and your writing, Ken and as a MD psychiatrist? In seeking a life partner (PAIRBOND), to grow my circle of friends (TROOPBOND), a newly safe house in Canyon 94516 in September (ABIDANCE), medical prognosis YCLEPTANCE that shapes my future tremendously well, and to avoid what might have happened with my father's 2 subdural hematomas (regarding even Univ Pitt organized crime) FOREDOOMANCE (http://scottmacleod.com/JohnMoneyConceptsOfDeterminism.html)

Hi Ken, John, Ed, Ma, 


Thanks so much Ken for talking for 2 hours on our walk on Saturday in Shadyside and East Liberty. (And was that Sundar Pichai we saw walking toward the Google Headquarters also in East Liberty)?

Thanks too for saying I think that we can talk for 6 sessions ... per my mother's invitation on 12/31/22 to me to talk with you, (with Univ Pitt Med Ctr reimbursement to you). Might we posdibky please meet this Saturday at 9 for an hour or the followung Saturday for example? Just texted my mother below re further issues like in this 1st email.

"Good morning, Ma! It was interesting playing The Desperate Battle Piobaireachd from memory - with however the metronome of John Burgess's great playing of it - for feeling the piece without the sheet music, so more inside with my eyes closed, and for learning great expressiveness from Burgess, ... Am wondering however about weaning myself further from the unity of playing with Burgess's metronome ... And developing my own far-reaching expression ... It's a bit of an alone process ... Am looking forward to developing Piobaireachd Rock Blues Laments with Piobaireachd melodies potentially and playing with others less alone ... But in playing now, it's great also to be playing a solo Piobaireachd bagpipe instrument  (albeit not connecting with others socially through performances - instead for recordings for learning Piobaireachd further) ... Am concerned in an ongoing way about possible murders here ... and re craven possibly psychopath frederic khayat ... Glad I made a police report and opened an inquiry officially ... thanks for the invitation on 12/31/22 to talk with Ken ... since I think it could open ways to meeting a life partner in Pgh before heading back to a house in newly safe Canyon 94516 in September thanks to federal and state of PA and CA legal processes working together effectively ... a house and for OCW.MIT.EDU-centric wiki Work World Univ & Sch would be awesome, and for raising a family esp. 💕Sending love, Scott (May have found a CPA - Certified Public Accountant and firm yesterday in Texas, thanks to an introduction from Brendan Chan and Prof Karen Brennan at the Harvard Graduate School of Education -  http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2023/02/slender-rushpea.html?m=0)💗, Scott"

Also texted you, Ken, & All, this re Scottish Independence (which journalist Pippa Crerar mentioned as less likely to occur with Nicola Sturgeon's resignation) last night ...

"Could former FM Nicola Sturgeon even have gotten illegal recreational drugs, for example, at Stanford when I heard her a few years ago, Ken, and been called out on them, in the very different media and political worlds of British isles' crazy tabloid constitutional monarchy democracy ... "... is a unitary state governed by a constitutional monarch and parliamentary democracy" ... scottish independence politics? ... Or have been threatened by the monarchy with a psychopathic killer ... or in a complete turnaround sold out to the 'better together' in slavery to the English crew in Scotland? ... Or who will emerge as the next maybe more effective Scottish Independence, Unite with the EU, Scots' leader? ...  I have a Scots' friend from Glasgow in the SF Bay Area, Alex Welsh (who reminds me so much of my grandfather Sandy Brown aka Alexander Chadbourne Brown) ... who thought George Galloway could be a possibly effective MALE head of Scotland ... But also who he described as a bit DODGY (and whose ethics seem questionable to me ... appearance wise from afar in media ... And seems like he could have similar issues as former SNP head Alex Salmond, re being U think a perpetrator or offender ) ... and who isn't listed here by Pippa Crerar political correspondent for The Guardian  
https://twitter.com/PippaCrerar/status/1625845826219040768 ... where Jeremy Corbyn is at the top of her Twitter feed presently ... Could somehow liz truss in a curious twist of political currents become scotland's next first minister ? 😊 Who knows ? ... Partly in seeking a kind of UPMC 'protection', and as a whistleblower, and concerned about my Dad's Pitt subdural hematomas, furst one internationally, could we possibly please meet fir a furst of 6 sessions this Saturday or the following one? Friendly regards, Scott (ah, Pennsylvania as an asylum place from California ... http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/search/label/Pennsylvania?m=0 ... and could craven frederic khayat very speculatively be spending a night or two or more in the 'slammer' and for complicity in some murders? And could he have arrest records in French speaking switzerland in french or in Arabic speaking Lebanon in Arabic language ... And how would international law enforcement like the CIA and ally organizations get at and share such information ... abd with confidence in its veracity? (A question for Tym Lenderking in the US State Department perhaps! Best wishes, Scott 😊  "

