Channel: Scott MacLeod's Anthropology of Information Technology & Counterculture
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Rose, Rosa rugosa (CZ - National flower of Czech Republic): Canyon 94516 on 9/1/23? (for a WUaS Academic Medical Ctr w virtual Harbin Warm Water Cure & a Physical-Digital WUaS Longevity Genetics' Institute)

Previous: Cyprus Cyclamen (CY - National flower of Cyprus): In @WorldUnivAndSch @WUaSPress receiving a partnering email from #StanfordMinePiCryptocurrency (after Pi accumulation dropped ~900 coins), how best could ~200 #WUaSunivs in 200 https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Nation_States receive reimbursement from #DeptsOfEd for free #WUaSDegrees w https://minepi.com/sgkmac ? * What is kyc on the Pi network? Pi Network KYC or “Know Your Customer” is a procedure to first identify and then verify Pioneer identities * #StanfordMinePi #cryptocurrency #FreeMoneyDaily invitation: I am sending you 1π! - To claim your Pi, follow this link https://minepi.com/sgkmac * * * How best with #LegoRobotics to develop #WUaSUniversityLegoRobotics #WUaSLegoKITS for #WUaSHomeRobotics for free #MITOCW -centric #WUaSSTEM eg Bachelor PhD Master #WUaSDegrees in many languages w https://ocw.mit.edu/courses/es-293-lego-robotics-spring-2007/pages/syllabus/ in a #PhysicalDigital #RealisticVirtualEarthForLegoRobotics? * * * In what great ways could #WUaSunivs' #WUaSLegoRobotics w #LargeLanguageModels in 7k living languages begin with play to help #WUaSLearners code for #HumanConsciousness as #SubjectiveExperience #sentience w #HumanLanguages &"#LanguageToRewardSystem for #interfacingLLMs w robots"?


Canyon 94516 on 9/1/23? (for a WUaS Academic Medical Ctr w virtual Harbin Warm Water Cure & a Physical-Digital WUaS Longevity Genetics' Institute) 

Ed, John, All, 

Greetings, and I hope this email finds you well. How are you? 

Thanks for your call Ed in a long time yesterday evening on Cuttyhunk - that I don't have a place after all at 670 Ridgecrest Rd Canyon 94516. What would be best for MIT OCW- centric wiki World Univ & Sch ? Not to head west on Monday 8/28/23 ? (And where best might I meet a life partner with whom to begin a family?) I texted my Cuttyhunk friend in the DC area David Thurston  about this afterward and see below. A Physical-Digital MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch Academic Medical Center in Pittsburgh in collaboration with Google Headquarters and the University of Pittsburgh itself ? Talking with John Sargent MD to develop a plan ? 

"Hi David! Just booked my departure from Cuttyhunk at 3 tomorrow, should arrive in Pgh around midnight. I also scheduled and paid a deposit for a mover of my things from Pgh PA 15208 on M 8/28/23 to 670A Ridgecrest Road Canyon CA 94516 on F 9/1/23 potentially to a newly safe open house there in Canyon ... Am hoping that the federal government with the state of California, and also a MIT network of alumni will lead to the house being open and movable into with my things. It's a gamble as Jim Spohrer (MIT, Yale, Apple and IBM alumnus) wrote, but he also shared the aerial photo of the 670 Ridgecrest Road and the above Google Maps pic of Canyon. Thanks to Ed Smyth MD  for his precipitation of this, and potentially for free. It would be great to see you in California, David! Cheers, Scott

Hi David! My friend Ed Smyth MD called for the first time in a long long time - and after, I think, seeking to precipitate my moving back into a newly safe Canyon, for free, beginning in March 2022, - but tonight after more than a year he said he hadn't done this ... He suggested I don't have a place in Canyon 94516 to come to, after paying $1750 as a deposit to the mover and emailing a number of people with this info ...   which is what may have led to Ed's Call. Great to get this communication finally. Ed suggested staying where I am for example - and Cuttyhunk in September and October has some appeal. Ed also suggested developing a plan to come out to California in the next month or two and fly out there with the other 1750, the remainder of the $3500 for moving  ... In seeking to develop a plan, I'm reminded of George Alexander MD who would quip "if you don't plan someone else will" ... and also of talking with John Sargent MD while in Canyon on the phone some 10 years ago, and in person near Pendle Hill Quaker Center for Study and Contemplation near  Philadelphia before that beginning in the late 1980s I think, and a tiny bit somewhat recently at Tuft's Med Center (referred helpfully by George - and who George's oldest son John talked with as a psychiatrist too ... where I've also talked with John in the past - and to possibly develop a plan in conversation. Could I somehow get on The Harvard Pilgrim Health Care plan through Medicare with an address in Massachusetts and talk with John through that in the next 2 months to develop a plan? Am departing Cuttyhunk tomorrow and heading for Pgh - to get ready to move to California on Monday still I think (not to forfeit my moving deposit)  ... and MAYBE seek to find a place after I move my stuff out there however in one swell foop ... I'd prefer to take this moving opportunity to head to the SF Bay Area over Massachusetts and over Pittsburgh PA - but having a new plan would be good, - and a place to move into that would be affordable too. Thoughts, questions, ideas, suggestions? Friendly regards from Cuttyhunk ! Cheers, Scott   

