Channel: Scott MacLeod's Anthropology of Information Technology & Counterculture
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Hibiscus (TL - National flower of East Timor (Timor-Leste)): WUaS Corp startup CEO - OPEN World Univ & Sch WUaS Corp Monthly Business Meeting Agenda and News - O & Board & Students ~ Thank you #JulianDumitrascu @JulesDumitrascu - for your GREAT interest in becoming CEO of #WUaSCorp @WUaSPress not yet in Romanian * * * Physical-Digital - in a realistic virtual earth for robotics even - WUaS Educational Services' stores ... Walmart countries & Ikea countries or markets * * * Cuttyhunk Fri August 25 & 26, 2023 - As a followup about the 'aging reversal' drug which Harvard and MIT prof of genetics' George Church is taking as a 'prediabetic' are taking now, it's the diabetes drug Metformin (around since the 1950s). I think they're experimenting on themselves.


WUaS Corp startup CEO - OPEN World Univ & Sch WUaS Corp Monthly Business Meeting Agenda and News - O & Board & Students ~ Thank you #JulianDumitrascu @JulesDumitrascu - for your GREAT interest in becoming startup CEO of #WUaSCorp @WUaSPress not yet in Romanian 

Here's the new MIT OCW-centric wiki #RomaniaWUaS @WorldUnivAndSch - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Romania




World Univ & Sch & WUaS Corp Meeting with Julian Dumitrascu in Romania, 8/30/23



Here's the new MIT OCW-centric wiki Romania World University and School - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Romania (from https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Nation_States) ~

Thank you #JulianDumitrascu @JulesDumitrascu -https://youtu.be/m3Sj98NJ9O4 - for your GREAT interest in becoming CEO of #WUaSCorp @WUaSPress
Here's the new MIT OCW-centric wiki #RomaniaWUaS @WorldUnivAndSch - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Romania (from https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Nation_States) not yet in Romanian

Scott MacLeod <sgkmacleod@worlduniversityandschool.org>

to:Julian Dumitrascu <iulian.dumitrascu@zohomail.com>,

Larry Viehland <viehland@chatham.edu>,

Edward Smyth <esmythmd@gmail.com>,

Alden Briscoe <abriscoe@brakeleybriscoe.com>,

Janie MacLeod <jkbmacleod@icloud.com>,

John Sargent MD <jsargent@tuftsmedicalcenter.org>,

Dick Robb <rrobbmd@verizon.net>,

John Kidder <jkidder@vtc.edu>,

Robin Appleberry <robinappleberry@yahoo.com>,

"Griffith, Bart"<bgriffith@shadysideacademy.org>,

Barbara van Schewick <schewick@stanford.edu>,

Henry Cutter <vfhc@nyc.rr.com>,

Iulian Dumitraşcu <get.julian@gmail.com>,

Shawn Flaherty <stf@pghfirm.com>,

"Hugh M. Thomas"<h.thomas@miami.edu>,

Hank Greely <hgreely@stanford.edu>,

Joichi Ito <Joiito@gmail.com>,

Lydia Pintscher <lydia.pintscher@wikimedia.de>,

Sid Mazumdar <sid.mazumdar@gmail.com>,

Peter Norvig <pnorvig@google.com>,


Roland Vogl <rvogl@law.stanford.edu>,

Erica Robb Thaler <erica.thaler@uphs.upenn.edu>,

Larry Viehland <viehlandlarry@gmail.com>,

Alex Welsh <alexwelsh555@gmail.com>

date:Aug 31, 2023, 8:51 AM

subject:Re: OPEN World Univ & Sch WUaS Corp Monthly Business Meeting Agenda and News - O & Board & Students


Julian, this is great, thank you so much! 