Ken, all, This Norwegian paper's headline just came to my eye this morning in some of these potential talking sessions' regards -

Warnings against psychiatrists
Reported psychiatrist for attack on the health authorities after supervision case" 

What do you think? 

I noticed too that the President and CEO of UPMC Leslie C Davis - https://www.upmc.com/media/experts/leslie-davis -
was a head Magee Women's hospital in 2004 (the year my father got his first subdural hematoma, in Belize, (& where my mother worked too as a social worker before my mother became director of social work at UPMC Shadyside Presbyterian). Could Leslie Davis have made a possible executive decision to injure my father, thus keading to his death in 11/07 ... and thus be potentially a murderer in a sense, regarding possible criminal charges and even imprisonment? Further material for our potential talk sessions, Ken (and Re "Speak your truth quietly and clearly ..." in https://www.desiderata.com/desiderata.html).

Looking forward to talking with you Ken ... and regarding potentially moving back into a newly safe Canyon 94516 as a potential consequence institutionally (MDs' institutions) or between organizations (eg UPMC and KP +), - state and federal law too - of our sessions.

Thank you, abolitionally, Friendly regards, Scott 
Yoga notations -

Hi Scott,

I enjoyed our walk and appreciate you telling me about what you have been experiencing.  
I am happy to meet periodically if I can be helpful- but cant this weekend. I am not really in the position to engage in therapy except within business hours.  As i noted, you could come see me at the Squirrel Hill Health Center, but you would need to get your primary medical care there.  As you are already set up to see primary care at UPMC, coming to the Squirrel Hill Health Center might just be an option for the future. And, frankly, I also think it might be good for you to consider seeking a psychiatrist who is less tied up in your family’s life.  I am happy to help you find someone that you feel you can trust.  
If you do see a primary care medical person at UPMC (Dr D?), please let him know that I am happy to talk with him and you as you and Dr D see fit. Do you have an appointment set?

on another matter, I also want to ask if you have ever considered seeking disability?  It is a right of all of us to collect federal money when we are not able work a full time job.  I think it could be said that the traumas you experienced that drove you out of California have made it hard for you to work a steady full time time.  You could apply to disability and perhaps use some of the money to the ends of world university.  it’s just a thought.  some people object to taking disability.  but i always try to point out that we are all entitled to it when we are disabled.  the trauma you experienced could be said to have done that,, making it hard to focus and concentrate.  There is no shame in getting disability. and you can come off it when you dont need it.  


Hi Ken, Thanks for your email and our talk. In developing World Univ & Sch with great focus for 15 years now, I thank my mother for suggesting talking with you for 6 sessions, on my birthday, and am glad to have gotten the UPMC reimbursement form -

 for possible compensation to you out of the UPMC network. I appreciate that you know my family and the issues that I'd like talk with you about from this thread, and in our 2 hour walk, and see many reasons to continue to explore these with you, if at all possible, but with UPMC health coverage given my father's Pitt-managed Semester at Sea subdural hematoma (traumas) for example. Glad too accreditation and licensing opportunities have opened in PA, as a consequence of seeking asylum in PA from CA, and in growing an abolition movement (in Squirrel Hill too, for example) - and in having talked to the city of Pittsburgh police last Thursday in some of these 210 East End Ave Pgh PA 15221 POSSIBLE MURDERS' regards, re talking with you specifically, and having heard a number if times that you would talk with me, like in your email again today.

