Channel: Scott MacLeod's Anthropology of Information Technology & Counterculture
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clubshell mussel (Pleurobema clava): Video Minutes for Sat. 6/17/23 OPEN World Univ & Sch WUaS Corp Monthly Business Meeting Agenda and News * * Zoom URL for the Mon 6/26/23 open World Univ & Sch WUaS News and Q&A Time: Jun 26, 2023, 10:00 AM Eastern Time, 07:00 AM Pacific Time (US and Canada), 03:00 PM Western European Time, 7:30 PM India Time

Next: Christmas fern (Polystichum acrostichoides): 'The Quakers' -Albert Lutuli (right) receives the 1960 Nobel Peace Prize from Gunnar Jahn, chairman of the Norwegian Nobel Peace Prize committee. Nobel Peace Prize 1947 & 1960 & some context * @scottmacleod as a Quaker, living in asylum in Penn's Woods Pennsylvania (1681 https://www.loc.gov/item/today-in-history/october-14/), interesting to see picture of Gunnar Jahn who awarded the Nobel Peace Prize to The Quakers in 1947 w inspiring speech https://www.nobelprize.org/prizes/peace/1947/ceremony-speech/ & see http://scottmacleod.com/daltonbiblio.htm ~ * * * Meditation and what happens in Silent Meeting (Quaker) de facto, #RelaxationResponse scientific results' replication studies: "Blood pressure, heart rate and respiratory responses to a single session of relaxation: A partial replication" (1978) * * * With >2000 languages in Africa https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/African_languages Grow #WUaSlanguages #LLMs @ https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Africa @WorldUnivAndSch @WUaSPress & wiki people to people teaching & learning, & FREE #MITOCW centric #WUaSUnivs' degrees, traveling to Africa @BillGates? * * * RainbowGathering #RainbowGathering2011 #GiffordPinchotNationalForest, blogged here: http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/search/label/Rainbow%20Gathering?m=0 #RainbowGathering2023 #WhiteMountainNationalForest near #GorhamNH Sat July 1-7 '23 #WelcomeHome #AllWaysFree @HarbinBook #wuAsVR? * * * * * * Humanities 101 at WUaS #Hum101... Reed College and a required 'rock and roll" World Univ & Sch #WUaSHum101 newly online ? * * * Major League Baseball An ethnographic snippet of American popular culture ~ Pittsburgh Pirates "The Church of Baseball...Religion in American Popular Culture" * * * Searched 'google cell view' ... "Get a magnified view of our microscopic world...We’ve partnered w #VisibleBody to create AR models of animal, plant & bacteria cells. Search for animal cell & zoom into its nucleus to see">#RealisticVirtualEarth is beginning

Dear Universitians, friends,

Greetings and I hope this email finds you well. How are you? If you would like to join the Monday open WUaS News and Q&A at 10 am Eastern Time emailings, please let me know. Free MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch also typically posts the Zoom URL in a link - eg https://twitter.com/WorldUnivAndSch/status/1672961570224193537?s=20
 on Twitter before these Monday open talk opportunities. 

As a new form of WUaS Monthly Business Meeting video Minutes, here is the recording of the World Univ & Sch WUaS Monthly Business Meeting on Saturday, 6/17/23 as a new form of WUaS Minutes - 

Monday, 6/26/23 next open WUaS News and Q&A meets tomorrow at 10 am Eastern Time 

Topic: 6/26/23 open World Univ & Sch WUaS News and Q&A
Time: Jun 26, 2023, 10:00 AM Eastern Time, 07:00 AM Pacific Time (US and Canada), 03:00 PM Western European Time, 7:30 PM India Time 

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 736 8818 9201
Passcode: GG5B9b

You'll find this all here too - 

clubshell mussel (Pleurobema clava): Video Minutes for Sat. 6/17/23 OPEN World Univ & Sch WUaS Corp Monthly Business Meeting Agenda and News * * Zoom URL for the Th 6/26/23 open World Univ & Sch WUaS News and Q&A Time: Jun 26, 2023, 10:00 AM Eastern Time, 07:00 AM Pacific Time (US and Canada), 03:00 PM Western European Time, 7:30 PM India Time

All the best, abolition-ally, Friendly greetings, 
Scott GK MacLeod 

Recording of the open 6/26/23 WUaS news and Q&A will go here too - 


clubshell mussel (Pleurobema clava): Video Minutes for Sat 6/17/23 OPEN @WorldUnivAndSch @WUaSPress #WUaSCorp Monthly Business Meeting * Zoom URL for M 6/26/23 open WUaS News @ 10a ET, 7a PT (US, Canada), 3p GMT, 7:30p India Time

https://www.youtube.com/@ScottMacLeodWorldUniversity/videos ~ 

clubshell mussel (#PleurobemaClava): Video Minutes for Sat 6/17/23 OPEN@WorldUnivAndSch @WUaSPress #WUaSCorp Monthly Business Meeting * Zoom URL for M 6/26/23 open WUaS News @ 10a ET, 7a PT (US, Canada), 3p GMT, 7:30p India Time

And here are the 6/17/23 WUaS NEWS AND AGENA in type - 

Dear Universitians, Bill Gates, Harvard Medical School's Professor of Genetics' George Church, Stanford Law CodeX's Roland Vogl, friends, all, 

Greetings! I hope this email finds you well. 

Here's an invitation to participate in the open, hourlong WUaS Monthly Business Meeting is this Saturday at 12 noon ET (3rd Saturday's of the month) - 

Topic: 6/17/23 open World Univ & Sch WUaS Monthly Business Meeting
Time: June 17, 2023 12:00 Noon Eastern Time, 09:00 AM Pacific Time (US and Canada), 5 PM Western Europe Time, 9:30 PM India Time (but please check your time converter)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 750 7499 3800
Passcode: yFpMR5

Here are the  6/17/23 OPEN WUaS Agenda and News - 

... with again an invitation to join this open WUaS Monthly Business Meeting, (loosely conducted in the manner of un-programmed Friends / Quakers). 

World Univ & Sch is growing and is seeking to become the Harvard / MIT / Stanford / Oxbridge of the internet as Large Language Models with generational conversational artificial intelligence, in all 7,168 known living languages and in all 200 countries for free CC-4 licensed MIT OCW-centric WUaS Degrees - Bachelor, PhD, Law, MD, IB high school or similar, AA, and Master's. 

all the best, 
Scott GK MacLeod 

CC-4 OCW.MIT.EDU - centric ... wiki ... 

World University and School 

Agenda item 1
WUaS Accreditation

World Univ & Sch is continuing to proceed with Middle States Commission on Higher Education accreditation, and needs financial resources and financial plan especially per item 6 here, from February 24, 2023 - 

MSCHE Accreditation


Connie Clifton CClifton@msche.org

Fri, Feb 24, 1:42 PM
to meIdnaDiana

President MacLeod,

President MacLeod,

Thank you for your email regarding MSCHE accreditation. As the Director for Membership, I am happy to discuss any aspect of our process with you. I work with Diana Bonner who has provided me with some context regarding her communications with you. Please do not misconstrue her explanation of our process as a “green light” for WUaS to pursue any type of licensure, authorization, or accreditation process outside of MSCHE. Representing her statements as such is misleading and inaccurate. Additionally, MSCHE is not involved with the fundraising efforts of any institution, nor can we advise on such.

 As a reminder, to be eligible to apply for MSCHE accreditation, an institution must be able to demonstrate that it meets the following Pre-Applicant Minimum Requirements:

1.      The institution must be legally authorized or licensed, from an appropriate governmental organization or agency to operate as a postsecondary educational institution and must award postsecondary degrees or hold proper legal exemption in accordance with Requirement of Affiliation No.1 and federal regulation 34 CFR §602.28(a).

2.      The institution must be in good standing with no current non-compliance, adverse or the equivalent type of action with the state or other accreditors in accordance with federal regulation 34 CFR §602.28(b).

3.      The institution must be operational, with students actively enrolled in its degree programs.

4.      The institution must have a mission statement and related goals that define its purposes within the context of higher education.

5.      The institution must have a governance and administration structure that allows it to have education as its primary purpose and operate as an academic institution with appropriate autonomy.