Good to talk with you yesterday in Zoom in Romania and thanks for your interest in becoming Chief Executive Officer  of the WUaS Corporation ! -


Thank you for your interest in CEO of WUaS Corp, per being the previously named CEO of this California legal entity. FYI, CC-4 licensed MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch has 2 WINGs, and these are their 3 legal entities -

1) World University and School (nonprofit)
a 501 c 3 federal non profit tax exempt charity as the key legal entity (2010, with IRS ruling year in 2014) -
ID NUMBERS (see especially the important Guidestar.org nonprofit # and web page at bottom here)

1a) a related non profit tax exempt legal entity in the state of California (2010)
- YOU CAN SEE THESE 3 TAX ID numbers at the bottom of THESE WUaS web pages -


2) WUaS Corporation (for profit)
a for profit general stock company legal entity in CA (formed in 2017) -

- with remarkable potential synergies between them. Both are planned in each of all ~200 countries online (per Olympics) and in each of all 7168 known living languages with Large Language Models' generative AI.

And you would be interested in becoming CEO of the WUaS Corporation, Julian, with its 

1) planned physical-digital WUaS Educational Services' Stores, for books, computers, robotics, hospital technologies, groceries, department stores (think Walmart in its 20 out of 200 countries)

2) WUaS Corp's Academic Press at WUaS in 7168 languages with machine translation (https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Languages

3) WUaS Corp's partnering letter with Stanford Mine Pi cryptocurrency and WUaS planning to code for All 7.9 billion people on the planet each a Wikidata PIN # to distribute this with UBI experiments to end poverty worldwide 

4) the WUaS Corp as an authorized reseller of Lego Robotics' kits in the USA 

I would still be president, presiding clerk, and head of World Univ & Sch as its first wing, and as founder and planner, with you as Chief Executive Officer of the WUaS Corporation (http://worlduniversityandschool.blogspot.com/search/label/WUaS%20Corporation?m=1), its 2nd wing, Julian, - and the open WUaS Monthly Business Meeting (loosely conducted in the manner of Quakers, and currently on 3rd Saturdays) is where decisions are made.  

World Univ & Sch & WUaS Corp Meeting with Julian Dumitrascu in Romania, 8/30/23

And here's the new MIT OCW-centric wiki Romania World University and School - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Romania (from https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Nation_States) not yet in Romanian.

While you would be the CEO of the for profit WUaS Corp wing, with your knowledge of Romanian as your first language, there would and will be some overlap of the two WUaS wings and your roles, re the above new Romania World University and School - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Romania - planned in Romanian for example.

More soon about next steps. Thank you so much, Julian!

Founder, President, Presiding Clerk & Professor
CC-4 licensed MIT OCW-centric. Wiki, 
World University & School (WUaS) 
- PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 94516 

1) non-profit World University and School - http://worlduniversityandschool.org  

2) for profit general stock company WUaS Corporation in CA - http://worlduniversityandschool.org/AcademicPress.html

(m) 412 478 0116 - sgkmacleod@gmail.com 

World Univ & Sch Innovation Research -  scottmacleod.com 

https://twitter.com/sgkmacleod (all 7,168 known living languages at WUaS)

Thank you #JulianDumitrascu @JulesDumitrascu -https://youtu.be/m3Sj98NJ9O4 - for your GREAT interest in becoming CEO of #WUaSCorp @WUaSPress
Here's the new MIT OCW-centric wiki #RomaniaWUaS @WorldUnivAndSch - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Romania (from https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Nation_States) not yet in Romanian

Julian, here are the 5 books and 2 musical albums published in the Academic Press at World Univ & Sch so far - 

1. You started in 2010.
I had my house built that year. In 2011 I invested in a business; it was only a cost; I doubt I gained anything from it. In 2012 I got back to my first business: language services. I started out by helping people to communicate, then I focused on increasing the effectiveness of telecommunication. Now I live to see people served as well as they like. Why? I'll keep talking and writing about this publicly and privately.
How do you see your life when you look back a decade or more?

2. What would you like to experience from now on?
We can discuss this e.g. in relation to the business plan or the plan for each of the 3 WUaS entities. Which are the other 2 beside the company?
Of course, whenever you have data, e.g. written content, on a topic, you can share it e.g. by having me visit a Web address. It's cheaper than composing a message for every person. We can apply such a principle to any data that we manage e.g. for your organisations.
What kind of organisation is the organization exempt from federal income tax under section 501(c)(3) of Title 26 of the United States Code?

