Channel: Scott MacLeod's Anthropology of Information Technology & Counterculture
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Diplacus rupicola: Happy birthday, Rolene, in San Francisco (and with a connection to the SF Quaker Meeting)! * * * A creation of #HippyPittsburgh in #1969, w major reconstruction of #NeillLogHouse in #SchenleyPark? Catahecassa Blackhoof >a #RealisticVirtualEarthForArchitecture ~

Previous: Zebra duiker: FlyWire (connectome) Town Hall - * * * Northeast Asia in Focus Webinar: Impacts of the Inflation Reduction Act on Northeast Asia - Energy, Trade, and Investment (US-ASIA Institute | Building Understanding Since 1979) * * * How does #CRISPRReverseAging? A natural version of CRISPR has been adapted by scientists to enable reprogramming of cellular DNA to rid cells of unfavorable genetic changes * * * How best could @WorldUnivAndSch create emergency #GoogleWUaS #WUaSUnivs https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Nation_States in Countries Currently at War 2022 and end deaths there? * * * * * * Cost of an Ivy League education nearing $90,000 per year - MIT OCW-centric The College at World University and School: https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/The_College_at_World_University_and_School is Free-To-Students & on a #GoogleWUaS platform


Happy birthday, Rolene, in San Francisco! 

Happy birthday, Rolene, in SF (and with a connection to the SF Quaker Meeting)!

Greetings from Pennsylvania - Penn's Woods - and in asylum from CA in PA (and regarding the likes of ecila laawos of Half Moon Bay/Pacifica, mot eilyw in Canyon 94516, and related latent networks of violence in the illegal sex and drug etc industries internationally)

Thanks for coming to visit in Canyon 94516 many years ago (10 years), and for holding Quaker Silent Meeting in your home near Japantown, in SF for some years after we stopped attending the SF Quaker Meeting on 9th street ... and for mental illness reasons there, I recall as being your reason).

I hope you have a happy birthday! (And am seeking to move back from 'Penn's Woods' - western PA - into a newly safe Canyon 94516 on September 1, 2023 ... if at all possible. But how can one KNOW if it's safe? psychiatrist John Sargent MD above asked me briefly on the phone last May 2022, in a very brief conversation we had). I think it's when, for one, US federal and state of CA and state of PA law begin to work more effectively together and regarding abolishing the illegal sex, drug, weapons, etc., industries - and their wrongful buying and selling of people - and their latent networks of violence. For example, this could occur when the SF Quaker Meeting would have done legal background checks on First Day Teachers ... and in my calling for abolition of the illegal sex industry internationally tragically with kids, here too (with Quakers' long history of involvement with the abolition movement).

HERE's a Grateful Dead song in some of these tragic regards (and at the SF Quaker Meeting, and in Quaker Meetings in the USA, and the British Isles, Switzerland, and elsewhere) - 

Grateful Dead - Morning Dew (Winterland 10/18/74) (Official Live Video)

with related lyrics - 

"Walk me out in the morning dew my honey
Walk me out in the morning dew todayI can't walk you out in the morning dew my honeyI can't walk you out in the morning dew today
I thought I heard a baby cry this morningI thought I heard a baby cry todayYou didn't hear no baby cry this morningYou didn't hear no baby cry today, yeah
Where have all the people gone my honeyWhere have all the people gone todayThere's no need for you to be worrying about all those peopleYou never see those people anyway
I thought I heard a young man morn this morningI thought I heard a young man morn todayI thought I heard a young man morn this morningI can't walk you out in the morning dew today
Walk me out in the morning dew my honeyWalk me out in the morning dew todayI'll walk you out in the morning dew my honeyI guess it doesn't really matter anyway
I guess it doesn't matter anyway ... "

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, ROLENE (and regarding this online birthday email party:), and here are some MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch wiki Quaker subjects and schools as a birthday present - 

(from https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Subjects planned in all 200 countries' main languages, and newly with GoogleWUaS platform and ChatGPT and Google Bard and other AI conversation software, that humans might code to become conscious, as having subjective experience, even). 

Friendly regards, abolition-ally, as a conscientious objector, best wishes, Scott

Some Tweets and retweets with Chris Mohr in them, former Clerk of San Francisco Friends' Meeting in the mid 2010s, and Fighting For Policing  - 

What's with #SFQuakerMeeting 9th St. & possibly #FightingForPolicing, both #USfederal & #stateOfCA? #SFQuakers (w #AmericanFriendsServiceCommitteeSF offices above it) seemed to keep policing at bay @chrismsf after you left too, & eg by not doing #FirstDayTeachers' #LegalBackgroundChecks.




Retweeting -

with a picture of Lego humanoid figures 

Emily Provance
Mar 8
Replying to
@robinmsf @Betsy_Cazden and @martin_kelley
And the conversation continues. Please spread the word about this upcoming series of conversations for Friends in meetings with waning energy, including but not limited to those considering laying a meeting down:



What's w #HarbinHotSprings & poss. #FightingForPolicing both #USfederal & #stateOfCA?