We talked about developing an academic medical center in Canyon 94516 many times, long a plan too ...  but with this 'news' from Ed... this might be best done not in Canyon 94516 ... big change ... as a consequence of Ed's call ... I can stay in my mother's place in Pgh for the next two nights and maybe move my things west, or maybe, depending on loss of $1750 (moving deposit), stay in my mother's Pgh place for the week she's on Cuttyhunk ... How to start a family? ... most likely out west, not Pgh? ... Maybe in the Boston area even? Would love to have gotten the Canyon 94516 house for a song and to start an WUaS Academic Medical Center and WUaS Longevity Genetics' institute ... Could this still happen with a plan in Canyon ?... this autumn? Fond regards, Scott (Could I live on a boat on Cuttyhunk, or on the SF Bay - would Elliott or Charley know of boats to live on around the SF Bay? ... What would be best for the growth of MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch ? Communicate with the Boston medical complex somehow, or the Pittsburgh one ? Live in the SF Bay Area - with WUaS's two CA legal entities, 

1. a CA nonprofit 

(2. with the federal 501 c 3 ) 

3. a for profit general stock company in CA  ?  

WUaS still has a PO Box 442 in Canyon 94516 I think ... Utilize this again in moving out there? Find another place in Canyon even to live in? Thoughts, questions, suggestions, David? Regards, Scott (http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/search/label/California?m=0)

Being in proximity to my helpful and caring mother has some merit ...

A kind of asylum further in Pgh? -  after still being alive after fleeing the SF Bay Area  in August 2022 

Thoughts, questions, ideas, suggestions? 

Regards, thanks, abolition-ally, best wishes, Friendly greetings, Scott 


 Scott GK MacLeod  
Founder, President, CEO & Professor
CC-4 licensed MIT OCW-centric. Wiki, 
World University & School (WUaS) 
- PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 94516 

Ed (Smyth MD), Pin (Mazumdar HHS), John (Sargent MD), All,

Ed did you decide to take the 10 year medical board certification exams after all, and come out of retirement, since some websites say you are licensed (and you were thinking you wouldn't take exam again), and still affiliated with Kaiser Richmond hospital?

As a follow up to Ed's unexpected call saying U don't (yet) have a place in Canyon: 

Ed also talked numerous times about my flying out to the SF Bay Area to find a place or possibly to see if 670 Ridgecrest Road Canyon 94516 is becoming available (paralleling my mother's suggestions to fly out to the SF Bay Area before 9/1/23 to see what's possible I think, stay in a small rental camper van ... https://www.forbes.com/advisor/credit-cards/travel-rewards/how-much-it-costs-to-rent-an-rv/ ... or with friends ... and regarding Canyon possibly ; I think there was much logic in putting down a deposit of 1750 for a mover given the challenges of 670B Ridgecrest Rd Canyon 94516 ... and even since 1968 or 9 ... abd having lived in 670A for about 13 years ... eg having heard back from Ed ... and possibly moved things along re even getting this Canyon CA 94516 house and property for a song - thanks to Ed's precipitation or now non precipitation beginning in March 2022 ) ...

So, explore further the idea of developing a Physical Digital  Academic Medical Center in Canyon With A PLAN ... and fly out to see what might be possible ? 

Postpone the 'Pal for Moving" mover to save the 1750 deposit for a month or two, if possible, given this new phone communication with information development, and helpful unexpected call from Ed Smyth MD? See if I could stay in my mother's sun room in Pgh as I develop a plan for an Academic Medical Center move in on 11/1/23 or similar in Canyon CA 94516 ... so on with this planning for this house for a song due to heinous criminality, in part??? of Canyon criminals? ...  and with state of California and US federal government legal processes further working together?  (What about SF Quaker Meeting criminality and crazily latent networks of violence - and with my whistleblowing in around 2016 ? Not sure where this stands - and and with state of California and US federal government legal processes further working together too).