3. May one see you as a dreamer?
If so, you're not the only one. We can discuss dreams and see which can come true. We're getting old. I was born in 1977.

4. You seem to think of having your university recognised by another university.
What benefits do you seek?
If the 2 licences cost USD 5k + 15k, somebody has to give you this money first.
I think you'd use this money in order to earn more money. Such authorisations help organisations provide their services. Is this correct?
When would you like to focus on getting this money (and more)?
You have considered receiving grants and providing services.
We can discuss each method and see which one helps when, depending on the benefits you seek.

5. I am willing to work as the chief executive officer of your company.
We can discuss what is necessary for your other organisations, too.
Once we agree on what actions it were useful for me to take for your organisation, I'd like us to also think about actions that you'd take to benefit me.
One method is to work together to earn money for an organisation and split some money between ourselves somehow.

6. When we discuss income for you, we can use information from the section about income of that message.

7. We can agree on some ways to work together.
I'll give some examples.
7.1 Both of us seem interested in healthcare.
People can use Sol Healthcare.
I want to know your thoughts. For instance:
Do you feel like using such a service?
Would you like us to market such a service together?
If the differences between a WUaS service and a Sol service are rather weighty, you might market yours separately. On the other hand, we can join forces until there are enough resources for differentiation.
A reason can be the fact that I have knowledge useful for managing electronic medical records securely enough. Some people have been managing medical data rather carelessly. We can help with this, too.
7.2 It seems you and I want to build online shops.
I'd like to discuss this with you, because we can reach an agreement to work together on this and earn together, while benefiting many people.
I bring e.g. a lot of knowledge about software that helps people order products and services.
7.3 You'd like to teach people and help them get a job. I find this very important.
The following services come to mind:
I refer in section 2 to custom online courses.
I am under the impression that you'd like to teach. If you would, you can share some words that show the main things about this, e.g. what motivates you to teach, what you want to teach, and under what terms you'd like to teach people.
7.3.2 Sol Jobs

8. You and I might feel enthusiastic about novelties. Do you?
8.1 While I've kind of lost interest in cryptocurrencies because of how costly they've been, we can discuss money matters as usefully as you like.

9. According to my experience and to that of some colleagues, it is useful to organise conversations clearly, because this can increase their effectiveness.
I think that just about any human being with whom I've interacted wanted to enjoy some benefits, so their interactions e.g. with me have / had to be effective sooner rather than later. How effectively would you like us to communicate?
If your answer is something like "Very effectively.", you can start a conversation for each topic, included in this message or not.

Hi, Julian, All,

Greetings, and thanks further for your email. 

How could the WUaS Corp best begin to work with MBAs and MBA students (people with Master's of Business Administration degrees) such as those from Univ of California Riverside (who might benefit from your guidance, and see too re UC Riverside - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2023/08/bayahibe-rose-do-national-flower-of.html and https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2023/08/solanum-seaforthian-dj-undeclared.html) - as potential startup CEO of the WUaS Corp? And how to raise capital in Europe for the WUaS Corporation? Could we begin to plan for listing the WUaS Corporation on a central European stock exchange? And how to begin the Physical-Digital WUaS Educational Services Stores - in Romania, for example, and in all 27 EU countries? ...

With your key situated-ness in Romania as part of the European Union but not a Euro currency  country yet (and regarding WUaS Corp partnering with  Stanford Mine Pi cryptocurrency) ...

How could you envision Romanians and Europeans in all 27 EU Countries buying and learning robotics in WUaS CS and STEM majors with this recent Lego email to WUaS in these regards ? -


It’s back to school season, but what should you wear to school? Is it going to be sunny or rainy? Have you ever got caught in a rainstorm without an umbrella or rain jacket? Invigorating, but wet, some may say! What if you and your students could build and code robots that display a weather forecast using real qualitative cloud data in your city or town?  