6.      The institution must have documented financial resources, funding base, and plans for financial development, including those from any related entities (including without limitation systems, religious sponsorship, and corporate ownership) adequate to support its educational purposes and programs and to ensure financial stability.

7.      The institution must review the Certifications and Disclosures Statement and certify that the information provided throughout the application process is accurate, honest, and truthful.

Kind regards,

Connie Clifton

Connie Clifton, D.E.L.
Director for Membership

Middle States Commission on Higher Education
P: (267) 284-5086
Follow us: @mscheorg

AND on May 4, 2023 - 

Connie Clifton

Thu, May 4, 2:33 PM
to meDiana
Mr. MacLeod,
Like any other institution, WUaS can start the pre-application process if it meets the minimum eligibility requirements. Keep in mind that the entire process to become accredited usually takes more than 2 years. I would also like to draw your attention to minimum eligibility requirement 3 which indicates that students must be actively enrolled in degree programs and requirement 6 which specifies the financial resources that are necessary.
Let me know if you have any questions.

Connie Clifton

From: Scott MacLeod <sgkmacleod@worlduniversityandschool.org>
Sent: Thursday, May 4, 2023 1:17 PM
To: Connie Clifton <CClifton@msche.org>; Diana Bonner <dbonner@msche.org>
Subject: Re: MSCHE Accreditation

Apple blossom (Cassia javanica): M 6/12/23 Recording of open World Univ & Sch WUaS News and Q&A * @WorldUnivAndSch @WUaSPress online CC4 #MITOCW-CENTRIC #WUaSFreeDegrees in your country & your language, WUaSAccreditation, #Immortality? #WUaSAgingReversal ~



Middle States Commission on Higher Education

WUaS needs money and a business plan / financial plan regarding the next WUaS step in accreditation with the Middle States Commission on Higher Education with offices in the greater Philadelphia area.

As @WorldUnivAndSch seeks 1000 students for free 4 yr WUaS Bachelor degrees re #WUaSaccreditation, drawn from Google's Cert seekers?

As @WorldUnivAndSch seeks 1000 students for free 4 yr WUaS Bachelor degrees re #WUaSaccreditation, draw from Google's completers of "CS First with Google" https://csfirst.withgoogle.com/s/en/home & Googlers seeking "Cert"- "Introducing our new Google Career Certificate" https://grow.google/certificates/ ?

Agenda item 2
WUaS Board

Dear Bill Gates, 

Bill Gates: would you be able please to join the World Univ & Sch Board, and help to get World Univ & Sch financially operational especially?


WUaS seeks to create and employ 2.5 million jobs, in all 200 countries and in all 7168 known living languages and on both WUaS wings, where both are legal entities in California, and see these below. 

But World Univ & Sch is primarily 1) a 501 c 3 http://worlduniversityandschool.org/ as a legal entity (with 2) its state of CA legal entity as a tax exempt organization)

The WUaS Corporation is the 3) CA legal entity that's a for profit general stock company - 

And see the tax identification numbers for all 3 legal entities at the bottom of these 2 main World Univ & Sch / WUaS Corporation pages. 

Bill Gates, all: WUaS is also seeking to code for all 7.9 billion people on the planet, each a Wikidata PIN # here - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/You_at_World_University - and emerging from WUaS seeking to code for speakers of all 7,151 known living languages in their 200 countries - 1) as wiki teachers and learners for people to people free universal education, and 2) to end poverty, potentially by distributing a single main cryptocurrency such as Stanford Mine Pi cryptocurrency to most of all the people on the planet, as well as infrastructure, such as smartphones and internet. The WUaS Corporation our 2nd WUaS wing - http://worlduniversityandschool.org/AcademicPress.html (a for profit general stock company legal entity in the state of California) - would in the process seek to list Stanford Mine Pi cryptocurrency (and WUaS has a partnering email from the Pi Network organization) on the new Silicon Valley Long-term stock exchange, and possibly in a dual-stock listing on NASDAQ or similar, so that all ~200 nation states' central banks, and pension funds, and banks and individuals, could also buy into the WUaS Corporation for their nation's emerging main cryptocurrency; perhaps 1 billion of the 7.9 billion people on the planet would buy into WUaS Corporation, while the other 7 billion would receive Stanford Mine PI cryptocurrency as Universal Basic Income experiments or similar.


(And regarding especially the WUaS Corporation below)

Bill Gates: in looking online I found the following regarding the Gates' Foundation -

We provide funding to organizations to achieve measurable impact in the fight against poverty ...

and -



How best might World Univ & Sch begin to explore communicating further about seeking to end poverty worldwide?

regarding -

and -

and -
http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/search/label/You%20at%20WUaS?m=0 ?

Canyon 94516 on 9/1/23? (for a WUaS Academic Medical Ctr w virtual Harbin Warm Water Cure & a Physical-Digital WUaS Longevity Genetics' Institute)

Dear Roland (Vogl, Stanford Law CodeX), Alden (Briscoe of BrakeleyBriscoe in San Mateo. CA), Bill Gates, Peter Norvig (a Director of Research at Google, and Distinguished Education Fellow at the Stanford Institute for Human-Centered AI), Ed (Smyth MD), John (Sargent MD), Byron (Hann MD, near Canyon 94516), Ma (Janie), Susan, Pin/Sid, Nick Thompson esq., Shawn Flaherty esq., All,


Roland, thanks so much for inviting 'announcements,' and 'asks,' in Stanford Law CodeX meetings on Thursdays, at 1:30 pm PT. Looking forward to today's - https://twitter.com/CodeXStanford/status/1666515628700606471 - and thanks for the invitation. And thanks for Tom Martin's presentation about his AI chat bot LawDroid at CodeX in 2017, which wrote the WUaS Corp's articles of incorporation in about 10 minutes, and which made it possible to create World Univ & Sch's 2nd wing, a for profit general stock company legal entity in the state of California, with remarkable potential synergies between WUaS's two wings, in 200 countries and in 7151 known living languages, with Large language models AI & ML especially.

As you may have been reading, Alden has recently declined to become the chair of the WUaS Board, and I'm writing with some further 'asks' please, in advance of today's CodeX meeting. I and WUaS have also yet to hear back from Bill Gates regarding WUaS's inquiry into him becoming potentially the chair of the WUaS Board.

Would you be available please, Roland, to join the WUaS Board, and possibly to become Chair of the Board if Bill Gates were to write that WUaS could include him as a WUaS Trustee - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/World_University_Foundation - but that he couldn't become Chair of the WUaS Board, for example?

And would it be possible for you and I to collaborate please in generating a WUaS Board out of Stanford Law CodeX participants - much with your guidance, Roland?

Also, WUaS is seeking a Business Plan / Financial plan, and monies, to begin the Middle States' Commission on Higher Education accreditation process. with offices in the state of Pennsylvania (where I am presently in asylum, I would say, but am seeking to move back into a newly safe Canyon 94516 in the east bay hills of the SF Bay Area on 9/1/23). Could you suggest ways in which WUaS could develop WUaS Business Plan / Financial plan - https://worlduniversityandschool.blogspot.com/2023/05/violet-nj-new-jersey-state-flower.html - and to begin please the accreditation process with Pre-Application to MSCHE before I move out of this asylum place in western PA on July 31, 2023?

Will explore sharing some of this news, and these 'asks' today, if possible.

Thanks so much, best regards, and see you soon!

M 5/22/23 RECORDING of open World Univ & Sch WUaS News and Q&A * World Univ & Sch is continuing to proceed with Middle States Commission on Higher Education accreditation, and needs financial resources and financial plan especially per item 6 here, from February 24, 2023  

Chair of the WUaS Board - Roland Vogl (Executive Director of Stanford Law CodeX - https://law.stanford.edu/directory/roland-vogl/ - who hasn't yet been chairman of a Board, that I can see from this bio)?
https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2023/06/coast-rhododendron-wa-washington-state.html ~

And would you please join the WUaS Board, Stanford Law CodeX presenters' Gorsha Sur, and Kirill Igumenshchev, Anthony Novaes?

Thank you for your excellent Stanford Law CodeX presentations last week - https://twitter.com/CodeXStanford/status/1666847955045978112.