I think I'll head to my long scheduled appointment with my PCP this Wednesday 2/22/23 (as I've already mentioned) at UPMC Shadyside (for highest quality primary medical care, for his UPENN specialist professor ENT connections with Dr. Erica Robb Thaler, MD and Dr Dick Robb MD, for diagnostic possibilities for R ear eustachian tube dysfunction, and for emerging longevity genetic drug therapies,  etc.) and explore how his authorization might make it possible to talk with you in one way or another further ... and in seeking to move back to a newly safe Canyon 94616 (per John Sargent MD and Ed Smyth MD ABOVE) on September 1 2023. Glad to have learned months' ago that I wouldn't have to go through my PCP primary care provider to see a specialist but having got the above UPMC form will run it by him since you are out of network per form above. There are innumerable important reasons to see you, as I think further, rather than anyone else, Ken - and inter-institutionally. How does this sound? I'll let you know what I learn from Dr. D and after I share my thinking with him about these issues too. Thank you, Ken!

Here's the emerging World Univ & Sch monthly business meeting news and agenda for Saturday at noon if any of you would like to join - http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2023/02/acacia-tree.html?m=0 and regarding developing 200 online Medical Schools with teaching hospitals, another important reason to stay with UPMC, in 3 US states, and regarding my being in KP this autumn, having received an email just this morning from Kaiser Permanente NorCal (having let Dr. Javier DeLeon my KP PCP know of this asylum seeking too) and with KP in 8 US states. 

Thank you, abolitionally, best wishes, Scott

Ken (Thompson MD in PA, Ma - Janie, John Sargent MD in MA, Ed Smyth MD in CA), 

Am remembering George Alexander MD in his thinking theoretically philosophically and abstractly about psychiatry (and re his wife, Brig A. too), both of whom had been through extensive psychoanalysis ... that one outcome of the 'analysand-analyst' relationship (re Lacanian psychoanalysis psychiatry) is friendship, potentially (and not objective clinical medical doctor psychiatrist, retaining aloof scientific distance ... or of  the analysand-analyst becoming intimate (crazy-making in the therapeutic relationship, and abolitionally esp.) ... both of which have probably happened a lot over the past ~100 years ... and Brig Alexander is a Friend Quaker and I think George Alexander MD is/was a Friend too, at one time ... and knew Quaker history and thinking well, albeit as perhaps a Nontheist Friend ... https://www.friendsjournal.org/separation-church-and-state/ is his one published article in Friends Journal in 2008, and very American re psychiatry too perhaps, and not psychiatric as well ... Some documents for NtFs, this Quaker emergence date from the 1970s in Pittsburgh, and I am wondering if George was instrumental in thinking through the implications of nontheist Friend / Quaker language too ) ... It seems like the 'speech act' ('parole 'in French) in particular is what's potentially salient in the Lacanian analysand-analyst relationship regarding Lacan's thinking that "the unconscious structured like language" (perhaps coming into conversation with Sigmund Freud's view that "dreams are the royal road to the unconscious") ... appreciating the accessibility, and conversationality communication potential, of language - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/search/label/language (re https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/search/label/Jacques%20Lacan%20MD). Thank you, Ken!

Glad we've already gotten a start on this conversation, and in both these emails and in our 2 hour walk on Saturday. 