Thoughts, ideas, questions, suggestions?

Regards, thanks, abolition-ally, Friendly greetings, 

Here are some Windows' folks of yesteryear including Bill Gates dancing interestingly (from the annals of computing). .. 

* * 

Pal For Moving - Nice speaking with you! Pgh PA > near Berkeley, CA, leaving around M Aug 28, 2023?

Shamuan, Ed Smyth MD, (Sid Mazumder, all),  

Due to circumstances beyond my control in California I'm forced to change my plans, I cannot move on the date I'd planned on Monday 8/2/8/23, After paying the deposit of $1750 to your Pal for Moving in Richmond VA, Ed Smyth MD from California called last night - who began to precipitate my moving into a newly safe new house at 670A Ridgecrest Road Canyon CA 94516 in March 2022 - and said the was not available or open at this time. Please either refund my money or hold it as a credit for my future arrangements.  

Will be in touch about the future moving date. 


On Fri, Aug 25, 2023 at 1:17 PM Scott MacLeod <helianth@gmail.com> wrote:
Thanks, Shamuan, (Sid Mazumder, all), 

for replying to all of us, as a kind of social insurance for this cross-country move - much appreciated. 

I just paid the $1750 deposit and see you on Monday 8/28/23 at 2pm  at Extra Space Storage 141 N. Braddock Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA, 15208 and for a moving trip to 670 Ridgecrest Road, Canyon CA 94516 arriving on Friday 9/1/23. (see 1st confirmation below)

with - " Here's a link you can use to pay at Pal 4 Ppl: https://square.link/u/bzopE1fd "

Thanks, Friendly regards, best, Scott
412 478 0116



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On Fri, Aug 25, 2023 at 1:04 PM Shamuan Powell <palppl2020@gmail.com> wrote:

On Fri, Aug 25, 2023 at 11:09 AM Scott MacLeod <helianth@gmail.com> wrote:
Shamuan, (Peter Norvig, Sid Mazumdar), All, 

Greetings! Thanks for your reply just now: 

"Im just not sure of what you’re asking? I don’t know who all is in the email chain I am just replying to your emails about the deposit, if you want to forward it to someone you can."

I think I need to wait until you reply to all of us with for example the email you sent just now - as a form of social insurance - and then potentially deal with deposit questions prior to departing Pgh PA Monday afternoon, if you, for example, don't have an equipment malfunction in the Sprinter van you mentioned on the phone on the way to Pittsburgh. What do you think? What would we do with a van equipment  failure? I don't see anything about this in the contract for example. The people in this email thread are all potentially helpful people regarding this long moving journey to Canyon 94516 from Pgh PA 15208 beginning on Monday possibly, in a variety of ways. Thanks so much for your help - and please click reply all in your next email, if you'd like to proceed with this move of my things across the country from PA to CA.

FRIENDLY QUAKER GREETINGS, and thanks for the social insurance of clocking reply all, appreciatively, Scott 

On Fri, Aug 25, 2023, 8:45 AM Scott MacLeod <helianth@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi Shamuan, Peter Norvig, Sid Mazumdar, All, 

Thanks for your email reply to my email -

"I am not sure or what you’re asking and to be quite honest it’s getting quite tricky for me."

Glad we're communicating about this before any kinds of deposits have been made, whether $500 or $1750, before traveling west from Pgh to the SF Bay Area. Am seeking a kind of social insurance re your email and 'tricky' word. Again:    

"Shamuan, (All),  

Thanks for your email this morning, and your interest in moving forward to Canyon 94516 on Monday 8/28/23 from Pgh PA at 2 pm ET.

AS A KIND OF SOCIAL INSURANCE, could you please reply to all of us (friends, family, contacts, and especially Peter Norvig a head of AI at Google, and Sid Mazumdar in the federal government, both of whom could be helpful as we travel west across the country) what you'd would do if for example you were to have an equipment malfunction on the road from Richmond VA to Pgh PA on Monday - and re the contract we signed yesterday? 

I'd be open to sending the deposit to you if you could please do the above.

I'd be grateful for your reply to me and this group of people, as a kind of insurance. Thank you!

Also, are you listing in Craigslist, where I learned of you and got your contact information, and similar, for your return from the SF Bay Area to Richmond Virginia, AFTER September 1, 2023 -

... to help with costs?

