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Water Lily, Victoria amazonica (GF - National flower of French Guiana): Sat 9/16/23 MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch WUaS Corp Monthly Business Meeting with ZOOM URL


Dear World Universitians, Bill Gates, Harvard Medical School's Professor of Genetics' George Church, friends, all, 

Greetings! I hope this email finds you well. 

Here's an invitation to participate in the open, hourlong WUaS Monthly Business Meeting is this Saturday at 12 noon ET (3rd Saturday's of the month) - 

Sat 9/16/23 MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch WUaS Corp Monthly Business Meeting

Topic: MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch WUaS Corp Monthly Business Meeting
Time: Sep 16, 2023 09:00 AM Pacific Time (US and Canada), 12 noon Eastern Time, 2 PM? Western European Time (but please check), 9:30 PM India Time 

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 757 7157 2155
Passcode: u5y1bz

World Univ & Sch is growing and is seeking to become the Harvard / MIT / Stanford / Oxbridge of the internet as Large Language Models with generational conversational artificial intelligence, in all 7,168 known living languages and in all 200 countries for free CC-4 licensed MIT OCW-centric WUaS Degrees - Bachelor, PhD, Law, MD, IB high school or similar, AA, and Master's. 

All the best, abolition-ally, Friendly regards,
Scott GK MacLeod 

CC-4 OCW.MIT.EDU - centric ... wiki ... 

World University and School 

Agenda item 0 

Video Minutes from the open WUaS Monthly Business Meeting on Saturday 8/19/23

Recording of Sat. 8/19/23 OPEN @WorldUnivAndSch @WUaSPress #WUaSCorp #WUaSMonthlyBusinessMeeting Agenda & News https://youtu.be/kiK5Uo5XeQE ~

Agenda item 1
Continuing to seek a Business Plan with which to begin accreditation  

WUaS accreditation with business plan - Bill Gates, others?

Bill Gates, others, could you please help World Univ & Sch and the WUaS Corp develop a focused business plan for the WUaS Middle States Commission on Higher Education accreditation process (with offices in the greater Philadelphia area) and with the state of Pennsylvania's department of education? 

Agenda item 2

UC Riverside & WUaS recruiting on October 20, 2023, but WUaS can't attend in person ... so WUaS signed up anyway 

Dear Jeannette, Ed Smyth MD (affiliated with KP Richmond in NorCal), 

Thank you for the invitation. FYI, CC-4 licensed MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch has 2 wings -

1) a 501 c 3 federal non profit -


2) a for profit general stock company legal entity in CA -

- as you'll read in the survey I filled out, with remarkable potential synergies between them.  Both are planned in each of all ~200 countries online (per Olympics) and in each of all 7168 known living languages with Large Language Models' generative AI.

(Both Ed above and I are alumni of the University of California (UCSC & UCSF Med Sch for Ed, and UCSB for me) and Ed Smyth MD is the named Chief Medical Officer of Work World Univ & Sch with 200 online medical schools planned). 

THANKS, Scott 

- Scott GK MacLeod  
Founder, President, CEO & Professor
CC-4 licensed MIT OCW-centric. Wiki, 
World University & School (WUaS) 
- PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 94516 


Recruit Talented MBA, Finance, Accounting and Business Analytics Students

Good Afternoon Scott GK MacLeod,

Happy Monday!

You are cordially invited to participate in UC Riverside's A. Gary Anderson Graduate School of Management Internship and Job Fair. Come and discover diverse, well trained, skilled and highly motivated business graduate students for your full-time and part-time positions and internships.

11:00 AM - 2:30 PM PDT
900 University Ave. Riverside, CA - HUB 302


How could the WUaS Corp best begin to work with MBAs and MBA students (people with Master's of Business Administration degrees) such as those from Univ of California Riverside (who might benefit from your guidance, and see too re UC Riverside - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2023/08/bayahibe-rose-do-national-flower-of.html and https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2023/08/solanum-seaforthian-dj-undeclared.html) - as potential startup CEO of the WUaS Corp? And how to raise capital in Europe for the WUaS Corporation? Could we begin to plan for listing the WUaS Corporation on a central European stock exchange? And how to begin the Physical-Digital WUaS Educational Services Stores - in Romania, for example, and in all 27 EU countries? ...

