Channel: Scott MacLeod's Anthropology of Information Technology & Counterculture
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Wakhan Corridor, Afghanistan: Searched on COURSES for #AgingReversalGenetics at Harvard Stanford Yale @geochurch but didn't find any AND A co-listed #AgingReversalGenetics' course between them


Searched on COURSES for #AgingReversalGenetics at Harvard Stanford Yale @geochurch but didn't find any AND A co-listed #AgingReversalGenetics' course between them 

Dear @GeoChurch #PeterNorvig @HeartBobH 
A co-listed #AgingReversalGenetics' course btwn #HarvardMedSch #StanfordMedSch & #WorldUnivMedSchs @WorldUnivAndSch to grow #s researchers
https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Longevity in #RealisticVirtualEarthForGenetics?


Searched on COURSES for #AgingReversalGenetics at Harvard Stanford Yale @geochurch but didn't find ANY yet. #Algorithm list:

aging reversal genetics' courses at Harvard Stanford Yale ...

* * *  

Dear Peter Norvig, George Church, Dick Robb MD (both in Harvard Medical School), Lieutenant John Tadler, Ken Thompson MD in PA, Ed Smyth MD in CA, John Sargent MD in MA, Ma (Janie), and esqs., Nick, Shawn, Hank, Roland,  All, 

Greetings on a Sunday morning, daylight time, at summer time's beginning. How are you all?  

On a positive note, here's a set of Tweets regarding creating a course on Aging Reversal Genetics - 

Dear @GeoChurch #PeterNorvig @HeartBobH A co-listed #AgingReversalGenetics' course btwn #HarvardMedSch #StanfordMedSch & #WorldUnivMedSchs @WorldUnivAndSch to grow #s researchers
https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Longevity in #RealisticVirtualEarthForGenetics?

On a note of concern, and possibly as a teaching and learning opportunity too, I'm writing to seek to begin a 'virus forensic analysis' case in Pittsburgh, and wonder, Prof. George Church, how this could work best, and potentially with the city of Pittsburgh's / Allegheny county police. My mother, Jane MacLeod, came down with a virus on Monday last week, and upon using a covid test, found she tested positive.  

Could my mother have been the victim of a virus test attack even manufactured out of CMU or UPitt laboratories - and after I heard, for example, from a woman say "She dies" walking in front of me with earphones on, - in the Carnegie Library Oakland Pittsburgh, some weeks ago - and possibly also for the Carnegie Libraries' video surveillance cameras? I've already inquired if this could have been a death threat with the Carnegie Library and adjacent Carnegie Museums Oakland - e.g. with a Carnegie library director Jen Styran above. I'm thinking also in terms of my father UPitt Professor Gordon K MacLeod MD, who received a subdural hematoma on the UPitt managed Semester on December 30, 2004 in the country of Belize, having wondered many times about the role of international latent networks of violence and organized crime with regard to both his subdural hematomas, and even regarding the illegal sex and drug industries internationally. (MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch continues to call for abolition in these regards). How could we know if my mother has been the victim of a virus test attack even manufactured e.g. out of CMU or UPitt laboratories? How best to develop investigations into this - post coronavirus pandemic of 2.5 years, and with genetics' laboratories' capabilities of developing viruses as weapons even, possibly increasing? Could we bring US federal and state of PA scrutiny to these questions, law enforcement-wise, and see for example, if such an experimental virus was put in the food for my mother delivered to her door, in the Longwood at Oakmont: Senior Living Retirement Community, in Pittsburgh? How could we investigate in retrospect whether the Longwood kitchen might have been complicit in such a possible crime?  Could US and PA law enforcement scrutinize the email and other communications from possible perpetrators, and criminals, in Pittsburgh, possibly as part of organized criminal networks? How could we in Pittsburgh prevent such possible virus attacks before they occur again with 'virus forensic analysis' in the state of Pennsylvania, and working with the US federal government? What processes already are in place for such investigations, both recent, such as this one, but also for example, what law enforcement processes are there that could examine similar possible cases in mid 2020, a few months into the coronavirus pandemic say in beginning March 2020? Since my mother took one or two Covid-19 tests, with some test kits she had on hand, is there viral evidence in these that could be used for further investigations, and as evidence even (e.g. if we could learn the strain of the virus from these test kits' evidence, could we then see if any UPitt or CMU laboratories are working with such strains of violence - and even learn of such genetics' researchers links with international organized crime)? 