Appreciatively, and Regards, 


Scottish Small Piping album #2 - Honey Piobaireachd (2022)

- Scott GK MacLeod  
Founder, President, CEO & Professor
CC-4 licensed MIT OCW-centric. Wiki, 
World University & School (WUaS) 
- PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 94516 
- 210 East End Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15221
1) non-profit World University and School - http://worlduniversityandschool.org  
2) for profit general stock company WUaS Corporation in CA - http://worlduniversityandschool.org/AcademicPress.html

(m) 412 478 0116 - sgkmacleod@gmail.com 

World Univ & Sch Innovation Research -  scottmacleod.com 


Scott MacLeod sgkmacleod@worlduniversityandschool.org

Thu, Feb 16, 5:10 PM (3 days ago)
to KennethJohnEdwardJanie
Ken (Thompson MD in PA, Ma - Janie, John Sargent MD in MA, Ed Smyth MD in CA), 

Appreciating your thinking about how I might get money, Ken too ... while World Univ & Sch has developed for a song ... an amazing buy in a sense, with 3 legal entities ... and am sending out a request for $6500 for accreditation and licensing in today's WUaS Agenda and Monthly Business Meeting ...   Am wondering about both the Univ of Pitt Grants' email on M 12/26/22 (and regarding my father's head injuries), as well as potentially possible collaboration with the US State Department and possibly regarding medical schools with Stanford Medicine and Stanford Law ... and possibly also UPMC in 3 states and Kaiser Permanente in 8 states. But as the founder, with a successful track record in fundraising ... allowing us to get WUaS for a song ... since becoming a 501 c3 in 2010 ... how to begin to generate money now ...and how could World Univ & Sch pay me ... so I appreciate you thinking of me, Ken, in these regards with your email just now. How could Susan Davis Claus possibly help here further, and possibly regarding the US Federal Government too? More later. 

Thank you, Scott

Ken (Thompson MD in PA, Ma - Janie, John Sargent MD in MA, Ed Smyth MD in CA), All, 

Greetings and thank you for your email.

Some further related thinking in reply to your email:

You and my mother knowing each other has tremendous benefits in your and my talking over your not knowing each other ... As a kind of communicator mediator (and ad we're getting to be friends in new ways through our communications in talking and emailing) ... and over 6 'birthday sessions' too potentially 

and in my sometimes 'alienation' (an idea I haven't written about in this thread before)

and talking about for example our
Cuttyhunk house MA 02713 and Pittsburgh PA 15221 communications pre and post my moving back potentially to a newly safe house in Canyon CA 94516 in September ... 

& are in the same UU Church occasionally too ... 

And you might know Susan Claus Davis too, Ken - re my seeking a life partner (MD?) ... (Some Scottish background?, Protestant background too ? ... like 1 pretty woman with long bangs at the Appalachian square dance on Saturday, but who was with someone, whom Susan commented on about 'catching my eye') : 

"So nice to see you on Saturday Susan ... and to dance with your great understanding and smarts ... Just texted my mother: "Out on a walk in Frick park on a lovely mild evening at dusk;) Appreciating overhearing Sioux Davis Claus high school Scottish dance friend, at the Appalachian Square Dance talking with her friend Stefanie Chou of Connecticut with all Celtic background who has 5 kids one in her early 20s saying her daughter isn't ready ... possibly regarding me too ... Appreciating too that Susan's 2 brothers are Shady Side Academy 'lifers' so she knows SSA culture ... And that she could be a great bridge with a ~25 yo from SSA who is ready ... and with me (and her brother Tom is a Dartmouth hematology oncology MD ... which gives me some hope even to meet a mid 20s MD with Susan as understanding communicator mediator partner midwife  :)💕Acott ... Glad to hear Susan that your 2022 car is a purse!  World Univ &:Sch is seeking monies for WUa PA licensing and accreditation here, with WUaS Monthly Business Meeting on Saturday! 💕Hugs, Scott (California calls potentially In September and life partner esp 💕😊 !)