This newly active WUaS Board would be potentially partly self-organizing at first.

In doing so, Gorsha (Sur), and Kirill (Igumenshchev), Anthony (Novaes), might you potentially also seek to develop MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Schs in the countries you are from, and in their main languages for free online MIT OCW-centric Bachelor PhD Law, MD, IB high school/sim, AA and Master's degrees (and see PS below too)-  

WUaS nation states (~200) -

WUaS languages (7,168) -

WUaS intern board member nomination form ?

Regarding a - 
Reed College Alumni Board Nomination Form ... 

Reed Alumni Board Nomination Form

Please fill in the form to nominate someone, or yourself, to serve on the Alumni Board of Directors for terms that commence July 1, 2024.

**Please only submit one form per nominee. If you are nominating multiple people, a separate form will need to be submitted for each of them.** This nomination form take less than 10 minutes to complete. All submissions must be received by Saturday, July 15, 2023.

As described in the Alumni Board Guidebook:

At-large member (3-year term):  There are five new at-large members of the alumni board selected by nominating committee annually. Principal duties of at-large members include attending (in person or by phone) five board meetings annually and participating meaningfully on a standing committee or task force. Although not a requirement, many new at-large members have at least some previous volunteer experience with Reed.

Secretary (4-year term): Executive Committee (EC) members are the board officers, and normally serve on the EC for four years beginning as secretary and advancing through positions of increased responsibility. One or more of these years may be concurrent with a portion of the at-large term. Typically, current or past members of the alumni board are invited by the EC to consider nomination as secretary during the call for nominations period in the spring; however, self-nominations and nominations by others are also encouraged. In consecutive years, the secretary moves into the positions of vice president, president and immediate past president, and the individuals in these positions progress accordingly.

Alumni Trustee (4-year term): There are four members of the Reed Board of Trustees that are nominated by the alumni board as Alumni Trustees (one new member each year). Alumni trustees report to the alumni board on the affairs of the college and report back to the trustees on initiatives and concerns of the alumni board. Alumni trustees can be selected from the alumni association as a whole, but are generally alumni who have provided volunteer support to the College, including the alumni board. It is important that the alumni trustee be an effective communicator and collaborator, who is willing to assume trusteeship including financial support (any amount of financial support is sufficient for trusteeship) and other duties of a Reed Trustee, and also understands and is able to represent the Alumni Association. Please see the Constitution of the Reed College Alumni Association Article V for more information about alumni trustees.

Nominating Committee Member (1-year term): The Nominating Committee (NC) selects the slate of new at-large board members, secretary, and alumni trustee to be presented to the Alumni Association for the following year. Committee members are the immediate past president of the alumni board (chair), the current president, and three non-members of the Alumni Board. Please see the Constitution of the Reed College Alumni Association Article VII in the appendix for more information.

Thank you for your submission and taking the time to tell us more about the nominee!  

Submissions will be reviewed by the nominating committee and the candidates that best fill the current needs of the board will be asked to serve.   Your endorsement is encouraged and an important part in the evaluation process.  

The nominating committee strives for demographic balance on the Alumni Board, including class year, gender, ethnicity, major, geographic location, etc.

Agenda item  3 
WUaS Robotics' Education, and Toyota collaboration in 170 Toyota countries?

Dear Charles Carter, 
Technician at Toyota in Pittsburgh 

How soon could #WUaSunivs begin to offer TOYOTA EMPLOYEES free AA, Bachelor, Masters & PhD #WUaSdegrees & other training to becoming #ToyotaTHR3 #HumanoidRobots' Technicians beginning with #WUaSLegoRobotics w "CS First with Google at @WorldUnivAndSch" - https://csfirst.withgoogle.com/s/en/home ?

Languages at WUaS - all 7168 -

Thanks, Charles,

Here's a cool free computer programming course "CS First with Google at World Univ & Sch" - https://csfirst.withgoogle.com/s/en/home -
people are using to matriculate in to CC4 licensed MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch" for free AA and Bachelor degrees as WUaS accredits.

Check it out. Please let your co-workers and the CEO of Spitzer Toyota know about these free highest quality educational opportunities. 

(And check out the free Wikitree genealogy website too - https://www.wikitree.com/ - and add your 8 generations to check them out on your own when you get the information back from them). 

Best, Scott

And here are World Univ & Sch's (active) Twitters - 

"How could @WorldUnivAndSch get this students' number to grow above 70%, besides #FreeToStudents' online #WUaSHigherEducation degrees, from home, & highest quality emerging fun #WUaSAIcourses eg 'CS First w Google at WUaS' https://csfirst.withgoogle.com/s/en/home & inv. play w #WUaSLegoRobotics?"

Retweeting -
(Pittsburgher Lillian Thomas) - 

More high-school graduates are being diverted from college by brighter job prospects in blue-collar roles https://wsj.com/articles/more-high-school-grads-forgo-college-in-hot-labor-market-c052c773?st=ywaenhsptrma1g4 via

"Job growth at restaurants, theme parks and other parts of the leisure and hospitality sector—which tend to employ young people and typically don’t require a college degree ...

"Restaurant waitstaff earned a median hourly wage of $14 in 2022, nearly double the federal minimum wage. Wages are even higher in industries that don’t require college degrees but need additional training, such as apprenticeships. Machinists earned $23.32 an hour, above the national median wage of $22.26 an hour. Carpenters earned $24.71 an hour last year. 

"One of them is Simon Alvarado Jr., 21 years old, of Hyattsville, Md. He recently finished an apprenticeship to become a light maintenance service technician at a Toyota dealership. He originally planned to attend college but was put off by the high cost of a four-year degree. 

“Working on cars is something I was really interested in as a kid,” said Alvarado. Having the cost of his training paid for and a job at the end “was a rare opportunity that I wasn’t going to say no to,” he said."

Write to Harriet Torry at harriet.torry@wsj.com

Hi Charles, 

Thank you too. World Univ & Sch's OPEN Monthly Business Meeting Agenda and News on Sat. 6/17/23 at 12 noon Eastern Time to come soon (& see below for the URL to this open online meeting). 

If you'd like to wiki-teach at World Univ & Sch to Youtube or similar about Electric_and_Hybrid_Vehicles, for example (a little like writing on and editing a Wikipedia article), please click edit this page and teach away - 

Some related thinking, and especially regarding Toyota Humanoid Robotics and upcoming Toyota THR3s, potentially in Pittsburgh - 

How soon could #WUaSunivs begin to offer TOYOTA EMPLOYEES free AA, Bachelor, Masters & PhD #WUaSdegrees & other training to becoming #ToyotaTHR3 #HumanoidRobots' Technicians beginning with #WUaSLegoRobotics w "CS First with Google at @WorldUnivAndSch" - https://csfirst.withgoogle.com/s/en/home ?

Languages at WUaS - all 7168 -

Charles, would you be interested in a free-to-students' AA degree (2 year and much online) in Robotics & Engineering from World Univ & Sch - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Robotics and https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Engineering - with a focus first on Lego Robotics (of which WUaS is an authorized reseller) and Scratch programming, and then on Toyota THR3s and all Toyota's other emerging robots? 

Please let me know as WUaS accredits further with the Middle States Commission on Higher Education with offices in the greater Philadelphia area, and licenses with the state of PA's department of education. Thank you again. 

Best Regards, Scott

Dear Universitians, 

Here's an invitation to participate in the open, hourlong WUaS Monthly Business Meeting is this Saturday at 12 noon ET - 

Topic: 6/17/23 open World Univ & Sch WUaS Monthly Business Meeting
Time: Jun 17, 2023 12:00 Noon Eastern Time, 09:00 AM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Agenda item 4 
Sachi Shah (whose sister Jayni Shah was on the WUaS Board for awhile - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/World_University_Foundation)

Might or could Semgrep have a focus on the Scratch programming language out of the MIT Media Lab and Harvard GSE? Some related MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch brainstorming-questions, and possibly regarding Scratch programming too -

"How soon could #WUaSunivs begin to offer TOYOTA EMPLOYEES free AA, Bachelor, Masters & PhD #WUaSdegrees & other training to becoming #ToyotaTHR3 #HumanoidRobots' Technicians beginning with #WUaSLegoRobotics w "CS First with Google at @WorldUnivAndSch" - https://csfirst.withgoogle.com/s/en/home ?"



