Channel: Scott MacLeod's Anthropology of Information Technology & Counterculture
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Yellow Elder, Tecoma stans , flower (BS - National flower of Bahamas): Moving to Canyon 94516 on 9/1/23 concerns * Some concerns along Oedipal question lines * * Here's a synopsis of the 'Oedipus complex' (per Freud)



Moving to Canyon 94516 on 9/1/23 concerns

Dear John (Sargent MD), Ed (Smyth MD), Jane (MacLeod) All, 

Greetings and I hope this email finds you well. How are you? 

Some concerns along Oedipal question lines ... and regarding my mother's invitation to me on Friday / Saturday for today to meet in Dark Hollow park for a walk, near her place, and then at 10.7 marina & pizzeria for supper (by ourselves - and regarding her new Longwood communities' cultures - and even the illegal sex, drug & violence industries operating out of there possibly, & internationally - and she being possibly entangled in this organized crime, tragically even), 

... where at 10.7. Marina restaurant and canoe rental we've eaten once before alone last November (before going to the PGH symphony, but separately), and which 10.7 also has a houseboat for rent (possibly for illegal clandestine trysts, and possibly for the illegal sex and violence industries too) OR ALSO FOR ME TO STAY WITH MY WIFE AND my mother's hypothetical GRANDKIDS in visiting Pgh in the future - and which could be a place ... if my mother's involved too in the illegal sex, drug and violence industries internationally in Pgh and re her contacts in the Pittsburgh symphony too, and with the univ pitt and my father's 1st subdural hematoma internationally on univ pitt managed semester at sea in Belize on Dec 30, 2004) ... for me to be 'marked' somehow today ... eg for whistleblowing loudly in calling for abolition and of the illegal sex drug and violence industries, and especially in Pittsburgh and Pennsylvania, as well as in the SF Bay Area

(And what role could criminal? co-denizen stephon owens' possibly play in this here - if he was involved already in 2+ murders here, if he's in the illegal sex industry and if he's a PSO trumpet player ... and regarding his very very very strangely cutting off all communication with me including even looking at him ... Could he be or is he a hired gun in the illegal violence industry  - and as a victim of sexual abuse as a kid too ????)

I'm concerned deeply too about my brother Sandy saying about 2 years ago that the MacLeod Cuttyhunk house is his, that our father - http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/search/label/Gordon%20K.%20MacLeod%20MD?m=0 - said it was Sandy's & eg with nothing in writing especially if Sandy had a hand in calling for my father's possible "whacking" in Belize which I think led to his death nearly 3 years later on around 11/25/07 (eg since saying this could be a pretext for seeking to whack me next ... and this take over the Cuttyhunk house by acts of violence) ... & also especially if Sandy could be deeply caught up in organized crime in Massachusetts on Cuttyhunk and in Maine - and Oedipally (eg if he would seek unconsciously to marry my mother for ex) & for him who could turn around and try to whack me (again) and or my mother even. It may be too that my father had become kind of psychopathic too in his last years - and regarding me or toward me too, and thus Sandy if he played a role in having organized crime whack my father internationally could conceivably helped save my life from my father's 'late onset' possible psychopathic behaviors (speculatively and oedipally too)

So in my moving out of 210 East End avenue Pgh PA  15221 on 7/31/23 per lease ... and potentially into a newly safe Canyon 94516 on 9/1/23 WITH FEDERAL and state of PA AND state of CA law working effectively together, - and in WUaS GROWING AN ABOLITION MOVEMENT - I have some further questions regarding my brother's possibly murderous entanglements ... about his being under the care of a MD psychiatrist and under close observation/supervision  too, in Portland ME,  
and my potentially staying on Cuttyhunk beginning around August 1 through around August 25th. (And I also hope Sandy isn't involved somehow in federal law enforcement illegal circles through his friend Karl in Portland ME whom I met years ago, or others there for example - and also regarding my father's 2 subdural hematomas, univ of pitt (med ctr too) related, Pgh universities and colleges related etc - something for Sandy to talk about with a MD psychiatrist working with ethical state and federal law and law enforcement). 

Ma, are you talking with your MD psychiatrist about some of these oedipal questions and implications? Who is Sandy's MD psychiatrist in Maine, and could you possibly please communicate with that MD psychiatrist in Portland ME, John Sargent MD (at Tufts), since the Portland ME health system Sandy is part of I learned at Xmas is in the Tufts Medical System now both in Massachusetts and in Maine?