Any thoughts from Tom and Dartmouth Med Ctr about aging reversal genetic drug therapies emerging? :)💕 ...http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/search/label/longevity?m=0 ... http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/search/label/genes?m=0 ... Thanks do much for coming to visit in Canyon 94516 in ~ 2019 too >>> on Googke Smart TV is a picture of Twin Peaks in SF looking east over the SF Bay toward Skyline Drive and almost toward Canyon over that ridge :)😊

 Thank you,

How to begin to get monies for WUaS from the following? -
Agenda and News for Sat 2/18/23 WUaS MBM 

Minutes for Sat 1/21/23 WUaS MBM 


Dear Ken (Thompson MD in PA, Ma - Janie, John Sargent MD in MA, Ed Smyth MD in CA), All, 

Am a bit of an analyst of the mind, of the psyche, a psyche-analyst, myself, and having learned from a Lacanian psychoanalytic psychiatrist MD (but not yet so much from a Hume-ian psychiatrist MD) ... and nomenclature-wise, and re the significance of language, regarding the analyst-analysand relationship (and the lack of belittling for example for me in the 'analysand' word ... and regarding the 'power' dynamics in such relationships, and as a social scientist, anthropologist, sociologist, - who has read some of this literature, eg Foucault).

A tryst with the psyche? ... one's own psyche? ...  a tryst with a psychiatrist, ... a psyche-A-tryst ? :)

Ken, for your further Analysis ... a main theme for World Univ & Sch in 200 countries and in their main languages is people-to-people wiki free universal education - and with a WUaS TEACHING and LEARNING main focus .... with many parallels possibly to the 'analyst-analysand' relationship (in Lacanian psychoanalysis, and in terms of the significance of language to YCLEPT and see John MOney's Concepts of Determinism here, meaning - to name, call, or style - in non belittling ways too ... the analysand or the learner ... also in the social psychology of the relationship ... https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/search/label/social%20psychology re the extensive Zimbardo Milgram et al psychology literature ... newly explorable online in COMPLETETLY different ways esp.) 


In further emailing you, and regarding the possible murder of Jackson Shannon NYC, and the disappearance of Harold Tyler here after residing at 210 East End Avenue, Pgh PA 15221, (and possibly accomplice of craven frederic khayat, - and here's a decent definition from Apple dictionary - "contemptibly lacking in courage abdication of his moral duty." :)

I have further developed an interest in these #4LegalRegimes in each of all ~#200countries & their main languages & 50 #USstates & 

1 #StatesLaw #StateLaw, 
2 #FederalLaw, 
3 #InternationalLaw, 
4 #MilitaryLaw 
(& regarding #GeneticsLaw too) 

(and see Tweet below) .

So in our potential further conversation, Ken, and in interpreting your Hume-ian psychiatrist analysis as I hear it, I am seeking to 'increase' my 'consciousness' re my own psycho-analysis ... re self-learning of the unconscious esp ... my own ... my own thinking ... with my own agency ... (which could be jeopardized if I applied for disability for example:)

things seem to have settled a bit somehow psycho-dynamically with craven frederic khayat across the hall ... could SSA alumnus too Shawn Flaherty ~'78 unbeknownst to me have 'arraigned' frederic khayat in a court of law, or similar ... letting him f.k. ... who 'breaks the rules' - which was my (m)other's observation when she came over on my birthday 12 3/1/23 ... she possibly glancing in the direction of the psychopath's??? abode across the top of the stairs ... Was he a 'fuck maga' soldier on a mission, that is now foiled? ... since he may have 4 legal regimes' laws to break now ... and newly having been made aware of them?

(Possibly in these regards, I received a 'stay connected - fundraising' email yesterday from a Jamie Scott at SSA ... making me speculate whether Shawn, or possibly even your brother Nick Thompson esq., too, could have brought some legal action toward a possible terrorist cmu bachelor's degree student f.k. in an extra-territorial insecurity cult, for example ... very speculatively ... a Shawn < > SSA President Bart Griffith communication ???) Who knows? ... Inference, induction, deduction ... or abduction, inference to the best explanation ... explication ... are all interesting thinking processes to think about (and logic-wise ... which western analytic philosophy has excelled at, - and with increasing sophistication ... ) 

Here's to further 'abolition law' in Squirrel Hill too potentially (and post the anti-slavery act in Britain of 1832, and the Emancipation Proclamation in the US in 1865 ... and the latter around the time of the bloodiest war on American soil ... with possible echoes of the Greek drama, the Lysistrata ... where the women protest men by stopping having sex ??? )

Greek drama, the Lysistrata ... where the women protest men by stopping having sex ???