What's w #HarbinHotSprings & poss. #FightingForPolicing both #USfederal & #stateOfCA? #PreHarbinFire2015 #Harbin #HeartConsciousChurch kept policing at bay eg w #HarbinMD #RosemaryCordova married to #CALakeCountySheriff  as #HarbinEthnographer @HarbinBook #NakedHarbinEthnography~

Retweeting -

The Oglala Sioux Tribe, which once fought the westward push of the U.S., is now fighting for policing help it says was promised in 19th-century treaties wsj.com/articles/south… via @WSJ


Live from the Underground 

Both @WorldUnivAndSch @WUaSPress are #LiveFromTheUnderground 

Both @WorldUnivAndSch @WUaSPress are #LiveFromTheUnderground -https://www.youtube.com/@ScottMacLeodWorldUniversity/videos & https://www.youtube.com/WorldUnivandSch &
https://www.youtube.com/Helianth In many ways yes, & in ~200 #WUaSunivs https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Nation_States calling for #WUaSabolition & https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/World_University_Law_School ~







Retweeting -

Here it is, the cover for LIVE FROM THE UNDERGROUND: A HISTORY OF COLLEGE RADIO. Scheduled for publication in Fall 2023! It's real!!


Thanks Chris Mohr @chrismsf for retweeting this, as former clerk of San Francisco Friends' Meeting in the mid 2010s before you left SF with your wife and kids to become professional Quakers in Philadelphia. 


Scottish Small Piping album #2 - Honey Piobaireachd (2022)

- Scott GK MacLeod  
Founder, President, CEO & Professor
CC-4 licensed MIT OCW-centric. Wiki, 
World University & School (WUaS) 
- PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 94516 
- 210 East End Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15221
1) non-profit World University and School - http://worlduniversityandschool.org  
2) for profit general stock company WUaS Corporation in CA - http://worlduniversityandschool.org/AcademicPress.html

(m) 412 478 0116 - sgkmacleod@gmail.com 

World Univ & Sch Innovation Research -  scottmacleod.com 

Dear KP's Ed Smyth MD in CA, John Sargent MD in MA, Ken Thompson MD in PA, Shawn Flaherty and Nick Thompson esqs in PA, Lt. John Tadler in PA (with some FBI connections too), Chris Mohr in PA, david matchett in SF (might you still be the SF Friends' Meeting "birthright Quaker" bookkeeper for the quaker and stanford related illegal sex and drug industries out of SF and internationally, and regarding their latent networks of violence too, and under threat of death by such craven networks? - david, I was not in unity, as a member of the SF Quaker Meeting in around 2017, with your wrong actions, and I'm sorry you lost your brother, stephen matchett, in some of these regards perhaps too), Roland Vogl in CA at Stanford Law School, 

Greetings and I hope this finds you well. I'm writing to invite you to join a growing abolition movement (and even dating from 1833 in the British Isles and its anti-slavery act, and in the USA with the Emancipation Proclamation in 1865).

All, I've left Rolene out of this email - because the following might be quite painful for her to read (as this has been for me) - and please add to the following history, if you care to, and regarding making the society of Friends Quaker safe ... and potentially by state and federal laws, in many countries, and in their main languages, working effectively together: 

Regarding a kind of Quaker tragedy record, as I recall, it was a criminal offender adoptive father of Rolene Walker, who may have adopted her as a teen or even in her first decade, and as a victim regarding the illegal sex adoption industry. I think Rolene grew up in the Palo Alto Quaker Meeting, with a brother there too (not sure if he was adopted by the electrician hsiwej father or not too). In the time I was going to Quaker Meeting in Rolene's home in SF near Japantown in the late 2010s, Rolene was visiting her dying adoptive father who was in a retirement home on the other side of the Carquinez bridge, I think. This victimization of Quakers' tragedy, as I recall, was preceded by a Joel Bean with kids possibly and in leaving the east coast in around 1949 to head to California ... and possibly for illegal sex industry reasons too. And when I was blowing the whistle, as I see this, loudly and about the possible tragedies going on in the SF Quaker Meeting, and in Pacific Yearly Meeting, and in the Friends' General Conference (east coast), and with the American Friends' Service Committee SF, and possibly around the world, and around 2017, there was a meeting at long term interim AFSC SF director Laura Magnani's house in Berkeley, where Traci Hjelt Sullivan (partner of possibly a pimp Walter Sullivan, a director of Ben Lomond Quaker Center near Santa Crux, who later became a Haverford director of student affairs ... wondering too whether this was prostituting Haverford college students ... ), and which I attended, and where Traci Hjelt Sullivan, also a Haverford College alum, back west from Philadelphia ... somehow mentioned neil fullagar, who was at this meeting too, and was the long time infant toddler-care worker at the SF Quaker Meeting - and possible pedophile -   and his baby foot fetish when Fullagar was traveling across the USA, when stopping in Utah or similar, and with neil fullagar kissing 3 year old baby Augie Snell in around 2017 in the SF Meeting Room And did a sexual predator steve leeds possibly rape ~10 year old Duncan Snell  Were many of these ongoing tragic actions 'snake-headed' by ecila laawos' out of the sf quaker meeting, in recent years (but by many in this production of atrocities in this SF Friends' Meeting), and even a deeply entangled quaker 'shiwej' culture that emerged in many unprogrammed Quaker Meetings in Pacific Yearly Meeting (CA, Hawaii, parts of Mexico, and in the Pacific NW Yearly Meeting too, as well as many other QMeetings?).