Agenda item 3

WUaS Academic Medical Center and moving forward into a newly safe open SF Bay Area? 

WUaS Academic Medical Center and moving forward to the SF Bay Area on 11/1/23 ... and possibly into Canyon 94516?

See - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2023/09/tagimaucia-fj-national-flower-of-fiji.html

Incredible #670RidgecrestRd #Canyon94516 Seeking to develop further the #WUaSAcademicMedicalCenter #WUaSLongevityGeneticsInstitute
(& @WorldUnivAndSch @WUaSPress as 2 parallel legal entity wings)
as I take ownership on 11/1/23
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1MfrfInbuEfNE7kXBBjO18iLQPoswKJWl/view?usp=drivesdk ~







Beautiful #Canyon94516 in the woods 8 miles southeast of #BerkeleyCA in #EastBayMUD #EBMUD where I lived from 2008-2020  https://photos.app.goo.gl/wLUyVw9ehGkYbUZa7 developing @WorldUnivAndSch @WUaSPress into 2 parallel legal entity wings. Seeking to take ownership of #670RidgecrestRd on 11/1/23







See you soon, abolitionally, all the best, Scott

Recording of the above will be posted here -


#GoogleAtomView too?(all ever, statistically) w #GoogleStreetView 

#GoogleAtomView too?(all ever, statistically) w #GoogleStreetView w #TimeSliders w #GMaps #GEarth AND #GoogleMoleculeView #GoogleCellView & #TensorFlowAI #TensorStore w Pegman into #AvatarBotElectronicHealthRecords FOR #AgingReversal & #ExtremeLongevity @WorldUnivAndSch #wuAsVR ~


Faculty search! Newly renamed Genomics and Comp Bio dept @UMassBioInfo @UMassChan 

pop genomics, imaging, stat. genetics, machine learning aka cool science w big data. 

Collab & supportive environment where you can innovate & make discoveries. Join us!


Ed Smyth MD, Universitians: The impressive architect and Stanford presenter on "Building Decarbonization: Pathways to a Carbon-Neutral Future" on W Sep 13, 2023  is Kristen DiStefano (and a video of her talk will be forthcoming) ... and if a whole, scaling WUaS Academic Medical Center were to develop in East Bay MUD near Canyon 94516 somehow, with a physical-digital virtual warm water cure and a WUaS Longevity Genetics' Institute, she would be a great and knowledgeable architectural consultant for making GREEN WUaS Academic Medical Center  buildings (with much thinking emerging remarkably from the 1960s and '70s)! 

In a related vein, and in addition to my set of Tweets this morning, which I just sent you, my mother, John and Sid, I searched on

What is ahead regarding longevity genetics' drugs, Kaiser Permanente and potentially the WUaS Academic Medical Center?

How do patients’ genes affect their medication choice?
Jan Greene
August 30, 2019

Kaiser Permanente study finds clues in the electronic medical record

A Kaiser Permanente analysis found that neurological side effects from the anti-seizure medication phenytoin are more common in patients with certain genetic variants. These same genetics were also associated with lower adherence to treatment, suggesting they may play a role in patients finding the right medication.

The study, published Aug. 30 in the journal Pharmacogenetics and Genomics, affirmed the previously identified association between specific genetic variants and phenytoin blood concentrations. Variants of the CYP2C9 gene can cause patients receiving the same dose of phenytoin to have blood levels of the drug that are too high or too low




Genetics of extreme human longevity to guide drug discovery for healthy ageing


Fondly, Scott

https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/search/label/genes (Good morning, Ed!)