"It is a comic account of a woman's extraordinary mission to end the Peloponnesian War between Greek city states by denying all the men of the land any sex ..."

"“Lysistrata” is a bawdy anti-war comedy by the ancient Greek playwright Aristophanes, first staged in 411 BCE. It is the comic account of one woman's  ..."

An interesting pre-Quaker approach to peace-making regarding war :)? 

Looking forward to talking, analyzing, thinking and conversing with you, Ken ... and after I talk with my PCP at UPMC Shadyside Presbyterian hospital ... ah, the speech act :) ... if possible ... and in possibly mediator communication too with my mother :)

Abolitionally, Friendly greetings, best wishes, 

a related Tweet - 

How has the #CoronaVirusPandemic further developed #4LegalRegimes in each of all ~#200countries & their main languages & 50 #USstates & 1 #StatesLaw #StateLaw, 2 #FederalLaw, 3 #InternationalLaw, 4 #MilitaryLaw & #GeneticsLaw per https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2020/04/himalyan-monal-how-are-harbin-hot.html
https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/World_University_Law_School ?



Retweeting -

Bhutan Birds
Majestic Himalayan Monal in flight.
That was captured luckily.
#himalayanmonal #bhutanbirding #wildbirds



#PhysicalHospitals w #UniversityHospitals in all 50 #USstates & ~#200countries as #ExcitingCenters for #HumanoidMedicalRobotics #MDRobotProfessors #MedicalMachineLearning: How can #WUaSRobotics help & in 1 #RealisticVirtualEarthForRobotics in #StreetView #TimeSlider #TensorStore?







Incredibly happy that our Science Robotics @SciRobotics paper is online https://science.org/doi/10.1126/scirobotics.abm6010. We present a complete pipeline from grasping a hospital gown hung on a rail to dressing a medical manikin on a bed.  @YiannisDemiris @Imperial_PRL  @ImperialEEE


Hi Ken, John Sargent MD, Ed Smyth MD, ALL, greetings! I hope this email finds you well. How are you? 

When I checked the mail yesterday there were 3 pieces in one box, one addressed to an "EMILY KILLER," right behind one to the disappeared African American Harold Tyler (and another 3rd envelope). I brought these pieces inside the front hall and put the envelope to Harold Tyler on his pile of accumulating mail on the right side of the front hall ... and the one addressed to 'Emily Killer' at the front of a bunch of old letters in the dish drainer on the table on the left side of the hall. The "Emily Killer" letter was gone when I checked later that evening. Could craven, psychopath?, frederic khayat have killed someone named Emily before the deceased Jackson Shannon NYC and the disappeared Harold Tyler - in Switzerland even, and could there even be a record of this in French with law enforcement there, or an arrest record etc? Could frederic khayat have removed the letter (on video camera even) as addressed to him (like in that Shakespeare play) in a sense? Who knows? These are questions. 

Am continuing to inquire how my father got his 2 subdural hematomas - re my being in asylum from CA in PA too - and think such evidence and possible related lines of inquiry to this "Emily Killer" letter could emerge with police work, internationally even. Murders and "whacking" leading to death are serious crimes at the

State of PA
US federal
& US military courts' 

levels ... and rely on evidence for criminal proceedings ... and potential justice questions especially. 

Ken, am also concerned about your last email's integrity (below), as a MD psychiatrist.