Thanks, best, hoping to see you on Monday, Scott

New aerial picture, and Google Maps image, of 670 Ridgecrest Road Canyon CA 94516 property which Jim Spohrer sent yesterday here


Shamuan, are you interested in this moving job of my things from Pgh PA to Canyon 94516 departing Monday ? Please let all of us know, and then we can talk about possible deposits.

Thanks very much, best, hoping to see you on Monday, but if it's too "tricky" to reply to all if us, please let me know when I should start looking into other transportation options (eg Budget or UHaul trucks with tow trailers, 2 Men and a Truck etc).

Thanks, Scott 

On Fri, Aug 25, 2023, 8:07 AM Scott MacLeod <helianth@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi Shamuan, (All),  

Thanks for your email this morning, and your interest in moving forward to Canyon 94516 on Monday 8/28/23 from Pgh PA at 2 pm ET.

AS A KIND OF SOCIAL INSURANCE, could you please reply to all of us (friends, family, contacts, and especially Peter Norvig a head of AI at Google, and Sid Mazumdar in the federal government, both of whom could be helpful as we travel west across the country) what you'd would do if for example you were to have an equipment malfunction on the road from Richmond VA to Pgh PA on Monday - and re the contract we signed yesterday? 

I'd be open to sending the deposit to you if you could please do the above.

I'd be grateful for your reply to me and this group of people, as a kind of insurance. Thank you!

Also, are you listing in Craigslist, where I learned of you and got your contact information, and similar, for your return from the SF Bay Area to Richmond Virginia, AFTER September 1, 2023 -

... to help with costs?

Thanks, best, hoping to see you on Monday, Scott

New aerial picture, and Google Maps image, of 670 Ridgecrest Road Canyon CA 94516 property which Jim Spohrer sent yesterday here


On Thu, Aug 24, 2023 at 9:18 PM Scott MacLeod <helianth@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi Shamuan, (All), 

Thanks for your text message response - 

"Sorry that is what we require before we set forth with any of our moves. In those instances we would refund money if we couldn't have resolution for the problem. No what recourse would I have if you didn't show up to storage maybe because of a malfunction or anything god forbid, so that's kinda a two way street! You've seen the reviews you've seen the website we just hope that you would trust us! If you don't feel comfortable with that I totally understand!"

I think I need to think this through a bit further ... and regarding possibly paying the deposit in a day or three, and after we communicate about this further. If I paid a $500 deposit soon (I would be in Pgh on 8/28/23 at 2pm for ex.), say by Sunday, and then a $1250 deposit on Monday when you got to Pgh, totalling $1750, I would have paid the 1750 before you depart with my things to Canyon 94516 arriving 9/1/23 - and you would have received the deposit. And if you had a breakdown or equipment malfunction after getting the $500, say on Monday, on the way to Pgh PA, and you arrived after 2pm due to the equipment malfunction, then I wouldn't have to see if the credit card company could stop payment on the $500. Am aware there is much trickery in the world - and am thus seeking to protect us both, such that you get the deposit before we depart on Monday 8/28/23, after 2pm, and I lessen the chances of losing money, if you called me up with an equipment failure, on Monday, for example. Please let me know what you think.

Thanks, best, Scott


On Thu, Aug 24, 2023 at 8:35 PM Scott MacLeod <helianth@gmail.com> wrote:
Shamuan, (All),

thank you so much too. What happens if you don't show up at 141 N Braddock avenue, Pgh PA 15221 on Monday 8/28/23 due to equipment malfunction, for example? What recourse do you have to refund the money? What recourse do I have? How would refunding the money work? Could I pay the deposit please when you arrive on Monday in Pgh PA at 2pm potentially?. 

I would prefer if possible please to pay the deposit upon your arrival in Pgh, or pay part of the deposit now, such as $500, and part of the deposit upon your arrival, such as the remainder of $1,250.00? What do you think? Would that work for you? 


Scott GK MacLeod 

On Thu, Aug 24, 2023 at 8:25 PM Shamuan Powell <palppl2020@gmail.com> wrote:
Great!! Look forward to Monday as far as the deposit im going to send you link where you can pay the 1750$ now and it’ll be another link upon arrival for the other 1750$! I appreciate you so much Scott!

On Thu, Aug 24, 2023 at 8:20 PM Scott MacLeod <helianth@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi Shamaun, All, 

Thanks for the Docusign contract, which I just completed, and see attached. Thanks also for 3619 Florida Ave Richmond Va 23222 - your address, which I didn't see in the paperwork. 