Here are some further related thoughts from April 1, 2020 regarding the coronavirus pandemic - 

I spoke with my mother yesterday evening and she sounded pretty ill but seems to be getting better, and had gotten a limited prescription for Pavloxid (https://www.yalemedicine.org/news/13-things-to-know-paxlovid-covid-19). 


Following up on my emails in some of these regards - see: https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2023/03/brush-mountain-wilderness-va.html - yesterday, and regarding the book "When the state kills: capital punishment and the American condition" (Princeton Univ Press, 2001) by Austin Sarat: it isn't by my former professor at the University of California, Santa Barbara, E Darian-Smith, but was a key text in her course for which I was head graduate student instructor.

Found "When the state kills" in the World Catalog, and in the Open Library

When the state kills : capital punishment and the American condition
Austin Sarat
Summary:Presents arguments to support the author's contention that Capital punishment undermines democratic societies and must be abolished
Print Book, English, ©2001
Publisher:Princeton University Press, Princeton, N.J., ©2001


And you can borrow and read it online here -


but found it neither in the Smithsonian libraries -

nor in the

Digital Public Library of America

for example. 

Peter Norvig, George Church, Robert Harrington MD - a realistic virtual earth for genetics course?  ... And could we create such a https://twitter.com/hashtag/RealisticVirtualEarthForGenetics?src=hashtag_click https://twitter.com/scottmacleod/status/1634900165864849408 - for virus forensic analysis too, and with #FilmTo3DApps at the street view with time slider, cell, molecular and atomic levels (and for law enforcement viral analysis work in this post-coronavirus pandemic world too)? 

Best regards, abolitionally, Scott

Ken, Ed, Ma, John, All,

Good to hear from you, Ken. How is your sore throat Ma?  Sorry to hear about it yesterday in text messaging from you (I had thought you said you were feeling fine Thursday, so this new sore throat is news!) How are you all? 

Ken, Ed, John, all - am wondering further how best to plan to move forward into a newly safe Canyon 94516 in the SF Bay Area in September. And how if possible to take ownership of the 670 Ridgecrest Rd Canyon 94516 place too. I'd like also to begin on my 2nd Harbin Hot Springs' ethnographic Physical-Digital book project  - possibly both at Harbin and in a simulacra on East Bay MUD land next to Canyon 94516 and also possibly in a newly designed digital shop at 670 Ridgecrest 94516 with and for multimedia studio from warm pools - for a #RealisticVirtualHarbin : https://twitter.com/scottmacleod/status/1633467017784336388 .

If I meet a life partner and to begin a family before I move west, super.

After reading Pittsburgher WSJ's Lillian Thomas's Tweet on the Sioux indians -  https://twitter.com/lbeththomas/status/1632191924370042880 -  I've also Tweeted some 'Fighting For Policing' - both federal and state together (not thinking in terms of native American reservations) - posts re Harbin and Quaker meetings but to which I'd add some Tweets newly for Cuttyhunk (could friend & Cuttyhunker David Thurston in the DC-area help with web cameras on Cuttyhunk in the off season?) and for Canyon 94516? See PS and PPS Tweets below.

Things at 210 East End Avenue 15221 have become quieter, and with craven psychopath? frederic khayat away - and possibly due to calling the city of Pgh police recently wuth inquiries into the death of Jackson Shannon and disappearance of Harold Tyler. Has frederic khayat been effectively evicted, at least temporarily ? Ken, on our 2 hour walk you said his eviction wouldn't happen I think ... but it may have at least temporarily. Could this be due to my having called the Pgh police in part? (And could housemate Stephon Owens speculatively be in some kind of related security apparatus - and even 'under cover'? ...and for symphony and other cmu too music circles' law enforcement internationally even also ... and to help pay the bills too? Who knows? Interesting detective questions, sort of?) Also is the cyst on my left foot lessening just a bit? I think maybe - and why I wonder if so ? - Could frederic khayat even have been putting some Swiss cyst-causing chemical substance in my food speculatively ... that could lead some to have unwise foot surgery ...??? Not sure what will happen if /when he comes back. And where is frederic khayat, for the safety of others - and re law enforcement too? 

