Channel: Scott MacLeod's Anthropology of Information Technology & Counterculture
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Purple passionflower (TN Tennessee state flower): Carnegie Historical Society, Carnegie PA, F June 2, 2023 (continuing from - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2023/06/pasque-flower-sd-south-dakota-state.html - with PICS of our Carnegie PA Historical Society meeting) * * * Student homes? A #SitDownShower? 4' 7" high? smaller than https://www.pinterest.com/pin/847873067371659096/ in upcoming #ToyotaProAceElectric #CampingVan in 2024 in 3 lengths: interior height of ProAce is 55" ? * * * real real time music making on internet? #RealRealTime #MusicMaking @WorldUnivAndSch https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/World_University_Music_School The basics - Use a wired (ethernet) connection from computer to your internet router. WiFi won’t work.? Google ‘speed test’ and look for 10Mbps ‘upload bandwidth’ ... https://www.ism.org/advice/how-to-make-online-real-time-music Embrace the lag

Next: Texas Bluebonnet (TX state flower of Texas): Friends #Reedies readers: https://reed.switchboardhq.com/posts/79232-would-you-like-university-board-member-experience Invitation to become an intern Board member at #MITOCW-centric wiki @WorldUnivAndSch @WUaSPress #WUaSCorp po. w #HarvardCollege alum #AldenFBriscoe @BrakeleyBriscoe as Chair & w invitation too @BillGates https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/World_University_Foundation ~ * * * Nice to talk with you on Memorial Day last Monday and walk as well in the Todd Nature Reserve, in western Pennsylvania, Ma * * * * My Grandpa Sandy Brown (Alexander Chadbourne Brown - ACB) - some first memories in WikiTree genealogy software * * * Bill & Hillary Clinton At Yale Law School 'Here is an old picture of the Clintons just hanging out...at #YaleLawSchool in 1972' https://www.pinterest.com/pin/29906785006928627/ #Hippies (My father #GKMMD on the #YaleFaculty & family lived from 1966-'72 #HamdenCT https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Political_Science @WorldUnivAndSch)
Previous: Pasque flower (SD South Dakota state flower): Invitation to become Chairman of the #MITOCW-centric wiki @WorldUnivAndSch @WUaSPress #WUaSCorp #WUaSBoard #AldenFBriscoe (#HarvardCollege Alum) @BrakeleyBriscoe & w invite to you #BillGates @BillGates (#HarvardCollegeAlum) to join #WorldUnivAndSchBoard https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/World_University_Foundation ~ * * 5 of my all-time favorite books #BillGates 11/21/22 https://www.gatesnotes.com/Holiday-Books-2022 * 2 out of 5 of #BillGates' all-time favorite books are free & online in paper & on audio at #OpenLibraryOrg here ~https://openlibrary.org/works/OL59681W/Stranger_in_a_Strange_Land ~ https://openlibrary.org/works/OL2619508W/The_Inner_Game_of_Tennis > 200 #WUaSunivs #WUaSResearchLibraries https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Library_Resources * * * 5 of my all-time favorite Piobaireachd classical #Scottishbagpiping pieces: The Desperate Battle (of the birds), I got a kiss of the king's hand, His father's lament for Donald MacKenzie, The Earl of Seaforth's Salute, Beloved Scotland, I Leave Thee Gloomy * * * Andrew Carnegie Free Library & Music Hall, Carnegie PA * * In growing #WUaSHomeRobotics for #RoboticsEngineeringTracks for free #MITOCW-centric #WUaSSTEMdegrees, @WUaSPress is glad to have heard from #LegoEducation in a #WalmartPghPA ! yesterday https://education.lego.com/en-us/about-us/contact-us as #WUaSEducationalServicesStores seek to carry #LegoRoboticsKits ~ * Could #WUaSEducationalServicesStores @WUaSPress first sell starter #WUaSLegoRoboticsKits to libraries, for loan, like WI https://www.scls.info/lego-mindstorm-labs TX https://www.smithvillepubliclibrary.org/bots-and-books-program.html Can. https://libguides.sait.ca/equipment/mindstorms eg to free #CarnegiePublicLibraries #PghPA #WUaSHomeRobotics #WUaSFreeDegrees ? * * * Telugu language and India World Univ & Sch for free degrees where it is spoken