With the lesson Rain or Shine from LEGO® Education, students will build and code their own weather forecaster using the LEGO® Education SPIKE™ Prime set. They will collect and analyze data as they think critically, collaborate, and have fun!  




If you have any further questions, please get in touch - we'd love to hear from you.

Contact Us

Call us on 800-362-4308

Send an email to orders@LEGOeducation.us

Find answers to frequently Asked Questions here

... which Lego email suggests WUaS can order Lego Robotics kits when we have the capital ...

Accreditation - isn't being recognized by another university per your email's item 5 - but rather it should allow World Univ & Sch to seek reimbursement from all 200 countries' departments of education, and all 50 USA states, and along the lines in the richest countries, per student per year, of what it costs to go to MIT or Stanford (about $55,000 / year) - with WUaS students in Romania and throughout Europe studying from home. But this is on the World Univ & Sch wing, which I'm continuing to develop. How WUaS develops a Business Plan with Middle States Commission on Higher Education with offices in the greater Philadelphia PA area, and gets the $5000 for the state of PA licensing, and the $1,500 for the MSCHE Pre-Application, and the $5000 for the MSCHE Application for Candidacy, and the Accreditation fees go up from there would be important questions for you and I to further communicate about. You might have good ideas for a Business Plan, - OR with you as startup WUaS Corp CEO, - we might find a Business Plan for this accreditation process emerging from elsewhere. 

All the best,


I've blogged some about our video call, and our recent communications in these regards here yesterday, in the

Thursday, August 31, 2023
Hibiscus (TL - National flower of East Timor (Timor-Leste)): OPEN World Univ & Sch WUaS Corp Monthly Business Meeting Agenda and News - O & Board & Students ~ Thank you #JulianDumitrascu @JulesDumitrascu - for your GREAT interest in becoming CEO of #WUaSCorp @WUaSPress not yet in Romanian 

Also, regarding WUaS Stanford Mine Pi cryptocurrency and their partnering letter with WUaS, and in potentially planning for Europe, and the Eurozone currency countries, and to end poverty in Romania and throughout Europe, see some further developments in Digital Currency from the MIT DCI -

On the MIT DCI Digital Currency Initiative feed -

MIT just released PARSEC, our distributed VM runner! We’ve shown PARSEC running the EVM over 100k transactions per second.

Web: https://dci.mit.edu/parsec
Code: https://github.com/mit-dci/opencbdc-tx/tree/trunk/src/parsec

Just released: PArSEC (paper + exec summary + codebase), a programmability experimentation tool that’s compatible with existing smart contract ecosystems + a framework on core principles of programmability. These and more here: http://dci.mit.edu/parsec.


- Scott GK MacLeod  
Founder, President, CEO & Professor
CC-4 licensed MIT OCW-centric. Wiki, 
World University & School (WUaS) 
- PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 94516 
- 210 East End Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15221

1) non-profit World University and School - http://worlduniversityandschool.org  

2) for profit general stock company WUaS Corporation in CA - http://worlduniversityandschool.org/AcademicPress.html

(m) 412 478 0116 - sgkmacleod@gmail.com 

World Univ & Sch Innovation Research -  scottmacleod.com 

* * * 

Physical-Digital - in a realistic virtual earth for robotics even - WUaS Educational Services' stores ... Walmart countries & Ikea countries or markets 

#WalmartCountries (20) & WM employs ~2.3M, #IkeaMarkets (62): @WorldUnivAndSch #PhysicalDigital #WUaSEducationalServicesStores @WUaSPress #WUaSCorp to be in ~200 countries & in languages - in a #RealisticVirtualEarthForRobotics - to employ 2.5M people w https://minepi.com/sgkmac ~



How many people does Walmart employ?

approximately 2.3 million associates
What is the total number of Walmart employees globally? As of 2021, Walmart employs approximately 2.3 million associates worldwide.


Walmart countries

Markets where we operate:
  • Africa.
  • Canada.
  • Central America.
  • Chile.
  • China.
  • India.
  • Mexico.