Thank you, ABOLITION-ALLY, Friendly greetings, 

As I emailed my mother the other day, appreciating these last lines in the Desiderata (which poem family friend brilliant George L Alexander MD shared with my mother and I at Kendall Crosslands' Quaker Continuing Care center one of the last times we visited him there) - 

"And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should. Therefore be at peace with God, whatever you conceive Him to be. And whatever your labors and aspirations, in the noisy confusion of life, keep peace in your soul. With all its sham, drudgery and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be cheerful. Strive to be happy."

Two emails that are relevant here, one to people this morning, and the other to MacLeod family members mostly in Portland Maine, many of whom are nephews and nieces of my father GKM MD - and regarding my calling for abolition (re abolishing modern forms of slavery in the illegal sex drug and violence industries, hypothetically) among these family members too

Canyon 94516 on 9/1/23 to begin a WUaS Academic Medical Center with virtual Harbin Hot Springs Warm Water Cure with WUaS Longevity Genetics' Institute with staff and funding / budget?

Hi Ed, All, 

Greetings! How are you? I hope this email finds you well. 

Am planning to head west to California around Sun August 27, 2023. Will I arrive in Canyon 94516 to an open, newly safe 670 Ridgecrest Rd on F, September 1, having signed ownership papers, and because federal and state of CA law are working together? 

Will World Univ & Sch be able to begin a Physical-Digital WUaS Academic Medical Center with virtual Harbin Hot Springs Warm Water Cure with WUaS Longevity Genetics' Institute with staff and funding / budget? 

- Scott 
Scott GK MacLeod

Sat 7/15/23 @WorldUnivAndSch @WUaSPress Monthly Business Meeting Recording 
-https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2023/07/wanglo-tribulus-cistoides-arb-national.html @BillGates @aparnacd @davidchalmers42 @DrCaliff_FDA Best wishes, abolitionally, Friendly greetings,

Save the date - Aug 3, 2024 - MacLeod Family Reunion!

Mark, Gerry, MacLeod Family members, (also sent to my brother Sandy MacLeod in Portland Maine too)

Janie Kirkbride Brown MacLeod <jkbmacleod@icloud.com>, sandysculpture@hotmail.commacleod2000@gmail.com, Ken MacLeod <MACLEODK@ecu.edu>, Sandra MacLeod Coyle <scoyle@ju.edu>, Gerrard & Minna MacLeod <gerrardmacleod@gmail.com>, james.kerian@gmail.comsusank@gra.midco.net, Susan MacLeod <susanmacleod@gmail.com>, Jennifer MacLeod <jmacle20@gmail.com>, Mary Lindmark <mlindmark@lindt.com>, Gerry & Mary Lou Kennedy <geraldkennedy1155@gmail.com>, Claire MacLeod Ohman <ohmanclaire@gmail.com>, Jennifer MacLeod Murray <jenmurrayalice@gmail.com>, Jim MacLeod <jim.macleod@ymail.com>, Anne MacLeod Shoemaker <annemshoemaker@gmail.com>, Bruce MacLeod <macleod@maine.edu>, Kenneth MacLeod <kmacleod32@yahoo.ca>, Kyle Mark MacLeod <kmm607@mun.ca>, Claire MacLeod <clr_mcld@yahoo.com>, "Scott MacLeod (Musical-Aphilo)"<sgkmacleod@worlduniversityandschool.org>, Meeting WorldUniversity <meeting@worlduniversityandschool.org>, Scott MacLeod - Yoga <yogamacflower@gmail.com>, "Scott MacLeod - @scottmacleod..."<scott@scottmacleod.com>, Scott MacLeod <musicalmacflower@gmail.com>, S Mac <sandysculpture64@gmail.com>, Mark MacLeod <mark_k_macleod@yahoo.com>

Please remove me from these email invitations for August 3, 2024 at your Bonny Eagle lake place / 3 house camp, Mark. I won't be attending your curious year-ahead family reunion after all. In asylum in Pennsylvania from California, and in my and World Univ & Sch calling for abolition - abolish the wrongful buying and selling of people in the illegal sex, drugs, weapons, violence etc industries, and internationally (so organized crime, - and to at least knock it back much) - and in WUaS seeking to code for all 7.9 billion people on the planet, each a Wikidata PIN #, to protect people, women, kids, victims, others. 

Again, Mark, and All, 

"Your invitation first for seemingly this year, and then strangely for 2024 leads me to wonder if you and some of the MacLeod Family members you emailed,  could be involved in organized crime internationally, and regarding the illegal sex and drug and violence industries - and not only at your Bonny Eagle Lake camp in Maine in its 3 houses, but also possibly internationally and regarding you being still the Atlantic Managing Director at Chevron per your LinkedIn now for 41 years or so.