Agenda item 4
NSF Major Research Instrumentation Town Hall 

National Science Foundation NSF MRI (Major Research Instrumentation) Program Town Hall 

Glad to have attended today, Th Sep 14, 2023 a National Science Foundation NSF MRI (Major Research Instrumentation) Program Town Hall 
and for the convener to invite a white paper from MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & sch after I asked a question in voice, and 3 questions in text: 

The 3 questions WUaS asked in text chat - 

Would a realistic virtual earth for everything (think Google Street View w time slider wvTensorFlowAI) paralleling planet earth (so physical-digital)- be a research instrumentation project that the NSF has a history with? See: create a #NDimensional #RealisticVirtualEarthForBiology  #RealisticVirtualEarthForGenetics @WorldUnivAndSch
NSF Major Research Instrumentation Program Virtual Town Halls
9/14 & 9/15
in #GoogleStreetView w #TimeSlider #GoogleCellView #GoogleMoleculeView ?




Scott GK MacLeod
CC-4 licensed MIT OCW-centric. Wiki,
World University & School (WUaS)

In asking about a realistic virtual earth for everything (think Google Street View with time slider), very multidisciplinary, is there a first time MSF MRI co-authoring contact possibly? I ask this re this question again -

Would a realistic virtual earth for everything (think Google Street View w time slider wvTensorFlowAI) paralleling planet earth (so digital physical)- be a research instrumentation project proposal? See: create a #NDimensional #RealisticVirtualEarthForBiology  #RealisticVirtualEarthForGenetics @WorldUnivAndSch
NSF Major Research Instrumentation Program Virtual Town Halls
9/14 & 9/15
in #GoogleStreetView w #TimeSlider #GoogleCellView #GoogleMoleculeView ?



Scott GK MacLeod
CC-4 licensed MIT OCW-centric, Wiki,
World University & School (WUaS)


CC-4 licensed MIT OCW-centric, Wiki, World University & School (WUaS) seeks to build a realistic virtual earth further (think Google Street View with time slider) as campus and STEM field site (and has the green light to accredit and license with Middle States Commission on Higher Education and the state of PA’s department of education - and planning to offer online Bachelor, PhD, Law, MD, IB high school, AA and Master’s degrees, in 200 countries and in their main languages). Does the NSF award grants to virtual campuses? Should an applicant university be fully accredited? Thanks, Scott GK MacLeod CC-4 licensed MIT OCW-centric, Wiki, World University & School (WUaS)

definition of an instrument - 

a tool or implement, especially one for delicate or scientific work.

a measuring device used to gauge the level, position, speed, etc. of something, especially a motor vehicle or aircraft.

Agenda item 5
When and how and where did life etc. begin?

How, when and where did  ... first evolve or appear? ... into a #Realistic Virtual Earth for evolutionary biology (think Google Street View with a time slider with film-to-3D or -NDimensionality Apps)? 

When did life first appear on earth?

* *
How did life start on Earth from nothing? process of increasing complexity involving formation of habitable planet, the prebiotic synthesis of organic molecules, molecular self-replication, self-assembly, autocatalysis and the emergence of cell membranes https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abiogenesis ~

How did life start on Earth from nothing? a main hypothesis:  process of increasing complexity involving the formation of a habitable planet, the prebiotic synthesis of organic molecules, molecular self-replication, self-assembly, autocatalysis and the emergence of cell membranes https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abiogenesis 

* *
How, when and where did humans evolve ?

How and when did humans split from chimps ancestors?

For the past 45 years, geneticists have suggested that the ancestors of today's humans and chimps went their separate ways about 4 million to 6 million years ago, and the ancestors of gorillas diverged about 7 million to 9 million years ago

How & when did humans spread all over the world, and from where?

Early humans first migrated out of Africa into Asia probably between 2 million and 1.8 million years ago. They entered Europe somewhat later, between 1.5 million and 1 million years. Species of modern humans populated many parts of the world much later.

How and when and where did human language emerge?

Combining these genetic hints with the differences in symbolic and cultural behaviour that are evident from the fossil record suggests language arose in our lineage sometime after our split from our common ancestor with Neanderthals, and probably by no later than 150,000 to 200,000 years ago.