Languages at WUaS - all 7168 -




Seeking to move back to the SF Bay Area 9/1/23, Sachi, from asylum in western Pennsylvania. Would you like to participate in WUaS Monthly Business Meeting on Saturday at 9am Pacific Time - Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 750 7499 3800
Passcode: yFpMR5

World Univ & Sch WUaS Monthly Business Meeting Agenda and News to come.

Greetings to India. 

Best wishes, Scott

Agenda item 5
World Univ & Sch Medical Schools, and Aging Reversal and Longevity genetics' research - What does immortality mean?

Immortality? What does @GeoChurch mean https://youtu.be/mztOFAQf8uY (~8 mins) re #GoogleStreetView ... ?

(from https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Subjects)

Immortality? what does @GeoChurch mean https://youtu.be/mztOFAQf8uY (~8 mins) re #GoogleStreetView #GoogleCellView #GoogleMoleculeView w #TimeSlider re
Pics of MOLECULES https://engineering.princeton.edu/news/2021/10/04/researchers-measure-breakup-single-chemical-bond Videos of CELLS https://news.harvard.edu/gazette/story/2018/04/microscopes-3-d-movies-of-cells-open-new-frontier-for-researchers/ STREET VIEW images of mice https://hms.harvard.edu/news/loss-epigenetic-information-can-drive-aging-restoration-can-reverse ?







Immortality? What DATA to draw from: How much individual's DATA w #FilmTo3DApps in #WUaSMedicalSchools & How much #HomoSapiens' species' DATA for #AgingReversalLongevity & what does @GeoChurch mean https://youtu.be/mztOFAQf8uY 8 mins re #GoogleStreetView  #GoogleCellView #TimeSlider?








such gorgeous data! tinyurl.com/53uw3fcn


e.g. for immortality '#PhysicalDigital #StreetView #AvatarBotElectronicMedicalRecords': How much data to use @stardazed0 from an individual's DATA w #FilmTo3DApps & How much #HomoSapiens' species' DATA & to inform what #AgingReversalLongevity genes to add to people's #bodyminds?



such gorgeous data! tinyurl.com/53uw3fcn



Immortality? What does @GeoChurch mean https://youtu.be/mztOFAQf8uY (~8 mins) re #GoogleStreetView ... ? Pics of MOLECULES, Videos of CELLS, STREET VIEW images of mice

Immortality? what does @GeoChurch mean https://youtu.be/mztOFAQf8uY (~8 mins) re #GoogleStreetView #GoogleCellView #GoogleMoleculeView w #TimeSlider re
Pics of MOLECULES https://engineering.princeton.edu/news/2021/10/04/researchers-measure-breakup-single-chemical-bond Videos of CELLS https://news.harvard.edu/gazette/story/2018/04/microscopes-3-d-movies-of-cells-open-new-frontier-for-researchers/ STREET VIEW images of mice https://hms.harvard.edu/news/loss-epigenetic-information-can-drive-aging-restoration-can-reverse ?








Immortality? What DATA to draw from: How much individual's DATA w #FilmTo3DApps in #WUaSMedicalSchools & How much #HomoSapiens' species' DATA for #AgingReversalLongevity & what does @GeoChurch mean https://youtu.be/mztOFAQf8uY 8 mins re #GoogleStreetView  #GoogleCellView #TimeSlider?








such gorgeous data! tinyurl.com/53uw3fcn


e.g. for immortality '#PhysicalDigital #StreetView #AvatarBotElectronicMedicalRecords': How much data to use @stardazed0 from an individual's DATA w #FilmTo3DApps & How much #HomoSapiens' species' DATA & to inform what #AgingReversalLongevity genes to add to people's #bodyminds?



such gorgeous data! tinyurl.com/53uw3fcn



genes & immortality?  >an #eternal human living #forever ~1 mill years

Immortality? Check out the recording of @JohnCleese (I am wondering what Harvard & MIT Professor of Genetics' @GeoChurch means by #Immortality - https://youtu.be/mztOFAQf8uY ~8 mins)? @PMStuartLiddell & 'piping' genes >an #eternal human living #forever ~1 mill years http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2022/03/waza-national-park.html?








Agenda item 6
Peter Norvig AI education 

#PeterNorvig: "Education for AI and by AI" 10/5/22 at Stanford's #HumanCenteredArtificialIntelligence #HAI #ArtificialIntelligence : In what ways can #MITOCW-centric wiki @WorldUnivAndSch in #GoogleEducation since '15 grow w #LargeLanguageModels in 200 countries & main languages?







Retweeting -

See new Tweets
Stanford HAI
Join us Oct. 5 for our first seminar of the fall! Peter Norvig, HAI Distinguished Fellow and Google researcher, discusses what learners need to know about AI, how best they can learn it, and how AI could assist. https://stanford.io/3SmsxyI


Peter Norvig: Education For AI and By AI (Video)
HAI Weekly Seminar

Education for AI and by AI

We have seen great advances in Artificial Intelligence in recent years. To me as an AI practitioner and educator, this raises two questions: First, what do learners need to know about AI (and machine learning, and data science) today, and how can they best learn that? Second, how can the technologies of AI be used to facilitate learning in all subjects?


Agenda item 7
and for 200 WUaS law schools







Brazil law school - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/World_University_Law_School - in Portuguese https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Portuguese_language and regarding Brazil World Univ & Sch (planning online free CC4 MIT OCW-centric university degrees) -

Russia WUaS -
The beginning of MIT OCW-centric wiki Russia World Univ & Sch - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Russian_Federation planned in the

Russian language from here -
https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Russian_language (in Russian)

Sweden WUaS -
the beginning of MIT OCW-centric wiki Sweden World Univ & Sch

Swedish language WUaS will emerge from - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Languages

Iran World Univ & Sch

https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Persian_language (planned in Farsi)

... and even with a planned online WUaS Iran Law School in Farsi, with parallels to (if at all possible) - 

Pamela Karimi (Presenter in Stanford Iranian Studies with a MIT PhD): You'll also find some wiki "Art" and "Women"'s WUaS 'Subjects' for open teaching and learning - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Subjects - some of which will be translated into Persian too, and by people and with machine learning, and machine translation. WUaS seeks to create and employ 2.5 million jobs, in all 200 countries and in all 7151 known living languages and on both WUaS wings, both legal entities in California, and see these below. 

#StanfordIranianStudies' 6/1/23 - https://internationalrelations.stanford.edu/events/parliamentary-politics-and-iran-us-relations-during-cold-war Although in asylum in PA fr CA, I registered in developing #MITOCW-centric wiki Iran @WorldUnivAndSch https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Iran_(Islamic_Republic_of) for free online #WUaSdegrees -Bach PhD Law MD IB & Master's in #Farsi
https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Persian_language ~ 

Retweeting - 

📢 Join us for an in-person lecture by the second #Zahedi Fellow Dr. Tomoyo Chisaka on parliamentary elections in #Iran during the Shah’s regime with findings from Ardeshir #Zahedi papers housed in

✅ Register at https://bit.ly/3MqHFcH



Stanford: Hamid and Christina Moghadam Program in Iranian Studies
Congratulations to Our Iranian Studies Minor Students and the Stanford Class of 2023!



How could WUaS help Ecuador via #EcuadorWUaS #WUaSEcuador with abolition ?

How could #EcuadorWUaS #WUaSEcuador https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Nation_States for #WUaSFreeToStudents' #MITOCW-centric #GoogleWUaS online #WUaSdegrees fr home in
#WUaSSpanish & #WUaSQuechua poss. https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Spanish_language & #WikiSchools in the ~20 languages https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Languages_of_Ecuador spoken there help?





How could abolition #WUaSabolition, an Ecuador WUaS Law School
https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/World_University_Law_School in #WUaSSpanish & poss. in #WUaSQuechua
at #EcuadorWUaS #WUaSEcuador & #WUaSUBIexperiments w #StanfordMinePiCryptocurrency to #EndPoverty help?