I think I lost my father due to organized crime internationally due to the first subdural hematoma  he received on univ pitt managed semester at sea at the time in Belize on December 30, 2004 (which I think killed him after 2.75 years) - and wonder what role my brother Sandy even is playing in organized crime in Maine and Massachusetts etc and with regard to our father's death too ... so I won't be coming to your MacLeod Family Reunion in Maine in August 2024 after all - in Friendly Quaker (like your father Bruce, a favorite uncle whom I knew fairly well from Pendle Hill and other Quaker circles) conscientious objection protest. "

See the emails below from yesterday in some of these regards too. 

Friendly greetings, abolitionally, best wishes, thanks, 
Full correspondence here - 

Hi Mark, MacLeod Family members, 


I've just removed the' MacLeod Family Reunion members' you shared from the Monday WUaS News and Q&A email earlier - after including them today. Thanks. As you may have seen, there's an unsubscribe invitation at the bottom of all of these WUaS emails, and many of these family members have been on the WUaS emailings for years, and I've unsubscribed the 1 or 2 who have asked to unsubscribe from the WUaS emailings in the past. 

I'm amazed at how many people, and family members, are interested in free MIT OCW-centric online WUaS degrees and free open wiki schools, and related idea sharing - and seek to learn more about WUaS.

I'm also appreciative of the connection that comes in idea sharing - such as regarding the recent two emails I've sent about your MacLeod genetic genealogy research +, in response to your email invitation.

I'm glad there's an unsubscribe option at the bottom of all these WUaS emails regarding individuals' agency, and at the bottom of the two responses I sent regarding your invitation.  


Scott MacLeod sgkmacleod@gmail.com

Jul 13, 2023, 8:05 PM (13 hours ago)
to Mark

Your invitation first for seemingly this year, and then strangely for 2024 leads me to wonder if you and some of the MacLeod Family members you emailed,  could be involved in organized crime internationally, and regarding the illegal sex and drug and violence industries - and not only at your Bonny Eagle Lake camp in Maine in its 3 houses, but also possibly internationally and regarding you being still the Atlantic Managing Director at Chevron per your LinkedIn now for 41 years or so.

I think I lost my father due to organized crime internationally due to the first subdural hematoma  he received on univ pitt managed semester at sea at the time in Belize on December 30, 2004 (which I think killed him after 2.75 years) - and wonder what role my brother Sandy even is playing in organized crime in Maine and Massachusetts etc and with regard to our father's death too ... so I won't be coming to your MacLeod Family Reunion in Maine in August 2024 afterall - in Friendly Quaker (like your father Bruce) conscientious objection protest. 

I and WUAS continue to call for at least 4 regimes of law - US state,  US federal (and the other 200 countries' federal and state law too), uniformed services and international law to begin to work effectively together to protect people - women, KIDS, victims, others - from the wrongful buying and selling of people as modern slavery - and in MIT OCW- centric wiki World Univ & Sch planning to code for all 7.9 billion people on the planet, each a Wikidata PIN # here - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/You_at_World_University.

Abolitionally, in asylum in PA in CA, best wishes for your Isle of Skye Scotland Macleod  genealogy talk, Friendly greetings, Scott 

"Thanks too for the philosophical dialogue opportunity, in seeking to grow a conversation about abolition of the illegal sex and drug and violence industries and in academic philosophy (tragically), and to protect philosophy and other students  ..."


- Scott GK MacLeod  
Founder, President, CEO & Professor
CC-4 licensed MIT OCW-centric. Wiki, 
World University & School (WUaS) 
- PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 94516 
- 210 East End Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15221

1) non-profit World University and School - http://worlduniversityandschool.org  

2) for profit general stock company WUaS Corporation in CA - http://worlduniversityandschool.org/AcademicPress.html

(m) 412 478 0116 - sgkmacleod@gmail.com 

World Univ & Sch Innovation Research -  scottmacleod.com 

* * 

Here's a synopsis of the 'Oedipus complex' (per Freud) - 

The Oedipus Complex
By Lauren Dolloff
November 16, 2006

The Oedipus Complex

  • The attachment of the child to the parent of the opposite sex, accompanied by envious and aggressive feelings toward the parent of the same sex. 
  • These feelings are largely repressed (ie. made unconscious) because of the fear of displeasure or punishment by the parent of the same sex. 
  • In its original use, the term applied only to the boy or man.
The idea of the Oedipus Complex is derived from Sophocles' Oedipus Tyrannus, during which Oedipus learned that he was cursed to kill his father and sleep with his mother.
The Picture
  • Oedipus is contemplating the Sphinx's riddle in this image.