Carnegie Historical Society, Carnegie PA, F June 2, 2023 (continuing from - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2023/06/pasque-flower-sd-south-dakota-state.html - with PICS of our Carnegie PA Historical Society meeting)

Scott MacLeod <sgkmacleod@worlduniversityandschool.org>
Jun 3, 2023, 9:24 AM (1 day ago)

to evansw2, forbesm, forbes.mj, Jennifer, Galleryinfo, IssaiasT, Segretij, Janie, Thomas, Shahrzad, Barbara, Ann, Henry, Marc, Dick, Edward, Erica, Shawn, Nick, history9, vicd321, paroom, Sioux, Susan, Susan, Bikeheaven, Hugh, Alden

Nice to meet you Jeff, Vic and Don, (& Shirley at the Pennsylvania Room of the Ligonier Library, and librarians at the Andrew Carnegie Free Library and Music Hall), at the Carnegie Historical Society, Carnegie PA, F June 2, 2023, all, 

With all those Scottish names for streets in and around Carnegie PA (eg Forsythe, Campbell), - and as an anthropologist, appreciative of culture (eg of the 1890s here) context and milieu - I wonder when we're going to be able to 'dip into' Carnegie PA in the 1890s in something like google street view with time slider, 'walk' around the streets, into houses, and talk with iterating avatar bots of citizens of Carnegie PA eg in 1895 ... even talk with an iterating Andrew Carnegie the one time he visited Carnegie (in the 1890s?) ... even from new photos-into-speaking-avatar-bots that we've added (as little Pegman in Street View becomes different avatar bots) 

With that Scottish looking stone house on Main Street, and some tartan on some signs, am interested in exploring the Scottish culture even too, in the 1890s for ex., in Carnegie. (Eg How many people in the 1890s in Carnegie were born in Scotland, what did their English or Scots Gaelic, or Scots' languages sound like in that decade)?

Here's the Carnegie Historical Society in Google Street View for some Physical-Digital worlds within worlds further exploration (and I see you've already added some pics Jeff, but not yet the great "Miniature Main Street" from the 1940s and '50s diorama or model of Carnegie PA  )
1 W Main St, Carnegie, PA 15106

(And how are we best going to inventory all the items in your Historical Society, the 22 million items in the Carnegie Museum of Natural History ... and the trillions of items in all museums and all libraries from all times ... each a Wikidata Museum or Library or 'objet d'art' #? ... I think Google Street View with time slider, Maps, Earth TensorFlowAI can help  :) 

Have blogged about this (and much more) with the Tweets and pics in yesterday's blog post - http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2023/06/pasque-flower-sd-south-dakota-state.html?m=0.

Shirley, any further beads on Ligonier Highland Games programs from the 1960s through to today, - easily accessible online for historical research from the Ligonier Public Library's web site? (And When are we going to be able to visit the Ligonier Highland Games In 1976 in Google Street View with time slider and be able to talk with the piping judges of the practice chanter competitions ... if there for ex. might be video documentation of such  eg by a parent having videoed their child playing in the piping practice chanter competition including of the judge turned into avatar bots for Pennsylvania history? Susan Davis Claus, did you share some pictures with me of the Ligonier Highland Games from around 1975 a few years ago?:)





The 2 pictures Matt took

#CarnegieHistoricalSociety #CarnegiePA which #AndrewCarnegie visited once, was named in 1894. Great to meet you historian #JeffreyKeenan Don & Vic & thanks for the tour. Let's explore creating a #RealisticVirtualCarnegiePA in a #RealisticVirtualEarthForHistory @WorldUnivAndSch ~



Again ...
Andrew Carnegie (1835-1919)

Documentaries -

2015. Andrew Carnegie: Rags to Riches, Power to Peace.

1997. The Richest Man in the World: Andrew Carnegie.  PBS

Books - 

Bradbury, Charles Kinder, and Henry Steuart Fothringham. 2021. Carnegie Heritage. Braykc Publishing.
ISBN 9780992662448, 284 pages, https://www.braykcpublishing.com/Carnegie.htm

Carnegie, Andrew. 1891. An American Four-in-Hand in Britain.

Carnegie, Andrew. 1879. Round the World. 

Carnegie, Andrew. 1920. Autobiography of Andrew Carnegie. Boston and NY: Houghton and Mifflin. 

Krass. Peter. 2002. Carnegie. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. 