It would be great if the cyst on the bottom my left foot was disappearing.

Am appreciating the potential for undercover forms of policing both state and federal combined in all of these situations / places - SF Quaker Meeting, Quaker Meetings, native American Indian reservations, Cuttyhunk, Canyon 94516, Harbin Hot Springs and Pgh 15221, and the Carnegie Museums / Library and also the Univ of Pitt and CMU too . Ken, as a medical doctor how do you work with law enforcement both state and federal in some of these regards? Perhaps we can talk about this too in Our talks - and re a newly safe Canyon 9416 (per John Sargent MD's question "But the question is how do how know if Canyon 94516 is safe"? ... for the good idea of my moving back in to Canyon - thanks John!).

Ken Thompson, John Sargent, Ed Smyth, all - friend Lillian Thomas also just Tweeted
'A new Arkansas law that makes it easier for minors to work without a permit is part of a nationwide effort by states to loosen child- labor restrictions wsj.com/articles/state… via @WSJ" 
and in moving back to Canyon 94516 in September, and regarding Canyonites' Casey originally from Arkansas (and his wife Sonya, who is wonderful), am wondering about implications of this Arkansas law change and even regarding what I was hearing about in California before my seeking asylum in PA from CA and before the California gig economy law - and even law enforcement. I like Casey but Canyon critters get up go all kinds of outlaw things in the East Bay MUD woods east of Berzerkely, and I'd be interested in talking about this in one of our (UPMC-reimbursed to you) meetings Ken - and in my and WUaS calling for abolition legally to protect people. And how would MD psychiatry work with regards to the above Arkansas law change, and at World Univ & Sch -

& as developing universities, planned first in English, Spanish and Chinese, there will be eventually OCW ... 

Further, here are some related Tweets regarding beginning approaches to psychiatry and large language models / ChatGPT  AI conversation software that may or may never become conscious (where is consciousness PRESENT biologically in human and other organisms brains - 
- a new Way of construing this, whereas with AI ChatGPT Chalmers thinks they don't have consciousness because they don't have "subjective experience".

How to develop @WorldUnivAndSch #MDpsychiatry 
https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Psychiatry with Lacanian https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/lacan/  https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/search/label/Jacques%20Lacan%20MD et al #MDclinical  #LargeLanguageModel #WUaSlanguages' focus in 200 countries' languages w #ChatGPT re #hallucinating #confabulating #Explication?

"Thus, explication as a coping strategy is characterized by actively construing, inferring, conceptualizing, formulating, designating, evaluating, confabulating, and in general, trying to make sense of what happens."

"Explicatory Strategies. Causal explanation; mirth and the comic; fantasy; dream; hallucination; depersonalization.#


In 2 #Stanford #ChatGPT talks today from #StanfordMedicine & #StanfordLaw have heard #StanfordFaculty describe #OpenAIChatGPT as #hallucinating #confabulating Am reminded of #JohnMoneyPhD's #ConceptsOfDeterminism & his #Explication #ExplicatoryStrategies >http://scottmacleod.com/JohnMoneyConceptsOfDeterminism.html~

Ken, ongoing seeking of life partner too ... And looking forward to talking when your schedule allows - and esp regarding my upcoming move back the the SF Bay Area ... (with a potential ~25 year old pretty MD medical resident of some Scots American Quaker UU hippy background possibly :)  

Regards, abolitionally, thank you, Scott


What's w #HarbinHotSprings & poss. #FightingForPolicing both #USfederal & #stateOfCA? #PreHarbinFire2015 #Harbin #HeartConsciousChurch kept policing at bay eg w #HarbinMD #RosemaryCordova married to #CALakeCountySheriff  as #HarbinEthnographer @HarbinBook #NakedHarbinEthnography~