Searched on 
Shamaun Powell Pal for ppl Pal for Moving Richmond Virginia and found - 

See you Monday at 141 N Braddock Avenue, Pgh PA 15208 (correct zip code) at Extra Space Storage at 2pm. 

Thanks, appreciatively, regards, 

On Thu, Aug 24, 2023 at 1:27 PM Scott MacLeod <helianth@gmail.com> wrote:
Thanks, Shamuan (at Pal for Moving 804-401-2575), All, 

Good to talk with you just now in Virginia.

Thanks for the quote of $3500 for everything (van, your time and costs, gas, tolls), and that you'll send a contract in the next hour or two or  so.

See you Monday at 2pm in Pittsburgh Pa 15221 at 141 N Braddock Ave at Extra Space Storage and then traveling (separately ) west to the 670 Ridgecrest Road Canyon CA 94516 arriving on Friday 9/1/23.

Thanks, Scott

On Thu, Aug 24, 2023 at 11:37 AM Scott MacLeod <helianth@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi Shamuan (at Pal for Moving 804-401-2575), All, 

Thanks for your emails again. Jim Spohrer, whom I was waiting to hear back from, just shared these (attached) aerial photos from Google Maps with me. 

I'll call you between noon and 1 Eastern Time today, soon, and talk further, as I think through next steps for moving forward into an open newly safe 670 Ridgecrest Road, Canyon CA 94516, potentially in communication with you, a MIT network of alumni, and the California state senate (which I've emailed 5 times about these questions - and per the district 7 California state senate office in Orinda, CA, about 8 miles from Canyon 94516 in the East Bay of the SF Bay Area).


On Wed, Aug 23, 2023 at 10:48 AM Scott MacLeod <helianth@gmail.com> wrote:
Mr. Shamuan (at Pal for Moving), All, 

Thanks for your email this morning. A 3 drawer wood file cabinet, part of a separable Ikea larger piece of furniture, is probably the largest and heaviest item I have. But I think I need to wait a little longer to hear back from a number of people about the house I'm planning to move to in Canyon 94516 on F 9/1/23 before scheduling. Please see: 

Hi Jim (Spohrer), 

Thanks so much for your email and the information. Am currently in the process of scheduling potentially TODAY a mover (Shamaun Powell of Pal for Movers of Richmond VA) of my things from Pgh PA 15208 to 670 Ridgecrest Rd Canyon CA 94516 departing Monday 8/28/23 and arriving at the Canyon CA 94516 Post Office or 670 Ridgecrest Rd Canyon 94516  on Friday 9/1/23 ... and for thinking about what might be helpful regarding possible open dwellings in this one 670 Ridgecrest Rd  house - and regarding if they are empty and available. 

I've let - 

Ed (Smyth MD), CA Senator Steve Glazer (district 7), Byron (Hann MD), John (Sargent MD), Sid (Mazumdar HHS), PETER NORVIG (Google AI), Jane MacLeod (Ma), All,

- know that I've inquired whether you could scout this out, but now that I've heard back from you initially, I think I need to inquire further with some of them if they could scout out this house. I think I should also let Shamaun Powell know - who says he can move my things per this schedule, greatly, - that I need to learn a few further things about the condition of 670 Ridgecrest Rd Canyon CA 94516 house before I schedule with him, and will try to let Shamaun know as soon as I hear back from you or someone else familiar with this house's availability and regarding state of CA and US federal law and law enforcement.  Ed Smyth MD also expressed concerns many months ago about his and his family's safety after precipitating my moving back into 670 Ridgecrest Rd Canyon CA 94516. Am wondering who from the US federal government (beyond Sid Mazumdar HHS above), and related US federal law enforcement, might be involved in this house situation too, and thanks to Ed Smyth MD's precipitation. 

Thanks, regards, Scott

Mr. Shamuan, I'll seek to get in touch with you as soon as I learn more about the openness of the house in Canyon 94516 - which could be later today, or in the next few days. Thank you.
Regards, Scott 

On Tue, Aug 22, 2023 at 5:47 PM Scott MacLeod <helianth@gmail.com> wrote:
Thanks, Shamuan, (friends, all),

Let me look into it, and thanks for the info (re the $3500 quote). Am probably taking a GMaps''no tolls' route on or near Interstate 80 in a Toyota Prius ... but which probably goes through mountains too ... and I hear you that 40 is best for Truckers. In your traveling by 40 from Pgh PA to Canyon 94516, is a Friday 9/1/23 ETA a possibility for you?
I'm attaching a pic for the pretty full 5x10 Extra Space Storage Unit storage unit in Pgh PA to give you an idea of the stuff I'm seeking to move. Any other information I could provide you? Maybe talk in the morning? 