How could abolition #WUaSabolition, an Ecuador WUaS Law School
https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/World_University_Law_School in #WUaSSpanish & poss. in #WUaSQuechua
at #EcuadorWUaS #WUaSEcuador & #WUaSUBIexperiments w #StanfordMinePiCryptocurrency to #EndPoverty help?
https://language.stanford.edu/people/marisol-necochea ~






Both retweeting  -

“Everybody is looking for a way to leave.” Once one of Latin America’s safest countries, Ecuador has become one of the region’s deadliest as drug-gang violence rocks the country. wsj.com/articles/cocai… via @WSJ






Philosophy_of_Science - 

mit opencourseware: traditional chinese


  • 提供課堂講義,作業和實驗等相關資料
  • 提供部份課堂影片和實驗示範影片
  • 可學習各學科領域的主題


  • 麻省理工學院不提供任何學位或證書
  • 開放式教材不提供與教師聯絡的管道
  • 網上資料不一定代表該教材全部的內容







下面課程己經由開放式課程計劃(OOPS,Opensource Opencourseware Prototype System)翻譯成中文。


MIT OpenCourseWare: Traditional Chinese by Department

Sort Courses by


Filter by Feature 


Filter by Level

Friendly regards, abolition-ally (abolish the wrongful buying and selling of people), All the best, Scott


Law Schools at World University and School (planned in main languages in them)

Afghanistan Law School at WUaS: https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Afghanistan_Law_School_at_WUaS

Brazil Law School at WUaS: https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Brazil_Law_School_at_WUaS

China Law School at WUaS: https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/China_Law_School_at_WUaS

Egypt Law School at WUaS: https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Egypt_Law_School_at_WUaS

India Law School at WUaS: https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/India_Law_School_at_WUaS

Jamaica Law School at WUaS: https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Jamaica_Law_School_at_WUaS

Mexico Law School at WUaS: https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Mexico_Law_School_at_WUaS

World University Law School: https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/World_University_Law_School


WUaS LargeLanguageModels generational ai conversation law schools? 

Stanford Law CodeX [codex_group_meetings] TODAY! CodeX Mtg (5/18 @1.30p PT): Responsible AI; regulation of legaltech in Germany (Zoom) (continuing)

Dear Allison Ryder, Steve Mills, Professor Larry Lessig, (Giesela Ruehl, Lydia Pintscher, Roland Vogl, Stanford Law CodeX), 

Thanks for your email, Allison, and as the MIT Sloan School of Management director of the Big Ideas' project. I'll seek to see your presentations again when they are posted - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL48E61C121CAD0E1B. Regarding my question about Google artificial intelligence and your 'Responsible AI' (RAI) methodologies, and your "MIT SMR is creating its own guidelines for the use of generative AI, though my gut-reaction answer to your question about using it in our work is that our content is often sensitive and as we own the copyright, releasing it for use by LLMs ... ," I find Google's TensorFlow Responsible AI 4 principles (below too in the PPS) - fairness, interpretability, privacy and security (https://www.tensorflow.org/responsible_ai) - germane, for example, to MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch's growth of #WUaSArtificialIntelligence in 200 countries and in their main languages, and eventually in all 7151 known living languages, and e.g. as emerging AI & ML Large Language Models.   

Professor Lessig, Allison Ryder, all, how do you think Creative Commons' licensing and law will inform the developing fields of responsible AI, and ethical AI, and related policy and regulatory frameworks, not only in the USA, but also in the European Union, and in all 200 countries, and as founder of Creative Commons' licensing / law? CC-4 MIT OpenCourseWare licensing, in 5 languages presently - 

Agenda item 8
WUaS Google Bard generative AI conversation platform and scholarly inquiries

2 examples 

Bagpiping, machine learning, and a new Bagpiping form combining Ceol Mor Piobaireachd classical bagpiping with Ceol Beag light music bagpiping 

Piobaireachd Rock and Roll Blues Laments ... a new bagpiping musical form combining Piobaireachd or Ceol Mor (classical Bagpiping music) with Ceol Beag or light music (as in piping with rock and roll) ... with the help of Google Bard for writing the interpolating sheet music potentially and per my questions ... but Piobaireachd Rock and Roll Blues Laments would combine Ceol Mor with Ceol Beag to create a 3rd new form .

Further asked Google Bard from worlduniversityandschool@gmail.com and on my smartphone, the following, (but retrieved the my questions as Bard prompts on laptop computer the day after, but not Bard's helpful affirmative answers, which I'm recreating for this blog post)



Google Bard with visuals 

Carnegie Museum of Art (& Bicycle Heaven Museum, Pittsburgh)

Agenda item 9

World Univ & Sch Geospatial Creator Augmented Reality for STEM field sites & WUaS #EthnoWikiVirtualWorldGraphy & #VRHeadsets for iterating #WUaSBrainResearch #VirtualSoaking in iterating #HotSprings & w #GoogleStreetView w #TimeSlider we all build ... Will #AppleVisionPro VR Headset et al be digitizing #HarbinHotSprings last?

#EthnoWikiVirtualWorldGraphy & #VRHeadsets for iterating #WUaSBrainResearch #VirtualSoaking in iterating #HotSprings & w #GoogleStreetView w #TimeSlider we all build
https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2023/06/lesser-water-plantain-baldellia.html Will #AppleVisionPro et al be digitizing #HarbinHotSprings last?







retweeting Sundar Pichai and Imogen -

Two important breakthroughs from
 this week - Imagen Video, a new text-conditioned video diffusion model that generates 1280x768 24fps HD video. And Phenaki, a model which generates long coherent videos for a sequence of text prompts. https://imagen.research.google/video/



Which hot springs will @WorldUnivAndSch digitize first in iterations for research? #TravertineHotSprings & #BuckeyeHotSprings east of Sierras, & in collaboration. w/ #GoogleDayDream #GeoSpatialCreator as they develop #VirtualHarbinSprings for STEAM #WUaSBrainResearch & #VirtualSoaking?








Mono Lake, and Travertine Hot Springs #roadmoretravelled

#BuckeyeHotSprings #TravertineHotSprings #HarbinHotSprings Which hot springs will @WorldUnivAndSch digitize first LIKE this Youtube ONSEN https://youtu.be/X6YBetANDUI
for research? How best & in collaboration w/ #GeoSpatialCreator #DayDream for STEM #WUaSBrainResearch  #VirtualSoaking #VirtualHarbinSprings?








Buckeye Hot Springs


Co-create furthur #RealisticVirtualHarbin #HotSprings for #VirtualSoaking & #WUaSresearch fr #HomeBathtub in #HarbinWarmPool w #GeospatialCreator?
#StevanSilva #ValODonnell #JamesZachary #WUaSpartnering?








geospatial creator at cellular and molecular levels



geospatial creator







Virtually try on clothes with a new AI shopping feature
Jun 14, 2023

See clothes on a wide range of models and use new types of filters to better refine your options.


Could this also become a virtual take off of all your clothing to communally soak in the virtual Harbin Hot Springs' geothermal pools? :)

... with generative AI ? 


Oregon #UmpquaHotSprings
https://photos.app.goo.gl/9fnP8cL7YBEdidPU6 Umpqua Hot Springs in #StreetView w #TimeSlider https://g.co/kgs/Lb8Hxp  #VirtualOregon ? #NationalForestService managed https://www.fs.usda.gov/recarea/umpqua/recarea/?recid=66048 #VirtualHotSprings @HarbinBook #RealisticVirtualHarbin #EWVWG http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/search/label/ethno-wiki-virtual-world-graphy?m=0 ~








Will all major #VRHeadset makers Apple Vision Pro Oculus Quest 2 https://www.nvidia.com/en-us/geforce/technologies/vr/ soon be digitizing natural geothermal #HotSprings?

Will all major #VRHeadset makers
Apple Vision Pro
Oculus Quest 2
https://www.nvidia.com/en-us/geforce/technologies/vr/ soon be digitizing natural geothermal #HotSprings & w #GoogleStreetView w #TimeSlider standards - learning & for iterating #WUaSBrainResearch & w #GoogleDaydream doing #HarbinHotSprings last?