Estimates of this kind are not universally accepted, but jointly considering genetic, archaeological, palaeontological, and much other evidence indicates that language probably emerged somewhere in sub-Saharan Africa during the Middle Stone Age, roughly contemporaneous with the speciation of Homo sapiens

* *
How and when did human writing emerge?

been invented independently at least four times in human history: first in Mesopotamia (present-day Iraq) where cuneiform was used between 3400 and 3300 BC …

How and when did bird flight evolve ?

Paleontologists estimate that bird-relatives flew for the first time between the middle and late parts of the Jurassic period, about 160 million years ago. These aerialists were proto birds like Archaeopteryx, somewhere between dinosaurs and birds.Dec 17, 2020

* *
When & how did flowering trees and plants (angiosperms) evolve ?

If science functions through evidence and consensus, then it is generally agreed that the oldest, uncontested fossil angiosperms are from the Early Cretaceous period, around 125–130 million years ago. A fossil of the petal-less flowers of Archaefructus liaoningensis.

People also ask
When did the angiosperms flowering plants evolve?
~275 million years ago
We calculate molecular ages of the earliest flowering plant lineages using 22 fossil calibrations (101 genera, 40 families). Our results reveal the origin of angiosperms at the late Permian, ~275 million years ago.

When and how do angiosperms evolve?

Angiosperms evolved during the late Cretaceous Period, about 125-100 million years ago. Angiosperms have developed flowers and fruit as ways to attract pollinators and protect their seeds, respectively. Flowers have a wide array of colors, shapes, and smells, all of which are for the purpose of attracting pollinators.

* *
How and when did the dinosaurs go extinct?

Evidence suggests an asteroid impact was the main culprit. Volcanic eruptions that caused large-scale climate change may also have been involved, together with more gradual changes to Earth's climate that happened over millions of years.

about 65 million years ago
Dinosaurs went extinct about 65 million years ago (at the end of the Cretaceous Period), after living on Earth for about 165 million years.
https://www.usgs.gov› faqs › when...

Agenda item 6

Wiki World Univ & Sch for Spanish-speakers, a first example of wiki-creating these learning opportunities -

Anita (Valladares), (& Holt Maness, great greetings just now from Abolition Row Park, across from the New Bedford Quaker Meeting),  

Greetings and I hope this email finds you well. How are you? (I'm sorry I don't speak Spanish :( :) )

Thank you for the Coffee this morning in your El Salvadoran restaurant at Union and 8th right across the street from the Unitarian Church, Anita. Very nice to meet you both.

Here are some initial free 'wiki' resources on Twitter too for learning English from Spanish: 

AND similarly - 

¿Es usted un hablante nativo de español? 
Are you a native Spanish speaker? 

¿Quieres demostrar tu inglés para trabajar online de forma gratuita?
Want to prove your English for work online for free? 

What would you wiki-add that's helpful in learning Spanish for you, Anita, to this wiki Spanish language page at WUaS? Please add it with your daughter's help if you'd like? What online English learning resources do you find helpful?

Perhaps your daughter or other family members will enjoy a free online MIT OCW-centric Bachelor degree at World University and School online from home - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/The_College_at_World_University_and_School and in Spanish for those interested.  

Keep in touch via Twitter. 

Best wishes, Friendly regards, thank you,

I've blogged about this today here (in daily blog) - 

New Bedford, MA, greetings - Labor day, 9/4/23 - Here are some initial free resources for learning English from Spanish at free MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch:    ¿Es usted un hablante nativo de español?  Are you a native Spanish speaker?  ¿Quieres demostrar tu inglés para trabajar online de forma gratuita? Want to prove your English for work online for free?  https://youtu.be/nfcIc_PhLoo  https://translate.google.com/  https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Spanish_language ~

 Spanish label in daily blog: 