Is there a Walmart in Europe?
There are no Walmarts in Europe for a variety of reasons. Ultimately, factors such as culture, regulations, competition, and lack of resources make it difficult for Walmart to operate its business model in Europe. Feb 20, 2023

How many Walmarts are there internationally?
Walmart had a total of 10,623 retail stores throughout the world as of January 31, 2023. Additionally, the company operated 380 distribution facilities. In total Walmart operated 11,003 stores. Mar 20, 2023


Is there any Walmart in Germany?

In 2006, Walmart failed in Germany and was forced to withdraw. There are no verified certain reasons why Walmart failed in the German market. But some obvious factors like culture, prices, brands, and organizational practices can be considered.Jul 17, 20

What countries is Walmart not in?
Not in Germany, not in South Korea, not in Russia. And as of this week, not in India, either . On Oct. 9, Walmart announced that it is breaking up with its Indian partner, Bharti Enterprises, which means the American company's ambitious plans to open hundreds of supercenters around India won't be realized soon.

* * 

Value and price oriented Ikea Furniture stores however do have stores in Europe ... 

How many countries are Ikea Furniture stores in?

IKEA's effective alignment of its operating and business models has driven remarkable growth since its inception as a single Swedish store in 1943. IKEA operates 460 stores in 62 markets across the world with FY22 retail sales reaching EUR 44.6 billion.


* * 

And World Univ & Sch is seeking to be in all 200 countries and in their main languages with Physical-Digital - in a realistic virtual earth for robotics even - WUaS Educational Services' stores ...

* * *  

Cuttyhunk Fri August 25 & 26, 2023 - As a followup about the 'aging reversal' drug which Harvard and MIT prof of genetics' George Church is taking as a 'prediabetic' are taking now, it's the diabetes drug  Metformin (around since the 1950s). I think they're experimenting on themselves. 

Trish, Ma, 

As a followup about the 'aging reversal' drug which Harvard and MIT prof of genetics' George Church is taking as a 'prediabetic'  (and which Pittsburgher L.V, MIT alum and former key collaborator at MIT OCW-centric Wiki World Univ & Sch) are taking now, it's the diabetes drug  Metformin (around since the 1950s). I think they're experimenting on themselves. 

Here's some related information:

Searched on:

'aging reversal genetic drugs FDA approved'
Is reverse aging already possible? 
drug metformin 
https://fortune.com/well/2023/02/23/reverse-aging-breakthroughs-in-science/ & "Botox, retinoids, hyaluronic acid fillers, Poly-L-lactic acid, & platelet-rich plasma therapy are all FDA-approved anti-aging" drugs

Searched on 
aging reversal genetic drugs FDA approved

Is reverse aging already possible? Drugs that could treat aging might already be on the pharmacy shelves 

drug metformin

What are the FDA approved anti-aging drugs?

Botox, retinoids, hyaluronic acid fillers, Poly-L-lactic acid, and platelet-rich plasma therapy are all FDA-approved anti-aging treatments that are effective in reducing the signs of aging.Mar 8, 2023

Classifying aging as a disease could speed FDA drug approvals 

Humans Can Start Living Longer—Once the FDA Does This
The reversal of aging could hinge on one huge decision.

If the FDA classifies aging as a disease, drug companies can take a new approach to curing death.
Scientists are already targeting proteins in cells to keep them from degenerating.
The World Health Organization supports the growing trend of calling aging a disease.

FDA-approved Drugs Reverse Aging in Nematodes

Anti-ageing effects of FDA-approved medicines: a focused review

Nice to see you again Trish on Cuttyhunk. GREETINGS from Pittsburgh. On Cuttyhunk amd in Pittsburgh (after my asylum year here last year from the SF Bay Area as a whistle blower and having called the police in Canyon in August/September 2020 about illegal break-ins amd thefts over the years) I feel some of my former friendliness coming back ... And may hrad up to Cuttyhunk again as I develop a plan to move back into a newly safe open 670 Ridgecrest Rd Canyon CA 94516 with a developing WUaS Academic Medical Center with a Physical-Digital WUaS Longevity Genetics Institute. 


* * * 






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