Nvidia's list of VR Headsets -

(Apple Vision Pro)

Oculus Quest 2

Oculus Quest

Oculus Rift S

Oculus Rift

Valve Index

HP G2 Reverb

HP Reverb




HTC VIVE Focus 3

Windows Mixed Reality

Google Daydream (in future)



Visit #RealisticVirtualHarbin #HotSprings in new Apple Vision Pro (ships 2024, $3,500)

Visit #RealisticVirtualHarbin #HotSprings in new Apple Vision Pro (ships 2024, $3,500) https://youtu.be/ZifujZQqQMo as #WUaSwearable, for #VirtualSoaking, & for #WUaSBrainResearch too in #virtualHarbin #WarmPool fr #HomeBathtub in #GoogleStreetView w #TimeSlider & for #WikiCreation ?


All 7168 languages at WUaS





(as a personal computer for entertainment & productivity - per Apple)

Will it be made water proof?

Oculus Quest for $500

Oculus Rift 

When will these VR Headsets be accessible in the back of our REI Glacier glasses? 

WUaS Realistic Virtual Earth For History 




The 2 pictures Matt took

#CarnegieHistoricalSociety #CarnegiePA which #AndrewCarnegie visited once, was named in 1894. Great to meet you historian #JeffreyKeenan Don & Vic & thanks for the tour. Let's explore creating a #RealisticVirtualCarnegiePA in a #RealisticVirtualEarthForHistory @WorldUnivAndSch ~



https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/search/label/virtual%20Harbin )



(from https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Subjects)


GeospatialCreator w #StreetView w #TimeSlider to create an interactive iterating #RealisticVirtualEarthForEvolutionaryBiology & the 'Jurassic period'

Use #GeospatialCreator w #StreetView w #TimeSlider to create an interactive iterating #RealisticVirtualEarthForEvolutionaryBiology & the 'Jurassic period (201.3 Million to 145.5M yrs ago) w #CarnegieMuseumForNaturalHistoryDinosaurs w #FilmTo3DApps (at cell & molecule levels too)?







@GoogleARVR testing #geospatial with @unity @UnityAdventure



Use #Films (like "Jurassic Park") & #FilmTo3DApps & #GeospatialCreator WITH #StreetView with #TimeSlider in a #RealisticVirtualEarthForEvolutionaryBiology to #CoCreate 'Jurassic period (201.3 million to 145.5 milli. yrs ago) was chararacterized by warm, wet climate' w #CarnegieMuseumForNaturalHistoryDinosaurs?








🦕 Build your own Jurassic Park with Geospatial Creator! @peregrau1969 brought this ferocious T-Rex to life using Geospatial Creator in @Unity! 🦖

🛠️ Are you building with Geospatial Creator? Be sure to tag us in your creations for a chance to be featured in our feed!



Agenda item 10
WUaS News and Q&A meetings on Mondays at 10 am which are open 

Apple blossom (Cassia javanica): M 6/12/23 Recording of open World Univ & Sch WUaS News and Q&A * @WorldUnivAndSch @WUaSPress online CC4 #MITOCW-CENTRIC #WUaSFreeDegrees in your country & your language #Immortality? #WUaSAgingReversal ~ 


Sego lily (UT Utah state flower): Recording of M 6/5/23 open World Univ & Sch WUaS News and Q&A ~ * Dear Alden (Briscoe @ Brakeley Briscoe), Bill (Gates @ Gates' Foundation), Universitians, friends, all,


Monday, May 29, 2023
Oregon grape (OR Oregon state flower): Recording of M 5/29/23 open World Univ & Sch WUaS News and Q&A at 10 am Eastern Time


CC4 licensed MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch
has / is

3 legal entities, including 1) World Univ & Sch  a federal 501 c 3 and 1a) a non profit in CA, and  2) WUaS Corp, a for profit general stock company in CA  

an accreditation 'green light' from the Middle States' Commission on Higher Education with offices in the greater Philadelphia PA area

state of PA department of Education authorization for licensure

been in Google Education since 2015

been in Wikidata with its 300 languages since 2015

WUaS Corporation (a for profit general stock company in CA legal entity)
has / IS

a partnering letter from Stanford Mine Pi cryptocurrency

an authorized reseller of 3 Lego robotics' kits, and a new invitation to proceed with this -
http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2023/05/wild-prairie-rose-rosa-blanda-arkansana.html?m=0 (at top)


Monday, May 22, 2023
Violet (NJ - New Jersey state flower): M 5/22/23 RECORDING of open World Univ & Sch WUaS News and Q&A * World Univ & Sch is continuing to proceed with Middle States Commission on Higher Education accreditation, and needs financial resources and financial plan especially per item 6 here, from February 24, 2023

RECORDING of Monday 5/22/23 open World Univ & Sch WUaS News and Q&A



Sagebrush (NV - Nevada state flower): RECORDING of Sat 5/20/23 open World Univ & Sch WUaS Monthly Business Meeting * WUaS Video Minutes

Agenda item 11
WUaS Lego Robotics, WUaS Home Robotics, and for free MIT OCW-centric World Univ & Sch STEAM degrees from home

(And the WUaS Corp is an authorized carrier of 3 Lego Robotics' kits - http://worlduniversityandschool.org/AcademicPress.html

(from https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Subjects)

Lego Robotics from MIT OCW -


Homemade #GorillaRobot & video (#WUaSHomeRobotics #HigherPrimateRobot that walks, vocalizes - snores & eats bananas!) - Built with #WeDo2.0 & #ScratchProgrammingLanguage

#GorillaRobot video (#WUaSHomeRobotics #HigherPrimateRobot that walks, vocalizes & eats bananas!) Built with #WeDo2.0 & #ScratchProgrammingLanguage
https://photos.app.goo.gl/1owzVyRrnEE36wg7A >https://scratch.mit.edu/..users/ScottWorldUnivAndSch @WorldUnivAndSch 'Gorilla with #LEGOWeDo2.0 & #Scratch' https://youtu.be/_8jm5OYa83M ~








#CraigMorrow, #BicycleHeavenMuseum #PghPA Pic of #BicycleRobot I just made fr #WUaSLegoRobotics' kit #WeDo2.0 & it runs, but still to be programmed w #LegoBlocks #BicycleHeaven
#RealisticVirtualEarthForLegoRobotics ~







Lego Robotics' kit WeDo 2.0 ... but it also runs, has a 'road' to ride on, and still needs to be programmed with the Lego block programming language (for kids) .... stay tuned :) (http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/search/label/robotics?m=0 ... Will add a video too here when done -
http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2023/04/morrows-honeysuckle-bicycle-heaven.html?m=0 -
 and share video with you, as well as add your fractal Bicycle Heaven Museum online exhibit here too :)"

Haven't seen yet anyone create a bicycle that rolls & balances with WeDo 2.0 Lego Robotics' kit

Pic taken in the Carnegie Library near the Mt Washington grandview overlook and that's Mt Washington in the background even

What's a robot?

Robot definitions -

(especially in science fiction) a machine resembling a human being and able to replicate certain human movements and functions automatically.
"the robot closed the door behind us"


a type of automated machine that can execute specific tasks with little or no human intervention and with speed and precision.