Scott GK MacLeod  
Founder, President, CEO & Professor
CC-4 licensed MIT OCW-centric. Wiki, 
World University & School (WUaS) 
- PO Box 442, 670 Ridgecrest Road, Canyon, CA 94516 
- 210 East End Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15221
- 17 Bayview Drive, Cuttyhunk island, MA 02713 

1) non-profit World University and School - http://worlduniversityandschool.org  

2) for profit general stock company WUaS Corporation in CA - http://worlduniversityandschool.org/AcademicPress.html

Agenda item 7 
George Church Tweets


"A focused plan for #ExtremeLongevity (not mere #AgingReversal or slowing)" in a #RealisticVirtualEarthForGenetics in 1 #RealisticVirtualEarth w
 #GoogleStreetView w #TimeSlider #GoogleCellView #GoogleMoleculeView w #TensorFlowAI W Pegman into #AvatarBotElectronicHealthRecords ?


Logo WUaS 


hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs)

hematopoietic  ichor-reversing-aging -  https://wyss.harvard.edu/technology/ichor-reversing-aging/

#WUaSAgingReversal #WUaSLongevity ... https://wyss.harvard.edu/technology/ichor-reversing-aging/ to 
https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Longevity @WorldUnivAndSch in #PhysicalDigital
#RealisticVirtualEarthForGenetics & #FilmTo3DApps #wuAsVR

Agenda item 8 
(William) Holt Maness declined to become Chair of the WUaS Board (both wings)

New Chair of the WUaS Board? (William) Holt Maness (Princeton University alum, computer programmer analyst and regarding Medicaid in Florida, & based in southeastern Massachusetts)

Thank you for your potential interest in becoming Chair of the World Univ & Sch (WUaS) Board, and looking forward to exploring this further, and regarding especially coding for all 7.9 billion people on the planet, for many reasons, but especially for avatar bot electronic health records for all people on the planet, and potentially for aging reversal and extreme longevity genetic drug therapies (and think Pegman in Google Street View with time slider with GMaps, GEarth, and TensorFlow AI, TensorStore and in a realistic virtual earth for genetics in 1 realistic virtual earth)



Agenda item 9
"Education in AI Era" in India and in the USA ... and with MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch - 

Dear Raghu Pandey, All, 

Greetings and thanks for the invitation. 

Looking forward to your "Education in AI Era" GEG presentation (at 6:30 am Eastern Daylight Time (eastern seaboard of the USA) ... and before the open hour-long MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch's Monthly Business Meeting at 12 noon Eastern Time with Zoom URL here by tomorrow - https://worlduniversityandschool.blogspot.com/search/label/Business%20Meeting

The title of your presentation led me to look up what or how the US government is looking at some of these AI in education questions, so I searched for and found the following  - 

'us department of education artificial intelligence policy' 

It recognizes AI as a rapidly advancing set of technologies that can enable new forms of interaction between educators and students, help educators address variability in learning, increase feedback loops, and support educators.


We reject the notion of AI as replacing teachers. Teachers and other people must be “in the loop” whenever AI is applied in order to notice patterns and ...


The need for sharing knowledge, engaging educators, and refining technology plans and policies for artificial intelligence (AI) use in education.


First, AI may enable achieving educational priorities in better ways, at scale, and with lower costs. Addressing varied unfinished learning of ...


This handout summarizes core messages in a recently released report by the US Department of. Education, “AI and the Future of Teaching and Learning: Insights ...


Found too -


What do you think? What are you seeing in India with regards to the above possibly? (And I'll probably learn about this on Saturday). 

MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch will likely build Large Language Models' conversational generative AI in each of all 22 scheduled languages in India - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Languages and https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/India -  as possibly iterating 1) teachers, and 2) interlocutors / conversationalists (in a myriad of ways from language learning to tutoring to play), to begin. 