Retweeting -

The Oglala Sioux Tribe, which once fought the westward push of the U.S., is now fighting for policing help it says was promised in 19th-century treaties wsj.com/articles/south… via @WSJ


! #HarbinWatsu #RealisticVirtualHarbin article by #HarvardTrainedHippy #DrAndyWeilMD https://web.archive.org/web/20120915100048/http://www.drweil.com/drw/u/ART03102/Watsu.html 2012 in #HarbinHotSprings' #WikipediaArticleData
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harbin_Hot_Springs & citing @sgkmacleod @scottmacleod's 5 #HarbinInspired books @WUaSPress https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Watsu_-_water_shiatsu :)


5th book in new @WUaSPress
'Light, Float, Sit, #Watsu ~ Virtually: Bodymind Electricity Sings to Me at Harbin Hot Springs & Other Traveling Poems' (book) is AVAILABLE on PAPER !:) @SGKMacLeod (Author)


What's w #SFQuakerMeeting 9th St. & possibly #FightingForPolicing, both #USfederal & #stateOfCA? #SFQuakers (w #AmericanFriendsServiceCommitteeSF offices abc) seemed to keep policing at bay @chrismsf after you left too, & eg by not doing #FirstDayTeachers' #LegalBackgroundChecks.

Retweeting -

with a picture of Lego humanoid figures 

Emily Provance
Mar 8
Replying to
@robinmsf @Betsy_Cazden and @martin_kelley
And the conversation continues. Please spread the word about this upcoming series of conversations for Friends in meetings with waning energy, including but not limited to those considering laying a meeting down:

Also, searched on COURSES for aging reversal genetics, but didn't find ANY yet - 

aging reversal genetics' courses at Harvard Stanford Yale 

Some to create at World Univ & Sch 


Much to talk about Ken when you are free! 

Thank you, Scott

Ken MD in PA, Ed MD in CA, John MD in MA, Ma (Janie), and esqs., Nick, Shawn, Hank, Roland,  All, 

Greetings! Thanks for letting me know that we can talk together, Ken, further (after our 2 hour walk on a Saturday morning, meeting in front of the Saltire flag in Shadyside recently). 

Just shared this text with my mother in response to hers just now - 

"Hi Scott, Thanks for checking. Still have the sore throat; it's a rotten bug but I'm gaining on it.  I enjoyed your piece about four loads of laundry.  Good for you.  I'll keep you posted. Love, Ma"

"Hi Ma, so glad you're gaining on it! Looking forward to a picnic or similar soon - perhaps next Wednesday or Thursday?? - and perhaps we can get into video conferencing when we talk on the phone, since that's kind of like being together person to person, and when I head back to California in September (email to come on "When the State Kills" in some of these regards, thinking-wise, after my earlier email this morning). Love, Scott "

With psychopathic? proven murderer or accomplice? frederic khayat, (extraterritorially "fuck maga" insecurity cult-wise too???), formerly across the hall at 210 E End ave Pgh 15221 having gone home? (to Lebanon? or Switzerland?) or moved in a cmu dormitory, or into another house, or coming back on Monday? ... and with the federal social security administration (SSA) check I think I saw addressed to him downstairs when I left a few days ago, but which was gone upon my return, I'm reminded of a newly published book at the time "When the State Kills" by E Darian-Smith, a professor of mine at the University of California, Santa Barbara, when I was a student there from 2001-2003 - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1y4vXG-QoGZkMWqK6Y5WbuNqdDihPyUVqMAgp2HS6hpU/edit?usp=sharing - search on "Curriculum Vitae" here http://scottmacleod.com/ - and then, in CV itself, on "2002 (Fall) – Anthropological Approaches to the Law, Dept. of Law and Society (Head TA)" when I was a graduate student instructor at UCSB for an undergraduate course. She's Australian, but I think the book focused primarily on the USA. Curiously, I couldn't find this big substantial book - 'social theory' of the US death penalty, electrocutions, and much more  - online now whatsoever. Was this substantial book censored? or was it withdrawn? When I searched on "When the State Kills Darian-Smith" just now I came up with this article though from 2012   