Red clover (VT Vermont state flower): Let's build rudimentary #FlyingCameraDrones out of #FlyingLegoRobotics at Wiki World Univ & Sch * See too, from some years ago - Flying & Swimming Lego Robotics (like WeDo2 and Mindstorms EV3 kits) too e.g. Kitables: Lego Drone Kit Instructions … in VIRTUAL Brick Street View/Google Street View environment #ActualVirtual #PhysicalDigital @WorldUnivAndSch ~ * * * Visit #RealisticVirtualHarbin #HotSprings in new Apple Vision Pro digital mask (ships 2024, $3,500) * * * A #PhysicalDigital #RealisticVirtualEarthForArchaeology (think #StreetView w/ a #TimeSlider) & a #RealisticVirtualEarthForRobotics ... * * * Conestoga Wagon in #NEOregon by roadside 7 yrs ago How best to explore virtually in #RealisticVirtualEarthForMuseums? * * * How best can @WorldUnivAndSch @WUaSPress #TeachDemocracy in each of all 200 countries & in their main languages? * Looked up #RevolutionaryMuseums, #PeoplesMuseums (as child of '60s), found https://www.amrevmuseum.org/. I want to visit them in iterating #RealisticVirtualEarthForMuseums (#StreetView #TimeSlider) * Looked up #RevolutionaryVideoGames https://www.shortlist.com/news/20-games-that-changed-everything : https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Gaming_-_Digital ~ * * * Planning for all 22 official languages in India for free online MIT OCW-centric #WUaSunivs @WorldUnivAndSch degrees e.g. Tamil language * * * 'Bicycle robot out of Lego robotics - from Scott' (to Craig Morrow at Bicycle Heaven Museum, Pgh PA) * * Now how to build this "Amazing Bike Riding Robot! Can Cycle, Balance, Steer, and Correct Itself" 10/11/2011 by Masahiko Yamaguchi, Bipedal Bike Riding Robot with Lego Robotics' Kit WeDo2.0 ? * * * To lose weight ... since a "40-year-old, 180-pound (81.6-kg), 6-foot (183-cm) tall man ... will burn approximately 1,769 calories in a day" ... and an egg has 76 calories, and a cup of nonfat milk has 90 calories ...


Agenda item 12

WUaS and Humanoid Robots, and the Toyota THR3 and other Toyota Humanoid Robots in particular? 

How soon could #WUaSunivs begin to offer TOYOTA EMPLOYEES free AA, Bachelor, Masters & PhD #WUaSdegrees & other training to becoming #ToyotaTHR3 #HumanoidRobots' Technicians beginning with #WUaSLegoRobotics w "CS First with Google at @WorldUnivAndSch"

How soon could #WUaSunivs begin to offer TOYOTA EMPLOYEES free AA, Bachelor, Masters & PhD #WUaSdegrees & other training to becoming #ToyotaTHR3 #HumanoidRobots' Technicians beginning with #WUaSLegoRobotics w "CS First with Google at @WorldUnivAndSch" - https://csfirst.withgoogle.com/s/en/home ?

Languages at WUaS - all 7168 -

Retweeting -

More high-school graduates are being diverted from college by brighter job prospects in blue-collar roles https://wsj.com/articles/more-high-school-grads-forgo-college-in-hot-labor-market-c052c773?st=ywaenhsptrma1g4 via

Service all these amazing #HumanoidRobots @WorldUnivAndSch in ~200 countries https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Nation_States w #ToyotaGlobal in >170 countries: How soon could #WUaSunivs begin to offer #ToyotaEmployees & you free AA Bach MS & PhD #WUaSdegrees & training as #ToyotaTHR3 #WUaSRoboticists +?

Retweeting -  

Big #robot companies and their scariest inventions:

🤖 Sony @aibo_jp
🤖 Honda @ASIMO
🤖 Toyota THR-3
🤖 @BostonDynamics Spot
🤖 Samsung Bot Retail
🤖 @HoustonMech Aquanaut
🤖 @osaka_univ_e baby robot CB2
🤖 @hansonrobotics & their @RealSophiaRobot

Aquanaut robot HoustonMech Aquatic robot

Retweeting -
Toyota THR-3 robot copyist. #hardware #engineering

Great #ToyotaTHR3 #HumanoidRobots'"#PartnerRobot" video https://youtu.be/DWyjDgxbu2M #ToyotaGlobal 170 countries https://www.toyota-europe.com/about-us/toyota-in-the-world#:~:text=Our%20vehicles%20and%20related%20services,than%20170%20countries%20and%20territories ~@WorldUnivAndSch to offer you & @ToyotaEmployees free AA Bachelor Masters & PhD #WUaSdegrees & other training in ~200 #MITOCW-centric #WUaSunivs ~

PICTURE OF WHOLE World with possible WUaS students in the future   

Awesome #ToyotaTHR3 #HumanoidRobots' video
Partner Robot https://youtu.be/DWyjDgxbu2M #ToyotaGlobal 170 countries https://www.toyota-europe.com/about-us/toyota-in-the-world#:~:text=Our%20vehicles%20and%20related%20services,than%20170%20countries%20and%20territories ~@WorldUnivAndSch to offer you & @ToyotaEmployees free AA Bachelor Masters & PhD #WUaSdegrees & other training in ~200 #MITOCW-centric #WUaSunivs ~


Awesome #ToyotaTHR3 #HumanoidRobots' video
Partner Robot https://youtu.be/DWyjDgxbu2M #ToyotaGlobal 170 countries https://www.toyota-europe.com/about-us/toyota-in-the-world#:~:text=Our%20vehicles%20and%20related%20services,than%20170%20countries%20and%20territories ~@WorldUnivAndSch to offer you & @ToyotaEmployees free AA, Bachelor, Masters & PhD #WUaSdegrees & other training in ~200 #MITOCW-centric #WUaSunivs


Retweeting -
Toyota THR-3 robot copyist. #hardware #engineering

Awesome #ToyotaTHR3 #ToyotaHumanoidRobots' video 
Partner Robot
Toyota Global
How soon could #WUaSunivs begin to offer TOYOTA EMPLOYEES free AA, Bachelor, Masters & PhD #WUaSdegrees & other training re #MITOCW-centric ~200 major online #WUaSunivs for WUaSFreeDegrees?

Toyota is in more than 170 countries 

Our vehicles and related services are sold in more than 170 countries and territories.

Much of the above partly coming into conversation with - 

Retweeting -

More high-school graduates are being diverted from college by brighter job prospects in blue-collar roles https://wsj.com/articles/more-high-school-grads-forgo-college-in-hot-labor-market-c052c773?st=ywaenhsptrma1g4 via

Job growth at restaurants, theme parks and other parts of the leisure and hospitality sector—which tend to employ young people and typically don’t require a college degree

Restaurant waitstaff earned a median hourly wage of $14 in 2022, nearly double the federal minimum wage. Wages are even higher in industries that don’t require college degrees but need additional training, such as apprenticeships. Machinists earned $23.32 an hour, above the national median wage of $22.26 an hour. Carpenters earned $24.71 an hour last year. 

One of them is Simon Alvarado Jr., 21 years old, of Hyattsville, Md. He recently finished an apprenticeship to become a light maintenance service technician at a Toyota dealership. He originally planned to attend college but was put off by the high cost of a four-year degree. 

“Working on cars is something I was really interested in as a kid,” said Alvarado. Having the cost of his training paid for and a job at the end “was a rare opportunity that I wasn’t going to say no to,” he said.

Write to Harriet Torry at harriet.torry@wsj.com

Toyota Virtual Plant Tour open for all
Experience the wonder and craftsmanship of Toyota's manufacturing plants


Let's build rudimentary #FlyingCameraDrones out of #FlyingLegoRobotics at Wiki World Univ & Sch 

Let's build rudimentary #FlyingCameraDrones out of #FlyingLegoRobotics e.g. https://youtu.be/wUVvQk7XLd4 & eg Kitables https://youtu.be/CFDZTn7w7Og
(@WUaSPress is off. carrier of #WUaSLegoRobotics) also toward #WUaSFreeDegrees at #MITOCW-centric https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Robotics #WUaSHomeRobotics ~

Retweeting - 

🚁Our goal is to make an affordable drone because we think everyone should have access to this amazing technology. 📷6K dual cameras, capturing every moment of life.

😍 The first 300 units are only sold for $69.99

See too -

Flying & Swimming Lego Robotics (like WeDo2 and Mindstorms EV3 kits) too e.g. Kitables: Lego Drone Kit Instructions
youtu.be/8lylgo9e-gg & twitter.com/TravelEsquire/… in VIRTUAL Brick Street View/Google Street View environment #ActualVirtual #PhysicalDigital @WorldUnivAndSch ~


A #PhysicalDigital #RealisticVirtualEarthForArchaeology (think #StreetView w/ a #TimeSlider) & a #RealisticVirtualEarthForRobotics (both #WUaSHumanoidRobotics such as w/ #ToyotaHumanoidRobots #THR3s for archaeology #WUaSLegoRobotics) #WUaSScotland https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Archaeology #wuAsVR ~



Retweeting -

Undiscovered Scotland
The ramparts of Chesters Hill Fort in East Lothian. This Iron Age fortified village dates back some 2,000 years and is believed to have comprised a number of roundhouses occupying the fairly extensive upper area of the hill. More pics and info: https://undiscoveredscotland.co.uk/northberwick/chesters/index.html


* * * *  

WUaS Corporation - WUaS Press

Agenda item A

WUaS and Toyota robotics' collaborations and regarding Toyota THR3 and other Toyota Humanoid Robots, and with the Toyota Proace Electric Camping Van as 2 autonomous systems - and could WUaS PhD, Master's, Bachelor, AA degrees begin to service these ?