World Univ & Sch has also added a first Iowa Supreme Court case (from the US state of Iowa) to our WUaS Wikidata (as a source of data for artificial intelligence) and as Sugam Sharma PhD in Iowa from India seeks to add all the Iowa Supreme Court cases to machine learning data information technologies  and for the predictive possibilities of machine learning and to create a possible Iowa Supreme court developments in machine learning ... with possible implications for all other 200 countries' Supreme Courts with AI, including India's and the USA's. 

All the best, Namaste, see you Saturday and thanks, Scott

Found these related Twitter posts from Deepti - 

And here's a related set of Tweets - 

@WorldUnivAndSch is planning for all 22 official languages in India #GEGIndia e.g. in Tamil language https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Tamil_language (in Tamil) at #IndiaWUaS #WUaSIndia for #WUaSFreeDegrees Matriculate into  https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/India w https://csfirst.withgoogle.com/login PLANNED in #WUaSIndiaLanguages~


Invitation for session on "Education in AI Era"

You are cordially invited to attend our Professional Development session on”Survival & Success of Schools in the Future Dominated by NEP, AI, and the Internet”

We look forward to seeing you there! 

Best Regards, 

Dr. Vishal Varia


GEG Ahmedabad



Dr. Vishal Varia
GFE Certified Innovator
GFE Certified Trainer
LinkedIn: Dr. Vishal Varia | Wakelet: Dr. Vishal Varia
Member - GEG Pune, GlobalGEG
Leader - GEG Ahmedabad, Global GEG 
FB Group: GEG Pune | GEG Ahmedabad
YouTube: GEG Pune | GEG Ahmedabad

Agenda item 10 

* * * *  

WUaS Corporation - WUaS Press

Agenda item A

Julian Dumitrascu, startup WUaS Corp CEO, based in Romania  

Startup WUaS Corporation CEO ?Julian Dumitrascu in Romania ? -

Thank you for saying you're interested in becoming the startup WUaS Corp CEO
and regarding our video call about this

World Univ & Sch & WUaS Corp Meeting with Julian Dumitrascu in Romania, 8/30/23




Agenda item B

WUaS Corporation and Lego Robotics - 

Greetings, LEGO Customer Service (https://education.lego.com/en-us/about-us/contact-us), Peter Norvig (Lego Institute 2), Soren Jorgensen (Stanford Fellow, who may be in Denmark at times), All, 

Around Mon, Jun 8, 2020, World Univ & Sch / WUaS Press / the Physical-Digital WUaS Bookstores, Computer Stores, Robotics' Stores became an official reseller of 3 Lego Robotics' kits, in the USA only (as I understood at the time) with this following language on this WUaS website per our Lego contacts at the time - http://worlduniversityandschool.org/AcademicPress.html (and in communication at the time with Lego's Matt Clark and Alexandra Vlachakis, who have since left Lego, and others). 

Recently, the WUaS Corporation (WUaS's 2nd wing) is seeking to grow with a new startup CEO Julian Dumistrascu based in the country of Romania (with its 19 million people), and also with potentially a new chairman of the WUaS Board (of both wings), William (Holt) Maness, based in southeastern Massachusetts. In talking with startup WUaS Corp Julian Dumistrascu recently in a video call - https://youtu.be/m3Sj98NJ9O4 - the WUaS Corporation is seeking for the WUaS Educational Services' Stores to make Lego Robotics' kits available to prospective WUaS students in all 27 European Union countries, both those with the Euro currency (20 countries I think), and those not using the Euro currency (about 7 including Romania) presently (and possibly regarding a WUaS-Stanford Mine Pi cryptocurrency partnering too). The WUaS Corporation, a for profit general stock company legal entity in the state of California, is also seeking to list on a central stock exchange market in the European market (possibly in Germany), and to resell Lego robotics' kits in all 27 EU countries, and indeed in all ~200 countries in the world eventually (& in their main languages) -  but unfortunately WUaS, both wings, has NEITHER yet scaled or grown to point where we can purchase Lego robotics' kits for resale to our prospective students, and wiki-Universitian volunteers (planning for speakers of all 7168 known living languages on the planet), NOR created the machine learning, artificial intelligence-informed IT platforms for the physical-digital WUaS Educational Services' Stores in any of these countries (beyond http://worlduniversityandschool.org/AcademicPress.html). And curiously, it may be through selling Lego Robotics' kits in our developing WUaS Educational Services' Robotics' stores that will lead to WUaS getting the capital or money to further sell Lego Robotics' kits, and as WUaS begins to matriculate students for online free STEM degrees, in #WUaSHomeRobotics' tracks. 
LEGO Customer Service: my first question regarding this email is "What is WUaS's / World Univ & Sch's / the WUaS Press Educational Services' stores as part of the WUaS Corporation relationship with Lego Robotics and Lego Education presently - and can the WUaS Educational Services' stores only still sell the 3 (now down to 1, since 2 Lego Robotics' kits have been retired) Lego Robotics' kit in the USA, or could WUaS with new communication with you at LEGO Customer Service lead to WUaS beginning to sell WUaS Lego Robotics' kits in all 27 European Union countries for example please, as well as in the USA? Also, World Univ & Sch just received a Lego Insiders' email, and could this be part of a new relationship for WUaS with Lego Robotics' kits please?