"Re­reading W. E. B. Du Bois: the global dimensions of the US civil rights struggle"


So am wondering, thinking-wise- regarding Jackson Shannon, the disappeared Harold Tyler, and now frederic khayat who seems to be away - and even regarding Stephon Owens, possibly 'under cover' in some security apparatus of another - and possibly working his way in to such craven and sick and illegal sex and drug industries etc and their latent networks of violence internationally, very speculatively, if the "state" (which is a key concept in the social sciences, anthropology, sociology etc - "a nation or territory considered as an organized political community under one government" or "the civil government of a country" - for very far-reaching thinking and analyses, and papers, books, etc.) could possibly be killing here too ... and somehow regarding "civil government" in contrast to the terrorism of force or violence etcs. 

And just as I was writing my previous email below - and regarding the real time internet too - someone in India liked again and repeatedly this Tweet, about India journalist "Anuradha Bhasin" recent Stanford south Asia talk, many days ago ... and in which she mentioned too how about 18 people (journalists and others) had died after the abrogation of India Law Article 370 in 2019 ... and am wondering what role the state of India as democracy and "civil government" could have played in these deaths (and could Anuradha Bhasin even know the head of India Narendra Modi, very speculatively, even more speculatively, intimately???? ... and was she messaging from this Stanford platform sharing this knowledge from India, and even regarding also Pittsburgh and the massacre during the Trump administration, and possibly as a Pgh "clean up' further unfolds related to these 3 deaths??? ... )

India World Univ & Sch for free-to students' OCW.MIT.EDU-centric online degrees, and on a Google-WUaS developing platform, and in all 22 official languages in India, planned from -

https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Hindi_language / Tamil_language /Kasmiri_language planned - 

If so, how might and does "the state" - here the US federal and states of PA and CA and TX - keep track of all of this, and the crazinesses of possible law enforcement work, regarding perpetration of harm and death ... and also regarding abolition to protect people ... and then what happen when a state's laws change - eg regarding Arkansas? 

And what happens when the law becomes all ChatGPT AI Conversation software based, and at the US Supreme Court level even, where this article from the Harvard Law Review, may be particularly germane (my interpretation-wise, re "natural law" and the Stanford Law CodeX presentations, of which Roland above is the director) too - 


Justice Breyer: The Court’s Last Natural Lawyer?
By the Harvard Law Review
Justice Breyer will be remembered for his optimistic pragmatism, decades of public service, and, of course, side-splittingly hilarious hypotheticals. But, in addition to all this, this Note argues that Justice Breyer should be remembered as a uniquely commendable incarnation of the classical natural law tradition. Justice Breyer’s Legal Process approach allowed him to interpret positive law as a natural lawyer would — purposively and teleologically in light of preexisting background principles. In an era when judges all too often myopically fetishize positive law alone, this Note suggests that Justice Breyer’s distinct perspective will be sorely missed.

New Issue: Volume 136 · March 2023 · Number 5 

Much to communicate about further, Ken, - but what do you think? 

Ken, if a possible psychopathic?, murderer?, f.k. went home, questions about organized crime's latent networks of violence may have changed a bit here in Pgh in my circles ... and in seeking to grow MIT OCW-centric World Univ & Sch potentially back in California in September. When might we talk further about some of this? Thank you, and best wishes! 

Hope your sore throat passes soon Ma - and in this new world of manufactured bio weapons' virus transmission (and that "She dies" comment I heard in the Carnegie Library even) - which could possibly come out of CMU and UPitt laboratories, or Swiss ones too. Please stay safe, all, and get well soon, Ma!  

Regards, abolitionally, Friendly greetings, Scott

* * * 

In the woods & garden #NEOregon #WisdomCreekRanch #PacificCrestTrailCA #SonoraPass 1 other #PCTtrailHead #PittsburghPA #RandolphNH #SFBayArea #MTTamalpais in #RealisticVirtualEarthForTraveling (@HarbinBook) #WUaSunivs #wuAsVR #MuirWoodsCA 









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