Purple passionflower (TN Tennessee state flower): Carnegie Historical Society, Carnegie PA, F June 2, 2023 (continuing from - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2023/06/pasque-flower-sd-south-dakota-state.html - with PICS of our Carnegie PA Historical Society meeting) * * * Student homes? A #SitDownShower? 4' 7" high? smaller than https://www.pinterest.com/pin/847873067371659096/ in upcoming #ToyotaProAceElectric #CampingVan in 2024 in 3 lengths: interior height of ProAce is 55" ?


Agenda item B

Stanford Mine Pi cryptocurrency free money daily required me to create a PASSWORD yesterday, in order to continue to Mine PI every 24 hours. What's developing security wise?  

Stanford Mine PI cryptocurrency and partnering with WUaS in WUaS planning to code for all 7.9 billion people on the planet each a Wikidata PIN # - - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/You_at_World_University - and to both end poverty, and create a single main cryptocurrency in all 200 countries and for speakers of all 7,168 known living languages

Stanford Mine Pi invitation - (potentially for molecule and cell science too in a realistic virtual earth for genetics...)

I am sending you 1π! Pi is a new digital currency developed by Stanford PhDs, with over 35 million members worldwide. To claim your Pi, follow this link https://minepi.com/sgkmac and use my username (sgkmac) as your invitation code.

(Again, possibly for molecules (and cell science too), in a realistic virtual earth for genetics)


WUaS lost use of the info@worlduniversityandschool.org email address, in the Google Education Workspace, and is wondering why.

In WUaS planning to code  for everyone on the planet, each a Wikidata PIN #, in part to distribute Stanford Mine Pi cryptocurrency, and for 7.9 billion people as responsible AI especially - 

Could info@worlduniversityandschool.org email account workspace have become disabled after I sent out an agenda for MBM on May 19, 2023, be because a http://worlduniversityandschool.org/web/ WordPress site has been spamming  info@worlduniversityandschool.org (which I've been locked out of so can't correct this) and after I've inquired with Peter Norvig, Lydia Pintscher, Ed Smyth MD (chief medical officer at MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch), & MIT DCI director Neha Narula others months ago about turning this spewing WUaS database web site address into a way to code for all 7.9 billion people and to end poverty and create Wiki free universal education at WUaS among speakers of all 7168 living languages?

Could a whole group of coders, from a variety of different organizations (Google Education regarding this email account, Wikidata/Wikimedia, Stanford Mine Pi, various US federal reserve banks, etc?), be creating IT infrastructure for WUaS Stanford Mine Pi to become a main near universal cryptocurrency in ~ 200 countries from here - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/You_at_World_University - and with info@worlduniversityandschool.org as its email - and regarding the above related WUaS WordPress site and database?

Stanford Mine Pi cryptocurrency databases, with which WUaS is partnering, and see -

"I am sending you 1π! Pi is a new digital currency developed by Stanford PhDs, with over 35 million members worldwide. To claim your Pi, follow this link https://minepi.com/sgkmac and use my username (sgkmac) as your invitation code."

(And possibly for molecules and cells, etc., in a realistic virtual earth for genetics).

Agenda item C
Thank you Orders at LEGO®, Patrick, Jesper Andersen, Carsten Rasmussen, Soren Jorgensen, Peter Norvig, Roland Vogl, All, for the opportunity for the WUaS Educational Services' stores to "Purchase Hands-on STEAM Learning Solutions that Grow with Students" 

Wild prairie rose, Rosa Blanda, Arkansana, and Pratincula (ND North Dakota state flower): Thank you Orders at LEGO®, Patrick, Jesper Andersen, Carsten Rasmussen, Soren Jorgensen, Peter Norvig, Roland Vogl, All, for the opportunity for the WUaS Educational Services' stores to "Purchase Hands-on STEAM Learning Solutions that Grow with Students" - http://worlduniversityandschool.org/AcademicPress.html *


Agenda item D

WUaS Lego Robotics' stores in Pgh

1) #WUaSMidSize Physical #WUaSLegoRobotics' outlet  &
2) #WUaSLarge #WUaSRoboticsManaged #WUaSEducationalServicesStore

WUaSLegoRobotics' #WUaSHomeRobotics' store near #AppleComputerWalnutSt #PghPA storefronts

A #WUaSLegoRobotics'
#WUaSHomeRobotics' store #AppleComputerWalnutSt #PghPA in  #WUaSEducationalServicesStores / #WUaSCorp (http://worlduniversityandschool.org/AcademicPress.html) for #MITOCW -centric @WorldUnivAndSch http://worlduniversityandschool.org/  https://ocw.mit.edu/courses/es-293-lego-robotics-spring-2007/ https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Robotics  #WUaSFreeDegrees ~

2 pics of 2 different empty storefronts on Walnut Street in Shadyside Pgh PA -

the old Williams Sonoma store

Languages all 7151  

Mineo's building


Close up with email address

1) #WUaSMidSize Physical #WUaSLegoRobotics' outlet  &
2) #WUaSLarge #WUaSRoboticsManaged #WUaSEducationalServicesStore

A 1) #WUaSMidSize Physical #WUaSLegoRobotics' outlet on #WalnutStreetPghPA AppleStore in a #PhysicalDigital #WUaSEducationalServices Books, Computers Robotics' store & 2) #WUaSLarge #WUaSRoboticsManaged #WUaSEducationalServicesStore in former Walmart near #FoxChapelPA #WUaSPghPA?




Languages WUaS



A 1) #WUaSMidSize Physical #WUaSLegoRobotics' outlet on #WalnutStreetPghPA AppleSt) in #PhysicalDigital #WUaSEducationalServices' Books, Computers Robotics' store & 2) #WUaSLarge #WUaSRoboticsManaged #WUaSEducationalServicesStore in former Walmart near #FoxChapelPA #WUaSPghPA?


Retweeting -

Toyota THR3 #Robot #ToyotaTHR3 #Artificialintelligence #englishhome #WholeNewGame




Agenda item E
How could a #RealisticVirtualEarthForGenetics in 1 #RealisticVirtualEarth (think #GoogleStreetView w #TimeSlider #GMaps #GEarth #TensorFlowAI @ cell & molecule levels too) help boost this to QUADRILLIONs of dollars of value @ericschmidt @geochurch in 200 https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Nation_States ? 

Sunday, May 21, 2023
Purple lilac (NH - New Hampshire state flower): How could a #RealisticVirtualEarthForGenetics in 1 #RealisticVirtualEarth (think #GoogleStreetView w #TimeSlider #GMaps #GEarth #TensorFlowAI @ cell & molecule levels too) help boost this to QUADRILLIONs of dollars of value @ericschmidt @geochurch in 200 https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Nation_States ? * * * How to model in a #RealisticVirtualEarthForSoils in 1 #RealisticVirtualEarth (think #GoogleStreetView w #TimeSlider #GMaps #GEarth w #TensorFlowAI #TensorStore) #Soils #SoilsBiogeochemistry ... ?



- Scott GK MacLeod  
Founder, President, CEO & Professor
CC-4 licensed MIT OCW-centric. Wiki, 
World University & School (WUaS) 
- PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 94516 
- 210 East End Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15221

1) non-profit World University and School - http://worlduniversityandschool.org  

2) for profit general stock company WUaS Corporation in CA - http://worlduniversityandschool.org/AcademicPress.html

(m) 412 478 0116 - sgkmacleod@gmail.com 

World Univ & Sch Innovation Research -  scottmacleod.com 







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