And, as an inquiry, was it or could it have been you, Stanford Law Fellow's Soren Jorgensen, who initially helped or facilitated WUaS Corp becoming an authorized reseller of 3 Lego robotics' kits (even in the mid 2010s, long before 2020)? And could Julian Dumitrascu as startup WUaS Corporation CEO based in Romania begin to develop WUaS Educational Services stores, with related physical-digital IT platform development help (with Peter Norvig's LI2 Artificial Intelligence IT platform guidance even?), for WUaS Lego robotics too, in Europe with the legal advice and thinking of Stanford Fellow Soren Jorgensen sometimes in Denmark?

Thank you, best wishes, 

- Scott GK MacLeod  

World Univ & Sch & WUaS Corp Meeting with Julian Dumitrascu in Romania, 8/30/23 

B i 

Dear  LEGO Customer Service, Jesper Andersen, Carsten Rasmussen,  Soren Jorgensen, Peter Norvig, Roland Vogl, All, 

Thank you for this email this morning - 
Scott, STEM learning should be fun!
- which may be a Lego reply to my Tue, Sep 12, email in this thread. 

Regarding my Tue, Sep 12, (paraphrased) question:
"What is WUaS's / World Univ & Sch's / the WUaS Press Educational Services' stores as part of the WUaS Corporation relationship with Lego Robotics and Lego Education presently - and can the WUaS Educational Services' stores now sell the 3 (now down to 1, since 2 Lego Robotics' kits have been retired) WUaS Lego Robotics' kits in all 27 European Union countries for example please, as well as in the USA?" 

MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch's #WUaSHomeRobotics' tracks in Engineering and STEM majors are seeking to grow with Lego Robotics' and as 10s of thousands? of prospective students matriculate into World Univ & Sch with the CC-4 licensed "CS First withGoogle at WUaS" course - https://csfirst.withgoogle.com/s/en/home - with the CC-4 licensed Lego Robotics' MIT OCW course - https://ocw.mit.edu/courses/es-293-lego-robotics-spring-2007/ - and for free WUaS degrees online from students' home in all 200 countries as major MIT OCW-centric World Univ & Sch's - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Nation_States - and in their main languages - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Languages

By the way, World Univ & Sch has been in the backend structured knowledge database in 300 languages' Wikidata (interoperating with Wikibase / WUaS MediaWiki) and potentially for artificial intelligence and machine learning data developments - for Lego Robotics at WUaS especially - and regarding for example the Robotics' wiki school (and check out the iterating MIT OCW courses) - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Robotics (in WUaS Miraheze MediaWiki) ... and planned in all ~200 countries' main languages. 