So sorry for all these Quaker 'hsiwej' tragedies ... and am glad I am still alive, having fled for my life across the country last summer 2022 and in seeking asylum in PA from CA. 

Happy birthday, Rolene, in SF (and with a connection to the SF Quaker Meeting), and so sorry you were the victim of a sex offender, as I understand this history, in a Quaker context!

What role might KP's Jim O'Donnell MD, a member of the SF Quaker Meeting too, and with 2 great adopted kids, Emma and Audi, I taught in the SF Quaker Meeting's First Day Program played in 'looking the other way' as atrocities unfolded, I don't know, -r lawyer Eric Myers, or Anne Marie Snell, or a host of other people in the SF Quaker Meeting? Was Western Friend magazine complicit in these possible crimes or even atrocities, as a journalistic 'organ,' as Mary Colleen Klein (above), described it once to me (re the word too for the male sex organ) of Pacific Yearly Meeting and other west coast Yearly Meetings?

(Not sure at World Univ & Sch ... how to navigate a methodist pastor kim viehland's traumatizing question for me of "Where are ... " prostitutes from - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2023/01/iris-giganticaerulea.html ... and in WUaS seeking to code for all 7.9 billion people on the planet, each a Wikidata PIN #, and to PROTECT people from the illegal sex and drug and weapons, and exotic animal industries and their latent networks of violence, and even to end poverty with something like Stanford Mine Pi cryptocurrency with smartphones to the poorest, but please stay tuned

And how are the eviction and extradition of criminals? craven, psychopath? frederic khayat going? How are the inquiries into the possible murders and cover ups of Jackson Shannon and Harold Tyler and others here at 210 E End avenue Pgh PA 15221 going?  ... and regarding the "fuck maga' grafitti on the green US Postal Service box, near the Pittsburgh Quaker Meeting ... Could a craven soldier? frederic khayat be on the payroll of craven maga swiss army insecurity cult from his time in French speaking Switzerland for 2 years, at EPFL - after leaving Lebanon, and coming to study for a bachelor's degree at cmu in pgh pa - as a mentally ill hired gun to perpetuate the profits of the illegal sex and drug industries internationally and their latent networks of violence in the muder economy and violence industries)?

I'm attaching the PDF  "[SF Quakers] August 27 17 Second Hour on children's religious education CONCERNS from Scott MacLeod plus" ... with further details regarding my whistle-blowing and related events in around 2017.

Friendly greetings, abolitionally, Fighting For policing in Quaker Meetings, and other parallel religious groups, Scott

WUaS is planning 200 online law schools, and in all 200 countries - 

200 countries as major online MIT OCW-centric universities and for free online university degrees from here - 

* * * 

A creation of #HippyPittsburgh in #1969, w major reconstruction of #NeillLogHouse in #SchenleyPark? Catahecassa Blackhoof  >a #RealisticVirtualEarthForArchitecture ~

A creation of #HippyPittsburgh in #1969, w major reconstruction of #NeillLogHouse in #SchenleyPark? Chimney & Hearth from ~1795 https://pittsburghpa.gov/press-releases/press-releases/5102 (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neill_Log_House ) Not many #institutions from #1960s & #1970s left in #PghPA >a #RealisticVirtualEarthForArchitecture ~

Pic 1 with me a history sign 

Pic 2 just log cabin and historical sign 

Text above 

Pic 3 Catahecassa Blackhoof
Shawnee Chief 

#Catahecassa Blackhoof Shawnee Chief https://ohiohistorycentral.org/w/index.php?title=Catahecassa A creation too of #HippyPittsburgh? Near #NeillLogHouse in #SchenleyPark chimney from ~1795 https://pittsburghpa.gov/press-releases/press-releases/5102 (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neill_Log_House) An #institution from #1960s in #PghPA >#RealisticVirtualEarthForArchitecture?

Pic 4 Catahecassa Blackhoof monument log cabin and historical sign 

#Catahecassa Blackhoof Shawnee Chief https://ohiohistorycentral.org/w/index.php?title=Catahecassa A creation too of #HippyPittsburgh? Near #NeillLogHouse in #SchenleyPark chimney from ~1795 https://pittsburghpa.gov/press-releases/press-releases/5102 (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neill_Log_House) An #institution from #1960s in #PghPA >#RealisticVirtualEarthForArchitecture?

Pic 5
City of Pgh logo




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