Thanks again for your help,

On Tue, Aug 22, 2023 at 5:26 PM Shamuan Powell <palppl2020@gmail.com> wrote:
So yea the quote was for it I could add your load to somebody else’s load going that way! Being as though it is going by itself I would have to charge the full price!! Let me ask you a question do you happen to have pics of what’s going?? And we took 40 west last time which was best from Richmond! The Rockies are terrible on trucks so 40 is honestly the flattest way to California and best for Truckers!! Send me a detailed list of what’s in the storage and ima see if I can put something together for you! May have to get atleast 3500! First let’s just see how much the load is!! Send me pics or a list of everything going! Thanks so much for your help and understanding hopefully we can put something together!!

On Tue, Aug 22, 2023 at 5:15 PM Scott MacLeod <helianth@gmail.com> wrote:

Mr. Powell (Pal For Moving - 804-401-2575 - palppl2020@gmail.com), friends, 

Thank you for your quick email reply.  Congratulations on your first cross-country moving trip earlier this month.  Unfortunately, the amount you mention this time would break my bank, and I thank you for your $2500 initial quote on the phone. I'm going to look further into Budget and UHaul etc. tow dollies  for front wheels of car and then a small sized truck to tow this, and also check Craigslist again further. In what ways could I negotiate with you? Might you be able to do this move for me for $3000 which you also quoted on the phone initially? 
And could you take a "no tolls" route too with Google Maps like I plan to do heading west from Pgh PA 15208 to Canyon CA 94516 in my car to bring your costs down significantly (and from Richmond VA too)? (,Have you used the helpful and cost saving Google Maps' App before?)  What if you get a possible few further loads of furniture to move at the same time before Monday - as you suggested you would on the phone too? Thank you for getting back to me in email immediately, and I look forward to hearing from you.

Thanks again, Scott MacLeod 
412 478 0116

On Tue, Aug 22, 2023, 3:58 PM Scott MacLeod <helianth@gmail.com> wrote:

Shamuan (Pal For Moving - 804-401-2575 - palppl2020@gmail.com), friends, 

Greetings! Great to talk a few weeks back and about a potential move of my things from Extra Space Storage at  141 N Braddock Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15208 to 670 Ridgecrest Road Canyon CA 94516 (about 5 miles east of Berkeley CA) departing potentially on Monday August 28, 2023 from Pgh PA and arriving in the SF Bay Area on or around Friday September 1😘😭 (with Pal for Moving Pal for People coming from Richmond Virginia). Might you have a moving trip going? Thanks too for quoting $2500 for this move. Will seek to call you soon tomorrow morning about scheduling this possibly - and when I know a little more on my end.

Thanks, Scott 
Scott MacLeod 
412 478 0116 

On Thu, Jul 27, 2023 at 3:21 PM Scott MacLeod <helianth@gmail.com> wrote:

Shamuan (Pal For Moving) -
804-401-2575 - palppl2020@gmail.com 

Greetings! Thanks and great to talk to you. 

Let's float this possibility for the end of August 2023 further  - 

Pgh PA > near Berkeley, CA, around M Aug 28, 2023 for ~$2500 arriving on F September 1, 2023 or soon thereafter ? 

Let's keep in touch. Thanks.

Scott GK MacLeod 
412 478 0116 - Helianth@Gmail.com 

Found this online - 

Long Distance Moving Professionals!!! Local assistance!!! BEST RATES!!

!!! Call Shamuan 804-401-2575 or Sheila 804-550-8601
Richmond VA 

After we talked - 


Pal for Moving 


-- Poetry! Order Book #5 Light, Float, Sit, Watsu ~ Virtually

Scottish Small Piping album #1 Honey in the Bag ~ Out of the Air tune

Order Actual-Virtual Ethnographic Book #1: Naked Harbin Ethnography 

- Scott GK MacLeod  
Founder, President, CEO & Professor
World Univ & Sch (WUaS) - PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 94516 
1) non-profit World University and School - http://worlduniversityandschool.org  
2) for profit general stock company WUaS Corporation in CA - http://worlduniversityandschool.org/AcademicPress.html

(m) 412 478 0116 - sgkmacleod@gmail.com 

World Univ & Sch Innovation Research -  scottmacleod.com 




The floral Beach Rose, Potato Rose, or the Wrinkled Rose (Rosa rugosa) 



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