So, please, what is WUaS's / World Univ & Sch's / the WUaS Press Educational Services' stores as part of the WUaS Corporation relationship with Lego Robotics and Lego Education presently - and can the WUaS Educational Services' stores now sell Lego Spike Prime, for example, and possibly emerging WUaS Lego Robotics' kits, in all 27 European Union countries for example too, please, as well as in the USA, from here a developing platform from http://worlduniversityandschool.org/AcademicPress.html ?

There's also the beginning of a 'Fun' wiki school here - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Subjects - in English (planned in all 200 countries' main languages), and check out the https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Beings_Enjoying_Life and https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Enjoyment wiki subjects as well. Let's see how we can create really fun learning with Lego Robotics and regarding computer programming too - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Programming.

Thank you,

(and we could create a Lego Robotics' wiki subject here - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Subjects - for example, too, and in all 27 European Union countries' main languages!) 


How best with #LegoRobotics to develop #WUaSUniversityLegoRobotics #WUaSLegoKITS for #WUaSHomeRobotics for free #MITOCW -centric #WUaSSTEM eg Bachelor PhD Master #WUaSDegrees in many languages w https://ocw.mit.edu/courses/es-293-lego-robotics-spring-2007/pages/syllabus/ in a #PhysicalDigital #RealisticVirtualEarthForLegoRobotics?

Retweeting - 

Introducing a new language-to-reward system for interfacing LLMs with robots using reward functions. Learn how the system’s predictive control tool enables users to teach robots novel actions using natural language inputs → goo.gle/44kjHXx

Agenda item C

Stanford Mine Pi cryptocurrency and the WUaS Corporation ... and even listing the WUaS Corp in a stock market in Europe 

Agenda item D

#ArtificialIntelligence in upcoming book: 

"Society, Information Technology and the Global University"

#SocietyInfoTechAndTheGlobalUniversity (Academic Press at World Univ & Sch, 2023)

Seeking to transform 8 video talks on this into the first 8 chapters, and in the process write a few further chapters about the Global University and with Large Language Models generative AI for one: As an AUDIO book too - both in all 200 countries and in their main languages in the academic press at World Univ & Sch with machine translation: 

eg assemble these videos as part of audio book - 

The Information Technology Revolution - History and Geography - Scott MacLeod

The Information Revolution and Social Transformations - Scott MacLeod

Social History of the Internet - Scott MacLeod 

Internet History - Scott MacLeod 

Sociability, the Internet & Empirical Data in the mid-late 1990s: Communities & Individualization  - Scott MacLeod

The Internet and Social Political Environments - Scott MacLeod

The Internet and the Hacker Ethos - Scott MacLeod

The New Economy and Information Technology - MacLeod

Thoughts about strategies for creating a good audio book? 🙂 Scott 

How to target readers in the 25 out of 200 Arab language countries in Arabic, and readers in the 5 Traditional Chinese language countries and similar with main languages in all 200 countries I wonder? 🙂

And how to grow the Academic Press at WUaS in the process of developing WUaS's machine Translation ...Maybe the new CEO of the WUaS Corporation in Romania who has been a professional translator, Julian Dumitrascu, can help! :) Thoughts? 

D i

Black Orchid (BZ - National flower of Belize): #ArtificialIntelligence in upcoming book: #SocietyInfoTechAndTheGlobalUniversity 'The impact of AI on our society - Interview with Manuel Castells hosted by Cosmano Lombardo' ... * * For my chapter on WUaS Artificial Intelligence with 7168 languages, and for biology too, and #LargeLanguageModels and #LargeLanguageModelsForBiology etc., here are some recent relevant Tweets



- Scott GK MacLeod  
Founder, President, CEO & Professor
CC-4 licensed MIT OCW-centric, Wiki, 
World University & School (WUaS) 
- PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 94516 

1) non-profit 501(c)(3) Public Charity 
MIT OCW-centric wiki World University and School - http://worlduniversityandschool.org  

2) for profit general stock company WUaS Corporation in CA - http://worlduniversityandschool.org/AcademicPress.html

(m) 412 478 0116 - sgkmacleod@gmail.com 

World Univ & Sch Innovation Research -  scottmacleod.com 






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