Livesay, Harold. 1975. Andrew Carnegie and the Rise of Big Business. Norwalk, CT: The Easton Press.

Nasaw, David. 2006. Andrew Carnegie. Penguin Random House.

Wall, JF. 1970. Andrew Carnegie. Pittsburgh, PA: University of Pittsburgh Press.  

On Fri, Jun 2, 2023, 2:49 PM Scott MacLeod <sgkmacleod@worlduniversityandschool.org> wrote:
Nice to meet you Jeff, Vic and Don, (& Shirley at the Pennsylvania Room of the Ligonier Library, all) ... 

You'll find here 3 photos of the #CarnegieHistoricalSociety #CarnegiePA

#CarnegieHistoricalSociety, in #CarnegiePA which #AndrewCarnegie visited once was named in 1894. Great to meet you historian #JeffreyRKeenan Don & Vic & thnx for the tour. Let's explore creating #RealisticVirtualCarnegiePA in a #RealisticVirtualEarthForHistory @WorldUnivAndSch ~


The 2 pictures Matt took 

#CarnegieHistoricalSociety #CarnegiePA which #AndrewCarnegie visited once, was named in 1894. Great to meet you historian #JeffreyKeenan Don & Vic & thanks for the tour. Let's explore creating a #RealisticVirtualCarnegiePA in a #RealisticVirtualEarthForHistory @WorldUnivAndSch ~

Thanks also for showing me the Stasik town of Carnegie Diorama, - and for the authors of the books about Carnegie including by himself, Nasaw and Krass.

Further thinking regarding a realistic virtual earth for history and  the Carnegie Library and Museums in Oakland -   
Please keep WUaS in the loop regarding your $5000 grant from state of PA to digitize your collections' unique objects and regarding this WUaS communication with Shirley -
at the Ligonier Library.  

MIT OCW -centric WIKI World University seeks to create 200 online world class University research libraries, as well as in all 50 US states' research libraries with every library in the state's collection, bringing them online further for accessibility and with artificial intelligence and machine learning too ... and, as wiki, even to make it possible for individuals doing research to wiki-add resources they might find for ex., in the Ligonier Valley Library to the Ligonier Valley online collection eg right here as this platform develops - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Library_Resources - and now.

Free online university degrees and wiki schools for open teaching and learning online for your patrons as WUaS is accrediting with Middle States Commission for Higher Education with offices in Philadelphia and licenses with the state of PAs department of education.

More with time. 

Best wishes, Scott 


- Scott GK MacLeod  
Founder, President, CEO & Professor
CC-4 licensed MIT OCW-centric. Wiki, 
World University & School (WUaS) 
- PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 94516 
- 210 East End Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15221

1) non-profit World University and School - http://worlduniversityandschool.org  

2) for profit general stock company WUaS Corporation in CA - http://worlduniversityandschool.org/AcademicPress.html

(m) 412 478 0116 - sgkmacleod@gmail.com 

World Univ & Sch Innovation Research -  scottmacleod.com 

* * * 

Student homes? A #SitDownShower? 4' 7" high? smaller than https://www.pinterest.com/pin/847873067371659096/ in upcoming #ToyotaProAceElectric #CampingVan  in 2024 in 3 lengths: interior height of ProAce is 55" ?

Student homes? A #SitDownShower? 4' 7" high? smaller than https://www.pinterest.com/pin/847873067371659096/ in upcoming #ToyotaProAceElectric #CampingVan 
in 2024 in 3 lengths: interior height of ProAce is 55"
https://vandimensions.com/database/toyota/proace-2016#:~:text=INCHES,and%2055%22%20(H3). #ToyotaModule & plumbed for 2 8 min showers? Or #HippyVanConversion?

A #SitDownShower? 4' 7" high? smaller than https://www.pinterest.com/pin/847873067371659096/ in upcoming #ToyotaProAceElectric #CampingVan 
in 2024 in 3 lengths: interior height of ProAce is 55" (H1), (H2), (H3).
https://vandimensions.com/database/toyota/proace-2016#:~:text=INCHES,and%2055%22%20(H3). #ToyotaModule & plumbed for 2 8 min showers? Or #HippyVanConversion? 