The history of the prophecy that doomed Oedipus
    • Laius, who ruled Thebes at the time, was told the prophecy that his son would kill him and sleep with his wife.  
    • He and his wife gave their baby son to one of their slaves, who was to bring the baby to Mt. Cithaeron, which was haunted by wild beasts.
    • However, the slave felt pity for the baby, so he gave him to another shepherd from the city of Corinth located on the other side of the mountain.  
    • King Polybus of Corinth was presented with the baby and decided to bring him up on his own.  
    • When Oedipus was older, someone calls him a bastard.  
    • He decided to leave Corinth for Delphi, so he could learn of his parentage at the oracle of Apollo.  
    • There he was given the news that he would kill his father and sleep with his mother.  
    • To prevent the oracle from coming true, Oedipus went to Thebes.  
    • On the way he ran into an old man driving a wagon at a place where three roads cross.  The man ordered Oedipus to move off the road, but he refused.  
    • He became aggressive and killed the man and what he thought to be all the guards.  
    • Before Oedipus could enter Thebes, he had to solve the riddle the Sphinx, who guarded the entrance to the city, asked him.  No one had ever solved the riddle before and as a consequence, they were killed by the Sphinx.  
    • The riddle is, "Which animal has one voice, but two, three, or four feet being slowest on three?"  Oedipus answered correctly with the answer, "Man."  
    • The city welcomed Oedipus and offered him the vacant job of king and the marriage to Laius' widow, Jocasta.  
    • Years passed while Oedipus was king of Thebes.  He had four children by Jocasta.  
    • Eventually the city was infected by a plague.  Oedipus promised to save his city, so he ordered his brother-in-law Creon to consult the oracle at Delphi.  
    • He returned with news that the plague was caused by the unpunished murderer who killed Laius.  Oedipus cursed the killer, but Tiresias said that Oedipus was the killer. 
    • Oedipus was furious and blamed Tiresias and Creon for creating such a story to dethrone him so that they could have power.  
    • Jocasta explained to Oedipus that robbers killed Laius at a place where three roads crossed.  Oedipus remembered that he killed a man at such a place.  
    • He contemplated the possibility of him being the killer, but Jocasta reassured him that a witness saw several robbers kill Laius.  
    • Oedipus sent for the witness, so the issue could be resolved.  
    • While he waited, a Corinthian messenger arrived with news that Polybus had died, so Oedipus would be King of Corinth.  
    • Oedipus told the messenger that he could not go back while his mother was alive.  
    • Surprise overwhelmed Oedipus, for the messenger told him that she was not his mother.  He explained that he was given the baby many years ago by a Theban shepherd.  
    • Jocasta then realized that Oedipus was her son.  
    • The witness finally arrived and revealed that he was given the baby by Jocasta and passed it to the messenger because he did not want to kill him.  
    • Oedipus realizes the truth and went to tell Jocasta, but she had already killed herself.  
    • He blinds himself and was ordered to leave Thebes by Creon, the new king.  

The Electra Complex

  • It is the female analog to the Oedipus Complex.  
  • It is the female child's erotic desire for the father and simultaneous fear of the mother.
The Picture
  • Electa and Orestes meet unexpectedly at the tomb of their father.
  • Electa brings gifts to the tomb.

The History of Electra
  • It is named after Electra who, in the Greek myth, sought to avenge the death of her father Agamemnon.  
  • She was away from home when her mother, Clytemnestra, and her lover, Aegisthus, killed Agamemnon.  
  • Electra and her brother, Orestes, came home years later to the tomb of their father.  
  • There they plotted how Orestes would kill Clytemnestra, which he successfully accomplished.

Freud's Oedipus Complex and Electra Complex

  • Freud created the term Oedipus complex during his self-analysis.  
  • He claimed that this psychological condition is universal.
  • Oedipus Tyrannus effected both the ancient Greeks and today's audiences;  everyone has oedipal feelings.  
  • When Freud saw the play's incredible success in Germany and France in the 1880's, it supported his belief that the play moves modern audiences with as much force as it did originally in Greece.
  • He characterized it as loving and hostile wishes that children experienced toward their parents at the height of the phallic phase.  The phallic phase is the stage of psychosexual development occurring between the ages of three and seven.  
  • In its positive form, the child's rival is the parent of the same sex and the child desires sexual union with the parent of opposite sex.  
  • In its negative form, the child's rival is the parent of the opposite sex and the child desires the parent of the same sex.  
  • The decline of the Oedipus complex and entry into the latency period are related to threat of castration for boys and the desire for a baby for girls.  
  • After puberty, the resolution of the complex happens through the choice of a suitable substitute for the object of love.  
  • However, the Oedipus complex continues to be an unconscious organizer throughout life.  It also forms an indissoluble link between wish and law.  
  • The Picture
    • This is a picture of Sigmund Freud.

The Oedipus Complex in the Media









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