Canyon 94516 on 9/1/23? (for a WUaS Academic Medical Center with virtual Harbin Warm Water Cure & a Physical-Digital WUaS Longevity Genetics' Institute)
Dear Don (Tatzin, volunteer in the California state senate, former mayor of Lafayette CA for 33 years, and MIT alum with 3 degrees), Ed (Smyth MD), John (Sargent MD), David (Demoise MD - UPMC), All,
Greetings and I hope this email finds you well.
Moving forward, I just moved out yesterday of the ''asylum abode" I was in at 210 East End avenue in Pgh PA 15221 from 9/2/22 to 7/31\23, and put all my things in storage. I'm continuing to plan my move to a newly safe new 670 Ridgecrest Road, Canyon CA 94516 house on F 9/1/23. (I recently received 2 letters and a call about my Univ Pitt Med Ctr health care coverage - and regarding having received multiple emails from Kaiser Permanente NorCal to the effect that I will have health coverage in moving to northern California again in a month, - and regarding a possible murderous run through attempt of me, by craven psychopath? 'evicted' Swiss or Lebanese soldier? frederic khayat in April, and the death / possible murder of a Jackson ShannonNYC and a disappearance of Harold Tyler from this 'asylum house' )
David Demoise MD, my UPMC PCP, I won't know with 100% certainty that I'm moving back into a newly safe new house in Canyon 94516, and for health coverage planning purposes, until I hear back from California state senate volunteer Don Tatzin (or possibly Ed Smyth MD, affiliated with Kaiser Permanente NorCal health care coverage, and a MD internist there for 18-19 years).and wonder what I should do about my UPMC mailing address for the month of August, Dr. Demoise MD. Thank you!
Don (Tatzin), David (Demoise MD), Ed (Smyth MD) I'm planning to start driving west to Canyon 94516 on around M 8/28/23 (finding a cross-country moving company for my things then in storage too) and would be very grateful if I could learn in writing that the newly safe new 670 Ridgecrest Road, Canyon CA 94516 house will be open and available, and regarding state of CA and US federal legal processes working together. Please confirm. Thank you.
Best wishes, abolitionally, Friendly greetings, in asylum in PA from CA, thank you,
Moving out email to Lisa Ximei Peng owner of KK Rentals yesterday, and all, M 7/31/23.-
| Mon, Jul 31, 4:49 PM (1 day ago)
| | |
to Larry, Edward, Shawn, Sioux, John, Hugh, Susan, Marc, fracka, Lillian, Meeting, olfroth, Pin, David, DavidCDemoiseMD, Alden, Shahrzad, Byron, Henry, Dick, Elliott, George, Heather, Hank, Rohit, Joan, Peter, Lydia, Narjeet, Peter, Roland, Erica, Robin, Dennis, edsmythmd, narjeet, Alex, Sid, Nick, Ximei, Janie |
Dear Lisa (Ximei Peng, KK Rentals' owner), All,
Greetings. I hope this email finds you well.
I'm departing for good at about 5pm ET today 7/31/23, and I'm wondering what to do with the front door key and room key. Shall I leave them just inside my abode on the floor with the door unlocked? (By the way, criminal? victim of child abuse? stephon owens seemed to move out yesterday, but is back in the living room now ... with his blue suitcase waiting on the 2nd floor as if to move in again, having very very very strangely cut off all communications with me, including cutting off my looking at him, and leaving notes to him . And in my and WUaS calling for abolition of the illegal sex drug and violence industries, and their latent networks of violence, he may be deeply involved in these ... Just a heads' up for the city of Pgh police who may be reading these emails too, per the first of two illegal entries by city of Pgh police with corrupt? univ pitt med ctr "resolve crisis" folks without warrants - after I called the police twice to inquire into the death of Jackson Shannon and disappearance of Harold Tyler - with criminal stephon owens playing his trumpet between 1 & 2 in the morning months ago - and when I knocked on his door, he had a deeply consternated face. I'll put the keys on my floor unless I hear otherwise).
Thank you, Friendly greetings, best wishes, Scott
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Beautiful sailboat, nice canopy, anchored near #NashawenaIslandMA & #CuttyhunkIslandMA
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PNC bank Shadyside
Hi David, (Shawn, Nick, Sid, and Jane),
Nice to meet you yesterday at the PNC bank in Shadyside, David.
Here's more about Stanford Mine Pi cryptocurrency (free money daily) -
"I am sending you 1π! Pi is a new digital currency developed by Stanford PhDs, with over 47 million members worldwide. To claim your Pi, follow this link and use my username (sgkmac) as your invitation code."
Does PNC have a philanthropic wing - and regarding the 501 c 3 tax exemple CC-4 licensed MIT OCW-centric wiki World University and School, or which I am the founder and head (and see below)? (Shawn Flaherty, esquire, above of Flaherty Fardell law firm close to you, Sid Mazumdar, HHS, and Nick Thompson esq are friends from my high school years in the 2nd half of the 1970s in Pittsburgh).
Best wishes,
Scott Gordon K MacLeod
- Scott GK MacLeod
Founder, President, CEO & Professor
CC-4 licensed MIT OCW-centric. Wiki,
World University & School (WUaS)
- PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 94516
- 210 East End Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15221
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August 1 2023
Scott -
Hi Ma! So nice to see you in bringing my asylum year in Pgh to a close. Greetings from near Niagra Falls on the US side ... Please enjoy the veggies left in a drawer in your refrigerator! Am hoping to be able to get Canadian $ cash from Chase ATMs on both sides of the border. Just drive through lots of New York towns that could have been pretty hippy in the 1960s 70s and beyond - re students seeking to save their lives from the US war machine drafting so many to go to their deaths in a endless & senseless and senseless war in Vietnam (about 60000 Americans died in Vietnam) and by getting over the international border to freedom. ... Playing a new Google Maps video game I'm calling it - "Dodge the toll roads" and it's working so far :) - and how will tjis work in driving from Cuttyhunk 02713 via Pittsburgh 15208 to Canyon 94516?:) Thanks so much for your hospitality! More soon! ❤️, Love, Scott (
Jane -
Hi Scott, Sounds like you had a good travel day. I'm glad. Thanks for letting me know. All's well here. Love, Ma
Scott -
Hi Ma, thanks for your message. Just drove 2 hours and 20 minutes northeast into Ontario Canada (a lesson in French on the signs) after talking with a Mr Flack at the Canadian border entrance, who asked about Real ID which worked, about weapons, and I told him I was heading toward Nova Scotia and for Scottish bagpiping there. Many Hostelling International hostels are closed, still haven't seen how to get currency in Canadian dollars. Liking the French and English influences of Quebec and re familiarity of culture sinehiw (although America like - there's a bit of fraying at this society's seams too. Glad to have heard this Aug 1, 2023 from David Thurston - that I'm heading back to California: "Hey Scott,
All good here after June on Cuttyhunk, a few weeks in France, and now sometime in Rhode Island with, yes: MacLeod cousins. That's exciting news that you can return to California. Have a ball on Cuttyhunk.
David" (How does he know? Could he be in touch with governmental processes and Din Tatzin even somehow?) So nice to visit this morning, Ma - long day underway since 9:30 pm ! Love,❤️🙂, Scott ( :)