A #SitDownShower? 4' 7" high? like https://www.pinterest.com/pin/847873067371659096/ in upcoming #ToyotaProAceElectric #CampingVan 
in 2024 in 3 lengths: interior height of ProAce is 55" (H1), 55" (H2), 55" (H3).
https://vandimensions.com/database/toyota/proace-2016#:~:text=INCHES,and%2055%22%20(H3). #ToyotaModule & plumbed for 2 8 min showers? Or #HippyVanConversion?

Toyota Regius Ace Camper Van year 2001 (Auto) 2wd
Built in Shower area waterproof Fiberglass water heater


sit down shower in 5 foot high toyota proace van

INCHES. The interior dimensions (length) of the Toyota ProAce cargo space is 85.1" (L1), 98.9" (L2), and 112.7" (L3). The interior width of the is 64.1" and the exterior width is 86.8". The interior height of the ProAce is 55" (H1), 55" (H2), and 55" (H3).

Toyota Regius Ace Camper Van year 2001 (Auto) 2wd
Built in Shower area waterproof Fiberglass water heater


See the shower head 
But no toilet

Shower curtain - 

Toyota Spain Proace Mini Camper

Capable of carrying five passengers and sleeping two, the Proace Mini Camper OutFun packs swiveling seats, a pull-out table, modular bed, electric fridge and a 10-liter shower. There is also an awning and roof-top tent option available to free up cabin space if desired.

Oct 30, 2021 — Toyota Proace Camper Is A Nifty $45,800 Motorhome The US Should Get ... 10-liter shower, and electric refrigerator, while an option for a ...

If you like things smaller, Toyota Spain also introduced the Proace Mini Camper, touted as a "versatile, spacious and highly equipped minivan, valid for everyday use as well as for leisure and free time." It has a removable two-seater interior bed, table for indoor and outdoor use, 10-liter shower, and electric refrigerator, while an option for a pop-up roof tent is also available.

With shower
Toyota HiAce


Stellantis Will Build Toyota’s First Large Van, Coming In 2024 With An EV Variant

The new large van will arrive in mid-2024 and will be produced by Stellantis in the Gliwice (Poland), and Atessa (Italy) plants. Toyota will be allowed to sell it in Europe with its own badges, marking the first time the Japanese automaker will have an offering in this segment.

Reading between the lines, the unnamed Toyota will be a sibling to the Fiat Ducato, Citroën Jumper, Peugeot Boxer, Opel/Vauxhall Movano, and RAM ProMaster large vans. Despite being originally unveiled back in 2006, most of the aforementioned models are already offered in EV form and come in a variety of different wheelbase lengths and roof heights.


- Scott GK MacLeod  
Founder, President, CEO & Professor
CC-4 licensed MIT OCW-centric. Wiki, 
World University & School (WUaS) 
- PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 94516 
- 210 East End Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15221

1) non-profit World University and School - http://worlduniversityandschool.org  

2) for profit general stock company WUaS Corporation in CA - http://worlduniversityandschool.org/AcademicPress.html

(m) 412 478 0116 - sgkmacleod@gmail.com 

World Univ & Sch Innovation Research -  scottmacleod.com 

* * *

real real time music making on internet?

#RealRealTime #MusicMaking @WorldUnivAndSch
The basics -
Use a wired (ethernet) connection from computer to your internet router. WiFi won’t work.?

Google ‘speed test’ and look for 10Mbps ‘upload bandwidth’ ... 

Embrace the lag 


how fast is real real time music making on internet in milliseconds

How Latency Makes Jamming Together in Real Time Nearly Impossible

How Much Latency Can Live Musicians Tolerate? 
The quick answer: about 20 milliseconds

searched on - 

'or when are we going to get real real real time music making on internet between st petersburg russia and peoria illinois'

or when are we going to get real real time music making on internet between russia & usa

when are we going to get real real time music making on internet between japan & usa

People also ask
What is the maximum latency for real time?
We know this because latency is monitored in recording studios and the maximum acceptable latency is 10–12ms.

real real time music making

The basics 
Use a wired (ethernet) connection from computer to your internet router. WiFi won’t work.

Google ‘speed test’ and look for 10Mbps ‘upload bandwidth’ and 20Mbps ‘download’, ‘ping’ in single figures, and low ‘jitter’. Not all that bandwidth gets used, but lower values can indicate congestion. If you’re not getting what you pay for, phone your internet provider!

Be within a few hundred miles of the person(s) you’re trying to play with, for close-to-real-time latency.

Use a USB audio interface with low latency to connect your instrument to your computer





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