I've been concentrating fine - as I think you may know - with, for example, having written a DAILY blog post plus some since June of 2008. What's up with these integrity questions and your writing, Ken and as a MD psychiatrist? In seeking a life partner (PAIRBOND), to grow my circle of friends (TROOPBOND), a newly safe house in Canyon 94516 in September (ABIDANCE), medical prognosis YCLEPTANCE that shapes my future tremendously well, and to avoid what might have happened with my father's 2 subdural hematomas (regarding even Univ Pitt organized crime) FOREDOOMANCE ( http://scottmacleod.com/JohnMoneyConceptsOfDeterminism.html ) - I don't know how good of an idea it is to see you after all with what I've been reading from you (seeking to get federal or state of PA disability would probably sink MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch for example, something I've been working on since around 2007). But thanks for your thinking about how I could begin to get money, possibly remuneration regarding Work World Univ & Sch very much Ken, ABIDANCE-wise too! I'll inquire further with my PCP about how Univ Pitt Med Ctr reimbursement with you potentially would work with you.

Seeking to get federal and state of PA and CA law and law enforcement to work more effectively together than pre-coronavirus pandemic to pritect people, Ken and All - and abolition-ally especially! 

Thank you, abolitionally, best wishes, Scott 

* * * 

Scott G K MacLeod | 210 East End Avenue Pittsburgh, PA 15221 

Hi Lisa Ximei (owner of KK Rentals' management co. regarding the 210 East End Avenue, Pgh PA 15221 property), Stephon Owens, Lt. John Tadler, Shawn Flaherty, Nick Thompson, All, 

After calling the city of Pittsburgh police last Thursday and inquiring in an official police report - with Allegheny county police officers Friess and Greer - about the death of Jackson Shannon NYC and disappearance of Harold Tyler, I was checking for my mail today and noticed the funeral home letter at the back of the mail in the dish drainer as Harold Tyler's mail continues to accululate ... and wondered how many other of the people in these old pieces of mail could have been murdered tragically out of this 210 East End avenue Pgh PA 15221 house  ... Some chinese lanterns just now are showing on my google smart tv ... and leading me to wonder about possible Asian involvement in the illegal sex and drug industrues and their latent networks of violence relating to these possible death and disappearances. I realize Lisa Ximei Peng you don't speak English very well ... so am continuing to inquire about these possible injustices with state of PA, federal, international and military legal processes and  law enforcement agencies.

I just heard craven frederic khayat speaking in the kitchen quite loudly so realize he breaks the rules regularly which you have written about Lisa Ximei ... and am continuing to inquire about his eviction for security reasons of he was complicit in the murder of Jackson Shannon NYC or the disappearance of Harold Tyler ... 

Thank you Lisa ximei for fixing the kitchen hot water faucet after many months,bandvthank you housemate Stephon Owens for getting the new trash bags (I assume). 

Best wishes, abolition-ally, Friendly greetings, Scott 





Dear Lisa Ximei, Lt John Tadler, Shawn Flaherty esq, Stephon Owens, Nick Thompson esq, All, 

Thank you for fixing the hot water faucet in the kitchen sink, and for saying that quiet time is from 10p-9am and for say there's no smoking in the house, literally or metaphorically, I assume. This seems to working, Lisa Ximei, All! How are the eviction proceedings going regarding craven psychopath??? frederic khayat across the hall, after calling the city of Pgh Police and talking with Officers Friess and Greer, 2 Thursdays ago inquiring about the cause death of Jackson Shannon NYC, and the disappeared Harold Tyler? I just posted a 'Black Lives Matter' sign on the front door at 210 East End Ave Pgh PA 15221 in these regards. 

When I checked the mail yesterday there were 3 pieces in one box, one addressed to an "EMILY KILLER," right behind one to the disappeared African American Harold Tyler (and another 3rd envelope). I brought these pieces inside the front hall and put the envelope to Harold Tyler on his pile of accumulating mail on the right side of the front hall ... and the one addressed to 'Emily Killer' at the front of a bunch of old letters in the dish drainer on the table on the left side of the hall. The "Emily Killer" letter was gone when I checked later that evening. Could craven, psychopath?, frederic khayat have killed someone named Emily before the deceased Jackson Shannon NYC and the disappeared Harold Tyler - in Switzerland even, and could there even be a record of this in French with law enforcement there, or an arrest record etc? Could frederic khayat have removed the letter (on video camera even) as addressed to him (like in that Shakespeare play) in a sense? Who knows? These are questions. 

Am continuing to inquire how my father GKM MD got his 2 subdural hematomas in 2004 & 05 - re my being in asylum from CA in PA too - and think such evidence and possible related lines of inquiry to this "Emily Killer" letter could emerge with further police work, internationally even. Murders and "whacking" leading to death are serious crimes at the

1 State of PA (and CA etc)
2 US federal
3 International 
4 US military courts' 

levels ... and rely on evidence for criminal proceedings ... and potential justice questions especially. 

Lisa Ximei, how much evidence would you need to evict a sick frederic khayat? Evidence of murder? If law enforcement here in the US, whether PA, federal or military for example, could obtain evidence that frederic khayat had murdered some, or numerous people (eg in Switzerland), would that be enough? If he was on the payroll of the swiss army (AS craven "fuck maga" insecurity cult with BANK DEPOSITS into Pittsburgh National Bank (PNC) - to pay his cmu tuition, for ex. - and a serial murderer, so a deeply mentally ill psychopathic criminal, would that be enough to evict him? 

In WUaS calling for the abolition of the illegal sex and drug industries internationally and their latent networks of violence, it seems that the follow the money trail and with PNC bank esp would be an especially important source of evidence (regarding other related Pgh criminal sex and drug industry crimes).

Thank you Lisa Ximei fir the hot water, the no smoking and the quiet time ... and thank you further for your consideration of this eviction possibility ... with evidence, and having called the City of Pgh police 2 Thursdays ago.

Abolitionally, Friendly greetings, Seeking to protect people at  Work World Univ & Sch with law & law enforcement and in all 200 countries and in their main languages,l (as WUaS seeks to code for all 7.9 billion people on the planet, each a Wikidata PIN #), 


WUaS Agenda and News fir World Univ & Sch Monthly Business Meeting 2/18/23 -

- Scott GK MacLeod  
Founder, President, CEO & Professor
World Univ & Sch (WUaS) - PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 94516 
1) non-profit World University and School - http://worlduniversityandschool.org  
2) for profit general stock company WUaS Corporation in CA - http://worlduniversityandschool.org/AcademicPress.html

(m) 412 478 0116 - sgkmacleod@gmail.com 

World Univ & Sch Innovation Research -  scottmacleod.com 
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* * * 

#ScotlandWUaS "Who could replace #NicolaSturgeon as #Scotland’s #FirstMinister? SNP figures who are considered potential leading candidates" 
https://www.ft.com/content/3a156f18-7925-4d4d-b684-d09c6aee7c17 Kate Forbes, John Swinney, Angus Robertson, Stephon Flynn, Humza Yousaf, Keith Brown but not Mhari McAllen or Neil Gray

Kate Forbes Scottish parliament talk  

John Swinney vid on education

Heard FORMER Scots' #FMNicolaSturgeon on April 4 2017 at #Stanford, Ken, & blogged about it here - http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2017/04/atlantic-salmon-scots-first-minister.html Cheers, Scott :) What's happening with #ScottishIndependence now I wonder -  & w OCW.MIT.EDU -centric #ScotlandWUaS https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Scotland too?

Retweeting - 

In her shock announcement, Sturgeon said the SNP was “awash with talented individuals” who could succeed her.

The party’s problem, however, is that none of them is (yet) of her calibre - or has caught the imagination of the Scottish public👇🏼

Kate Forbes 7%

John Swinney 6

Angus Robertson

Stephon Flynn

Mhari McAllen

Keith Brown

Neil Gray 1%

Other 4%

Don't know 69%









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